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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I didnt, she IMed me. and is kind of hard to ignore. and its happened in the past that she'll call my phone to point out im not responding to her IMs.
  2. OH LAWD D: so I've tried MW's dastardly plan of just simple short mumbled responses and answers when RPVF is around. Dr. Cornbread noticed this and thinks its a good idea, too. Im talking to her online right now, so im just not capitalizing things and using poor grammar in short answers, and its killing me to do it D: She IMs, 'omg youre turning 16 soon! are3 you excited?' 'yeah, i guess so. my parents probably arent going to do anything awesome this time.' 'thats why you leave all the good stuff to your friends! lol. i should throw you a party' 'do it then.' (only thing that came to mind for a short stupid non-informative response.) 'okay i will. what do you want for your birthday? im getting you a present if you like it or not' RPVF has rich grandparents (who threw her a $6,500 birthday party when she turned 16) so it'd be awesome if they did something that was at least memorable, but... if it was anyone BUT RPVF, it would be awesome. D: I just get myself in to worse and worse situations every day.
  3. HAW HAW YOU USED AN EMOTE [Do not want emote D:]
  4. [sssoooo when is the next part coming? >_> i still have no idea whats happening.]
  5. [i have everything except dialogue for the next story. D: once i come up with some lines, i'll post it ]
  6. Unless its RPVF. D: As you may recall, this is the same person who got a brand new car for her birthday, dual-core processor PC simply to check myspace and email, a new iPod because she kept complaining to her parents/grandparents about not having one, and while the list goes on, I think that since her rich grandparents always buy her whatever she wants, she thinks she should have a boyfriend simply because she wants one. You're probably right. And YOU are the boyfriend she wants. Oh, I'm aware of that. D:
  7. Unless its RPVF. D: As you may recall, this is the same person who got a brand new car for her birthday, dual-core processor PC simply to check myspace and email, a new iPod because she kept complaining to her parents/grandparents about not having one, and while the list goes on, I think that since her rich grandparents always buy her whatever she wants, she thinks she should have a boyfriend simply because she wants one.
  8. Every other day it becomes even more and more awkward when your best friends' sister has a crush on you. D: Dr. Cornbread had me stay the night at his house (while not much sleeping took place) we pretty much had some 200 Halo matches online with random people and then played guitar hero in to the wee hours of the morning. All the while, RPVF is in the room next to us playing various rock/metal songs somewhat loudly. Not just any rock or metal songs, though. Only ones which I have mentioned, liked, or had on playlists online or my MP3 player. and its no secret that she's not a fan of such media, she's in to country music and slower-paced romantic things like that. But she didnt play any of her kind of songs while I was there and not paying attention to her. Come about 4 AM, we decide sleeping might be wise after all, and immediately RPVF jumps up and runs passed us, leaving Dr. Cornbread and I rather confused. A moment later, she informs me that she has everything prepared for me to 'crash in the living room'. She failed to mention that 'prepared' included a blanket and comforter from her bed (meaning its red satin and/or bright pink) and about eight pillows on one of the couches. (while she did nothing for her brother.) I ended up stalling as long as I could so that she would leave before I perform said 'crash' and once we could confirm she was in her room, I just layed on top of said bedspreads and just used the excuse I didnt see them since the lights were turned off. -ahem- Anyway, I once again bring up the whole issue with RPVF. Do you guys have any advise as to how I can convince her that having a boyfriend is not an absolute necessity of life? She's obsessive over it, and doesnt seem to realize that she isnt going to get married or have a meaningful relationship for another five years at least. and Undoubtably it'll come, but shes just in high school. A relationship will only complicate the process of finishing high school, and however many years she'd take in college. By the time she's like, 22, maybe, i could understand her desire for such a thing. Well. On a fairly-related note, I can point out that her parents have been divorced for almost 14 years, so having little to no contact with her father and having no paternal figure in her family, I think thats why she feels the need to have a guy around. But the subject of stupid divorces is another subject for another time. I feel pretty strongly that this is the main cause, and know that its beyond my ability to fix that. but Is there some way to help her realize that she doesnt have to have a boyfriend immediately? I'd have thought her past six or seven relationships all failing would kind of wear down on her will somewhat, but no..
  9. Oh noes !!!! Those double posts! I hate when that happens. Now we know how Horatio got his giant post count. Also, Arkcher's description of a guy's 16th birthday sounds pretty close to how mine'll prolly end up. Except, y'know, with goils. o: I didnt know lady-types got testosterone rushes. or necessarily liked holding hammers. or Halo tournaments.
  10. I'm going to hold you accountable for forgiving yourself for all your mistakes. DO IT o:
  11. ... No. =D I think cold is awesome. I'd rather be cold than hot.
