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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Anyone who's familiar with the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny knows that Mr. Rogers wins all. Also: CAPTAAAIIN PLANNEEEEEETT
  2. I'd ask to be on it, but I've noticed Horatio has had to edit a few of my posts, I dunno if i'd qualify o:
  3. Im currently making a more refined version of this here story... with like, longer dialogue and also greater detail. and less censorship. The less abridged version, pretty much. It will entail a cooler intro, and the facets mentioned. Theres one thing I'll need a second opinion on. The original idea for the story, there was a similar last showdown kind of scene. I didnt quite do it that way though, so i'll try describing what I had imagined. In this version, After they pwnt Jared, he used a last blow to try and kill off Samuel and ultimately succeeded, and he ended up dying in the hospital. The original idea was that they would find Samuel moments before said showdown, and Jared was keeping Samuel hostage there with him or something. And because Jared is relatively sadistic, After taunting and talking to Nathan for a minute, he injected Samuel with that mess of chemical and such, but not as much. It was enough to mess with his nervous system but use a different poison than Cyanide, so it acted a lot slower and more painfully. Nathan got very angry and goes and pwns Jared, and the male equivalent of Heather finished him off by some means i didnt think of yet. They all ran over to the delirious Samuel, who by that time was beyond redemption. He and Nathan talked for a while, Nathan insisting that he can get Samuel to a hospital, take care of him and everything would be great. Samuel insists that too much time has passed, and if Nathan tried that, Samuel would just kick the bucket in the car and everyone would be sad. So, getting his attention once more, Samuel convinced Nathan to relieve him of the long discomforting demise, and kill him painlessly right there. And, after a little scene more depressing than Alex dying, Nathan had to kill his dad by himself, after losing Alex and almost dying just to get there. So they have a happy little family moment and such, then kill Samuel, then Nathan is emo and that last chase scene comes. And maybe they end up giving Alex and Samuel proper funeral kind of ceremonies, in the ending. That, or leave it how it is, which turned out better than I thought it would. Whaddyou guys think? I cant decide. D:
  4. Or, if we stop making conspiracy theories about it, Nobody will think its a problem.
  5. Plus what... fifteen dollars shipping? I wouldn't buy it there. Too many counterfeits. Anything i've bought on eBay overseas ended up the wrong item, broken, or counterfeit. And they wont pay shipping to have it returned. Nor will they speak proper english. yeah I dont buy things overseas no more.
  6. MAI KAYQUES Yeah, I might need one of those, too. Care if I invade your topic periodically? or should I make one myself?
  7. ... -strikes manly pose- OH DEAR LORD NOT ARKCHER AND CHEESEMASTER ur doin it rong TABLE-PANTS Vs. DIVINE BOVINE WHO CAN STRIKE A MANLIER POSE FIND OUT THIS SUNDAY AT 9 IT IS SUNDAY IT IS 9 -strikes manly pose- IF CHEESEMAN DOES NOT SHOW THAN, Um, I guess im manlier than the wisp of air next to me which will pose as my opponent instead. I can strike a manlier pose that both of you combined o: THREE-WAY MANDOWN ITS ON NOW
  8. ... -strikes manly pose- OH DEAR LORD NOT ARKCHER AND CHEESEMASTER ur doin it rong TABLE-PANTS Vs. DIVINE BOVINE WHO CAN STRIKE A MANLIER POSE FIND OUT THIS SUNDAY AT 9 IT IS SUNDAY IT IS 9 -strikes manly pose- IF CHEESEMAN DOES NOT SHOW THAN, Um, I guess im manlier than the wisp of air next to me which will pose as my opponent instead. I call a rematch, so we can have a proper man-off. x3 ( lol k : D
  9. Devine Bovine would have the right number of syllables but Divine Bovine is actually composed of words. Your call, Cheese-face.
  10. ... -strikes manly pose- OH DEAR LORD NOT ARKCHER AND CHEESEMASTER ur doin it rong TABLE-PANTS Vs. DIVINE BOVINE WHO CAN STRIKE A MANLIER POSE FIND OUT THIS SUNDAY AT 9 IT IS SUNDAY IT IS 9 -strikes manly pose- IF CHEESEMAN DOES NOT SHOW THAN, Um, I guess im manlier than the wisp of air next to me which will pose as my opponent instead.
