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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. could have, Horatio. Could have. But they didnt. Shame, isnt it.
  2. -organizes a poke-them-till-they-die-strike-of-all-Hentai-people-or-whatever-Yaoi's-are,-And-maybe-TGHL,-depending-on-how-much-he-fights-back plan- Muhahahahaha.
  3. Augmentation: I give out a new award: w00t award (When i say w00t to something, like... you, Then you get a w00t award. Huzzah.) I got a new award! n_n: The very first ever double platinum moon surrounded by two gold stars, i think its what its called. Huzzah.
  4. Yeah. It doesnt rule my life though.
  5. [Chris is an idiot.] Chapter Four After about twenty minutes of walking and 'socializing', We had come to a small grove, featuring a rather demented looking werewolf, Snarling an snorting, crouched and slouching, Still wearing a few human clothing articles, along with some 'masculine' jewelry. Simple piercings, chains, and the like. "Here we are... Chris' lair." Chris looked up, with some blood on his face from apparently eating a rabbit. “Hello there, Mike. How have you been doing…?†He turned his gaze over toward me. “And, You are?†“This is Brandon. You remember him? From Texas? We both would go over to his place there and get some of those homemade pizzas. Those were good. Or those Egyptian burgers, what did you call those…?†“I do not remember what they were called, but I do remember you were eating them nonstop.†“Oh, That Brandon. You are the one who had the backpack, and a constantly changing case of acne, and would always break any headphones that he had? Yes, I remember you. … It seems like I remember seeing some new wolves around here. They do not remember much of anything, except a big building full of humans, and then being in the forests here… Some of them resembled like, eh, Glen, or Aaron… I think there was Mark and Trevor here, too.†I thought for a moment, vaguely recognizing these names. “Well… Why would my Texas friends be all the way up here in North Dakota? I came here because it was colder.†I spoke, without remembering truly why I was here. “Anyway,†I continued. “Mike here was telling me that you had seen some wolves that seem to strangely appear from nowhere, or something to that effect…?†“Yes. Human population has been decreasing, only to increase the wolf population. I do not see much anything wrong with this, as you know, but I just find it unusual. They come every twenty minutes or so, they come from over that way.†He pointed his head northwest of where we were. “This intrigues me. How far northwest would you say this is?†I asked. “Northwest? Who said anything about that being northwest?†“Chris. Shut up and tell me how far away it is.†“I would estimate about a quarter of a mile, they seem to be about that tired…†“I want to go check out what is going on with this. Would either of you like to come along?†Mike just gave me an aloof, incredulous look, obviously disagreeing. “I will stay here and keep digging, there are some syringes buried here that I need to get.†“Chris, Seriously. How do you know that there are syringes buried in the grove here? And why do you need them?†Mike lamented against Chris, not seeing logic in this. “There are syringes buried here, I just know it! And if I can get them, then I can give them to Paul.†“Who is Paul, Why does he need a syringe, and why are they buried underground?†Mike continued. I decided against staying for this conversation, and just walked off northwest. [That's pretty much the storyline here. A lot'a wolves that seem to come from nowhere, and I get to go see why. o_o Eeeeeeeeeeee. (Paul is an idiot too.)]
