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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. [brackets! I forgot about the brackets.] [Everypeople must use brackets for OOC talkings. IT helps you differ the IC and OOC posts. so you can read stories and not ramblings. And if your scrolling through my real-long siggy, then theres no brackets in a post you know its significant.]
  2. We'll just go with it. o_o MWs confused and Kat is creeped out, hows that.
  3. [First nonsensical post!:] This is some text. w00t. This is what most of the first chapter looks like. >.> So, I'll test it a-like so to see what it looks like. Mwah. This is what some of the other text looks like. Isnt it pretty. >.> I might use sizes and such, but i dunno. And this is what most of it looks like. >.> Isnt it pretty. [There it is, for now.]
  4. [Yeah, Well. She can just want to. >.>]
  5. [......... No. >_>;; You could be called something else if you want in this story though. So then... yeah. You can just be called something else. Either way, you ARE going to be involved. Mwahahaha. >.>]
  6. Tranquilizer dart gun. o_o; Or depending on how evasive or hard you are to catch, More than just one/maybe shot by a rifle/stabbed or something. Or just grabbed, hows that. o_____o; Tranquilizer dart gun. Yup. >.>;
  7. Alright, both KAt and Kris are deh Feral/Werewolf kinda kind. o_o; and MW is all done now. w00t.
  8. I dunno how you'll end up getting it started, But I has an idea. w00t.] [Val HAwyn isnt necessarily dark or light, He's with and against both. In their constant battles and wars, He always helps the losing side, Keeping it all a fair battle, in ways. For a number of reasons, He's real ticked off at the contention between light and darkness, So he has his life dedicated to stopping the fight, But in a peaceful manner. He is an excellent magician and fighter, Letting him make the battles one-sided so that the losing team can recover. (Also somewhat a spy, to let one side know the others plans' and stradegies.) If they find out that its a useless fight, and it will just go in eternally, They may realize that this fight will get them nowhere, Even if one prevailed, Someone or something ay rise from the ashes and rise to power again. So he wants them to realize they can stop it, And then there would be a harmonial peace all around. So he travels all around, killing off light and dark idiots. >.>; All the while, being as anonymous and secretive as possible.] [so he doesnt really have a side, And would be of a lot of aid to Dimearsh. w00t. Val doesnt see Dimearsh as much of an enemy right now, considering that Dimearsh had not tried to kill off Val. o_o; Val doesnt like Rait, James, Naomi ooorrr maybe someone else Oh yeah Ryukai. Those four people, He dun like. and wants to keel them dead. >_o]
  9. You know, TGHL, You are not persistant as I said you were. Thats being stubborn. You seem to have just one goal in these topics, Force other people into beleiving they are wrong and you are right. Soften up a little, You're really starting to creep me out. o_o;
  10. [Okay, This first post will not contain no story. No. This is just the foreword/warning, and brief explanation of stuff.] [Foreword/warning, This, Like this story's prequel, Will more than likely contain some violence, Which some people may not approve of or appreciate. Although, I'm trying to work around this so that things wont be so violent, and things will be more stable and somewhat more family-oriented, But this still may be beyond some peoples reading level or beyond their interest, attention, whatever. Anyway. Im far off subject, So before i do it agian, I'll just leave it at that.] [brief Explanation of what happens here. I'm trying a new approach on things here, that i havent... done... before. being new and all. This will need some testing, so there will be a few nonsensical posts, testing this 'html' ish code. Im testing the font differences, bolds, italics and their readability. I'll do that later though. Anyway. There are about three things that happen at once here. There will be different fonts and sizes of text to indicate where the action is taking place, in ways. From the werewolf's surroundings or area, its Times New Roman (Or so it says on the Microsoft Word thing i use.) and when its... the... bad-guys, Its Arial font. For other things, i havent decided which font yet so for the time being, It is also Times font. I was thinking Tahoma or Courier or something, but