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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I think its a bit of overreacting and the misconception that guys are actually smart enough to mean something in the first place. It sounds to me like hes being straightforward already and just pointing out that you're both in a lot of classes. and getting used to seeing you so much during the day, I would think just means that he foresees some awkward situations, if he knows that you used to like him. If not, then I would bet he doesnt really mean anything by this. I agree with you. GUYS can be confusing sometimes. But still you dudes, no matter who you are, ARE a little confusing sometimes. I guess IT'S BEcause you don't speak "girl". but i don't really spEAk "girl" i speak more "guy" well for speaking Guy pretty good, I didnt understand hardly any of that post. XD Hey what you want from me I am a girl. There I fixed it. Is it any better? or do I need to re-read "dude speak for dummies"? Do stay calm. but I do think its safe to say that for both sides, it seems, the opposite gender is a perpetual enigma. or plain old mystery.
  2. so In a twisted mockery of MW's Mr./Mrs. Hampsterdance Champeenship or whatever it was in the Hado forums, we could have a quarterly showdown in this forum between poetries and storywritings and the like. =D but I dont feel like being in charge of it so someone else would be makin' up rules and polls and such. yeah.
  3. [Oh yeah, and In not-very-related news, I was on Sims 2 and then decided it would be awesome to make sims based off'a these guys. so I have a Nathan, Kerrigan and Heather fambly. And also Samuel and Amanda, but they're less important.] [and I made their haus. so their house is like on the game and you can see how the first one or two updates happened. o:] [so In the more refined version of this story, Its gonna have some of those happenings added in. every other day stuff, 'cause Im not very good at writing those parts, as evidenced in Werewolf 1.] [but yeah, Now.. there... are sims.]
  4. I think its a bit of overreacting and the misconception that guys are actually smart enough to mean something in the first place. It sounds to me like hes being straightforward already and just pointing out that you're both in a lot of classes. and getting used to seeing you so much during the day, I would think just means that he foresees some awkward situations, if he knows that you used to like him. If not, then I would bet he doesnt really mean anything by this. I agree with you. can be confusing sometimes. But still you dudes no matter who you are a little confusing sometimes. I guess cause you don't speak "girl". but i don't really spaek "girl" i speak more "guy" well for speaking Guy pretty good, I didnt understand hardly any of that post. XD
  5. I think its a bit of overreacting and the misconception that guys are actually smart enough to mean something in the first place. It sounds to me like hes being straightforward already and just pointing out that you're both in a lot of classes. and getting used to seeing you so much during the day, I would think just means that he foresees some awkward situations, if he knows that you used to like him. If not, then I would bet he doesnt really mean anything by this.
  6. ‘The uppermost part of this room’ was rather vague, Nathan realizes, as he tries to form a path up to the highest platform. The poor lighting didn’t much help the dark, rusted metal grating he was going through, And the fact that he couldn’t afford to stand still, else he’d be shot down. Nathan turned around, hearing Jared behind him. “Looks like I’ve got you now.” Nathan glanced at his surroundings, and he was in the middle part of the gratings, now cornered in a peninsula-like area. He and Jared both drew their weapons, both having easy targets. Nathan remembered firing at Seth, and how he was apparently bullet-resistant. Jared must be the same, if not more so. Nathan turned his gun to the side just a little, now aiming at his opponents hands. They both fired at once, Nathan throwing his body off to the side, as a bullet punctured his clothing alone. Nathan saw Jared recoil and drop his weapon in a spray of Tossina, not expecting to be shot there, but Jared soon faded out of sight, as Nathan had unintentionally thrown himself off of the high platform he was standing on. Nathan fell for a moment, struggling to see where he was heading. His shoulder finally met a layer of thin, rusted metal, though his weight caused the compromised alloy to give way as he plowed through, making an effort to keep his free hand above him. He grabbed at a reinforcing support beam across the bottom of the grate, and stopped himself from falling any further. He looked up, and seemed to just now remember that he had taken a pair of gloves from one of the gunmen he had encountered early on. Feeling the protruding metal, he knew that if this glove wasn’t on, he would have rather deep cuts from rusted metal