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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. My two favorite bands are They Might Be Giants and Linkin Park. And a small variety of toehr bands, of which I only like about one of their songs.
  2. [Last chapter! =o Its almost over. Eeeeeeeeee.] Chapter Twenty Seven I watched as Tobias and Nathan entered through the boundaries of Dalhood, As a tall barrier of blue-green energy divided Dalhood with the rest of the world, As human screams and groans began sounding off from inside it, As the massacre began. “Brandon… Do you… Well…†“What?†“Brandon, Kate, Get over here!†My attention was drawn away from Kate, And saw a familiar sign… The sun was split seconds away from contacting us- breaking the surface of treetops. I grabbed Kate’s arm, And ran as fast as I could to the safety of the forest. “Being a werewolf in sunlight is not really a good thing…†I commented as I strode, Pulling her along with me. Under the treetops, I felt safe once more. As the group of werewolves, False or natural, searched the forest for a place to rest, I commented to Kate, “What is it you were going to ask me earlier?†She hesitated. “Nevermind that. For now, Let us… We should sleep here for the day?†The group stopped, And we all agreed on it. “We will stay here for the day. Chris and I are not ones for traveling much, So… Brandon, Kris, Kate… You’ll need to break off of the group, And… Do whatever it is you want to.†“That is fine.†I replied, and sat down on the ground. “We’ll go off and find something for us to do. You two can go back to Chris’ Lair, or whatever you called it.†Within moments, The five of us were comfortably laying on the ground, in varied positions. Only now did I realize, In comparison to chrome and Transparisteel Human habitats, The forests are a much better environment. I yawned, And enjoyed the reduced warmth from the sun, Which got me rather comfortable. The gentle breezes from the forests was comforting, The whispers of the wind rushing through the treetops… It was all so very perfect. Not being able to enjoy this scenario for very long though- It always got me into sleeping before I could truly appreciate it. I eventually dozed off, And went to sleep in this forest grove. The End Or, Better yet, To be continued [Huzzah! Now once i actually get beyond chapter 4, I might post part 3. >_<;] [i now declare this topic as well no longer story-ing! Now you may post withOUT brackets. Only if you feel like it though. Aahhh much better. n_n
  3. Ryukai did not see what Naomi did, But his attention was turned in that direction upon seeing Naomi's reaction to whatever it was. [Now I cant think of something to post. ._.]
  4. Try both. <.< Clinging to corpses for comfort is fun. Try it. =D
  5. [Just not remembering things wouldnt be fun! >.> That couldnt be a danger to anyone (that i can imagine) if you just dont remember stuff. [Well go watch it. =D]
  6. [-pokes 'yall'- I figured by now i'd have a million and a half questions about who/what Claws is. <.< (Hint- Wait till part 4. xD That'll explain like friggin everything.) Meh. -continues writing part 3- n.n]
  7. Chapter Twenty Six “Brandon…? … Ah! He’s awake now.†“What did you expect?†“I can not say I knew what to think.†My eyes flickered open to see two blue werewolves and four normal werewolves gathered around me. I sat up, And looked around myself. I spotted what I had not expected to see, The Dalhood Corporation headquarters was within view. I pointed over to it, “Dalhood! That is the place where the false lycanthropes are coming from!†I cried, “Arkcher, Calm down. Artemis has it taken care of.†Kris explained, “Artemis is patrolling around this so-called Dalhood, And is strategically planning the attack.†One of the blue werewolves continued, “Attack?†I asked. “Well, Dalhood’s goal was apparently to reduce human overpopulation, And increase extinct or endangered species’ populace. Their procreated animals, such as the False Lycanthropes, Are not in the least natural, They are literally freaks of nature.†Mike began, but was interrupted. “Hey!†Kris commented, “It’s true. Artemis is planning an attack as we speak, She, Nathan and Tobias, Her left and right hand assistants, Are all going to have a mass-murder melee, And destroy everything that ever had anything to do with Dalhood. … Well, Most anything. Nathan here revived you from a bashing one of the humans gave you…†Mike continued, “It was more than that. The humans have small blades at the tips of their firearms, And used this, Came at you from behind, And stabbed through your skull with the blade, and you had a severe concussion. Being sub-deity, I was able to heal you.†“And I thank you for that…†I replied, And was somewhat enlightened, but still somewhat confused. I heard a rather quiet, supposedly secret howl from a distance away. “Artemis is calling us. You werewolves need to get into the forest, It is nearly sunrise.†“Yes, But what about you?†“We’re using an ectoplasm and spirit energy to keep the sunlight out, the humans in, And block all communication with the outside world. We’re in basic, Using our power to eliminate them completely, without warning or any chance of survival. We are only partially physical- Their technology and weapons are just an annoyance to us. We are completely immune to their attacks. Do not worry about us, else Apollo will catch you.†“Apollo?†Kate asked. “God of the sun. Leave now.†We watched the two blue werewolves dash off into the distance, To slay the humans of Dalhood. “Tobias! I have a request for you… When you come across Kevin, The leader of this company… Please do save him for later. Either save him for me, Or spare his life, And change him into a werewolf.†“It will be done.†[Much talking. Yes.]
