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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Just as a half-baked attempt to make you feel better... Im sure you've seen some videos from Youtube with some hacked/AR'd versions of Melee. Buy AR for Wii, and probably through the same methods you could play as Master Hand in standard melee matches, there'd likely be some code you can control the assist trophies. Jeff still wouldnt be as awesome, but you might like, control the rockets? that'd be cool. or something.
  2. Why does Dial-up still exist D:
  4. [uPDATING FOR GREAT JUSTICE] “We don’t want to exacerbate the situation, Denton. Insubordination or going against orders will only make things worse for us, and Gauda. If we go too far, Gauda will have our badges whe-“ “Don’t lecture me, Torrn.” Denton snapped back, as the two continued down the hallway toward the far door. As it came in to view, it was quite apparent that it had been forcibly opened before. There were several dents in it, especially around the edges as it was forced open. Large scratches on the surface suggested a Carnefice was involved, and judging by the small bullet holes, it wasn’t carried out very well. The still-legible text on the door read ‘ZETA-GRADE UNITS ONLY BEYOND THIS POINT’, and printed just below that, ‘Gamma – Delta – Epsilon’. “Great, looks like we get to memorize some Greek letter grades.” “Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, and now we’ve seen Zeta and Omega.” Denton motioned toward the letters as he named them off, “Lets just hope that’s all of them.” Nathan stepped toward the door, and tried opening it. Upon contact, a few sparks sputtered out from the side, which looked like it used to house a card key slot. Nathan hesitated, and proceeded to pull on the sliding door, as its dents hindered its motion, grinding along the ground. Nathan took one step through before more sparks emitted from the half-active security device, causing it to try to close the door. Nathan was pushed against the wall, pinned by the automatic door, trying to fight against it. “Denton!” Nathan gasped, struggling to free himself. Denton hurried forward and grabbed at the door and pulled against it, as it slowly grinded back in to its open position with both people pushing against it. As it locked in to place, the electric hum of motors forcing the door slowed and died down. Nathan panted lightly, hurrying through the doorway, followed by Denton. Through that doorway was another corridor, rather well-lit with a number of large windows to the right. They displayed some rather elaborate medical equipment. Some with small windows on tanks which appeared to contain Tossina. “… Is… this where they created all those creatures?” “I’d guess something like that would be further in.” They watched the unidentified equipment pass by, approaching another door, which had a motion-sensor on it, and opened upon approach. “Finally, we don’t get resistance from a simple doorway…” Nathan commented as he emerged in to another fairly large room, containing a number of small passageways, which lightly resembled a maze of cubicle offices. To the side was another door, labeled 'Conference'. Without saying anything, Denton approached it and proceeded through. Nathan paused, and followed his comrade. Sure enough, another communication point was inside. Once the two of them stepped in, the door closed behind them on its own. This time, Denton turned it on, and in a short moment, the live feed was brought up once more. A different man was displayed this time, neither the previous engineer or Gauda. The stranger waved in a friendly way, “Where’s Gauda?” Denton asked. “… No greeting or anything?” The man asked, smiling. Neither Denton or Nathan were smiling. “No. Where’s Gauda?” “He’s since left. Hes back at one of the police stations with, uh, quite a load of paperwork. He used a few other words to describe it though.” Nathan sighed again, frustrated. “I’m the head engineer behind hacking through Harret, though. Chief Gauda gave me the the responsibility of working behind the scenes while you run through Harret, and you uplink to me rather than him.” “Great. We said we’d uplink to you at any communication point we find, so here we are.” Denton spoke fast, also rather annoyed. The man nodded, “Right. Allow me to introduce myself, I’m Dieter Sylus, the one in charge around here.” Nathan and Denton kept watching him, impatient. Dieter sighed, his countenance lowering. “Your destination, the Delta Containment bay, is just ahead. And supposing Mark did these mappings right, You’re in Sector 4, western quadrant, floor 2. Keep going the way you were, and go down to floor 1, and through one more door is where we have a suspicious bit of activity.” Nathan looked up at Dieter intently, trying to take mental note to get an idea of Harret’s layout. “now In that small bit of your sector, there's been a minor power failure. The main computers and components in that area seem to be cut off, along with the main lights, but fortunately Harret had the sense to protect their security, and we still have camera feed from there, and a vague idea of which doors are being opened