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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Thanks. =D I do appreciate it. Im writing some other endings right now, but see a good outcome in about all of them. D= and cant decide which to be official.]
  2. [i had not noticed the recurring theme. Now that you point it out, I do not see any meaning in this, just the story line. I do have one question, your mother and sisters are still alive, aren't they? ] [Yeah, my immediate family here is all fine and dandy. I dont know where I may have gotten the idea to write that kind of thing in the stories, it just happened without me realizing it until then.]
  3. [i've got a total of four, two finished, two in progress. I'll post the two finished endings and put up the next two, uh, whenever they finish.] After another long hour, the same nurse came back, looking uneased. “Heather’s surgery is going well. Its not something terribly difficult to repair, and she will make a safe recovery…” Nathan looked up, hopefully. “And Samuel?” The nurse shook her head, “… I’m sorry, Nathan…” --- [From this point, I’ve thought up a number of things that could happen. 'Alternate endings' will start from this point, and you choose which one you think is most awesome. Some of them will be set-ups for… omgSEQUELS] Nathan sat in the front room of his house once more, next to Heather, who was fondly reading a book on the couch beside him. She recovered, but as a result of damaged organs, she had digestive problems and until they stabilized, she could only eat certain specialized foods. Kerrigan was most likely upstairs in her room, where she spent most of her time. For the past week, she’s been particularly emotional and unhappy, now realizing just how fast a life could end, be taken away, or forever changed. Nathan could only hope she didn’t decide to ‘live every day like it was your last’, as he almost expected her to, and become irresponsible as such. Nathan, however, was quite well. His upper-left arm was slightly bulkier than he remembered it, the skin bearing an off-yellow tint, which he could only assume was Tossina. It has apparently given him a minor infection, which was uncomfortable at times, but would occasionally manifest itself in sudden spurts of energy and strength, causing his adrenaline to pump hard and give him rather violent ideas, which he suppressed where possible. As much as he didn’t like it, the truth remained. Both of his parents had died, despite his tremendous efforts to save his father; A meaningless effort that cost Nathan his best friend, Alex White. He glanced down at Heather, only happy that she was able to survive. The fact that all of them escaped Harret, despite the inevitable casualties, was nothing short of a miracle. [The above is the beginning for the following potential endings. Just read from this point in the following conclusions. Alternatively, You could use your own madd imagination skillz and think up your own ending. Then it wont be disappointing. =D] --- Nathan stood up, restless. It was early evening, the sun nearing its routine end, to disappear over the horizon. Nathan stared outside for a short moment, not sure if the past events would have any effect on it. Part of him wanted it to, part of him didn’t. He sighed, and walked across the hall in to another room, glancing to the side as he passed where was the last time he and Samuel were in this house together. He usually avoided going this direction, but went nonetheless. He came to the end of one hall, and looked to his left in the open door of the master bedroom. His parents’ room was neat and organized, with a thin coat of dust visible on its contents. Nathan sighed again and turned to the right, sat down and turned on the present TV, and watched news for a few minutes, before they finally announced something to grab his attention. “The biggest hit to Orgonth yet was the Torrn family, and their various incidents. Not three and a half years ago, did their house get broken in to and ransacked of Samuel and Amanda’s bioengineered work, to be taken to a recently discovered lab named Harret. Authorities arrived at Harret after receiving direction from Nathan Torrn, only to find the place overrun by hundreds, thousands of small creatures…” “What…?” Nathan leaned forward, very interested. He turned up the volume, “… which are believed to be one of many bioengineered creatures created from scratch by the potentially great scientists at Harret. These small creatures, no larger than a middle-aged house cat, are literally out of control, and seem bent on the destruction of Harret labs, constantly beating and scratching down the walls, but with little progress. We go live to the scene…” The image changed from the news anchor behind a desk to a reporter, looking flustered, with the partially demolished Harret in the background. “Carrot seems to be-“ “Its Harret, Victoria.” “… Harret… looks to be in the process of being taken down by these strange creatures, wild and rampant, and for purposes unknown. Animal control agents have arrived at the scene, and one of them approached the creatures, only to be fatally attacked and mutilated by the clawed creatures, in a violent frenzy.” Nathans heart skipped a beat- He thought Harret was finished…! [One possible ending. Leads to another story idea that I had, but didnt plan to use it in this setting, but Harret was the kind of place to start it.] [This is another possible ending, which I wasnt too fond of, but thought it could lead to an interesting... spin-off, i guess. Again, it picks up at the same point as the last one.] Nathan stood up, restless. He began walking out of the room, but changed direction upon hearing the phone ring. Answering, He was surprised to hear from the hospital once more. “We haven’t heard from Alex White for some time, and you were the first person to come to mind, we’ve heard you two were pretty close…” “Uh, Yeah… Alex…” Nathan thought for a moment. “... I haven’t heard from him for a while, either.” He continued, not sure if he should have said it that way. "Hmm... Well, Alex would routinely come and check on Elizabeth, who would like some company. Would you care to come see her in Alex' place?" Nathan thought for a moment. As his last, dying request, Alex wanted Nathan to take care of her. "... Alright, I'll be over shortly." Nathan hung up, thinking of Elizabeth's dire condition. Nathan had no means of helping... --- Nathan stepped through the doorway as directed by the various nurses. Before him was a familiar, sickly sight, Elizabeth, frail and weak, was lightly sleeping. "There is no hope for you..." Nathan spoke clearly, his left arm pulsating. Elizabeth awoke, looking startled. "No redemption. It is better for you to have died." Nathan spoke without thinking, Elizabeth looking frightened, her mind just registering who it was speaking. "On the verge of inert, vegetative state. You are meaningless." Nathan couldn’t believe he was saying this. He respected Elizabeth's endurance and perseverance. With his sudden change of heart, Elizabeth uncomfortably shifted in her bed, seeing a large knife drawn. "This... is the only progress you can get. This is the only way you can be helped." Elizabeth's small eyes widened, and tried to call out for help, but her quiet, deadened voice limited how far her voice traveled, which was literally cut short by a slashing motion of Nathan's blade. He stepped back, taking a deep breath, the scent of blood growing stronger. Nathan looked down at the half-open neck of his best friends' wife. He stared for a moment, and concluded that against all reason and morality he knew, he felt no remorse, regret... pity... Realizing that Harret eliminated his view on the sanctity of life, Nathan opened the window of the room, letting in a rush of warm air. Nathan jumped through the opening, and sprinted away, now with an intent life of crime. With Harret gone, he felt that nothing would stop him... [mmhmm. And while copying this to the board, I realized that this carries a recurring theme from a lot of my stories. in almost all of them, they involve a man killing a woman, regardless of relationship or their intention. I want to make it clear that I mean nothing by this, and its just fictional characters, and I'm fully against such an action in real life. These stories are not real life.] [Moving away from that, I leave you with these, and more yet to come, conclusions for Torrn Asunder. Though one update will be one that doesnt lead to a sequel. I honestly dont know if I'll follow through with the plan for a second one, so... they're just different possible endings. I couldn't pick just one.] [Oh, and if you feel so inclined, use your own madd imagination skillz to think up your own ending. If you think of it, you wont be disappointed with it. ;D ]
  4. [Potential conclusion time!] [uh, nevermind. I have the last bit of story made, and thought of about four different directions it could be taken for a conclusion. As such, I'll post multiple endings, and you guys decide which is best.] [but I'll wait a short while until I have more possible endings. should have it up tonight or tomorrow.]
