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About Kay

  • Birthday 05/14/1993

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  • Interests
    writing, reading, singing, talking, typing and yes runnig and watching football and playing video games

Kay's Achievements


Hampsterdancer (3/8)



  1. boy how long it's been... I'm not crew head for set crew on the plays. Haha.so, i have power. i havn't decided if that's good or bad.. my friend works in fast food, still. she's looking for a new job though. both of my parents and i get along fine and dandy now. me and my mom are like sisters and me and my dad are crazy my senior homecoming was on saturday. it was fantastic. (:
  2. nothing new.. well nothing too terribly exciting that is. i was too sick to go to the play and missed school because of my illness, too. so i wasn't able to get pictures sad day I'm single again. my best friend got a job. me and my mommy have been fighting, and me and my dad are getting along, so my parents have basically flipped personalities. i bought corpse bride my dog is obsessed with chasing squirrels so we bought her a squirrel costume and we going to send pictures to my bother that's pretty much it.
  3. Thank you. It means a lot to know that. Well, now that I've thought about it, I don't want to graduate early cuz I'd graduate in a year, rather that a year and a half. And I would just get bored. LOL. I can expand my knowledge this way. My parents are letting me go to school tomorrow and Wednesday and Thursday. Thursday is a half day and I don't have school Friday. I'm so glad to be going back. I've been stuck in the house for 5 days, and that's about 4 days too many. Haha. I went to the orthodontist today, I got my expander taken out and it's not going to be put back on, and I'm probably overly excited about that. I have room for food, and my voice sounds great when I sing, now that there is more space for the air to go. My orthodontist took the crown out of the band and put it in an envelope and as soon as my mom calls my dentist we're going in to get the crown put back on. The tooth isn't suffering from sense overload shock, LOL, and I feel great.
  4. I was mad when I found out. My next orthodontist appointment is Monday, so I'll have a chat with her then, and I'm sure my mom will jump in. I did stay home today. I'm at least going for a half day tomorrow so I'll be able to help at the play, but if I can't help I'm at least sitting in the audience with my parents. I had a productive day of napping and coughing today. It was nice, well the napping part was. I hope the college plan works out. I wanted to graduate early, but my parents wouldn't let me. At least I have another year to work out the details and such. Let us know how your orthodontist appointment works out on Monday. Good luck. Naps are quite nice. Staying home was very important as this helps your body recover and get well. Please don't overdo it tomorrow as you want to continue your road to recovery. Why did your parents say no to your graduating early? I'm sorry you are not getting to go early. A year goes by fast. I'm not supposed to go back to school until the 26th. and I'm not happy about that. I'm so bored being stuck in the house, and I feel a lot better, but doctor's orders. they said that i was trying to rush my life by graduating early. so they told me i couldn't. my best friend was in an accident this weekend. the car she was riding in was being driven by her kinda boyfriend kinda not boyfriend and the car was t boned on her side and she doesn't remember it and all the things she knows she knows from other people. she was rushed by ambulance to trauma. she can't walk. bless her heart though. before the accident she made sure to get me notes for the classes we have together for the days i missed. she's doing better, though. i was so scared when i found out. keep her in your thoughts please.
  5. Well, I have a friend whose had it at least 3 times. I hope I have the pleasure of only having it once. Wow. o.O If it helps any, mono is spread by bodily fluids. Don't kiss people, and don't share your drinks (or anything else that goes in your mouth), and you'll probably be fine. That's what the doctor told me. Haha. I don't know why I'm laughing. It's probably the medicine I'm on.
  6. Well, I have a friend whose had it at least 3 times. I hope I have the pleasure of only having it once.
  7. I was mad when I found out. My next orthodontist appointment is Monday, so I'll have a chat with her then, and I'm sure my mom will jump in. I did stay home today. I'm at least going for a half day tomorrow so I'll be able to help at the play, but if I can't help I'm at least sitting in the audience with my parents. I had a productive day of napping and coughing today. It was nice, well the napping part was. I hope the college plan works out. I wanted to graduate early, but my parents wouldn't let me. At least I have another year to work out the details and such.