by now. Jared leaned over the side of the platform, looking down at Nathan. Frustrated, he walked back to retrieve his gun. Nathan still only had one of three keys to get out of here. The General’s jacket! The idea came to him quite suddenly, as he dropped down on to another platform, and made his way down to the ground level, and grabbed Jared’s well decorated jacket, and dug through its pockets. Rather than finding another key to the door, he found a large pack full of Inimical packets. Nathan hurriedly loaded them in to his gun, and switched the gun from Inimical to Standard, pleased to hear it successfully shift. He finally ran back up several ramps, and made his way to the third level, out of how many, he did not know. Jared was running around above him, apparently for the sake of making noise. Now having a moving, but not resisting target, Nathan loaded Inimical again, as a deafening gunblast echoed through the room, penetrating the damaged alloy and hitting Jared in the leg, causing him to fall down, shouting out his surprise at such an impact. He shot once more, as blood and Tossina rained down on him, causing Nathan to step back in disgust. He then looked about the room, surprised to see a bright red light flashing through the empty room, better illuminating the maze of grates, but accompanying a loudspeaker and siren. “Evacuate sectors C, D, G and H. We have confirmed a Carnefice breakout.” The very second that the intercom stopped, a loud crash boomed through the scenery as some three or four Carnefice’s all poured in to the room, roaring loudly and irrationally attacked their surroundings, breaking down doors and bending the support beams holding up the grated platforms, holding both Nathan and Jared. The grates shook violently, as the two inhabitants grabbed the side rails to steady themselves. The flimsy metal caused the uppermost parts of the tower to fall over. The key…! The platform that Nathan stood on slowly rotated on its side as the Carnefice’s brought it down in a rampage, while Nathan watched a small, tan object fall from the top. It would get smashed, buried, lost… if this room were to collapse on top of it! Nathan pulled out his handgun rapidly, aimed at the ever-descending key, and fired at it to knock it away. A surprisingly powerful blast shot out from Nathan’s firearm; He forgot to switch it off of Inimical mode. Horrified, Nathan watched the shattered pieces of plastic and alloy rain to the ground, the remnants of one of three indispensable keys. Nathan was soon aware of the Carnefices below him, all swiping at his body, slowly being lowered down toward the beasts by the collapsing platforms, as Nathan realized that Alex would not come to his aid this time. [Oh nooooeeees.]
  7. “Just… don’t… look at him.” Heather spoke, mainly to herself, as she and Kerrigan walked by Alex. “Here… Here on the right. We’ll just go around…?” Kerrigan said, for the sake of saying something, she pointed out a door which presumably led around where Nathan and Jared were. “well, I don’t see many alternatives…” Heather glanced at the decaying remains of Seth. It was hard to tell what species he was when he died… The two opened the remaining door, and found a narrow hallway, well lit, turning shortly after it started. Quietly making their way down the corridor, they glanced to the right, hearing gunshots infrequently sound through the wall, and muffled voices. Hurrying their stride, they came across a set of double-doors at the end. Upon going through, they found a large sliding door, resembling that of a garage on their right. This must be the door that Samuel was alleged to be just beyond…! Heather and Kerrigan both seemed to know this straight away, and hurried once more as the hallway expanded in to another large room. “Seems odd for a laboratory to have to many huge rooms like this…” Heather pointed out, smirking. Kerrigan didn’t respond, keeping her mind set on her father. Making their way through the archway that led to the bigger room, they immediately found themselves surrounded by Harret’s gunmen. It looked like they were laying siege here. The two gasped, looked around, frozen in their place. They slowly stepped backwards, trying to get away unnoticed, but failed. They heard a distant ‘Get them!’ at which point, they turned around and ran as fast as they could. They both lunged and fumbled at the doorway, both trying to open it at once, before being tackled to the ground by four large bodies. --- Samuel paced back and forth, kept in a small, dim room. He knew himself to be very heavily guarded, and he kicked at himself for asking of his children to come after him. He should have known that Harret would do this. The first sign of any of them, they would either be subdued or killed on sight. Samuel finally sat down on the floor, the cold room he resided in was empty save himself alone. One doorway stood on the side with multiple guards before it, and just beyond that was, basically, a shooting range. They knew this