  5. Heather was breathing heavily, with her hands covering her side. Nathan glanced down at her, and noticed blood on her hands and tears in her eyes as she tried to keep herself silent, despite a bullet had run through her body completely. Kerrigan was worriedly looking between Heather and Samuel, unsure of what to do, but feeling obligated to take action. Her concentration was broken by the vehicle making a sudden sharp turn, at a high speed. She grabbed at the door to maintain balance, feeling the truck run on two wheels for a split second. Nathan accelerated once more, seeing the highway ahead, and several signs along the road appear. Not yielding to oncoming traffic, Nathan pulled out in to the highway entrance, now pushing 90 MPH as he searched for any other cars along the road. Accordingly, he maneuvered around them, and glanced at the rearview mirrors to see no sign of Harret’s pursuit. It must be that Nathan had run out in to civilization, and they couldn’t afford to be discovered. Regardless, His father and sister desperately needed medical attention, and he continued speeding down the road. In little time, he saw the indescribably unwelcome… flashing blue and red lights, a patrolling police unit trying to pull him over. Nathan kept going, indecisive of what to do. After a few seconds, he made his way to the right lanes, and slowed down rapidly, and once he slowed to 10 MPH, he put on his parking brakes and jumped out of the car before it stopped. He sprinted the few steps needed to approach the police unit, as its door opened. “Officer, This is NOT the time, I need medical assistance immediately!” This was evident by the gashes along his face and bloodstained clothes, despite he wasn’t referring to himself. The shocked officer hesitated. “Do you know how to get to the nearest hospital?” Nathan nodded and didn’t wait for a response before getting back in his car, and taking off, and soon had a speeding police car on either side and in front of him, to clear a path. [i doubt this would happen in real life, but it happens right here.] The police units dispersed as the appropriate highway exit approached, signifying the town of Orgonth’s approach. In little time, he came to the hospital, which was located not far from the highway. Not caring to park properly, he skidded to a halt, didn’t even stop the car before reaching back and picking up Samuel once more. “Come on, Kerri! Get Heather!” He called out before stepping out, kicking the door closed and pushing the emergency room doors open with his wounded shoulder, cringing and leaving smears of blood on the glass each time. He emerged in to a small waiting room of sorts with a now shocked looking secretary behind a desk, to which he called out to as he approached, “Potassium Cyanide poisoning, Bullet wounds and infectious cuts!” Not explaining any details, his own appearance and the sight of Samuel’s idle body caused the secretary to stand up, shocked. --- Kerrigan sat out in a waiting room she had passed through before, after a few hours had passed. They immediately took Samuel in, but any of the medics didn’t look too sure if he would survive, not only were there chemicals dripping out of his neck, but he was grossly unshaven, weak and unhealthy from Harret’s harsh treatment. How would they explain what happened? They’d have to uncover Harret, when they find the Tossina infection in Nathan, and find Samuel in a condition that resembled that of anorexia. Kerrigan sighed, and turned her thought toward Heather. A bullet has gone right through her. Its bad enough to have one hit you in the first place, but now she has a hole in her body. Nathan… was literally exhausted, had several wounds from fighting a Carnefice, Tossina infection, and those from Jared… None of Nathan’s ailments were necessarily life-threatening, but that of Heather and Samuel certainly were. Kerrigan gasped and turned around, hearing a door open. Nathan emerged, accompanied by a nurse who led him over toward Kerrigan. Nathan was half-smiling, but had several bandages covering his neck and face, and some visible under his cut and slashed clothing. “Your brother here is quite healthy, and you should expect a fast recovery in no more than two weeks.” “What about Heather? Or Samuel?” The nurse shook her head. “Not so good. Heather has a ruptured pancreas, and will need some in-depth surgery to take care of it. Samuel has a dangerously high amount of Cyanide, which, in any volume, is usually fatal, but for about ten minutes after the initial… injection, in this case, then he’d just appear unconscious, but is sentient. Its been more than ten minutes, so its not looking good.” Nathan wasn’t smiling anymore, but with his sister, looking up at the nurse who explained the dire situation. “As we get closer, we’ll be able to determine if they’ll live.” [And unless I get another grand divine inspiration to continue, the next update will be the last one. o: ]
