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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Well then, The fans will need to wait. I've got editting to do, and once I do that i'll start a search on how to publish the books. If I recall correctly, I'd need monies to fund a publishing if I want to get it out myself, but if I take the book to a publishing company/industry thing, they'll do it for free for me... Anybody know how that is done?
  2. Look i havent even got five chapters yet! o__O; Why are you all peoples so depserate for just that small bit?! No. I want to keep mah monies. =D
  3. If you want to be more defenite, Its more of an Auuuuddd. Then the Rrrrrrrrs. o__o; Now shut up forget all this and go away. o_o I said nothing.
  4. No. o_o I was gonna say Yes, But then i'd be lying. And that's bad. -nods-
  5. ZomfgNoThey'reNot. o_o; One. one. eleven. 1. <.<;; I'm a n00b too, see!
  6. -bashes teh Kat with a big hammer of sorts- <.<;
  7. [>_<! nooooo. Go the other way. >.> Look, Theres another whateverithadbeed over there! Naomiiiiii Its over there! Your going the wrong waaaayyyyy e_e]
  8. I dont remember hearing about this at all, before now. Although we did have a hilarious blackout in texas here, Muh sister and her friends were at our place (as soon as they got here a thunderstorm was slowly starting) as they were gonna plan a murder mystery hounted house par-tay thing with the rest of their friends. So in their game thing, theres vampires 'n wussy stupid not-very-intimidating werewolves, maybe some creepy critters, but It did involve a lot of dark. And scary thunderstorms. Most memorable thing was hearing a bunch'a idiot 17-year-old 'women' (Still act 5.) running all over the house screaming and freakin out. It was hilarious. I got some rubber bands wet, and staying concealed threw them at the peoples. They freaked out even more.
  9. One time one of muh kitties ran away, or got out of teh house or something. I found half of its corpse in a dried of river 2 days later. o_____o; It was wierd. I was gonna show muh sister, but when she came, It disappeared. Maybe dead kitties just vanish into thin air or something? o__o;
  10. You're somewhere else in the forest. You get to help handle Auurrrr... I said nothing. <.<;; w00t, 30 bucks now. I might be able to get MP2 now! n.n
  11. Another 2 months. xD -hides the time machine he built- >.> Nobody will know until 2 month! Nobody. It's hilarious and cute. xD I mean, I've never seen it! o_o
  12. .......... But'choo already gimmie ten bucks for publishing it! o_O
  13. Yes you haveth. I poked your what in muh sig? o___O Poking stuff is fun. But prodding is less spiffy than poking! ;o; Change it.
  14. [Fighting power ish good. =D ... Telepathy? Psi? Aura? This means you can... talk to people in their minds? Just wonderin' really. Its alright, I dont blame you considering it was way at the beggining of the topic. Nothing wrong.] [... If she did not know if Dimearsh was a servant of Elden, That information would be in Dimearshes mind. Being able to read minds, That question would not need to be asked.]
  15. [Val is and has been running for a while. Read the post again. <.<]
  16. Huzzah indeed. ............................... I forgot. o__o; Read part 3. =D Like what? -pokes everypeoples- Im more than likely not to post part 3 here. Imm'a probably get this series published (After a lot of fixing up. Its not at full spiffy-age yet. a few typoes, a few grammar errors, Lacking the word of lycanthrope (I forgot all about that whilst writing it. X_x) And needs more... spiffing up. Then i might be published. huzzah. =D) and get part 1, 2, and 3. Then i'll work on 4 and 5. Perhaps 6 if i get any ideas for another storyline. Sssooooo Gimmie like. ten bucks if'n yeh was the published parts of the series. You can have part 3, too. =D So you people'd have to do a lot of influencial talkings if you really wanted me to post part 3 here. (I dont think it'll be worth the effort. Just wait.) Oh, Good news for Horatio and maybe whoever else wants to have it: Whilst spiffing up part 1, possibley 2, I will edit out some of teh violent stuff. =D Huzzah.
  17. In order to have accurate continuity, You have to be in part 3. o_o
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