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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Agreeing with Horatio, You should try inventing that. Then I wouldn't have to answer you.
  2. Yeah. But what isnt dumb around here?
  3. Because I dont have anywhere else to live They could be. Try the frankesntein method. Not necessarily, No The kind that someone bought at a store And there ya go
  4. Because they want to. And/or they feel like it. Or they just wanna get all that grossness out of there o_<;;;
  5. Whats a dead monkey have to do with anything?
  6. Because the advertisements tell them to like it. So they do. o_O;
  7. Say no more. NO MORE. Shut it up e_e -runs away-
  8. (there wasnt 'nuff room in the Topic Description for the ', ' so i took it out. o_o) I saw this on another board and thought it was a hilarious idea. So. If ever you have a stupid answer/question to something, Then post it here! No topic/category remains here. Ask/answer about whatever you want. Rules: 1:No getting into fights with people. Thats dumb. o_o 2:DO NOT get into the subject of Religion or Politics. Ever. Not in this topic. 3:ANYone can ask their question here. 4:ANYone (Even me!) can answer a question. 5:No biting. 6:No spamming. (Dont post your question over and over and over and over thinking everyone will see it. They will, but will be very angry.) 7:If you are a n00b or post like one, You'll either get ignored, get Horatio/Cheesemasters automated welcome message, or we'll try to translate your n00b language into understandable enlish, And answer your question as accurately as possible. 8:You need to read these rules before posting. o_o Just an option, really. 9:If you felt like it, You could talk about flash animation/videos. 'Dunno why you'd wanna do that though. 10:If TGHL posts here, Then go poke him once or twice. Follow these ten rules and we wont come and beat you with a stick. Now, Ask all your questions to me or whoever else wants to answer them. Any question about anything so long as Horatio/HK sees it is necessary. o_o
  9. Chapter Seven I weakly opened my eyes and lazily looked around, not having much energy, for unknown reasons. I saw that I was bound by metal on a table. There were scientists and testers of the like; all working in a nearby computer or contraption, all of them seemed to be testing something…? I weakly watched as another human came over to me with a syringe, and withdrew some blood from my arm. The human walked away; off to run genetic tests and load information, whatever it is they were doing… I looked around again; two humans with a small drill were approaching me. One of them opened my mouth- I was too weak to do anything about it. I felt a few drips emitting from my fangs, the genetic transformation serum. One human held my jaws open, while the other used the drill and drove a hole through one of my fangs, also causing me immense pain; this serum was squirting out in varied places. The humans immediately put a vessel of unknown matter to me, and caught some of it, And walked off with it, Supposedly to run more tests and the like. I twitched as I tried to move my limbs, and let out a quiet groan of discomfort. All the humans cautiously watched me, not knowing what I was doing… And as I slipped from consciousness once more, they returned to their work. --- [Note: This is not where Kat is. o_o] Caitlin watched in disbelief as the humans took captive her werewolf master, and had him bound on a metal table. They took blood samples and genetic code information just as the humans had done to her. They took his genetic changing serum, and ran similar tests on it. She could only watch in terror, trapped inside a small Transparisteel cell, she overheard one of the humans discussing with another how when they get a male werewolf, they can put him with the female, and they can sexually reproduce from there, and they would have more and more werewolves. Caitlin walked over to the other side of her cage, and looked out that side. There were strange vehicles operated by humans, which seemed to carry other humans. She watched in curiosity as she tried to figure out what was happening. All of these seemed to be trucks, towing large bar cages behind them, with humans inside separate cells. All of them seemed either unconscious, Or standing up, watching everything fearfully, or crouched down in terror. Caitlin vaguely understood the text on the signs posted on each cage, they each named some location… Central OK, North Kansas, South California, Central s. Dakota, East Ohio, Massachusetts, South Texas… All having some humans inside from each location. Caitlin’s ears perked as she heard sound nearby, three humans were approaching the cell she was in. He just watched as they approached, and then pushed Caitlin’s cage along the ground, which was rather mobile being on wheels. (Imagine that.) Caitlin’s cage was put on a computer operated conveyer belt that rarely moved, but had other wolves on it. They all seemed to be in line for blood samples and tests, and identification, approval, or whatever it is these humans intend on doing, as they please, with the wolves. Caitlin remembered from her human business years, Companies and industries often used Transparisteel, bulletproof glass and in a few cases, standard glass, to make things seem more ‘futuristic’ or ‘advanced’. She looked around to see that Dalhood seemed to use the same policy. She could take advantage of her advanced werewolf eyes, and see a much further visual perception that Humans did. Caitlin spied into the Transparisteel walls, and saw a curved, rather circular building, with some 8x8 Transparisteel rooms, each with either a Feral Wolf or an unconscious human in it. She watched as a feral wolf carefully, and unstably walked around, as if it had not walked before. It saw an exit from its cage, and walked out, rather anxious to escape. Caitlin looked into a different cell; a human awoke from unconsciousness, looked rather intimidated and confused. It had a brief conversation in English with a scientist, whom they seemed to be able to communicate through the Transparisteel somehow, and then the human seemed to grow covered with fur, change shape and size, as it momentarily transformed into a feral wolf. Caitlin’s eyes widened, at seeing that these humans were taking others captive, and turning them into wolves…?! All of the wolves were herded into a big room full of metal bar cages, and separated individually into each one, and placed inside a semi trucks cargo. She still didn’t understand it entirely, but looked around to see that there were only two wolves in front of her, Her moment would soon come. She didn’t know what to expect, But didn’t really want to find out. She looked around for a way out, rather desperate. Suddenly, Caitlin got an idea... She smirked deviously, and soon took into action...