  6. [Mike-man really acts like that, too. Often he's like... aggressive and whacks a lot of things. Then he can be a real spiffy person. woowoo. >.>]
  7. [Another short chapter. >.>] Chapter Three “Hello, Brennan.†“Brandon.†“Whatever your name is. I had been looking for you for quite a while, Where have you been?†“Hunting, Eating some fresh Human. There is still some there, if you want.†“No, I am fine.†A brief silence. “Hey Mike… I have been thinking about something for a while…†“And that would be?†“Do you remember, about four months ago, when you had bitten me into a Werewolf…†“Good time. I thought your reaction was hilarious.†I glared at him. “You bit me once, and ran off, and came the next day and bit me again. Why is that?†He was silent for a moment. “As you may remember, Chris, my brother, Tends to get in trouble with anything.†I interrupted him, “Chris is here too? Heh… Let me guess, He still dyes his hair reds and blacks, Still has all those chains hanging off of him, And is the pyromaniac as always?†“In ways, Yes. Chris, despite his better body, is still rather stupid. That night, I had to help him fight off some Humans that came by. What was rather amusing about it, Was they were all wearing a strange tan-colored shirt, As if it were a Uniform. Chris pointed this out to me, and I came to find that we just killed a boy scouts troop, on a camping trip. We bit a few of them, and just killed the rest. Then I had to help Chris dig out all of the knives that were thrown at him and myself. Who knows how he got himself into that mess, I would not ask… Anyway. You can just blame Chris, in short.†I remained silent. "Well then, how has Chris been lately?" Mike glanced at me. "He has been... Chris. What more is there to say? He has been talking about seeing a lot of new wolves lately. He says these new wolves seem to have little to no memory at all. I do not believe him, but..." "I am intrigued by this. Where is he, I would like to talk to him about it." Mike gave me an incredulous look. "Are you sure that you want to do that?" I nodded. [Theres like... five chapters short like this.]
  8. Siggy: Hmm... Blood donations... But im only 13... Oh well. -walks in- Yes, I know i have to be 18 or older to donate blood. Heres my credit card/fake ID. Mmhmm. OUCH! ...... Woohoo... -walks outside- Hehhheeeehh... Wow, 12 bucks and a free cookie... What a country! -passes out- X_X Now, Lacking something else to put in here, I put some wierd Lyrics of a song im listening to, In this siggy. Breaking the Habit Mem'ries consume, Like opening the wound, I'm breaking me apart again You all assume, I'm searching in my room, Unless I try to start again I dont want to be the one the battles always choose, Cuz inside I realize, That I'm the one confused I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream I dont know why I instigate, And say what I dont mean I dont know how I got this way, I know its not alright So I'm breaking the habit, I'm breaking the habit, Tonight Watching My cure, I tried to lock the door, I tried to catch my breath again I heard much more than anytime before, I have no motions left again I dont want to be the one The battles always choose, Cuz inside I realize, Than I'm the one confused I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream I dont know why I instigate, And say what I dont mean I dont know how I got this way, I'll never be alright, So i'm breaking the habit, I'm breaking the habit Tonight I'll paint it on the walls, Cuz im the one at fault I'll never fight again And this is how it ends I dont know whats worth fighting for, Or why I have to scream But now i have some poverty, to show you what I mean I dont know how I got this way, I'll never be alright, So I'm breaking the habit, I'm breaking the habit, I'm Breaking The Habit, Tonight --- Linkin Park, Breaking the Habit Cheezits. n_n I have decided to put my old siggy back in. In addition to this one. So heres my old siggy again. Im going to re-do my old 'tradition' i suppose i'd call it, And put in my awards, And how many characters are in the siggy, And maybe some siggy-talkings. MW and I used to do those. n_n Fun time. I have a long siggy! Whee! Welcome to Arkchers siggy. Enjoy your stay with us, You'll find your suite in the door to your right, and the laundry* room to your left. Go straight ahead and you will find you just walked off the 20th floor of the text hotel thing this is, And go plummeting to your doom via osmosis, Or the birds coming and pecking at your eyes as you fall. And just hope you dont crash into any Alcoholics Anonymous members or the occasional old lady. Both tend to get rather grouchy about these things... * Laundy costs 5 dollars for washing, and you hafta turn this little crank in order to run the dryer. and keep at it for like, ever. just to dry it. I'd just reccomend going across the street to either Taco Bell to wash your clothes, or Fry's Electronics. That place it rockin awsome ya know, So pick up some gamecube stuff while you're there and grab your washing machine there instead of our laundry room. I'd still take Taco bell... Mmmm, Fajita burritos... Random spiffy person of the day whom i post their name in my siggy and change it every day**: Honey (1? 