was the path of Nathan and his sisters, and were using Samuel as bait to take the whole family in, for whatever malicious purpose they had. As he sat, Samuel noticed just how weakened and hungry he was. He couldn’t remember the last time he was permitted to shave, or take a shower. Having little ration for food, he mainly kept his mind on just that. He was so sick of this place. Almost three years, he was kept here, being interrogated ceaselessly to try and get information out of him. Harret wanted his mutagenic formulas, and had attained them after ransacking his home. They wanted to make a revision of it, rather to improve Human flaws and imperfections, they saw a great army in store for them. Samuel gasped, the doorway swung open, bright light flooding in, causing Samuel to shield his eyes with one hand. He heard high voices of protest, which sounded rather familiar, before two figures were forcefully thrown in to that very room with him. Samuel’s eyes adjusted to the light after the door slammed shut again, as two girls, unmistakably his daughters, were sitting up, bewildered and shaken. “Heather! Kerrigan!” His voice called out happily, as they responded by searching the room anxiously. “Dad…?” In the dim light, their bodies finally met, and embraced. “I missed you so much…” Tears formed in Samuel’s eyes, as he hugged his daughters tighter. He loosened his grip, and looked around again. “… Where’s Nathan?” “He’s… back outside, fighting off Jared.” An awestruck expression covered Samuel’s face, as he wordlessly mouthed the word ‘No…’ Heather nodded, “He looks like a war kind of guy… I wonder how Nathan will do…” “Jared is indeed skilled with a gun, but… well, He’s the one in charge and responsible for all of this. I don’t recall exactly where he got the funds to make such a place, but He’s… mentally unstable, that’s for sure. He fused himself with an Imponitore…” Kerrigan and Heather gave him a confused look. “Harret has biologically engineered several creatures, they’re most fond of Carnefices and Imponitores. Carnefices were engineered successfully, and reproduce independently and are incredible bio-weapons. Imponitores, however, were given less attention in development, and there were only some odd Five to ever be created, and they are incapable of producing more without further resources. But, Imponitores are more for quality over quantity, so to speak. The few to exist are incredibly powerful.” Heather thought for a moment, her expression slowly changing to one of fear and helplessness. Tears formed in her eyes as well, as she hugged her father again. [so I like, just thought of this part. like right just now, and think its a bit better than the original idea. I dunno, we'll see how it goes.]
  8. After a long, difficult moment, Nathan stood up from his kneeling position. Heather and Kerrigan were standing on either side of him. Nathan put his arms around their shoulders, still looking down at Alex. They stood in a moment of silence, still taking in that Alex was… gone. Nathan finally sniffled loudly, shook his head once violently, bringing himself back in to reality. “Come on. We still need to find Dad.” Wordlessly, his sisters followed Nathan as they exited the room, unable to do any further for Alex. They all showed resenting not being able to have any further respect toward Alex. He had given his life for them, and deserved to have a proper… funeral, or something… One more room opened before them, causing Nathan’s eyes to widen. It was incredibly vast, it resembled a docking station of sorts. Support beams were frequent, but illumination was not plentiful. Nathan squinted, seeing various grated platforms, presumably to load in to a large vehicle…? Nathan heard a quick brushing sound behind him. He vividly remembered what happened last time this happened. He turned around quickly, and… saw nothing but his two sisters. “So… You’re just one big happy family, then, aren’t you?” Nathan turns around again, and sees Jared Mills standing before him. Nathan put one hand behind him and motioned for his sisters to evacuate the scene. “You… Where’s Samuel?” Jared snorted, “Do you really want to know? … He’s beyond that door…” Jared nodded toward one of many doors to the side of the room, then continued. “… but, you’ll need three keys to open it first. For security measures, I’m sure you’d understand…” Nathan eyed Jared suspiciously. “One is in the uppermost platform of this very room… Another is found in the southeastern corner of this room.” “And let me guess, You’ve got the last one.” Jared half-smiled, “You catch on quick, as expected.” Nathan’s heart pumped hard, and he tried to hide it. Jared produced from behind him a rather large assault rifle, not unlike those of his favorable battalions. Nathan’s unsteadily shaking hand reached to his side, and finally met the handle of his knife. “It looks like you’ve really thought this out.” Jared half-nodded, still smirking. Nathan feinted with one hand, let out a loud grunt, and