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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Cool, I have to check this story. Some updates: My albino rat made it. Now the last time she got the antibiotic was 12 days ago and she's still fine. Next week she'll get some fellows. The last week I spent my holidays in the Netherlands. Me and my brother rented a bungalow close to the sea. We were lucky. The week before the weather was bad, and now it is bad again. It was again snowing a little bit- and of course lots of rain. However, exactly in this week, the sun was shining most of the time. The house was surrounded by channels at three sides. There were lots of channels and lakes, you can go nearly everwhere by boat. And we did this. A small boat with a 4 hp engine was inclusive. I took some pictures with my mobile. Our house. Photo taken from the boat. This was our little Yamaha. And that's me. As you can see, I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't know you wore glasses.
  2. [keep killing him, he might come die so much he comes back.]
  3. I hope Glow is alright that I mentioned his sexuality in Invision and even gave him a boyfriend.
  4. Leguan and Alienfreak woke up early the next morning in order to board one of the ships they had made themselves. This ship had not been handed over to any of the docks on the island, as, like the airship they were building, this boat only had enough room for the two of them plus cargo. The good news was that the boat had a control system that enabled it to go its course on its own, so the two of them would be able to get some rest. "I hope you brought a gift for your friend," Said Alienfreak. Leguan smiled and took out a gift-wrapped box from out of a drawer. "I already did," He said. "Too bad I alvredy wrapped it up. Vyou can't see et." "Could you tell me what it is, then?" "Well...it's what I got you for your last birthday." She smiled at him before laying back down on the bed. "I think he'll like it, then," She said sleepily before going to sleep. ---------------------------------- Meanwhile, back at the Port of Cheese... "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MR. CHEESEMASTER!!!" Shouted Edna, jumping onto Cheesemaster's bed and jumping up and down on the unoccupied part of the bed. Cheesemaster instantly woke up, barely grabbed his glasses, and put them on before seeing Edna jumping up and down. "Edna, stop that," He said, giggling. "I know you're excited, but do it when I'm not trying to sleep." Edna let one final bounce and landed on the bed. "Come on, come on!" He said, barely able to contain his excitement, as he grabbed Cheesemaster's hand and tried to pry him from the bed. "Hold on, Edna! I don't even have my shoes on. I need to brush my hair and make my bed, too." "OK!" Said Edna after Cheesemaster had gotten out of bed. He climbed on top and tried to make the bed himself, but his small size made it difficult; he eventually resorted to using his PSI in order to finish. "There! All done." Cheesemaster laughed. "Arigatou, Edna," He said, and then he sighed. "Eh, now I feel weird..." "Why?" Said Edna, sounding concerned. "I usually don't throw Japanese words into my conversations...unless I'm actually speaking Japanese..." Edna's eyes grew wide. "You can speak Japanese?" He nodded. "I didn't even know you were Japanese," Said Edna quietly. "I thought you were English." Cheesemaster giggled. "But I am English! I was raised in England!" "Oh, OK," Laughed Edna. "That makes a bit more sense..." "I only lived in Japan for five years, anyway," He said. "I don't really remember a whole lot." Edna smiled. "You're the most interesting person I know!" "Thanks, I guess," He said, and the two of them started walking into the living room. There they found Kat, who greeted them by doing what she did best: Yelling. "CHEESEMASTER!!!!!!!" She screamed, "I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO!!!" Cheesemaster's glasses fell to the tip of his nose, as they always did when he was suddenly confused. "W-what?" "I ALREADY KNOW! YOU'VE JOINED FORCES WITH THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE AND ARE WATCHING EVERY MOVE I MAKE!!!" "But Kat-" "YOUR SECRET IS OUT!!!" She screamed as she ran out of his house. "But Kat-" "Oh, and here's your birthday present," She said, throwing a small box at him. "But Kat-" "I have to go bring down the United States Postal Service. DON'T TRY LYING! I KNOW YOU WORK WITH THEM!!!" And she left. "But Kat..." He said, with the most confused look on his face, "I've never even been to the United States...." He sighed as he opened the box. Inside was a stick of gum, a sharpie, pocket lint, five tacks, silly putty, and a dollar. An American dollar. Cheesemaster sighed. "Looks like she went treasure hunting in the woods again," She said. "Good thing she didn't give me twenty jars of baby food like she did last year..." "Ewwww," Muttered Edna. "What did you even do with that kind of thing?" "Feed it to you. JUST KIDDING," he said, laughing. A knock then came to the door, and when the two of them opened it, Arkcher and MK were there yelling "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!" "Ah...Hi, guys. Thanks for coming." Behind them was Cheese Woman, in her best ruffly Lolita dress. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHEESIE!!!" She shouted, and then she tackle-hugged him. "Thanks, everyone," He said, blushing. His three friends sat down in the armchairs as well as a chair pulled from the kitchen. "I've been really busy with my newest project," Explained Arkcher, "So I'll have to leave very soon. But I did manage to come in order to give you a prototype of my latest invention..." Everyone looked in awe as Arkcher handed a box to Cheesemaster, which he opened. Inside was a plastic bag seemingly full of nothing. "Arkcher, what is it?" He said, opening the bag to see what if anything would come out. He had learned to do this when, for his 14th Birthday, Kat gave him oxygen. It wasn't quite as mean as his first year on Invision, when she sent him a block of swiss cheese. Which was also the kind of cheese he was made of. "I've been experimenting with various kinds of nanotechnology as of late," He said. "That's a tiny radio you can fit in your ear. I built a second radio just for you." "T-Thanks," Stuttered Cheesemaster. He didn't see how he would use it, but just the fact that he was holding a groundbreaking piece of technology was enough for him. "Well," Said Arkcher, standing up. "I really hate to say it, but I must be on my way. I can't afford to waste anymore time not doing work. Cheesemaster gritted his teeth after Arkcher left. "Waste time? Is that what he thinks of me...?" He murmured. Mushroom knew she was supposed to come with him, but she stayed behind anyway. "Here," She said, "Aloysius made these for you. They were one of the first things he invented, and he decided you could use them better then him. Arkcher modified them a bit, though." She handed him a box covered in construction paper with doodles from Sean and Julian on it, which he opened up to find a white box. Inside was a pair of yellow suspenders, which upon closer inspection, doubled as tape measures. Cheesemaster looked at them in sheer confusion and shock. It was an odd present, sure, though it was kind of useful... "So, uhm, how did these get modified?" "They work as a grappling hook!" She said, excitedly. "Granted, I don't think you'll have much use for that sort of feature..." He smiled. "It's OK. I really like them. Tell him I said thanks." "And from me!" Squealed Cheese Woman, hugging him again. "A hug? Even Kat wouldn't give that to me..." He murmured, but she shook her head. "No, no.." She said, and she took out an object from her purse and slapped it upon his head. It was a brand-new brown newsboy cap, with the Japanese Kanji 愛 Stitched into it in grey thread. "Ehhh..." He said, smiling, "Uh...Thanks, Cheese Woman..." "You're welcome!" She said, giggling. Edna got up and stood in front of Cheesemaster, looking upset. "I couldn't find anything I could give you that I could afford..." Said Edna, reaching into his pocket, "So here's the change I saved up from the shoe-shine stand I planned to use for a gift." Cheesemaster gasped. "Edna, no...it's your money..." "Take it! I won't do anything with it!" Cheesemaster sighed. "Fine, then..." "But you have to spend it on food!" "EDNA," he growled, "Not now." "I also baked you a cake!" Said Cheese Woman excitedly. "Come see!" Cheese Woman grabbed another white box, opened it, and inside was a medium-sized, white cake with a giant pink heart on it as well as the same Kanji letter. Only seven candles were in the cake. "Seven, for seventeen," She explained. "Seventeen candles I felt was a little too many. I didn't want to risk burning your house," She said, giggling. Cheesemaster leaned back in his seat, again brought from the kitchen, and looked out the window. "I wonder...where those two