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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Buy YOUR TheThingy-Izer3000 toDAY!! >_>;...... Upon cooking it in 15 cups of water over your stove, Then you will find you will have enough money to buy sodas*!! Cook the TheThingy-Izer3000 until it catches on fire, regardless of its subaquatic condition (this can take a few days) After cooking it, PIck it up with some tongs, Apply it to hairy places. You will then see that the out-of-control facial hair or chesthair overgrowth will catch on fire, Burn, And no longer be a problem. This also works with: goatees, nosehairs, ear hairs, eyelashes, eyebrows, armhair, leg hairs, Toehair, Or even your little brothers hair! *No, It doesnt really give you enough money to buy sodas, But it does in fact play CDs. Try it. -holds back laughing-
  2. The file extension is your problem, not the file size, from the look of things. Make sure its a valid format. Try Gif or Jpg. Bmp is a huge format, and is about 5 times the size of jpg. (But has high color quality.) Png might be good too, but hey... Try the files format, then check if the file is too big. (Which is also a possibility.)
  3. Not necessarily, We just beleive there would be places in between heavan and Hades. (two capital i's to bypass the filter, do you mind that Horatio? HK? for this subject?) I mean, What if someone didnt even know about relegion? (pigmys or uncivilized groups, they're just as human as us. just an example) OR what if someone chose the wrong relegion to beleive? They shouldnt go to Hades if they dont even know what they're doing, am i right? And my relegion doesnt necessarily beleive there IS a heavan or Hades, But... Im not here to be telling people what to beleive, preaching and all that. I'll just leave it there. (Ask any questions if you feel necessary though.) Sorry, I had to change it. I used Hades (the God of the underworld) which is in informal word for the word you wanted. Hope this is okay with you. Horatio
  4. [w00tage! Nighttime. >_>;.......... Imma add another character then.] [Val Hawyns my favorite RP character right now, Noctournal (And hangs out with vampires? I dunno. o-o) And is one of the like. 5 that i use on muh board. ] Having rarely left the borders of his home country, (This being the third time) Val Hawyn took cautious steps into the unknown. He walked rather slowly along a thin dirt path, which as he looked ahead, led into a dense forest. This vaguely reminded him of a Wolf forest near his hometown, Where some rather unpleasant experiences took place. Val looked up at the newly risen moon, Again, Reminded of the Wolf Forest. Val took more and more steps into the woods, Fully clothed in black, trying to remain invisible to the human eye, and remain in secrecy. He wore a long black hooded cloak, also in attempt to hide his identity. [i'll probably post more later. Cant think of much right now though. Rait and James or Naomi can do something now though... pretty undescriptive post though....]
  5. Chapter Fourteen Within moments, I had found myself taking in the much-needed whiff of fresh air, as I took in a deep breath and sighed, satisfied. One of the Werewolves changed back to its Feral shape, and continued on about its business in the forests. One of the others was about to do so, When it hesitated, And looked up at me intently. I glanced back down at it. Gender didn’t seem to matter much… The wolf gazed in my eyes, as if it had recognized me, as a long lost friend. “Do tell me, Have you yourself bitten any other humans recently?†I thought for a moment. “Yes. I have.†If the other wolf was capable of it, I’m sure it would have smiled. “It was me.†“… Oh… I am… Sorry?†I didn’t know how to react. “No, Do not apologize. I must say, This is the best thing that has ever happened to me! It is hard to believe I found myself a superior to other creatures back when I was human… Thank you for this, I love it more than anything else!†Again, I didn’t know how to react. Despite I’ve been a wolf for some time now, I still don’t know entirely what I’m doing. “I hate this. I hate being a werewolf, More than anything else, I wish I could go back, and right all the wrongs that I have done… I hate myself for not fighting back against that idiot wolf… I swear, If I ever see it, I-†My speaking was cut off by my internal fury that let loose, As I let out a loud, ferocious roar of fury, bearing fangs and tensing all muscles, as my rage driven body had gone mad, Waving my claw-born limbs around wildly, Until I had put an end to it by slamming my fist into the ground, which sent a shockwave impact through the earth. The two werewolves in front of me were both eying me strangely. The one to my left finally commented, “You what?! You hate being a werewolf, How can that be! You and I are far superior than our previous forms!†Then the wolf to the right took a step closer to me, With a somewhat angered facial expression. “You are talking… to that idiot wolf. I am the one who bit you. So then? What are you going to do? Roar at me? Heh… You never cease to amaze me.†All other thoughts and feelings had come to a screeching halt, As the unbearable fury of my heart had gone wild. I let out a louder, more intense roar than previous to this, And threw my undamaged clenched fist at the wolf in front of me. All the wolf did was move its hand in front of my blow, and caught my hand and wrapped its fingers around my fist, and prevented it from moving. “Remember… You are just in the infant stages of a werewolf. You have an unstable mixture of bloods- You are still partially the weakling human you once were!†The wolf then squeezed its hand over mine, and clenched its own fist, my own inside of its. It squeezed mine- knuckles had cracked, The pressure increased, bones were broken, the pressure increased. I let out a whimpering howl of pain, As the wolf before me had nearly destroyed my right hand. “I am your superior! You are but an underling! Feel the power of a full-grown Werewolf!!†It spoke loud and clear, As it had pushed my hand away from its, letting go as it did so. “You are not my superior entirely! You just use muscle and strength, And have no mental stability! A poor strategist! A fool!†I shot back at it, Pointing out the obvious to it. The wolf didn’t seem to pleased with me. “I regret ever getting you out of that cage! I will let your humans take it from here…!†With that, He had used his oversized right arm, and pummeled me in an impacting punch to the head- This, Knocking out my conscience.