and passed. From this, we can confirm bioforms are present. Exterminate as needed. Investigate.” As Dieter spoke, a small portion of the screen displayed a layout of Harret, as various places lit up as they were mentioned. “Just be careful, its only two or three rooms away, so report back when you’re done.” The two doors to the room unlatched and both slid open, apparently as per command of Dieter. “Acknowledged.” Denton responded, as the connection closed once more and he made his way through the appropriate door, closely followed by Nathan as they entered the dark rooms in Harret. In short time, the two of them pulled out their flashlights, just illuminating what was in front of them, as the eerie atmosphere loomed from every direction, unseen. Nathan kept his handgun at ready, holding it and his light together, aiming through the blinding shadows. For it just being the main lights being off, there were absolutely no other light sources to be found. From searching their close proximity, the only thing here was a few scratched up pieces of machinery, forklifts and the like, and a thin grated staircase leading upward. Several of the steps were dented, heavily damaged or even missing. “Nowhere to go but up?” Nathan asked, checking if Denton saw anything before they proceeded carefully up the stairs. At the top of the flight of stairs was a door, blown off of its hinges nearby the archway it normally would be in. Beyond that was strong evidence of a fire, with a burnt smell and several black marks along the floor, walls and ceiling. A collapsed bit of ceiling blocked off a passageway, and a large hole in the floor limited their options to go down the present, even more damaged flight of stairs. Carefully making their way down, small pieces of debris and alloys from walls and stairs littered the floor. A long-gone Harret battalion sprawled across the floor, with about four of those small creatures that had attacked earlier, were idly laying in various positions. Neither of these bioforms showed any sign of being present at the same time as the fire. Nathan knelt down by one of the small creatures, and nudged it with the barrel of his gun. No response. He nudged it harder until it rolled in to a different position, studying it closely. It was a four-legged creature, sporting fairly large claws, larger than one would think to grow on small limbs like these. Its main body was fairly small, and it somewhat resembled the shape of a frog’s abdomen, with clawed limbs, and a canine-like head. Not particularly pleased or enlightened by this, Nathan stood back up, looking down at the creature, uneased. He and Denton spotted the doorway that must lead to the containment bay. Several metal crates and large containers were present, most bearing now-illegible labels. The walls surrounding them were cracked, revealing a number of wires behind them. Broken glass was strewn, covering almost the entire floor, crunching below the two human’s feet. With firearms ready, they carefully stepped through, watching carefully. A deep grunt sounded from the far side of the room, as two beams of light from the two flashlights scanned over the area it came from. Nothing. Nathan cautiously stepped forward, expecting at any second something to burst out from hiding and strike. But nothing came. Another grunting noise, this time followed by the stir of broken glass, while Nathan wildly aimed his light in the shadow, hoping to catch something moving. From behind one of the large metal containers, slowly emerged a Carnefice. It had bloodstains all over, with Tossina still bleeding out in various places. It made eye contact with the two intruders, but didn’t seem phased in the least as the two held their guns ready at it. Panting, the beast pulled itself along with its front limbs, grunting with each motion, slowly approaching the two humans as they stepped back, unsure of what to expect. The Carnefice’s luminous eyes moved from left to right as it slowly picked up speed, struggling to pull itself along, now out far enough to see that one of its hind legs broken, and the end of its tail removed by some means, and several deep cuts and wounds on its body. The Carnefice, some ten feet away, weakly raised one of its clawed limbs, as if getting ready to strike. It quietly growled, before lunging forward, landing some six inches closer, crashing against the glass-polluted ground, landing with a thud, before Denton fired about four rounds of ammo in to its idle body. Nathan shot two in, before deciding it must already be dead. The Carnefice let out a quiet whimper-like sound, as its voice trailed off in to a cough, and it fell silent. The two humans lowered their pistols, still watching the Carnefice closely. The left side of its body twitched, and it shook lightly, intensifying in its shoulder. The outer flesh finally ruptured as a very small amphibious-looking creature emerged, covered in Tossina. It shook itself off, and rapidly jumped off to the side in to the shadows. The two flashlight beams followed it, but lost it already. “What was that thing?” Denton asked, bewildered. “I have no idea…” Nathan spoke, looking around the room, confused. [bALL IS ROLLING]