are..." "Where...who two are?" Asked Edna. Cheesemaster sat back up and looked at him. "Two scientist friends of mine...they're...probably busy." Edna got angry at this statement. "Why are scientists ALWAYS busy? They can't even stay for your birthday!!" He ran his fingers through Edna's hair and looked at him with a soft expression on his face. "Edna, you'll have to get used to it-remember, I wanna be an engineer someday." Edna sighed. "But you'll still always have a lot of time to spend with me, right?" "Of course," Shouted Cheese Woman. "Cheesie always makes a chore of visiting me! Even if it's late at night and he should be in bed, he drops by to say Hello to me." Edna's eyes sparkled. "Mr. Cheesemaster, you are so good to your friends!" Cheesemaster blushed and scratched his head. "Ugh...you people make such a big deal out of it...it's completely normal for me..." "Not really..." Muttered MK. Cheesemaster looked over at her. "What do you mean?" He asked, and she looked at the floor. "Eh, it's nothing. Just stuff that happened back home." At that moment, Leguan and Alienfreak burst through the door of the house, with a small box under Leguan's arm. "Zo zorry! Ve're late!" He said, breathing in heavy gasps. "Ve got here via our steamboat!" "You and your wife have a steamboat?" Said Edna, his eyes sparkling. Leguan's eyes grew wide, as did Alienfreak's, and the two went into another rousing repeating of "No", which was concluded by Leguan stammering "Zhe. Iss not. My wive." Edna gasped. "I'm so sorry! I thought she was!" He said, looking at Alienfreak. He wrapped his arms around himself and shuddered. "I'm so sorry!" He said again. "I didn't know! I should have..." Cheesemaster put his hand on Edna's back, and smiled sincerely at him. "You apologize far too much," He said, and Edna tried to seem happy, but he was still a little upset by jumping to conclusions. Leguan and Alienfreak insisted on sitting on the floor-even after Cheese Woman said the floor was too busy, too which Edna objected saying it had just been cleaned-and Leguan took out a box out of his shirt-pocket (his vest pocket already had his watch in it-and nobody wants their watch scratched up), and Alienfreak took out a box, too, from the breast-pocket of her lab coat, which she was still wearing for some reason. Cheesemaster took the two boxes from the two scientists and opened them up. Inside Leguan's box was a pocketwatch, and...something. He excitedly picked up the watch, which was a very nice, expensive-looking object with a nice silver chain and a golden train on the front. He opened it up and it worked perfectly fine. "Danke, Danke!" He said laughing, and looked at the other thing. It was a copper clip with two short, slender copper rods coming out and a lens on each rod. "What is this, though?" Leguan walked over to him, gently took it out of his hands, and asked Cheesemaster for his glasses, which he reluctantly gave to him. Leguan clipped the object onto his glasses, and showed him what he had done. "Iss two magnifying lenssess," He explained, "I gave vun to Amara as well." Cheesemaster put his glasses back on and tried out the magnifying lens. "With this and those grappling hook suspenders...." He said, feeling so full of excitement he couldn't stand it, "I'm just plain awesome now! As if I wasn't already." Edna giggled. "You could do a lot of things with that sort of stuff...measure stuff...or magnify stuff...and climb stuff...you could be a hero!" "Perhaps..." He said, placing the pocketwatch in his shirt-pocket. He took Alienfreak's box as well, and inside of that box were some cuff links just like Leguan's, tiny working clocks, and a couple clock parts. He gasped. "These parts," He said, holding up on of the gears, "Is just what I've been needing!!" He suddenly darted out of the room, and the group heard the sounds of clanking in the next room (the study, which was off-limits even to Edna) and he came back in with....what looked like a robot! Edna gasped. Leguan and Alienfreak seemed excited. Cheese Woman and MK seemed indifferent. "What is that?!" Asked Edna and the two scientists in unison. Cheesemaster set it on the ground. "It a clock shaped like a robot," He explained. "It can move around, too. It's my very latest project." The robot was made almost entirely of copper, and the various gears on the inside were visible as there was no cover on them, save for the area where the actual clock was. "I haven't been so much into lately because I've been so busy..." He said, "But I've been wanting to get back to the way I was, taking parts out of other objects and creating new things." Edna had the clock in his arms and was hugging it, trying not to shake the gears loose. "Mr. Cheesemaster, this is incredible! What else can you do?" "I guess just about anything if I set my mind to it and have the right stuff to make it..." "Vyou should vork vith uss on our airship," Suggest Leguan. "But, if vyou are zo interezted in doing this, maybe vyou would like some of ze spare bits I hafe on out boat?" "Spare parts?" Said Cheesemaster excitedly, "Such as?" Leguan thought for a moment. "I zink I hafe zome vatch parts, a monocle, an old keyhole, and zome bits of metal I'm not sure vat zey might be." Cheesemaster nodded over and over. "Please, then, could I see them?" Leguan nodded and went out to get them. -------------------------------- One trip back to the steamboat later, and Leguan had come back with a handful of odd mechanical parts for Cheesemaster to do what he wanted with. "We have plenty off parts back at ze house, it doezn't matter iff we give those to vyou," He said. Cheesemaster's eyes sparkled. "Thanks so much, everyone," he said, looking at his friends. After an hour, MK and Cheese Woman stated they needed to be going, so now it was only Cheesemaster, Edna, and the scientists, who sat in the armchairs. "Vut really...I think vyou really should help uss in our project." Cheesemaster looked at the two of them. "But..well, I'm busy, what with...what with my job, and Edna..." Leguan thought for a moment. "I...I understand. I juzt wish vyou could work vith uss. I think vyour mechanical skills vould help uss out very very much." "I know, I know! But you see, I..." He suddenly glanced down at the small robot clock, and jumped out of his seat. "I need to work!" He said, dashing outside, followed by Edna. Leguan sighed sadly. "Vell, do vyou vant to go home?" Alienfreak said nothing, and the two trudged out of the house, only to run into Cheesemaster on his street corner selling papers, nearly knocking him down. "L-Leguan?" He asked, turning around. "What is it?" "Ve were about to leave, and..." He stared at the newspaper in Cheesemaster's hand. He was silent for a few moments, and murmured "Zeitungsjunge?..." "Vyou're the paperboy?" Cheesemaster looked at the ground. "Uh, yea..." He said, and then he smiled. "I'm not ashamed of it. I kind of like it, even," He said, happily. "But where might you be going?" "Ve vere about to go back home..." "Oh, No! Please don't go now." "Vut...if vyou don't vant to work on ze project..." "Then why not bring the ship here so I can help you work on it in my free time?"
  5. That wish is too good to corrupt. But, here goes... Granted, but then the universe returns to the cave man days and we start all over again. I wish that someone would return my backpack. Granted, but it would be empty. I wish I didn't kiss my bestfriend's girlfriend tonight. Granted, but then you would be wishing you did. I wish I didn't have to wait until Wednesday for the new Nostalgia Critic video.
  6. You, Mushroom_king, write great stories. I am certain Leguan's character will be fantastic! I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just saying I took a LOT of creative license with his character, as well as...Um, everyone else. In real life, Leguan is probably not a vest-wearing steampunk intent on making a steam-powered airship, just as much as in real life Arkcher's father is not a British inventor and Cheesemaster is not a katana-toting Newsboy and Schimmislick is not a Buddhist version of Billy Idol. The only characters who really stay true to the people I based them off of are Kat, Lexx, and Glowurm. Oh, and Danna/Blood Queen, based off a girl I know. She's very true to her source material. Even the character based off me is not very much like me, which is probably a good thing.
  7. You, Mushroom_king, write great stories. I am certain Leguan's character will be fantastic! I'm not saying it isn't, I'm just saying I took a LOT of creative license with his character, as well as...Um, everyone else. In real life, Leguan is probably not a vest-wearing steampunk intent on making a steam-powered airship, just as much as in real life Arkcher's father is not a British inventor and Cheesemaster is not a katana-toting Newsboy and Schimmislick is not a Buddhist version of Billy Idol. The only characters who really stay true to the people I based them off of are Kat, Lexx, and Glowurm.
