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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Brilliance! I thought of how I can fix Kat and Kris person now. n_n Huzzah. Now i can write it. n.n
  2. Hey. I have an RP character almost identical to that. Another thing, Kat... Is this futuristic and stuff? o_o
  3. You should name that one Tarzan(ett?) Highly amusing.
  4. This is in the wrong topic, Go ask me that in the ASk the dumb philosiphor topic.
  5. [Kris, Just a forewarning before you get too far, Mind-reading and... well, some of these other things you have going on, Your on the verge of breaking one of the rules, Godmoding. Rose is starting to sound like some immortal diety or something. You have plenty of capabilities and powers now, So i'd reccomend stopping now, Try not to add any more powers on. (Unless I'm mistaken, (Which is likely) You have said nothing about mind-reading before this post...) IT would be good if you could take some powers off somehow, But that is your choice. I just reccoment against having that much capability and power.] [On the side note: Wheeeeeeeeeeeee.]
  6. So, uh... .Why does YOUr happiness not matter? o_o When I left and came back, I didnt make a big long post like this. I wonder why. >.> I forgot. I dunno. -creeps out and runs away-
  7. MW, I posted the chapter you are in! n_n Now, Im at the part where im writing Kat and Kris being all wolf-y now. >.>; Im still trying to figure out how i'll change thems into a feral/were wolf. Cuz... cuz yeah. Which form do they go into first, and how will they discover the other form? and like, how... do I do this and all...? I dunnooooooooooo
  8. [Okay, I fixed it. o_o] Chapter Nine Southeastern California Batch 3, Shipment 4, Cell 12, contained the rather frightened Jeanette, Who was tranquilized while walking around with a few of her old childhood friends. The original intention here, Was that she had set up an appointment with some of her old childhood friends whom she had found on the internet, They had arranged to all meet together. Although, As she was walking away from her parked car, A strange numbness appeared in her side, Before she could do anything about it, She had blacked out. She was crouched in a ball shape, trapped inside a small 3x3 (6 feet tall) cell, Along with at least 20 others, Which were all contained in a huge bar cage, which were waiting to… Go through some process that she knew not of. This huge cage was in tow behind a small truck, which seemed to be shipping the humans through a big urbanized power plant looking system. After a good ten minutes of being shipped around through approval and identifications, Jeanette along with some other Californians were all taken out of the cage, but still in separate cells. Jeanette watched as all of her friends were taken off into a big building, and who knows what is to become of them… She remained silent as hers was picked up by a robotic worker, and put on a conveyer belt as the rest were… She watched as the remaining humans were put on the belt with her, turned around and noted the belt came to its end momentarily, As more of these robotic workers grabbed each cell, lifted it, And took it through an endless corridor, And seemed to know exactly where to go. It turned left, and an automatic door opened for them. They entered, and the robot unlocked the side of the cage, causing Jeanette to fall out of the small dingy cell, On to a tile floor. She looked around, confused and desperate. There were three white painted walls, none of which showed signs of ever having a door on it...? The remaining wall was identifiable as Transparisteel, And through the transparent wall, Jeanette could see hundreds of scientists, observers, guards and… Well, multiple categories of humans. She looked around through the wall; all of the humans were oblivious to her presence. She turned her attention to the room she was in, there was still no sign of a door, there was a loudspeaker in one of the upper corners, and the robotic worker was deactivated in one of the corners of the room. Jeanette strained her ears; she thought she had heard something. Despite it was one of the hardest surfaces known to anyone, Transparisteel is not sound resistant, And just lightly muffles noises that go through it. She heard one of the scientists behind the Transparisteel wall talking to the human in the room next to Jeanette’s. They briefly spoke for a moment, and the human next to her, identified as male from the following sound, had begun groaning, and grunting rather loudly, but its human voice seemed to be cut off by a wolf’s voice. The wolf seemed to pick up at the same place the human was, and continued moaning in pain, but it soon stopped, and no longer seemed to be hurting…? She felt worried and confused about what was happening, as momentarily the scientist that was talking earlier had approached her room. He began speaking as he had to the previous victims. “Jeanette, I assume is your name…? Well then Jeanette, Do allow me to explain a few things of what is happening here….†He cleared his throat, and Jeanette listened rather carefully. “In case you were wondering where the door to that room that you are in is, it is still there. We have a hologram projector in each of these rooms; all of the walls are Transparisteel. We just have an illusion to block the light from going through. And with the touch of a button here…†He flipped a switch on a remote controller he had. The wall to Jeanette’s left seemed no longer the white painted wall, it was Transparisteel, and there were a few rooms beyond hers, each with a feral wolf in it. “Your human body has been injected with half of the chemicals necessary to change your body into that a wolf- as these other humans have.