threw his knife at Jared, who reacted by swinging his rifle in the blades path, knocking it aside. Jared looked back, but saw that Nathan was sprinting away. Accordingly, Jared opened fire, and Nathan jumped to avoid the spray of bullets, and upon landing, hid himself behind a support beam linked to the high ceiling, now brandishing his own firearm. Loud footsteps echoed through the warehouse-sized room, soon changing to the sounds of impacted grates. Nathan looked up, and saw Jared sprinting about on the platform above Nathan, who fired three times at Jared through the slits in the metal before quietly slipping away, when a glint of light caught his eye. His knife was laying undamaged on the ground. Nathan picked it up, and watched for any movement on Jared’s part. Seeing no motion, Nathan sprinted away again, now directing his attention toward the whereabouts of his sisters. He scanned the area briefly, and failed to see the bright colors of their clothing, as he turned in front of him as a corner of the room approached. This was where Jared alleged that a key was located… Card key, perhaps? Nathan stopped, and looked around as fast as he could, but found nothing. His heart was still pounding, and he continued running as soon as the sound of bullets echoed through the room once more. Nathan returned fire in the general direction of the flashes of light, occasionally ducking or jumping to avoid getting hit. Eventually, Nathan reached a grated ramp, which lead to some of the upper platforms. Nathan took note of the location, and continued his quiet motion toward the door, which presumably required three keys. It was a wide sliding door, and looked like it just had three large indentions in it, with elaborate protrusions and cavities. They looked to be no more than six inches long, three inches high. Now having a better idea of what he was looking for, Nathan turned around, and looked for his opponent. No movement, no noise. Carefully, Nathan raised his gun in to a ready stance, and stepped out in front of him. Here in the middle of the room, the grated platforms seemed much more like an elaborate multi-leveled maze, rather than elevated ground to dock vehicles. Perhaps this was an empty multi-purpose warehouse… A sudden motion caught Nathans eye as Jared jumped down from one level to another, landing fairly loudly, and then shooting at Nathan who returned fire while sprinting away. Jared suddenly stopped shooting, had audibly landed down on the ground, and stepped in to a beam of light, easily seen. Held at gunpoint by Nathan from the shadows, Jared took off his military decorated jacket, and unbuttoned his shirt, apparently feeling restrained by the clothing. Nathan fired twice at the vulnerable target, hitting him once, but giving away his position. “I… had expected this to be over by now.” Jared announced. “I, Jared Mills, a war general… have found a formidable opponent.” Nathan wordlessly kept to the shadows, and made his way toward the southeastern portion of the room. A tan plastic object, laying on the ground, closely resembling the indention on the door was visible. Nathan pocketed it immediately. “So tell me, Jared. If you’re such a proud war general, Why don’t you call yourself General M-“ Nathan caught himself, and thought for a moment. As dire as his situation was, he couldn’t help but smile, laugh. “… General Mills!” After a moment of stifled laughter, Nathan continued. “You, too, are… formidable… General Mills.” Nathan laughed again, “What, did you serve in the military with Captain Crunch?” Jared had apparently seen this coming, and had essentially walked in to this situation. He didn’t react as calmly as he anticipated, however. A growl formed in his throat, as it grew in to a roar of fury, which was soon drowned out by his assault rifle, shot at Nathan, who recoiled and withdrew in to the shadows again, holding a hand over his mouth to keep silent.
  9. uh, Movie critics gave it 1-star/19% awesomeness. It was disappointing, but not quite that terrible. Its proven a remake of the Invasion of the Bodysnatchers, so if you know how all that went, just imagine that.. well, remade. so Basically, if someone happens to puke on you (in the movie) then you turn in to an alien. which I thought was an odd way of spreading around an infectious condition, but Whatever works for them... I wouldnt see it in the theater. If you really wanted to see it, wait 'til it comes out on video. or. .. free. Parts of it were really cool, but not enough to redeem the whole thing. yeah.
  10. Yeah, the kings cross was weird. And the little whimpering thing was And to answer your second question: I thought it was like, supposed to be like Voldemort in an odd state that Harry put him in because Harry pwns. ... I shall read it again.
  11. Sand was the idea. I forgot to put Lens at the end of Bifocal, or maybe I just skipped a groove and thought it had an E in it, but whatever. Yeah, the original mess is that Only one or two words have E's in them.