  6. People always take your joking the wrong way. I think its hilarious. And uh.......... something..... else. >_>;
  7. I try to Mostly i was asking if that is what Toto was implying. I still dont get it.
  8. I posted a topic to build suspense and excitement that i would be getting hamsters at some point, And i made this topic to confirm that the event took place. There are two topics on the matter, So you may have one confused with another.
  9. So uh.... Nobody gives a care x'cept me?
  10. [What time is it, ICly, does anyone know?]
  11. Or just have an army of half-amputated duoplegic ASCII humans invading Tokyo or something. A new force against godzilla! \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........\^/ \^/ ...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/......(.`".....\/> \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........vv)\.....\_...<-- A horribly made godzilla head xD ...\o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/........--{ ).....)/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/..........^^)/..../> ...^^^^^^^... Army of half- amputated duoplegic ASCII humans!
  13. Seriously, Think about this. Do you think it is fair for someone to have eternal suffering because someone else didnt let them know about the correct relegion, They did not have a chance. If God is so merciful, Why would he let us suffer like that? That doesnt make sense. (This is why there are second chances. (Not meaning you go right back to earth, no. >_>) )
  14. [And i confirmed and approved this 'plan' of yours. (Like Kerry's ever-elusive Plan! o_o; Ok i'll stop.) ]
  15. [They're werewolves and such, but somewhat more than that. Just go ahead and call them whatevertheyares.]
  16. Chapter Thirteen The sun had set. The two humans were still there… I jumped on the opportunity. Upon feeling that I had mastered this technique, I jumped down from the tree in the feral wolf shape. Doing so on the opposing side of the cage I was in, having only a pair of brightly glowing amber eyes approaching the two. “Here it comes…†I heard one of them say, as I gazed intently at them while slowly approaching. The newscaster got out her video camera and started filming this ‘amazing sight’ as she referred to it. The sun was barely illuminating the scenery, as the newscaster commented something to the effect of, ‘Wow, What a beautiful wolf!’ I had been distracted by her common emphasizing, tone of voice and their familiarities. I had felt as if I knew this woman before now…She looked no older than… roughly 17 years. Upon thinking about it, My older sister, Cassandra, Was in pure glee upon knowing her 17 year old daughter had finally got a job, ‘in spite of its low pay, Ariel got a part-time job with a group of traveling newscasters’ as Cassandra had said. Ariel’s pink clothing gave the signal to me that she was most likely related to my sister. Regardless of who she is, I must escape from here… I continued my silent and slow padding along the forest ground. Until I felt the change come… I closed my eyes, A short moment later I opened them up once again, Them now being larger and disturbingly bloodshot, As I let out a loud roar while the same incredible muscle bulk began forming all over my body, And I lifted my body off the front legs to stand up as humans do, in my Anthromorphic Wolf shape. Half visible in the fading sun and the growing moon. I shot a menacing glare at the two in front of me, as my lips curled to bear some intimidating teeth, as a growl formed in my throat, which instigated the presence of fear in the two humans… This wasn’t enough fear to ignite my homicidal counterpart though, which is the only thing I know that can break through this substance. I lunged forward, and landed with just enough space between the divider and myself. I then let out a horrific roar, and screamed it toward the two humans, who got a good look at my overbore teeth and the exact power of my crushing jaws. Upon seeing the off-blue purple color of the fear surrounding the humans, I felt a familiar, intoxicating sensation… My wolf had taken over my body once more. I backed up, and rammed my body into the dividing surface of unknown material, and put a small crack into the center of where I had hit it. I backed up once again, and clenched a wolf fist, and threw a vigorous punch at the weakest spot visible. The loud thundering crashes and had drawn attention to me, As several news recorders were all taping my escape, the insane brutal werewolf crashing through the Transparisteel, a discovered surface material discovered on a small group of passing asteroids, which surprisingly lightly impacted the earths surface. (Like glass, If exposed to molten thermal conditions (9000 C’+) It can me molded into shapes and used for one of the strongest materials known to humans) A satisfying crunching feeling had told me that my punch had penetrated the Transparisteel, but on the down side, it hasn’t gone