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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. -raises hand- I'll be two people o: ... or... something. Im still unclear as to how you're going about who being what kind of face, but I'll throw out an idea regardless. just make people up. o: i do it all the time.
  2. well it is a bit after midnight. I guess Bots need to sleep every once in a while, too.
  3. gb2 /x/ o: I've encountered paranormal presences before, but when I was like 7 and pretty much just saw it as creepy. but mah haus is rather specter-free, to my knowledge. strange fungal growths unique to the environment of my room, however, are aplenty.
  4. The thin, durable armor plating rattled quietly, shifting with the movement of a rather slender, tall Drow man. He impatiently strode down a poorly lit corridor, with a handful of military guards on either side of him, tending to their stations. He had been summoned in to the throne room, something he was accustomed to, but still handled it formally and respectfully. Two guards opened the double-doors, a greater illumination giving the gloomy scenery a more vivid appearance. The young man strode in, and respectfully knelt before the throne, seating the equally vile-looking king. "Roharic, reporting in response to your summon, my Lord." "Save the formalities for later, Roharic. The last of the signs have been made manifest to me." Roharic looked up at the king inquiringly, not breaking his kneeling stance. "A time rift has been opened, and at least two beings have been pulled in to this world from beyond the veil. I sense that our old friend Tehan is already making his way toward them. You know what you must do." Roharic's heart skipped a beat. He was being sent to assassinate some people that may intercept and hinder their plans. 'Nothing too difficult', he reassured himself. There was quite a reward for him in the end, and taking out a few people may be but a small cost. Roharic glanced to the side, through a barred window in to a cell, giving its inhabitant a mistrusting glare. "Consider it done, my Lord." The throned royalty did not dismiss. "... Yes, father." Roharic corrected himself, and with a silent wave of his hand, Roharic stood up tall, and strode back out through the doors, smirking at the thought of the axial happenings about to take place.
  5. RAAAWWR D:< I cant tell you how much I hate it when people are overly self-critical. NOBODY'S PERFECT, SHUT UP. Or when people are way too defensive when you talk to them, completely denying that what they said could be misinterpreted and they go off on a huge tangent trying to save themselves from a small bit of shame, which their peers would have long since forgotten the next time they met. ... okay, I just dont like talking to RPVF at all. cause she does all that mess. o_<
  6. [i dunno if IC double-posting is an issue or not, but I'll continue on if you need me to.]
  7. [bump for great justice, and the reminding of Lexxy-man. he got like 3 or 4 days to make a response. :/ ]
  8. "No, no, no. That kind of thing only happens when you dont forward a threat to 64 of your friends in the next 30 seconds." Dan commented, still stuffing various commodities back in to his bag. He glanced up, seeing that Becca was already at the car door some fifty yards away. in a short moments time, Dan was carrying his messenger bag, rather than strapping it to his shoulder, making his way to Joey's car. He slid the door open and sat down inside, "Chelsea's place?" Dan grinned upon hearing the name. The past few weeks, she had rather grown on him, as more than just a friend. "Yeah, yeah, Just for you." Joey turned around, and smirked at Dan, as the car began rolling forward. Dan settled back in to the seat, making no further comment on the matter. "Seems like last time we went to a movie... so we wont be doing that this time." Joey speculated aloud, not making an active effort to remember what todays plans were, if any. "Last week didnt go so well, if you ask me." "Hah, just because Chelsea wasnt there for that movie doesnt mean it wasnt good." "bah, You just shut your face." Dan laughed back, almost shouting over the noise of the wind and passing traffic, Becca fully enjoying the opened window with her hair flying all about. The vehicle made the appropriate turns to follow the streets through the city of Canon Colorado. Traffic wasnt too heavy, nothing out of the ordinary for a friday early afternoon. Not engaged in active discussion, Dan pulled out his MP3 player, isolating himself from his two friends for the time being. He watched through the window as cars passed by, while Joey and Becca carried on another conversation. The heavy bass beat in Dan's ears gradually came to a stop, the song ended. "So Dan, how's your tribal interperetive dance moves going? still working on that last bit to summon rain?" Joey leaned back and made eye contact with Dan before asking him this. Dan smirked, "Not yet. I've managed to successfully summon bad grades though." Dan looked beyond Joey, and saw a red light at an intersection. "Joey! WATCH OUT!" Dan shouted, pointing forward, as the minivan's brakes screeched, causing them to skid along, slowly rotating to face the oncoming traffic, all the while Joey panicking and yelling, trying to sieze control of the vehicle, but rather dissuaded by the massive semi-truck heading straight for them. Dan threw his arm in front of his vision, not sure what protection that would offer him from the coming impact; A deafening crash, Joey silenced, the shatter of broken glass accompanied by an ominous sensation of being harshly yanked forward, before the physical trauma caused Dan to pass out, no longer sentient.
