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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Yes. Now, You get TWO Blue awards. Huzzah for deh HAmsterperson n-n Yes. Two blue awards cuz theres blue in the avatar, the other is cuz its good artwork. w00t.
  2. The bible is NOT the only evidence or material that we have. Judging christianity by the bible alone, is well... The best example I can think of (Me, i just woke up so its stupid) Is that I would judge that britain and euorope and such isnt necessarily a country because it has a stupid name. I think that you will find this to be just as stupid of an excuse just as I think that you are not rightfully judging our beleifs by the bible alone. (Now just out of curiosity, Have you even read it? o_o) Although, I will not have Toto, Jesusfreak or Lexxy-man to confirm this that I beleive, For all you could know im just making this up on the spot. Im fairly sure that I'M the only LDS/Mormon person here on this board, (Eh? Anyone else?) Meaning I am the only one who has more scriptural reference than the bible alone. And no, I do not listen to christian rock, I think it is irreverent and contradicts away from us saying we are peaceful or spiritual people. Rock music usually drives away this... (Whats the word, um...) Title? Meh. TGHL, Why are you viewing everything here in a pessimistic way? I do not think you are effectively debating, by just saying 'your beleifs are stupid and theres nothing good about them' In ways and undetailed. But, From my understanding, (I am not effectively debating neither. o_O) You have not looked into the detail, the fine print, the real goodness of the religions you mock. If you just start criticizing a religion without looking at it first, I'm convinced you are just babbling on about what isnt there.
  3. Anyways I said i was gonna post here earlier today and then i didnt So now i will. I got back from that one overnight trip, Went to Oklahoma University to look at stuff with muh sister, Who will be going to college their for a business in culinary arts degree thing. w00t. When i was NOT motion sick, carsick, puking all over, sleeping or feeling sick and gross, I was writing the conclusion of part two for deh werewolfyness. I also started Chapter Two on part three in deh Werewolf series! Huzzah. I also came up with storylines, titles and some character-ings for the next two parts. Huzzah! So, Unless i get another idea for part six or somewhere between 3 and 5, There will be a total of Five parts in this series. w00t for planning ahead. ^-^ Ssssssssooooooooooooooo. This part, Another character will be added, Some girl at muh church whom i suspect thinks im hawt. Nothing new of course. X_x; (Everyone thinks that. Im ugly, i tell you! Now lemee alone. <.<) So, Likewise shall happen here. If anyone has seen it, Think of the Ddautta music video (Can be found at ABS) Which is the side-story of part three. The video's happenings explain most of it. X'cept the end of it. ....... Maybe. (This, Ddautta, (More information is English title: 'there she is' Sung by 'witches') Is the song i had heard online, That i highly suspect is Korean, And would much like a translation for the lyrics. Energetic hilarious song. I have no idea what its saying. Its either Korean or Japanese, if anyone can understand these two languages, Go look and tell meh what it says.) Anyway, Im off subject. That video is bunnies and kitties, Not werewolves, So it'll be hard to imagine like that. Im off subject again. But then, There isnt much of a subject here no more, So heres a stupid note you probably wont care about: Holy poo. Puberty puts hair all over meh. ;_; Get it off ;_; Anyway. Oh, While I was writing the end of Part Two, I got two nosebleeds. o____o My nose couldnt decide what it was going to do. Itch, feel wierd, explode, bleed all over, turn red, itch some more... Wierdness. I got two nosebleeds cuz it was indecicive. Anyway, Im writing part three. Huzzah. Unless someone can suggest good ideas for another part of the series, Part Five will be the last. (27 chapters in Part Two. O.O; It was almost 28, but i cut some of it short.)