through enough. My fist had gone half way through the 6-inch plating. This is not what I was looking forward to… I pulled my arm out- or tried to. It had been jammed into the Transparisteel, I couldn’t move it out. I grabbed my forearm with the other hand, and pulled twice as hard. I looked at where my fist had impacted the Transparisteel, Which had maroons, crimsons and reds of all shades indicating the unstable mixture of human, wolf and werewolf blood in my system on the inside, and in the middle as my blood shared the space with my hand… I persisted at pulling my arm out- it didn’t work. I had let out a roar of frustration, and pulled with all I had- It didn’t move. The long roar had turned into a howl, as I threw my head upward as the howl sounded through the Transparisteel, being that loud. Within seconds, The newscasters were distracted from me, And were all stirred by three or four simultaneous wolf howls, Similar to mine, Sounding from different parts of the forest. I looked around, to find five other werewolves like myself, all rampaging through the terrain, chasing the humans away from where I was. A few of the Wolves ran to the Humans’ transportation machines, And attacked the helicopters, vehicles and so on, By slamming the engines, Preventing their escape. Within moments, the wolves had cleaned out the Humans, by either chasing them off, or killing them, as I had been so fond of. Upon ridding us of their presence, two of them ran back into the forests, and three of them approached the cage I was in. To my great surprise, Two Werewolves changed to feral shape and the third, remained Anthromorphic. What I found amazing, What that it seemed to be able to communicate with me in ways I never would have thought possible. This wolf was speaking to me. It moved its mouth in ways I had seen in humans, But seemed to speak English… “What are you doing there? Do you expect us to get you out of there?†I stared at the other wolves, rather stunned. “Hey! Are you going to answer me?†It tried to get my attention. A Feral wolf to its side looked upward at the Anthro, as is spoke as well. “This looks like a new Werewolf, I would not say it is more than 2 weeks old. It may not know itself capable of speech.†The Anthro wolf nodded, understanding. “You do know that you can talk, correct? Provided you were capable of speech as a human, you are just as capable now, if not more.†This hadn’t occurred to me, I didn’t think Wolves could speak. “I… Must… Say, I… Had not… Realized that…†I stuttered, this being the first time I had spoken as a Wolf, not knowing myself capable of this. The Anthro wolf in front of me smirked, “Don’t feel too bad about yourself, when I was bitten, I had a speech impediment. And I was a Lone wolf as you are for at least a month, before I knew myself capable of much either.†The wolf hesitated, and looked my situation over. “Brace yourself, we will try to get you out of that prison ecosystem…†It warned me, As the two wolves beside it changed back to Anthro shape, As all three of them backed up, to gain speed, and slammed their bodies into the Transparisteel, The impact, in addition to my pulling, Threw my hand out of the Transparisteel, As the wolves backed up once more for another strike…
  17. Woohoo. About 8:30 We went teh Petco, And got two female hamsters (didnt want one of each gender, we'd have a million of them in no time. o_o; That, And there was only one male hammie there.) with cute-ness and fuzzy-type. Two female dwarf hamsters (So tiny and cute. o_O) whom upon watching them for a while, We have named one, who climbs the vertical wire walls, Spiderwoman. xD... The other is Samus Aran (Imagine that!) 'cuz she likes to climb all around those little tubes that go all over the place. And we couldnt think of a better name for her. And note, Naming the hamster Samus was NOT my idea. T'was Cassandras, one of muh sisters. At first, Spiderwomans name was Laura Croft, 'Cuz she kept running around with her big bust and short shorts (I didnt think of this. This was Beths idea.) and jumped around a whole lot. Anyway. They're so cuuutttee! I think its Samus, who cleans herself a lot and sleeps most of the time, Who also goes to the excersize wheel, Runs arouund for a minute, And does not seem to see that she can get OUT of the wheel. They cant seem to get out, so we need tog et the out ourselves. Wierd. Im gonna get pictures of them later. Got a big cage on ebay for like, 7 bucks cheaper than at Petco. o_O; Shipping and insurance put it up to just 3 dollars cheaper. Anyway...
  18. And today, (About 2 hours 'go) I went and bought two hammies. Woohoo. Imma post a topic 'bout it here in a minute.
  19. [im on again at midnight! OoooOOOOOOOooooo o_o; ......... Only this time its later. This is like, 12:15. o_o; Imma go sleep now.]
  20. That would be rather strange... I dun like FinalFantasy. They arent very Final if theres about 15 of them.
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