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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I feel like writing another review. o: Dont expect these real often, I just writes them when I have time to. anyway. Possibly the best game evar, and a common favorite among a vast number of HDers, I'll be reviewing o: SUPRA SMASH BRUDDER'S MELEE. ... 5/7. yeah. 5/7. Exclusively for Gamecube, a... action/fighting game, rated T. (I think it should be E though.) This was the first game I saw in action for Gamecube, and it was just about the most awesome thing anyone could possess in this world. I bought me a Gamecube as soon as I could, and this was the first game to accompany it. When you first get it, you may find it slightly uninteresting, but as you progress and unlock more features, It gets WAY up there. This has to be the best fighting style game I've ever played. Whats unique about it, though, is that rather than the traditional stamina beat-your-opponent-to-a-bloody-pulp kind of action, No matter how many times your character gets shot, stabbed or bashed, they still stand tall, unharmed. They are, however, more easy to knock away with strong attacks as their damage meters increase. The object of the game is to knock your opponent off of the stage, causing them to either fall to an inexplicable, detonating demise, or hitting them far enough that they just... 'die' from the side. Same for upward, flinging them upward far enough seems to take them out. But with no blood at all, this game is suitable for a number of people. (in my opinion.) Should you get frustrated with the elaborate Metroid games, or die one too many times in Zelda, You can pop in SSBM here and take it out on the said failing character. very satisfying. As you keep going, you unlock up to 25 characters, a few playing stages, gameplay modes, and so on. After you've unlocked and beaten everything, replayability can only go so far. Replayability, I'd say 4/7. The game will NEVER get old if you have one or two friends to do it with, multiplayer is undoubtably the best I've seen. Should you be in it alone... wow, two rounds and you're ready for something else. Graphics, 4/7. Very smooth, pretty sharp images, but it all moves much too fast for you to appreciate any of it. The high quality images go by too fast that you do see a nice 3-d image, but it moves too fast. Any character with a variable trail on them (such as capes or dresses or hairstyles) are ALWAYS showing up wrong somehow. They move unnaturally, fold in on themselves, or end up inside out on rare occasions. Although you should keep in mind that these are minor details, and not especially vital to gameplay. You always see and know whats happening, and it has great graphics if you arent in to the detail of it. Audio, 7/7. Awesome soundtrack, very realistic sound effects, great voices, none too loud or quiet, they have fitting and appropriate sounds for everything. Controls, 6/7. Having Y and X for jumping (respectively, both individually do the same thing), maybe its just personal preference, but I dont like that. The Z button wasnt so great for the Grab move, but I do like shielding and defense. The other arrangement of controls and attacks, are great, the C-stick and D-pad are generally useless, but we like them anyway. =D Movement, attacking, and combining attacks are great. Controls have their ups and downs, mostly ups. It has a few little side features, like the Trophy collections. For accomplishing certain tasks (beating 1-player as a certain character or under a certain time, having won so many rounds, so on) you get a Trophy. They're simple 3-d images accompanied by an explanatory caption, summarizing the character or object your trophy is, Even if the trophies give some people nightmares. -cough-MK-cough-. This is nice and fun for about ten minutes, but its really kind of unnecessary and irrelevant. Though one side feature which I am quite fond of is the Event Matches. They're basically scenario fights, nothing too exquisite, but they're usually preset fights. (Classic fight, being Mario with Peach against Bowser, for example.) Most of them include having 3 on 1 fights, or confronting single-player boss characters. I think they're fun. .. They're 1 player, but fun. Overall, if you have a friend to play this game with, this game gets about 12/7 rating. Multiplayer pwns. By yourself, this isnt so great. Good for using up a good half hour of your spare time alone, but after you've unlocked and beaten everything, its just not interesting anymore, Multiplayer is about your only hope. 5/7. Multiplayer pwns, single player not so good.