  8. -ahem- I hate to interrupt, but I wanted to tell Leguan that he as finally made an appearance in that thing I write. Go see how much I may or may not have messed up your character! =D
  9. Leguan grabbed a magnifying glass and tried to look at it, before realizing he would need something far stronger. He placed the glass back up in the shelf, and then placed his goggles over his eyes, and began to spin a small wheel on either side of the goggles. He stared at the table for a very long time. "I zee," He said, placing his goggles back up in his hair. "Been studying Nano-Technology, have vyou?" He said, turning to look at Arkcher, who grabbed the object. "Nano-what?" Muttered Aloysius. "I-I'm sorry, I rarely tend to pay attention to what happens with the scientific community." "Nano-technology is the study of REALLY, REALLY tiny objects..." Mumbled Alienfreak, standing back up. Arkcher walked over to Leguan and placed the...whatever it was into Leguan's ear. Leguan stood for a few moments, before slowly gasping. "My God!" he said. "Vyou've made a tiny radio!" Arkcher nodded. "It will revolutionize the industry of handheld music," he exclaimed pompously. Alienfreak sighed and stared into space. "More like it'll revolutionize the industry of High Schoolers listening to it in class," She said. Arkcher growled at her, and she suddenly began to leave. "I'm going to work on the airship," She Said. Leguan looked at her with sad eyes, and then chased after her. Arkcher folded his arms. "Hmph. How rude." Aloysius looked at him sincerely. "Please don't talk that way, son." "But she didn't even show any interest in it! It's because it's new technology. She only likes old stuff. Leguan likes both." He sighed. "I'm gonna have to get a patent on this if I want to manufacture it." Aloysius laughed and put his hand on Arkcher's shoulder as they left. ------------------------------ Leguan ran through the laboratory and though the living quarters of the house until he got outside, where he went though his biology garden, and finally got to the garage, where Alienfreak was. As he ran to the garage, he remembered how he had first met her back in Germany. Though Leguan was born in Cologne, he had gone to College in Munich where he was getting a degree in Biology as well as Engineering. He had met Alienfreak-though then she was known solely as Amara-when she was being bothered by a group of young men. "What makes you think a woman can be in our class?" Said one of them. "No woman has the brains to be an engineer! Why don't you go take a cooking class? Or better yet, why don't you just get a job cleaning up the dorms?" "Leave her alone!" Shouted Leguan. The bullies turned and looked at him. "Well if it isn't Mr. Vest and Bow Tie, what the #### do you want?" "I said leaf her alone," He shouted. "Anyvun can practice Engineering if zey vant too. Even a vooman." "Yea right!" Shouted one of them. "What, is she your girlfriend or something?" "I don't even know her," Said Leguan. "Now stop et." The bullies giggled. "What's Mr. Pocket-Watch-And-Handkerchief gonna do to me? You spend so much time in your laboratory doing nothing but spend time with your stupid plants and lab rats, not only do you have no friends, but you're way too weak to survive a fight against me!" "We'll see about zat," He muttered, rolling up his sleeves. Before anyone could do anything, Leguan had punched him square in the forehead, knocking him back. The other three were far too surprised that Leguan had even sent their leader flying backwards to respond; their leader stood back up, and had a huge bump on his forehead where Leguan had hit him, and was clutching it painfully. He glared at Leguan, but said nothing, only running away from him. Leguan didn't know it, but they hid behind a tree so they could spy on him. Leguan walked over and helped the girl up, asking her if she was alright. "I'm fine, danke," She said, and looked at the wrist of his shirt, gasping. "Why are there clocks on your cuffs?" She asked once she was up and had dusted the dirt and grass off her clothing. Leguan lifted his hand and looked at it. "Oh! I made zose. Dey work, too. Zey're quite nice, too," He exclaimed, smiling. He stared off at the setting sun and knew the day was pretty much done. He scratched his head, and suddenly asked her, "Vat es your name, anyway?" "Amara," She muttered. "And you?" "Leguan," He said, smiling. "A pleazure to meet vyou," He said, shaking hands with her. "You're in my engineering class, aren't you?" She asked, as they began to walk to nowhere in particular. Leguan nodded, and Amara sighed. "I'm ashamed to say I'm horrible at the class." "Vell, I could help vyou wiff et if vyou vanted me too," Volunteered Leguan. Amara gasped. "Would you really? That would be fantastic," She said. "Come on, zen," Said Leguan as he ran over to the School's parking lot, and led her over to a German-made motorcycle. By this point the boys who had been harassing her earlier were now completely dumbfounded that the nerdy biologist with the vest and pocketwatch rode a motorcycle. "Is your dorm really that far away from here?" Asked Amara. "Far enough that you have to drive?" Leguan laughed. "I don't live en a dorm," He said. "I did for a year, en then dezided et was far too small for my studiez," He said, climbing on. "Come on, zen," He said, handing her a helmet as well and driving off. Amara was stunned to see absolutely no smoke come out of the motorcycle nor hear any roar; all she heard was the hiss and all she saw was the steam. She was confused, but said nothing of it; and they got some equally strange looks from passerby. The group of boys behind the tree weren't sure what to think about Leguan now. ------------------------------- After a short drive, Leguan and Amara arrived at a small building that was near the University. Leguan led her into his house, where she saw for the first time all his steam-powered mechanisms. He led her into the center of the room, got out some books, and began to help her study. They were silent for some time, until Legua asked the question that truly started their friendship: "Amara," He asked her, "Do vyou think zat everyfing could be powered by steam?" She raised her head up from the book she had been reading, and smiled at him. "You know...I thought I was insane for thinking that." Leguan giggled and turned around. "Let me show you somefing," He said, and he grabbed a machine off of a desk nearby, and set it in between them. "Iss a microwafe," He said, and he grabbed something else out of a cabinet, and placed it inside of the microwave. With the press of a button and a hiss of steam, the microwave started to work, and after a few minutes, it stopped. Leguan took out a plate that contained a set of fully cooked vegetables and meat. He handed it to her, and she cautiously began to eat it. She smiled at him. "Incredible," She said, "You made a machine that works as well as an oven but runs on no electricity?" "I try not to use it ven I can," He said. "But a lot of my machines do heff to use it." She giggled, and then she looked confused. "Your cycle, did you build it as well?" He nodded, and she gasped. "The entire thing?!" He nodded again. Her mouth hung agape in shock. "You've built a motor vehicle with no noise that uses no oil!!! Do you realize what you have done?!" Leguan seemed confused. "This world's looked for so many alternatives to oil for motors, and you've found one!" Leguan sighed. "I know, I know. But no vun hes taken my inventions zeriously. They tell me to vocus on Biology..." Leguan thought about their initial meeting until he had actually gotten inside the garage, where Alienfreak was up on a platform working on the airship. The two of them had decided it to be their mission to make steam-powered vehicles a daily part of life. They had already made Steam-Powered cycles and Boats, and their next missions were aircraft and automobiles. The aircraft they were working on now was big enough just for the two of them, plus cargo. When it was finished they would fly it around Invision for everyone to see. They were about half-way through the construction of the craft, and she had climbed to the top to work on it. Leguan stood at the bottom of the craft, looking up at her, and then climbed up to help her with whatever she was doing, and began to talk with her about his travels around Germany. "You know, I was once on a trip with some other students, when our bus broke down in an area of a city famous for its prostitutes..." "At least you had plenty to do," Said Alienfreak nonchalantly. Leguan blushed and gasped. "I never though I'd hear you say something like that!" he said, giggling. Their working conversations typically went like that, with the two exchanging stories, until the sun had set, which was when they would finally stop and track their progress; after seeing how much more work had to be done, they would go eat dinner and maybe drink a few beers-German beer, of course-and then Leguan would tell Alienfreak all about his German heritage and everything he knew about his country. Tonight, in the daily progress report, Leguan smiled and Alienfreak began to wonder what was up. "We're half-way through the project," he said excitedly.
  10. D:< no no. its true. I don't need any help from you, sir. You, Mushroom_king, have one of the most creative minds. It would have been my guess that you would have come up with a phenomenal name. I didn't even know you could have hedgehogs as pets, so it's not like I could know this oh so important rule that I apparently overlooked.
