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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  2. Oh my!!!!! Now that is an interesting thought. I wonder if Arkcher knows he loves Elton John. OMG ARKCHER IS CHEATING ON ME D: I THOUGHT OUR MARRIAGE WAS SPECIAL JUST AS SPECIAL AS IT IS WITH YOUR 70+ SPOUSES ... How many do you have? i forgot.
  3. Did you try uninstalling and reinstalling? That would be my first reaction. Dunno if it'll make any difference or not, though. I have tried that and it will not install. could you be a little more vague..?
  4. D:< I always keep reading that as VHS, and wonder why you're friends with outdated hardware.
  5. Arkcher

    Also: Departure.

    Also: Returning. Ultimately it was about a $2,000 thanksgiving dinner. My brother in Missouri rented a 12-passenger van, picked up some cousins in Kansas, and my local family picked up my sister and we all met in Oklahoma, from which point we merged in to the rented huge van, and went to Tennessee. Renting the car, gas for both cars and so on were of an astronomical price, so that we could go to one of our relatives' place and have some below-average quality food. Disappointing for having just spent so much money on gas and rental, and 9 hours in the car to get there. But we did get to spend a lot of time together and it was mostly fun. I didnt appreciate the lack of space in the cramped vehicles containing 5 to 8 people and a LOT of various luggages. But now Im not sitting in a car all day, im sitting in front of my computer all day. so all is well. =D
  6. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *waits for Toto to appear to see her reaction* *continues to wait* *wonders where Toto has been* TOTO ?!?!? MAH MONOCLE You are so good with this!!!!!! I dont know if I mentioned yet or not, but this is part of the 'dramatic prairie dog' meme. and neither of those were made by me. just.. before potential issues arose. o: Someone is so talented. They are really great. Are you stopping in to see me when you pass through Memphis? LOL maybe. o: I dont know where Memphis is, so I couldnt say.
  7. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *waits for Toto to appear to see her reaction* *continues to wait* *wonders where Toto has been* TOTO ?!?!? MAH MONOCLE You are so good with this!!!!!! I dont know if I mentioned yet or not, but this is part of the 'dramatic prairie dog' meme. and neither of those were made by me. just.. before potential issues arose. o:
  8. Needs some fixin' up. A-like so. Win. *waits for Toto to appear to see her reaction* *continues to wait* *wonders where Toto has been* TOTO ?!?!? MAH MONOCLE
  9. *covers ears with paws* NNNoooooooooooooo, not yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! Agreeing with Horatio, Im not quite ready for christmas yet. D: My mom and sister sure are. they got the christmas music up last week. Seeing how repetitive it is, I could enjoy it if its played only for a week or two before Christmas, but no sooner or later.
  10. Arkcher

    Also: Departure.