  9. Arkcher


  10. This mess is to decide what part you guizes (geysers?) will play in my story. o: So like, I've decided what role each face corresponds to, and I've already got relationships between characters sorted out and everything. I don't know what's going to happen yet, all I know is who's who. Or, I will know who's who when all the roles are filled. I may offer more roles later on, though, 'cause I'm special like that. And thanks for the offer, but I'll be using you, the Arkcher-man, yourself. Your she-characters can go off and do... she-things. C: - Glowurm And MK? Nice choice, if I do say so myself. ;] : D lolwut im still confused as to what you're doing, so rather than try to figure it out i'll just watch. just dont do anything... ...demeaning... q:
  11. Yeppers. I've decided. I'm going to start a new HD story thingo. C: OKAY. I am only going to include only nine members in this story. Besides me. Why? 'Cause I say so. Now to become part of the story, you have to choose one of the faces. o: Yes, I know that they're all girls. It doesn't mean only girls can be in my story thingo. It's just that... I'm using the faces to decide what roles people play. So you decide which face is your favourite and choose it, and that'll decide where you are in my story and what you do and stuff. First come, best dressed. Now go, choose your weaponface. - Glowurm top right. ~Liz Okay, so you're the pink girl. Hmm, that seems to fit. I wonder who'll take middle left and bottom right, now. - Glowurm OMGLIEKF4REELz BOTTOM MIDDLE wait, whats this mess for? I have some she-characters written up you could use, if you run out of ideas.
  12. THAAAATS what you get for. ... being.... a glowing werm. implant yourself in to another bioform. and you wont miss oppurtunities like this.
  13. Are belong to us? :wacko: You are on the way to destruction?
  14. i changed his name C:! Nameless has a new name? Yay! For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A; - Glowurm But then... how would you do that? o-o [Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...] [MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE] -shoots- NO! Not in to the pit! IT BUURRRNS! -turns in to a book-
  15. [i should probably post in here before the topic goes bad. :/ ] Toako's destination came in to view, just over the horizon were some tall, worn buildings from a once great city. Encouraged, Toako hiked up the large pack on his back, and picked up speed. He worked as a general strong hand, not having a specific occupation, being hired for jobs others may be incapable of. He was strong and agile enough to traverse between cities in a timely manner, and being able to defend himself. A strong gust of wind blew from the south, ruffling his thick, grey fur. His age wouldnt allow him to keep up this active lifestyle forever, he wanted to get as much out of it as he could while it lasted. Slowly but surely, the ruined buildings from a great human city were close. Amid these desolate streets was a temple, a religious site. He had some commodities to deliver there, for reasons he wasnt sure of but wouldnt argue with it. The commission was to take a weeks food supply, some water, and general first-aid and repair kits to a group of roughly ten people who have been waiting in hiding for several months, barely getting by. Toako's understanding was that they believed it to be an act of faith, that dedicating their lives to whatever deity they believed in may bring prosperity back in to the world. Regardless of who they were or what they believed, Toako felt it necessary to support them as living creatures, which were not often found in this world. "Hey! You!" A sickly voice called out from an alleyway nearby, as a woman came hurrying out from the shadows. "You must be the messenger coming from Perilin?" Toako nodded, "Yes. I have food and water and varied supplies for your people. Where are they?" A wide grin spread across her face, revealing some missing teeth. "They're back in our temple, this way if you would..." The woman adjusted her worn, dirty cloak, and excitedly lead the way further in to the dark city. In short time, they came to a wide, short building with few lights on inside. The door opened, revealing a small group of people inside, aroused by the presence of someone new. Toako walked inside, and carefully placed the backpack on the ground, opening its orifices, as various MRE's and jugs of water spilled out. The people, all equally poorly bathed and clothed, looked upon the commodities brought as if it were the greatest feast seen in their lives. As the ravenous humans dug through the backpack Toako brought, he looked over the small group, troubled. There were only seven people. Seeking out the eldest figure present, Toako inquired. "We sent two men out, three days ago, to search out food and supplies in the city, but havent heard from them since." The elder responded, looking troubled. "I have your payment ready, but these men are still a part of our group. Might I request that you search them out before you leave, young sir?" Not wanting to come across as too rude, Toako accepted, definitely not being in any hurry. "Where did they go? I'll... search the best I can." A slightly disgusted grimace spread across Toako's countenace, as the elder directed him outside toward a small building within eyesight. "Alright, i'll take a look." Gripping his weapon firmly, Toako walked in to the shadowy unknown. [unrelated, but im getting somewhere with this. just stall for time, lexxyman. o: ]