  10. [i was thinkin that must be one of the reasons.... Hmmmmmmmm...]
  11. TGHL, Thats not being a n00b. thats way too mature and sensible to be a n00b. n00bs are people who use chatspeak for EVERYTHING. They mispell most of their abbreviations and chatspeak terms, (Which are excessively used as it is) who are usually determined on fulfilling ONE goal: Convince other people they arent a moron or a n00b. they try to convinve people of beleiving this, While still using excess chatspeak and so on. In short, n00bs are dumb***es. o_O
  12. [i just realized something... o_O Why am I postingeach chapter seperately. and wait for one chapter to be moderated before I continue. o_O; I dunno. -goes to get the next chapter-]
  13. I found one of these survey things you put your own wierd answers to. I figured i'd post it here and lat all'you peoples do it too. You people can copy it and put your own answers in and post it here. Sometimes these things are rather hilarious. n-n
  14. 'Cuz! Your a TGHL! Thats what TGHL's do best. Be evil and/or get attacked. o_O Or at least it is now.
  15. Chapter Six A small blinking light indicated a call waiting to be answered in Kevin’s office, with four excited employees, impatient, they waited for Kevin to pick up. Kevin glanced down at the phone system, and saw a flashing light on line 5. He answered it with the push of a button, “What is it, Abandon Team?†He answered, with a rather annoyed tone of voice. “Kevin sir, while we were over at the dumping site, abandoning the wolves, we saw a real live Werewolf on the border. We used the tranquilizer dart guns you supplied us with- we knocked it out and we have it in transit back to the E sector, building two. This one looks to be Male, And as you may remember, Study Team had caught a Female werewolf, we’ll put them in the same sector, with your confirmation… If you’d like to come down and see, sir, then you are welcome to come.†Kevin’s eyes widened with unbelief. “Are you sure that’s really a Werewolf?†“Certainly!†The four employees were excitedly huddled around the trucks radio unit, anxiously awaiting his reply, hoping for a raise in payment. “Very well, Very well indeed. Good job. I’ll meet you there. End transmission.†Kevin pushed the button again, and the communication deactivated. Kevin deviously smirked, as he stood up, Gathered a few accessories into his briefcase, and started from his office through the hallways, to the elevators, and off to Sector E, Building 2. “Floor it, Ryan! Get there as fast as you can!†The workers could wait no longer, and instructed the driver to move faster, With the Werewolf in the back of their truck, With a wall of Wolf cages stacked all around him, And a wall of Wolf cages blocking the missing doorway. --- About ten minutes following the Abandon team’s informing Kevin of their capture, they had arrived at the Manitoba Dalhood Corp. plant. Located somewhere between Deloraine and Boissovan, They often switched from Canada to U.S. to do their studies, evading the governments hand. Ryan drove the truck through the weaving roads that led to sectors A, Association and Visitor Center, B, Beta Deck, C, Cafeteria, D, Demolition, E, Experimental, F, Fatality Offices, G, Genetic Experimentalism, H1 & H2, Habitat sector Human, Habitat sector Wolf, I, Industrial Offices, J, Janitorial Headquarters, K, Quality Control, L, Transportation, M, Medical Center, N, Overall Sales, O, Official Transformation Center, P, Master Offices. Within moments, The five workers backed the truck into the reception deck in building two, Sector E, And got some more workers to help them take the Werewolf out of the cargo, And into the building, With the rather pleased Kevin inside. [Oooooooo, Eeeeeeee. o_o]
  16. [brief news update that I say is allowed in this topic: I estimate about 21-23 chapters in this part. Im on 18 right now. n_n Okay im done.]