  12. I finished reading it the other day... The last showdown was totally wicked. o: and.. awesome. the Kings Cross chapter in the end confused me so bad. Why were they there, and what was that little whimpering thing? is that supposed to be Voldemort? or Why did Voldemorts curse reflect back at him in the end? Expeliarmus isnt that powerful of a spell. Especially if Harry wasnt even using his own wand.
  13. [so Im about 98.5% done with this next update, but cant do this last sentance justice. its important, but I cant word it right. D=] ['cause this next one is a short but vital update/event mess.] [...] [okay, Nevermind. I just thought of it, so here goes.] [Oh, I also feel that I should point out. that This is the very scene that I dreamt of that inspired this story. This was also back before a bit of adjusting, like when the main characters name was Joseph, and he was the middle child and both their parents were still alive, and the kids were the ones being pursued, by like three different groups, one of which being their parents.] Back in the main room, they looked about their surroundings. Only half of the lights were on this time. Alex and Nathan held their firearms ready, and scanned the room for any other signs of life. The dimly lit portions of the room were visible, but still dim. Nevertheless, an ominous feeling was still present. “Come on, lets go.” Nathan announced, authoritively, motioning for his sisters to follow. They did, but as soon as they took a step, they unmistakably heard something move. They both aimed their guns around carefully, watching for any movement. An echoing scurry reverberated through the room, in a way they couldn’t tell where it came from. “This door. Come on.” Nathan used one hand to reach for the door behind him, the other still pointed around the room. Heather and Kerrigan stepped through the open doorway anxiously, followed by Nathan. “Alex, Come on.” Alex stayed in the other room for a moment, aiming his gun upward. He gave the room one last scan through, and followed Nathan, looking suspicious. Nathan turned around and kept going through the room. It was another relatively large room, resembling a smaller version of their first Carnefice encounter. There weren’t any visible life forms here, either. Nathans mind couldn’t shake the feeling something was wrong. Not the creepiness of these two rooms, something new just came… … Only three sets of footsteps. Nathan turned around, and Alex was standing in the doorway, looking shocked. “… What?” Alex’s shocked expression did not change. He stumbled, but caught himself. “Are you…” Still firmly gripping his gun, Alex suddenly let out a deafening roar of pain, yelling quite loudly and deliriously. Nathan flinched, and was further startled by an exploding spray of thick blood that emerged from Alex- He looked back up, and an enormous barbed limb extended out of Alex’ chest, the color of Tossina. It was a Carnefice’s tail. The bladed tail writhed for a moment, before raising Alex in to the air, shaking him around for a moment, before jerking suddenly, causing Alex’s body to be thrown to the other side of the room, and upon impacting a wall, he fell silent. Nathan looked back at the doorway and saw Seth standing there with a malicious grin, clothes ripped, Tossina visible all over him, and Carnefice-like muscular structure, and tail protruding from his backside. “We cant let you get out alive.” Seth stated in his deepened, distorted voice. Nathan stared at him, an unthinkable rage ever increasing in his body. Seth’s eyes looked over Heather and Kerrigan, “Oh, but this will be fun!” Seth stepped toward them, breathing heavily, but Nathan intervened. With his gun and knife drawn, he sprinted over toward the beast, and with his own cry of fury, shot several times, slashed with his knife, and halted on the spot, and effectively kicked Seth with surprising force, enough to cause him to stumble back and off to the side. Not relenting, Nathan pursued, repeated his action and quickly had the clawed beast pinned to the wall. Nathan had gripped Seth’s semi-human neck very firmly, as memories with his best friend came to mind. Alex had always been there for him, through good and bad times, just… had stuck with them to the end. A final wave of emotion surged through Nathan, who stepped back with an open hand, tensed all muscles in his body, and literally smashed Seth’s head in to the wall, Nathan feeling the bones break beneath the force. Seth let out some final grunts and coughs, before falling limp and silent, held up by the neck by Nathan. He stood there for a short moment, panting heavily. He had never lost control like that, and wasn’t aware that he was capable of such force. Nathan stepped back, letting go, and saw the crumpled figure of Seth, half-Carnefice, with a broken skull. Disgusted, Nathan looked away, and saw his sisters looking on in awe, as Nathan spotted the bloody imprint on the wall that marked Alex’s location. “Alex..!” Nathan called out as he ran over to him. He had one hand over a gaping hole in his body, breathing slowly. “… Nathan…” Alex panted, with obvious difficuly. Horrified, Nathan looked at the wound, realizing this was far beyond redemption. “No, Alex…” Tears began forming in Nathan’s eyes, memories coming back to him. “Tell… Elizabeth, that I… love her. … Ta.. Take care.. of her… .. for me…” With his last words dedicated to his wife, Alex fell lifeless before Nathan, still with the determined facial expression he had worn following his best friend to the death. [Also, originally, this scene was even more violent. I watered it down some, but it may need more. I'll leave that to Horatio, though. so For those who dare, use your imagination and think of Nathan being sufficiently provoked in to doing more aggressive things.]