  11. [yea, this and ADRPG are pretty much the only tawpeeks I talk in anymore.] Dr. Aloysius Ahrroww and his son Arkcher Ahrroww (who more than likely will be referred to as "Doctor" someday) were on a plane headed for the island of Leguan. "You know, dad, once we arrive you'll only have Adstar to visit." "I may as well visit Taynio again, too. We didn't exactly stay there very long last time," He said, shooting a threatening glance towards The Author. "Well..." Said Aloysius, sighing as he looked out the window. "What kind of place is the island?" "Oh, I think you'll like it. There's a lot of Europeans living here...for some reason. There's...hold on...There's a German, Two Swedes, ummm...Oh, there's one Brit. I think she's the only one who doesn't live on another island...at least, the only one I know. There's one woman I think may be Russian...or Italian...I don't know....I don't think it counts, but an Australian lives here, too. Oh, there's one woman who isn't actually from Earth but she went there once. I think he went to Russia too. Oh, I just remembered one more Brit who lives here, and...." Aloysius merely stared off into space as his son trailed on about the residents of the island. He was actually wondering not about the inhabitants, but about why his son needed to come here. He said he was already working on another project. "Son," Said Aloysius, worried, "What have you been doing? You've been late to dinner every night this week...and you stay up all night. This is so unlike you." Aloysius had walked down to the Lab underneath The Mansion, where Arkcher was busy looking at and poking his workbench. He turned and looked at his father, who gasped. Arkcher had donned a mask typically used by blacksmiths; his normally beautiful hair had gotten matted and frayed. "Arkcher, what the #### have you been doing?" "I've been working on a new project," He said. "Already? You just finished Clean Machine." "I know, I know. But my Inventive Mind simply can't stay away from this. Ever since I learned about it it's plagued my sleep." "What is it, though?!" Arkcher pointed towards his work-bench. "That!" Aloysius was still confused about this matter, but he thought about it no more; they were now landing. A voice came over the loudspeaker, speaking in an English accent. It repeated the familiar instructions for safety and reminded passengers to stay in their seats and not smoke. This automatically made Aloysius think of Roger, who would have smoked anyway. The instructions were then repeated in German, Italian, French, Dutch... "This reminds me of when you came to my school for Bring-Your-Dad-To-School day," Whispered Arkcher. He giggled as the two of them remembered it. It was one year before Arkcher came to Invision; he, Jeff, and Paul(a) were sitting in class-Arkcher had long forgotten which-when their teacher (Not the Englishman who had taught them when Arkcher had first arrived; this teacher was of an unknown origin to Arkcher) announced something. "And remember, boys; next week is the day your father will come to visit the school. We very much look forward to seeing them, so try to get a hold of them!" And then class was dismissed. As they walked to their next class, Jeff showed interest in Arkcher's father. "Yoh fatheh is the inevntah, roight?" He said excitedly. "Ui caan't wait foh him to come heah." And then he sighed sadly. "Unfohtunately, moi dad can't come...we'h fah too poor. He cawn't affohd a plane heah." Paul stretched and laughed. "Loik anyone wants to meet moi dad. He's not a big fancy inventah oh a big fancy rich guy. He'd be bohring to you two and the fancy-boy and his friends." sHe was of course referring to Thomas von Foster IV and his little gang of friends, whose fathers were all filthy rich tycoons. Thomas was excited about his father coming and was bragging. "My dad can only speak German," Thomas boasted. "I will be serveeng az hiz tranzlator," He said as he flipped his bloodred hair. Paul glared at him as they walked by, and Thomas back at her; ever since the two of them had fought in the cafeteria that day, they'd held grudges against each other, though these grudges were mostly racist ones, with Thomas loathing her due not to that she beat him up, but due to his dislike of Americans; he would scoff at her New York accent, calling it "The Poor Man's English Accent", while Paul teased him for being weak and for his German accent. "Go back to Russia!" She would say mockingly. Jeff and Arkcher severely disapproved of this, of course. The week passed quickly after Arkcher had received word his father was definitely coming, and finally the day came. And nearly every boy's father had come....the only fathers Arkcher didn't see were, of course, Jeff and Paul. Thomas and all his friend's fathers had come. It was lunchtime when they all arrived. Arkcher and Aloysius tried not to cry when they saw each other; and sitting right behind them was Thomas and his father, Thomas von Fost III; Salvator and his father, Emilio Ricchi Uomini; Edvard and his father, Edvard Kulikk Senior; and Charley and his father, Alfred Clayton Scott-Leighton. And yes, he really really hates it when people comment about how his name rhymes. About ten minutes after they arrived, Thomas asked if he could meet Arkcher's father; Aloysius, of course, agreed. The younger Thomas opened his mouth to introduce Aloysius to his father in German, before Aloysius did it himself: "Anreden, ich bin der Erfinder Aloysius Ahrroww, freuen, Sie kennen zu lernen." Thomas (both of them) gasped, though the older one seemed less surprised. Older Thomas shook his head. "Du bist ein Engländer, richtig? Ihr Deutsch ist nicht so gut." Aloysius seemed offended; the two boys just looked at each other in confusion, Arkcher especially. "Ja, ich bin aus England. Meinen Sie nicht Englisch sprechen werden?" Older Thomas slowly cocked his head. "Onlvee small bet of et. Enough to understend." "Ah, then don't be saying my German is bad because your English is as bad as my German." Thomas seemed offended. He folded his arms and glared at Aloysius. Arkcher noted that his manner was very similar to Thomas when he was offended, but otherwise, the Older Thomas seemed more relaxed and less obsessed with money... Arkcher's flashback was interrupted when the plane landed and Aloysius shook him back to reality. "Come, son, we've landed." Arkcher shook his head back to reality and muttered "Oh, OK." He grabbed his suitcase and followed his father off the plane. The airport they landed in had signs in well over ten different languages, all European, or at least Aloysius said that. They hurried off out of the airport (after going through customs...again), and found themselves in a bustling city. "This should be where he lives," Mumbled Arkcher. "You still haven't even told me who," Aloysius muttered under his breath, but he followed his son anyway. The two of them walked out into the city, a bustling place where Aloysius heard many different languages being spoken around him. "Arkcher, where does this person live, anyhow?" "Not in the city..." Muttered Arkcher, motioning for his father to follow him. Aloysius was confused, but complied anyhow. The two walked through the enormous city, which Aloysius noted a few times heavily reminded him of Berlin. They had walked for quite some time when Aloysius asked, "I'm kind of surprised you haven't hailed a cab..." Arkcher stopped. "But I don't know how to hail a cab here in Leguan. This particular city speaks German, which I know nothing of. Oh, they speak Russian sometimes too." Aloysius sighed. "Well, I'm not the type who rides in an automobile-I'd much rather take my own God-given feet-but you're different from me, so do you want to take a cab instead?" Aloysius shouted something in German, and before they knew it, a car had pulled up to take them where they needed to go. Aloysius muttered something German to the driver, and before they knew it they were off. ---------------------------------- The cab stopped outside of the city. The buildings of the city were still visible in the near distance, and the noise was faint. In front of them was a large laboratory, with a garden in the back. Despite the clashing of the mechanical-looking building and the natural garden in the back, the place seemed friendly. Arkcher rushed inside, with Aloysius barely keeping up. Arkcher knocked on the metal door of the house, and was answered by a man's voice shouting "Hold Oooon!". A crash was heard, and then the same voice said, wearily, "Come in." Arkcher turned the knob and walked into the house. The very first thing Aloysius noticed was that every single piece of machinery in the house/lab was completely steam-powered. He suddenly felt sorry for any glasses-wearers who may have visited the house in the past, and