2? 65?) ! Yay. Go get your nobel prize. ** Or so. Usually every week or so. Heck, it may stay the same for a few months until i feel like changing it. Happy happy whoo. Sugar! Yater Eru Dorn Dare You Enter (random thought of the day) Cheetos! Stamps! Cereal. And its custom installed! In your suite room, You will find a sofa seat, Stuffed with pre-cooked turkeys. Please do not eat them. Before they were brought to the butcher shop place, They were fed nothing but Antifreeze for everypeoples' cars. These turkey's are highly toxic. Eggs. Whoa, the phones ringing. -runs off to get it- -5 hours later- Wow. He talks a lot about N64 games. --; We hope you have enjoyed your time with us. Feel free to take one of our free*** Nintendo DS's on your way out, And get over to Taco Bell or Fry's to get stuff goin' here. Get on with it. ***Not free. These ones cost more than usual. Fork over $703.75 US Cash if you want to take one. And if you dont pay the three quarters/75 cents, We'll track ya down and poke you with cardboard swords until you pay up. Or bust'cher kneecaps. I still have a long siggy! Whee! Ok now thats all over with. I will now go find all my awards. I dont have very many. I forgot most of them, I'll make some up, and randomly decide how many i have of a few of them. >_>;; 1 Kitty award 1 Joy Pendant Award 1 Lots O' Laughter Award 4 Gold Star Awards 1 Prose Award 64 Typo Awards (Now including the ones that I SUCESSFULLY STOLE FROM KAT. Now get over it. I stole some of them.) 1... Something banana award that top_banana gimme 1 Wierdo 'Ward 1 Super Siggy Award I will also list the awards i give away! Once i go get the list. I copied it down somewhere, i'll put it in here later. Ok I found them HamsterModDiety (Spiffy moderators. Horatio and maybe HK gets it. You lowlife members (me too) dont get one. Tough luck.) SpiffyMod (...Spiffy... moderator. This one, Could only go to Horatio. I think i gave him one already though.) SpiffyPerson (Spiffy people get this! Do something that I say is spiffy, And you get one.) Spiffy Writer (Make a spiffy story book novel thing. In the writings forum. I dont read all the stories there, So if someone wants this (and has written a story) Then tell me to read it. Note, Songs can be stories, if they explain happenings. Pictures and art can be too. Like comics or something. Anyway.) Hugged award (If i give you a hug, I probably give you one of these too. Hugged award. w00t.) Vampire Award (Kat was the first and only person to get it though. It was for RPing a vampire all awsome-type.) Procrastination Award (Post like you have nothing better to do. 'Nuff said.) Blue Award (Blue is a spiffy color. So. If you make any art, A picture or something, That involves Blue in ANY way, (Green even. Blue is in green. Cerulean. Pallet. (i think) Sky blue. Just blue stuff. Or if you just make really spiffy art, i give you one of these.) Prose Award (You ramble on and on about nothing, wierdness, Nobody really cares, Its just Prose. Its prose, Write Prose and you get the Prose award. How handy. In fact, Im giving myself one of these awards for a siggy like this.) Irregularity Award (Do something wierd. I mean, Not wierd as in funny, Do something completely out of the ordinary, Or that makes you a freakin' freak. Prance around nude or something. Eat a spleen. stick sporks in your neighbors lawn and take a picture of it. Anything thats creepy and wierd.) Typoish award (Kat has authority to take this award away from people and throw it at me. This is for making a hilarious typo. This is nearly identical to Kat's Typo award. If you make a Typo, And kat has NOT given you a Typo award, And I give this to you first, then Mwah. You cant have a Typoish Award and a Typo award for the same thing. First person to give the award gets the... spiff. Yeah.) Arkcher Award (ML made this one up for me. When I find something thats worthy of an award, but dont really know what to call it, why its award-worthy, or maybe even why its spiffy, I just give this out. If something deserves an award. Its my Miscellaneous award, something that wont fit into the categories above.) Hilarity Award (As its name implies, Say/do something hilarious, And get a hilarity award. w00t.) Random Award (I give these out randomly. You never know when you'll get one. You may not have even done something tog et the award other than just post here.) Super-type Award (If you get ALL of these awards, You get one of these really rare awards. This does not include the Moderating awards, I want members to have these too. Dont be too greedy, Horatio. xD) Wow. A lot of awards. Random quotes or hilarious things: Zeeky Boogy Doog! I did something one time. It was pretty funny, kinda like that other thing that happened. You dont have to know what your doing, Just do! Mr. Burns says that if you dont come to work tomorrow, Dont bother coming in on monday! WOOHOO! Four day weekend! I am immortal!! Well Jeez, Frylock, You didnt have to yell at me, but... Could you repeat what you just said? RRRAAAAAAAGGGGGEEEE!!! GRR -kill stuff- I wanna link to my website(s). ._. There are currently... 9956 characters in my siggy!