  14. so Today was insanity. At about 5, RPVF and Brianrietta both were calling me telling me that they want to go see a movie. Starting at 7. so Complying, I went and got ready and stuff, and since it was the premier opening night dealie for The Invasion movie, we were going to get there early on so we could get a seat. Long story short, we got there a bit late, but fortunatly there werent very many people. Afterward, we went to McDonolds. o: (I hate eating there. so bad.) but We talked about stuff for a while. and I've never been more confused about Brianrietta. All of a sudden, she was SUCH a flirt. (and I probably was too without realizing it.) Partly because we're cantankerous rambuncious teenagers, I was talked in to going in to the playplace with a food tray and sliding down while sitting on the food tray. that was fun. but Before I went in, I took out my phone, MP3 player, keys, wallet and other items from my pockets. Brianrietta motioned for me to give her my stuff. so I set the stuff on the table and tossed my jacket overshirt mess to her, 'cause I usually wear two shirts (one of which was conveinently all Axe-smelling) and slid around and it was fun. When I came back, she was hugging my shirt, listening to my MP3 player and looking at stuff on my phone. and Dr. Cornbread, next to her, was looking through my wallet. Just casually, of course, not a problem or anything. But they were pointing out old photos and cards I had inside. and like, $2. and During the movie, RPVF and Brianrietta were sitting in front of me. RPVF leans back and is like, 'Brandon! Hey! Look here, its Brianrietta!' and they both wave at me. When I was walking back toward them from across the room, Brianrietta does her trademark gigglesqueak and waves excitedly. And when we were leaving, she insisted that she gets a hug from me before we leave. Then there were some other details about one of Dr. Cornbreads other friends, and My sister did something, The Denzel left half way through, but I didnt much pay attention to all that. Oh yeah, and the movie was okay. Kind of pushing the limits for its PG-13 rating, so I thought, it was real creepy. I got another hug from Brianrietta. n_n Maybe its just mood swings or something, but Every time I see her, she acts differently. .. But this time it was fun. =D In other news, Shes leaving for college. like, f'real. on Wednesday. Im not sure where or how far away or any details further than that, other than contact will be a lot more limited. but I think its safe to assume that RPVF hasnt screwed up our flirt-dom too badly. seeing how its not really a relationship, but it might as well be.
  15. Nathan turned around, and looked at the room he had just left. He returned back inside and retrieved his gun and knife, and searched his opponents for ammunition or supplies, to no avail. Disappointed, he holstered his gun and exited once more. He carefully silenced his steps as he made his way across the room, listening hard for any noises as to where his family was. Once he reached the far side of the room, he heard Heather’s voice crying out in anguish beyond a nearby door. Nathan pulled out his gun, and blasted the doorknob out of commission, and stepped in, to find a very similar scene as he was in moments before. Heather was cowering against a wall with three other men in the room gathered around her. Unhesitantly, Nathan opened fire and crippled two of them before the last remaining one immediately made for the door, in hopes of exiting. Nathan had pulled out his rather bloodstained knife and made a slash at the refugee’s face, causing him to fall to the ground, gripping the open wound, screaming rather loudly. “Oh, shut up. You weren’t very nice to Samuel, now were you?” Nathan commented with a hard kick, silencing him. By this time, Heather had gotten to her feet and hugged Nathan with tears in her eyes. “We have to find Kerrigan and Alex!” Heather looked up and pointed out, after a short embracing moment. With an agreeing nod, Nathan exited this room as well and back in to where he had come, with Heather following him closely. “I saw Kerrigan being taken off this way… I think…” Heather trailed off, examining the room. It was rather hectic in the room moments before. “I think it was this way!” Heather pointed toward one of the other rooms, next to where Nathan was taken. Unmistakably, Kerrigan was behind this door. Nathan drew his gun again, but Heather stopped him. “Don’t you need to, you know, save ammo?” Nathan glanced down at her, as if this hadn’t occurred to him before. “Give me your knife, I’ll get the door.” Nathan hesitantly gave Heather the large hunting knife, as she quickly pried the door away from the latch swinging it open effortlessly. “Alright, guys, break it up.” Nathan announced, aiming his gun. “I’m the one with