for anyone with sensitive ears who had visited. The noise was not exactly loud, but it did get irritating after some time; but it only became irritating if you were the type not excited by machines, and because Aloysius was, he was far too busy examining all the machines to pay attention to the noise. His attention, however, was no longer drawn to the machines when a stranger suddenly walked into the room. He was a man probably in his twenties, with a blond bowl cut (a look only this particular man could make seem sophisticated), and some brown goggles strapped to his head. He had a bottle-green vest with a cream-colored shirt underneath, dark green pants, and some brown boots with his pants tucked into them. His appearance matched the machines. Arkcher moved so Aloysius was directly in front of the stranger, who had a smile on his face and kind eyes. "Leguan, this is my dad, the inventor." Leguan took Aloysius's hand from his side and shook it warmly. "Is vehry nize to meet you, good sir," He said. He was apparently German; Aloysius wondered if his son just naturally met German people wherever he went. Leguan (as he assumed he was called) stepped back and bowed to him. "I take et that you have a great intreest in my mazchinesss," he said, hissing the S on the end of "Machines". "Vell, I vuilt mozt of thossse myzelf." Aloysius gasped. "Oh, that's incredible! Are you an inventor, too?" He shook his head. "Biologie, actually." "Oh," Said Aloysius. "Well, as you know I myself am an inventor! If I could, I'd absolutely love to study..." Another booming crash was heard in another room, causing Aloysius to nearly topple over. "What in the World...?" "Zat was my partner," Muttered Leguan. "It's hevving some deefehculties, obvioussly..." "It?" Wondered Aloysius, and his confusion only worsened when he saw a tall woman walk into the room. She wore a white lap coat, had brown hair that looked like it had not been combed, and had the most bizarre visor covering her eyes. It looked like a laser; perhaps she was an inventor. "Oh, uh..." Muttered Aloysius, looking at her. "Miss, is something wrong? Did something break? I'd like to help." She shook her head. "I'm fine," She muttered, with Leguan muttering something to her. Aloysius caught on. "O-Oh! She's..Is she your wife?" Both of them spun around and rapidly shook their heads. "No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No No!!" Said Leguan. "She iss not my vife. Juzt my partner." Aloysius scratched his head. "But that's the same thin..." "WORKING," Shouted the woman, "Partner." Aloysius blushed. "I'm so very sorry. I must have deeply offended both of you." "Iss OK," Said Leguan. "Aloysiusss, this iss vy working partner, Misss Amara Kjemiker." "Otherwise known as the one and only Alienfreak," She said. "I prefer you call me that." "Alright, Miss Alienfreak," He said, bowing to her. "It's very nice to meet you. I assume by your family name you are a Chemist by trade, no?" She flushed in the face. "I've never met anyone who knows Norwegian," She mumbled. "Yes, I am a Chemist. But I am also an inventor; I mostly work with lasers." She tapped her headgear. "I created this myself. Would you like to see it?" "NO!!!" Shouted Leguan, but it was too late. A blue laser had been shot out of the machine, and Aloysius only very nimbly dodged it. The laser, thankfully, did not hit any of the machines. Leguan groaned. "I tell vyou and tell vyou NOT to fire zat thing in ze house...but zyou still do et anyway...." Alienfreak apologized profusely, and the two scientists finally noticed that Arkcher was also there. "Oh, I've been waiting for vyou," said Leguan excitedly. "Vat es et that vyou have to show me?" Arkcher carefully lifted his suitcase and showed it to Leguan. "MY GOD! THES ES THE GREATEST ZUITCASE I'VE VER SEEN-" "No, no, it's what's inside." "Oh," Said Leguan, disappointed. "But et truly es nice! Look at ze leather...My God, es et vintage?" Arkcher ignored him as Leguan led the group into another room. This room was where Alienfreak had been, and in the room (which looked as though it was normally clean); a few chemicals had spilt in the corner, and she automatically began to clean it while Arkcher opened his suitcase. He took out a small plastic bag they assumed had nothing in it, opened it, and very carefully placed something on the table.
  12. D:< no no. its true. I don't need any help from you, sir.
  13. The Spy sat at Planet Horatio, thanking CampSoup for his help. Roger again sat down , his legs propped up on the table, a cigarette limply hanging out of his mouth. "I'll be heading towards this mysterious castle tomorrow," She said again, turning down an offer of soup from CampSoup. "You know, Soup is very good for you. It's the only thing I ever eat. I get all my food groups and vitamins and minerals. I put chicken in it (Kosher! Duh!), veggies, fruits, and the pasta is grain. And I always drink hot chocolate and chocolate milk, because dairy is kind of gross in soup. And look how strong I am. I work all the soup off when I go hiking and camping and boating and rafting and mountain climbing and..." His voice trailed off as he listed all the things in nature he loved to do, and The Spy decided it was best if she stayed there and had some fun. "But," Said Aloysius, as he put his arm around Solrai, "Don't you need to go home and think over the case?" She laughed. "This has to be the easiest and simplest case I have ever done. And also the oddest one." Aloysius nodded in agreement, and the rest of the night went on uneventfully. Aloysius agreed to come with The Spy to find the castle tomorrow, since Solrai was leaving and he had little else to do. --------------------------------- The next day came, and Aloysius and The Spy put on heavy clothes as it was a chilly day out, and headed outside of the city to explore for this alleged castle CampSoup had mentioned. The outskirts of Hamsterdam were actually quite peaceful. Not a whole lot of folks lived out there, and it mostly belonged to the animals. Aloysius began to wonder if the Vampire fed on the animals when he was desperate. They eventually did, in fact, find an enormous, stone castle. It was quite odd, knowing that such a thing had existed out here for such a time and they had no idea that it did. They glanced at the enormous front doors; of course there was no moat, since vampires can't cross water. The two suddenly wondered how Stewart could have gotten the vampire to Invision, and then they wondered if perhaps he had been here long before they had come. They had barely knocked on the front doors when they creaked open, and they were greeted by a low, creeping voice. It was still day outside, though there was no sun; they wondered if the shafts of sun that come through the clouds were capable of killing a vampire as well. They slowly walked inside to the dark, cold room. -------------------------------- Aloysius and The Spy looked around for a while, before having the doors slam shut behind them, and felt someone in the room with them. They stopped and tried to look around, but it was pitch dark and impossible to see anything. Eventually, they found that a candle had been lit, and when they looked in its direction, they found the man himself-the man who had attacked Aloysius on the bridge. He was just as Aloysius had described him to be-uneven, blue cape, white hair, and the oversized dress shirt; He wore dark brown pants, had narrow eyes, and was incredibly pale. He looked extremely threatening with the candlelight illuminating his pallid face; he smiled at Aloysius, his sharp teeth showing over his blood-red lips. And finally, he spoke; his voice contained, what else but a Romanian accent. "It's wonderful to see you again, Dr. Ahrroww," He said, grinning at him. He stared at Aloysius's neck, but not in thirst; before they left, The Spy made sure they suited up for protection, and Aloysius reluctantly went with wearing a crucifix around his neck, as well as eating several loaves of garlicky food. The man (who they knew his initials were VT), led them away to who knows where; for all they knew they were being led to their deaths, but the two were optimistic that they'd be alright. They were led into a spacious Living Room, with an enormous, blazing fireplace and plenty of chairs and bookshelves. He sat down and motioned for the duo to sit down, as well. They were suspicious, but knew they were safe due to their precautions. "Come," Demanded the man, and he continued to motion them to follow him. They were led into an enormous dining room with an enormous table. It reminded Aloysius of The Rabbitt Manor, only far more extravagant, if that was possible. It was also far colder, with the cold, grey stone walls. The man sat down at the very end of the table while Aloysius and The Spy sat together at the other end. The man giggled. "I'm dearly sorry. I forgot to introduce myself," He said, grabbing a goblet full of a questionable red liquid, swirling it around evilly. "My name is Vlad Tepes. And I've always wanted to meet some Englishmen," He said, staring at Aloysius; and then he looked at The Spy. "And women, with all due respect to Miss Locke." Aloysius turned and looked at her. "Locke?" The Spy took out her pipe from her vest-pocket and lit it. "Oh, don't you remember, Dr. Ahrroww? 