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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Chapter Two: Incense And Peppermint Knesis woke the group up the next day. She rubbed Kaitie's head with some type or aromatic oil, and some type of incense was burning for her, but Giza was already well. "There's breakfast food in the kitchen. I have to take care of your friend," she said. Something about her voice was strangely familier, but Giza didn;t have time to recollect now. Giza went to the guest room she was staying in. She pulled out the brown string necklace she had gotten from The Prophecy. She slid Oberon's plastic, handmade record on the string, and it made a tiny clink as it hit Miranda's Candelite necklace. But she noticed that a small heart with Diamonds on one side and a spiky arrangement of black onyx on the other was there too. She examined it. 'Neksi" was written on the back. That's the toadette who worked at the hotel, she thought. Neksi looked oddly like Knesis. No, she couldn't be... No matter. The charm was pretty anyway. she put the string back in her bag and pulled out some other treasures: Kensi's bell, The rainbow shard Japancat had given to her when she fought Rorre's followers, and the books Oberon had given them. Giza sprinted down the stairs with all the hyperactivity from the ten-year-old. Knesis was still caring for her best friend, but J.C. had token the food and made some breakfast with it. "What should we do today?" Titania asked no one in particular. Cattail responded, "Book shops?" The others had no better suggestions. They left a note for Knesis and Katie that they were out. The early-morning rush was gone now and very few walked the streets. Perfect time. Radical sign had a lot of schools, but not very many antique book shops. Oberon's store had mostly just been curious finds, like the Myths book that had come in handy when they were in Candela. They searched until Cattail began to complain, and thought of turning back when they finally found one. The sign was very old and very faded, so they couldn;t tell the name of the store. The inside was dusty and smelled of rotting wood. Many large pieces of wood, ancient mattresses, faded bottles, and window glass layed on the floor. The ceiling was high, and the room was only lit by many small, dim lightbulbs. An elevator stood near a corner. a Large, cracked window stood at the end of the room. But this was nothing compared to the piles and piles of books. They were towering stacks of dusty books with fading leather covers. "Hello?" called Titania. Her voice echoed. Hello...Hello...'Ello...'Ello....Llo....Llo..." "Yes?" A small beige Kirby came out of nowhere. "Have any good myth books?" The kirby scratched his head. "Why?" Giza shrugged. He gestured to a small kitchenette at the far corner of the room where chairs and tabls were set up. "I'll tell you a myth out of a book. You tell me if you would like it." Everyone sat down. The Kirby looked through the enormous piles of book before pulling on out. "Myths of Dreamtopian towns, Villages, and Cities," he said. "No. 6: Radical Sign." He set the book down and got Peppermint tea and sandwiches for the Giza gang. Then he sat down and started flipping though the thin book. "The story," he announced, "Or Kensi's Knife." *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomu Domimne*~^
  2. *punches herself so hard* I thought this was the song tawpeek. ._.
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* [no reply?] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&
  4. You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. *is also here* Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now. Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O Aw, thanks! I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major. Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny. And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up. Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? I know. I was just joking around with you. Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. Hahaha yeah, pretty much. I'm sure you can imagine the class discussions in our intro to psych class involving his theories... Now that must be a class you don't want as your 08H00 class. Hahaha actually, if I had my choice of what 8am class I wanted (aside from not having class at 8am), psych would probably be up there, because it's interesting, and I'm less likely to fall asleep during it. As for what that's supposed to mean: two things: 1. Probably not postable, as discussed before. 2. You'd probably be embarassed. If you're interested about Freud, you can google him. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I recently found four old textbooks of my brother's that I've decided to read, and among them was a Psychology textbook. It's really interesting and makes me think about a lot of stuff. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  5. You rang, sir? Some glowing wormcicles perhaps? *sniff* I have a cold and...um...I can't think right now. *is also here* Sorry, I tend to only pay attention to a few topics at once. So yeah. Your dream. Well first off, Freud was on a lot of drugs, and most modern psychology people think that lots of what he said is a bit off. Anyways, your dream looks like and expression of what you want, which I can venture to guess is to be in the company of people who you love and who love you, in an environment where you feel comfortable. The bunny thing probably represents some obstacle you need to deal with, even if it scares you and hurts. That's all I've got on that for now. Haww. You're twice the psychologist Freud ever was. I love that xD I may just put that in a word doc with the dream and save it =O Aw, thanks! I'm in an intro to psych class now, which is why I know about Freud. I'm actually considering taking a third major in biopsych, since the bio requirements overlap with my current bio major. Ha, I thought you did psych. Lmao, both my parents and my friend's mum all did psych, and one is a psychologist. Funny funny. And I had another dream. It was strange. I remember only a couple parts though. I remember a part where someone was lying about his 'girlfriend' who was actually his wife. And yeah. She came and he admitted that she was his wife. The other part I remember, I was given a trombone by someone. And I was getting ready to play it, by like, wetting my lips and practising my blowing. And right before I put my lips on the mouthpiece (I was so close too, like, a cm or something away), I woke up. Intro to psych is required for all education majors. Freud would have a lot to say about your second dream, but I'm not going there. Ohhhhh..... no guts, no glory. Well, this is Freud we're talking about here. I probably wouldn't be allowed to post a lot of what he says, because they aren't exactly...um...kid friendly? I know. I was just joking around with you. Everything Freud wrote was almost unprintable here. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* In a webcomic I read, one character's body was drop-kicked out of existence, and when he tries to imagine it back into being, he ends up with a cow's body. The character's friend says, "Whatd would Freud say?" and he replies, "He would probably say 'Shut up boy with Cash Register-shaped head!'" *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  6. Mushroom_king needs to work on her Deceased Musician Tribute video.
