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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Huzzah! I found one that I screenshotted the New Posts thing, and I was the last poster in ALL the topics. The file is too big though. -sobs-
  2. Yes. Windows are good. (Not deh Microsoft kind. No.) BTW: That... That one chemical is, too.
  3. But! Look at this! n.n TGHL posts a lot. -nodnod-
  4. o_______________o;..................................................... -glomps TGHL for no apparent reason- ^-^
  5. We have freedom of speech, too. And with it, We shall say for you to shut deh (Insert rather necessary cursing here) up about our country!
  6. Your so evil and frightening or something.
  7. Simple solution: If you cant decide between two decisions, Do neither. Vote someone else. That way you wont hafta try and decide. o_o
  8. [its Long Chapter time!] Chapter Sixteen “Well, Kris…†“Eh?†“I can’t wait any longer. You’re either going to give me that drink, Or I’m going wack on you again.†“No matter what, You aren’t getting this. Its too powerful for you.†“No it isn’t! Gimmie!†Kris and Katie continued bickering over the pointless subject, But not necessarily aware of some of the dangers lurking around the corner. “Disregard my last message, There will not be anyone to see these victims. Continue retrieving. Disregard my last message. Unit number five, out.†Retriever team unit five cancelled his backup request, at seeing there wouldn’t be anyone to see this. He could just grab the two victims, and then fire at them. Upon seeing no flaw in this plan, Unit five commenced the action. --- Jeanette watched carefully, still rather confused, As the semi truck drove off, Abandoning them out in the snow. Jeanette didn’t really feel cold out in this snowy, cold weather. She had a thick fur coat that kept her warm. … Good or bad, She could not decide. “Hey… Do you know what is going on here?†Jeanette jumped slightly at hearing a language she understood, that was other than English (Or whatever other language(s) MW can speak. >.>) Which resembled a few barks, grunts or growls, Noises of that effect. She also found she was able to speak back in this canine’ language. “No, I do not… I am so confused… it is rather scary to me, I do not remember anything. …†Jeanette responded back. The two wolves looked around, And saw a forest not too far away. “I am somewhat hungry. … Perhaps there is something in the forest there?†The other wolf wondered aloud as they looked at the forest, curiously. They had then walked over towards the woods, Joining in with multiple other wolves as they all padded toward the forest. Jeanette saw nothing wrong with this, And followed behind them all. --- “Wow… I don’t remember our apartments being this far away. We’ve been walking for quite a while now, don’t you think?†Kate pointed this out to her god cousin, Kris. (I assume you two’s are best friends or something outside deh board, right?) “Yeah… Did we take a wrong turn?†“We didn’t turn to begin with.†“Uh-oh. We have to make a few turns to get from our apartment to Quik trip and such…†“Don’t worry, We’ll find our way… sometime… somehow… Meh.†Kris looked over at Kate. “You sure about that?†“No. But might as well get a positive look of things, right? Cant go wrong that way.†“Which way?†“Left.†“Oh.†The two turned left at the corner of the roads. What seemed very strange about it though, Was that as the two walked along, It felt as if there was more than one person in their group. “… You know that weird eerie feeling you get like someone’s watching you?†“Yeah. I feel it too, Don’t worry.†The two looked around, cautiously, as they walked along. The two continued talking for a short while, Ignoring the feeling they had that they were not alone. As Kate walked along the sidewalk, Now with no conversation between the two, She noted that it seemed very quiet. It seemed as if just one set of feet were walking. Kate looked around herself, cautiously. “Kris…? …†She looked behind herself, and about 15 feet away, Laid Kris, Motionless on the sidewalk. “What the…!†Kate walked over to Kris, to check if she was alright, When Kris apparently… disappeared? She seemed to vanish out of sight. “Kris! … Kris?†Kate called for her, but didn’t see anything. Amid her fret in looking for Kris, Kate felt something poke at her back, She turned around, rather scared, But saw nothing. Retriever Team unit five smirked at seeing his victims reaction to all this, And ‘mercifully’ decided to end the humans’ pain in this situation, And pulled the trigger to his Tranquilizer Dart Gun, With his other outstretched arm to keep his helpless victim from escape. (And to catch her when falling. How romantic or something.) (On the side note, I didn’t feel like putting the shootin’ from Kat’s point of view. Dunno how I’d do that. Wouldn’t work very well.) A short moment later, She had fallen unconscious, And had become invisible as he with the Transparisteel. Unit Five’s robotic arm attachment activated, upon sensing pressure and movement that the human strength could not have handled. He smirked again, And hoisted the two upward and sat them both on his shoulders, and gripped them firmly to keep them from falling. He then walked off, with his GPS unit locating the semi truck, and his location, and gave brief directions on how to get there. --- “Hey, Mike… Here comes another group of those fake wolves that I keep telling you about.