  6. [i got a little carried away... and made a 4-page update.] Seeing a chance to attack, Nathan ran toward Jared and climbed up the trembling limbs, struggling to support the Imponitore despite the absence of one limb. Nathan aimed one last Inimical shot at Jared’s remaining body, the crosshairs pinpointing where Jared’s heart would be. He pulled the trigger, and for the first time saw the gory effects of an Inimical shot on a human-like body, now exposing Tossina-covered organs. Abhorring, Nathan tried stepping back, but stumbled and fell backward, falling to the ground loudly, weakly struggling to move away. Jared continued roaring behind him, and miraculously, both he and Nathan got to their feet once more, clearly unable to do so for much longer. “Nathan! Get down!” Nathan looked behind himself, and saw Samuel standing in the middle of the room with Jared’s assault rifle in his arms. He fired three bullets, before the harsh recoil from the blasts knocked the gun out of Samuel’s hands uncontrollably. Nathan began making his way to the side of the room, to clear the space between Jared and Samuel, who frantically picked up the firearm and reloaded it. The Imponitore was limping on three legs, obviously as fast as it could. Now knowing what to expect, Samuel pulled the trigger back again, taking each blow to his shoulder, as Jared’s body shook violently, some bullets proceeding to plow right through parts of his body. Dazed, Jared stood, having sustained heavy fire, but was mounted once more by Nathan, with his shining, bloodstained knife in hand. This was it. Nathan slammed his knife in to Jared’s back, puncturing through about half of his massive body, while Nathan pulled the knife up, causing it to slice a huge gash through the Imponitore. Nathan pulled the blade out, shaken by the Tossina that seemed to pour from Jared’s body, as he collapsed to the ground, quite idle. Nathan stepped off of the foul creature, exhausted. “Nathan, Are you alright?” Samuel called out as he ran over to his son, and helped him stand up. Nathan panted, “Yeah… A little… tired…” He gasped out between breaths, as he was soon accompanied by his two sisters as well. They helped him over toward one of the walls, where he sat himself down. “You did good.” Samuel told him, smiling. Despite the pain in his shoulder and leg, he felt happier than he had for three years, having been told this. Smiling back, he reached out and hugged Samuel, his heart still pounding from his battle a short few moments ago. He was just tired from the sudden change of activity, his wounds were certainly painful but not fatal. Ignoring them, Nathan got to his feet once more after a few moments passed. He looked for an exit, aside from where they had entered. His eyes met two doors, one looked like it was leading to simply a closet, and the other must have been a way out. Heather and Kerrigan eagerly walked over toward the larger of two doors, but Nathan hesitated. Something was different. His eyes went to Jared’s idle body, as he approached it cautiously. “No…” Samuel spoke under his breath as Nathan did so, still sounding rather disturbed. Nathan saw a trail of blood leading between the Imponitore and the alleged utility closet. Near its door, was the writhing body of Jared, still partly mutilated, detached from the Imponitore remains. The legless torso was bleeding profusely from mortal wounds, but threw one clawed hand up at the doorknob and hurried in. “Nathan, Go.” Samuel instructed and readied the assault rifle once more and strode energetically toward the open door. Nathan stepped aside, not having the strength to fight back, and absentmindedly watched. “If I can’t have this project succeed… Nobody will!” Jared’s half Imponitore voice echoed through the room, followed by a gasp from Samuel. He then stepped backward, and stumbled, looking rather taken aback, and turned to Nathan, revealing a large syringe embedded in his lower neck. Samuel collapsed under his weight, idle, with a glazed look in his eyes already. Just as lithe and disgusting as before, Jared crawled out in to the open, gradually slowing down. He was thrown back by the force of an Inimical shot, fired on sight by Nathan who proceeded to overkill with his knife and gun. With no further signs of life, Jared’s remains were quite obliterated. With a new wave of energy running through his body, Nathan ran over to Samuel, and tried checking him for life. His pulse was dangerously low, but still there nonetheless. “Heather! Get over here!” She and Kerrigan complied, uneased by what just happened. “Look at this syringe… What do we do?” “Take it out!” Heather did so, and inspected it. “… NaCN, Ketamine… Novocaine…” A horrified look came over her face, as she read the contents of the syringe. The chemicals inside were primarily Potassium Cyanide, one of the fasted and most fatal poisons available, and Ketamine and Novocaine would cause, most likely, permanent damage to the victims nervous system, provided it survived. “We have to get him to a hospital! NOW!” Heather called out, as Nathan promptly picked up the near lifeless Samuel and ran out the door, muscles aching all over his body, with his sisters running at equal speed behind him. Nathan kicked the door open, and as soon as it swung out to hit the hallway wall, red flashes of light and an all-too-familiar siren blared out, with an automated voice in the background announced unauthorized entry in the sector, ‘Code D, Pursue at all risk’. Not wanting to wait to see how security may respond to the past few events, Nathan continued careening down the hallway, hearing doors behind him burst open as he passed, followed by the protesting voices of several… people, Nathan didn’t care to check if they were security, battalion, or civilian. Nathan rammed down one more door, and ran in to what must be a break room, seeing several scientists abandoning vended foodstuff and coffee, in a frenzy about the room. Wildly, Nathan looked at the rooms walls, and found two more doors, One of which with a large green ‘Exit’ sign over it. “OUT OF THE WAY!” Nathan bellowed as he kicked over the table in the middle of the room, still carrying Samuel. As soon as he reached the exit, gunshots sounded behind him. Not wasting any time, he ran through the doorway, and tossed Samuel up on to his right shoulder, using his left hand to fire several shots from his pistol back in to the doorway as it closed. He wasn’t left handed, and accordingly hit none of his targets, and used the closed door to delay his opponents as he ran down one last hallway, with windows in the double doors at the end, to reveal a dark night sky. With his sisters