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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Yes, We do. Its just sometimes TGHL or some other peoples take things too seriously.
  2. Chapter Twenty One Kate cringed excessively, She closed her eyes and let out a loud screech of pain- What is happening to her? Her body now covered with fur, Kate's crying voice gradually sunk lower, deeper, within a short moment, her beautiful 'feminine' voice resembled the growling ferality of a wolf...?! Kris' overheated body had risen beyond her varying tolerance, as she raised her strangely muscular arms, and then brought them down to rip off any remaining clothes on her body. Kris looked around, rather frightened, Though this feeling seemed to no longer have a name in her mind. She stood towering above the panicking Kate, Who’s head was reshaping into a muzzle, resembling a Wolf. Kris didn’t see a human mutating in this way out of the ordinary…? She just stood still, Watching Kate, below Kris’ furry body. Kris looked over herself, Anything, Any body part visible was completely changed. She was a werewolf…?! How is that? Kris felt as if something was missing, Something is wrong here… If she were human, and capable of such emotions, She’d feel scared, and panicked. She felt nothing. Kris felt a strange sensation though… It felt as if her blood circulation was cutting in and out in various places, She saw that the room and surroundings were strangely expanding…? Kris looked down, And saw two furry wolf legs supporting her domestic body…? Being a feral wolf was rather interesting… Kris would need to get used to having four limbs to walk on, And a tail that actually extended long enough to be used properly. --- “The transformation is done an all subjects, Joel. Give the word, And we’ll haul them out.†“Go ahead, Take them out.†“Yes sir…†Two of the scientists walked out of the room, to inform the lifting team that they can commence action, As they each distributed themselves into separate rooms- with two muzzles in each hand, in preparation to bind the wolves with them. “Joel, This part concerns me. Some humans go into a room, alone with wild untamed creatures, that are fully capable of killing our workers- What the…!†He was cut off by some werewolf roarings, Human screamings, And blood splattering all around. A brief moment of silence. “See, that’s what I mean. We need more defense. You could see about programming the robotic units to do this…?†The two’s conversation was cut off once more, having almost everyones attention drawn to the blood-filled room, As the werewolf took use of its massive strength, And had bashed its way through the door, And into the hallways. There wont be much to stop it from escaping Dalhood corporation boundaries…! As many people as there were available, grabbed a Tranquilizer dart gun, And calmly walked over to the werewolf, And sufficiently tranquilized it enough. Having this fatality was not necessarily encouraging to the other workers, Who were going into a room with two feral wolves, one of which is capable of killing a whole army of humans. [Yay? o-o]
  3. No he didnt. o_O; Ever think you could have different branches of christianity confused with another? I'm not really getting what you're saying here.
  4. Think nothing of it, You'd have to censor every other post in the topic. Only about half or less would remain.
  5. [;................................. -keels Kat dead with a claymore- Mwah.]
  6. It has a rather long and interesting history, That is a vague part of it. Moroni (the angel in this case) had told to Joseph Smith (Who according to toto, founded the religion himself. --; ) where the original book of mormon was (at the time it was a big heavy set of golden plates with carved text) and was instructed to protect it from their adversaries. (This isnt all of its long and interesting history.) And yes, I agree that this topic went and got too far out of control. -begins poking TGHL in various places- o-o;
  7. [-bumps teh topic and all its awsomeness- o-o;]
  8. -copies teh Emulator and deh ROM files onto his USB flash drive, deletes it from Kat's compy and hides teh flash drive- Now you can get straight to writing. ^-^
  9. Looking at your previous posts about it, And that post as well, It looks like this information you've studied was from an anti-mormon organization, as it was only vaguely correct. Salt late City Utah is NOT the religions capitol, It is where one of the many temples are and where the prophet, seer and relevator lives, Along with their administrative councelors. Not in the least is that its capitol- Thats just where a lot of LDS people congregate. a LOT of them. Yes. o_o
  10. Aaahhh Too much HTML-ness. o-o -got confused very much.-
  11. Of course you were. -pats- Of course you were. And I wasnt?! Psh. ........... o.O; That still doesnt help. What would 'dead' be described as when Kat writes this story?
  12. Exactly 5 'n a half. o_o; If not, Then there are now.
  13. It could be the national anthem, Just not for your country. No. No, Its really quite easy. -looks around- ..... What? Stop looking at me like that! Depending on how big the Banana in question is. Horatio would be the real expert on this, Having about 500 different kinds of Banana's in his back yard or down the road or somewhere.
  14. The REAL question here is: Why did the chicken cross the road? And dont none of you give me all that 'To get to the othhr side' stuff. No. Thats not the answer. Nobody knows what it really is.
  15. Thats not a flash image. Thats a GIF animation. o_o; I would say how simple and easy it is to make that, But I wont for the time being. xD Your on your way though, Keep animating, And you might get something really good going! (Im making a GIF animation, It has about 100 frames so far, And its about 30 seconds long. o_o; Its about 2/3 done. Pretty long animation. Its simulating the MetroidPrime battle with PhazonSamus and MetaRidley! For whoever has played Metroid Prime, They will know that part is awsome. So is teh animation ^-^ Fun time! (Samus is shooting Ridley with teh Missile-plasma beam, Flamethrower or something. I just got a Phazon Beam image and inverted it to red 'n white as opposed to black 'n blue. Phazon is pretty. n.n -hugs it- x_x -dies-) What animation software did you use for that?)