  16. i changed his name C:! Nameless has a new name? Yay! For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A; - Glowurm But then... how would you do that? o-o [Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...] [MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE]
  17. I dunno if I've said this already or not, but we need some activity on the board so here goes. RPVF is still convinced Im her boyfriend somehow. Brianrietta's off some three hours away in skool, and from what I've heard is having difficulty supporting herself with a job and tuition and gas money and all sorts of stuff, in addition to the stereotypical drama. She came by a few weeks ago, and she and RPVF and Dr. Cornbread and I all had a hour-long hangout of sorts. She has a new cell phone number, she changed it because she wanted to avoid talking to a specific guy, who ended up finding her new number anyway. I lack this number, and cant think of a good way to get hold of it. so Right now, I think Brianrietta is a bit out of reach. As I may have mentioned before, two other people have rather sparked interest, so to speak. One of them is adopted, coming from an abusive family, and is mentally about 4 years younger than she really is. The other is one of my better friends' younger sister, which may prove as an obstacle, in addition to her own stereotypical drama. so For now, my lack of love life is kind of on hold. I've stopped trying, for now. If something awesome comes along, i might jump on it. But even with just this unimportant mess, I've had more than enough drama over this kind of thing that I dont even need at this age. Also: I think I mentioned some other flirt who I met online. We met in an MMORPG, in which Im a level 44 Mage, she's a level 50 Cleric, so we team up a lot, while I dish out some serious damage, and she keeps me healed and alive since the Mage class cant take much damage, what with low HP/Def but high magic power. She seems convinced that pairing up like this is some sort of date, and while Im dependant on her to keep the party alive, she seems to see this as a kinky way of going about things, making various innuendos and remarks and the like. Its pretty creepy. Since my dial-up mess, I havent been able to get on said MMORPG for 3 months, so Im not sure whats the story with her right now. I think its more hilarious than anything else. but yeah. I dont need a relationship. if something awesome comes along, i'd take it.
  19. Dan crossed his arms, but still looked tense and uncomfortable, as he leaned against a wall by his left shoulder. "ah, Thats not the first time something like that's happened. Won't be the last, either." He looked off to the side of the room, looking back on todays events. "We had a History test today. Failed miserably." Dan half-smiled, still keeping his eye off to the side, trying to remember if he ever got good test results from that subject. "Maybe I'm overlooking something, but I dont see how knowing what kinds of crops and agricultural goods were trades among what countries fifteen-hundred years ago, will have any impact on my everyday life." Dan shook his head lightly, and looked back at the clock on the wall. Joey should be pulling up any minute, with the routine hangout after school. "Oh, I should... probably put this away." Dan strode over to his cardboard dance floor, with a slight limp. Kneeling down, he seperated the segmented flat boxes, and stood up with them folded into themselves under his arm. With his other hand, he opened a nearby double-door closet, storing numerous basketballs and varied sports equipment in a very unorganized fashion. His set of cardboard sections fit quite nicely behind the baskets and compartments inside the closet, being out of the way and hardly visible. As he put them in to place, two stray basketballs bounced out of their compartment, rolling out in to the open.
  20. sounds good. Last call to join this here team, having close orientation to this description. anybody? =D?
  21. I wouldnt say everything, unless someone has some real skill at being stupid.
  22. You sure? Di you hate the meme or the pokemon itself? Or is it a specific mudkip? That could be some sort of discrimination o: Its not an accusation, we just herd u lieked dem. both, but i hate the meme more so aw. D:
  24. I think GLOWY MAH BOI forgot about this topic that we werent supposed to let him forget about. I just saw it up there in the pinned topics, which, you know, are pinned to be noticed.
  25. YIPPIDEE DEW GRAN-PAPPY DIED -dances, straying off to the side before crashing in to a wall-
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