following close behind, Nathan kicked open the last door, the air pressure difference sending a wave of wind down the hallway. Nathan ran outside, and readjusted Samuel on his shoulder as he ran out, realizing how heavy his father was and how tired he was himself. He searched the area for any signs of his car, and had forgotten where he parked. Kerrigan was running off to the right, for what reasons Nathan didn’t know, but ultimately decided to follow. They made their way toward a parking garage, which he had hidden behind so many hours ago. The rapid firing assault rifles sounded behind him, hearing a bullet move by his head, narrowly missing it. He turned to look behind him, and shot a few rounds before hearing Heather cry out in pain, who was gripping her chest, and falling to the ground, bleeding. “Kerri!” Nathan called out to get her attention as he continued shooting back at Harret. Kerrigan ran back and quickly picked up and carried her sister back, soon accompanied by Nathan. Harret was on to their plan, however. Nathan’s heard skipped a beat when he heard several engines rev up and start, as a number of what must be Harret’s original assault tank rolled over the terrain towards the fleeing Torrns. Nathan didn’t stop himself in time and lightly impacted the side of his truck as he approached, and reached for the door, but had locked the car. He loudly cursed, and dug through his pockets for the keys, having difficulty keeping Samuel aloft. “Nathan! Here!” Kerrigan called out, and waved her set of keys in the air for Nathan to see, and then tossed them to him. He thought to himself about how he had, once again, tried to handle a problem himself without accepting any help from his family, but pushed the thought to the back of his head, deciding to deal with it later, and grabbed the airborne keys, and unlocked the car as fast as he could, the gunfire growing louder. He finally opened the door, and carefully and quickly placed Samuel in the back seat inside the cab, as Nathan rammed the keys in to the ignition and started the car. “No, Nathan, Wait!” Kerrigan had only just opened the door and was trying to maneuver the struggling Heather inside. Nathan reached out and grabbed Heather harshly by the shoulder, pulled her inside and rushed Kerrigan to get inside. As soon as she stepped in, Nathan let off of the brakes and floored the accelerator, the tires squealing under the sudden change of activity, leaving marks in the little pavement that surrounded the small garage. As they pulled out in to the open, everyone inside loudly screamed as the windows of the doors shattered, and more bullet holes appeared in the windshield and backside, followed by more rounds puncturing the side of the car, Without daring to stop, Nathan turned around, turning sharply to get out of the line of fire, and made his way to the torn down outer gate, and proceeded to speed along the poorly paved road, the headlights of several vehicles visible in the rearview mirrors. Nathan cursed again, and focused on avoiding various potholes and cracks in the road, careening now at some 65 MPH along the back-country roads, trying to outrun the numberless amount of units chasing him down. [OMGSEVERE CLIFFHANGER TIEMZ]
  7. Thanks Arkcher!!! *hands Arkcher a brand new Mac laptop* Wooh! -hugs Mac-
  8. (.wav files are really big, size-inefficient files. MP3 is about the best quality and smallest size.) Provided you have a mic, you could just use the sound recorder that comes with PC's, (program with Windows) and then use an audio converting program (such as Switch. free software that will convert audio files. made by NCH, google them.) and either email it to Horatio, or try posting it here.
  9. [updaet tiemzz!] "I'm afraid I can't let you do this, Nathan." He stopped, and saw Jared standing in the middle of the wide room they stood in now, completely empty save themselves alone. Jared had removed his shirt completely, and in this light, it was clear that he was quite muscular. "If you and Samuel escape here, then Harret is meaningless. One, or Both, no, All... of you must stay here." As he spoke, Jared glanced to the side, and when Nathan did accordingly, he saw Kerrigan and Heather standing a safe distance away. "And what, you're going to try to keep us here?" Nathan snorted back, but Samuel gave Nathan a rather serious look. "Well, thats the intention..." Samuel looked down at his assault rifle, as if it had become plastic and useless. He sighed, and threw the gun to the side of the room, the magazine sliding out from the impact. Confused, Nathan looked back at Jared, and glanced back at Samuel, who looked rather alert and uncomfortable. A somewhat quiet moan came from Jared, who cringed slightly, but he gradually grew in to a generic shout, his muscles tensed. Nathan stepped back upon seeing Jared’s limbs considerably increase in size, the flesh at his arms splitting and opening at points, revealing Tossina and blood, but lengthened while claws appeared at his fingertips. He lost balance, but caught himself as what looked to be two additional limbs burst out of his side, and lower in to four legs, and in little time at all, the distorted mutated body of an Imponitore stood where Jared once was, towering over Nathan, standing in a pool of human blood and Tossina, with segments of Jared’s clothing hanging off of the Imponitore. Nathan drew his handgun, and listened to the reassuring, almost comforting sound of its elaborate mechanical intern shift as it loaded a bullet and Inimical capsule. With his knife in the other hand, Nathan stood ready. Jared almost seemed as if he were waiting for Nathan to do this, as not until after he did so would Jared let out a loud roar and charge heavily toward Nathan, now with agile, bladed limbs. Nathan took two steps