i dunno. I'll check... some other time. So yeah, I'll be using different fonts for the good guys and bad guys. Just clearing things up a bit.] [Another thing here, This storyline includes a lot more characters than the last. At least twenty characters are involved some way or another. Things will get confusing, Especially since Kat wanted to be in here. One of my IM friends is Caitlin, while Kat in here is Kate. Caitlin, Kate, This will cause some confusion i'm sure. (This is all your fault! ;-; One of you. uh.... i dunno which one to blame. I might kick one of you out.) MW and Kris are in here too. If anyone wants to be involved, DO NOT post about it here, Post that in the other Werewolf story topic. That part ended, this is the sequel, So we can post out-of-character all the time. In that topic. Im taking character requests there, NOT here. Ever. <.< There is no consequence, its not really strict, It'll just be real annoying. So dont do it.] [And now, Upon thinking about it, This story probably will not contain violence. Its content may creep out the younger of you people though, But hopefully this long intro will have lost the kiddos' attention. This is kind of a creepy/scary story, inhumanity, Kind of a lesser form of horror. Still a dark story. But I still like it. I'll post it here, and if Horatio says it gets too out of hand, Either he or I will take care of that since i have to many fans here who want the story to go on.] [Like i've said before (NOTE: This part isnt really important, you can read over it.) This werewolf series was supposed'ta be a test to see what people would think of my storywriting, and it turned out better than I thought it would. If people continue to encore and keep demand high for more of this, I'll probably make a revision, spiffed-up remake of the story (It'll probably be longer. Maybe more detailed.) and get it published, And probably delete the story here so people wont get it for free, Cuz im so mean and awful.] [Well then. Its already passed midnight, And as some of you may know by now, Whenever i post something close to midnight i do a howl thing. So. Here it is: w00t, Its midnight. n_n -howls- Wasnt that fun. .......... Scary, I had noticed i've been staying up a lot later than before, since i had started writing this, and got my interest up in wolves and all their awsomeness. Hopefully this story wont actually effect me. That'd be creepy. o_o] [so. People can now post, cheer, get all excited and stuff about Part Two of deh Werewolf-itude. Im already on like... chapter friggin eleven or so on this, (I try to stay ahead of the posting. If i post too fast, i'll run out of story to post and people hafta wait a long timeand yeah. ._.] [i'll shut up, go to sleep, and post deh first chapter tomorrow. 'Night yalls. -howls again- n_n]
  11. I did a search in that topic real briefly, And was rather surprised people had not yet reviewed my werewolf stuffs. o_O Maybe cuz its not published? I dunno.
  12. They're still typo awards. o___O; The one you gave me can kill stuff and vacuum? Coolness.
  13. WOOHOO! w00t for persistance! n_n Ooh, I can like. scare the Olivia thing or something. and then steal deh books. w00t.
  14. Was it on the floor? Why isnt that post moderated yet, and you still quote it?
  15. -stuffs many Typo awards in a stolen-stuff-stash, and then joins deh Kat mafia thing- >.> So uh. We're breaking into'a'your fried-as house and-a stealing-a all-a-your books-a? >.>
  16. I made one for you, too. n_n Just now. in 20 seconds or so. I drew it in that Yahoo IM doodle thing. Too lazy to open PSP7. o_o Muh friend in Houston who helped make this thinks im wierd. I wonder why.
  17. Oh. MW, Do you want me to change that, or just leave it? >.> And... uh. What do you want to happen now that you be a wolf?
  18. Looking it up in'a dictionary, Feral can mean Devious, Wild, Ferocious, Natural, or something to that effect. IT fits the description of normal wolves. I canns them Feral in this story. MW, I just finished writing the part you were in... With a bad part. I got yours and Kats request mixed up, so MW is confused about being a wolf and Kat is. over there. >__> Kat, You're gonna get shot, okay? xD mneh
  19. If I post one more time in addition to this, I'll be ahead of TGHL in posting again. Mwahahaha
  20. [Please do specify whats out-of-character and whats in character. o_O And that does clear things up a bit, okay. w00t.]
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