  4. I appreciate this though, But not i have about five avatars. I probably wont use this, for the following reasons: Im not a hamster xD Im a werewolf/elf-archer I already made myself an avatar I already made a different avatar for myself Im making another one for myself And maybe for some other reason. Good art though! -will give you an award later. Must go now-
  5. [i have returned! With good news. n_n I FINISHED WRITING PART TWO =D HUZZAH. And i have almost three chapters in part three. n_____n Eeeeeeeee. I'll post more on this in deh other WErewolf topic.] Chapter Eighteen I walked rather slowly in case I missed something, But as I walked along, I scanned the area carefully for anything familiar. It must have been an hour or more before I actually got to the Canada Manitoba/USA North Dakota border. I speedily and silently slipped through, undetected, As a forest came in view no more than a quarter mile away. I quickened my pace, And steered southeast through the forest. Time passed, I vaguely recognized my surroundings, having been here before, upon going to Dalhood Corp, Not knowing the consequences to follow. “Chris, It sounds like another pack of your imaginary wolves are coming.†A familiar voice spoke, As a werewolf sat up from its sleeping position, And groggily looked around, and spotted me. “Mike, You dolt, It is just Brandon. Yarr…†“Brandon? I did not expect to see him for a while…†Mike turned around, and looked over at my approaching. His eyes widened slightly, As he looked me over with vague concern. “What happened over there? You look horrible…†“I do? Considering the rather unpleasant experiences I have had recently, I would not be surprised, so…†“What happened? Where did you go?†Mike and Chris both seemed rather interested and attentive, as I explained to them what was happening back as Dalhood Corporation. --- “Alright, Joel… Topeka KS batch has arrived. We got approval from HQ to use the Werewolf change effect as opposed to the standard wolf transformation we’ve been using. We had also found, that if you put two percent sulfur in the chemical emitted, Then the Sulfur goes to their memory integration, and divides all of it up. There’ll be some rather unpleasant fumes though, But that’s none of our concern. If two percent sulfur in the gasses, then they lose memory completely. If just one percent sulfur, then they have a weakened, ‘shattered’ memory. They remember bits and parts of their memory, but cannot quite piece things together. We have not yet found a need for this, though.†“Greg… We already had two percent sulfur in the gas. None of those wolves remember anything. The science team had though discovered that the sulfur could be removed, letting them keep their memory.†“… All right then. I’ll try to keep up with the current events.†The disappointed Greg walked back to his observation desk in the transformation deck. Joel watched from the upper floor, peering through the Transparisteel, as their robotic units emptied the weakened humans out of their cages. He looked down the aisle to see how many more humans were due (There are always at least twenty, to occupy each of twenty rooms.) “Joel! Joel, There is a problem here…†A rather exhausted worker had run up to Joel, to report. “And that would be…?†“The Retriever team, unit number… two or three, something like that, Had decided to quit his job. So he did.†“How is this a problem?†“Let me continue. The other units heard this and tried to get extra victims to cover him, And came back with too many humans. We have exactly 38.†“There’s a way around that. Just do twenty, then the remaining eighteen.†“There are four other batches that need in here before the shifts are over. If we don’t get them all before eight tonight, Well… One word to describe what’d happen. Kevin. I don’t want to put up with that. I’d like to keep my job.†Joel remained silent for a moment. “Pair up all the humans, two in each room. They’ll just go in groups. The only way I can think of around this…†[Yeah. Thats how Kate and Kat ended up in the same room, So i didnt hafta do thems individually.]
  6. [No. I wont keel you off. Your too spiffy. n_n]
  7. Wow. I just started Chap 24. I didnt think it'd be THIS long. Im almost done, I swear! I estimate Chap 26 will be the end of this part. Kate and Kris, You might die. o_o; Probably not. For I shall stop it from keelingyoudead! Huzzah. This is where MW and Kat and Kris get to be important the most. Yay for all'a you. I also need some ideas for part three. Anybody? Mm? Hmmmmmmmmmm.... I think i has an idea! (ish thinkin of deh storyline for MetroidPrime. Maybe Transparisteel could actually be some form of Phazon? Or theres a Prime Metroid in the meteor the Transparisteel came from? Maybe even another meteor? Hmmmmm... I think that'll work. n_n (w00t for whoever has played MP and MP2. o_o Even more w00t for people who OWN a copy of the game. Even more w00t than that for people who have beaten both games. .... Scratch that. Just a lot of w00t for people who beat/have MP1. Anyone who has MP2 dont get anything till I get that game. ;_; -wants it so bad- ;_; ) )
