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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. We're still running out of time, so i'll try to get something going. Several months maybe years ago, MW posted a cool RP topic that lasted about a week, so I wanna see if I cant revive it with this mess. No, i dunno where the link to it is, or if it exists, so i'll try describing it from memory. In a somewhat post-apocolyptic setting, where a vast majority of humanity or any other life had been wiped out by nuclear warfare. nuclear warfare left almost all of Earth uninhabitable, driving most creatures [including humans] to live in the forests. nuclear warfare left most existing forest critters and animals with some different ability (because any exposure to radioactivity unconditionally causes beneficial mutation, never a fast-acting form of cancer.) be it speaking english, having greater intelligence/resourcefulness, walking on two legs, heightened senses, whatever. As long as its reasonable, realistic and balanced. if you cant balance thangs gud, that a good way to start would be add just as many flaws to ones character as there are awesome traits. Hoping this wont die like that time, yes, it does mean there'll be furries everywhere and anthros. just keep it clean and sensible. and Im doing this largely for the purpose of getting this whole team challenge mess up and going. Anyone want to join? Sure.. even if I must, on general principle, question your implication that furries are inherently tended towards the not-clean/senseless. Its a terrible stereotype, but more true than I'd want to admit. But knowing people on HD, it shouldnt be an issue.
  2. You sure? Di you hate the meme or the pokemon itself? Or is it a specific mudkip? That could be some sort of discrimination o: Its not an accusation, we just herd u lieked dem.
  3. very few animes I've seen fit that definition. fix'd. and I havent seen any anime that doesnt fit that. but then, i've only had the patience to see about 3, so maybe I just had an abysmal first-impression. i dunno.
  4. We're still running out of time, so i'll try to get something going. Several months maybe years ago, MW posted a cool RP topic that lasted about a week, so I wanna see if I cant revive it with this mess. No, i dunno where the link to it is, or if it exists, so i'll try describing it from memory. In a somewhat post-apocolyptic setting, where a vast majority of humanity or any other life had been wiped out by nuclear warfare. nuclear warfare left almost all of Earth uninhabitable, driving most creatures [including humans] to live in the forests. nuclear warfare left most existing forest critters and animals with some different ability (because any exposure to radioactivity unconditionally causes beneficial mutation, never a fast-acting form of cancer.) be it speaking english, having greater intelligence/resourcefulness, walking on two legs, heightened senses, whatever. As long as its reasonable, realistic and balanced. if you cant balance thangs gud, that a good way to start would be add just as many flaws to ones character as there are awesome traits. Hoping this wont die like that time, yes, it does mean there'll be furries everywhere and anthros. just keep it clean and sensible. and Im doing this largely for the purpose of getting this whole team challenge mess up and going. Anyone want to join?
  5. To me, about anything that involves more hormones than necessary, eastern manga animation, and a storyline/setting just begging to be Mary-Sue'd, qualifies as Anime. Thus, I dont care for any of them. -braces for impact-
  6. Nuclear dust in your chocolate milk... not too tasty I would imagine. Well, after it fries your taste buds, nothing will taste bad. Or good, for that matter.
  7. One week is as many at seven days. And that's terrible.
  8. well dont see this as what peoples' favorite games are. its games they want to see on Wii's VC, not necessarily the most awesome in their opinion. thus, they'd want Mother/Earthbound to have more publicity since SMRPG and Chrono Trigger have both been obscenely popular at least once, and Mother/Earthbound has a much smaller audience in the US. so maybe the majority of them just want to know what brought Ness in to the SSB series. i dunno. that was just a short-lived ramble, my mind hasnt quite woken up yet cause I just got up.
  9. With apparel slightly askew, Daniel Odem panted lightly, wavering in his kneeling position, having just successfully landed upright after performing a breakdancing move. A voice to his side caught his attention, suddenly giving him a self-conscious demeanor, as he coolly stood up straight with a light sigh. "Yeah, I've been practicing this one for the past like 45 minutes." Dan responded, glancing at the nearby clock, located not far from his cardboard dance floor he sets up in the gymnasium after school, to try and keep his skills sharp or even improve on them. He turned back toward his friend, who was giving him an encouraging look. He nodded once, and knelt back down, willing to demonstrate again. With a grunt, Dan threw his weight to the sides, supporting himself by the wrists, swinging his legs around beneath his body, grunting loudly again as he changed direction and reversed his motion, before swinging upward to put him in a hand-stand, balanced by his weighted shoes that almost made a 180-degree rotation, before Dan kicked upward, pushing off the ground, jumping in the air, but quickly coming to a premature descent, landing harshly in an awkward position, crushing his right leg with his own weight, causing him to further topple over in to a heap, a few feet away from his homemade dance floor. Quietly laughing to himself, Dan rolled back in to a kneeling position, cradling his limb, seething to suppress the pain. In a short moment, he struggled to his feet, uncomfortably shifting his weight. "Yeah, I usually land a little more gracefully than that." Dan said with a smirk, leaning awkwardly. "... So, How've you been, Becca?" He tried to take his mind off of his injury by making conversation.
  11. Exactly. You can still find the link, if you try, though. I am just trying to keep the boards where your posts go up immediately without moderation. Thats fine. You're doing good at it, so dont feel bad if people dont listen to you.
  12. Exactly. You can still find the link, if you try, though.
  13. Through the ancienct magicks of IM, I've allied myself in to one group already. and want to try for two or so. so im available for recruitin'.
  14. What if we see you offline? D:
  15. Arkcher

    check dis out guys

    i....have no idea what that is. Doesn't matter, just QUICK JUMP ON ITS HEAD i had a feeling it was a goomba... MK has magical insight intuition thing about that sort of stuff o: ... yeah, in that image URL, it says goomba. i just saw that. o:
  16. ... I think her name is MK. I dunno bout that Science thing you said though. Its called Science though, if I remember right.
  17. GLOWY MAH BOI Your user title reminds of a specific flash animation i've seen. o: ... Organs in mains.
  18. yeah no, thats not rule 34.
  19. I was going to say something, but it took too long to load this page and I forgot what I was going to say. D: Dial-up is killing me.
  20. -appears in ugly plaid business suit with very greasy hair, with a used car lot in background- Get yours ToDAY!
  21. you do release that cheesy could easily be defeated, correct? That is, if Arkcher likes cheese.... But Cheesey is a ninja hey, it's not that cheesy can't pull a ninja when he's in arkcher's tummy. key word here: NINJA.
  22. there was this event recently, it was the "Women's Expo." I know that a Men's expo would be shot down and flagged as sexist. And another thing that bugs me is standardized testing listing "white" as a race. I'm caucasian, not white. When you get as specific as "Pacific Islander," I feel slighted. Ooh. That reminds me of another tangent. Anyone else notice how the only real people that others can get away with for mocking is the white christian male? You cant poke fun at athiests, its too discriminatory. You cant do anything to jews nowadays. You cant discriminate against black people. You cant openly mock women. Latino seems to qualify as its own race, you cant make fun of them either. Looks to me like every 'minority' is protected some way or another, while the list goes on and I simply lack the patience to continue. A good display of this is most TV shows. It would be a federal misdemeanor to have a comedy show with mishaps of an african-american woman. 'Everybody loves Raymond' seems to be just that, only main character is a white guy. So its hilarious, and its not making fun of any minority, so its fine and dandy. kind of makes you wonder what is considered racist and what isnt.
  23. Katman is an infinitely versatile wisdumb-dispenser.
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