  5. Yes, Cheesey. Lose your virginity, get AT&T.
  6. -rips many hairs out and frustration raaaargh- OKAY So Im here, on MY computer. turns out, Our beloved local cable company has run out of their cable internet modems, and thats why they're stalling for time as to not give us internets. But, now that we have a better idea that We really wont get internet for a while, my dad ended up having an epic showdown with AT&T tech support and convinced one of them to go out of his way to give us -drumroll- DIAL UP CONNECTION IT IS TAKING SEVEN MINUTES TO LOAD ONE ******* PAGE -hides in a corner and cries much- The internets are taunting me with their terrible speeds. I have 78 unread emails, and since 20 minutes ago when I got dial-up plugged in, I still havent got one single email to load. so I'll keep tryin for it, and be online as much as I can, but it wont be often; Dial up is using our phone line of course, and with bad cell phone signal, Im currently using up our one reliable way of communicating with anyone. so Most all is well, Internets are terrible, I will move on to other sites for mah bid-niss and return at another time.
  7. I dunno if MW has relayed the message or not, so I will sieze this one intarwebz-oriented oppurtunity to poast moar. As you probably know, i was in the process of moving, And now that we're out of one house and in to the other finally, AT&T decides to not give our new area service anymore. Its a bit out in the country, close to a state park, some 11 miles out of town. Being this far out, we made NUMEROUS calls asking to confirm with multile representatives that service is indeed available out there. It is, allegedly, but now that we've moved there, it isnt. so like, the day we moved there, they stopped giving service to that area. So, the cable company that does provice service to that area, we've also contacted many times, and they say 'Yeah, we can get you internet. um. in like, 3 weeks?' so, 3 weeks later... 'Oh yeah, um, yeah, we can totally get you internet. sometime in the next few weeks.' 2 weeks later... 'Yeah, i might get you guys internet sometime... Your next-door neighbours will get it first though.' If we use the same cable line, why would it matter? couldnt they get us both in one day? The intarwebz just dont like our new area, and Im going insane without it. I have 3 story updates, one new story, two new videos, some MMORPG guilds i havent tended to for about a month, for which i know i've been banned from by now, And Im rather scared to go check my email, fearing what events have passed that turned in to monstrosities without me. On the plus side, since Im homeschooled, and depends on the internets, I havent had any school for the past month or two. But its not very fun because I have NO communication, very little cell phone signal and no internets. LAWD I AM SO BORED D: anyway. Im alive and such, havent abandoned you guys, and by now this tiny keyboard and 600x800 resolution screen are a little tough to work with. So. Im out. I will stop by every internets-intensive time I can get hold of, and Once I get internets at my house, Theres gonna be some serious whoopin's on Brawl online o:< with nothing to do, I've had ungodly amounts of practice. Fare thee well, 'Til we meet again, Some other old-timey staying. ph34r not, i return KTHNXBAI
  8. Glad you are happy. [but are YOU happy? o: ] [um, so do we like, continue the RP now and like, actively post in it again? ?]
  9. [ : D bump for great justice? anyone else reading this?]
  10. Lots of kids come back home and live with their parents well into their thirties. Think about this, nice house, room, mother makes dinner, laundry might be done for you, plus it is a whole lot less expensive than living on your own. So, if they wanted to buy a car, they could live at home, pay their parents a set amount towards expenses, pay their car payment, insurance and gas, etc. and still have money let over to save. If you rent, you need first, last and security (each a month's rent), plus you need deposits on electric, gas, water, phone, before you even get them installed, (and I have not mentioned cable/internet) then come the monthly bills. These all add up to a good sum of money. If you are not making too much, then almost all of your paycheck goes towards your living accommodations. This has not even accounted for a car, insurance, gas, etc., plus food and something to spend. Living on your own is nice, but does take a bit of money. It's okay that Nathan lives at home. Besides, when you get tired of this story line, his parents can always kick him out. well. Further thought in to the matter reminded me that at the time of Harret's raid and such, Nathan was 25 or so. Which was 3 years after his parents kicked the bucket, so he was 22 or so. so. 22-year-old. living with his parents.
  11. Yeah so, A thought came to mind the other day, and will need to be explained sometime. Nathan and Alex are of very close age. Nathan is pretty awesome. Alex is pretty awesome, soo. Alex is married and had his own house. Nathan still lives with his parents, and there was no mention of him ever having romantic interest in anyone. so In the less-abridged, more-refined version of this, I either need a good explanation for that, or adjust Nathans age to not-that-old. Unless you guys can think of a good reason why the 24-year-old still lives at home. My 23-year-old brother even has his own place by now. ideas, anyone? ?