toward the Imponitore, and lunged forward and landed between its legs, aimed straight up at the underside of the beast, and put two shots in before scurrying out, the Imponitore thrashing about its immediate vicinity. Nathan skidded to a halt, and turned around and found himself just as they were a few moments ago. Nathan breathed in, and ran towards his opponent, with his knife raised. Gripping it firmly, he jumped up in the air and brought the blade down, but as soon as he had done so, the Imponitore had lithely thrown one limb in Nathan’s path, the sudden impact causing him to be cast off to the side and crash in to the ground, still with both armaments in hand. Not relenting, Nathan got to his feet and noticed how the wind had been knocked out of his lungs, and he struggled to breathe. He moved one hand toward his chest and aimed his gun with the other, and shot four rounds before he ran off to the side, breathing very loudly. Jared made his way toward Nathan’s previous position, standing tall, looking unharmed. With more agility than one would think possible for a creature of such mass, the Imponitore stepped toward Nathan and thrust one bladed limb at Nathan, who promptly lunged out of the way, barely enough to avoid impalement. Not soon enough to avoid damage, as the blade cut through Nathan’s clothing, tearing through his jeans and making a cut at his shin. Nathan landed with a loud grunt, as he rolled in to a kneeling position, gripping his wound. He looked up and aimed with his gun, in time to see the joint of one of the massive limbs swing in his direction, causing him to topple over once more, now more vulnerable. He looked up at the Imponitore, now identifying what hit him. It was the especially thick-carapaced knee, or large joint of one of four limbs, has a tough exterior, but from the angle Nathan laid at, he could see several veins and not as much protection on the underside. Drawing his attention to his vulnerable position, he rolled his body out of the way of the bladed side of Jared’s limbs, and with his knife in hand, ignored the pain in his right leg and ran underneath Jared once more, and jumped up and grabbed at the upper part of the massive appendage, intending to lodge his knife in the vulnerable backside, but looked up at the top part of the Imponitore… Standing atop the large, sharp four limbs was strangely, but surely, the upper part of Jared’s human torso grown in, one side of it overgrown and flowing with Tossina, almost solidifying it in to biomatter. The intricate growth covered parts of his head as well, as he led out a loud roar and his large clawed human hands swiped down and knocked Nathan off, leaving a trail of blood in the air as he descended. The blood splattered to the ground, trailing from Nathan’s left shoulder, up his neck and across his face. He got to his feet once more, cringing immensely, now realizing he wouldn’t last a lot longer in this battle. He had few oppurtunities to actually inflict damage, and even less opportunities presented themselves now. Nathan raised his gun one more time, now taking care to aim at the underside of the furthest limb that supported Jared’s mutilated body, as he pulled the trigger, and when the loud gunblast faded, the Imponitore’s roar accompanied by Jared’s screaming echoed through the hall, as he collapsed down on one side. They both were reaching their end, and with this sudden turn of events, it was hard to see who would claim victory. [stupid Wupid Imponitores. >( always... confusing everyone, and adding suspense to everything.]
  10. Nobody knows why the pickle likes Emily the Strange. That is because She doesn't like to eat bugs. Anyway, the pickle murdered the cucumber. The cucumber's name was Harry Cubby McBubbbub. He decided to ride his unicyle to the Big Evil Supermart. He bought a money bag. However, the money was Moneylovers wife, And ate pie. But poisoned pie. So, Moneylover died, Then died again. After the continuous dying, he stopped eating the penguins. He disliked innards, Like a lot. But that's okay as he was addicted to the smell of the dancing leprechaun on excess cow poo. When he finished sniffing the poo, He drank Cherry-Coke, and then he died. They buried him in Cow poo.So everyone else slept in the cow poo again. So this ended When we all said bye to cow poo... again. Then TBFOF became the richest boy with two noses and five tongues. and he died. The bugs came, ate his arm, and regurgitated them. TBFOF then revived! Now he's puke. MW stepped in some cow poo. So she barfed. And TBFOF lived no more, ever.The poor kid needs a bath Or a shower. No, a coffin. Hygeine is good. That's why I'm taking a shower in some poo. So i smelled like moldy gorgonzola. More poo... yup. And then we ran to the Boobah home base! The crowds went "TAKE A SHOWER!" Then you went to a store with a bathroom and many watermelons. Mushroom_king spazzed out when she saw a vampire pickle that danced and sang like a very rabid squirrel named Skwerlhugger Will. The squirrel then danced like pickles in the rain wearing cowboy boots with a fedora. Then the beast started to dance on people's heads, then got keelingyoudead'ed. With a million the people said. So they ouched and fell down. Suddenly, a giant chocolate chip kookie squished them with cow poo And a Hippo. That had much diamond bracelets with unwanted body hair. The hippo's name was Larry King. But it ate my computer's harddrive while doing a headstand on a Hoops' awesome head. Now she has feeling very, very cow poo-like. oopsie poopsie toes. And also very in cowboy boots and a hat that greatly resembled A big pineapple with fluffernutter ears and puppydog eyes and arachnid limbs. then it fell In Cow poo. Then it died. The fecomaniacal zombie had some pie. A cow pie. And then MW barked up the cherry