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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I'll bet Arkcher still has taht Etch-A...I mean LAPTOP... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* nnnno. I dont. I've got a Desktop now. =D I want a desktop in my room. So do I. We've got us a LAN made up of really short CAT5 Ethernet cords, so all our computers are in one room. ... which isnt mine.
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I'll bet Arkcher still has taht Etch-A...I mean LAPTOP... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* nnnno. I dont. I've got a Desktop now. =D
  3. Find my way - POD POD has like. six or seven really cool songs. The rest of them are... ... abysmal. XD
  4. It makes thunderstorms appear outside my haus. theres like, a whole lot of rain and lightning all over now.
  5. One of life's lessons, is insecurity. Here is a perfect example. I am guessing that you normally answer your online messages pretty rapidly. When you didn't, she most definitely overreacted. Why all the profanity????? This I cannot figure out. Did you answer her? Well, before I switched over to Linux, I had an alert that told me whenever something happened on that page. Such is no longer the case. I have a very subtle blinking in the bottom right of my screen to tell me I have an email (notification), which I often miss seeing. No, I... dont know why she was using the profanity. She really didnt seem put off in the least with the first message. And yes, I answered, saying that When it says 'Im online' pretty much means 'my computer is on'. And if I dont respond soon, im either not at the computer, or dont know they're talking to me. She had the option of calling my cell phone, or talking to me on IM to check if I was actually there. I assuredly would have seen/heard if she was trying to get hold of me then.
  6. ... okay, so... RPVF sent me a message online earlier today. I didn't see that it was sent, and just saw it a few minutes ago. It turns out she sent two messages, one was just talking to me, the other was written in a fairly enraged manner explaining with much profanity that 'you dont have to ignore me... if you dont want to talk to me, all you have to do is say so'. overreacting much? I didn't know she was talking to me! I thought she was over obsessing about me, too. I guess not.
  7. How cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for the skins... maybe you can create your own with your own program you write. Its a nice idea, and I might just do it, but assuredly it wont be any time soon. Im still getting used to the feel of Linux. not having a C drive throws me off, and not having a Start menu... having three workspaces up is awesome but confusing (I can press like alt+1-3 and switch between workspaces, different taskbars and windows and everything. pretty convenient.) I just installed my first hack in here with that Windows Emulator, which lets me run .exe files. That took me a day or two to figure out. It'll be a while before Im writing some or contributing to Linux. XD
  8. System report. I can open .exe files now. wewt. As such, I could install Winamp. I got it to work after a bit of coding trouble, but its all good now. The only thing I cant do with it is get the cool skins for it. Im stuck with the default Classic one. which is kind of ugly.
  9. So. Here I am, on my Ubuntu Linux computer. =D I converted my PC into a Linux. and. still trying to figure out this bloody thing. The only real issues Im having is trying to run *.exe files. From what I've read online, I need a Windows Emulator to run anything. which is kind of disappointing. I cant have Winamp if I cant get hold of that Windows mess. Or Starcraft. or Sims 2. or generic other things I had in my old compy. but yeah, I have a linux now. Lexxy-man, do you know anything about Linux'?
  10. Right. I see you. You're still here. Its 'cause I didnt go to a different page. I went to the spriting files on my compy. o: And now I have some of it done.
  11. YEEEAAAH. I still dont have a tutorial made. but I'll make one. starting riiiiggght NOW -runs off to sprite stuff-
  12. Ah. Yes, I don't fear never finding love. I'll find it eventually, and it'll make it easier for me to find it realizing that I'm not afraid to approach people I don't know. >=D I've got the rest of life ahead of me, and, well, I'm not about to take everything seriously. You never get out of life alive anyways. XD I'm becoming a lot more mature, as far as actions go, example, I'm becoming calmer and enjoy life how ever I can. Love is just another luxury I'm waiting to obtain. That really makes me mad. 90%? That's terrible. I mean, that's rediculous. And as for "borrowing" dresses, it's totally unacceptable! I don't know what peoples' problems are. Society, once again looking at things as rights instead of as privileges. Also as usual, people are being selfish. All of the things I plan on doing in life are going to add up to a lot of money, but I'm going to earn it. And I can enjoy life without that dishonesty, there's way too much of it and people are so inconsiderate. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* People ask me why I still use a CD Player and not an ipod, and I say that I like earning CD's. I find loose change, I save it up, and when I feel I might have enough I go to CD Warehouse (the best CD store in the history of history) and buy a CD. I recently bought The Final Cut with my loose-change money. =D *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* CD's are great. You will have a zillion CD's to choose your music from. Or, like a 40GB iPod could hold about all those CDs. It'd just take like 2 weeks long to rip them and then send them to the said iPod. XD
  13. RPVF made a groundbreaking discovery. o: She thinks she might be scaring me off. (you think?) She posted a handy blog explaining (in her own not-very-secret fashion) that she's pretty sure that I like someone else, and is going to back off and just go with the flow. and that shes 'not going to flirt anymore because [shes] only being set up for failure'. ... I dont know how to respond to it. D=
  14. ... wow. Now I'm really emo all over. Brianrietta's constant absence got me concerned, so I texted her and asked why she doesnt come to church with us anymore. (... 'cause thats usually where I sees her.) She responded and said that 'shes struggling to find what she believes and doesnt think she believes that anymore'. ... it made me sad. ._. I texted back, and told her Good luck with finding something else, just keep in mind that you'll always have friends here to come back to. and she just responded and said that shes not sure if she's necessarily looking for something else, 'just lookin'. And thanks for everything 'cause her friends here are the best. ... but Im still kind of put off. If she does decide to... um. get a different religion, its not unreasonable that I'd never see her again. it could have been worse. but Im... not very happy right now, needless to say.