  12. [Long update is loooooong.] “… Well, Maybe those things arent so tough." Denton glanced over at Nathan, who speculated what was now outside. Nathan gasped, and hurriedly pulled out his cell phone and hit the appropriate speed-dial to call Kerrigan. He sunk back down, dreading the thought of what may have happened, but not knowing. His phone had no signal, it was useless. "... Torrn, We need to find one of those communication rooms. Gauda said they would be around, and hes standing by." "Right. Lets get going." Denton stood up, and started wandering about the room. The ceiling wasn’t visible, any lights in the room were near doors, and were pointing downward. Sunlight barely made it through some higher parts of the walls and ceiling, giving the dim parts of the room a blue tint. A series of biohazard containments were stationed off to the side of the room, which looked rather untouched. If there was anything inside or not, there was no telling. “… How do we know where to go?” “We don’t.” Denton coolly responded, still looking over his surroundings. Nathan looked away and shook his head, and restrained himself from making a sharp remark back. “We have two doors to go through,” Nathan motioned to the two lit spots. “Which do we go through?” Denton kept looking around, slowly making his way toward the door closer to them. Nathan again sighed, and followed Denton to the door. As it drew closer, the markings on the sliding door became legible; “OMEGA-DELTA” was painted on it. “… Omega Delta?” The two said at the same time. Nathan stepped up toward the door, and placed his hand on it. "... How do you open it?" Nathan asked, looking it over. "Whats that on the right?" Denton motioned toward the side, as Nathan turned to the encrested lens nearby. "... Retinal scanner?" "Looks like it." The two looked over the door and scanner one more time before directing their attention elsewhere, and proceeded through the next door that came in sight. On it, was printed the word ‘OMEGA’ alone. The horizontal-sliding door wasn’t sealed, however. Nathan grabbed at the small opening and eased open the powerless doorway, which lead to a short hallway, one door on the left, two on the right. Being reminded of last time such a situation presented itself, Nathan wordlessly strode to the lone door on the left. It was a standard door, unlocked. Nathan opened it, and felt along the wall until he found a lightswitch, and turned it on. Flourescent lighting illuminated what must be one of the communication rooms. Nathan stepped down the three-step staircase to the lower floor, and walked around the meeting table toward a large control panel, placed before a quite large screen. A blinking light on the panel caught Nathan’s attention: it was labeled ‘Channel Ready’. He pushed the corresponding button, and after a brief delay, the large screen flickered to life. It showed static for a brief second, before it produced a patterned blue screen, with faded Harret logo in the background. Yellow text ‘Seeking…’ blinked in front for a short moment, before the screen flickered once more to a live feed from outside. A surprised-looking young man was displayed, apparently caught off-guard at his computer-based workstation. “Chief Gauda!” He leaned back and called, as Gauda soon came on screen. “We’ve established contact.” Gauda looked relieved, and scanned over the workstation before him. “Torrn, Denton? Can you hear me?” Gauda’s voice emitted from all around them. Denton nodded, “Yes sir. Can you hear us?” Gauda smiled, and sat down at the workstation, pushing aside the engineer. “Gauda, What’s going on out there? Where are my sisters? Are they alright?” Nathan shouted back, leaning against the control panel. Gauda looked uncomfortable, “They’re… um…” Gauda looked from side to side, nervous. “Where are they?” Nathan repeated himself, very stern. “… Kerrigan is being air-lifted to the Orgonth Hospital as we speak, along with about six other crewmen and officers. Heather is with her, bearing little damage.” Nathan cursed loudly and slammed a fist down on the edge of the control panel, putting a light dent in it. He was already breathing heavily, lowering his head, thinking back on what he could have done to prevent this. “Torrn, Calm down.” Denton commanded, sounding annoyed. “Torrn, You have a job to do in there. Keep focus.” Nathan did not move, but slowed his breathing and tried to take control of himself. His left shoulder was lightly pulsating again. “All we can do it hope the medics can take care of your sisters while you take care of Harret.” Nathan pushed himself off of the control panel, and stepped back, with his arms crossed, looking very displeased. Denton stepped toward the panel, and looked up at the screen, which presumably had a camera somewhere near it. “Gauda, we had a few encounters in the short while we’ve been in here. How are things out there?” “Not so good, Denton. About ten minutes after you went in, an innumerable amount of little