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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I kinda do. >.> I got dress slacks things on. And one of those formal-ish jackets on. Fun time. Its a dry-clean-only, made-in-italy one i got for $15 at Goodwill. o_o Imma go church here purty soon.
  2. This is pretty much how to out-grow n00bishness. o_o;;
  3. I have a question for whoever... Can anyone here speak/understand Korean? I found a cool song that i cant understand a word of it. o_o Its in Korean, i know that much. I dont think i'll be able to find the lyrics for it in text though...
  4. Post it! ..... poooosssssttttt iiiiiiiiittttttttt e_e
  5. You smell ducttape! o_o Its simple as that.
  6. [MW is impatient. >.> in here anyway.] Chapter Twelve After a long period of time, that was beyond Jeanette’s attention to measure definitely, She felt that the truck had come to a stop, and heard a familiar sound, of doors slamming shut as the humans jumped out of the cab, to open the cargo door for who-knows-what. A light, being nighttime dim, soon illuminated the cargo space, As human workers came in, picked up some of the cages carelessly, and walked them across the a border, And opened a side of the cage, letting the wolves out of the cage. She impatiently waited, as all of the humans grabbed the other wolves, and dumped them out on to the snowy ground. Her cage cell shook violently, as she lost balance and stumbled over in what little space she had to do so in. She soon heard the creaky metal slide, as the cage opened, was turned on its side as Jeanette fell out of it, and impacted the ground from about two feet above the ground. She regained balance, stood up, and looked around, still somewhat confused. Small snowflakes drifted through the air, As she saw the other wolves wander around, more or less disoriented than she. Jeanette rather unhesitantly took a well-needed breath of fresh air, As she breathed slowly, taking in the fresh outside air. She looked around, still gathering information of their whereabouts. [Keelingyoudead time! Aaaaahhh.] --- [Just a reminder. This has nothing to do with the Jack that lives over by Horatio and had a head-surgery thing. This has nothing to do with it. Ever. o_o This is that one jack that lived in misouri. that was a moron. >_o;] Jack opened his eyes, for the first time in quite a while. He noticed that his was one of the first cages to be removed from the rest of the wolves, As he was placed with only a few others, who were either lethargic, lifeless or just unsociable. He looked around, And saw that small metal rings had bound his four limbs to the floor, or whatever surface he was on… Upon looking around more, Jack saw that he was bound to a slowly moving conveyer belt. There were other unconscious or dead wolves around him. All were together, heading for the same place… Jack looked up, to see where they were going, Only to get a misting splatter of wolf blood had just flown into his face. He looked around, alarmed, And noted that all of these ‘dead’ wolves were in some demolition system. Jack’s eyes widened in fear as he beheld another wolf being carried into a series of spiked wheels, compression pistons, razor bars, And a large variety of bloodstained blades and strange devices. Another splatter of blood flew in every direction, As Jack wildly looked around again. He stared in the direction they were heading toward, Two wolves in front of him had just been eliminated. He watched in terror as the wolf in front of him was torn to shreds, flesh, blood, gores and bones were flung in every direction… As there was nothing between Jack and this system of demolition. Jack struggled against his binds, They were too tight for him to move through. He pulled, twisted, writhed, Thrashed desperately to escape…! But could not escape! Seconds later, A pain like no other had appeared in his abdominal body- His own new wolf body was ripped to shreds as he slipped away into death’s grip, his body was torn and smashed, processed and compressed into a small heap of fleshy substance… --- “Henry, Look!†The observer who was supervising the two werewolves was alarmed at seeing their escape, as his supervisor came running to take a look. Henry, the supervisor, grabbed a radio communication unit, activated it… “Alert, Alert, The two Werewolves have broken out! Priority three, Melee teams, Get over here now!!!†Henry screamed into the radio, And ran off, grabbed a Tranquilizer dart gun, And took three leaping steps, and stopped suddenly at remembering something. “Travis, Grab a firearm and come on!†Henry shouted back at the Observer unit, And then ran off once more to try and fight off the werewolves. [Yeah, I gave them names now. >.>;]
  7. [Much better than I expected...] [Horatio, I says your anonymous. o_o Yes.Gimmie an award now.]