micicle tree till cow poo fell on her ZEEKY BOOGY DOOG and the hydrogen bomb blew up. Raining giant cupcakes that resembled big orange slippery potatoes. Alas, they were slimy, smelly slugs and cow poo that just died. due to a lack of some orange flavored jello with double cheese and some pants in its face. then an explosion of pure Phazon which mutated into a marshmellow of sticky, yummy explosions Of much doom. which caused economic skyrockets in the purple pulsating sky of planet SR388. Which has thirty-one hunter-class Metroids and they stunk like moldy brie. But its okay Because Emily the elephant earred octopus isn't a Metroid. And it sucked Horatio's brain out. However, Meta-Ridley swoops like a rock Onto Kraid who decides to sing. Everyone went deaf and danced a silly little jig of fatal doom in a runaway ambulance that was on teh highway heading towards Luigi's half-way existing mansion and Mario's house, when all-of-a-sudden Bowser came and ate Mario's very favorite rabid rabbit pie and Cow poo. Causing the ambulance's red siren to make blatting noises while blood was turned into Soda that tasted like EXPLOSIONS OF DOOM. This caused economic backfire across the marshmellow jellied cherries and the moon made of cheese. Rotten, smelly cheese that has been in outer space for ten minutes. Then the monkey ate a bananana that was poisned. And then he started running in your general direction. So I headed away, over there into a tube, out of danger hidden underneath a steaming heap of roasted sunflower seeds that someone farted into outer space. by sunflower seeds, Then they exploded. The TARDIS landed that killed everyone. Then the aliens Of the family-Slitheen all died miserable slow, agonizing and very horrible deaths. So we vanquished an entire bowl of cow poo. I then materialised into our digestive systems. And he exploded. Beware the were-rabbit who just might be your next small chicken pie, with mashed potatoes and purple gravy. So do not consider eating the cinesra with toast and pickled marzipan. Rather eat pickled, pickled marzipan? Yum... Marzipan is delectable. Unlike Horatio's sunflower, which is very purple and chunky with edinayc flavoured, whipped cream covered strawberry flavored clams. In other news, someone tried them with Metroid Sprinkles. They were yummy. So they had a close encounter with some poo. Chocolate marshmallow poo covered with almonds, pecans, walnuts, peanuts, blueberrys, ants and explosive mushrooms of ancient Roman origin. We then put sonic, shadow, knuckles in small plastic bags covered in faux aligator skin. Then TBFOF sang Speed of Sound with a bottle filled with delicious yummy cheese wiz. When he finished designing birthday cakes he exploded over then he sold the excellent cakes to Israeli spies to explode them. The Israeli spies with extreme yumminess of great doom causing small hats in the shape of a sword which prods people to spontaneously combust, to lead a band in pressure points. After cleaning ELE's hairy underarms, she scratched her bum causing temproal destruction and itchless bum syndrome. Toilets flew into Horatio, injuring his only pickle. Pickle was buried in Hot Topic. Robot Bob Barker was then shot In Limetid too by Dr.Watson's hat. Emily the strange and Ruby Gloom sat inside a giant cow "pie" driving pea-shaped cars. The cow gravy was part of a very odorous, Horrid Meat Grinder. An exquisite corpse did a funky and revived itself using a Phoenix with music by anyone but Pink-Floyd and lemon-demon. Yogurt was very Stoopid after the crash made newspaper headlines, but nobody cared, because ZZ Top and the Yogurt were in the tabloids with False Accusations. Summarized, everything is Squeaky Guinea Pigs and RootBeer Floats. Flesh-eating bacteria took over, then aliens from Mars and Trent The Brunette disliked being insulted. Twenty thousand weasles saw Totoro's cat-bus arrive because he's crazy and wanted to eat club crackers, ride around town and drink rootbeer with Vera Lynn. Not to mention Bush was there wearing a makeshift lampshade made of Osama-Bin-Laden's hair and Cow poo. He was attacked and went back to the pickle and Spongbob Squarepants. Vanilla Star Hamster fails to appear in this story but writes her a screaming Howler stating that TGHL, the pesky Phoenix, was also Superman dressed in a flying carpet hat and a hairy giant toupee thingy. On his feet were marshmallow candles surrounded by magenta lightsaber weilding ninjas and invisable, massless objects. Made of balloons and filled with arsenic, TGHL's feet scratched a giant mountain made of puos pin tac and big rubber hamster swimming caps. The Mountain was named 'Mt. Whatthe after the question' and had two scraggley craggely peaks with purple cherries and Evil Teachers. Due to malfunctions roaming the landscape Arkcher The UNPIRATE, glad he wasn't a Smily, was a . Andy the Emo wrote a song about crying over life, the universe, and everything. Stupid and worthless Preppies decided murder was afoot. "OMG!!!!!!" They said. Then Jackalope Bob, suddenly felt very dead. The Preppies tried to murder MK's massive signature and smiley. Everyone hates the orange marching mosquitos that drink OJ and like to sing "Body Language" by Invision CodeRed which is not the best song or the smelliest. Some Squashed Flies destroyed the hat of assorted feces and chocolate goodness. Emily the Strange returned with Chickens fried in poo and covered with spam. Looking for a way to poo, they ate her. The beast and Dr. Hoogeywackawoowoo and her little dog too caused volcanic eruptions. Space and time were torn asunder by faceless Children with meat grinders, purple combat wombats and pogo sticks made of rotten, weezing Stick figures which smelled like Dior's Pure Poison. MK's massive signature which occupied three-hundred-eighty-two-million