†He motioned toward the rooms with wolves in them. “You’re turning us into wolves?!†She screamed. The scientist nodded. “Earth cannot handle the human overpopulation, so we are lowering the Human population, and raising the count of endangered species. Do not worry, by doing this, regardless of how willing you are, you are doing a service to nature. Now, as I was saying, the remaining chemicals needed to complete your transformation will be emitted through a gas into that room.†A quiet hissing filled the room Jeanette was in, as a strange white misty gas was flowing into the room. “Starting now. All the other humans seem rather pleased with their new bodies, there is nothing for you to fear…†Jeanette tried to speak back, protest against him, try and fight back, but she found she seemed incapable of speech…? Her breathing was getting uneasy, as a strange odor was filling the room… “Your memory will be erased in the process. Your human life is now… Over.†She didn’t know how to react, She looked around the room desperate for somewhere to hide, while holding her breath, trying not to inhale the chemical gasses, but her futile effort soon failed… And the transformation began. Jeanette body began uncontrollably writhing, overheated as immense pain rushed through her body. It seemed as if her hair was growing longer…? It seemed as if fur was sprouting rapidly from all over her body…within moments, She was covered in a thick brown fur. Jeanette began panicking, Moving around in her ever changing body, To find her limbs were decreasing in size but also reshaping, as they resembled that a wolfs feet. She looked around, rather terrified, and saw that she had better eyesight. She scanned the area curiously, Her bright amber eyes glowing from behind her shadowy fur, As it seemed that all of the light pain in her body tensed and focused itself in one spot- It all moved up to her head, As it painfully decreased in size a small amount, but seemed to grow longer, flatter, As a long muzzle extended out of her head, with her canine-like nose at the end. As her head reshaped, Jeanette’s ears were moved to the top of her head, as her teeth became pointed fangs… Jeanette looked around, rather confused; She didn’t seem to feel pain any longer. Was she now a wolf? She saw that her ‘casual’ clothing now laid in a torn heap of cloth, But she comfortably stood on all four legs, Clothed now in a thick brown fur coat. She felt something toward her back, and turned her wolf head to look behind herself to find a long tail, wagging energetically. This is it… Jeanette’s human life really is over… She looked around herself, Through the Transparisteel walls she could see a series of rooms identical to hers, all with a feral wolf in them. What is to happen now, She did not know… Although, It did seem very strange. Jeanette didn’t seem to recognize what the other wolves were there for…? She looked around, confused, and saw a strange object in one corner… How did she get here? Why is she a wolf? Jeanette tried to think, remember what has happened recently… Nothing came. She could not remember anything… [MW's pretty much done now. For a while, at least. >.>] [MW Didnt get very many lines to speak. Kat wont shut up in her chapter. xD]
  9. [w00t for MW! Heres where MW......... Wait a minute........ o_o............ I wrote MW in as if she were still 14 or however old you are. o_____o -runs off to fix it- n_n MW's chapter is the next one! Yeah. >.>]
  10. You dont know it yet, But its actually me. I go to Missouri sometimes. o_o I looked it up online, The defninition of Brandon as a name is Blackbird/Raven or something to that effect. Im evil or something! Huzzah!
  11. Depending on what it is being used for. If its used for assisting the penguins in keeling me off to prevent my purchasing a Sheena, then it is very wrong and you shouldnt do it. -cough- no. If your using them to work as some kind of... Oh wait, I got a good idea. Make about 1,000 of them and have them all join Kat's mafia. Then we might be able to out-do Toto's Mafia. Huzzah. So depending on what its used for, (world domination, keeling me dead, keeling other people dead, making the guinness world records tallest robotic human pyramid, or plumbers) Then you shouldnt do it. But if you intend on like... giving them all to me, Go ahead.
  12. This sounds frikkin awsome. I has some questions. This sounds like you got the idea from MetroidPrime two, Correct? Upon switching from earth to Matria, Does there really need to be a trans-species or something... change? Like, Can they be the same form in both dimensions or is a transformation required...? What happens if a native Matrian goes to earth? Is fighting really necessary, if so, why? (Just an option. If you tell me it might ruin deh storyline for me or other people.) Is there a... guideline, limit, boundary, whatever you wanna call it, As to what species the character can be? (Like, Normal stuff such as a friggin bird, or insane stuff like a friggin were-panther dragon hybrid with shapeshifts into a gryphon at will will the insticts and mind of a seagull or something? that can out-jig anyone in town?) Speaking of which, Is shapeshifting allowed, Or is that too extreme for your standards? I'd love to send in a character and all, Just need more direction and description for applying. o_o Eh?