  12. [Topic Title is to imply that this.. topic will contain the inevitable random bits and peices of stories i think of that either arent cool enough to be make in to a whole story, or in progress, or anything else of similar proportions. so basically, its my version of MK and Glowy-boys short stories topics. =D Some will be silly and flippant, making little sense, others will be parts of real stories with little to no humor. It'll vary, so provided i keep updating, this topic should keep you interested. =D] --- ......... Ooohhh... "Hey! Devon, look! She's waking up!" I felt myself in an uncomfortable position, feeling somewhat fatigued. I slowly opened my eyes, only to be blinded by an incredible white light, which brought to my attention an unbearable headache. I raised one hand to my head in hopes of relieving the pressure, but it didnt help. Squinting, i tried opening my eyes again. Taking a few moments to properly focus, I found two men and a woman looking down at me with utmost interest. What was going on...? I brought myself to sit up, still fairly aching and uncomfortable. I had been laid out on a table of sorts, surrounded by three people in strange clothes and a number of foreign technologies. "W... Wh... ... what do we do?" A hushed voice from my side inquired, sounding unsure. Taking things in to priority, I looked myself over. My clothes were slightly damp, feeling rather cold. Another voice drew my attention, "Uh, Hi. ... Greetings, I am... David, and, uh... well, we found you outside and took you... in..." One of the men nearby spoke to me, looking awkward and unsure. I looked about my surroundings once more, and responded, "and, Where am I?" "This is our... medical wing of our excavation camp, exploring the west coast of Alaska..." ... the what? I gave him a blank stare, completely lost. "... we're not sure how to... tell it to you, but you were found suspended in ice. God knows how old you are, but this is year 2008, you're in the northwesternmost continents." I looked at him once more, still rather confused, and tried to remember what last happened. I was... fighting... something. For some reason, I was in rapid pursuit of someone or something, through a fierce blizzard, and amid trudging through the snow... [aaaand im out of ideas. In short, aforementioned main character was a medieval warrior of sorts, a 'special ops' agent, who was sent to try and track down whatever dastardly beast was using its black magic to cause a blizzard and freeze everything. She ended up getting frozen and then found in a cave in north Alaska. Confusion and awesomeness ensues.] [if any of you can see this getting anywhere, feel free to continue it. =D] --- Atticus, a barbarian paladin looked down over a hill to a small town, which fortunately had several lights still on and smokestacks visible through various houses and buildings. A flash of lightning illuminated it briefly, but the outlines soon faded to black, obscured by rain and night. Atticus made his way down the hill, standing confidently. He was a rather massive man, and would intimidate anyone who got in his way. He finally made out the words 'Inn' and 'Tavern' which were among few english words he could identify visually. He entered the related building, to find a familiar environment. A stuffy room with several drunkards and hooligans, with a less-than-attractive person behind a bar serving various beverages. Atticus sighed heavily, half-smiling. He made his way toward the bar, dispensed a few coins and was provided with a large mug of ale. Hours passed, a few conversations with them, a majority of the crowds had come and gone. Some six people remained, Atticus finding it hard to sit up, being so weary. He heard a door swing open, as a very short figure emerged from the shadowy hallways toward the inn rooms. "Gentlemen..." An oddly high-pitched voice sounded from the short cloaked person. A pale hand protruded from inside the cloak, holding a cloth. "I bestow upon you... this... diaper." "oh, for the love of..." The bartender responded, slapping his forehead. "But there is another... Who among you is brave enough... to... ... you know, peel it off of the cieling. It's stuck up there." "James, Shut up and get it yourself, half-sorcerer." The short figure turned suddenly, causing the hood of his cloak to fall back, only revealing the face of... well, an infant. It sneered, "If I could get it myself, I would not be out here, John." Angrily, James waddled back in to the hallways, muttering under his breath. Atticus shook his head, "Maybe I've had one too many drinks... but..." The bartender laughed, "It goes back a long time. That's my son, James. Through, essentially, a freak accident, a sorcerer had come and tried to destroy my hometown. It partially worked, but my brother tackled the mage before he could finish, and rather than putting magic in to his spell, he put part of his life in to a projectile. My two-year-old son now has the personality and mind of a powerful mage, but with none of the power. He expects that someday he will 'regain' his power and seek revenge, but nobody can take him seriously in the body of a lad like that." In short time, Atticus was back outside in the rain, seeking another inn to stay at. [iT CAME TO ME IN A DREAM o: ] [... I had one more in mind, but dont remember what it was D:] [Assuredly, i'll be throwing more in here, some HD-oriented and some not.]
  13. Oh wait, disregard my previous post. What I meant to say was Horatio is awesome.
  14. Also, seeing MK and Glowy-boy post the little shorts stories, reminds me of how when this story was posted, it was intended to be one like that and I was going to throw in some other cool story segments that never really got finished, but... this one was too long to be a simple few paragraphs. so At some point, i'm gonna make a topic full'a little short stories like those. They'll be shorter than this one though.