  9. o_o................... No. <.<; I like my religion.
  10. I found the topic, MW! Now continue writing it. Or else. We shall eet j00. =[
  11. Good stuff. <.< I think Geatau or however its spelled is French or something for Cake. Something like that. BEANS. Kat, Theres an orange thing on the side of the mountains. o_O
  12. I have decided to post my siggy here so if people wanna read it they can follow the link in my siggy that i'll put in. So like... Since its so long, and ML and some other people like it, They can read it here. <.<; Theres no limit for the siggy length, here neither! i dun think so anyway. Anway. Once Horatio mods this topic, I can link to it and post the siggy! w00t.
  13. Okay, This is copied from chapter two in the Part two. Its a news update and such. [News update. I thought of an ending. w00t. Now i can start it when i feel like and then start of part three. >.> I havent thought of a storyline yet though. Hhmmmmmmmmm. Maybe. Mmmmmmmmm. I needs to think about it eventually. Another subject: Kat and kris were short, booyah. So. uh. MW, You arent in the story anymore. ....... You're in the past few chapters, yeah. But your done now. I cant think of stuff for you to do anymore. MW and Kat and Kris all play a rather important part here. So dont feel too bad cuz your dumb and insignificant in the beggining. Toward the end of your 'turn' in the story, You get to be real important. Anyway. Another subject: The ending will be awsome... Another subject: It turns out this story WILL contain a bit less, maybe as much, But somewhat a lot of violence like the last one. Not too detailed methinks though. X'cept for that one part. <.<; Anyway thats not till like chapter 13 or something... Another subject: Im on chapter 16 or something already! I can start the ending once i fix Kat and Kris up all spiffy.] [Kat and Kris persons. Just checking for some accuracy here... You two are godcousins, And are more/less best friends with each other outside the board here...? I decided you two live in Topeka Kansas. I dun care where you really live, Your in topeka now. <.<; And you two live in an apartment together. Another thing. In Kats siggy, she quoted Kris or someone at Quik trip or race trac or some kinda gas station that has drinks in it. And you have issues with gensing and caffeine and sugars, so you go all hyper-whee. Correct? Yes. Okay. You still do that in 20 years. Good job. <__< You live about a quarter mile away from that one retirement home that one of my relatives lived and then died at like two months ago. (I go to Topeka sometimes. Sometimes like. Missouri, nebraska, kansas, places like that. w00t.) You two's talk a lot and act somewhat hilarious while doing so. Or at least in... whenever this is. 21...27 or whenever. Is all this right? or will be right?] [A question for Kris and Kat person. Both of you are Feral/Werewolf. One or both of you will either lose memory or keep all memory. Which one of you does what? (Options being, you both lose all memory, you both dont lose anything, or one of you loses memory and the other doesnt, making the other sound insane.) Anyway. Memory options here is important. So answer that here pretty soon, cuz... im gonna be writing that part here purty soon.] [Note: The next chapter clears up some confusion about previous and future happenings. I'll post it tomorrow or something.] [im tired of typing and wanna go sleep. I got up at 4 in da mornin' and its 11:30. u_u Sleeping now. Night.] Now Horatio shall edit this part out of the other post. n_n
  14. [im testing this out to see if it'll work. Tahoma font, woo.]
