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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Its pretty creepy, yeah... Well maybe its partially hilarious. and thats why your laughing. Yes.
  2. Well, If the rare case happened to come along that when you were four or five years old, You picked yer nose a lot, Then your nostrils grow larger than normal so yer fingers can fit in there. Pretty wierd. Some people dont have a problem with that. What you should do though... Is get a Lime flavor/colored jelly bean... Stick ONE in one of yer nostrils... Put yer finger over the other one, and blow really hard. It goes launching out at pretty impressive speeds. It also grosses people out like nothing else. Try to pretend you coughed it up or sneezed it out or something.
  3. [Activity seems to be in high demand. I shall try and think of something to keep it goin' here.] Ryukai saw that Naomi was standing nearby, and seemed to be lacking something to do. He remembered that she had a need for an item that he carried, And proceeded to walk over to her, in hopes of getting her attention. [i cant decide when or if Val should get up. o_O]
  4. -understands it even less upon reading that-
  5. My sister Beth cut in line. I'm supposta be 16.
  6. -shoots teh backup dancers dead- n.n
  7. I think its more of a parrot eating the chicken, not the chicken eating the parrot.
  8. What should that have to do with anything, hmm? o_o; Your still not evil.
  9. I'd give you a mailing adress (Not home adress. >.>) for yeh to send it to me, but thats probably gonna cost us more than $30 or however much teh game is now. Or, You could just gimmie regardless of the limitations the laws of physics set. >.> -steals teh MP2 from afar- >D Muhahahahaha.
  10. -sees Kat being evil- o___o; Wow your not very good at that.
  11. TGHL is partially wise! o_o (Dont ask why its just partial wisdumb. It could be total, but it sounds less hilarious.)
  12. I only have about ten.
  13. [w00t for melee-age and Kris 'n Kate-ness. o_o I think this whole chapter is those two. >.>; yes. Chapter Twenty Four Kate and Kris found themselves dropped on to the ground by the humans, As they gradually got to their feet and stood up, and looked around, somewhat confused. They did however, see five werewolves running straight for them, Three of which were apparently composed entirely of a strange blue light…? Kris glanced off to her left- The humans were firing aimlessly at the oncoming werewolves, The three blue wolves were invulnerable somehow- all the darts just flew right through them. Although, The two other wolves were not like this though- One got hit with a dart and immediately collapsed. “Tobias, Take care of Christopher.†One of them spoke to the other in a language that was made entirely of grunts, barks or growls, though both Kate and Kris understood this language flawlessly though… One of the three blue wolves stopped, turned around and assisted the tranquilized werewolf, Who was soon revived and back on his feet, and continued running. After a short conversation, The blue wolf ran speedily away from the humans…? Kate watched closely, As it revived another unconscious werewolf, And the two of them ran back toward the rest of its wolves. A melee of twelve broke out, Six werewolves viciously fighting against six humans. Kate nor Kris knew how to react to this. “Hey, What is happening? What is going on out there?†Kris heard a wolf voice from inside the semi trucks cargo. There were still several wolves trapped in the cages there. In a ferocious werewolf shape, Kris jumped into the back of the truck and ripped apart each one of the cages, releasing the wolves one by one. She knew herself, that it was not necessarily comfortable or pleasing to be in these cages, So she released the wolves, so that they could also see this event. “Brandon, What are you doing? Kill something!†One of the werewolves called to the other, As a werewolf came charging toward Kate with a violent look of death in its eyes, And lunged and made every attempt possible at killing Kate. The two were equal in strength and power, Though one of them had more experience and had more strategy. Kate’s opponent seemed rather determined to kill though. “Werewolf…! Stop! Get off of me!†Kate cried out, trying to get someone’s attention, so they could help her. “Kate…! I am coming!†Kris came running after the fighting wolves, Lunged and tackled the hostile wolf off of Kate. The two fought for a short time, The other gaining the upper hand only for a split second, Until the other rose back up to superiority with strategy. This continued for a while, As Kate tried to think of a reaction to this. “Brandon! Come here, I can not handle this human alone.†A werewolf called out, As Kate and Kris’ opponent’s attention was drawn elsewhere, As he jumped from off of Kris, And darted over to help his ally. Kris vaguely recognized this werewolf’s name, reactions and personality, But could not quite place where, or how. She unintentionally spoke what was on her mind… [ba-da-dum. o_o;]
  14. You sure like giving these out. o_o
  15. o_______________o;.............................................................. ................................................. Of course it is. n_n
  16. Ok I finished it. Didnt turn out how I imagined though. (It would have been a still picture if there was enough room. o-o; ) (Its animated, so click on it. Or else. o_o) You likey? eh?
  17. I havent finished it yet. o_o
  18. Just out of curiosity, What does pwning/owning someone/something mean in this case? o_o; I never did get that.
  19. Nor do I, So you havent missed a thing. xD
  20. Arkcher


    That can't be comfortable. o_o;
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