  8. CONGRATULATIONS!!! Your permit! Now you should be feeling pretty good. Sorry that fall break is over, but drama club will make you smile! As for all the other news... glad things are going great for you. Thanks I do feel good, well minus the fact that I'm sick. Technically I'm not supposed to go to school tomorrow because I have a fever of 103 but if I don't go to school then I can't go to opening night, and they need someone from set crew, and I said I could be there, but that was before I got sick. So, this could be problematic. But, there has been A LOT going around my school. Mono. Which I've already had, and would prefer to NOT get again. Whooping cough. Swine Flu Flu I've had my fill of that for the school year. Cold Bronchitis Strep Pretty much the whole deal. Plus I'm a T.A. (teacher's aid) for the English teacher I had my freshman and sophomore years, and she was counting on me being there, tomorrow. On the bright side, if I end up not going tomorrow, I won't have to make up any tests. OH! and I've decided on the college I wanna go to. (I have back ups) but if I get in I can get Scholarship money for choir and I already know the choir director, because she's done a couple of workshops at my school. She went to high school with my mommy too. so it's weird, to me. Annnnnndddd Their choir is amazing, and it's close to home and I won't have to pay room and board if I go with the work and learn program and get the Scholarship money. I have braces now and i have an expander (expander since May, and braces since July) well I have crowns. Well, the expander had to be glued in, and today my dentist discovered that my orthodontist used to much glue or something, and the band popped off and took the crown with it, so my tooth is exposed and extremely painful I told my orthodontist about the sensitivity each time i went in and she shrugged it off and said it was just pressure from the expander and didn't look at it. This could all have been prevented if my orthodontist had been concerned about her patients comfort. >
  9. I got my permit when i turned 15 i didn't take the test til around october and i took it 3 times and failed all three times and i didn't take it again til friday, and i took it once and failed then took it again and passed with 2 wrong the state trooper thought that i took it the day before because it had been a year since i took the test i drove saturday with my mom since she had errands and we had planned to go to lunch and i just got back from driving with my dad at night. i probably won't be able to drive again til the weekend because tech week is coming up this week for drama club and I'll be after school for a long time. let's see... today i went to church for the first time in 2 months. it was interesting. and then i spent the rest of the day at my cousin's house for a family get together for her son's first birthday fall break is over so unfortunately i have to go back to school tomorrow :/
  10. yeah my mom pressures me and i'm like dude, my dad's mom didn't get her license till she was 31 and my dad and his sisters had to drive her everywhere and my mom's mom didn't get hers til about the same time. lol XD I never really needed my license. I had a school bus that came to my door, and my mom was able to drive me anywhere else I needed to be. I needed a car when I was 19 though, because I was starting field work and wasn't going to be able to carpool for that one. Also, gas is kinda expensive, and I believe insurance is too (I lucked out that my parents are paying for mine). my parents told me they were sick of taking me every where. and my parents are paying for the insurance since they own the car, and it's in their name.
  11. yeah my mom pressures me and i'm like dude, my dad's mom didn't get her license till she was 31 and my dad and his sisters had to drive her everywhere and my mom's mom didn't get hers til about the same time.
