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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Alright, ill see what I can do about that... thanks anyway
  2. [No. You post. >_> I cant think of anything for Ryukai to do, Khanailoa's all the way over there and Val is passed out. o_o]
  3. Where in Cali., Meaning north, center or south. Not any defined locations.
  4. Ooh, California. ^-^ Where in california, might I ask? (Just wondering. My brother is in there somewheres. If hes where you are be nice to him or i keel you dead. With kats claymore. Provided she didnt keel you dead first. with the claymore. and if she dun' let me steal it i use a bow. w00t.
  5. Hey. Be nice. Or you'll NEVER get muh sanity! Mwah!
  6. Im currently writing the part where you two Da#1 peebles (Kat and deh Kris person) are being in it. Its like. Chapter 8 or 9. o_O
  7. [i bumpeth ye olde topice. It seemeth inactive.e.]
  8. Ok. I have two hamsters now as most of you may know. And this being the first time i've ever had one, I dont know much about this, And now you people need to tell me stuff. First, I will say that this is an FAQ for everyone. well... This isnt necessarily an FAQ, Same thing. anyway. Ask hamster-ish questions and Horatio the HamsterMaster tells you stuff. Now here are comments/questions on Hamster-ness. I have two hamsters. One is aggressive and the other one isnt. (Spider is the aggressive one, Spider is her name 'cuz she climbs the wire walls and bites everything.) (Samus is the other one. She likes to run around in the tubes a lot. w00t.) Spider and Samus most always get in a fight. My sister looked up online how to keep them from biting everything, And it says to wear gloves and hold the hamsters at least once a week for a while. Anyway. First, Will that work? And Samus and Spider keep fighting, Spider has chewed off most of Samus' ears. Samus is also missing a small patch of fur. What can i do to keep them from fighting? Beth, My sister, Figured something out about the hamsters thats rather hilarious. When they are fighting or... moving, doing something, And you blow on them rather quickly, They immediately freeze and look around, confused. Hilarious to watch. Will this have an effect on anything? Samus tries to spend most of her time away from Spider. So she is most always up in an excersize wheel. Shes always running around and stuff, While spider is elsewhere, Usually in the tubes, Just sitting down or sleeping. Spider is big, fat and heavy, and Samus is still rather light and still in shape, Active, And Spider is getting very lazy. What can I do about this? Most of the time when Samus (Or sometimes when Spider) goes up to the wheel, Its cylindrical and... wheel shaped, Plastic, its not wire. The hamsters stuff their mouth full of food, Go up to the wheel and spit it all out, And then run in the wheel with the food flying everywhere. It makes so much noise... The food is also conveniently the same size as the airholes in the wheel, So sometimes the food gets out of the tube... So they have a shortage of food, Because its on top of their cage or all over the floor, Or its flinging around in the wheel, or its escaped the wheel. What can be done about this? Whenever Beth or I hold the hamsters, They dont seem interested in moving their back legs. They just use their front legs to waddle around and be cute an fluffy, But they usually pull themselves around with their front legs. Whats with this? Spider is lazy and rarely to never uses her back legs, And therefore, When she is on an uneven surface or on a slope, She always falls. Sometimes shes rather suicidal and walks over to some ledges or drops, Slips, And falls down a foot or two...! Spider spends a majority of time in the tubes. The horizontal, flat tubes is where she sleeps most of the day. She gets bored or something, But these tubes have the little steps and... ledges? i guess youd say, Little steps for them to climb up and down tubes, as humans would stairs or a ladder. Spider gets bored or something, And chews them all day. She sits down and chews on the bars (i guess) and their disappearing somewhat... What can be done about this? These are two dwarf hamsters, if that will effect anything... Anyway. Just thought i'd ask you Hamsterpeoples about this.
  9. Dont feel bad, Everyone complains about Kansas. o_O
  10. [Yeah well. I might add an extra chapter when/if its published. >_>; And im indecisive.] [im assuming your in that one Kansas place, where Kat is, right? Yeah. okay. You two'll be together in the same. thing. on there. w00t.] [Okay, Important stuff now listen up.] I hereby delcares this topic no longer needs to use brackets. So stop it. It annoys me now. Aah, So releiving. No brackets. Dun need em no more. n_n Anyway. MW. Jeanate the cool sim. Person. Where are you?