†Chris pointed this out to his brother, Who was finishing off some fresh meat he had caught. Mike looked up from the bloody mess, To find a small pack of feral wolves cautiously approaching them. Before Mike could do anything about it, Chris approached them and spoke, “Hey, I was expecting this group of wolves to come. Hello to all of you. As I have figured from previous wolves coming, You all… do not seem to remember anything, correct?†Chris greeted the confused pack of wolves, Who either looked at each other, confused, or just stared at him. Silent. “You wolves came from the border there, of Canadia and Northwest Dakota or something?†“This is North Dakota we are in. It is pronounced Canada. Remember that, now.†Mike commented to Chris, who mostly just ignored him, but continued on with his planned introduction ‘speech’ to explain to the wolves what is happening. “Shut up, Mike. You wolves there, from what I understand, all you remember would be is a big urban human-overrun place, with no idea what is going on. Do not worry about anything, as long as I am here nearby… You can go ahead and find yourself a home, place of dwelling, cave, hole, whatever you want to call it, Nobody has really claimed this whole forest, So do as you please. If any of you felt up to it, I have some tree bark that I had scraped off, I have been trying to get it up in the treetops and/or bury it underground if anyone wants to help…?†He asked, hinting toward them helping him out. “Chris, No birds are going to fly by and snatch the bark and drop it on some humans. Burying it underground will not accomplish anything.†“Mike… My brother, you do not understand the importance of this, it must be done. For Claws, at least. [Le Gasp! He knows about Claws too! Relation to Peter, by chance? Hmm?] Now, since you do not understand, then shut up.†Later, As time passed on, Chris and Michael had convinced the group of wolves to go elsewhere, Go their separate ways, stick together, to what they feel like, and let them run their own lives. After they all had left, Chris sighed and sat down, and went into thought. “Mike, What do you think could be going on here, Why are there wolves appearing out of nowhere, And we are seeing less and less humans…? It just does not make sense to me. What if… wherever these wolves are coming from, I can tell that they are fake, they are not natural wolves, yes, But what if there were fake werewolves as well? What would we do with them? We are a superior species to most or all creatures, Prime in many biological ways, But if there are fake werewolves, They will all see a relationship with us, They will think we are related, And only the natural wolves like you and I can tell who is fake and who is not. I cannot decide what I will do if there are fake werewolves… unless… …†[Chris and mike tend to tell each other to shut up. rahter often. o_o They're usually hilarious. (You can blame them for reviving my title of a hacker, so you know. xD) And chris has a million and a half knives.]
  9. [w00t for next-chapter-time!] Chapter Fifteen “They are over tranquilized. Why… How did you manage that?†“Kevin sir, There were at least twenty workers with the dart guns, All aiming for the same two targets.†“Get them to the medical center as fast as possible. I’ll tell then what’s going on while you’re on your way. Get going, Now! Save them as fast as you can…!†“Yes sir…†The eight workers who managed to shoot down the two werewolves walked out of Kevin’s office, with their heads low and waling somewhat slowly. “Get going! Faster! There’ll be a lot more penalties if I lose those wolves!†Kevin shouted over his desk at them, trying to get them on their way. Upon their leaving his office, He hurriedly dispatched to the Medical sector, And informed them of the situation. “Sector M, We have a problem. … Yes. About those werewolves. To make a long story short, They broke out of whatever kind of cell we had them in, And all the idiot workers over tranquilized them. Get all the tranquilizing fluid out, As much as you can, at least. They’re already unconscious, But on the verge of death if you don’t get it out soon. Pump their blood system, Do whatever you can. Win or lose, The team that takes care of them, Successful, Then they get an extra 500 Eltems added to their salary. If they fail, They get laid off. Who’s up for it? Scratch that, Lower the stakes. They win or lose 500 Eltems from their yearly salary, how’s that. … No, I don’t care who does it, As long as it gets done as soon as possible. … Fine, It’s win/win. 500 Eltems added to their salary, And nothing to lose. Now get going! The wolves are in transit to building one. Assemble your medics there, take them in and work on it. On the side note, The Female wolf was tranquilized first, And has more of the tranquilization fluid in her. The male was a few seconds later, and had less tranquilization fluid. Take care of the Female first, But give the male attention as well. Get as many medics on the female as possible, But the male is also important. … Yes, Very good. Be ready for their arrival, It’ll be in about… Thirty seconds? More-less, Just… be ready for it.