  15. CUL8R I R BAK I C O RLY Die. Both of you die. There should never be that much chatspeak in one pyramid. Don't worry, that was the total of my chatspeak vocabulary! Good. I won't help. *hands Glowurm a bribe* Please, pretty please... Chatspeak help. -is reminded of back in the day, when Starcraft was awesome- ird! gl hf ka dw nbs. ... Thats not to say Starcraft isnt awesome anymore. its just not quite as many people are online with it no more. 'back in the day' you couldnt make any game without at least five other people joining. Now you're lucky if you get four. SC veterans! >
  16. .. sssooo. I dont know, is it even worth trying to go for Brianrietta? or should I not give up on it, or... D= i dunno.
  17. well, I see three polls... none of which we can vote in 'cause we already voted you should or shouldnt get a motorcycle in the first place. so if you take off the whole thing and add it again, and put it at multiple choice (3), then it should work.
  18. uh. I'd just like to point out that you're being kind of two-faced about this. You act like you like Julian sometimes, but as strongly implied here, such is not the case. or at least not what its made out to be. If something about him really is bothering you, then tell him.
  19. A R K C H E R ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thank goodness you weren't hurt!!!!!!!!!!!!! *is clutching heart* yeah. Needless to say, my mom had a... very 'calm' response to it as well. XD it was kind of funny, actually. ... not the car getting pwned, my moms response. She freaks out at everything.
  20. Yeah, so I dont feel like posting a new topic about this, so I'll talk about it here. I just got in a car wreck! =D yeah. I was driving around, and this being not two weeks after I got my drivers permit, and had a green light and was going through, and someone else apparently didnt see that they had a red light and tried making a left turn. so I swerved, and narrowly missed going straight into oncoming traffic, and instead just took a side-collision to our Ford Taurus. No injuries, thankfully, but the same cant be said for the cars. The steering mechanism is seriously messed up, so we cant safely drive it anymore, and the passenger doors wont open anymore, and the transmission more than likely took a lot of damage, and may have totalled the car. but yeah. the police guy who showed up like half an hour afterward, looked at my permit and looked over at me and said 'Well, this certainly is a good way to learn then, isnt it?' not very practical, but yeah, I got the idea. The wreck wasnt my fault. otherwise we'd have some nice insurance payments, 'cause Im not a licensed driver, therefore Im not covered by our insurance.
  21. so yeah. Im thinking that this Brianrietta mess is just going to be a few memories to fondly look back on. 'cause. .. I havent seen her for. .. a long time. and the past few times I have, she really didnt seem to acknowledge I was even there. as opposed to last year when she'd greet me all the time, do some feminine giggle-squeak thing, and try to involve me in whatever shes doing. Of course, she could just be going through some hard times. I dont know what shes doing. but Im thinking that theres 'someone else' in her life now. which is bad for a few reasons, mainly its due to I have significantly less excuses to not be with RPVF. I still just see her as a friend. Im sure she sees me as a lot more than that.
  22. You see, the problem with the "tidbit of information" I just gave you is that it's all a huge lie. *all previously-mentioned - Kat - Mafia members step out of the shadows behind Da Beaver* Ummm. What about my secret clubhouse? That'll be the storage unit for all our AK-47's. and SPAT-CHOO-LUH launchers. so its not important right now, 'cause all of the mafia people just poofed out of the shadows behind Beavuh-man.
  23. And you forgot your red text! Tha beavuh's strike again!
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