  15. [Go ahead and post it on there, I'll copy-paste the OOC-ness into the other topic, And then you edit out the OOC stuff. eh? that work?]
  16. If you read chapter two in part two of deh werewolfy-ness, I was thinkin like. Some dead human that i just ate would half-way mutate or something. Probably not. I had thought of that before, And might use that idea for part three. Y'know, like, make some kinda reversed and spiffed up serum and inject it, Then it'd build an immunity system for the humans so they can tolerate more than four doses of Werewolf serum, And then make some kind of super-powered wolf. About five times normal werewolf strength. I might use that for part three, Sooo yeah. Good thinking though. I remember i was doing some kinda were-dragon RP thing with one of my IM friends in UK. Being scratched my the dragon claws is what changed peoples or critters, Anything that they scratched (as long as it was a living creature) would change into the draconic diety' that they were. So ,My dragon character person thing goes over and taps all the ants on a sidewalk. tapping on them barely with the big huge claw and such. yeah. It was hilarious. Anyway. I'll probably do that.
  17. [Oh dangit. I just broke one of my own rules. Horatio, uh. Be happy. <__<; And do a jig w/ kat.] [ignore all that OOC stuff i posted at the end of my last post. I'll put it in the other werewolf topic. like. tomorrow. Tired. Must sleep. <.<]
  18. [Ok now im here and have internet access, I can post the second chapter. Now things might make sense? I dunno. Read it and weep or something. <.<] Chapter Two My Werewolf body strode along the forest floor, Smirking, rather amused by the human's fear and determination for escape. I was biding my time for the Human I was following to get worn out. My werewolf body could easily pick up speed, and attack this helpless human... No, I would bide my time, the fear ratio ever increasing. I was 'striding' at more/less the same speed as this human was running as fast as she could. Once it was worn out, I would need to decide if I would bite her, Add more werewolf population, or eat her... I was rather hungry, but seemed to be addicted to the sensation of becoming more pure of a werewolf- seeing my victims change... I would have to decide sooner or later. Each step that I took stimulated me more and more; I salivated at the thought of relieving my hunger, the taste of human blood... The human in front of me ran and ran, obviously getting tired of it, But not too keen on giving up. I did want developed and strong muscles in my food, more nutritious, more to eat... I was distracted by hunger, and no longer felt it necessary to wait. I was growing impatient. I leapt through the air with ease, and landed, harshly impacting my human victim- slamming her into the ground, immobile. I was mostly hungry, I did not have much interest in making this human suffer more, I immediately bit her on the side, Knocking her out with pain. If I waited, She too would become a werewolf, and I would become stronger, but I must eat to survive... I used my clawed hands to dig into her back, Attempted to eat from there, But this annoying cloth that covered her body kept getting in the way... I used my bloody claws once more, and ripped off any of the clothes that would get in my way. I looked down at her, and hesitantly lowered my head, and continued eating through the human body, vaguely reminded of when Mike had attacked me, changing me into a wolf... I decided against thinking about it, and concentrated on my eating, oblivious to my surroundings. When I felt that I had enough of this, I left the remains of the human there in the forest. I could not help but wonder, would she become a dead werewolf or something of that nature...? No matter, She is dead now... I looked around, searching for something to do. At finding nothing, I turned around and walked back to my ‘home’ that I had evicted Derek out of, a few months before now. I had been living there for about three years now, only four months or so since I was a Werewolf though… A Werewolf like myself approached me cut me off from my thinking, I recognized him as Michael.