†Upon closing the line between them, Kevin opened a small case of stress balls. --- “Mike… Had you noticed, Brandon has been off ‘northwest’ for a few days now. I would think he would have come back by now, let us know what is happening…†Chris pointed this out to Michael, Who was eating some deer that he had caught. He looked up from his food, and looked over at Chris, Who was idly sitting alone by a few small trees. “I had noticed that. He can take care of himself, I am sure; He has pulled himself out of some tight situations. I do not think that is something to worry about much.†Mike stated, in evasive attempt to change the subject, so he could get back to eating. And that’s what he did. --- My eyes flickered open, as my eyes varied in and out of focus. I had a splitting headache, I could not believe the pain… Oh… … I looked around myself, To see eight humans, all handling Caitlin’s body. She was unconscious… or something? I tried to ignore the headache I had, and watched what they were doing. Caitlin seemed abnormally stiff…? … Oh no…! … Had she died? What happened…?! I weakly sat my body up, and found I was in a very uncomfortable position. I moved myself into a better sitting position, and saw that there was nothing blocking my attacking the humans…? I looked around, as most of the humans seemed oblivious to me. I tried to walk, I took one step and had lost my sense of balance, and fell over on my side, which impacted the ground hard, and drew attention to me. A human calmly approached me, and tied a muzzle around my head, Knowing that I was too weak to attack, struggle or fight back. He or she was right; all I could do was weakly lay down, as other humans carried Caitlin off. “Which building in the Demolition sector?†One of them asked. “… Get it over in building three. I don’t care. Just put it in front of one of the buildings and run, for all I care.†I could not help but feel mournful, or sad that one of my… Well, I guess they’d be called offspring… One of My Offspring was killed. “Over tranquilization… What were they thinking… Kevin’s gonna be so mad. How or where would we get another female werewolf?†One of the humans was thinking aloud. Over tranquilization…? The same human walked over to me, And sat down nearby. I moved my body around uncomfortably. “Well then, Wolfy-guy… Single again. Now we’ve got to get someone else for you... I don’t really get why Kevin wants you two to reproduce though, We’ve got some changing serums and such, We have the technology to change humans into werewolves, Why not just get a woman for you, and change her… Kevin was saying, It wouldn’t be a purebred, It’d be too fake, And you probably wouldn’t like her. I was thinkin’ though, since we got some samples of your changing serum, in your fangs… We could just inject that into people; It’d be just an natural, That’s what I think… Ah well. Kevin doesn’t listen to the low-life workers like myself.†He seemed rather sociable, but rather lonely, considering he was talking to a werewolf. He looked over at me, and had looked into my eyes, curiously. “Now why do you always kill people? Why do you always kill off humans… I have dreamt of an age when all animals, Including you feral, insane werewolves, And humans… all humans and animals just live harmoniously together. Why is there such primitive population, Why can’t we all just get along… I suppose that’s a little impossible, There isn’t much any way for humans to communicate to animals. We cant manipulate nature that much. …†He sighed, and stared off in the ceiling, thinking. All that I could do was lay there as he rambled on. [Theres more Kate and Kris in the next chapter. >.>]
  10. O_o; Im just trying to see the world through the eyes of a british person.
  11. Arkcher


    Look up Python in a search engine, its a common programming language that... excecuting programs use (Python for exe files, as HTML is for most websites. it can be used to mess it up, like a lot.) Other than that, I just loaded some software off'a some... website, that lets meh boot people outt'a chatrooms and such. do all this spiffy things. w00t.
  12. It looks like you just took half of a drawing that was already attached here, and downsized it. I dont think you made that. o_o
  13. If they arent animated GIF images, I'd reccomend using PNG format instead.
  14. This is something i never thought i'd hear TGHL say. o____o Wow. -screenshots it-
  15. Arkcher


    I scared everyone off! ....... o_o
  16. I probably did and then forgot about it. Or just didnt see it at all. (Cuz anyone outside the UK is stupid, right? Yes. Every other religion is, too.)
  17. -high fives back and then low tens- >.>
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