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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. I voted fer that Kat person, I figured she'd have voted for me, too. xD
  2. Yes. Try getting high off'a Ducttape fumes. Its fun. Paint fumes! WinterFresh Gum fumes. >.> One of my friends would like... buy five of those, dump out all the gum and get high off'a the fumes. Frikkin wierd.
  3. Vvvvvvvvvvlnarg/Nathan handles being flirted like I do. xD Maybe. He wont really take it seriously, but plays along with whoever flirts with'im in more a teasing way. He makes it known he isnt serious about the relationship though. So unless he feels like it, he flirts back. >.>
  4. Think of a cooler name than A Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvlnarg. >.>;; Buscuit Barrels was hilarious though. His name shall be Nathan Graves! (Five bucks to whoever knows where i got that name. >.>)
  5. [This is the chapter that Kat and Kris get to be it! Huzzah. This is my favorite part so far. xD] Chapter Fourteen “Attention! This is Kevin… Melee team, Fall back, Do not attack the wolves, Return to your office. All other workers, Anyone who survives gets a 200 Eltem pay, And an twice that for the single or two people who tranquilize the wolves. Do not overtranquilize them, They can die from that. Take care of the wolves as soon as possible, And get out of there.†I heard someone’s booming voice over the loudspeakers throughout the building, As the fighter humans did as they were ordered, Fall back and leave. The remaining humans who had little to no aim with their firearms, were still wasting their ammunition on the ceiling, floor and their teammates. “Wolf master! Come here to me!†I heard Caitlin calling me, As my attention was drawn to her. She had knocked down most all of the humans in front of her, And if both of us worked at the same place, We would escape with ease. I acknowledged, And swung my arm behind me, knocking multiple humans away from me, As one had run-jumped and landed on my back, Although had soon fallen off from being tranquilized. I just accepted that, And ran over to where Caitlin was, And lunged into battle there, slashing, biting, and punching our way out. Within a few moments, Caitlin and I both had a clear path to run through, As we jumped on the opportunity and began retreating. We took at most two steps of running, before Caitlin made a loud grunt of discomfort, I glanced at her to see a Tranquilizer dart in her back. My eyes widened in shock, As I felt the same feeling… The two of us were soon side by side, on the ground, too weak to move. Before we had slipped to unconsciousness, We heard some humans radio units calling to their leader. “Kevin, We’ve got the wolves tranquilized. … How many darts in them? … More than I care to count. … Right away, sir.†He turned off the radio, and called to the remaining humans, “They’re overtranquilized, Get them to the Medical sector, Building… something or another. Just get them to the emergency room, Along with any injured co-workers. Move, move, move!†That, Being the last thing I sensed. [Eeeeeee Suspense or something. Heres Kat and Kris. >.>] --- “Kate… Kate. Katie! Calm down already!†Kris was in persuit attempt to get her best friend Kate to calm down, after having a dose of sugars, ginseng and caffeine, in a mixture of a few soda drinks they bought from a Quick Trip station. “Heh…. Hehhheehh…. Heh he hhh….†Was all that Katie could say, being twitching furiously from excess energy. Kris was only growing impatient with her energy spasm. “K… Hhheh… Kris, You have got to try this stuff… Hhhehhh… Hhehhhehh….†Kate replied to her friend, Who apparently did not see the importance in this over-energized beverage. “Kate, shut up, drop the drink and come on.†“No. This is good. Try some… Hhhheh….†“… What’s in there, anyway?†Kate’s eye twitched more vigorously than the rest of her body. “Oh, A little bit of everything. Mostly that Vanilla drink flavoring. But its got that… hhehh… Hheeeeeheh… That one stuff you know that makes you really hyper. Hyper. Hyper. Happy. Whee. Sugar. Hyper. Energetic. Sugar. Hyper. Caffeeiiiiiiinnnnnee!†Kate began jumping up and down speedily, either excited or energetic, Kris could not tell. Kris just rolled her eyes, Grabbed the drink away from Kate, and with her own, Reasonable and sane drink, Walked out of the store with Kate, who was still insanely twitching and jumping up and down, and rambling nonstop. As time passed, Kate eventually calmed down, And looked at her surroundings, rather confused. “Kris, Where are we now?†“You got this super-weird drink off’a Quik Trip back there, And went all wack on me. I’d be surprised if you remembered much of anything.†Kate just gave Kris a rather blank stare, still confused. “You got a sip of this crazed drink and went all hyper on me. You don’t get any more. Let’s give it to like… some lethargic or anorexic person? Maybe? Dancing anorexic skeletons? I dunno… Anyway. Theres that, eh, Retirement home or whatever you want to call it… Old folks’ place. Our apartment building is off that’aways, So let’s keep going. Not much we can do out here.†Kris started talking, with no subject that continued more than five seconds, or without much a general reason for talking at all. “Not much to do? Quik trip? I want some more of that super-drink. That’s real good.†“No, You don’t get any more of that, Not after what happened last time. We’ll give this to Jared’s cat, hows that. See what he does.†“Who does, Jared or the cat?†“Both. Seeing a cat all hyped-up on this stuff would be great.†“Seeing ME on that would be better! Gimmie!†“Just wait till we get home.†“No, I want some of that…. Like. Now. Fork it over.†“Kate, just… Calm down. You don’t need this stuff. Jared’s cat, whatever his name was, needs it more. That weird lump of furry fat needs a workout more than you do.†“I can’t wait that long! Give it to me!†“What you really need, is to calm down.†What the two girls did not see though, was a Retriever team member, Unit number four, Was scanning the area surrounding the two humans he saw. He saw that if he fired at these two, there would be witnesses; He’d have to take them out as well. He rose up his hand, and activated a communication between all six Retriever team members. “I need some backup, there’s a small group that needs taking care of. I can shoot them all down, I need you guys’ Transparisteel effect and I need you to carry them off. Use your GPS to locate me; I’m just south of some retirement home. Unit five, over.†He quietly spoke through the microphone, and scanned the area carefully once more. [MEETCHORDOOM! >.>;;]
  6. [Not always, But how else would the werewolves get out of a situation like that?!]