  8. Toto said you were a rebel! Its simple as that. Do you need a hearing aid?
  9. Hey Horatio... Does this ring a bell?
  10. Chapter Seventeen I found myself in a transportation truck, a large Transparisteel cage on the back of another human-operated vehicle. From what I had heard, The humans had concluded (Hesitantly) to keep me in a Wolf Habitat sector, for ‘storage’ Lacking somewhere else to put me. The humans were hesitant to place me there, The Habitat sector is close to the edge of their property, And if I were to escape, I’d have a clear path ahead to run away from Dalhood Corporation. I saw nothing wrong with this though. As time passed, The truck that was carrying me had come to a stop, as it backed up toward a reception bay in the wolf habitat sector. I smirked deviously, As an escape plan had already come to mind, just by looking this scene over. Alpha Transparisteel is too strong (Alpha, Being standard affordable material, Beta, being the transparency-radiant material, which is also more fragile than Alpha, and Gamma, being the increased strength and durability material, All of Transparisteel format) for just one werewolf to handle alone. Any substance weaker than that, I can break. The walls and surfaces of the buildings are not made of Transparisteel… Two humans exited the truck’s cab, And walked to the back of the Transparisteel cage that I was in. Collapsible walls extended to separate the humans and I, As I was beckoned to exit the cage and into the impressive forest replica. I was impressed to see how well it was made, But did not plan on staying here. I looked from side to side, ‘cautiously’, and determined that the collapsible walls are within arms length of me. So I took the first step into the escape plan. I immediately extended my arms fully, and noted I overestimated the length. I then extended by razor-like claws, pierced them through the thin metals, And pulled as hard as I could. The cheap hinges to hold the collapsible walls snapped without any effort to me, as I had two large aluminum walls in my hands. I threw one at a human, And smashed the other against the sturdier metal wall. Both humans were either knocked out, dead, or just weakened enough so they could do nothing about my escape. I turned around, And took two steps toward the wall, I grabbed the human relentlessly, And threw it behind me, Smashing against the wall again. I then squeezed between the metal wall and the truck, Which was a mobile unit- I just pushed it and it moved out of my way. I looked around wildly, And saw that the poor security in these parts did not yet detect my escape. I smirked again, And darted across the stone ground of Dalhood Corporation, With a security fence in view. This wire fence was capable of keeping humans out, to a degree, But… I do not assume it is designed for werewolves. (If it was an electric fence, We’re in trouble.) I ran as fast as I could toward this fence, With claws extended, I raised my arm to slash at it upon approach… A startling noise sounded off as loud security sirens blared in every direction. I looked around, taken by surprise, But did not have much time. I slashed my way through the fences, As the wires cut easily, making a big enough hole for me to fit through. I glanced behind myself, And saw the Dalhood Corporation fading out of view as I sped across the Canadian grounds. I steered myself to the right- now going south, Back into my home country. [Huzzah! Escaping! n_n]
  11. [Good to hear. Glad you like it. n_n -writes some more-] [This is a prime example of the following: The more freqently i get feedback (Negative or positive) I write more often. So keep doing that stuffs. n_n] [bTW: Im going on another trip tomorrow, i'll be back sometime saturday. just an overnight whatsit, so I wont be able to post somethin for a while. So i'll do it right now!]
  12. 13. o_o; I could be 24/42 if i wanted to though. Your music video is not working because I broke it.
  13. ............. I dont think that was of any help at all to kat, other that saying you wnted to be in. Define 'dead' in this case.
  14. [o_o............................... Yeah. Sure.] [i thought you'd recognize it from deh StrongBad Sings short toon thingeh. >.>]
  15. o_o................................. Seriously. Its just spelled with two U's. How is this such a big issue? Why do we give a care about each others slang term preferences? -whacks deh topBanana- Slow down, Take a breath, Your taking this FAR too seriously.
  16. Yeah. Im a nerd. o_o I dunno what that has to do with anything though, but im still a nerd! =B
  17. -shoots deh ninja with hunting arrows- >.>;; (Hunting arrows have a wee little mechanism (or at least the ones im thinking of do) inside the tip, where upon inmpact, four or six razor wings expand (Think of a grappling hook design.) which will prevent the arrow from coming out without killing whatever it hit, And, The mechanism reacts fast enough, Once it expands and all, It can pierce a hole as big as three inches diameter into a deers' side. Fairly bloody and lethal, Yes. Then theres some thunder-bolt kinda shapes spines on the arrows tip, and a million little razors and spikes and stuff.)
  18. Tibfoe (TBFOH) has more posts than SupaKatie?! (So does MW? Whoa. o_o) Wow. Message board statistics never cease to amaze me.
  19. Toto, I figured you'd have learned this by now... All that TGHL's going to do is call you a hypocrite and tell you that YOUR the one guessing, and avoid answering your comment at all costs. I havent found much logic in TGHL's answers. But, Mine make even less sense.
  20. [You got ten more chapters to read. >.> Hurry up and gimmie feedback, I wants to see if i did you right. o_o]
  21. -shows hunting arrows- Then keep writing! -Also shows some MSG, Salt and a steak knife- n_n
  22. [Woohoo! Im smart. o.o Thats just like deh real Chris, too. A moron. MW, I think thats all i wrote you into. Kat, (And kris.) Thats the last time you... uh... do... something. No it isnt. Dont listen to me.] [bUT. In chapter Tooty-two, You are both done. Yay. (Mostly.)]
  23. AlbinoBlackSheep. Hilarious idea, I think. o_o It was a forum, not a topic though. o_o;; I didnt think this was important 'nuff to have its own forum, So its just a topic.
  24. WOOHOO! Lurking in topics really does pay off! -loots many bananas-
  25. Horatio has gimmie the Gold Star award. Another one. yeah. o_o So thats added.
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