  8. [You come in... in... -goes to check- Kat and Kris are added in Chapter fourteen. And get fixed in chapter nineteen or so. o_o Which is where im writing right now. Whee.]
  9. Yay. (Kat smells ducttape.) I has you two's werewolfy-ness all figured out. I might have it done by tonight. Huzzah.
  10. [i found it! Huzzah. This was back when my text was red. >.> Kat's is still red.] Here is a Role-Playing (RP/RPing) topic i made when im bored. So i'll come here and post some RP. Woohoo. I'll make the setting and a few guidelines/rules for it, You're welcome to make your own RPing topic with your own rules/settings/RP style. The setting is a Medieval-Fantasy genre and period, Most anything goes. Its starting out Nighttime, Idle Unpopulated forest a few odd miles east of a few suburb towns of a city, Clearings of trees with small lakes and/or ponds here and there in the forest. Rules: (ones with asterisks (*) are required, all others optional) Basic HD Rules apply* (If you're a member, You know the rules. But the moderators make sure you dont break them. -huggles Horatio- ) No godmoding* (This means you cant be the almighty invincible unbeatable ruler of all and such. Play fair.) No Cannon Characters (Note this is optional. Cannon Characters is... For example. You cant use some main characters from movies/vid.games/stories. You make your own, or (preferabley not) one of the sidecharacters or less significant peoples. Note once again this is optional.) Play Fair* (See your posts (or at least try) from more than just your perspective. For example, If you want to attack someobdy in combat- Think of what they would do back to you, Or Think of the possibilities of the aftermath.) Anything-Goes Characters (This means you can be almost whatever character you want. Be whatever race, name, abilities, do whatever you want with your character. Im not stopping you.) THINK. * (Think before you post! I dont want to see a post chock-full of typoes or overflowing with horrible grammar, And i dont want you mindlessly walking right in to something that someone else is doing. If something is going on and you want to be included, Dont just walk in, introduce yourself and help. Stay in the background and wait for the right time.) Another rule all RPers should know about. OOC. (out-of-character) In Character (IC) posts are when you're RPing, OOC Posts is... Telepathic messages to other RPers. Put brackets ( [, ] ) or double parenthesis ( ((, )) ) equals things (=) Whatever you want to indicate its NOT an actual RP post. You can even say: OOC Heya. Mind if i join in here? I've seen it before, And i dont mind a bit. If you think about it, There arent that many rules. Just a long post on what the rules ARE. There are only 6 rules in there. ... I think. Hopefully by tomorrow morning this topic will be up and moderated, Im off to sleep now. 11:40 PM. I'll make the first post tomorrow. [The red color is historical significance. It represents... um... The red shirt im wearing! yeah. Anyway. There are the rules. I might've borken one or two with Val, or Ryukai having so much stuff in his pack, but hey. Nobody seems to have commented or minded, so... yeah. Anyway, Theres the rules... theres the rules. Have fun and give one of them a hug.]
  11. [Did you not read the Roleplaying rules that... are... supposed to be at the beggining of the topic? Apparently not. I'll go get them.]