handicapped parking spaces, Gerald Scarfe Animations, MGM studios and Stephen King's imagination, and a monkey. The monkey died. We had monkey kill Stephen King who narrowly escaped by eating his own poisoned sunflower seed and Peter Griffin. MK's signature died and everyone rejoiced. Mk killed everyone except for Trent, TGHL and Horatio and us Hampsterdancers. Yeah, man. We decided to form The Mushroom Army. The boy with Immovable hair isnt very great. At all. So MK keelingyoudeaded Arkcher. Trent got Keelyoudead by Val hawyn who later ate Trent. MK cried because she had a broken meat-grinder. Val Hawyn vomited up Trent dramatically. He is puking a berger. Then Lynryd Skynryd performed an odd dance for Astronomy Domine and a hat. CHAPTER 2!!!! Anyways, the pickle Got Vodka'd badly by Emily, who Trentnapped Mk's crush. But we don't think about anything like Bergers, or hot Cream-of-Mushroom soup. We hope Mushroom_King likes rerererererererefried beans. Exponential AK-47s were stolen using the chaos theory by some cheese and the evil dumptruck warfare tactics. Incidentally, no-one's posting because Max is taking too long eating beef cubes to be healed through Clazzik's philosiphy. Consequently, mercury lasagna flung itself at the purple man-eating monkeys made of cow and llama poo. Philosophical underwear proposterously found MK's broken heart, and silently wept. That was wierd for Trent, so, he lieked berger, punch, and Pie with whipped cream, walnuts in fudge-sauce. Whatever, man. Instead, combo number five liked Eric Clapton. Shrunken heads flew into brick trees at the concert of The Doors. Jim Morrison said, "john, jacob, jinkelheimer-schmidt", followed by "Wrong, do it again!". A war began between cheese, squirrels, and Classic Rockers with pies. Emily joined the killing, fluffy bunny grenades exploded on Bush. That was fun. Then cheney shot and after that, we added four words and then some, without deleting quotes, bacon! Luigi's Mansion was eaten by Chuck Norris and "Weird Al" Yankovic in a contest about building man-eating contest stadium with Game Boy Advances and leprechaun flavored Megaman X Clones. They were poo, solidified, calcified poo! But that's not the least of it, if you count bumping the topic and tasty pasta. Since nobody's adding, MK found Trent under the Mistletoe. Chickens kissed pies that arn't 133t enough to be magenta dancing hippopotami. Foreigner, Rush, R.E.M and Pink Floyd all died somehow. Arkcher died for adding that. Too many words brought back Sheena who brought some-AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! JEFF TROPHIES! They died due to Joey Ramone violently smashing their. Alphaville's "Forever Young" brought back memories. Nachos, Nachos, Nachos, MW loves nachos. Especially the ones signed by Bob, moosey's sanity, duh. Netgear makes routers with Bob Dylan. My spleen has suddenly erupted with Diet Dr. Pepper which made me just sorta die. illudium Q-36 space [AWND AHNULD SWATZAHNAYGEH] modulator with bugs got Ninja-Pirate'd Joey-Ramone-ishly fish. Monkey bread. George Thorogood and. Weird periods are taking over the entire entity of Invader Zim's friend frederbob the magnificent Loveded The Piggy until it died. We had bacon. Floor Made Sammiches. Floor gained exp. Floor Level Up!
  11. [OMG I can't believe this died!!!] [Correction: Onoz, Topic Died.]
  12. My PC here crashed a few minutes ago amid not-very-challenging tasks, and when I rebooted, Windows tells me that 'Windows has recovered from a serious problem. Click here to report this to Microsoft'. well, of course, They need to know how to make OS' correctly, so I send it. This is what happens. Hitting Close wont do anything. I might just get a mac. And yes, I have a really cool wallpaper. =D
  13. sorry, I couldnt help myself. XD -cackles uncontrollably-
  14. Arkcher


    /r/ MOAR o: You see the topic where I had a lot of things like these, only they were relatively crumpled up papers from when I was like 7?
  15. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *sprays coffee all over Adam* *screammmmmmmmmmmssssssssssss* Arkcher, that is hysterical!!!!!!!!! I love it!!!!!!!!!!! *hands Arkcher some freshly baked muffins* Hooray for muffins. =D
  16. I think its a bit of overreacting and the misconception that guys are actually smart enough to mean something in the first place. It sounds to me like hes being straightforward already and just pointing out that you're both in a lot of classes. and getting used to seeing you so much during the day, I would think just means that he foresees some awkward situations, if he knows that you used to like him. If not, then I would bet he doesnt really mean anything by this. I agree with you. GUYS can be confusing sometimes. But still you dudes, no matter who you are, ARE a little confusing sometimes. I guess IT'S BEcause you don't speak "girl". but i don't really spEAk "girl" i speak more "guy" well for speaking Guy pretty good, I didnt understand hardly any of that post. XD Hey what you want from me I am a girl. There I fixed it. Is it any better? or do I need to re-read "dude speak for dummies"? Do stay calm. but I do think its safe to say that for both sides, it seems, the opposite gender is a perpetual enigma. or plain old mystery. If guys are so stupid, then why are you using "perpetual enigma" in your sentance??? and I am calm I'm in the best mood I've been in for the past 3 weeks. Different kinds of stupid.
  17. In a way. But mostly its just that Guys are stupid. Whoa! dissin' yourself? Well its true.
  18. copyrights were infringed on my Youtube channel seeing how about 90% of the videos were all Aqua Teen Hunger Force clips. o: Even though it quite blatantly said in the descriptions that I didnt make them and that Im just showing off how awesome they are.