  19. [Chapter One doesnt make a lott'a sense, but hey. I'll post it. It works best if Chap 1 and 2 are read 'bout the same time. I'll post chap1 right now though.] Chapter One The result of a captivating, (lacking a better word) rather 'addictive' hobby of mine was an obsession with the near extinct species Wolf. I have grown an obsession, a strange love for these creatures, And have thus dedicated my life to that animal's revival. You must though understand, My lack of time will not permit me to see this, my dream, come true in spite of the faith I have put into it. So I am putting my project in the hands of my most trusted friend, Kevin. I feel that he is the only one who will understand the importance of this task... My lack of time denies my going into detail on the subject, Kevin, The one thing necessary to say in my last words, is Claws. Only you understand the importance of this private term. Please to this for me, and for Claws. Contained inside this preservation capsule, Are some specially designed vessels. These vessels contain a genetic transformation serum, which can be injected or ingested. Either way, It will change its victim's body into that a Wolf of the indicated species, Timber, Mountain, Snow... There is an enclosed document for instructions of reproducing this serum, Which may be used for changing Humans into Wolves. There is also a Beta, Untested substance that you must complete for me, It can be safely added to the transformation serum, But as the changing takes place, They will not lose their human memory. They will still know who they are, what you had done to them, And still have memory... This is entirely optional. It will be a mentally painful experience, the victims will be emotionally hurt. Understand this please, The cause of my shortage of time is that due to recent events, And genetic procreation of bio-weapons, Genetic alterations/procreation is penaltable, Punishable varied on the severity of the crime. My product will be passed on to you, And I can only hope, I pray that governing officers will not track this document down... The Law punishers will be here in any moment now. The minority of my product will not kill me by law- They have chosen to erase my memory, and transform my body into that a wolf. Thinking that no longer being a human would be punishment sufficient, But it is quite the opposite... This penalty is fulfilling my previously incredulous dream... My last words to humans in their tongue is... Farewell... Signed, Peter J. Beamly November 26, 2029 "What does all of this mean, Kevin?" A rather tall, formal man behind a desk leered at his subordinate employee. "What do you think this means, Jacob?! This could be a change to the world, Fulfilling one madman’s dream, Reduce Human overpopulation, And revive the wolven extinct race. ... And for Peter of all people, This is something that i would feel comfortable doing." "But, who is this Peter?" "He was my life-long friend, growing up. We were rarely seen apart in childhood years... I would trust him with anything. And as you see here, He feels the same trust with me." "And so we are going around turning people into wolves now recreating nature? Sure we are a powerful industry, Preserving nature and all, But I think this is a little extreme for this business. I really don’t think these measures are really that necessary..." Kevin intensed his not-too-intimidating leer. "You aren’t paid for your foolhardy opinions! You happened upon this capsule, And did your real job well done. 500 Eltems more, How's that for a raise." Kevin suggested an increase in pay, Eltems being the 'futuristic' currency used. Without waiting for a response, He continued, "Excellent, Good choice. Begone from my sight, Digger." He gestured a shooing motion for Jacob to leave his office, Indicating for him to get back to work. As a bone digger, He and men of equal inferiority would get paid a rather low payment, Which is low for its effortless workings. All they do is use shovels and machinery, fans, drills, Not often working themselves, just machinery, Using these tools to dig up quarries, Permitted sites, in hopes of finding evidence of species and creatures previously undiscovered, and they have, in the past, made at least three million Eltems finding out about these creatures. [yes, when i found out about it, Incredulous is a cool word and I use it a lot now. >.>]
  20. [i dun think I can post as anyone. Not kahailoa, Val is unconscious, Ryukai... is... sitting there. Make Naomi go over to Ryukai and do something.]
  21. [i'll just use Kate and Caitlin. >.>; And if it gets too confusing, I'll... like... do something about it.]
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