  16. I have more scriptural reference, I have no techological proof. I have The Bible (Old and New testament) The book of mormon, The doctrine & covenants, The pearl of great price, And their impressive contents. DO NOT call me hyocritical or a false religion until you know what these books contain. Just... Nevermind that part. I tried making a wierd scenario/metaphor thing, And it didnt work. o_o; The Bible covers the beginning of time, to about 480AD. And, Just what happened before then and now? Well, We have... I have more scriptural history and reference to cover that. I'm no expert on christianity in general, Just vague information on the surrounding branches of my religion. You seem to have studied a lot more on this that I would care to, So I can't really say anything about that. You're judging christianity in whole again. I see no evidence that you know much of anything about my LDS religion, So why would you have a comment to begin with on how peaceful or spiritual its members are? Okay, My volcabulary is a little off when I first wake up. Pessimistic probably wasnt the right word. And even now i cannot think of the right word, So i'd give you the definition for whatever it is. Adjective- Looking on the bad side of things, Never on the good parts of what they criticize. They do not have anything to appreciate- only things to point out how bad it is. I dunno what that word would be, And from what I had heard in conversations and talkings, Pessemist was the most relevant word. Yeah. And here I am putting up with you criticizing everything. (Im just here to correct any wrong comments you make on my religion, if at all. Thats at least one reason for why i'm in this topic, anyway) If I was forced to look at christianity and things i did not beleive in, I'd just live with it. If there is nothing that can be done about this, Then just put up with it. (Not saying you arent already... But I must add- This is a rather foreign concept for me. I dont fully understand what it is your saying there.) Im not questioning your knowledge of the scriptures, Im just saying your taking it the wrong way. I'd need to get back to you on that due to lack of time right now... No. No.
  17. [im mad at myself now. Im posting the next chapter, too. xD] [w00t for Kat and Kris-ness! w00t.] Chapter Twenty The scientist flipped a switch on the remote controller unit he had, as a strange hissing noise filled Kris and Kate’s room. Kate immediately jumped, And sat up, and looked around, very confused. “Kris...! What the… What’s… Where… What is that weird smell…?!†Kris tried to speak back, Took a breath to speak, But was cut off by a strange gagging sensation as she had taken a breath of the chemical…! (I dunno what it’d be called…) Kris felt the instinctive need to do a variety of things, She felt like yawning, But couldn’t, She tried to cough, But this was cut off by a sneeze, As she gasped for air, having difficulty breathing. Kate was breathing rather calmly, But as she inhaled, There was a strange scent, Familiar to her as Sulfur, knowing this from a science class she had taken, This was vaguely hinted among the coconut-like scent, or a strange adhesive scent…? (A.k.a. the magical scent of duct-tape.) As she tried to identify what these scents were, She too began having some breathing problems, but these passed by rather quickly… Kris was about to look over herself at feeling a vague itch all over her body, While it was also rather warm, But before she could do so, She… Seemed to have a brief daydream, hallucination, Phantasm of sorts… It appeared she was foreseeing future happenings or something? She stood before the burning wreckage of a home that she had seen very active before, As she turned her gaze off to the left, Only to see a blinding flash of light- The environment changed. She was fighting off a huge crowd of humans all rushing her way with strange tools in their hands, A diagonal splatter of blood sprayed off from an unknown scource- A flash of light. Kris was standing near a werewolf, It was strange, This wolf was not as big as she had seen before… Unless she was the same size? She felt something, an empty feeling that should be taken by emotion… This werewolf seemed to be dead? Everything went black for a moment, Kris looked around as she saw that she was standing now in the same white/Transparisteel room she was in with Kate…? She looked down, But as opposed to her skin and clothing that was once there, There was thick brown fur all over her…?! Another flash of light, Kris was looking at a Werewolf of her equal height, Which was gripping various parts of its body in immense pain, as it swayed in and out of balance…? Kate watched in disbelief and fear as her friend was cringing all over, As her body slowly expanded and began growing fur all over it…? Within five seconds or less, Kris was covered with a thick brown coat of fur. Kate began panicking, gradually more and more, As she glanced down at her hand (in somewhat a kneeling position) to see the same symptoms happening there. Her manicured nails were fading into a disturbing dark… black color…? While they seemed more curved, more sharp… more claw-like…! [FREAK OUT. o_o]
  18. [Prepare yourselves for the SHORTEST CHAPTER IN TEH WHOLE SERIES. o_o Dont ask WHAT I was thinking while writing this. xD Stupid.] Chapter Nineteen “Wow… That is all I needed… Hmm… That is it, if that Dalhood place advances one more step into this demonic mockery of wolvenry…†Chris stepped back from me, and looked upward. It seemed as if he could see the sky, But all that I could see was the leaves in the treetops. “Chris… Why do you always look up like that when you get angered by something?†“I do it for approval.†“What? Approval for what or from whom?†“That is none of your concern.†--- “Kate? Kate, Are you there?†Kris was kneeling down next to Kate, Occasionally shaking her body to get her attention. Kate seemed unconscious, And did not respond to Kris in the least…Which only scared her even more. Kris was huddled against herself in the corner of a strange white room, While all that she could hear was either despairing cries of people like herself, Or a highly disturbing howl from nearby wolves. Kris glanced behind herself, expecting to see a white wall, But saw a Transparisteel wall there instead. She saw through it, an organization of scientists and people who all seemed to think that this imprisonment was nothing out of the ordinary… She looked around through the Transparisteel wall, and as she looked in a broader area, She saw a man in a lab coat standing nearby, but through the Transparisteel… He seemed to be watching them closely, uninterested…? --- “Hey Joel… Since we’re short on time, Will it be necessary to go through the whole explanation of what’s happening to the humans here?†The scientist called over to his supervisor, “Go ahead and release the gasses, We need to move along here. Pairing up all the rooms took enough time already, Just… Do them individually though. Our observers can’t observe all of them at once, now…†“Alright then.†With that… [Oh wow. Thats short and stoopid and the ending makes no sense without the beginning of the next chapter.]
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