  12. I'm friends with a few of my ex's. and as of last night at the homecoming game i have a current tonight's the dance, but I'm not sure if he's going. he decided last week he wouldn't so I'm not sure if he'll change his mind now that we're together. I'll have fun anyways, lots of my friends are going and one of my best friends that moved away over summer just flew in last night to go to the dance so I'm excited to see her. oh and we one our game, when i left at the beginning of the 4th quarter we were winning 31 to 8 i told my parents they had to come to the show so they could see what i did. haha. but i'll take pictures after fall break Yeah for pictures! Congratulations on the win!!! It is always nice to see old friends. haha, we had work days over fall break, but i didn't have a ride. and i'm a loser and i'm sixteen and i don't have my license. i'll get pictures once school starts up, it's gonna be awesome Sorry you missed the work days over fall break. Not having a ride is tough. You are NOT a loser! Not everyone has their license when they turn sixteen. Throw that notion out the window. You are just feeling a little pressure. I can wait for pictures! It WILL be awesome!!! well I'm going tomorrow to get my permit so i can learn... legally. haha and then my boyfriend's coming over and we're gonna watch sweenie todd! haha
  13. I'm friends with a few of my ex's. and as of last night at the homecoming game i have a current tonight's the dance, but I'm not sure if he's going. he decided last week he wouldn't so I'm not sure if he'll change his mind now that we're together. I'll have fun anyways, lots of my friends are going and one of my best friends that moved away over summer just flew in last night to go to the dance so I'm excited to see her. oh and we one our game, when i left at the beginning of the 4th quarter we were winning 31 to 8 i told my parents they had to come to the show so they could see what i did. haha. but i'll take pictures after fall break Yeah for pictures! Congratulations on the win!!! It is always nice to see old friends. haha, we had work days over fall break, but i didn't have a ride. and i'm a loser and i'm sixteen and i don't have my license. i'll get pictures once school starts up, it's gonna be awesome
  14. I'm friends with a few of my ex's. and as of last night at the homecoming game i have a current tonight's the dance, but I'm not sure if he's going. he decided last week he wouldn't so I'm not sure if he'll change his mind now that we're together. I'll have fun anyways, lots of my friends are going and one of my best friends that moved away over summer just flew in last night to go to the dance so I'm excited to see her. oh and we one our game, when i left at the beginning of the 4th quarter we were winning 31 to 8 i told my parents they had to come to the show so they could see what i did. haha. but i'll take pictures after fall break
  15. *tackles back* I've been really good. in a nut shell, I had a boyfriend for like a ear. we broke up. my brothers' in the airforce, currently in Qatar but actually stationed in england. I'm doing waaayyy better in school. I'm working on set crew in the drama club. I'm in a higher choir. it's greatttt. Lots going on for you. I guess that you are almost over your recent break-up. Hope you are doing okay. Your brother will be in my prayers for his safe return. At least England is a bit away from the Middle East. Glad to hear you are doing better in school. Not too much longer and you will be in college. Working on the set crew... how cool is that! You must be enjoying it! Higher choir... that is an accomplishment. Perhaps you and Jesusfreak can sing us a duet! well yeah, that break up was just torture. thank you! he's on a mission over in qatar so he's not just sitting in england, he's in the action, i text him everyday. even if it's just to say "Goodnight, I love you" i really and enjoying it, haha. it's an easy way to take my anger out before i go home, seeing as i can use tools. though my set crew head usually knows when i'm upset and he tends to make sure i have a job where i and no one around me will get hurt. plus i like him. haha, i love singing. and i do feel like i've acomplished something great by moving up. Break-ups are never easy, some are far worse than others. Whenever the heart is involved... watch out. Tell your brother we are all thinking of him and have him in our prayers, thoughts and heart. If he would like a "Care" Package, just email me with his name and military address and I will put together a great box of goodies for him. (pmajr@mac.com) Tools... Oh, do I understand. My favorite tool is my Stihl Chainsaw. Oh my, what a "power" tool that is. Next in-line might be my linoleum stripper. Wish I could sing. I couldn't sing my way out of a paper box. And no, I do not sing in my sand bath. Only Hampton and the Hampsters can sing. That's why I love my violin. I can play that forever and ever and never get tired. yeah, well things ended horribly then got better then the friendship ended. we send him care packages so we have that covered but i'll be sure to tell him. i just love taking my anger out on screws, surprisingly i've never stripped one. haha. i can only sing and sorta play the piano.
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