  19. In a way. But mostly its just that Guys are stupid.
  20. [This turned out a lot longer than I thought it would. o: but Update tiemz!11!11] Firmly gripping his gun in his right hand, Nathan grabbed at the side rails, now diagonal to him, and tried pulling himself up. This would stall him for only so long, He needed some sort of diversion. Although, by some chance, This was a diversion in itself. Trying to balance atop the side of the grated platform, he heard loud bangs behind him, and glanced back to see Jared evacuating the collapsing tower of metal, jumping down from one platform to another. Upon landing on the ground, one Carnefice made its way toward him, as he ran for the door, and hurriedly pried one key inside of it. Narrowly avoiding a sharp bladed tail, he dodged out of the Carnefice’s path as it rather impaled the door, creating a large hole. Nathan double checked to make sure his gun was set to Inimical before fending off the Carnefice’s with firepower to exceed most magnum weapons, and as the beasts recoiled back from the high-caliber projectiles, Nathan jumped down to the ground and ran after the escaping General Mills. The enraged Carnefices pursued them, as the two sprinted down the hall, now with little intent on killing each other, rather getting themselves to safety. Nathan kept himself running at full speed, with his gun still in hand. He turned his head around, and saw only a solid wall of Carnefice running after him. He then directed his attention to where he was going, but as he looked ahead, a blindingly bright light was illuminating the dark hallways he sprinted through, as he emerged in to what looked like a much bigger, brighter version of the room they just escaped. Still running, Nathan tried to adjust his eyes upon hearing the nearby Jared call out ‘Open Fire!’ and Nathan looked up at hundreds of Harret’s battalions ready atop the multiple leveled platforms, distinguishable by the bright flashes of gunfire. To Nathan’s astonishment, he wasn’t hit. He kept himself running straight ahead, toward what looked to be a small enclosed area, perhaps an office or smaller storage unit. It had a rather large, thick door on it, however… As it drew closer, Nathan stopped and looked around to see several battalions leaving their positions and engaging the oncoming force of some twenty Carnefices, to either close the space between them or for melee combat, it was hard to tell. Regardless, Jared was nowhere to be seen. An abnormally loud Carnefice roar sounded over the gunfire, as Nathan directed his attention toward a larger than normal Carnefice, careening toward him despite the constant stream of bullets being emptied in to its body from all sides, causing it to trail no small amount of blood and Tossina. After letting out fairly audible curses, Nathan ran off to the side to avoid a fate similar to his best friends’, and ran before hearing the Carnefice smash in to that enclosure he was standing before moments ago. Nathan slowed his pace, turned around and saw that it had easily broken down two walls, including the massive door. The Carnefice didn’t move, but bright blue and red colors caught Nathans eye, causing him to curiously draw closer to the wreckage. “Nathan!” He heard Heather calling out to him from behind some of the wreckage. Nathan’s heart skipped a beat as he finally got close enough to see that Heather was, indeed, in the remnants of the enclosed room. She looked to be pinned to the ground by a portion of the wall that collapsed, which Nathan promptly lifted up and pushed out of the way. “Kerrigan and Dad are in here, too!” “What?!” Heather looked at the rest of the wrecked room and saw Kerrigan pushing herself against one of the remaining walls that stood, to avoid the wreckage. Heather made her way over to her sister, as Nathan began digging through the collapsed walls to look for Samuel. The wall wasn’t much effort to move, fortunately being light and thin, but still sturdy enough to have done some damage. Nathan glanced off to the side and saw a large quantity of idle Carnefices, but even more dead Harret battalions. Nathan’s gloved hands finally met something that wasn’t stone, and must have been some part of Samuel buried under the wall. “Dad! I’m here, Its alright…” Nathan excitedly uncovered Samuel and helped him get to his feet. It was obvious he was rather sore and weakened, but apparent that, despite the chances, he didn’t have any broken bones. The two looked at each other for a moment, before hugging each other rather tightly. “Come on, we have to get out of here.” Nathan called out to his family, and made his way out of the smashed enclosure, and looked around, the fight between battalion and Carnefice was dying down. “We cant stay in here for a lot longer… but Where do we go?” Nathan thought aloud, searching the room for any visible exit. He glanced at Samuel behind him, who was scanning for an exit as well. “Up there!” Heather exclaimed, pointing up at some of the grated platforms that led to a door rather high up. Wordlessly, they all made a run for the nearest ramp, and realized that the door was some three levels up. Not relenting, Nathan led the way, turning his head constantly to strategize how to get up. He resorted to plowing through a line of Harret’s gunmen, knocking several of them down some ten feet to the ground, but making a path for his family to follow. They made their way up one more ramp, before hearing the gunmen and battalions stir and shout, before one finally announced ‘Imponitore!’ as, unmistakably, a creature larger than a Carnefice broke through the hallway entrance. “Go! Go! We have to get out of here!” Samuel shouted over the gunshots, fearfully looking down at the rampaging Imponitore, who was, just as Seth described, bearing a resemblance to a four-legged arachnid, but still having a tail and head similar to a Carnefice. Nathan glanced down at it as well, to see that it was being shot at, but having either reinforced carapace or thick enough skin to stop bullets, as it seemed impervious to the attacks that Harret threw out. Not wanting to stick around to see how it goes, Nathan continued making his way up, ignoring the final cries of defeat from countless ‘supersoldiers’ which lacked the genetic enhancement unique to Nathan alone. At the same time, the gunfire eventually quieted down, the attackers being cut short. Nathan saw the last ramp in sight, occupied by a number of Battalions which Nathan decided not to hinder, they needed as much time as they could get. “Go back! Theres another ramp that way!” Nathan called out, pointing behind his followers as they quickly changed direction, Nathan at the back. Looking down through the grated metal, the Imponitore was making its way toward the grated platforms. “Go! Go!” Nathan shouted out, as they all scrambled up the ramp, before losing balance from the violently shaking platforms. Now on the ground, Nathan saw the Imponitore grabbing at the support beams and prying at them, apparently aware that it would affect its attackers and targets. Now with dangerously little time left, Nathan ran up the sloped metal as fast as he could, saw Samuel hurrying his daughters through the door before a loud screeching sound filled the room, as the support beam was ripped apart from the wall, and being pulled to the ground, the partially rusted grates snapping apart. “Nathan, watch out!” Samuel called out as the metal structure was dividing, and Nathan ran out, and lunged out toward Samuel as the platform he was standing on seconds ago came crashing to the ground quite loudly. Nathan jumped up to his feet and darted through the door with Samuel following close behind. [now The story could end here, but theres some other things that haven't happened yet. so A few more updates to come. No more than three, I expect. D=]
  21. ok im listening to it right now! good job! thanka-lanks. ;] ur welcome-elcome! (not as good as thanks-lanks but i tried!) Hey now don't steal my idea *patents thanka-lanks* Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. or the prime example of copywrite infringement. XD As i've been harshly informed by Youtube. They delete all'a my videos. D= Oh... I am sorry to hear that. well Its not as bad as it could have been. I'd rather have them simply deleted rather than them suing me, so..
  22. ok im listening to it right now! good job! thanka-lanks. ;] ur welcome-elcome! (not as good as thanks-lanks but i tried!) Hey now don't steal my idea *patents thanka-lanks* Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. or the prime example of copywrite infringement. XD As i've been harshly informed by Youtube. They delete all'a my videos. D=
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