  11. I havent made it yet. >_>
  12. Either from what I remember of what you peebles describe to me, I'll make them an avatar. And then attach it here. I already made one for myself, like two months ago, And i made one for Kat like. two weeks ago or something. I'll post them both here. n_n Kat's Avvie One Avvie that I made for whoever. Maybe me. An avvie i made for my board. And for Val. I drew Val. Pig picture. I might upload it here sometime. Thats all i have for right now, But if someone wants an avvie, I'll make them one that vaguely resembles what they told me, 'cuz i dont do things perfectly. Ever.
  13. [i have two open positions, Which you two can take. Which one of you wants to be that wolf that got changed in chapter... something. And I said was never seen again. No. I dun think you guys would work for animal control in North Dakota. That position is taken by. uh. Isaac. >_> Sure. One of my friends in missouri. He'll be that one wolf. You two can be in Part Two, and get changed there. MW, Whats your location-type place? Like what state. I already knows Kat is in... Northwest kansas or something. Somewhere in kansas, The great... state of... Plains and nothing and boringitude. o_o And MW is in Minnesota or something. Where are you? (Gimmie a made up location if you feel like it.) Or you can tell me to make something up myself. Either way, I needs a location for it to make sense. o_o]
  14. [FINAL CHAPTER! MWAH!] Chapter Nineteen Squirts of human blood were flying everywhere, I slashed, I clawed, I bit, I punched, I grabbed, I ripped, Putting all of my loathing and hate into every strike I made… Moments later, I stood there in the wreckage of Derek’s home, Blood staining everything… An eerie sensation crept over the scenery, As I looked down at the bloody heap of various Human body parts that remained. Though I had gotten revenge on this person who I hated, I felt that there is still some business I have to tend to… It may be, This was not the enemy of mine that ailed me. I shuddered at thinking, Is Michael the one that I must kill? How could I turn and betray one of my best friends? … I wouldn’t be able to handle it, Despite what he had done, It was only natural. I awoke from my thinking trance, And looked around. It seemed as if Derek had used the same plan that I had for the home decoration, style and furnishings. There was a grand piano in the same place as Mine… I walked over to it, As memories flooded back to me… Jalen and I had descent skill with Piano music. We’d often play music for each other, Especially when the other was feeling down, or depressed about something. We’d play each others favorite piano song, Which never failed to cheer the other one… This time may or may not be different…? I sat down in my wolf shape, Now equally in height as if a human was sitting at its bench. I placed my two enormous furry hands on the piano keys, And put them into motion. My fingers moved from side to side rather easily, And pressed down on the keys… My eyes closed, I continued filling the scenery with music, Something I would have assumed my Wolf incapable of… I glanced around, And to my shock, I saw a translucent image of Jalen, Standing next to me… Composed entirely of my memory, apparently, The ghost-like figure of Jalen smiled at me, As I played one of her favorite songs, Greensleeves. Much, Or all of my heartache and pain had faded then, Upon seeing Jalen again… Tears formed in my eyes as I had thought about how I missed her so. I took a deep sigh, As the song came to conclusion. I glanced at Jalen, Just in time to see her transparent body fading away, Possibly never to be seen again… And as she left, It felt as if I had gone with her… I looked down, Closed my eyes and imagined Jalen next to me, Solacing… A single tear had dropped from my face, Impacted the ground, As I mentally left my Werewolf body, Paradisiacal with Jalen… The End Or a To be continued. I’m ending this part of a series. So this is the end, aye? Aye. [The friggin end. n-n And and and. I figured out a title for the next part! n___n Werewolf: Surfeited Wolf Populace. a.k.a. Wolven overpopulation. o_o Dun dun dun. This time, We actually do something instead of freak out about Jalen and just messing around in a werewolf body.]
  15. While I'm still bored, I will point out: There is tomato paste on my hand. Yup.
  16. [but I'm more stoopud that brilliant! >__>]
  17. I did that this morning, Not last night! And like I said, I was real bored. <__<
  18. But at first you said they were free. o_O
  19. Ahead of you by ten posts for today! And if Horatio would hurry up and moderate the rest, I'd be ahead by about 20! See for yourself: And theres a lot more for Horatio to be modding, And Horatio defenitely needs to catch up in post-age! ... Well, Considering Horatio delivers mail post stuff... Hhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmm........
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