  12. Kat posted many times. Natasha has black shiney hair, woohoo. And uh... green... eyes? Something eyes. Go with green. it creeps people out. The wolf doesnt hold blades. It uses energy stuff and focuses the energy into a physical shape. A blade. >.> The human does hold blades though. The wolf just uses its eyes or something. Vvvvvvvvvvvlnarg is a rather sociable person, can be friendly most of the time, But if someone makes the wrong move, then he gets real ticked off and pulls out knives and freaks people out. He tends to try to not have friends, so he wont have to put up with betrayal. He will not try to make friends, he only plays along with people who try to befriend him. So most of the time hes sitting alone in a dark corner of the room or something, doesnt talk much or something. (A lot like me, in short. ) Natasha is rather aggressive in both planet things, and... doesnt go well with most people. -tries to think of a personality- ....... She like.... does.... stuff....... Um.......... Yyyyyyeah. o.o
  13. Yup, Me too. I have a blue, red, green, yellow, shadow, fire and... something Shoyru. w00t for multiple account cheaters. o_o (Ok i dont cheat with them, But i have about 17 accounts. You want one? I'll put 100K money in it for you. >.>; Send it to Horatio and have him email it to you or something. It'll have a dumb username though. )
  14. [This chapter is kinda confusing. It has all three, Times, Tahoma and Aria fonts, there being happenings from all three perspectives here. Lets see if i can do it right. >.> This is one of the longer chapters...] Chapter Eleven Scared out of her wits, Jeanette was cowering in one of the corners of this strange room she found herself in. She looked around, to find a human-like being, natural or mechanical she did not know or care, had approached her and grabbed at the back of her neck. She soon found that this being had strategically planned to do so, It gripped firmly close to her head to prevent her head to move, so she could not bite anything, and she had to follow wherever this being led her to. It took loud booming steps that scared her slightly, every time it took a striding step. After she walked down a long corridor, there was a rather unusual view of the sky; there were strange objects in the way, blocking her view as she looked up, curiously. Before she realized it, the view was no longer available, as she, being in a small dark room, replaced it. Light from outside illuminated it somewhat, as she was led into a horizontal cage. About three feet tall, wide, and six feet long. They were vaguely familiar, but she ignored that thought. Within moments, Jeanette was packed into the cargo of a semi truck with multiple other dazed and confused wolves. --- “Uh, John… That wolf over there isn’t moving.†One of the rather stupid, intelligence-lacking workers, who were hired for their obedience and muscle, had commented to his supervisor. John’s attention was drawn to the rather dense worker, who redirected John’s attention to one of the wolves. He walked up the ramp, for a closer inspection on it. He reached his arm through the bars, checked its pulse and breathing. “It’s probably dead. Take this one out, take it to the Demolition sector.†“John, That one over there isn’t moving much either.†“It appears to be sleeping.†“But that one over there… John, Just look them all over.†John rolled his eyes, and did so. He kneeled down next to one of the cages, and did the same as the last wolf. He took note in his mind, that: One appeared to have gotten so frightened or confused it either died or passed out. One of them was just acting to be dead, trying to get them to release it. One seemed to have died, Regardless of what it was. “Take these three cages out, Take them to the Demolition Sector. They’ll take care of it.†John looked back in one of the cages. “This one too.†He pointed at one nearby. The thickheaded workers obediently lifted the cages carelessly, and took them off into a separate, smaller truck’s cargo, and sent a driver to take them to Sector D. --- Jeanette watched, confused, as these strange creatures were carrying off other wolves, who knows what is to become of them...? She watched, still rather curious, as a sliding door slammed shut, the cargo door, leaving all of the twenty-five wolves in the darkness, clueless of what is happening. Jeanette listened, rather pained by the sad howls, whimpers and cries of her surrounding wolves. She could only join in, they apparently were calling for help, and if ever it would come. She saw no reason why help should not come, so she just joined in with the chorus of despairing wolf sounds. --- After a brief discussion on the matter, Caitlin and I, both joined force together, doubled the strength of just one werewolf, And slammed our overpowered limbs into the side of the Transparisteel imprisonment we were in. And after about four bashings, The Transparisteel wall finally shattered under the force of our combined Werewolf bodies. Shards of the material flew all around, as we both heard loud security warning sirens sound off. “Be prepared for some fighting off. Keep alert for tranquilizers of any kind.†I warned Caitlin, as she nodded in acknowledgement. We scanned the area, as the scent of fear had filled the area… Which is what Werewolves need in order to stimulate their killing ways. I smirked deviously, and flung into battle with the army of humans that approached us…! [Melee time! Keelingyoudead scene in next chapter. Huzzah? ........... Wait. Next chapter doesnt have the Me werewolf. Thats the one after next. o_o] [Just a quick question for kat or whoever feels like answering it, Do you think having more than one (or two) perspectives here is a good idea, regardless of if it is or not, How good is this turning out? o_o And hows the storyline so far? (Most all of the story here is in the Dalhood place. Summarized, Its the Me werewolf going, getting stuck for like 17 chapters, which is spent trying to get out, Then at the end everything blows up or something. o_o (Nothing really blows up though.) Yup.) I didnt think people would like it this much...] [The original intention was that this Dalhood thing would be a whole seperate story thing, But would have interaction and coexistance with the Werewolf2 part. Something like that. I dint think that'd work, So i was gonna have the Dalhood part just be independantly its own story. Then i lacked a storyline for part two, so i just combined it all together. o_O The end.] [i did though, yesterday, Think of a end for the series! Werewolf five or something. Its rather violent and keelingyoudead-ish. o_o I might not do it. Anyway. Any thoughts or ideas for part three? anyone?]