  8. [That was kris who was being keelingyoudead-ed by Artemis. You were standing over there freakin' out not knowing what to do. o_o; Cuz... like. You dont remember anything, remember? the wolfy-ness keelingyoudead-ed yer memory. But not Kris. Kris remembers meh. ^-^] [-pokes Kat- D'joo go see that Dautta thing yet? >.> I got most of that taken care of in part 3 already. xD ........ Not really, but hey. just.. intro-ed it. ._. Anyway.]
  9. It okay. -pats teh kat whilst the other hand ish shooting deh light-show things dead too- n_n It okay...
  10. [Yes.] "Yes, I have it. I'd rather not discuss that here, though." Ryukai whispered back, seeing how many people there are surrounding him and Naomi. HE had no need for any opponents at the moment, Naomi apparently had an important need for this key that he had. [i think you're hinting toward something. Hmmmmmm. xD] Val Hawyn's eyes flickered open, as he tried to remember were he was or why he was here. Without moving his head, his eyes scanned the surroundings, trying to remain undetected among these people. Val would need to escape from their sight, so he could properly rest and recover and regain energy to take them on later. From what he understood, these people were hunting down a villain, which could be one of Val's enemies as well. Though it could also be one of his allies- being of neither light or dark for more than 30 minutes, He has allies on both sides. Val looked into his mind, and checked how much magic power he had. It was near depleted- about 6%. Which was only enough to escape from these mysterious beings, Val immediately took action, Conjured a spell to make him visually undetectable, And changed his form into a werewolf, and silently but speedily padded off in the distance, undetected, as far as he could tell. [Naomi's super-kitty-ness might have known though.]
  11. No, I've never heard of any of them. <.< Y'all are wack.
  12. Its a URL hyperlink, dont delete it. >_<; Edit the first post. take out the Img tags and all. Its a link to another topic.
  13. Chapter Twenty Five “Brandon…! Arkcher!†The werewolf I was fighting moments before seemed to recognize me. I glanced back toward them. “Kat… Kate…! What are you doing here of all places?†“Kris. I am Kris. This here is Kate.†“I am who? Who is that? What are you talking about?†“Brandon! A little help over here?!†I reluctantly left their presence, Off to help Mike, Who now had two humans on him, While he tried to stall for time with them. I extended my razor-like claws to full extension, As I padded along the ground, Raised my arms, Lunged, And made several quick swipes and slashed at the two humans, Who were incompletely divided- Painfully cut, Not enough to kill them soon. Their cut and exposed body interns would kill them slowly. I shoved them off of Mike’s body, And assisted him to regain balance and stand up. “Arkcher! Help!†I heard either Kris or Cat calling for me, Though there was too much action around me to tell where they were. My attention was turned to one of the blue wolves, Who was alertly blocking attacks from a human nearby, with a small blade. “Brandon, Wolf… I will distract this human, When the time is right, Attack it!†I was instructed, This would require my full attention though. I was distracted by a cry of “Arkcher!!! Please help!†And a following, “Do not defy deity, mortal!†Which only meant that Artemis was attacking them…! I punched at the distracted humans’ head, Knocking it out. “Wolf- You take care of it. I have other things to do.†I instructed, and dashed off toward Kris and Kate. One of their voices let out a loud screech of pain. “Where are you!?†One of them called for me. I scanned the area wildly, And eventually spotted one of the three blue wolves, pinning another to the ground. I careened towards it recklessly, Knocking anything that stood before me out of the way. “Artemis! Stop!†She glared up at me, Obviously not pleased with my interrupting. “What is it, Mortal?!†I caught my breath, And asked, “Artemis, I request that you do not harm these two wolves.†Her bad mood only seemed to worsen. “WHAT? These are not wolves! These are mutated, dreadful humans that their own kind has put them in a werewolf’s body!†“These two are an exception, do not harm them!†“They and their kind are a disgrace, They bring shame to the werewolf kind! This race must be stopped at all costs! This must be stopped before Claws finds out!†“Who or what is Claws?†“I will tell you some other time. For the time being, I will spare these two. I hold you responsible for them- Do not let them cross my path again…†She turned her menacing gaze back at Kate and Kris. “You two, You two leave. Hie elsewhere.†I nodded to them to confirm this. “Thanks to you. Let us meet again.†“Who are you? What is going on?†“Come on, Kate.†“Kate? Who? Do you think I’M this Kate you speak of?†“Yes. Follow me.†The two ran off out of sight- I was intending on watching them, But I was interrupted by a “Brandon, Watch out! Look behind you…†As a strange cold sensation rushed through my head, And all faded numb and black, As I fell unconscious. [Eeeeeeee. >.> Arent I so heroic. No im not.] [P.s., The 'hie' was not a typo. o_o]
  14. [Yes.] [i was wondering when someone would remember about this topic. xD -goes off to get a chapter-]
  15. Ooh, I know! Kick teh TGHL and then run. o_o; Or gimmie $5 and i'll do it.
  16. It wasnt supposta be Img tag. URL. Horatio, Fix it. ;_;
  17. Dont make quick stupid decisions like that. I see little to nothing that has been done, for there to be a reason for you to leave. Dont leave (yet) There is some good stuffs on the board.
