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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. Aw. Those are hilarious. Now I shall award you, For the first time ever, 10 (ten) Blue Awards! All at once. Booyah. Now you have more than Kat does. (See siggy for details about Blue award) ... Does mine say Arkcher Pwierd? o_o
  2. Really? I thought it was a Subject.
  3. Then Phryo (one of muh RP characters. =D) Comes by, And torches all the tribbles dead. And possibly Kat, Not not likely. Too many tribbles. Then Phyro flew away and ended up getting keelingyoudead'ed. Booyah. >.>;
  4. I came across a website the other day that had copyright rules and details and instructions about things, pretty much talking people out of vandalism and theft and such. I think it was the true/false or correcting any copyright myths or something. One thing was that regardless of if you remembered to put the © on it or not, It's still copyrighted by you. Just because its not visible right there doesnt mean the subject is unprotected.
  5. I know why already, But I just cant decide if I likes this or not. Its got the upsides and downsides. Dunno which is stronger.
  6. And other boards with less security let the members email each other and stuff. Yes. I cant decide if its good or not theres strict seciruty here. o_o
  7. Just be patient. That software can get really annoying really fast. This being why I dont animate or use that program to draw often. Like. Almost Never. o_o
  8. A variation of the name Opus?
  9. Then put a timed sliding door to open and release about 500 gallons of Sulferic acid to burnthem all, right? How could you. You're to awful and mean to the poor little tribbles ;-;
  10. Nnoooooooo! The tribble's will multiply like theres no tomorrow!
  11. Hoops-person is right and all, But I do have a number of reasons why thats whom I voted for. I wont list that here though.
  12. No, its that HK didn't disable that feature for the members. When each member subscribes, their email adress is registered at the same time. Admins dont need that email button to send someone their password.
  13. o_______o; -puts Kat in a trash can located somewhere near Horatio's cage- =D -runs-
  14. Ran into a stack of CD's that was inexpicably placed in the path of the shampoo-runner. Then it propmtly exploded.
  15. What, D'you people run out of questions?
  16. And then, Spock comes over to the mysterious tribble, and cannot decide wheter to eat it or kick it. Upon lacking patience to decide upon this, with other pressing matters in mind, Spock promptly kicked the tribble, As it goes rolling down a gully. w00t. Spock then continued prancing around like an idiot in saffron flowers, Oblivious to the erupting volcano nearby. Meanwhile, A wierd green critter was crawling up the volcano to see what was happening. This wioerd green critter got torched and then died. Ressurrected, And then died again.
  17. Just got this spiffy idea, So i'll post it here. This will be vaguely like RPing. But it's not. Remember that now. Similar to RPing, Everyone joins in and posts. There isnt much a storyline at all here, Everyone adds what they want to in to it. Rules: ANYone can join in and post Put in as many characters as you want No Godmoding (Both ways. If you dont know by now, this means you DO NOT write/RP other peoples characters without their permission. This also means you play fair for everyone, You arent the super-deity person who can do anything and keelingyoudead everyone if they wanted to. Limit your characters power to a reasonable level.) This is IMPROMPTU- Dont plan ahead for anything. Make it all up on the spot. If you think of something elsewhere, Then dont use that idea (Unless its really good.) Dont type this all out on Microsoft Word or something, for future use. (Unless you're spellchecking) Again, ANYONE can join in and post. This being with the above rule, n00bs and twinks can post here. (Just puh-LEEZ. Be reasonable. Dont be an idiot.) You dont need flawless continuity, But do need some continuity. If not, We shall keelingyoudead. People who are NOT n00bs and twinks, Tolerate and just live with the n00bs 'n twinks, If they come up and kill your character, Then just go with it. You can just revive it right there and then. Disobey the laws of physics- Think cartoony stuff. Be random and hilarious, Have rocks fly for no apparent reason, have decreased gravity in certain places of a room, have people with green skin and tangerine hair, Have people actually break and shatter upon being impacted. NO DOUBLE POSTING. Ever. Don't flood the topic. Bump as necessary. If you don't know what n00bs and/or twinks are... Here are some definitiongs: n00bs: Idiots who act immature and overuse chatspeak. Kat can do hilarious imitations of them. Twinks: Summarized, Morons. They will respond to posts as if they said something else, or ignore other posts because they didnt like them. And to intelligent people: Be n00bs or twinks if you want. I wont stop you. This will be most entertaining if there is a mixture or n00bs, twinks, intelligent beings, and actual storywriters, all trying to cooperate. NOTE: If you have A.D.D (or AdHd. I dunno if theres supposta be an H in there.) Then feel free to post what you want here. You can get away with it in this topic. Go crazy. This topic is mostly to keep bored people from happening on the bored. If yer bored, Come to this topic and participate. It'll keep you amused to no end. Provided this goes well.
  18. Then sell your claymore or something. If I could, i'd send you a free copy since you're so spiffy. =D I might be able to some other time though.
  19. I can't find any stories i've written with happy endings, I'll let you know that much. I can never think of any good ones. Two or three other series' i've written end up with the main character getting killed off somehow. I nevr got to that point, those stories never goit very long till I got tired of them, I can't decide if I should do that in this series or not. o_o;
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