the weapon drawn. And Let me tell you something, I’m really getting tired of killing people.” One of Kerrigan’s interrogators quickly reached behind him and pulled out a firearm as well, and Nathan shot at him accordingly, causing him to recoil, just injured. The trio stepped off to the sides of the room obediently, revealing Kerrigan, wide-eyed and looking rather panicky. Not being able to help himself, Nathan strode over to her and knelt down, “Are you alright?” He put his hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her from whatever may have happened. They looked at each other for a moment, before Nathan heard a gun loading in the room. Very close by. “I’m the one with the weapon drawn. And aimed right at your head.” Nathan glanced at Kerrigan, neither of them moving. Nathan sighed, and slowly raised his empty hands above his head, and got to his feet, now with two guns pointed at him. “now We don’t have the authorization to kill any of you, but will if necessary.” The gunman was panting nervously and excitedly, glancing at his colleagues, one cradling his wounded hand. “Alright, what do you want me to do?” Nathan asked, annoyed. The gunman continued his nervous action, clearly unsure of what he wanted Nathan to do. Deciding to keep his cool and maintain intimidation, he wordlessly shook his gun and gestured off to the side, leading Nathan to back in to the corner of the room. He glanced behind him, and saw Heather already there. Kerrigan hadn’t moved. The gunman kept his eyes fixed on Nathan, but after a short few seconds, turned around, startled to hear gunshots from behind him. Nathan looked over as well, and saw Alex standing in the doorway, with his clothes ripped and bloodstained, shooting rather mercilessly at the two remaining interrogators in the room. Nathan made use of the distraction and snapped the gunmans neck while he was facing away. The gunblasts echoed through the small room and was soon replaced by silence. Alex and Nathan finally made eye contact. Alex looked horrible. There were several cuts and scratches on his face and arms, and slits in his clothes that looked like they were from claws of a rather large animal. “Wow, what happened to you?” “Seth.” Alex spoke, between sighs and pants. “I was in the same room as Samuel. I know where he is.” Alex continued, looking uncomfortable. “Alright! Lets go then!” Nathan looked from side to side, and his sisters were next to him. Alex nodded, and turned around to lead them out. [i detect an oncoming conclusion! o: ]
  16. I missed that one! That's great. It is unique!!!!!!!!! *hands Dog Lover a plate full of fresh-from-the-oven-cookies* The list of words is not too long. Not for the unique thing I found. *dog lover drools over the DELICIOUS cookies!* thank u! i ususally like puzzles/etc but was a bit overwhelmed by this one...i'd rather obsess over elton! (even though i'm wearing a beatles t-shirt right now... but dont tell anyone!) In my theory, you could add elton and arkcher to the list, and it still would not change the outcome. *wonders if Arkcher agrees* Thats right. I think Horatio has it figured out. but You guys did point out some things I overlooked. o: i feel dumb...i must go look at my report card and take solace in my straight-A's! (no i am not bragging im just trying to cheer myself up) You were working too hard at the list. Don't really read each word, just look at the list. noooooooo idea............. :closedeyes: *slows down* Here I will give you an example... sort of... Tell me which word does not belong. Deer Leer See Boat Look not at the words as much as something else that will pop out at you. Out of there, only one word has three letters. Thats... obviously not the case with the main list though.
  17. woooow. On a particular site with which she prefers talking to her friends on, including myself, She included in her username 'the proud owner of a Chevy Aveo'. I commented to her, 'Are you sure you would count as the 'owner' if you neither worked nor paid for it?' She changed her username to 'I have a car now!' and responded 'Oh man, you caught me. Well then, I guess im not the owner. But it is mine!' I still find it terribly annoying how she seems to mold her life after my interest and liking. As soon as I post one of those silly little surveys, Anything I post in those seems to become her interests and things we have in common. theres a bit more detail and all, but im too put off to talk about it. XD
  18. :blink: Oh my!!! You definitely don't need this girl. so RPVF is posting on her powerhouse PC about how She drove home today with her brand new 2008 Chevy Aveo! which is specifically hers. just like her computer. I think you do not need this girl as a potential girlfriend. I agree. ... and kind of thought about that some six months ago, but whatever.
