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Everything posted by Arkcher

  1. ...... o_o No, There arent any trees or anything tree-significant in the future stories. No. <.< Not al all. Go away. =D I was gonna draw another picture for it. In the forest, in that one thing that happened in part 3. chapter 4 or something. <.<
  2. Well I could post what I have of it...... >.>
  3. Your the leading part in 'swan lake' Everyones watching! Dont let them down! eeee. -runs over back into an audience- =D
  4. Ok, Im gonna list some recently received awards... 1 Cloudy Aisha award 1 Neo Neo Award 1 Neo Ranba Award 50 Super Shyin Awards 345 Arty Farty Awards So now i've got... a lot of awards. o_o;
  5. Whoa... o_o; I have a million awards now. Making animations isnt too complicated, just takes... some kinda time.And you need simple software, and the art to make frames (which is the hardest part) But i'll take the awards anyway!
  6. Well, Theres usually water in them...
  7. Woohoo! More awards. It requires some software that would need purchasing, I dont think its possible to get hold of some freeware that lets you get animated GIF images. I use Animation Shop3, which comes with Paint Shop Pro7. The two combined make some pretty spiffy artwork.
  8. -throws some at Kat and runs- =D
  9. Wow. It's times like this that i'm glad I post stories online. I somehow lost the WerewolfMR file on my compy. I searched all over but couldnt find it. =o So I went through here and copied it back on to my compy.
  10. [i would if I could. o_o; I cant think of nothing. Nor is there much to respond to. <.<]
  11. I'm thinking that will only copy the URL of a website you're going to. Or make a .htm (similar to .txt or .doc. its just text) copy of the page.
  12. I dunno if it'll work on your Mac,horatio, But you may or may not have the same keyboard as the low-life windows-users do. Above the Arrow Keys, there are six buttons (Insert, Home, PageUp, Delete, End, PageDown) Above that should be three more. Printscreen/Prtscn SystemRequest/SysRq (Then Scroll Lock and Pause/break) Press that Print Screen thing button. Whatever is on your computer monitor at that time will be in your clipboard as an image. This works for games, emulators (Handy for ripping. ;D) screenshots, happenings, stuffs like that. Thats how you do it.
  13. The only topics they posted in, said they had registred only to post once or twice. And they did. I dont think they'll be seen again.
  14. Another award for something that took 40 seconds to make. (More than 40 seconds this time, I messed up putting it together at first. I was adding frames from one of my other freinds' avvie I made. So half the time our avvie would'a had a wolf running on it, or a royal mushroom. I fixed it though... Now since when did I think that? I dun remember this.
  15. I forgot all about that description you gave me while making this avatar. >_< But I made one! (That, And upon reading it, I've no idea how i'd make the elemental mushroom kimono-deal. o_o) But here it is anyway. Its a blinkie (animated). n_n I make those now. Real easy to make. Behold!
  16. Look at this one... hellotomwho.bmp Hello, Tom! BTW, Congrats to TGHL for finally getting the attachment stuff working. -nods-
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