critters came crashing out of Harret’s front entrance, we thought that… something had happened and they’d have just mowed right over you two.” “Well how did you survive such an onslaught?” “Those creatures were unthinkably volatile. Security took almost 75% of them just with the low-power firearms they had.” “… Wow.” “One bullet each, a simple wound did so much damage to those little buggers. After a few officers pulled out the big guns, high-velocity weaponry passed through about ten of them.” “… Then it wasn’t a problem?” “Well, we had to airlift some people. Those creatures are fragile and volatile, but by no means are they weak. Two men were rather gored through, I don’t think they’ll live through just three of those things getting close enough to attack.” “One of them tried taking me down, but Torrn shot it off.” “Its why we send two men in instead of one. Anyway, with that out of the way, Your main objective is to search out the Torrn project, and unlock the security-“ “Gauda.” Denton interrupted. “We were attacked once by those little creatures, and barely escaped that swarm of them. We have reason to believe some of Harret’s other byproducts are still active and running rampant in here. I only have a standard .380 pistol, and Torrn here has like a .76 magnum.” “Inimical.” Nathan corrected, but Denton ignored him. “And you had to pull out assault rifles or shotguns or what have you, and you lost 6 men. With just these handguns, What makes you think either of us are going to survive in here? We need backup! We need more men!” Denton shouted to the troubled-looking Gauda. “I don’t know how soon we can get you backup.” “And why not?!” “We tried to go in through the entrance you did, but there's a solid wall of debris in the way. We could clear it out, but it wont be any time soon.” “We can wait.” “You’d just be wasting time. You’re already in there. Just be careful and find out what you can.” “Maybe you didn’t hear me, Gauda.” Denton glared up at him. “Denton, I’m ordering you to carry out your assignment!” The two stared at each other for a long moment, before Nathan spoke up, “We’ll follow your orders, sir. Where do you suggest we start?” Gauda sighed, “Intelligence suggests there’s been an unauthorized security breach in the west wing of your sector.” ‘We’re already an unauthorized security breach…’ Nathan thought to himself. “Go investigate that, it should give us a lead as to what is going on inside Harret. I need to… sort things out up here.” Gauda sighed with frustration of all the things happening around him. “Acknowledged. We’ll stop at any communication points to uplink to you.” “Gauda out.” The screen went back to the blue patterned state, reading ‘Connection Terminated’ before it returned to static, and turned off. [Five ducks to whoever catches on to what game this story resembles. : D] [while the last one closely resembled RE4. this one also resembles something awesome o: ]
  13. Am I missing something? lolwut Post #2315 yyyup. thats the link I posted.
  14. 1.Henrhomas was a common merge of the two names, which, as expected, caused no small amount of making-fun-of to people unfortunate enough to be born in that time era. And, because the latter of the two names is kinda cool. 2. William Shakespeare. 3. well yeah. 4. well the mass-murder of several million bacterial life-forms, sentient or not, To me would count him as a terrorist. 5. ... they arent. 6. She must be able to, because you're the only one who hears those 'announcements' in your mind. 7. William Shakespeare. 8. Indeed, Tea, Proceed post-haste to answer the foregone question, then do answer me this: Do you think one would prefer to bathe oneself in brine, or sulfuric acid? 9. It may have something to do with I could name 10 rapping grounds/'artist's, and have never heard of Cram Bam-balaam or whoever it was. 10. EYE HOAP JEE MAY DLAWTSA SPUG ETTI! 11. Quite so. 12. Because Aldaris is a persistant jerk and he and his species take up an ungodly amount of supplies in the Starcraft game. Moar pylons will provide moar supplies, so like 5 pylons will allow you to have an army greater than 2-score. 13. It is written, Only Link can know what Squadelah means. 14. There can be. I think, however, that you are the only person who would watch it. 15. Same kind of reason Sylux wasnt. or Vaati [that would have been SO awesome.] or Birdo. or Zero. or Hugh. or Spider-man. or Klonoa. or Leon. 16. You're not the only one having problems. 17. YOU MUST DIE. 18. BRAPPPUH 19. HAW HAW, OVERRULED. also, because we wouldnt have anything to watch on TV if people didnt act stupid. 20. ... you were serious? D:
  16. Thats cool and all, but it seems you are on the wrong side of the road. Did you say you were driving now? Do they drive on the opposite side of the road in Texas? LOL The guy in front of me, held up his camera and took my pic. And I am on the correct side of the road. LOL Ah, its a picture taken from in front of you. yeah. i thought it was from behind.