  2. Who doesn't???? -raises hand- *GASP!!!* shun the no beliver sunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... PROTIP: Halo series is an M-rated knockoff of Metroid series. ;D There are so many similarities its not even funny. If MC is a girl, I'm going to die. No, They had to put SOME differences in the characters so they wouldnt be too similar. Samus' space colony was attacked by the rising dominion of Space Pirates, and the resulting injuries left Samus rather injured and lacking the necessary blood to live. Chozo's found the wreckage, saved Samus by infusing her with some of their own blood, giving her hightened senses, dexterity, agility and reflexes. They also provided her with a custom battle armor with arm-mounted cannon, supporting her in combat. 'John' SPARTAN-117/Master Cheif grew up in a space colony, until he was basically drafted in to military training at age six, and began intensive physical training to become a Spartan soldier. After about eight years, John-117 was infused with a battle suit, and was trained to fight against The Covenant, a rising dominant species. Space Pirates are industrious, advanced insect-resembling creatures, bent on galactic domination, and are sworn enemies of the existing Galactic Federation, and especially against their strongest solider, Samus Aran. The Covenant is an industrious, technologically advanced militaristic creatures best on galactic domination, And are sworn enemies of the existing dominant species, Human, in the United Nations Space Command, And especially enemies of their strongest soldier, Master Chief. The Flood, an infectious parasitical bioform with multiple evolutionary and growth stages and hierarchies. They search for a sufficient bioform host to feed off of, and are capable of infecting and controlling the said creature (or killing it) , often a spartan soldier. Metroids, originally a bioweapon created by Chozos against Space Pirates, are floating parasitical life forms with evolutionary and growth stages. They find sentient existing bioform hosts to feed off of, latching on to them and draining their energy and life force (and allegedly bodily water or blood, as drained targets are generally dry and dehydrated) Ing, a separate force than Metroids, are capable of absorbing energy and technology and fusing it to their bodies, and are also capable of infecting and controlling (or killing) their victim. Forerunners are undeniably there, but never really seen, and are presumed to be extinct. Highly advanced superintelligent species with incredible battle technology, acquired and used in gameplay. Chozos are undeniably there, but never seen in any game, and are presumed to be extinct (after helping Samus, of course) . Highly advanced technological species, as evidenced in Samus' power suit and her wide array of weaponry, while Chozos leave artifacts, statues and technologies throughout the game which are picked up as Samus progresses. The Gravemind is the confirmed head intellect of the Flood, controlling a number of its underlings and the vital leader of the said species. Metroid Prime is, from scans and studies, undeniably a Metroid, powerful and authorative enough to spawn more Metroids and control a number of them. The list goes on, but in short, I'm still convinced that Halo is an M-rated knockoff of Metroid.
  3. Quick review of one of my favored games... Resident Evil 4. Originally for Gamecube, has PS2 and PC ports, recently remade for Wii. Genre, well, RE is notable for being the survival-horror style game, what with main character finding themselves in a hostile land, usually unfamiliar, with no choice but to fight to live and escape, and usually left with little means to do so. Accordingly, its rated M. That being for, well, its a creepy and relatively scary game. Its said to be rated for language and violence, but if you ask me, the violence isnt graphically detailed enough to be anything above T-level. (this being my own opinion.) Language, however, cant easily be explained without spoiling the game, but I will say that a majority of the profanity is spoken in Spanish. so if you've taken spanish classes, this game is not for you. Overall, I'd say its 6 out of 7. Its a very long game, my average run-through has about fifteen hours of gameplay from beginning to end. I have the Gamecube version, which is divided in to two game discs. the first 2/3s of the game are on the first, and as logically expected, the ending is on the second, but Point being that its a long game. Being that long, it certainly has its moments, but parts can get very repetitive and monotonous. You can only make walking-in-to-a-dark-room-Ohnoes-theres-a-zombie-shoot-it-dead actually be scary so many times. The game has a lot of nice plot twists and a number of quite exciting points, so I'd say that overall its hit-or-miss, alternating frequently, its either grippingly awesome, or rather boring, never in between. What I like most about this game, though, is replayability. I've gone through and beaten it about seven times now. (7x15= 105 hours wasted on it) Every time, Im surprised and had overlooked or forgotten some detail or room, or particular enemy. Most interesting though, is the feel of the game. Regardless of the fact I have ALL the biggest, most powerful guns in the game, twelve full-heal items on me, and maximum stamina, I still find myself nervously peeking around the corner in the later parts of the game. The graphics on this game are outstanding for its time. I beleive it was in early '05, maybe '04. (I honestly dont remember, im just guessing) It has a few flaws and imperfections in graphics, but it has the smoothest, best animation I've seen, outperforming all other Gamecube games, giving a crisper, more clear image than Xbox, and higher quality than PS2. (Not sure of PC or Wii.) 7/7 for graphics. Audio, well, it doesnt have any incredibly awesome background music. Its usually the eerie look-out-behind-you music, which is pulled off very well, so dont expect a tune you'll be humming to yourself later in the day. Theres nice clear voices and sound effects, though some foley sounds sound slightly unnatural to me. A pistol gunblast sounds more like a hand slapping a table, for example. A big, massive hand, but a hand nonetheless. I'd say 5/7 for sound. Its up there, but has more noticeable flaws. Controls... I'd have to say 5/7 as well. Frequently you have enemies sneaking up from behind you, and should you stop to look around and fail to notice their heavy breathing, then you have a parasite-infected human strangling you from behind, and its not easy to shake them off, turn around and fight back. You'll get the hang of it, but even after that, its annoying and tricky. For anyone who can tolerate some relatively graphic violence, and seemingly hopeless situations and the occasional subsequent nightmare, This game is highly reccomended. by me. For the more squeamish or easily discomforted by such things, I'd just stay away from the Resident Evil series altogether. I would, though, look at the game overview from Wikipedia, as it will give you the storyline and summary of the game. Again, 6/7, good game, pretty violent, rated M, thank you and goodnight.
