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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Alburquerque! See, I can do it too! Snorkle!
  2. No. If you can stand sinless and blameless before god, Then yes.
  3. Val Hawyn continued looking around, waiting for his opponents' reaction. They could not see his body directly, But the vampires could still smell him, he knew this. His footsteps left tracks however, And along the dirt path, crunching dirt can easily be heard with each step he took. [Yeh cant be perfect in these things, eh] Ryukai found at least half of his body encased in thick ice, Disabling him to move much at all, With the exception of his head, neck and right arm being all thats mobile. Despite this, He could not reach anywhere near a weapon, leaving all his capabilities to wait. Val felt an unusual weakness in his head, Which he had felt other times, but very few, This meaning he was nearly out of magic power. His blades would be all he could depend on without using his magic power... Very finite, He did not have endless mind power. Though he had a lot of it, He can run out. He looked around, And unsheathed his last of three swords, again, with two swords in hand. One was ultra frigid, Causing ice to form on anything it touched (X'cept val. He gives it 5 bucks not to freeze him. o_o) While the other was smothered in a flame, which brightly lit up the area, which could do the same as his other sword- cause fire to strike anything it felt necessary. He looked down, and pointed his fire blade upward to the sky, (Lightning rod!) as it shot up a huge blast of fire, which illuminated the area as the noonday sun would, In attempt of temporarily blinding his opponent, increasing the temperature and hopefully have extra effect on the Vampires. (Just a bright light, not necessarily the sun? Maybe vampy's have a similar reaction to sunlight as Werewolves do, eh?)
  4. Val stood motionless, Watching for the adversary's movement. Upon hearing russeling in the bushes nearby, Val reflexively cast a spell, Which made a light shield around Val, A bright flash of light temporarily illuminated the area, And it appeared that Val was gone. The area he was standing in was strangely shimmering though... He had used a spell to bend the light surrounding him, Proving himself invisible to the naked eye, Not in mind that the two vampires could detect his scent of blood. [super kitty-eyes could probably see him though.] He reached over to pick up his arctic sword, Grabbed it and slashed it speedily in Ryukai's direction, Which effectively hit him in the side, But did not act as a blade, It did not cut him in the least... Most of his body covered with ice almost instantly, disabling him to move. Val looked over to his right, To see his empoered sword land blade down in the ground not too far away. He tried to determine what would happen if he went to grab it, And decided against it for the time being, And scanned the area for signs of reaction.
  5. [Oh, That first story. I thought you were talking about one of these chapters. Im all like. Whaaa? >_> Relver if i recall correctly, It was your character? wun'nit?]
  6. Does everything that a Particle can! n_n Someone keeps moving my chair and Nothings gonna change my clothes are like. The coolest songs ever. EVER. >_>
  7. Same here, That night i watched it, It was like 3 AM. The rest of the time i was up i couldnt tell reality from that movie. I was freakin out on everyone, too.
  8. [i thought Rait an James would be on fire o--o;] Val Hawyn felt a strange sensation on his back, As the ozersize feline he was looking for had pushed him down from behing, As he heard guns loading, fire at ready. [since when were Naomi and deh Vampy's cooperative? o_o] Val, Still having one sword in his hands, (dropped the other one from Naomi's attack) Did the last thing he could do, that came to mind, in this situation. He pushed himself upward, beneath the cats weight, And threw his sword upward, Pushing the Gun-blades out of aim of Val, (Possibly out of their grip. You decide that.) And then leaned over to the right, In hopes of rolling over and knocking the cat off of him, Giving him opportunity to attack. (His sword still up in the air, coming down any minute now.) OR retreat, if necessary.
  9. [First impressions can go bad. o_o ... The truth on that is, I still havent decided who that is yet. I was thinkin' Dimitri, but naw... probably not... That may be one of the few characters who i actually made up in this story. o_o]
  10. When watching deh Yellow Submarine movie, I didnt understand a lick of it. o_____o; So im glad you did. -wierded out and runs away-
  11. I now quote a post by me. From Xanga. >_> Wierdest thing ever. o_o
  12. [-looks around- o____________o; Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhhh.............]
