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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. 4.43. D= I thought it'd be more than that. ... Only one way to fix it though! =D
  2. [Thats really pretty cool. You should like, continue it.]
  3. yeah, except I cussed him out 'cause I got mad. XD I probably shouldnt.
  4. Wooh! ... 'Makes me wish I actually ate Micicles. D= -stores it in a freezer for future... use-
  5. Just prancing around, custom-making ringtones for my phone, and lo and behold, I get some IM's from some shady characters. They had a kind of hostile feel to the way they were talking to me, ended up asking me how old I was, what my name was, and so on. I avoided answering any of these questions, but this particular person IMing me ended up 'revealing' to me, with poor grammar and spelling, that he was the police, and that I was under arrest for sexual assault. He then addresses me by the first name of my sisters best friend, Mike, who is staying here for a few nights. I promptly blocked this person, and they kept contacting me through my other IM names. Rather than opening and reading them, I blocked them again, sent a report to AIM staff for harassment and spam, and a warning to their account. I later opened the IMs, and they basically contained two more references to Mike, and described the very oft-stereotyped and generic police methods for arrest to me. (what with K-9 units, and how its going to 'hunt [me] down' if I'm not careful.) I've since screenshotted these IMs, (rather than copy-pasting, I dont trust AIM that much) and made a brief description of what happened, and informed my parents. I'm willing to bet that the mention of Mike was a coincidence, as its a pretty common name, so I'm not too phased by it, seeing the poor spelling and overall immature way that it was handled on the other end. so I'd just like to remind everybody about the general internet safety mess. Basically its summarized as 'dont be stupid', so Be very careful about what you say to someone you dont trust, and dont let them phase you too much. And watch carefully how they word things, spell them, and the like. Just be careful, guys. I know that this was kind of dodging the bullet, and was a bit close. You cant go wrong by letting your parents know as soon as you see suspicious activity. If it wasnt a threat, well, you can know that you were smart enough to take precautions. but Having a freshly-reformatted PC, I was caught off-guard and had neither Antivirus/hack protection, or any of my hacks, so I couldnt track this person's activity or really do anything back to them. so I see how important that kind of thing can be now.
  6. This reminds me of one handy technique, so to speak, that Mormon people (not unlike myself o: ) use rather often. One thing that you can do to get a pretty good idea of what will happen in the future with this guy, is that when you start dating, you tell him 'Why yes, I would love to go on a date, and after we have dated for several weeks and we get to know each other very well and I decide that I really like you, then i'll hold your hand.' You will get one of two reactions... The kind of guys you want to stay away from will react as, 'WHAT?! That is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, after we decide we really, really like each other, we're going to just go and hold each other's hands?! I'm going to need more than that from you, or we're not going out!' This kind of person probably isnt very sincere about what he's doing with you. Alternatively, the kind of guys that you will want to be with who will properly respect you, will react more to the effect of, 'WHAT?! That would be so totally wicked! Oh wow, that would be the coolest thing ever, I'll do everything I can to earn your respect and we'll do awesome things on our dates until we can get to the point where you hold my hand.' It may sound a little odd, but that really is a good elimination process, so to speak, which both of my sisters can testify of (I cant really use this method, seeing how... you know, I'm a guy) but it does get better. Then is where this whole mess has high entertainment value.. After you just went out to some cool place and ate like, escargo eggs at some french place, and he comes and drops you off at your house, he offers to walk you up to the door, you agree, and as you draw closer, you... o: hold his hand! All of a sudden your date will become stupid. His voice will crack, his adrenaline level will pump really high, and sweat all about, and make comments about what a pretty night it is, how that dandelion looks happy, i wonder how those cracks in the sidewalk got there, And in short, he'll try to prolong that event as long as he can. And if he's that kind of person, he'll go home in the most manly way possible (revving his engine all the time and whatnot) and then write in his journal (the very first entry. ... and last entry.) about how 'she held my hand today'. It'll take a while, but that certainly will show that the guy in question wont leave you half way through a relationship, and that he wont disrespect you in any way, shape or form. Although, if this guy is already making great sacrifices just to be with you, uh... well, I'll leave the decision to you if you want to use this. But keep it in mind.