  4. Breath of Fire 2. Best RPG of any platform. and is for SNES. ... quite possibly best game EVAR
  5. Who doesn't???? -raises hand- *GASP!!!* shun the no beliver sunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.... PROTIP: Halo series is an M-rated knockoff of Metroid series. ;D There are so many similarities its not even funny.
  6. :blink: Whoa. I thought those thinks only happened on the Tele. You sure about that?
  7. My little lovelife or lack thereof here has kind of turned in to a big chaotic mess of a soap opera, and things change every other day, to the point where I dont have the patience to record it all here. In a nutshell, the past few weeks I've discovered: RPVF still has undying love for Dumbface, despite him deliberately lying to her face and trying to make me look bad RPVF also feels it her god-given duty to stand/sit RIGHT NEXT TO ME in any event we happen to be at Brianrietta did move, and is anxiously awaiting a long enough break so she can come back to town and see her friends RPVF is fully expecting me to start seriously dating her the day I turn 16. like, courting kind of dating, the kind of seriously taking marriage in to thought, is what she has in mind. and what I dont have in mind. Brianrietta Jr., one of two who may take Brianrietta's place in her absence, is a vegetarian. And takes it pretty seriously. The other of two seems to have faded out of flirt-dom and spends her time somewhere else. Maybe a few other things, but none that I can think of offhand right now, i'm real tired and will go sleep nao. Kthnxbai.
  9. Yeah... BIG 'YUGE TREES Trees are nice sometimes, but they tend to block ones view of the sky. the tree in the middle of my house is evil it scratched me. ... You have trees inside your house?
  10. KURT COBAIN Another one of your husbands? NO!!! KURT COBAIN IS MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORTAL KOMBAAAAAT o:< -beings unskillfully beatboxing-
  11. Yeah... BIG 'YUGE TREES Trees are nice sometimes, but they tend to block ones view of the sky.
  12. [that was completely random. And hilarious. I applaud your awesometicity. <5] [And so far, I like the first ending better. ] Wooh. I have two other endings in mind, one of which isnt a setup for a sequel and everything ends relatively happy, but I cant think of how to word it. D= I've been trying at it for like a week and im not getting anything.
  13. 1. Reboot 2. Go to setup and turn off system sounds 3. ???? 4. Profit!! - OPTIONAL: Become an Hero You spend too much time on /b/. x3 OH DID YOU SEE THAT THING ON ANONYMOUS? Hilarious stuff. They actually made a news report on anonymous. I don't remember what network it was on, I just saw it while looking around on *chan. Anonymous is kind of a generalization seeing how its about 98.5% of /b/ population. but yeah, I think it was Fox 11 had an issue with the 'hackers on steroids' and they covered them hacking through various Myspace accounts, putting, uh, questionable imagery about, and making a bomb threat known well. And then a while back, there was another bomb threat from /b/ to happen on the morning of Sept 11th '07, in a highschool somewhere in Texas. Anon is too /b/ig for the internet. Tacgnol vs Longcat! ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE DESTINY Anon is too /b/ig for everyone. They just can't handle the win. And tacgnol vs longcat..? I STILL SAY THEY WOULD BOTH BLOW UP AND BECOME AN HERO. Yeah. I need to lurk moar. Whatever. :< A challenger appears! WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE (I love how Glowy-boy and I have gone on this tangent about photoshopped cats while everyone else is mourning the loss of Julian's awesome car. XD We feel for you, MW.) *hands Arkcher The Platinum Moon with Double Gold Star Award for excellence in creativity* I love that one!!!! I do appreciate it, but I didnt make that. n_n; (And should you be wondering who did, I have no idea.)