  13. Val scanned the scenery, taken by surprise, To see some wild cats, Two vampire-looking beings, A strange hunter/theif and two other people running his way. Val Hawyn did the only thing left for him to do- Attack. Val focused his magic power into pure energy into his Right sword, Increasing it slightly in sharpness, length and width, The other sword emitting ultra-frigid air, Frost formed around the metal blade as if it were swung the correct way, The ice would shoot out and effectively freeze any opponents for later, as he took on the other two. [Do excuse any undescriptive fighting here...] Ryukai put away the scimitar, and drew his toxic longsword once again. (R'member that, that... thingy he was gonna kill off Raith with o_o big min mean nasty word anyway moving on.) Without using any strategic thought, Ryukai pushed the sword strairght forward, Which upon being crouched down, meant it would have stabbed through this strangers' Ankle. This would disable mobility though... The sword only to be met by Val's right sword, Which he threw behind himself just in time to parry the attack. With his attention drawn to Ryukai briefly, Val swung his frigid sword at Raith and James, Forgetting that they had been knocked over, And missing them. He let go of one sword, To use his right hand to draw throwing knives. For a split second, Val's right hand flew from his side to the air, lobbing four throwing knives at Rose and Dimearsh, Which would wither scare them off, Hit them, Or just be easily deflected. [They arent coming very fast, You can either evade, just have them miss you completely or deflect thems with a sword. Just do something about it. o_O They arent coming very fast.] Still using his free hand, Val used a fire spell as a stream of geothermal flames spewed out in Raith and James' direction, While Val grabbed his Ice blade and slashed it at Ryukai, Not turning around to see if he had hit or miss or see the effect. Val looked around the scenery wildly, looking for the wild cat that was here not too long ago... [Ok im done for a minute. w00t.]
  14. Free agency, TGHL. People can decide if they want to be stupid and sin, or actually do right. God does not opress anyone of free will.
  15. [i already had. I did that with the last awsome story i posted here. Everyone got real ticked off'at me too. o__o So i wont dissapoint them now... >_> ... Graagh i cant decide X_x I'll probably just publish it anyway. And all you peebles have free copies or something cuz yall are spiffy.]
  16. Those are some funny shaped hands you have there Katie-person.
  17. BLUUAARRGHBLUUH BLUHBLUH. o_o; Just thought i'd 'bump' this topic. or rectivate it with random wierd words such as BLUUAARRGHBLUUH BLUHBLUH. o_o
  18. [Lemme know if you want more of a backstory, But Val has the body of a more/less 28 year old person, But is 108 years old, Being immortal his aging had stopped. o_o; He has much sword-ness too. Three swords. Booyah. o__o So. Val has a lot of magicstuffs. (Why hes immortal. xD) Uh... yeaaahhh... >_> I still cant think of much a post, so i'll leave it here. Kat, You can do something if you feel like. Ooh. I just thought of something though...] Ryukai had heard footsteps following the path along side the forest, While he hid silent in the trees and shrubs, eyes every watchful for this intruder. His intention was to jump this stranger, Get him kocked out and steal anything he could find on the adversary. Ryukai crept his left arm into the pack behind himself, And pulled out a scimitar, And readied himself for a strike. [Of course, Not knowing about Naomi, Rait and James coming his way. xD] Val Hawyn stopped in his tracks, He thought he had heard a rustling in the forests on either side of him... To his right was something hiding, To the left he thought he had heard footsteps... Val grabbed two of the swords at his side, Pulled them out with a loud unsheathing noise, And scanned the area carefully. He thought he saw movement in the forest nearby, and turned his attention to it... But did not have his attention focused to Ryukai, Creeping up behind him... [Have Ryukai, Naomi, Rait and JAmes all come at once or something. o_o Kill of Val. Muahahahaha.
  19. but Do you need some money to buy soda's?! DO YOU?! Then guy it already! >_o
  20. [seriously, If im going to publish it, It wouldnt be on this site free oc charge for viewing! If i wanted to make a profit out of publishing it, It would have to ben taken off this site for me to get more than like. $5. o_o;]
  21. [Yeah. >_>; But dont make comments on characters till you know who they are- Remember that im basing this story off'a my life. All (most) of these characters are either some peoples i used to know or muh current IRL friends. o-o Mnyeeh.]
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