  11. Just as a half-baked attempt to make you feel better... Im sure you've seen some videos from Youtube with some hacked/AR'd versions of Melee. Buy AR for Wii, and probably through the same methods you could play as Master Hand in standard melee matches, there'd likely be some code you can control the assist trophies. Jeff still wouldnt be as awesome, but you might like, control the rockets? that'd be cool. or something. I'd love to use Action Replay, but I'd prefer not to risk glitching up my game with codes-I already ran that risk with Pokemon Red and Mario Kart 64, with disastrous results. (Mario Kart doesn't even work anymore) I lent my copy of Pokemon Red to one of my friends, who ended up getting it wet somehow. It didnt work for a few days, but with a glimmer of hope left in my 7-year-old self, I turned it back on and it has glitched up so bad. With the appropriate actions, I can summon lvl2 Wild Mewtwo's (or lvl80, from tall grass) and still be able to trade them with other game cards. It is the indispensible one of a kind pokemon game now o: I still have it somewhere in my room. It brought up two other pokemon, I dont remember what they were called, I think one was actually named ERROR. It closely resembled a totem pole. It has no attacks. Oh man. That is five kind of awesome. /jealous Now if only there was a convenient way to transfer them from Red to Diamond version... :/ Then i'd all the time be makin mewtwos and givin them to people. Which reminds me of the cloning pokemon exploit in diamond/pearl o: you have to time it just so, but turn your DS off like after a certain number of seconds when you're uploading it on nintendo WFC. then turn it back on and ones up for trade and one is still in your party o: take the one off of trade, and you have two.
  12. [yeah, except thats not the game this is resembling. use madd nurd skillz and compare events and sceneries. you'll catch on.] [ I want the ducks. ] Ask Divine Bovine or Jesseman, they might know what game it is and donate some ducks to your cause.
  13. [yeah, except thats not the game this is resembling. use madd nurd skillz and compare events and sceneries. you'll catch on.]
  14. Just as a half-baked attempt to make you feel better... Im sure you've seen some videos from Youtube with some hacked/AR'd versions of Melee. Buy AR for Wii, and probably through the same methods you could play as Master Hand in standard melee matches, there'd likely be some code you can control the assist trophies. Jeff still wouldnt be as awesome, but you might like, control the rockets? that'd be cool. or something. I'd love to use Action Replay, but I'd prefer not to risk glitching up my game with codes-I already ran that risk with Pokemon Red and Mario Kart 64, with disastrous results. (Mario Kart doesn't even work anymore) I lent my copy of Pokemon Red to one of my friends, who ended up getting it wet somehow. It didnt work for a few days, but with a glimmer of hope left in my 7-year-old self, I turned it back on and it has glitched up so bad. With the appropriate actions, I can summon lvl2 Wild Mewtwo's (or lvl80, from tall grass) and still be able to trade them with other game cards. It is the indispensible one of a kind pokemon game now o: I still have it somewhere in my room. It brought up two other pokemon, I dont remember what they were called, I think one was actually named ERROR. It closely resembled a totem pole. It has no attacks.
  16. [o: see also: However, I lack the promised five ducks, so you get bragging rights instead.]
  17. The same reason that cowlicks, Hentai, Paris Hilton, and Chad Warden exist we let them You're the one with the super shroom gun or something. Do something about it then. And hope some other perverted wapanese fetishists wont jump on to the spawned mushroom pr0nz. Too late, there's already Rule 34 of Mushrooms. I cannot unsee it. REWL DHURDEE PHORE KNOW EGGZEPSHINS
  18. I'm not saying you shouldn't. I find their beat to be quite addictive. I just wished they would be more creative sometimes. The only Cascada song I know is "every time we touch" which i hear at dances and such. i like it! ~Liz I downloaded their one English CD as a christmas present for my sister (yeah im a little cheap), and they're like a romanian or portugese band. kinda like O-zone [of Numa Numa/Dragostea Din Tea fame] and thats their only good song if you ask me. I think its cool they're not american though.
  20. I'll let HampsterKing know. Let's see how fast he can get this accomplished. Danke! NNOOOO DEVINE BOVINE D: WHY MUST YOU MAKE RASH DECISIONS IN MAH ABSENCE
  21. The same reason that cowlicks, Hentai, Paris Hilton, and Chad Warden exist we let them You're the one with the super shroom gun or something. Do something about it then. And hope some other perverted wapanese fetishists wont jump on to the spawned mushroom pr0nz.