  18. (Yes, I'm trying to out-do Cheesemaster. Muhahahaha.) There seem to be a lot of new people here who are somewhat clueless! Get so confused and then leave. Hopefully this topic will change that. Woohoo. I've taken note of the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) that people ask the admins, members, Horatios or whoever else they can get hold of, And there are more topics than necessary about that than there needs to be. So! Im making this topic and answering your frequently asked questions. 1. Why arent my posts going up immediately? You did not do anything wrong, you werent rejected or something, And no, we're not as lazy as you think! The admin, HampsterKing (And his admin-helper people HampsterWeb and 'stewart') have disabled the boards posts to go up immediately. This is only for your own protection. If not, Then there would be nothing to keep any like... 30 year old peoples from contacting you privately. They could get personal information from you. That is bad. Yes. It is also so the Moderators can filter out most offensive or profane language on the board. Or any language at all! If you are bilingual, Then heck with that. Talk english. If you must, Then speak whatever other language needed, And either You or Horatio WILL put a translation on. 2. You mispelled 'hamster'! We know that. If you look closely, This is not a site about hamsters specifically. This is for Hampton and the hampsters music band. There is a P in the Hamster name, because that is what Hamptons last name is (or something like that.) And since he made a lot of the website on his own, You'd think that a hamster than can type and operate a computer independantly could have some things their way! So theres a P in their name. 3. Whats all this Sanity talking I hear from you? Its somewhat a long story, But i'll try to keep it short... Super_Katie, A very spiffy member who is no longer here, (For reasons not even I know about) was posting about a t-shirt she either had, saw, or bought at a mall. It read 'one by one the penguins take my sanity'. Quite a hilarious shirt. (I want one!) The moderator at the time, Sheena (I'll post about her later) commented that it was fairly hilarious, agreeing with Super_katie. Anyway. In other topics, many minutes later, Sheena was talking about how she might be a penguin! =o Super_katie reminded Sheena that penguins steal sanities! Ba-da-dum. Sheena was located in... well, Somewhere in UK, england or somewhere (I dont know everything, okay?) Where penguins are not. Super_katie persisted that Sheena is a penguin! Sheena is a BRITISH penguin! aaaaaaaahhhhh. Penguins steal sanities! British penguins do too. Now, Sheena has a Cool Box, which does have a fairly cool design print on its sides (Of british stuffs and penguin-age) And it refridgerates the sanities inside to preserve their spiffiness, Leaving their previous owners sanity-less. Thus, Insane. Its pretty much either an inside joke or running gag throughout the site here. 4. Where is Sheena? Sheena is on a big huge long vacation 'holiday' perpetually, And will be returning... Well, We dont know when Sheena shall return. 5. So that means that my sanity is safe? NO! It is never safe here! Sheena's helper/underlings people go around stealing sanities to fill in for Sheena. The Grim Hamster Lord (a.k.a. TGHL) is collecting sanities as we speak! or type/read. So keep yours safe! 6. What happens if my sanity gets taken? Then you're insane. 7. ... Moving away from that subject now, I- Yes. 8. ... Anyway, I was wondering why are Private Messages (PMs) not allowed here!? Because then you would be able to send and receive messages from people you dont know. Again, its for your protection. 9. Why not share e-mail adresses and Instant Message names? For your protection! How many times must i say this? 10. Do you like beans? Yes. 11. WHY ARE YOU SO OBSESSED WITH PROTECTION?! Jeez. Hampton and the Hampsters are a kid-based band, Therefore, They have a lot of young fans. We dont really want to get lynched by angry parents for exposing their kids to bad... things. Its HK's policy, So just live with it. 12. What about freedom of speech? I can post whatever I want to post here! Correction- You can NOT post anything you want. By agreeing with the terms and conditions, You have agreed to post these watered-down contents. If you want to post all this stuffs- Make your own message board! Do it somewhere else! 13. Can i link my website to the boards here? No. Again, For yours and this boards members protection. 14. This is stupid! I'm leaving. What, the topic, or the board here? If the topic, Then go somewhere else and post stuff. Whee. If the boards, theeeennnnn... Bye! 15. Theres a question that isnt on here that I need answered! Aaaaaahhhhhhh I has the solution! DO NOT post your question here. Rather, Ask me anything you want to, in that topic. Its full of spiffy. Hope that'll clear some things up...
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