'The Spy' was nothing but a name. Just a Name." Aloysius seemed confused. Vlad's mouth twisted into a sick grin. "Shirley Locke," She said, cooly. "I went by The Spy for fun...and to try and ignore attention." Vlad giggled viciously. "Miss Shirley Locke! The famous detective from London, England. And you, my good man, are also from England, no?" Aloysius gulped and nodded. "Miss Locke...Oh, Dear. I have heard your name before in the papers." "As have I seen yours," She said nonchalantly. "But I'm not from the City," He said, laughing. "I lived in a little house on the outskirts of the city, where I could concentrate on my work. I hoped to bring my children there someday and live with them there in peace and quiet." Vlad applauded for no apparent reason. "Oh, Doctor! Oh, Miss Locke! Your accents are simply beautiful. Especially yours, Doctor. You know, I've always had quite the interest in your country and its people. But you see," He said, grimly, "I had no way of going from my own homeland of Romania to England. I positively loathe the ocean. I also had no idea that Miss Locke lived in the town near here. I thought that the only Englishman here was that Phoenix living on the Mountain, which is across the ocean too." Shirley eyed Vlad suspiciously. "The ocean? What issue do you have with the ocean?" Vlad glared at her, knowing she was on to him. "I had the most traumatic experience there as a child. I do not wish to talk about it, Miss Locke." "Oh, please do!" She announced, as she puffed a few blue rings of smoke. "You see, Mr. Tepes...I'm on a very important case as of late and you are the prime suspect." Vlad's dark eyes grew wide. "Me? A suspect? I would never hurt anything," He said, but Shirley saw him trying to contain his own laughter. "You are acting extremely suspicious, Mr. Tepes." Vlad stood up, and he looked at the ceiling, and then spun around and looked at Shirley, who was also up. He growled at her, and quickly began to move towards her. "What makes you suspect me, Hmmm?" He said, as he stood above her. The two of them stood in front of the fireplace, their shadows flickering upon the wall, as Vlad tried to frighten her with his height. She simply continued to puff away at her pipe. "A witness," She whispered. "A certain CampSoup." Vlad roared and lunged for her neck, his impossibly sharp canines now visible, but Shirley was too fast for him. "Don't try me, woman," He said, grabbing a poker from the fireplace and bent it in half with his superior strength, again trying to scare her. Shirley stared at him for a long time, took the poker, and much to the surprise of the two men in the room, bent it back into normal shape. She then drew a rapier that she had secretly brought with her, and thrust Vlad onto the floor, and held out a crucifix, which made him shield his eyes in horror. "Doctor!" She shouted, looking at Aloysius. "Reach into my bag and grab the stake!" Aloysius did so with no question, reaching into her large purse she had brought along and taking out a wooden stake and a hammer. They had planned to drive it into Vlad's Heart, for driving a stake into a vampire's heart was the most effective way of destroying one. Aloysius came over to Vlad and was about to slam the stake into Vlad's torso, before he suddenly vanished. Shirley and Aloysius were dumbfounded, and frantically looked around in severe worry. "Doctor! Keep your guard up! He could be anywhere!" She glanced around with her attentive eyes. She then gasped. "I forgot to tell you, select vampires have the power of shape-shifting. If Vlad can do that, then he has completely outsmarted us!" "Outsmarted?" Stammered Aloysius as he walked over to her. "But Shirley Locke, be outsmarted?" Shirley rolled her eyes. "I've been outsmarted before, Doctor. Including this time, it's been by three men and one woman." She groaned, and lit up her pipe again. "Come, Doctor. We have failed this time, but I have a plan." Shirley walked over to her bag, her high heels clacking away. She grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder. "Come with me, Doctor. You can help." ------------------------------ Shirley clacked away, going up to every door in the castle, picking the locks if they were locked, and would fill the inside with a strange paste. It smelled strongly, so Aloysius typically stayed away from it, until they finally made it to the front door. Shirley had run out of paste (and besides, she would not have been able to make it all away around the enormous doors), so she took a small bit of rope out of her purse, grabbed two pieces of timber laying nearby, and fashioned it into a crucifix. She then propped up the crucifix against the doorway. "Is this to keep him out?" "To keep him in," She explained. "That paste was made of Garlic." "But you said only ingested garlic warded them off." Shirley giggled. "S-Shirley? Don't tell me you..." "Don't be so ridiculous, Doctor. Some pets of mine did the work for me." "But Shirley, what if he is out now? It will keep him out, and he will stay out here forev..." He suddenly stopped. Shirley giggled. "The sun has to come out sometime, Doctor." "The Sun...hold on," He started to say as they started to head back for Hamsterdam. "What about me?" "What about you?" "I'm an elf of the Sun. Does that make me naturally repellent to him?" She stopped. "You know, I have no idea. What a curious question. But the answer is no." "How so?" He asked as they continued walking. She giggled. "Can your body itself produce light?" Aloysius smiled shyly. "Oh, well that makes sense I suppose." ----------------------------- Morning had come by the time the two got back to Shirley's house on Baker Street, Hamsterdam. Aloysius was tired, but Shirley opted to stay up and further examine the case. "Mr. Tepes, I will not rest until I find you, whether you are dead or alive," was all Aloysius heard before taking a long nap in her guest room. By the time he woke up, afternoon had passed and Shirley lay on her living room chair, and it appeared she was sleeping, until Aloysius heard her say something. He swiftly turned around, his heart beating quickly from the surprise. "My God, Shirley, you're still awake? Surly you must be tired." She shut her eyes and without looking at him said, "I never rest when I'm on a case. I absolutely must find this Tepes character. But from what I believe, he may already be dead; we will only have to wait and see." "I've gotten kind of curious as to who this Vlad Tepes is, anyhow..." Muttered Aloysius. Shirley handed him an open book. "See for yourself," She said. Aloysius looked, and he gasped. Upon the page was Vlad Tepes; he had lived and died over a century ago. He was incredibly wealthy, and had been known for his inhuman strength. "But why would Stewart-he is the man who brought you all here, correct?-bring such a dangerous monster here?" Shirley gazed out into space. "I have little to no idea. It's a well-established fact that he's been dead...and I can hardly imagine why. After all, he must have known that young lady Dawn was a vampire, which already puts us in danger." "For all I know, he only brought Vlad to add danger to out lives." Shirley laughed heartily. "There you go, Dr. Ahrroww! That's using your imagination. But you have to use deduction if you ever want to figure this out. And I," She said, as she put on her shawl and coat, "Will be unable to rest until this mystery is solved." She was about to leave, when Aloysius suddenly began to rush to get his things together. "Oh my Goodness," He stammered, rushing out. "I have to get back home to my son. He and I are going to go to the island of Leguan soon, because he said he needed to talk to someone about his newest project." Shirley giggled. "Well, my dear Ahrroww...I very much enjoyed having your company. If you can, would you ever come back to help me with my cases?" Aloysius smiled at her before running off, and shouted to her: "I'll try too!" [Whoever can find all the Sherlock Holmes references wins.] [Next two stories are Leguan and MK.]
  14. You wear contacts?! TRAITOR! GET HIM, GLASSES CULT!!!
  15. horatio just turned into darth vader. You mean... darth vamster. and now you've turned into Thomas von Foster IV. NOOOOOOOOO! Which would make you a Cocky Rich German. The Rich German part is OK.