  17. Never heard of Yaoi before. Hentai is a buncha nudist anime art people. (In ways. I dont want to go into detail. No.) Frikkin idiots. o_o
  18. No. o_o Yeah, I was thinkin you could lose memory and Kris would still have hers. And thats what both of you said. Yay. ^-^ Anyway. Now i can write the part you people are in.
  19. Chapter Five After a short while of walking, I had broken the forest borders, and was no longer underneath the treetops; I felt the moonlight within me. Invigorating, I loved it… I also noticed, the thick treetops were keeping a thick cloud of snow from descending on the forest ground. As I walked, Snow was floating in the air, drifting all around me… Upon walking a good quarter mile or so, I came to something I definitely did not expect to see- the border dividing Canada and America. I did not see much security by Humans within their eyesight, so I crossed the border, unknown to the Humans. Upon walking about 30 feet, a large semi truck was driving my way. My eyes widened as I froze in the bright light of the vehicles headlights, not knowing what to do, or really what was going on… The driver inside didn’t seem very surprised to see a werewolf, and steered around me a bit to the right. The driver of the vehicle stopped the truck, and eyed me suspiciously. I looked at the cargo behind him, which had indication of live cargo, and I vaguely understood the human text written on it, it seemed to say something to the effect of ‘Manitoba Dalhood Corp.’ I stepped aside, as the truck turned around, And four humans jumped out of the side, Opened the back, and revealed several- hundreds of metal bar cages. Each cage with at least two feral wolves in them, all of them seemed to be unconscious…? I watched in confusion and wonder, as the humans took the cages one by one, and emptied them out on to the ground passed the border. Each wolf lay motionless; I couldn’t help but wonder what their health condition was. As I watched in, well, Disturbance more than anything else, but was soon distracted by the Humans talking to each other. They were muttering something about a werewolf; I had turned my ears toward their direction and got better audio reception. “There’s a real werewolf over there… It doesn’t seem interested in attacking. It would be perfect…!†“Kevin has been wanting someone to sell him, or just give him a werewolf, then he can do blood tests, take samples and try to take its genetic information or whatever it is he does.†“What should we do?†“Well, we do have some of those tranquilizer dart guns. We’ll just go and catch it!†The last human talking had stricken fear to me, This, Something Werewolves were not used to feeling. I looked around desperately, Should I run? What if those wolves are trained by humans to kill? What if they attack me? What if I attack them...? What would happen if I went and attacked those humans…? I decided that would be my best option, and looked to where the humans were standing. They were gone. The back of the semi truck was still open. I silently strode to the other side of this truck and scanned the area through the blinding snow. I saw nothing. I walked around to the back of the truck, and saw the open cargo door. Curiously, I silently padded inside, and looked around, sniffing the air periodically. Near the far end of the cargo, farthest from the door, I picked up a scent… of Humans. I couldn’t let them see me in here; they’d close the door…! I ran as fast as I could, but this cargo seemed very long… The light that illuminated the area slowly faded as the humans worked the collapsible ramp, and closed the doors before I could get to them…! Fear constantly struck at me, I felt the cargo moving, the humans in a hurry to get me in to their ‘base’… I could not allow this to happen! I took a few backward steps, and immediately rammed my body into the back doors of the cargo, critically indenting it. I heard a quiet, nearby siren sound off, As the humans were warned of the hull breach, As I took more steps back, And rammed myself into the doors again, Putting a huge indention in it. I extended my claws, and slashed at the metals, they easily shredded and cut out of my way. I pushed on the slit of metal, and widened the opening. I found it was still too small for me to fit through, So I did the last step necessary- Backed up, And rammed into the doors again, Throwing one off of its hinges, And the other dangling by two damaged hinges, Both doors with unbelievable dents and marks on them. I looked around wildly, not knowing where to go. The same four humans jumped out of the truck, all with tranquilizer dart guns… They all aimed, keeping me still at fire point. I was trapped… [Aaaahhh Oh no. Kill deh humans. Eeeee. o_o]
  20. Dont worry Horatio, ML just needs to use your airplane to fly upward to get the out-of-reach cookie jar.
  21. Kat and Kris in the story is getting less and less descriptive. Now your hardly in it at all. o_____o; But. You still get to be important. n_n later. soon. yay.
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