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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. =D I knows it. ... and i dont think anyone else does. . here.
  2. Super Metroid! First Metroid game I played and it was pretty cool. for SNES, seeing how it was released in '91 or so. (Somewhere between '91 and '93, i dont remember exactly.) A GBA port was planned but abandoned. Rating, uh, I really dont remember what the rating is. I'd guess E, since.. it has that kind of content. moving on. Super Metroid is part three of five in the Metroid series, as Nintendo has a knack for releasing games that are in the same series but not releasing them in chronological order. Zelda is a good example of this.) Taking place very shortly before Metroid Fusion, to be later reviewed, Super Metroid is kind of the axis point for the series. It was the best known Metroid game, up until Metroid Prime, but it certainly got everyones attention, deviating from the standard gameplay of its time. Every Metroid game has a unique trait to it, this one has a tool that I havent seen before. Samus has an X-ray scope, so its called, (not to be confused with X-ray visor in Metroid Prime) which will reveal paths and secrets otherwise invisible. Metroid games almost always have very well hidden secrets. In subtle and inconspicuous places are blocks of terrain that, if shot at with the right weapon, will break away and reveal a secret room. Controls in the game, I'd say are 3/7. The layout for controls, that is to say what buttons do what, is different from other SNES games. I find it difficult to maintain speed, charge Samus' beam, aim upward and jump over an obstacle all at once. Such a task is necessary at times. On that note, the physics of Samus' motions are unrealistic and sometimes hard. Should there come a time when you need to wall-jump and make your way up a vertical path, It took me about 20 minutes solid to get used to it. Bad news for someone who uses an emulator. Keyboard controls will mess up SO fast. You need a gamepad on your PC, or the real copy. Graphics, for its time, are 7/7. Simply amazing. For the sake of not spoiling the game, The inevitable large detonation that concludes almost any video game, was rated best animated explosion of '93. ever. Animation is very smooth and runs nice, Samus' weapons are vivid and well-made, effects are really great... The scenery of most areas is VERY impressive. Backgrounds are detailed and sharp, foreground images dont block too much of your view and give it a 3-D feel, despite the 2-d platformer gameplay. Audio... not so good. 2.5/7. The same vicious shriek and roars are used for all boss enemies, with the exception of those that dont make noise. It was cool the first or second time, but... the sound of Samus' gun firing is annoying and long, and thy overlap each other, so should you find yourself surrounded by enemies and fire madly at them, expect to grow annoyed with the sound of Samus' weapon alone. Most creatures have the same sound effects and cries, but... The only thing to save this score from a 1/7 is the background music. the audio is VERY well composed, and they fit the environment and add to the feel. the Lower Norfair region has some of the best game music I've heard. but the sound effects... not so much. Gameplay is nice. After you finally get used to the controls, the series of events subtle secrets are very nice. The storyline to the game is certainly there, but unless you've played Metroid 1 and 2 and read some of the manuals and papers that come with the game, you'll get pretty confused and very easily miss the point of the game. Its there, and vital to the rest of the series, but its not the greatest part of the game. 5/7. Things are pretty well balanced, and even some of the skilled players will find themselves stuck at a certain point. Its not impossible, you can overcome it of course, but its tricky. not too hard, but it takes some effort. The average runthrough takes more or less, two hours. The first time around may take about 3. Replayability, I'd say 4/7. After beating the game six times in a row, you may grow tired of it. After a few months, you pop it back in and take another go. Its a great game the first two times, but you know what to expect after that. Regardless, its still pretty fun. Overall, 4.5/7. Great animation, Terrible sound, Difficult controls, Decent gameplay. If you're really interested in knowing of the Metroid storyline and playing it all the way through, Take a shot at it.
  3. OH OH, On that note, I've also seen regular teenage nerds go in and act like a predator bait. like the oft-stereotyped 14 year old girl and such, and get something going, suddenly they simply change their font and act like an FBI agent, claiming they already have their IP adress tracked and traced to their local service providor and within 30 minutes will have their exact location, and that a ping (like signing out of IM) will only make it go faster. and over IM, these 16-year-olds give the 30-year-old predators a long lecture about what they were doing, but if they cooperate they 'let them off the hook this time' and so on. but Some of them are SO funny to read. XD yeah. i just felt like telling you that too 'cause it was silly.
  4. well one or two police officers have viruses then. Its their own fault for acting like one, regardless of objective. XD Im just defending myself.
  5. Well, Take in to consideration that not everyone you meet online is a predator. If they were all predators, there would be no point for them to be there. The majority of internet users would have to be minors otherwise predators wouldnt have any reason to be there. and I've come across both, and know what to look for when you meet someone, and have busted a few predators, so to speak, and, uh, may have sent them a virus or two. -cough- but They really arent very common. Most of them are just loons out to flame you or deliberately lie about themselves. Those are all over the place.
  6. Mmhmm. They all stand around a freakishly huge christmas tree holding hands and sing some demented variation of Coombaya. ... or however you spell that.
  7. [i felt bad for not having a relatively happy ending so I threw this one together. =D] [Also: I have another storyline in development which has the kind of environment to fit these characters and scenarios. so Its pretty likely there'll be a sequel. wooh.]
  8. [VOICE=Star Trek... guy]But sir, Emo detection is off the charts! our equipment cant take much more of it! She could. ... cut herself, at any given time![/VOICE] For the sixth time, RPVF realized that she and Dumbface wont be together. and just like the past five times, shes being emo and expecting all her friends to come and ease her discomfort immediately. seriously, She's made like five posts in a row with poetry (no lie), segments of emo lyrics, and those dramatic statements about 'him'. and she decided that rather than whine about it online she's gonna go to sleep. so while announcing her heartache and fatigue, she's all like 'All I wanted to know was if you were alright, but you wont even tell me that' and 'hurting inside 'cause he doesnt care' and so on. i just love it when people post one half' of conversations. ... publicly. for everyone to see. and she's getting excruciatingly annoying, but if I abandon her at this point, she'll either kill herself or just do something of equal stupidity.