  13. That wierd award is for having a long and/or spiffy sig. Huzzah.
  14. Not everyone. ML isnt right there. >.>;;.......... Sheena isnt looming overhead neither. Mnyeh. (Its cuz i bought a Sheena already. o_o)
  15. they CAN in fact! Its just not an english word or any other language I can think of. So you can make up a word for grannam or something to be defined as.
  16. Because you want to stick around in case i give you all my moneys. I used to go there, I have almost 800K. And i cant decide who to give it to so I can delete my account(s). o_O It could be YOU! I doubt it cuz we cant exchange usernames. Ssssssooooooo tough luck. o_o
  17. That one attachment you.. attached. o_o The hill mountain things. Theres an orange thing over there. o_o
  18. [Kat. o_o When Val gets up, You or someone needs to tell him that he should help thems keel off Sinvalj. He wont figure that out himself. Too stoopid. That, and Naomi needs to see Ryukai so they can continue that whole key-naomi's innocence ordeal. o_O......... I just thought of something. Does Ryukai or Naomi have the key right now? o.o] Ryukai sighed, rather displeased, And stood up to look around. He had hoped he could have really killed Val, That way none of these people would have dont anything about it, And he could loot any goods he could find on Val. Ryukai just stood and waited for something to happen. [i do it all the time. o_O]
  19. [Heres where Kat and Kris were almost added. The next time you see these guys, you were almost added again. Your not in till like. chapter 15 or something. o_______o] Chapter Eight “Kansas… The great state of lethargy and inactivity. Why would anyone want to live here of all places…†A member of a Retrieving Team murmured against his orders, in the Semi Truck that carried an empty cargo behind it, waiting to be filled… The worker turned on his communication radio, and sent a request to speak to Kevin. A few moments later, Kevin answered in a rather pleased tone of voice, Obviously rather happy about the new werewolf capture. “Kevin sir…†“What is it?†“Are you sure you want us to go here? We’re driving about and not seeing anything. Nothing. Nothing but corn, cows and barbwire fences. No humans. I don’t think you would want any cows, get those into wolves…†“Keep looking, retrieving team. There are a few cities and towns, not with a lot of population, but there are humans there, I promise you. Oh… Can you hold? Just a minute.†“Yes sir.†A few moments later, the radio connects back to the Retrieving Team, and they heard Kevin cheering for himself briefly, rather gleeful. “Keep your looking going on, From what your tracking device tells me, There’s a rather large town about five miles from you. Not being small like the rest, you will get some humans. No state in that country has no humans. … For now anyway. We’ll change that. Aside from that, I just got a message from the science deck, From taking samples and running tests, They’ve found a way to use the werewolf’ changing serum, and change any human into a werewolf, as opposed to the domestic feral ones we’ve been getting. So we now have two forms available… Feral Wolves and Werewolves… This should be interesting… Retrieving team, keep searching. You will find something.†“Yes sir.†The radio connection was cancelled, as the truck drove passed the borders of Topeka. [Kat & Kris, I’ll just say you live in Topeka. Just go with that.] The workers opened a container in their truck, which contained six coats for each of them, which had advanced Transparisteel fractions in them, which makes the entire jacket invisible, Along with any biological form nearby. The six retriever team members put them on, and within seconds, they were undetectable by the human eye. Flaws in this method still remain; they are vulnerable to detection through thermal view and/or x-ray viewing. If they make too much noise, they can draw attention to themselves, and being human, they still need to breathe, which can lead to sneezing or coughing, giving away their position. Each team member has their own rifle, which has been added on to, with extras and attachments. There is a small grappling rope and hook, to pull their victims toward themselves. The standard effect is tranquilizer darts, which are capable of knocking out a human without them feeling anything. They are out before they realize what happened… A rapid-fire feature enables them to take out small groups of humans at one time. If necessary, which is rare in these cases, the rifle can shot bullets and kill. There is a microscopic computer embedded, which has auto-targeting and tracking, for near-flawless accuracy while shooting. Separate from their firearm unit, the humans have a robotic arm attachment for their right arm, which allows them to lift their unconscious victims with ease, which are also cloaked by the advanced Transparisteel effect. A fearsome foe indeed, these retrievers always plan for success, and rarely to never fail. The six retrievers all ran out from the truck, and searched the area for a station to fire at. [big scary people. o_o ph34r thems. o_o]
  20. [i forgot if i ever wrote what Caitlins plan was, or if i wrote it happening. -looks for t-]
  21. [i actually like the first'n better than this one. o_o Anyway.]
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