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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [s'about the only one I do in here. I tried to do another RP topic, but it died. o_o]
  2. My religion is all over the world. -eye twitchings- I choose against answering the other two comments.
  3. WWHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee........... Ee..... ._.
  4. The ground lightly shook as Ryukai revocered balance from Val's impact on the ground. He watched in awe, At seeing that the landing on top of Raith could have killed her easily. Ryukai grasped his Toxin sword in hand, And ran up to the beast, And decided against waiting to be within range to slash, And he just threw the sword, Surprisingly stable, It pierced through the air, Straight towards Val...
  5. [This here made no sense to me.... What did you do? ]
  6. [i thought that was rather hilarious.]
  7. But you cant mult-task THAT much! You jig while holding a claymore while blathering about how i cant steal your ninja spiffiness. And like i said, I borrowed your Ninja spiffiness. And since multitasking that much is impossible, You cant jig, Hold deh claymore, And talk about ninja spiffiness AND guard your Mad Ninja Skillz all at one time. So I have snatched your Ninja-ness for the time being, Before TGHL got it. >_>
  8. No it isnt. There are church historical sites in missouri however, Garden of Eden, Not being one of them.
  9. [im almost done with deh 16th chapter. o_o Its about as long as that one...... But I cant write faster, A lot of things be happening that involve not being on my computer, And I have RP's to attend. And an animation to make. (It was supposta be done in november. o_o;; I feel bad now.) I'll go write now. >.> After I post. on that RP. n_n]
  11. [Nei'r do I. >_> They still know its an enemy, its Val and stuff, So they keep on at attacking. ...... I wonders what would happen if a Vampire got bitten by a Werewolf? Hmmmm...] [No killing off yer characters without permission, I know. That'd have too much an effect and be roleplaying the character without permission, So that goes without saying, really.] Val willed his body to change, As the moonlight beams completed the steps necessary to do so, As Val's body changed within one second, (About as fast as Feral to Werewolf would, in that... one... werewolf story thing. that I write. Think Animorphs type speed. >_> I r'member watching that TV show. T'was purty cool.) Being the Human/werewolf form. His new body came crashing down into the ground and impacted Raiths body rather severely, Smashing her into the ground. (About 250 pounds from about 15 feet in the air. That could hurt. o_o) Val looked around wildly, This just demonstrating his power as warning to others, He searched for a nearby target.
  12. ...... Its just no use trying to talk to you about anything.....
  13. Yeah but Kat has super-ninja securitystuffs. Nobody can get in deh stash. Dont even ask how the sanity got there. o_o Maybe KAt put it there. But nor You or I can get in there. >_>
  14. Chapter Fifteen “Its still unconscious…†“The question is though, What should be do with it? If we leave this wolf alone until it wakes up, It’ll rampage through here again and kill us all! We have to act now!†“Give it to Animal control. Enough said. They can run DNA tests, Trace its bloodline, Find out what these things really are… Better yet, What is their weakness. We may be able to seize control of these monsters…! A good army fighter, I’d bet.†My conscience faded in and out, As I heard varied parts of Human Conversation, Apparently planning to use me as the key to controlling Werewolves. Considering how weak I am, I could do nothing about it but listen. I assume I had again fallen unconscious, But once I had woken up once more, I had enough energy to open my eyes, and sit up. Upon doing so, I had looked around to find that a familiar being was nearby. Not moments ago, or from my perspective, The werewolf I was talking to was no more than 20 feet from me. This, the one being the human that I had bitten, This made me feel rather proud of my efforts, Though it was interrupted to see that this wolf had already been overtaken by the humans! “Wolf! Master! Help!†I had heard the wolf calling to me, In language aside from English. I heard it was calling by a mixture of howls and barks, But being a wolf, I understood this language. “We have the female wolf taken care of, tied down! The male wolf over there is next, Get him!†A human commander instructed, As a swarm of animal control units and humans with ropes, chains and the like all came rushing toward me. I immediately jumped to my feet, Stood up straight on my hind legs, And let out a menacing roar of warning. And I then made the attack… I dodged two darts whizzing by, Ran to the closest human and punched it hard in… whatever body part it was that was closest, And jumped upward just in time to evade another tranquilizer dart. Upon hearing the wolf nearby again, My attention had been drawn over to her. “Wolf! Master! Release me, I will help!