  7. The weather today is Don Henley. >( Not really, although that would be funny if Don Henleys suddenly started falling from the sky. It's really hot today. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  8. Yes. I still can't get over the fact that it's legal to have one plant here. ._. *~*The Grande Illusion*~*TRhe Final Cut*~* Bob Marley's favorite drug! XD ....That's mean. 'Cause he's dead. Holy collection of great dance songs, I typed 'dead' just as Don Henley said 'Dead' in the song i'm listening to right now... *~*Thje Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  9. The Beach Boys had kids. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* But Dee Dee Ramone didn't! *~*The psychedelic Luau*~&*the astronomy Domine*~&
  10. Another reason: Commitment. If you were a musician, and you were married, but you were performing all the time, would you want to add a son or daughter to your list of responsibilities? And most musicians would not be a good influence on their children.
  11. All: David Bowie. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Wrong. The answer is Bob Marley. All those people are dead. And by the way, about one of teh answers you gave me earlier...most Rock Stars don't breed. The only ones who had children (As far as I know) were John Lennon and David Gilmour. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Yeah, they all end up ODing too soon. xD *~*The Grand Illusioon*~*The Final Cut*~* This is why you don't do drugs. Jim Morrison of The Doors died of drug-related heart failure at just 27. Joey ramone was 49 when he died, and evem though drugs had nothing to do with him, Buddy Holly died at 22. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  12. Okay, which one of you guys kidnapped John Entwhistle out of my siggy?
  13. All: David Bowie. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Wrong. The answer is Bob Marley. All those people are dead. And by the way, about one of teh answers you gave me earlier...most Rock Stars don't breed. The only ones who had children (As far as I know) were John Lennon and David Gilmour. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  14. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment Didn't see the piccy before. But very pretty! You did a nice job. I always wished that in school they gave out stickers with things that weren't always that reassuring. Like, stickers with "mediocre" or "insufficient" plastered all over papers. xD Then you would have some group saying a teacher destroyed their child's inner spirit and creative genius with a sticker that bruised his or her ego. But, if you got a D or F, I think insufficient would be a much nicer way of putting it. Cheesie, you just might be on to a new idea. You need to develop and market it. Actually, in the news this morning they said something about how researchers have found that they should get rid of letter grades. Which I disagree with. And what... go back to numbers? I think they ought to colour-code the letters... bright, royal blue for an A, green for B, mediocre C should be yellow, D should be orange and F should be made with a massively huge red sharpie! I dunno what they want. xD But they were saying how different kids should be graded differently. It is just dumbing down school. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Um, everything is being dumbed down. I mean, how do people nawt know what Woodstock is? It just doesn't happen! *~*The Psychedleic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* What's Woodstock? ...Naww. I know. I'd probably be dead if I didn't o_O; If you didn't Mushroom_king would probably bring out her meat grinder. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hehe, yea I would Did you know that Green Day and Metallica were at Woodstock '94? Also, Pink Floyd was invited to go to Woodstock '69, but didn't. I still don't understand why, though. They had everything you needed to perform there: Kick-Butt Music, Dashing good Looks, Pretty Colours, Drugs... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  15. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Was 'The Herb' something you see in a Coffeehouse while in Amsterdam? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  16. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Wake Me Up When September Ends-Green Day I have lots of bands in my siggy! Yay! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  17. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* [by the way, this has to be one of my best stories. A lot of the parts were well described, and a couple parts truly were very funny.] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  18. [One of the funniest things I've put in a story.]