  23. After a rather unsuccessful search through the room, the two left the destroyed containment bay, and scaled the fragile staircase. What was that thing? That Carnefice had taken quite a beating, probably more than it would have lasted even that long through. That tiny creature that jumped out... must have some significance. As they continued down the next flight of stairs, the conference room sign came in to view, and the motion-detecting door opened for them. Inside, the door closed behind them again with a clicking noise. Nathan continued to the communiqué components, leaving Denton at the doorway, curiously looking over the doorway. It locked itself. A small red light indicated such, and from where he stood, he saw that the other door had the same red light. Before he could bring this to Nathan’s attention, Dieter was already onscreen. He didn’t look as enthusiastic this time. “This isn’t good…” Nathan hesitated, not expecting that. “… What?” “I was watching you from the security cameras. They have a night-vision filter, for situations like this.” “Do you know what that little thing was?” “Im not certain, but it strongly resembles a finished project Harret recently completed. Or rather, just before you came with the initial raid, Torrn.” “… Great. What was it?” “A really small bioform that they named after a mythical creature, Chimera. By itself, a Harret Chimera is almost harmless. Its body is about two-and-a-half inches long, but inside it has numerous telescoping, retractable limbs that can protrude from most anywhere on its body. It has little to no predatory behaviors, but acts similar to a hermit crab. Its very vulnerable without a hiding place, and when it sees fit, it houses itself inside of other creatures, parasiting off of them. It uses its high-numbered limbs to take dominance over the muscles of its host creature, using those predatory methods to protect it. It favors deceased creatures as a host, as it will meet no resistance. And, of course, I believe that Carnefice you came across was already dead, and being controlled by that Chimera, which is why it was so slow and unresponsive to its surroundings.” Nathan paused, and looked down, wondering what could Harret want a creature like that for? The only rational explanation that came to mind was that it would be another military force, to reanimate deceased units, or dominate their enemies. “There were a total of four to be successfully created, and its very likely that you just saw one. They’re too small to really keep track of, so as of right now we have no idea where any of them are.” Dieter continued, frowning. He could be seen looking over various papers nearby, and comparing them to a computer to his side. “Well, can you, with your layout of Harret, give us a way out of here? Its not very pleasant, and we don’t think we can take this ourselves…” Dieter turned to the camera again, “No. Harret was an underground operation, they wanted any entrances and exits closely monitored, and accordingly its most efficient to have a limited few ways in or out.” Nathan cursed to himself in his mind, remembering how he got in to Harret the first time- He broke in through some air ducts, and escaped through a back door. He can, though, confirm the main entrance was out of access. “Well, what do we do now then?” “As you both well know, this place is home to a number of species. Military bioweapons. Created for destruction and violence. I think a good option would be to seal off further biohazard containment areas. We don’t want the Chimera’s to get in to one of the Imponitore’s.” “Whoa whoa, whoa.” Nathan raised his hand, “Its been a number of weeks since I was last here. Are you implying that Carnefices and Imponitores are still rampant, and alive and sentient?” “Well, yes.” Dieter responded, confused. Nathan looked around, “What did they eat? Is there enough water for them? How did they survive?” Dieter shifted in his seat, “Torrn, keep in mind that these creatures are not natural. They were engineered and created in this place.” “I know that!” Nathan snapped back. “They were made for military purposes.” Nathan glared at Dieter, losing patience. “Supplies, food and water is always an issue of great consideration for any military force. The main bioweapons, being Carnefice... and… so on, are designed with that in mind. They don’t need food. They are self-sufficient and can only be brought down by fatigue or combat.” “… Carnefice and… so on?” “I was told that you knew that a number of computers were beyond access, either secured, or otherwise severed from the connection. There are three creatures that are categorized as finished, primary bioweapons. Carnefice is the first, two others are yet to be revealed. I have a strong suspicion that those numerous small cat-things that broke out, are one of those two. They’re a force to be reckoned with.” “So what are those things?” “We don’t know what they’re called yet. According to our maps,” The layout of Harret was brought up onscreen again. “some of the Delta-grade security computers with that information are in the northeastern part of your sector, one floor up. Not too far away.” “And what are we to do with them?” “Find out why we cant get to them. Physical interaction may let you take off its security, or maybe you could restore the network to it. You’re going there to find out what to do, essentially. I expect that after you do it, we’ll have more information on Harret’s products, particularly where certain ones are located and kept in preservation or suspension, so we can keep Chimera’s from reaching them.” “Alright. Northeastern quadrant, restore Delta computer.” Nathan repeated back, still not very excited about risking his life again. “Get to it. There's one or two conference points between here and there. Stop by if you feel so inclined. I’ve released the locks on all Omega-grade security doors, so that you can get there. Move quickly, we need to quarantine the Chimera’s.” “Acknowledged.” The connection closed once more, and the two exited through the one opened door, while the door leading to the containment bay remained locked, leaving Denton with an uncomfortable feeling. [so uh, Feedback is like, the most awesome way to motivate one to continue making updates. kind of lets them know their work isnt going in to a black hole void of cyberspace. <__< ]
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