  14. 1. Reboot 2. Go to setup and turn off system sounds 3. ???? 4. Profit!! - OPTIONAL: Become an Hero You spend too much time on /b/. x3 OH DID YOU SEE THAT THING ON ANONYMOUS? Hilarious stuff. They actually made a news report on anonymous. I don't remember what network it was on, I just saw it while looking around on *chan. Anonymous is kind of a generalization seeing how its about 98.5% of /b/ population. but yeah, I think it was Fox 11 had an issue with the 'hackers on steroids' and they covered them hacking through various Myspace accounts, putting, uh, questionable imagery about, and making a bomb threat known well. And then a while back, there was another bomb threat from /b/ to happen on the morning of Sept 11th '07, in a highschool somewhere in Texas. Anon is too /b/ig for the internet. Tacgnol vs Longcat! ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE DESTINY Anon is too /b/ig for everyone. They just can't handle the win. And tacgnol vs longcat..? I STILL SAY THEY WOULD BOTH BLOW UP AND BECOME AN HERO. Yeah. I need to lurk moar. Whatever. :< A challenger appears! WHAT HAS SCIENCE DONE (I love how Glowy-boy and I have gone on this tangent about photoshopped cats while everyone else is mourning the loss of Julian's awesome car. XD We feel for you, MW.)
  15. 1. Reboot 2. Go to setup and turn off system sounds 3. ???? 4. Profit!! - OPTIONAL: Become an Hero You spend too much time on /b/. x3 OH DID YOU SEE THAT THING ON ANONYMOUS? Hilarious stuff. They actually made a news report on anonymous. I don't remember what network it was on, I just saw it while looking around on *chan. Anonymous is kind of a generalization seeing how its about 98.5% of /b/ population. but yeah, I think it was Fox 11 had an issue with the 'hackers on steroids' and they covered them hacking through various Myspace accounts, putting, uh, questionable imagery about, and making a bomb threat known well. And then a while back, there was another bomb threat from /b/ to happen on the morning of Sept 11th '07, in a highschool somewhere in Texas. Anon is too /b/ig for the internet. Tacgnol vs Longcat! ULTIMATE SHOWDOWN OF ULTIMATE DESTINY
  16. 1. Reboot 2. Go to setup and turn off system sounds 3. ???? 4. Profit!! - OPTIONAL: Become an Hero Sorry, I tried that. I picked the "no sounds" scheme. And I checked the list of sounds and surprise, none of them are checked. But appearently "no sounds" does not include annoying BEEPS from stupid keyboards. well keyboards are designed so that you hit one button at a time, and if its two, its usually shift or ctrl. The only, ONLY case that windows Keyboards are designed to handle three keys is the three-finger salute (Ctrl+Alt+Delete) . If you get the right kind of USB keyboard, like one designed for gaming, then it will probably handle multiple keys being pressed and probably wont make the computer beep at you. PS/2 connections (now sub-standard, the circular port with cylinders) wont do that, though.
  17. 1. Reboot 2. Go to setup and turn off system sounds 3. ???? 4. Profit!! - OPTIONAL: Become an Hero
  18. ~gags~ how can you eat that!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!??? By putting it on my food, putting that food in my mouth, chewing, and swallowing. ~annoyed face~ No duh. I can't stand guac. I'm with Glowurm... I love guacamole!!!! UGH. You're making me sick. I'm hungry again. that's the third time today. well you havent had any good guacamole then. If its homemade and done right, then its awesome. if you get it at some mexican restaurant kind of place, Even if they have top quality everything-else, their guac still isnt good. needs be homemade and awesome.
  19. 'kay, so I started writing one of those stories. maybe im just... overthinking it, but I really dont think it will go very well. I dont think it will be as good as Torrn Asunder, but this one is a lot more kid-oriented. but yeah, im not seeing it go very well. so The current plan is Imma go two or three updates worth of content, then... post them, and you guys give the word if you want to see more or not. but dont get your hopes up. That way, if its bad, you wont be disappointed, and if its good, then you'll be pleasantly surprised. =D
  20. so As some of you know, I finally finished the Torrn Asunder story, and think its pretty awesome. You should go read it. I couldnt decide which ending to use, so made three or four. As of right now, two are being written and two are finished (and in the topic) for reading. One ending was a set up for a sequel, which I'll probably follow through with, but I cant say for sure. if so, it wont be really soon. I do, however, have ideas for Three other stories. seperate to this one, and the other two stories I have up and... not actively being written (Werewolf, Meritorious Fire) which may or may not even finish. With school starting and all that mess, writing will be slowing down, but in the past week or two, I've got three fresh ideas for some stories. One of them is notably short, and will probably be just one 'update', not being long enough for chapters or segments. One other, I expect would be really long. ... and as I write this here, my mind fails to remember what the last one even was. XD I just woke up, so. ... yeah. I'll remember what it was by the end of the day. Anyway, There'll probably be another story or two popping up in the foreseeable future. Or I might finish MF, since its conveniently stopped like four chapters from the end. either way, expect to see some more stuff. =D
  21. Thanks. =D I do appreciate it. Im writing some other endings right now, but see a good outcome in about all of them. D= and cant decide which to be official.] [ I can always make an ending poll for you. ] [nah, I dont think that'll be necessary. Thanks anyway.]
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