  15. Like i've said before, I've never had pants to take on/off. ........... Maybe i have, but... Mneh. Do the vvvvvvvvvvlllnarg person though. The other one is dumb and optional. >.>
  16. If you go to the right person, Their free. My dad never uses a comb, He just wets a washcloth and rubs it around. Hilarious. Some people use polishes... My sister used some mascara and was writing on his scalp whilst he slept. o_o; Things like, 'dad is sleeping' or 'if you can read this, why arent you blind' or stuff like that. One time she put a target on his head. Anyway. They just shine it all spiffy. (Shoe polish works too.) -looks around suspiciously-..................... I cant tell you that. -runs-
  17. [That one guy is strange or something. o_o Anyway.]
  18. [i think this is about where the story actually gets good. Although, The last chapter was about the begginning of it, But hey. This one will probably need modding. >.> this is also where I decided adding some humor in wouldnt hurt. (This being another reason, why Kat and Kris were put after this point, so they can be hilarious too. o_o) So the Dalhood people are rather amusing. S'pecially here. >.>] Chapter Ten “Master… Are you there? Wolf master, Are you alive?†I heard a familiar voice calling me, I flickered my eyes open, I felt unnaturally… inactive, Very tired… “Wolf master! I am glad you are well… Are you?†I looked around, and saw Caitlin sitting near me. I sat up, and looked over at her… “No, I do not think I am… I am unbelievably sleepy. What has happened?†My memory was failing me for what has happened lately… “All of those humans have been taking your blood, running tests, bio scans, and they had drilled a hole through one of your fangs and took some of your changing serum. Who knows what they plan on doing with it… Aside from that, they found out our gender differences, they put both of us in a cage together in hopes that we would reproduce…†My eyes widened in awe. “They want us to what?!†“Sexually reproduce. I am not sure about you, but I do not want to do that. Never.†“I would never do that! They are insane!†“They want more werewolves. I don’t think I could ever bear that. Being pregnant, and doing that in an environment like this…†“That will not work. I refuse. I was married. That will not work out with me… I cannot. I will not.†“I am afraid we will be forced to… The humans have more power than we realize.†I stared at her rather incredulously. “Do not be discouraged like that! Be strong! And besides, we have more power than the humans realize. I assure you. We are superior. They cannot force us to do anything. Our Werewolf strength, combined, Can in fact break through Transparisteel, We can escape. But only with teamwork, and you having faith that we can do so.†--- “The two werewolves aren’t doing anything. Just communicating… What should we do?†An observer reported to a supervisor employee of Dalhood corp. “Force them if you have to, but just keep watching them closely.†“How would we force them? The male wolf is sleeping! The female is rather energetic though, and might be willing to… reminds me of my ex-wife… ‘Friggin wolf looks a lot like her, too… ‘Never shaved her friggin legs… Anyway, What if the werewolves attack us? How would we force them?†The supervisor perked a brow at hearing the comments in between. “Just keep watching them. Let them rest; they may build up lust over time. When they feel they are energetic enough. As for forcing them… Well, I’ll get back to you on that. We do have ways though. We’ve tested it out before…†The supervisor replied. He soon afterward deviously looked at the observer worker, as if hinting toward something. The observer shuddered, ignored his supervisor and kept watching and note-taking. --- The Retriever Team unit number two kneeled down, leaning against a small brick wall of a planter, which contained a few small trees and multiple flowers. The worker looked carefully through the crosshair aimer, and turned on the computer to sense a human nearby to track down for accuracy. After a moment of scanning and searching, the computer soon reported back to note there are no humans to retrieve, that are not guarded by trees or buildings. [The original intention was that Kat and Kris would appear here, And end up sitting on this retriever guy or kicking him unintentionally or something, But i didnt. I dunno how that'd end up working out. So no. You people are later.] The worker stood up, and walked off somewhere else, carefully and silently walking along the gravel floor of the Topeka Junior High School. Another Retriever Team unit had two