  7. so I have two kitties in my house. <5 teh kitties. Except for one time they went outside all prancing around and happy and came back with several hundred fleas. which got on the other cat, all in the carpet, and in everybody's clothing. Which has been an issue for about two months now. So are there any magical flea killing things that one can do? So far, we've given the cats flea baths once a week (oh, what fun those are) bug-fogged bomb things-ed our house about six times, given the cats garlic in their food ('cause fleas dont like garlic) and kept them inside at all costs. except when spraying the house down. We just gave them another bath over the past hour or so, and I just figured I'd ask if you guys know anything about getting fleas off'a our kitties. ... or Me, for that matter. They're all in my clothes and all, we're taking like two showers a day per person trying to get them off of us. Laundry detergent intake has gone through the roof. its insane.
  8. yeeeaaah. The Denzel broke up with her boyfriend for like the sixth time this month. ... or this past month, rather, seeing how its the 1st of July now. 'cause its midnight. =D Maybe Im overreacting or overthinking this mess, but Im starting to notice a blatant lack of communication between Brianrietta and I ever since RPVF pestered me into spillin' the beans so to speak. And now Im starting to think that one of the main factors in her moving away was because of me. I dont know why she'd go to such drastic measures over something like that, so its probably not right. but I find myself unable to shake the feeling that I screwed up. a lot. and did something wrong somewhere along the way. but As these thoughts develop and I obsess over them more, I've been getting a lot of comments from people that I really dont look very happy at all, or look fairly ill. And of course, I never really tell anyone whats bothering me, it really sounds stupid if you havent heard the whole story as whats been explained in this topic. but I dont want something as small as this to completely ruin my life. moreover, I dont want something small as this to have this much of an impact. What if I actually got in a relationship with someone else instead of being a cute little crush-flirt mess. If I cant handle something small like this very well, then having an actual break-up would be devastating.
  9. HD news... This topic now has 5,000 replies. o:
  10. Thats why them mormons dont date until we're 16. 'cause by then, you'll be physically, emotionally and mentally mature enough to handle those kinds of things. starting small, of course.
  11. yeah. yeah. so. RPVF has grown more obnoxious. and... really kind of annoying. I dont know how to handle the fact that I dont even want to be friends with her, but I know that I'm like.. everything to her. Im pretty sure shes emo enough to do self-harm if I were to tell her this. just. maybe. pff, i dont know. She indirectly says that she doesnt want to come across as obsessive (but she kind of did. a... a long time ago.) and she says shes fine with just being friends, but doesnt stand by it. I think the biggest issue I've had with her is the little things amid talking. things not important enough to point out here, but She has broken promises and flat out lied to me before. Most notable is half of the people in my church ward all know that I liked Brianrietta. I have the IM saved and recorded, I can prove that she promised me that she wouldnt tell anyone, and she understood that I would do that on my own time and when I was ready for it. If she cant handle simple little things like that, Im sure she couldnt take bigger things. I've completely lost all desire to go on a date with her, which I know would be the highlight of 2008 (when I turn 16) for her. but Like I said, I know it would completely crush her if I told her this. Regardless, I wouldnt want to do that to anyone. Its bad enough seeing someone go through that, but I dont know if I'd be able to take knowing that it was my fault, and I was the one who hurt her like that.
  12. so Beth, being my sister, went out and about to try and find a fathers day present for tomorrow. and had me come along 'cause I needed to get one, too. so We stopped by Home Depot and looked around for a while, and decided to go look for some rose bushes. 'cause my dad likes those. And lo and behold, Brianrietta and her mom were walking over to the rose bushes for the very same purpose. o: Ever so conveniently, I was on the phone with one of my not-very-local friends, and didnt feel like like I had the time to explain that Brianrietta suddenly showed up, so didnt get the chance to... politely hang up before Brianrietta ran off doing other things. Though while he was incessantly talking about his guitar or something (i really wasnt paying attention, uh, i was preoccupied with other things n_n ) Brianrietta felt the need to give me a hug. so, she did. =D Once the idiot on the phone decided to go do something else, Brianrietta was talking to my sister. I didnt really get the chance to talk to her before her mom took her off to go find whatever it was at the store that they needed. D= ... But I got a hug! =D
  13. I hope you are not chosing that school because of her, but because of your goals. Why not both? You could do... like, both. both. Both is a stupid-sounding word. Both both both. XD
  14. How could they not have told you?!?!? um. I guess because they either thought I already knew, or didnt want me to know until she was already out. Where is she moving to? ...Nacadocious Texas. .. I've no idea where that is. XD Nacogdoches is the correct spelling. It is southeast of Dallas. well Google is wrong 'cause they spelled it Nacadocious. but. yeah. A few years ago, I lived in south-south Dallas. area. o: so I have a very vague idea of where that is now.