  7. I dunno what a Schimmislick is, but i kinda know what to do for yeh. >.>
  8. But you do in that wolfy thing. sotry. thing. >.> thats being written.
  9. Arkcher


    Upon actually gettin' up and doin' it, I've followed the reccomendations/suggestions some of my friends and... friends have given me. I have revived my old occupation/title of a hacker! Huzzah. (This is not bad. xD) (BlackRaven is more/less the defenition of muh real first name. Brandon. w00t. Its not a username for other boards.) I started this like... yesterday/this morning, upon having motivation of... uh... 'personal' issues. Dont ask. Not pretty. I started before tat at age three, which sparked my interest with computers, When i broke into my dads computer (Age three, yes) and bypassed his passwords and has created a lot of shortcuts to some of the computer games, added some folders in the My documents thing (i think) which contained some notes and cheat codes and all. Upon some of my church friends finding this out last year in november, They've been 'pestering' me about how im a hacker and all, And i should make muh own sweet-ful Hacker name. So i made one. w00t. Now I can boot morons out of chat rooms. o_o (Notice for peoples: I dont have your IP Adresses or much of anything (thanks to HK. xD Not a bad thing though.) Though even if I did, i dont have any reason to keel you dead. o_o Nope.) So yeah, I'm currently in the working title of a hacker now. >.> I say so, at least. Im mostly posting this cuz i felt like typing it out and knowing someone'll read it. Im still a small-time hacker, Not much i can do. (ie, I cant steal passwords, i cant enter someones computer from mine, i cant send/create/use viruses, Malicious stuff like that.) Anyway.... In other news, I did some kinda jig yesterday. it was fun.
  10. Ok then, Vvvvvvvvvvvvvlnarg is an OLD HotTopic hippy-freak. >.>;
  11. Using 'terminology' (if thats what you want to call it) like that makes you sound immature, impatient and, well, Stupid. (No offense intended of course.) Toto, Kat and I really do NOT like puttin up with that. Seriously, It makes people sound uneducated and immature.
  12. [After this chapter, Kat and Kris get to be in. Huzzah.] Chapter Thirteen I grabbed at one of the armorless humans’ throat, Squeezed my clawed hand, piercing through its tender flesh, And ripped out any body parts that I would have grasped, And used my other hand and tossed the body aside. Another human kill, I felt more confident about myself, We would be able to escape… All until I saw that some of the humans seemed to have different garments… I heard one of them fearfully dispatch radio to another one. “Sector D, Send as many mobile Demolition units that you can!†More problems. Just what I needed. I saw a small group of humans, who seemed to be clothed differently… Let’s see. A handgun that fires who-knows-what, A separate firearm that is attached to the left arm, a right forearm-mounted scythe, And thick armor that looked rather hard to penetrate. Like what few other humans seemed to have, These too humans also had robotic arm enhancements, increasing their strength. They were fearless, confident in their weaponry. This is a problem indeed… Tranquilizer Darts flew in every direction, As the rather brainless humans were not necessarily aiming, as the inaccurate darts flew this way and that, Either missing us completely, or unintentionally hitting one of their human allies. I could only continue fighting- So I did. I can only defend myself. --- “Kill them if you have to! Regain control at all costs. Get those werewolves taken care of!!†Kevin called loud and clear through the radio, which was broadcast across the sector the Werewolves were kept in. “They keep fighting back! They’ve already killed off twelve units! We cant handle them!†The workers called back, their voice barely distinguishable from the humans yelling, the wolves roaring, and guns firing. “You have the Melee Team units! Have everyone else fall back, They have sufficient armor, Its secondarily enhanced Transparisteel, Harder than normal.†“There are too many of us workers in the way already, We’re holding them back unintentionally and only-gyaah!†The unit was cut off by a werewolf slashing through its neck, ending the humans’ life. Kevin slammed the radio unit on his desk, rather enraged by this, While cursing unnecessarily. “I can’t afford to try and get another male and female werewolf, and keep them here… I’ve got to get those two to safety somehow… I can’t cancel off the attack, there’ll be too many casualties and the Werewolves will escape…†Kevin thought aloud, And paced, uncomfortably and speedily across his office, thinking hard. “What to do, what to do…. What do I do… I’ve got to think of something, Either all of my workers or both the wolves will die if I don’t do something here…!†He thought along again, And stopped pacing, He had thought of something…! [More problems. Them stoopid werewolves keep keelingyoudead people. xD]
  13. Vvvvvvvvvvvvlnarg is a wee bigger than average. o_o Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh
  14. I already know how i'll animate it and such, i just havent made the frames or... havent... started anything on it yet. o_o Top banana! Come retrieve your avvie!
  15. One of those one creeps. Kinda off-blue eyes, has black hair too, and wears a lott'a leathers and black stuff. Like i said, One of those hippy-freaks you see at Hot Topic stores. o_o (One time, my dad got kicked out of HotTopic from laughing at all the idiots with their stupidness and such. buying clothes, he was all thinkin 'please dont tell me you plan on wearing that e_e' The idiots buying clothes there. He dont. cuz hes bald. xD) Yeah. aaaaannnnnddddd stuff.
  16. Yeah i got some now. If there are too many characters, take Natasha out. 'cuz..... just an option.
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