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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I HAVE MAH BEAVUH-DESTROYING SPAT-CHOO-LUH'S. boss. And, of course, the traditional hunting bow for madd archery skillz lawl. And half-written computer viruses. and Phyro sez that Beavers were probably those who caused him to trip and get amnesia in the first place, and will make sure none of them will get by without having at least four SPAT-CHOO-LUH's lobbed at them.
  2. Resident Evil all over again! o: only instead of that annoying groan, they sing songs at you!
  4. He could be the next Batman. He even has the Pope-mobile. My mom thinks you have mental issues. :blink: Why ??? The same reason that the sea is blue: Light. It's all based on light. *wonders what colour my aura is* Its the same color as your fur. its Aura-light. its all based in Aura-light.
  5. Im goin' a make something for this. sometime. probably. just so you know. =D
  6. Arkcher

    Arkcher Talk

    And you're back! and. um. what? perhaps you meant You're? :wacko: :wacko: Isn't that what I wrote? *wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????* Its. um. your mac-lappy's fault. Adam doesnt like... something. that has to do with me. XD so he moves the keys around when you're not looking. I see, blame it on Adam. *thinks Arkcher is trying to trick me* Adam Ant? o: Exactly. It was Adam Ant, not Adam Zapple. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* ...Ok, so a 80's singer-dude with a huge scar on his forehead that sang about Straight Edge People is moving your keys around when you're not looking? Arkcher, what are you smoking? *~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Not so much smoking stuff. just going on a blatant lack of sleep. Its just as effective for doing stupid things. and a bit healthier.
  7. Hey Horatio! just... thought you could use some company here at 5:30 in the morning. or something. Whee! Im up earlier than normal! XD
  8. Arkcher

    Arkcher Talk

    And you're back! and. um. what? perhaps you meant You're? :wacko: :wacko: Isn't that what I wrote? *wonders, why do I make these mistakes when Arkcher is watching????????* Its. um. your mac-lappy's fault. Adam doesnt like... something. that has to do with me. XD so he moves the keys around when you're not looking.
  9. yeah. It had been anxiously anticipated for quite some time. especially by me. Thats why I've rearranged my room so that if ever he moves back, theres only room for one person. I pretty much put all my stuff there in the middle of the room so that no more than one person could comfortably go inside. so he has to stay out now. XD Art contest? I'll go have a look. and hope that Spriting will work for it. n_n
  10. Arkcher

    Arkcher Talk

    And you're back! and. um. what? perhaps you meant You're?
  11. This isnt really an issue, just...more of me telling you stff 'cause im excited. Im getting a Linux! =D My dad has talked to some of the IT guys at wherever he works, and they say that in about 10, 15 years, Linux' are gonna be the big thing, and anyone with experience with those will get a lot of money. and a good job and mess like that. so he jacked a copy of Linux software off of one of them, and burned another copy, and gave it to me. so now I have the... necessary tools, allegedly, to turn a PC into a Linux. I havent used the CD yet. but Linux', depending on how you program them, can be as invulnerable as a Mac, but flexible and effective and cheap as a PC. The only reason they'd be so cheap is that you do a LOT of things manually. like editting the BIOS to work with custom parts, as opposed to downloading drivers online. and so you know, BIOS' are not very easy to work with. They're the prompts and commands that tell a computer how to start up and work before Windows is loaded. (like, pre-MS DOS. like, setting different voltages to different cords and what lights will light up when, and how much your processor/ram CAN do.) So. We're going to get one of the abysmal Win98 PCs around here, fix it up, and practise some Linux programming on it. At the same time, my brother has moved out of the house. (about time.) This means a number of things.. one, I get my own room now! w00t. Two, we get more space to put our stuff instead of all his bull honkey. Three, we dont have to spend as much money on foodstuff, utilities and various other such for him as he's out and moved in with one of his friends until he gets a degree. So. We have more space. I'm gonna take the spot where his computer was, which is a much bigger space than what I have now. Especially legroom. i dont have a lot of that and its not very fun. Its big enough for about two computers, or his compy and all of his stuff. I'm planning on putting this computer over there, And my linux so I can work with them both from the same place. (and look up how to program them here, and do it 2 feet away.) Since we arent spending all our money on him since he takes like 6 showers a day, we can... afford other necessities like air conditioning (which I look forward to) and greater than Win95-quality computers. Every month or so, we're going to get a really good computer part. After 6 months or so, we're going to throw it all together in a very above-average PC. (like, 6.5GHz, 4GB, 800GB, 3 monitors) And once I have the said awesome computer, we're going to get this one here and make it a linux, 'cause by that time I'll probably have enough experience with them to make a good one. so. By the end of the year I could probably live up to my title of being a hacker. =D Oh yes. I'm also getting in to Virus-writing. i dont know if I've mentioned that before, but yeah. One, I can pwn the stupid people. Two, I'll know how viruses work, and can disassemble/neutralize them. I can be our houses antivirus without paying like $60 a month for it. and also protect against them. but assuredly, none of them would show up here. You guys are too awesome to get pwned by viruses, I'd probably be helping you guys take them off instead of putting them on. but yeah. I'm gonna go up two grades in the Nerdular scale I just made up. n_n
  12. Arkcher