unconscious humans on each shoulder, as he carried the two humans into a large, dark ally way, which contained the semi truck. The worker placed each human in the small 3X3X6 cages, and strategically placed the cages behind other empty ones, in attempt of concealment, as he jumped back out of the cargo and ran off to find more victims to change into wolves. The Retriever Team unit number five was silently walking along a small neighborhood street, as he thought about what really is it that he was doing. He is paid to go and kidnap humans… What of these humans’ families or friends? What would the cities think of their inhabitants disappearing? What if anyone were to find out about this… He thought about, what would happen if he was living his everyday life, and was unknowingly tranquilized, and taken to Manitoba Canada, to be turned into a wolf, ending his human life… He would hate it more than anything else… He could not bear it. It would be terrible… Unit number Five stopped walking, looked around, and turned on a headset GPS unit to locate him and give him directions back to the truck. He decided he would quit this job; He refused to support this dark act. He will not be a part of it…[i wouldnt. >.>] [The next chapter has more MW-ness in it. >.>]
  19. Kat, Metroid games are like... The best frikkin ever. Buy them all. o_o And this does sound a lot like the MP2 storyline. Which is frikkin awsome. So im gonna participate here. n.n Whoa its midnight already. -howls- Huzzah. Anyway. Character-ing. NAME: Uh....... Um.......... Vvvvvvvlnarg Kloorgson. (I'll make a name tomorrow. >.>; You could use that one if you want. You could make up a name yourself for him/) AGE: 15 RACE(Earth): Human EARTH PD: (Assuming PD means physical/personal description?) Whatever his name is, He most often wears black, leather, and shineys. (One of those hippy-freaks you see at HotTopic stores. o_o) He usually has knives or blades either concealed or visible with him, Which he is rather skilled with fighting with. (Knife fighting is fun. n.n) EARTH COUNTRY: Canadian, All da way. n_n (w00t for canadians, eh?) RACE(Matria): Feral (literally) Wolf (Wolves are spiffier than you think.) MATRIA PD: Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has a mixture of dark browns or black fur, Which can make for some camaflauging concealment. He's rather agile, Rather strong, And likes to bite things. n_n MATRIA POWERS: Concealment/Camoflauge, Summoning energy in the form of a blade (Like... Being all glowy-cool and stuff and makes sharp energy blasts that shoot out or something, with the effect of a sword/knife), Speed (Just below super-speed. Not really... really fast. Just faser than most wolves would be. This, Mostly being an option, as i think Vvvvvvvvvlnarg has really credible Matria power. o_O) And in case you dont have 'nuff characters, Heres another one! NAME: Natasha ... Something (Make up yer own last name. >.>) AGE: 17 RACE(Earth): Asian Human (Is that racism? I hope not. o_o) EARTH PD: Asian person. Rather long black (Shiney!) hair, Which she likes very much so, yes. n_n ... Thats about it. Has skill with using a Katana. (Those are fun.) EARTH COUNTRY: Japan or somewhere asian. o_o I dunno. (Not China. >.> No relation to chinese-ness.) RACE(Matria): Small Dragon (Being about 4"6 tall. >.>) MATRIA PD: Not a chinese dragon. Those are full of dumb. o_o Small red dragon, Somewhat aggressive, Umm... Torches stuff. MATRIA POWERS: Firebreathing, Whacking stuff rather hard for her size, And...... Jigging. >.> or something. And there you go. Spiffy stuff. By the way, MP2's storyline has two 'dimensions' of a planet, But from what I understand, There isnt much transformation or a war going on. But there is a bunch of dumb and ebbil bad-guys in Dark Aether. >.> And the environment is toxic or something. And keels Samus dead, much yes. Anyway. Yeah. hurry up and write.
  20. My dad is bald, I do it all the time. Seriously. Well... How to explain this... hmm. HAve you ever seen inside a hamsters cage? There are all these little bean-shaped black things laying around, That gradually increase in population every time you check? As if, The hamster was the cause of it? Black jelly-belly's are none other than Easter-Bunny-Poop.
  21. You dont know it yet, But only half of you is 'cuul'. So. For example, The Ahsirt part of your username is cuul, However, The Hoops part is much less cuul. Dont ask why or how. Another approach. Ark in my username, Is less cuul than the Cher. o_o Now, I have a question for YOU. What does cuul mean?
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