  19. :blink: Oh my!!! You definitely don't need this girl. so RPVF is posting on her powerhouse PC about how She drove home today with her brand new 2008 Chevy Aveo! which is specifically hers. just like her computer.
  20. I missed that one! That's great. It is unique!!!!!!!!! *hands Dog Lover a plate full of fresh-from-the-oven-cookies* The list of words is not too long. Not for the unique thing I found. *dog lover drools over the DELICIOUS cookies!* thank u! i ususally like puzzles/etc but was a bit overwhelmed by this one...i'd rather obsess over elton! (even though i'm wearing a beatles t-shirt right now... but dont tell anyone!) In my theory, you could add elton and arkcher to the list, and it still would not change the outcome. *wonders if Arkcher agrees* Thats right. I think Horatio has it figured out. but You guys did point out some things I overlooked. o:
  21. Whoa nevermind. that. Two words. Horatio was right. o: so he probably has it already figured out.
  22. I may have typoed, but I looked through again and didnt see any... but Keep it in mind, 'cause after everyone has their own idea of what it could be, we'll have them post.
  23. so I made this up today 'cause I was bored. One of these words is unique. Which one is it, and why? Pottery Demonic Egg Defibrillator Elephant Deer Flourescent Air compressor Sand Badge Engraven Dagger Thread Grocery Cable Bifocal Bleach Staples Beaver Syringe Yellow Runner Earlobe Pigment Type Perilous Greyscale Children Tape Lettuce Crater Retina Basketball Puzzle Resist Death Sphere Jacket Zealous Insufficient Flea Extraordinary Disinfectant Skateboard Verb Distorted Neck Naive Bandage Eagle Wooden Wrapper Shoes Novel Little Set Marine Energy Valve Spider Enjoy Freckle Bear Face Interrogate Switched Supervise Gel Striped Amplifier Read Spindle Race Yeast This was originally written out in two columns, but I dont know how to do that here, so... As I typed this out again, I realized there are three or four different answers to it. Again, find one word thats unique to the rest. I'll be posting some more like this in the future, so keep watching.
  24. so RPVF keeps going further downhill every day or so. At first, I thought that she complained about how bad her life was sometimes because they really arent in the greatest condition, seeing how their parents are divorced and their dad is deliberately trying to break apart their family leaving their mom to try and provide the house and three teenagers be herself, and so on. Well. Due to boredom at my place here, I went over to Dr. Cornbreads house for a day or two, in RPVF's absence. If they were financially... troubled, they probably wouldnt have the whole house air conditioned to well, cable connection and internet and good computers. None of which are found in my own house. RPVF is complaining about how bad her life is because she's terribly spoilt by her grandparents, who have recently bought her (like 6 months ago) a top of the line computer. Dual-core processor at some 4.2GHz, 3GB RAM, and 1TB hard drive. Specifically for RPVF. Her computer nerd brothers have respectively worked at least a year each for their PC's which are less powerful than my own. RPVF got hers for free. The only, ONLY thing RPVF uses this powerhouse computer for is to check her Myspace. thats it. Meatwad and Dr. Cornbread use hacks, mods, gaming, and have demanding programs on their 800MHz machines. but That over there is RPVF's Myspace computer. Within the next two days, her grandparents are buying RPVF a brand new car of her choice. She doesnt even have her license yet. RPVF has her own phone which she can literally do whatever she wants with. She also wants to be a prep, and has... wanted to for a while, but Unfortunately, her grandparents cant buy her a good, fit body. Thats something she has to work for herself, so it wont happen. and I know that I dont want to be with someone who expects me to buy them literally everything, and everything brand-new and expensive and shiney. I would kill someone to afford air conditioning here at my place, I cant afford to get a video card for my PC so it will display things right. Those are about $50. so if I dont buy RPVF anything, then I wont have to put up with her. =D
  25. [Oh yeah, Nathan got his weapons back while he was still in there. I forgot to point that out.]
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