  17. John folded his arms and glared at the stranger. "Awwww, we're fi-" "No! No!" He said, as a strong wind began to swirl around the group. Above them, a storm was brewing, though there was no lightning or thunder, oddly enough. There was just an increasingly strong wind swirling every which way. The stranger stood his ground, not moving or saying a word, staring at the group with his narrow eyes. And, just as suddenly as it had come, the wind died down. The stranger stepped forward to John, who gripped his broadsword even tighter. "Tell me who you are, right now!" Shouted John. The stranger gripped his sword and flung it off, revealing long, curly hair that certainly did not match his mood and way of dress. "I cannot tell you my name, lest anyone tries to find me," He explained. "The world has become overrun with demons who wish to kill me, and my loved ones, and the ones I serve. I cannot let my identity run loose." John frowned. "What are you talking about? Who do you serve?" "I can't say right now. But I will let you know...we will meet again, Espada." "How do you know my name?!" "I know most everyone's name." John growled. "Who are you?!" "I am no enemy of yours. You can trust me on that." And with this, the man began to leap away, before turning around again. "And do not go into the woods! Wait until daylight!" And he vanished into the horizon. The group was silent for many moments, before John began to walk towards the woods. Will's arms grabbed his shoulders and pulled him back. "You know, maybe we should follow his advice, I think he knows what's best-" "I'm not gonna trust someone who won't even tell me his name!!" Said John, shoving Will off. "Let's go. We can take anything that comes at us." --------------------------------- Night fell as they entered Loopim Woods. The forest was incredibly silent, with only the occasional branch falling to break the silence. The four of them were all relatively brave, but they stuck close together so nothing should befall any of them. John pulled out his map of the woods. "I have no idea where we are," He muttered. "I wanted to get to Usagi Town so we could rest, because it certainly won't do us good to sleep in the woods themselves, since we don't have any wolfsbane or garlic handy for protection." "It's a relatively easy town to find," Said Katie. "Or so I have heard," Mumbled Corbin, Who was staying close to Katie. Suddenly, a loud howl was heard disturbingly close by, causing Katie to yelp until Corbin covered her mouth and hushed her. They foolishly stayed in that one spot, as then they heard another howl, even closer this time, and it sounded like there were multiple howls as well. Suddenly, the four saw dozens of glowing eyes in the darkness, and they knew they had been cornered by werewolves. Oh, why did they not run when they had the chance? The monsters finally emerged out of the darkness, their heads of all different fur colors-but mostly brown furred wolves. They growled and snarled, and Will hid behind John and Corbin clutched Katie's shoulders. John spread his arms in front of his friends, and whispered, "We have to fight them." John whipped out his Broadsword, and the wolves leaped at him; he swung the blade at them, trying to fend them off so they wouldn't hit his friends. The wolves were constantly thrown back from John's magic attacks, but he was completely powerless after what seemed like an hour of fending them off via magic. The other three decided it was time to defend John, and took out their weapons; Katie clutched her Scythe and managed t actually slice one of them in half, which only caused the wolves to become even more angry. They leaped at her, but were shoved off by two other wolves; these wolves had brown fur, and were less shaggy then the others that were attacking them. They weren't sure how, but they were a great deal less threatening...that is, until they took Katie, who had fallen into a coma and was bleeding, and dragged her away. "KATIE!!!!" screamed Corbin, trying to run after her, but she vanished into the darkness, and the rest of the wolves were going to exact their revenge for their fallen comrade. Corbin was even angrier then before, since two of the wolves had taken away his closest friend (no matter how non-threatening the two that had taken her seemed), so he fought the hardest against them, not caring about how much his hair got matted or his coat got torn. The only thing that mattered was Katie (and possibly his spectacles), and he had single-handedly, with little help from John and Will, defeated nearly all of them. After the fight was over and the dead bodies of the wolves laid around the boys in a pool of blood, Corbin broke down sobbing. John and Will resorted to dragging him through the woods until they reached Usagi Town. ------------------------------------ Usagi town was eventually found, and Will heaved a sigh of relief at finally finding it. The town had a mystical feel to it, with small buildings and lamps lining the streets. They saw no one about at this hour, though they occasionally heard someone's window pop open and people whispering. They hadn't walked very long when they found a building, much larger then the rest, with the words "Inn" painted on it. The words had been written long ago and were now peeling off, but they walked inside anyway. Sitting at the front desk of the Inn was a Rabbit; but not a normal rabbit. It was a Rabbit whose height reached the knees of John and Will, and he wore a loose t-shirt and had his head down on the desk and was solving a crossword puzzle in the newspaper. Next to him was a cup of what might be coffee or tea. Corbin and Will were nervous, but John strode right up to the desk and gently asked, "Hello?" to which the Rabbit sleepily rose his head and yawned. He looked at John with narrow, tired eyes. "Humans? I haven't seen one of you since I was...well, since ever. What brings you out here?" "We're looking for some people," He stated. "We needed a place to stay for the night." The Rabbit stretched and made himself another cup of coffee. "Alright, then, we got plenty of rooms...any requests?" "Is there one that can fit at least four people? One of our friends went out exploring in the woods," He said, smiling. "On his own?" Said the rabbit, his eyes narrowing as his looked at John over his book of available rooms. "That's an awful stupid thing to do." John frowned. "Trust me, she's very powerful." Corbin gulped, and hoped John was right. The Rabbit marked something down in his book. "Looks like the only room with two beds and two couches available, is Room 215. Unfortunately...." "What?" Asked John, frowning. "That's right next to Mr. Konijn," The Rabbit whispered. "He's been livin' here ever since Mt. Hendricks erupted. I'm a tad suspicious of him..." "We'll be OK," Said John, taking the key from the Rabbit. He turned to his comrades, and motioned for them to follow him up to their room. ----------------------------- After finding Room 215, the three walked in and found a shabby, dull room with two beds, two couches, a TV that turned out to broken, and horribly painted Still Life pictures plastered upon the wall. John looked around, and said optimistically, "Well, it is a room!" And with that, he took off his armor and plunged straight into bed, The other two following suit. Will heard Corbin mumble "Katie..." Before drifting off to sleep. ------------------------------ Katie woke up in a clearing of the woods, on her back, looking up at the trees. She heard birds chirp, so it must have been morning, but it was still dark due to the way the trees grew. She got up and looked around, and wondered how she got here; all she remembered from the night before was killing one of the wolves who had tried to hurt her comrades, and then the rest of the wolves launched at her, and she must have blacked out. She couldn't still be at the area where they fought; Corbin, John, and Will would have carried her off. Unless....she didn't want to think about the Unless. She had just stood up when she found herself smacked onto the ground again, and with a boy she didn't know right on top of her. She gasped; he was about her age, wore a brown shirt with a blue jacket, brown pants, and had shaggy brown hair and a small lighter-brown mustache, despite how young he looked. "You're OK!" He said, happily. "You're OK!" Katie looked confused. "What? What?! Who are you?!" The boy frowned. "Oh, forgive me for not introducing myself." He got off of her and allowed her to stand up. "My name is Cody Gelo Lobo. We found you knocked out last night, with some wolves about to try and-and-" He raised his arms, trying to be scary but failing-"EAT YOU!!!" Katie gasped. "So we got you from them and took you here, to this clearing. We're sure glad we were on our way to Usagi Town, or you might have died!" "Usagi Town?!" Gasped Katie, running over to Cody. "Please, please, take me with you! My friends are there!" Cody seemed confused, and then he looked as though he had remembered something. "Oh, OK. We'll take you there!" Katie cocked her head. "Who is 'We'?" Suddenly, she heard a loud yell from deep in the forest that got increasingly closer, until another boy, who looked almost exactly like Cody (except he wore a blue shirt with a brown jacket), and was violently shaking his shoulders. "I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU EVERYWHERE WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN SERIOUSLY WHERE THE ####-" And he looked over at Katie, and let go of Cody. "Oh, I'm sorry for that," He said, glaring at Cody. "I'm Logan Agua Lobo," He said, shaking hands with Katie. "I guess you're brothers?" She said, smiling. "Twins, to be exact," Said Logan. "Though I was born first." Cody's eyes narrowed and his glared at his brother, but said nothing. "Well, I think it's best if we starting heading for town, so you can find your friends," Said Cody, and Logan groaned. "Seriously? I just woke up, I got no sleep whatsoever last night, and we're already leaving?" Cody smiled. "Please, Logan? It'd be really nice, and I promise you can sleep as long as you want when we get to town." Logan reluctantly agreed, and walked far behind the other two. Cody gently motioned for Katie to follow him, and when she caught up, he whispered in her ear, "Don't worry, he's got a bad temper sometimes, but he's a real nice guy. He next to never insults people, and he's always willing to defend his friends." Katie sighed. "That sounds like John, one of my traveling companions..." ------------------------------- John, Will, and Corbin had woken up around the same time Katie had, and after showering and getting dressed, they walked downstairs for the promise of free breakfast. The lobby was full mostly of travelers-humans, anthropomorphic humans, elves, and one person who stood out-in the corner was a short rabbit-human who was more rabbit than human. He had dark grey fur, wore a black and white striped suit covering his torso, and a black cape. He was doing nothing, not even eating any breakfast. He simply did...nothing. Corbin was eying him suspiciously, and decided to take the empty table near the rabbit. As he sat down, the rabbit glanced behind him; Will shuddered when he saw the huge, red eyes that the rabbit had, and when those eyes went wide with fear for an unknown reason, Will was even more terrified of a flipping rabbit. The three of them eventually found that only John was eating anything. Corbin was too worried about Katie to eat, and Will was too scared of the rabbit to eat anything. So John had a large breakfast, and decided it was a good idea to ask around town for any information about the surrounding areas; and afterwards, they could look for Katie. Corbin was reluctant to search for her, afraid he might find her-but not in the condition she had been the night before.... As they got up to leave, Corbin accidentally-on-purpose bumped into the Rabbit, to which the Rabbit glared at Corbin with a small, angry mouth and his red eyes narrowed. He was about to yell at him, but he eyed Corbin's staff that was strapped to his back, with its gleaming white cross-shaped top, and he settled back into his chair, mumbling something. The three boys finally left the Inn, and saw that many rabbits of different kinds were already out and about. It was still dark, because of the trees, but light poured in through shafts of the trees, giving the entire town a mystical feel. John frowned as he looked at all the rabbits, which were much shorter then the boys. "I feel really bad," He announced, "'Cause we must be like giants to these rabbits." Will looked around. "Well, we might as well ask for inf..." He stopped when he saw a few rabbits walk up to the boys. They had red eyes like the grey rabbit in the Inn, but not quite as frightening. One rabbit had white fur and wore a simple brown leather outfit, another was mixed colors and wore green, and another, a female, had cream fur and wore a white dress. "Welcome, travelers!" Said the White furred one. "I hope you enjoy your time in Usagi Town. If you should need anything, we'll be glad to help you out." And with that the three of them bowed. John grinned, and he kneeled down as not to make them feel bad about their height. "Well, we'd like to know more about the surrounding areas, is there anywhere or anyone we can talk to?" The rabbits all thought for a moment before the cream-colored one spoke. "We have a library. That's about it," he said, frowning as his ears drooped. John smiled widely. "That's fine! In fact, that's great! We like to read." The rabbits smiled and bowed, and led the way to the library. Through the window of the Inn, the odd grey rabbit was watching the boys, and decided to follow them. ------------------------------ When the boys got to the library they were enthralled to see quite the library: only one person was there, a man obscured entirely in black, except for part of the face, which was obscured by fogged-up glasses. The man flipped through small book, and didn't even so much as glance up at the boys as they walked past to find the books they were looking for: John went to find books on the Loopim Woods, while Will went to find books on how to build things, while Corbin went to find books on Magic, as well as Wolves, and sat down at a table near the stranger to read. The boys were silent for a long time, with nothing but the sound of pages turning filling the air, until they decided to whisper amongst themselves about the situation at hand. "From what I've read," Announced Corbin, "Katie should be completely fine, as her weapon and her magic should be completely effective against the animals of the forest." Suddenly, they heard a chair scoot very suddenly across the floor and the slamming of hands on their table as the man who had been there unfurled his scarf and shouted, "A-HA!!", and the man revealed himself to be the same very person they had seen before they walked into the woods!