  15. Something tells me that the male gender doesn't hold Sweet 16 parties... Not really. Its more like, 'YYAAAAAHW I CAN DRIVE NAO o:<' and underweight pale unshaven boys suddenly get a rush of testosterone and try to be manly and like, hold hammers and stuff. And then have a Halo tournament. Such is the life of dumb highschool guys. =D
  16. [i doubt the symptoms of the black plague were exactly this, I think the tumorous buboes only showed up in specific places. That, and I rather merged the three subcategories, having similar symptoms but different ways of being passed/spread around. And completely threw out the idea that about 20% of the people with said plague actually survived. I should have also mentioned that people in this yet unnamed town were considered fortunate to have Eric around, while such a drastic portion of Europes population was taken out by that plague, only the richer folks or.. fortunate ones were granted caskets, and most others were taken out in mass-burials, literally throwing some fifty plague-dead bodies in to a big hole and leaving them. But I dont think I could bring myself to make this any more depressing than it already is. =D] [Also, I tried to incorporate symbolism and wee little hidden messages or metaphors in there. Let me know if you see any, 'cause this would be the first time I've done something like that.]
  17. Twenty-four year old Eric Packub stood in a slouched position in the middle of the still-muddy roads of his hometown. Large portions of his clothes were missing, and appeared to have been forcefully ripped out. This gave little protection against the harsh cold, wind chill, and moderate rain that descended across the plains of europe, but exposed Eric's muscular body, which was painfully stricken with buboes, all bearing an all-too-familiar dark purple color. Eric's worn shoes were essentially useless. They served no real purpose, being worn so bad that the holes in which did little protection, and let in freezing cold water in to his numbed feet. Eric, himself, felt essentially useless. His wood shop was the only real thing left of him or anything he had done or stood for. He spent so much of his time perfecting furnishings and building various items, It led to him being the only person to turn to when the black plague struck his small hometown, killing so many of its inhabitants, he was the only one to give proper burials and produce caskets. Having handled so many infected corpses, He found himself living the last few hours of his life, limping down the streets with one person in mind. Rodney, a particular man in the town was often pulling pranks and telling jokes, all in good humor, but... this past time he had taken it one step too far. Eric couldnt rid the thought that Rodney was responsible for his miserable state now. Eric's crops and food storage had been raided and stolen, cleaned out. He wouldnt need it now, he realized, but not much else mattered to him at that time. A sharp pain grew on his side, another monstrous tumor appeared, which painfully rubbed against Eric's clothing, causing him to writhe involuntarily until he brought himself to rip off the surrounding portion of clothes. Soaked with rain water and unbearably cold, Eric struggled to move on, and try to... perhaps, carry on this plague to the one who wronged him. No... The puddles in the road made it difficult to see the terrain he traversed. His leg sunk knee-deep in a muddy hole of sorts, causing him to twist uncomfortably and land on his back, the loud crack of bones echoing through the scenery. Eric let out a final cry of pain, rain still coming down hard. He couldnt do anything now. Flat on his back with his right shin submerged in the rocky, muddy road, he laid and panted, feeling nausiated as he finally expelled blood from his mouth, unable to keep himself breathing steadily. Harsh cold... Rain from all directions... Black Plague itself, tearing at his inside... Open wound in dirty water... Eric Packub finally succumbed to the harsh elements of his condition, and lost all will to move on. [i felt back for not concluding anything. And this really isnt a very conclusive.. conclusion, but now the story is actually done. =D Feedback is always awesome.]
  18. XP Pop-up balloons: Dont close the bubble pop up things immediately. rather, Click on them and they'll open the associated program or process. Close said associated program or process. problem solved. =D bubbles dont pop up again for me when I do that.
  19. I noticed that too.... on... our... birthday. o_O Thus proving, I'm am two seperate people, or maybe even four. but at any rate, Dogcherlover is not one person. ... But you need'nt read the rest of that topic. -cough- I think you were covering then as well. Don't want any suspicion. D: I knew this day would come.
  20. Whoa... you are definitely the computer genius! I couldn't have done any of that. I think you made a good choice using the windows for no web activities. cant get any viruses that way. =D
  21. Well, I was gonna put this in a new topic but decided it not worthy of its own topic. so I spent the past like five days trying to fix my computer and now its done. =D For a few months, my wond'rous windows PC has had a pretty nasty virus that makes about six windows of porn show up every other hour. (in our favorite browser, too; Internet Explorer!) Getting sick of that, and having very unorganized hard drives (four partitions across two hard drives) and storage, I decided that at the same time of virus removal, I'd just go the extra mile and redo my entire desktop. so I backed most things up (i really, REALLY hope i got everything I needed that wasnt infected) and its on an entirely different PC now. This one, has two 40G drives, and dual-boots to WindowsXP and Linux-Ubuntu. I swear, since these two OS' werent meant to work with each other, All of this morning and yesterday were spent trying to figure out how to do this. but through much trial and error, I have Linux and Windows. Linux for running around the intarwebz, talking to people, downloading things, etc. Windows for word processing, gaming, video editting, and coming up for air from this very-different way of running a computer. so All is mostly well, booting up is more complicated than i'd have wanted, and moving files back to this computer will be tedious and a matter of luck, depending solely on how well I did rushing the process of backing things up. =D
  22. MNAH I even remembered seeing this post a long time ago I noticed that too.... on... our... birthday. o_O Thus proving, I'm am two seperate people, or maybe even four. but at any rate, Dogcherlover is not one person. ... But you need'nt read the rest of that topic. -cough-
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