†I so no flaw in this logic, If I could get over to my subordinate, Then she could help me fight off the Humans, to protect us both. I glanced back at the crowd of humans, chasing me and occasionally shooting at me with darts, Which I found rather amusing to dodge all of the shots. I rolled, jumped, sidestepped, and so on, Until I got to where my subordinate wolf was bound, Ropes and chains tied her front and hinds legs together (separately), Which were also staked to the ground, Disabling her to move. I raised my left hand high, And slammed down onto the wolf’s binds, My claws cutting through the ropes and damaging the chains, As I grabbed the chains with my hand and pulled on them, causing their weak links to break under my strength. “You take care of yourself from there.†I called to her, As I ran back into the group of humans, barely missing a few darts. I ran up and punched one, causing it to fall backwards and hit other humans as well, which tripped even more of them from walking. I reached over to my left, And grabbed an Animal Control unit’s dart gun, And threw the device at one of its comrades, And mercilessly bit the human in front of me, on its left shoulder, Causing it to go limp, just before it had let out a scream of pain. Upon biting one more human, I heard my subordinate wolf behind me give a familiar call, Which wasn’t necessarily a word, but communication nonetheless. She had let out a loud, long piercing howl, and had summoned our Werewolf allies, in desperation of help. Within a matter of seconds, She was on my side, helping fend off the weakling humans. She, too, snuck in the occasional bite, and ejected her genetic serum in her teeth, as I have, To her, and few others. I swiped, scratched, punched, bit and attacked any human that had come into sight, I heard many of them calling for reinforcements and more equipment via their radios. Any of them within my capability to harm, I took the opportunity. The last thing I needed was more humans to be here… So I had bitten any human as often as possible, in hopes of converting more Humans to the Werewolf side. The two of us continued at this, For only a few more seconds until my subordinate Wolf had let out a loud whimper of pain, As she lost balance and toppled over, Inconveniently falling right on top of me, With several tranquilizing darts visible on her body. I had tried to push her off of me, But Werewolves are rather heavy. Muscle is heavier than fat, Making their incredible bulk putting their weight to 250 lbs, More less. I tried pushing her off- She wouldn’t move. I was trapped. I let out another howl as a call for help, Which was cut short by a series of simultaneous pierce sensations on my body- 5 darts were ejecting into my system. Within three weakening seconds, I collapsed under my weight, no longer able to support myself, as I slipped into unconsciousness, Once again. [im posting these faster than I can write them! Aaahhhh. >_>]
  15. Different religions, yes, But both of us use the same bible. (i think... James king version, correct?) All religions are different, So yes we do talk about different things. Joseph Smith was alive in 1805-1842, Nowhere near biblical 5000BC stuffs. Joseph did not found the religion, It had been lost for who-knows-how-long, And Joseph at the age 14 had restored it to the earth.
  16. After a short moment of a daze, Val came to, But his eyes were somewhat out of focus, And he felt somewhat dizzy... [Val is also a werewolf. (I seem to have gotten an obsession with thems lately. Dunno why.) He can be a Val (Hes not human >_>) or a Werewolf when he feels like. As i recall, Vampires and Werewolves have some relationship, And dont necessarily dislike each other? Since Val is noctournal, Sunlight isnt much a problem for either of his forms. Val was only bitten once, (depending on how many werewolf bites you have, different stuff happens. Once, human/werewolf. Twice, A feral wolf when it would be human. Three times, always werewolf, Four times, It dies from having too much of that genetic changing stuff in its system. >_>) But was bitten twice in that other RP. I shut up now.] Upon hearing a gunshot, Val jumped to his feet, And looked around wildly, Still somewhat confused and dizzied. He shook his head, Ignored the pain, And ran into the forest behind him, (Like 5 feet. >_>) And jumped up to a tree branch, And climbed the rest of the way... He jumped his way from treetop to treetop, And eventually came back to the dirt path with the vampires... He backed up, And prepared to jump into the air, Change into a werewolf and attack as a different form... [And then got shot >_> I dunno. You do something. Ryukai do something. I dunno. RP ryukai for me. o__o]
  17. Hostage CD's?! What EVER will we do?!
  18. [im reminded of when, "Pom-pom asked Homestar to enter some kind of eyeless fish beast. He said Ok." "Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire! Awww." Good times.... Bad oldies... o_o]
  19. I think this is what Horatio was hinting towards... Hooray for deh TGHL and being a poster that posts a lot! Whee!
  20. Im doing what? Its already right here!
  21. I havent read this whole friggin topic. Its too long.
  22. Yeahwell. You either stole muh sanity alredy or i actually hid it in with Kat's stash of Typo awards. I still borrowed her super-ninja powers and put my Sanity in there, disguised as a Typo award. You cant find it. Muahahahaha.
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