    Just so you's guys dont freak out and think i died or something, I'm heading out for thanksgiving week with my family and we're.. essentially going on a huge road trip and making about fifteen hundred stops in between. covering Oklahoma to Tenessee and so on. so I should be back on like, Monday, and I doubt I'll have internet access while im out. But by then I should have some story ideas at least thought out, if not written and ready. so yeah. leaving. like, tomorrow morning.
  11. PERFECTLY LEGITIMATE EXCUCES HAVE NO PLACE HERE D:< Course not! Never! I don't know what you were thinking... My sanities must have been taken for me to think such a thing. Just see to it that it doesn't happen again. I must definitely see too it. How could I?! You're lucky we aren't pressing charges. *sneaks in and steals any remaining sanities that might be lurking around Mega Wolf* Horatio could grow up to be a ninja. That would be awesome.
  12. Arkcher is a message board wanderer. =o Oh yeah. big time. For rizzle. Mah Shiznizzle-izzle. Fa show. Dizzle-dawg? Jizzle Gizzle. ... dawg homie G.
  13. yeah. The tutorial posted was basically showing the process of how I do it, but next bit that I plan to upload will entail other character styles. for example, I'm gonna post as a super-secret preview mess, the sprite of the new protagonist in... whatever I decide to title the sequel to Torrn Asunder story. yeah. im gonna post another brief tutorial. with a character older than little-girl age. 'cause not many of you are like 11 years old, and for those who are I dont expect would have the patience to sprite. The talent and means, of course, but not so much for time and patience.
  14. Actually I have been learning an enormous amount. I will post a nutshell version if you would like. Please do! Hamsters need things to do. So, I would be asking how many things there are in her cage. Does she have lots and lots of things to entertain her? How does he feed her? For example, my hammie friends have corn cobbies, lava triangles, apple wood sticks, popcorn sticks, loofah chews, and a bunch of other food things to keep them entertained. Of the ones mentioned, they each have at least two of each item. Then there are lots of other things for them to do and I rotate the items. I have lots and lots of tubes, a maze, various areas to hide-out, a sleeping triangle, a paper climbing thingy, stuff in the cage to play with such as wheel, other climby things and many chew items. Every night, all the hammies get out and run in the ball with all the other hammies. When they get back into their cage, they have a healthy treat placed on top of their always full food bowl. Raw peanuts and sunflower seeds, are treats that they have to work at to get to the good stuff. I always try and keep them interested and entertained. Of course these hammies rule and the second I put them back into their cage, they head straight for their bowls. Another reason for the hammie to gain weight. As a female, she is storing food to prepare herself for when she has babies. In the wild, this is the action she would be taking prior to having babies. I would actually have to see a picture to know exactly how obese she really is. For example, I had a female who was over 200 grams. She was really big, but this was in the prime of her hammie bearing life. As she gets older, she is losing weight. I see. I wonder if Arkcher forgot about this. XD Probably. naw, I have a tendency to lurk about message boards. Half the message boards I go to Im not even registered for, just never post, so It may come a surprise that I read a lot of topics here, never post, this is the most visited and used site of my bookmarks. or at least its way up there. Arkcher is a message board wanderer. =o Oh yeah. big time. For rizzle. Mah Shiznizzle-izzle.
  15. For LDS people, Families are very important. Family does include our ancesters, and as part of unifying a family, our church has genealogy work done. And you trace your ancestry all the way back to... ? As far as you can get it. Anything before the 1850's is generally hard to get, being far back enough and lacking sufficient records of names and the like. But with much effort, My dad has been able to trace one line back 17 generations; dating to roughly the 1300's. =D Do you have any really interesting relatives? uh, Yeah, We have a lot of... really colorful people around. One particular loon that comes to mind who dated a while back, was kind of disowned by his family for mental instability, which turned out to be a real... mental problem with is brain, but he and his brother would both get on typewriters and paint easels, and write or paint 'what the voices told them to', then publish these works and insist they were legitimate, original and good literature or artwork, while some of them were strings of random words or just random colors splashed on to a white frame. I dont recall exactly what became of them, but I'll look around through some files and see if I can find how that tale came out.
  16. Anything that doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Everyone has difficulties, trials and hinderences, some more extreme than others, but nobody goes through life easily. but For those religious people who may think that they have an unfair amount of difficulty in their time, leading good christian faithful lives and after that having to go through... a lot, Its important not to think of it as a 'punishment from God' so to speak. Think of it more as a test of life, Its for your experience and growth. One thing that my religion teaches is that God will NEVER give a commandment or anything of the like that is beyond our capability. (Wont leave us in a boat without a paddle, so to speak.) We have to make effort, we have to endure, we will succeed and we will pull through and come out a stronger being. No wrong can put someone beyond redemption, no trial is impossible. They will not be easy, they may be unpleasant, but we dont come in to this life to give up half way through.
  17. Actually I have been learning an enormous amount. I will post a nutshell version if you would like. Please do! Hamsters need things to do. So, I would be asking how many things there are in her cage. Does she have lots and lots of things to entertain her? How does he feed her? For example, my hammie friends have corn cobbies, lava triangles, apple wood sticks, popcorn sticks, loofah chews, and a bunch of other food things to keep them entertained. Of the ones mentioned, they each have at least two of each item. Then there are lots of other things for them to do and I rotate the items. I have lots and lots of tubes, a maze, various areas to hide-out, a sleeping triangle, a paper climbing thingy, stuff in the cage to play with such as wheel, other climby things and many chew items. Every night, all the hammies get out and run in the ball with all the other hammies. When they get back into their cage, they have a healthy treat placed on top of their always full food bowl. Raw peanuts and sunflower seeds, are treats that they have to work at to get to the good stuff. I always try and keep them interested and entertained. Of course these hammies rule and the second I put them back into their cage, they head straight for their bowls. Another reason for the hammie to gain weight. As a female, she is storing food to prepare herself for when she has babies. In the wild, this is the action she would be taking prior to having babies. I would actually have to see a picture to know exactly how obese she really is. For example, I had a female who was over 200 grams. She was really big, but this was in the prime of her hammie bearing life. As she gets older, she is losing weight. I see. I wonder if Arkcher forgot about this. XD Probably. naw, I have a tendency to lurk about message boards. Half the message boards I go to Im not even registered for, just never post, so It may come a surprise that I read a lot of topics here, never post, this is the most visited and used site of my bookmarks. or at least its way up there. Arkcher is a message board wanderer. =o Oh yeah. big time.
  18. For LDS people, Families are very important. Family does include our ancesters, and as part of unifying a family, our church has genealogy work done. And you trace your ancestry all the way back to... ? As far as you can get it. Anything before the 1850's is generally hard to get, being far back enough and lacking sufficient records of names and the like. But with much effort, My dad has been able to trace one line back 17 generations; dating to roughly the 1300's. =D
  19. For LDS people, Families are very important. Family does include our ancesters, and as part of unifying a family, our church has genealogy work done.
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