  19. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* [sorry for not updating soon enough.] It was early in the morning, but already many citizens were walking or driving on the streets, too busy to notice to ten-year-old girl and her comrades who had come into their town. Miranda adjusted her purple coat. Every one was quiet as the town steadily got louder. "Why are we standing here like pathetic hobos? Let's go." said Cattail. Japan cat led the group. They all sensed that if they didn't find somewhere to stay, they would get crushed under the crowd. "Help!" screamed Kaitie as she was suddenly pushed under. People were threatening to kill her as they walked-she was small and no one saw her. Giza and the other Kirbs tried to save her, but they, too, got squashed and eventually a huddle of Kirbies were being flattened against the sidewalk. "Help!" screamed Titania. No one could see her, let alone hear her. A Green Toadette who looked oddly familer suddenly came running, a woman Kirby with a denim jacket covered in Peace signs. She had matted blond hair and small John Lennon glasses. A hippie, obviously. The Hippie scooped Giza, Kaitie, Cattail, and Dogttail as well as she could. Dogttail and Cattail were able to recover, being grown-ups, but Kaitie and Giza did not. "Follow me," she said, although Miranda and J.C. didn't hear her, they saw her mouth move and started running. The Hippie flew into a house. Potted plants were everywhere and old 60's records were hung on the wall. "Thank you," said Miranda, out of breath. "It's no big deal," said the hippie. "Everyone here is so ignorant. They think there the smartest people in Dreamtopia, yet they don't notice that they're crushing a ten-year-old girl?" "Tell me about it," said J.C., a former flower child herself. She understood her thoughts. Giza woke up. "What happened?" she said. She rubbed her forehead, but stopped. "Ow," she whispered. "My name is Knesis," she said, "And you need rest." Giza drowsily dragged up the stairs, to a bedroom, while Knesis carried Kaitie. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*Te Astronomy Domine*~*
  20. Real Wild Child-Iggy Pop I'm Gonna Break it lose, gonna keep 'em movin' wild gonna keep us swingin' baby I'm a real wild child.
  21. I KNOW!!!!!!!!! it's appalling! i would have killed to go to that party (dont worry not literally) well, i did listen to his music all day that day. but i listen to his music all the time now anyway. i now have more elton john songs than beatles songs on my mp3 player, 94 vs. 91. shows how much i like both of them. i still love the beatles, just havent been listening to them as much lately. although when my mom and i were visiting her friend in long island, we went to a tj maxx and i was sitting, reading my elton john biography (i got it out of the library but my mom ordered a used copy for me online. its out of print apparently) and my mom was shopping, and she saw a beatles book. "The Beatles: Unseen Archives" ISBN 0752583697, hardcover, almost 400 pages, $8. pretty good deal if i do say so myself. its got a lot of pictures, with captions and a little bit of text at the beginning of each chapter. i love john lennon. john&john, (elton ___ and ___lennon). theyre both awesome. ive been to madame tusseaud's in nyc a few times, and elton's in there twice :-) once in the celebrity room (the first room u go to) and then again in the 70s section. i had the most recent picture of me with the 70s elton on my computer, and last night i scanned pictures of him from the greatest hits 70-02 liner notes and a few books i have out from the library and made a collage around the picture of him&me. its pretty cool. i have it as my desktop now. <333333 i was reading more of his biography in school today. my global teacher, who was my play director (shes in her late 20s or so) saw me with it and said she loved elton john too. i have a friend! lol...shes cool...better than our old global teacher who got fired....boring and some other stuff that i never found out the details on...and im not sure i want to know if u know what i mean....reasons why he got fired....of course he never did anything inappropriate in my class becuz his daughter's in my class, but ive heard disturbing rumors....nothing that really terrified me, but it put me on guard a little. yeah. so our new teacher is SO much better! *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I have a Ramones book And a Pink Floyd book like that. John And John? o: That's catchy. Do you like The Who? You should add John Entwhistle to it X3 Oh, and every Hard Rock Cafe in the world has at least 1 John Lennon item. It's usually a signed picture. *~*The Psychedleic Luau*~*Thwe Astronoym Domine*~& yeah, i didnt make up "John and john" though. i read it somewhere. ummm i dont really know the who's music but im NOT saying they're bad. im sure they have great music, i'm just not really familiar with it. i believe we have "who's next" cd somewhere in our house... cool fact about hard rock....cant remember if ive been to one....is there one in disney? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* You would like Thw Who's early stuff, it sounds a bit like the Beatles. Some other bands you may like are: Pink Floyd, The Shangri-La's, The Beach Boys, and The Stray cats. I don't know if there is one there. The Hard Rock also has a piano hand-painted by Elton John, plus various signed records, clothing, and tons of other stuff from him. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  22. *wonders if anyone looks here* *wonders why everyone ignores my posts* *keeps bringing my picture up to the end of the line to see if someone says anything, good, bad or mediocre* *brings it up again* *waits for someone to make a comment* Didn't see the piccy before. But very pretty! You did a nice job. I always wished that in school they gave out stickers with things that weren't always that reassuring. Like, stickers with "mediocre" or "insufficient" plastered all over papers. xD Then you would have some group saying a teacher destroyed their child's inner spirit and creative genius with a sticker that bruised his or her ego. But, if you got a D or F, I think insufficient would be a much nicer way of putting it. Cheesie, you just might be on to a new idea. You need to develop and market it. Actually, in the news this morning they said something about how researchers have found that they should get rid of letter grades. Which I disagree with. And what... go back to numbers? I think they ought to colour-code the letters... bright, royal blue for an A, green for B, mediocre C should be yellow, D should be orange and F should be made with a massively huge red sharpie! I dunno what they want. xD But they were saying how different kids should be graded differently. It is just dumbing down school. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Um, everything is being dumbed down. I mean, how do people nawt know what Woodstock is? It just doesn't happen! *~*The Psychedleic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
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