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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Val didnt have much of a choice in the matter to listen, He was mentally weak, lacking Mind power which was drained by his magic power, And he needed to physically rest, But he tried not to show his vulnerability, And hoped the Vampires would not attack him for the time being. He too watched his opponents' for their reactions to this. He did not know what this group was trying to accomplish, But he did not care much either... Val really needed to rest, And could not do it here. He used the last of his available Magic power, Used a wind spell and created a strong wind in the immediet area, blowing dirt and grass around, He covered his face from the winds and ran over to his swords, Grabbed them and properly sheathed just one of them so he could grab them and run... He sucesfully grabbed his swords, And ran away from the miniature tornado he made, Which soon disapated, As he ran from tree to tree, Trying to remain out of sight as he retreated. It couldnt have been more than 60 feet before Val collapsed from exhaustion, And glanced behind himself, To see that the group on the road was within eyesight of him... Val's heartbeat slowed, His breathing increased, As he felt progressively weaker, Until he fainted on the spot. [He didnt get to run away 'nuff. ._.]
  2. [Thats why I bought a PDA. I got one of them little. handheld computer thingy-types. I take notes for stories like this on it. And write parts of the story on deh Visor. (Handspring Visor Prism. w00t. $80. o_o) Not internet compatible, (yet) But i can take pictures with it. >_> Anyway. I have the handy little palm compy. I sotry-with it.]
  3. Yeah, You can have the image. I'll have the real Ocarina of Time. >_>
  4. Yeah. I tend to mkae stupid posts. Like this one.
  5. -Kat's hand is fake that she poked herself with- >_>
  6. OoT for the price of a normal Ocarina, Heck I'd take it. n_n
  7. .......................................
  8. It was the That This. Not the That That.
  9. And let me guess, YOU are fake too?
  10. [Probably not. You might steal the awsome idea for the ending though. >_> But i think you should do it. Write something. I have some storylines i could give you that I never wrote about, if you want those.]
  11. [Jeez. EVERYone wants to kill val! >_o; I''ll post later]
  12. Being locked in a closet wouldnt be too good of a holiday then, eh?
  13. Decoys, Yes. But they do still work! .... i think.
  14. [Deh Krissdog#26thedada person fixed Val. w00t. So you dont get to help. >.>] Val momentarily felt the cold sensation leave, And the pains were eased, As the toxins were absorbed out of his body. He glanced over at Rose, "For the time being, Yes. I will give you proper thanks later." Val grabbed one of his swords, With a look of death in his eyes, He slashed at James, His accuracy blinded by fury. He stabbed with the blade, But was too far away. Upon not feeling his blade hit anything, He wouldwithdraw it, And weave his hands in a gesture, And conjured a spell of Darkness. [Though using it on a darkness creature, They are immune to it.] Normally, A wave of darkness would have launched out at Val's target, As it passed, Taking away the life out of the victim, Killing it instantly. Val had overlooked the element advantages, Darkness against Darkness did nothing.
  15. If this MArvin was hogtied, Then it wouldnt be able to do the homework. Just sit there. o_o;
  16. [i'm almost done with Chapter seventeen! w00t! I esitmate the end coming. About 2, maybe three more chapters. About 20 in total. n_n Ooooh, Im excited.]
  17. You know, TGHL, I dont feel comfortable telling that to you. You have already critisized me and my religion more than I will tolerate. I dont want to tell you anything about me or my religion if you'll just react in that way. I must say that I no longer trust you with these things that are important to me.
  18. Not really, Thats where the... Church leader lives, And where one of the church temples are.
  19. Yeah well. Um. Uh. >_> -borrows Kats Ninja stuff for about half a second and retreives Sanity, Gives back deh ninja-ness and runs- Eeeee.
  20. Pretty sad how you get THAT avatar mixed up with Toto's.
  21. Well Beth trained Samus out of biting people. Samus doesnt kill stuff. Spider does. Sometimes i wears the leather gloves next to their cage for holding them... Still cute though
  22. [Whats a Namomi? Some kind of... Naomi... Mommy thing.... I'll stop now.] Val coughed as he felt a blade piercing through his chest, He looked down to see Ryukai's sword had stabbed about half-way through his body, But not necessarily close to his heart, He was injured, But would survive... Or so he thought. A similar sensation, A different sword had just gone through, close to his right shoulder... An ice cold fluid of sorts was emittiing from the blade that Ryukai had thrown, As various places on Val's body began hurting strangely... Toxins...?! Val grabbed the two blades and ripped them out of his body, Dropped them carelessly, And changed his body back. No longer a Werewolf, He was not holding Raith down, But was kneeling next to her... (Facing the opposite direction though.) Though his previous form enabled him to use his magics and power once more. One hand on the ground to support himself, And the other had a yellow-white glow emitting, where he moved that hand over his wound, As it slowly closed and healed, Though the tears in his clothing remained. He moved his hand over to the wound that Ryukai had put in him, But the fast-acting toxins had begun taking effect... Val let out a few loud coughs, in between that, vomitting a small amount of blood, As his breathing became rather difficult... He continued trying to heal himself. The wound was no longer his main concern, He began thinking, trying to remember the mental steps to use the spell to remove contamination from his body, while coughing up more blood. (Blood loss in a victim wouldnt be as good for the Vampires, i assume? )
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