  17. [Mmkay. Again, struggle to get ball rolling, but yeah, This time I have some progress. I have about half an update worth of story, and a lot of notes for later happenings. Limited compy access has left me with very much time to consider later events, so I have a much better idea of what im doing now. o: so Update coming pretty soon. You better. ... do it.]
  18. Thats cool and all, but it seems you are on the wrong side of the road.
  19. Finally, someone who noticed me. Oh stop. I know that's going to get deleted. I'm in a realllllly bad mood. Really really. But its still there o:
  20. or Theophany, or whatever that word was.
  22. :blink: Veeeeeerrrrrrryyyyyyy interesting. I know that it wasnt the kind of awesome date RPVF was after, but its what she gets. I think she wanted more of a date with just her and I going to some upscale italian place and seeing a chick-flick movie and then gazing off in to a sunset or something like that. but No, since we're in the process of moving and that was the last day of spring break over here, Our options were limited. Like I said, my sister threw the date together and was going to take someone of her age (18 or 19 or so) and we'd go do something like bowling. no, We didnt get to do even that. Dr. Cornbread, my best friend and RPVF's little brother, had nothing to do that night. He tagged along with us. Beth's date fell through, so it ended up being I was with RPVF, my sister was with Dr. Cornbread. We came to one of the two half-empty houses, after my sister and I had been packing all day, and rather unshaven, dusty and dirty with less-than desirable clothing on. RPVF was all decked out with a new-looking. ... clothes... thing. (i dont really wear girls clothes so i dont know what they're called ) and fancy makeup everywhere and hair done all cool. Since my parents were packing things in to the car, RPVF drove my sister and I to the other house, and waited for us to get out of the shower (respectively) and then we went to a grocery store to pick up homemade ice cream fixin's and like four bags of marshmallows. so At about 8:30 instead of 7:00, we actually got started on making homemade ice cream and playing silly board games, then ate the ice cream, and went outside to play... CHUBBY BUNNY o: I dont know if anyone else has even heard of this, but its awesome. You have a list of words, and a handful of marshmallows, and you put one marshmallow in your mouth, say the first word, then another mashmallow, the second word, third mashmallow third word, so on so forth. It gets messy, but its hilarious listening to people try to talk with 7 marshmallows in their mouth. Even more hilarious watching them try to keep them in their mouth and off of their fancy-pants new clothes and marshmallow dump all over their face. which becomes tinted with various makeup as RPVF can testify. At about 11, RPVF's mom calls them and reminds them that they were supposed to be back at 10:30. Meanwhile, Dr. Cornbread had successfully surpressed his gag reflex and ended up storing about 9 marshmallows in his mouth, half of them sliding down his throat, while he was in the bathroom for about 20 minutes puking everywhere. They didnt get home til about midnight, and I dont think their parents were very pleased with Dr. Cornbread being half-sick and RPVF having marshmallows all over her clothes and hair and face. and being home 2 hours late. Such was my first date.
  23. Limited intarwebz access has kept me from counceling with you guys or providing more timely updates. Two days ago, RPVF brought up our plans for Friday night. I wasnt aware we had plans for friday night. She insisted that she talked to my sister and I that morning, arranging a double date of sorts. Neither of us have any recollection of that ever happening. but She was very sure that we totally talked to each other and agreed on this matter. well. Now is friday night, and my sister talked to RPVF for about half an hour trying to figure out what we were going to do. She had no idea what her plans were either, so she pretty much said 'i dont know' until Beth, my sister, made up a random activity. so We're going to make homemade ice cream, maybe watch a movie, and throw marshmallows at each other among other oddities. i'll let you guys know how this turns out afterward.
  24. Maybe im overthinking this, or just dont know how this mess works because Im homeschooled (Im the most popular kid at my school. And the lamest.) but... isnt this creating just another trend or conformist group to follow, or deviate from? dying part of ones hair blue to signify their beleif or support in this campaign is something that everyone in the group would be expected to do. which is what that organization is standing against. what of people who dont have the money or means to go to these cool stores or fine complexions? they get made fun of for that, and if they want to support this group, they'd have to dish out like $40 or however much it is to go to a salon to get your hair dyed blue. I know I dont have that kind of money. Which is why I have lame clothes, poor complexion and a blatant lack of social skills. Its an awesome cause, and im all for it, but dying ones hair blue and then keeping it that way (keep the color from fading or from being grown and cut) would cost the money that some kids would be spending on those clothes or trends to fit in.
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