  9. RPVF also has a little status message on a website, reading '[RPVF] is wishing he'd notice her.' but if she's having half-relationships with like three different people, none of us know which should be giving attention.
  10. D= I'm really kind of getting tired of this... RPVF still likes Dumbface. Dumbface does not like RPVF, because shes obsessive (you think?) and just kept her around for a week or two, keeping her in an ecstatic feeling, but he lost interest quite soon. RPVF counceled with my sister as to confirm if Dumbface still likes her or not, by removing him from her friends/contact lists. should he respond or ask why, he still likes her, and if he doesnt, then he doesnt like her. so a week has gone by and still no word from Dumbface, so RPVF is rather depressed. Now she's announced to everyone that she needs a date to Homecoming. I expect that about 2 weeks before it, she'll ask me. but As I've probably mentioned, I keep in contact with these people at church, since I'm homeschooled. My mom works with the youth group in my church here, so shes hanging around them all the time. and Since she's old and experienced and wise, She sees what RPVF is doing, and throughout my mom's 45+ years of experience, she's seen other people doing about the same thing. They end up in a very bad situation, what with early on pregnancy, much depression, obsessive/abusive relationships and end up scaring guys off until she's 35 and end up getting with someone just as desperate, met on those dating sites online. (And I've seen the aftermath as well; in fact I'm related to some of those people.) As much as I dont like RPVF, I wouldnt wish that on anyone. She has to calm down, and not obsess over people so much, and she needs to realize that having a boyfriend right now, at age 16, is NOT necessary. I dont want her in that kind of situation, but both my parents have seen her and agree that if she doesnt fix herself up soon, then she'll really mess up her future life. and since She really likes me, and is convinced that I like her back (I dont know what gave her this idea though), I think I'm probably the only one who could talk any sense in to her, or get her to realize what she's doing. ... any suggestions?
  11. Oh, before I forget again... RE4 is about $15. Its real cheap now that its been out for a long time. so If you used your 360 fund, it wouldnt put much of a dent in it. so go for it. ... if you want. Sweet! I now officially love you, Arkcher, for your amazing brain-knowledge. Hooray! =D Oh, and something else to point out. I think I recall you commenting on the Torrn Asunder story? If you liked that, it has much resemblance to RE4. ... some resemblance. i dont know, If you liked TA, you'll like RE4.
  12. PROTIP: SNES: 1991 Earthbound: 1995 Gameboy: 1996 Pokemon: 1996 Earthbound didnt copy Pokemon if it came out a year later. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* That isn't what i'm saying. What I'm saying is that the plot is original, but since Pokemon had the same Normal-Kid-Hero, and is a more popular game, people don't think that Earthbound's Normal Kid Hero plot is very original, even though it is. Also, Pokemon and Earthbound are made by the same company so they cannot copy each other. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* true, but re-using the same scenario like that qualifies as copying it. i think. And regardless, I think both game series' are pretty cool. (yes, I like pokemon. >_> shut up.) and Pokemon is Nintendo exclusive, GameFreak made them. I dont recall what companies (other than Nintendo) involved Earthbound though
  13. Typo or not, I had to re-read that a few times until I figured out that you kept your clothes on. XD xD That is what you get for being totally ignorant of the spanish language. I thought Un was french? Un is both spanish and French. Yes, and I did mean it in terms of Spanish. xD you know what? Tu madre. xD I think SOMEone's been playing RE4. o: ... 'cause them spanish-mens cuss you out like that sometimes when you shoot them.
  14. PROTIP: SNES: 1991 Earthbound: 1995 Gameboy: 1996 Pokemon: 1996 Earthbound didnt copy Pokemon if it came out a year later.
  15. Oh, before I forget again... RE4 is about $15. Its real cheap now that its been out for a long time. so If you used your 360 fund, it wouldnt put much of a dent in it. so go for it. ... if you want.
  16. Wooh! ... wow, I forgot about award-giving. o:
  17. *grabs Wolfie and places her in a cage with her Vet Science work* that is illegal under the thirteenth amendment. =O 'This is illegal, you know...'
  18. Typo or not, I had to re-read that a few times until I figured out that you kept your clothes on. XD xD That is what you get for being totally ignorant of the spanish language. I thought Un was french?
  19. TUTORIAL TIEMZ Keep in mind though, that this is just how I do it. Other spriters may do it differently, and you are free to do it in a different fashion, I like like doing it this way. wow, I hope all those attachments worked. Well, thats that. Something else to keep in mind though, is to use PNG format when and wherever possible. BMP will work, but is very large and space inefficient, and jpegs ruin sprites (they get blurred and fuzzy and such) PNG is pretty small and retains image quality, so.. use it. =D
  20. And while you wait, here's an update on my self-sprite that I made sometime last month. and yes, I have highlights in mah hair. =D and have that outfit and all. And that, and the tutorial, is all done with MS paint so the only thing you guys will need is a lot of patience. (But this new sprite here is blatantly lacking various accessories. I'll throw those on later.)
  21. so After many beatings motivations from MK, I started on that Tutorial again. and now Im too far in to quit. but, I seem to have overwritten some of the steps, and need to redo some of it. but Expect to see it up pretty soon.
  22. Typo or not, I had to re-read that a few times until I figured out that you kept your clothes on. XD
  23. wait, what gender is Cheeseman again? XD You just answered yourself. yeah, but I call Kat Katman. and shes not very manly.
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