    Arkcher Talk

    =D I remember this topic. it was awesome. ... good times. XD
  13. Oh my !!!! Such violence !!!!!!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Their kind of mad at you 'cause you blew up my siggy. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* :blink: :blink: What? I have not done anything to your siggy. Oh, that. That's really nothing. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Oh, Oh, It's nothing, yea...YOU KILLED NICK MASON. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Now Nick can join his friends. *looks at Mushroom_king's signature and sees there is new stuff to blow up* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Note To Self....Make link to Chuck Norris picture. Oh, and if you blow up my siggy links, Janis Joplin will beat you. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* well, yeah, i mean... its... kind of against the rules to post links, isnt it? or it was last time I checked. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Someone's been under a rock for a while... *~*The Psyhcedleic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine4*~* Shuddup. D= I been. um. spriting. and putting off that tutorial that I was gonna make for everyone. You forgot something else... finding all Horatio's typos! nah, I dont spend too much time on that. just ones that I happen to see. I know I'll miss some. XD
  14. Oh my !!!! Such violence !!!!!!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Their kind of mad at you 'cause you blew up my siggy. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* :blink: :blink: What? I have not done anything to your siggy. Oh, that. That's really nothing. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Oh, Oh, It's nothing, yea...YOU KILLED NICK MASON. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Now Nick can join his friends. *looks at Mushroom_king's signature and sees there is new stuff to blow up* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Note To Self....Make link to Chuck Norris picture. Oh, and if you blow up my siggy links, Janis Joplin will beat you. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* well, yeah, i mean... its... kind of against the rules to post links, isnt it? or it was last time I checked. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Someone's been under a rock for a while... *~*The Psyhcedleic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine4*~* Shuddup. D= I been. um. spriting. and putting off that tutorial that I was gonna make for everyone.
  15. Oh my !!!! Such violence !!!!!!!! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Their kind of mad at you 'cause you blew up my siggy. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~* :blink: :blink: What? I have not done anything to your siggy. Oh, that. That's really nothing. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Oh, Oh, It's nothing, yea...YOU KILLED NICK MASON. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Now Nick can join his friends. *looks at Mushroom_king's signature and sees there is new stuff to blow up* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Note To Self....Make link to Chuck Norris picture. Oh, and if you blow up my siggy links, Janis Joplin will beat you. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* well, yeah, i mean... its... kind of against the rules to post links, isnt it? or it was last time I checked.
  16. I must say though, that when I made this topic a long time ago, i was thinking of the wrong word. It was s'posta be Misheard Lyrics. but. whatever. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I like misinterpreted better. Oh, and two more songs to the list are Space Oddity by David Bowie and Spanish Castle Magic by Jimi Hendrix. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~8the Astronomy Domine*~* It works for me either way. Now you have t either way. um. sure. I have t.
  17. I must say though, that when I made this topic a long time ago, i was thinking of the wrong word. It was s'posta be Misheard Lyrics. but. whatever. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I like misinterpreted better. Oh, and two more songs to the list are Space Oddity by David Bowie and Spanish Castle Magic by Jimi Hendrix. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~8the Astronomy Domine*~* It works for me either way.
  18. I must say though, that when I made this topic a long time ago, i was thinking of the wrong word. It was s'posta be Misheard Lyrics. but. whatever.
  19. No, Thats when we dont do anything. It'll throw them off. We'll use our connections to get some other mafia or group of people to make assaults. We'll sit there and watch. and/or make use of those sniper rifles Cheeseman mentioned a while back. ... boss.
  20. Be more specific in your question. Are you asking how to make a link within a post to a picture in your signature? If that is the case, you cannot do it because no links are permitted within the posts. HampsterKing is allowing links in the siggy for you to upload pictures. I want a link in my siggy that leads to a pic. You mean like Dog Lover has done in her siggy? Go look in the Jokes forum and you will find her in the Broadway or Book review topics. Let me know. Yes. Okay, let me go see how she accomplished that. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* I cannt find anything. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You cannot see that because it is part of her signature. I will be able to see what she did. Wait a couple minutes please. What you need to do is to put the name and then the url of the picture in brackets and that should give you a link to the picture. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* More specific? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You know how you put the links in your siggy to other places on the board? Do the same thing but put [url....] and in there is where the picture came from. This still doesn't work. [url= Url goes here. without no spaces.][img=Url for the image goes here. like the Photobucket IMG url.][/url]
  21. ... wait a minute, whats that have to do with anything? It's a love song ... cool. >_>;
  22. Boss-man... Im thinking that Horatio there is the real enemy of the Mafia, seeing how he's trying to kill Cheesie. and. maybe some other people, too. A goal we should work up toward, would be seeing about killing off either Superman or Chuck Norris. boss. so. For future plans, those should be involved. boss.
  23. If you are thinking that the Pope is in Rome, you have a Mafia, that he might help your group out with some of his powers, you can forget it. He has already given me some of his super powers. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* The Pope gimme powers too. >( Thats why I has par-tays w/ Buddy Holly and Roger Waters every weekend. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* You talk to dead people??? Roger Waters is still alive... Give him time. yeah. You should re-think playing in a band. All your role models there played music. and look where they are now. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* May i remind you that there are many musicians are still alive, and that at least one Classic Rock band never did drugs? Besides, aren't they better role models than, say, today's rappers and super models? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Oh, sure they are. Im just poking fun at stuff to amuse myself.
  24. The avatars need to be no bigger than about one inch square. If you make them bigger, that is okay, but if there is a lot of detail, then when HampsterKing shrinks them, they do not come out well. If you make them smaller, then he does not make them bigger. Hope this helps. If you put the pic in a post and let me know the pic is for an avatar, or you email me with the pic, ( pmajr@earthlink.net ), then this is the fastest way to get the avatars up. ... yyeeeaaah. One inch could be about any size, depending on the screen resolution of who's looking at it. I assume it should be roughly the same size as that there avatar you have right now?
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