  15. How could they not have told you?!?!? um. I guess because they either thought I already knew, or didnt want me to know until she was already out. Where is she moving to? ...Nacadocious Texas. .. I've no idea where that is. XD
  16. How could they not have told you?!?!? um. I guess because they either thought I already knew, or didnt want me to know until she was already out.
  17. so We didnt go to a movies after all. We just all gathered at The Denzel's house and were too lazy to leave so we watched movies there and lame board games. Upon my inquiring of the whereabouts of Brianrietta, everyone seemed to know except me that Brianrietta has been moving the past week or so. ... I dont think I handled it very calmly at first, but... yeah. If I dont see her this sunday, I probably wont ever again.
  18. RPVF sure seems to like sending mixed messages. As I said before, she kind of exploded at me 'ignoring' her all the time. Shes still being just as flirty as ever, but no longer has a countdown on her page counting the minutes down to when I turn 16, and can go on a date. But she does want me to go to the movies with her, The Denzel and Brianrietta, which they're trying to organize for tomorrow night. RPVP kind of freaks me out. From observations. Haha. Oh, and I feel offended. I'm 5'4". XD Okay, actually you're probably more offending my friend who is not here, Hannah, who is under 5 feet tall. XD I'm not really offended. Don't take me seriously. o_O well Fine I wont o:<
  19. RPVF sure seems to like sending mixed messages. As I said before, she kind of exploded at me 'ignoring' her all the time. Shes still being just as flirty as ever, but no longer has a countdown on her page counting the minutes down to when I turn 16, and can go on a date. But she does want me to go to the movies with her, The Denzel and Brianrietta, which they're trying to organize for tomorrow night. Are you going to go? tshyeah. XD
  20. RPVF sure seems to like sending mixed messages. As I said before, she kind of exploded at me 'ignoring' her all the time. Shes still being just as flirty as ever, but no longer has a countdown on her page counting the minutes down to when I turn 16, and can go on a date. But she does want me to go to the movies with her, The Denzel and Brianrietta, which they're trying to organize for tomorrow night.
  21. System report. Not good, not really bad either. I've heard nothing from or about Brianrietta since our little text mess, which I find myself giving much more thought and obsession over than whats healthy for me. I've met another person online, who is kind of an open flirt. I've made it known that I really dont care for online relationships, seeing how they NEVER work out, but she seems bent on getting me to cooperate with her in that. its a little annoying. Dumbface's little sister who has recently turned 14 seems to have... noticed that I'm around, so to speak. She acts no different from Dumbface. She acts like shes 4. Online, she always types in all caps (which is SO really annoying.) and acts like things always need to be done in a certain way. and if its not her way, than its not going to be done at all. She often simply tells you to do something, without explanation and in a kind of obnoxious way. And if ever I respond, she doesnt. (which is also very annoying.) And in real life, shes... not much different, has a very whiney voice with a texan accent (a horrible combination) and is definitely NOT the prettiest thing on two legs. RPVF hasnt quite been following through with her 'promise' to not be flirting anymore. In fact, it seems to be intensifying. One other new character, who is worthy of a nickname, who has also turned 14 recently. ... Its kind of hard to beleive that, seeing how shes... about 5'2. seriously. She's like... the shortest person. ever. She acts significantly more awesome than Dumbface's little sister (who does not need a nickname.) but is still a hopeless flirt. ... whom I cooperated with once or twice. -cough-
  22. needs to learn capitalization when trying to make a point, and use... like, one or two exclamation marks. but Assuredly, I'd rather listen to the 'old music' than hear the unbearable bass-beats and various obscenities and sexual references. As for my preference in music, I like the semi-modern. i guess. Late 90s, i guess, and early 00's, if you will. Its pretty good, but its hard to find some that has the cleanliness of old-style music but the feel of more recent music.
  23. *grabs Cheesemaster and coerces him to talk* :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: :ninja: *sends in the hammy ninja forces* nooooooooot yet. ;D CHEESE-MAN IS A PIMP o:
  24. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I'll bet Arkcher still has taht Etch-A...I mean LAPTOP... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* nnnno. I dont. I've got a Desktop now. =D I want a desktop in my room. So do I. We've got us a LAN made up of really short CAT5 Ethernet cords, so all our computers are in one room. ... which isnt mine. Well, you could move everyone's computers into your room. Which reminds me. For unknown reasons, the breaker panel isnt in the garage in this house. Its in my closet. so. I can pwn everyones power. o: from mah room.
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