  18. You mean Christmas music in July? Actually, it is very good music. I didn't get the whole CD because I didn't have enough iTunes money to do so, but I did buy the Christmas Mix of the original Hampsterdance song. It is awesome and a pleasure to listen to even now. One of these days I'll get the whole album.
  19. HampsterKing does not care for that site, but MK knows exactly what it is because I edited her post the same way when she mentioned the same name. Why doesn't HK care for it? Curse you and your mod powers! First, it's a website and then second, it is not the nicest website. Besides, Mushroom_king knew exactly what site you were talking about. LOL Not the nicest website? Well, there is quite the abundance of Furry Naruto Yaoi fanfiction. Said fanfiction still gets more views then Invision, by the way.
  20. If I did, it was more than likely the profile for Invision. DON'T WORRY, I'LL PUT YOU IN SOON.
  21. The duo arrived at Planet Horatio, where the regular folk and the performers were in there. Sitting at a table by herself was Solrai, reading a small book. Aloysius walked over to her and sat down, and she looked up in surprise. The Spy, too, came over and sat down. Solrai looked confused, and she looked at her. "Aloysius, who is this?" "She's a detective," He explained. "She's called The Spy-" "It's Just a name," She interrupted. She had taken out a pipe and was lighting it, and Solrai seemed confused. And then Aloysius caught on. "Don't worry, she's a friend, trust me." He said reassuringly. He sat close to her, and The Spy began to explain her case to Solrai. She smiled shyly, and simply stated that she knew nothing of it. "That's quite unfortunate. Well, I may have to ask for help from some others..." She said, as she noticed a few people were already walking over to her. She sighed, and turned around to her first customer-Roger, who looked as though he had begun to work there, as he had a name badge now. He grabbed a chair and sat down next to her, putting his feet up on the table. "I remember you," She said, glaring at Roger. "You came to me because you had found a body on your way home." "Thank God it wasn't of anyone I know," He muttered, lighting up a new cigarette. "Or of me." The Spy asked him if he had seen any men who matched the description Aloysius had given her-Chin-length white hair, an uneven cape covering most of his body, and large white dress shirt. Roger shook his head. "Nope, I ain't seen any guy like that. Then again, I don't know a whole lotta people in this town, or anywhere else." This repeated several times; The Spy questioned Who Are You, Graf Von, Schimmislick, Kat, Glowurm, Woodstock, and Kris, until finally she questioned CampSoup, who was visiting Hamsterdam and had been saving money to visit the Moon, Hue for some time. "Oh, I think I've seen a guy like that..." He said nonchalantly. The Spy's eyes went wide, and she jumped up. "Who?! Where?!" "I don't know his name," He said, placing his enormous camping backpack and laptop sling on the ground by his chair, and ordering a coffee and bowl of soup from Roger. "You see, I was recently over in the Forum Forest, camping; that's my favorite thing to do. I was watching the wildlife, and had detailed just about every single animal in the woods. So I built a boat out of a fallen tree I found, and using my blanket as a sail and my map and compass I ALWAYS have with me in my backpack, I sailed over to the Main island, into the countryside several hundred miles from Hamsterdam. Not a whole lot of folks living out there, which was good because I had lots of soup with me, and some garlic for some reason. I thought maybe the garlic was left over from a previous expedition, but it was still fresh, and I decided to eat it before it went bad. I put it on my soup because I dislike garlic by itself. I landed on the mainland at sunset, and decided to build a fire and look through my belongings, which is where I found the garlic. I also found my Star of David necklace I'd been looking for for some time now, and glad to have found it, I eagerly tied it around my neck. I was out camping, when it randomly began to begin pouring rain. My fire went out and my tent was getting ruined, so I packed up, got out my umbrella, and walked around to find shelter. I ended up finding a castle, which throughly confused me. I thought perhaps I had sailed to Hamsterking's island, but I checked and I hadn't! I went and decided to check it out; and there I met the gentleman you have described to me. I never got his name; I merely asked for a place to stay for the night, which I got; he asked me to go to dinner, but I explained I had already eaten, which seemed to disappoint him, so I went anyway and ate one more bowl of soup. You can never have too much soup. I asked him if he wanted some, and he turned down my offer; I told him it was absolutely delicious, especially with garlic, and he shivered and again declined. He said he had severe allergies. So I ate my soup and headed to a room. The next morning I awoke, and I went to the bathroom to shave-because even a catman like me needs to shave, after all I am only half human-and I noticed there was no mirror. I found that weird. So, I pulled out my mirror out of my bag and shaved myself with it. It was really difficult, by the way. I thanked the kind man and bid him farewell; and then I came here." The Spy absorbed all of these details, and thought for many moments. "It's a shame you didn't manage to get his name..." She said, disappointed. "I vaguely remember him telling me..." Said CampSoup, looking at the ceiling. "I just don't remember very well. I was tired, after all..." "Can you remember <i>anyt</i>thing about him?" She asked, leaning in on him. CampSoup backed away awkwardly. "I'll try..." CampSoup ordered another bowl of soup. "Soup helps me think," He explained. They were all silent for a while as he ate some soup. Soft, jazz music, a tune the regular customers recognized as one of Roger's original songs. He head recently recorded some of his piano playing with a few other Invisonists, forming a full jazz band, and had recorded his own album, which played in the restaurant all the time. CampSoup had eaten about five bowls of soup before finally getting even a hint of a clue. "I remember his name had two words...his first name began with V...and his last had an B or T..." The Spy had written this all down in her noteboo
  22. The Spy walked up to Dawn's room, led by James Rabbitt, and eventually found the girl's room. She walked in, and found Dawn sitting on her bed, writing in a notebook; her room was of no large size, with two purple beds (one for MK when she stayed over), mannequins with ruffly dresses on them, a purple vanity (with no mirror), and purple walls and floor. Dawn herself turned and looked at her, and her eyes followed The Spy as she came and sat down on the guest bed. "W-Who are you?" Dawn asked, slightly afraid. She put her pen and notebook on her dresser, in between the two beds. The Spy leered at Dawn. "Tell me, young lady. Have you been to Hamsterdam as of late?" Dawn gasped. "No! Of course not." "You lie," She muttered. "On your dress, there is a stain; the stain seems to be glowing. Awful dark in here, ah? The only place that sells a glowing drink is Planet Horatio. Which is only in Hamsterdam." Dawn gulped. "What are you saying?" The Spy crossed her legs and folded her arms. "I sure have been getting a lot of reports lately about persons formerly reported missing, but then they're found with little to no fluid left in them. I have come to conclusion that only one creature could have done anything like this." Dawn gulped. "The only monster that does such a thing is a vampire, and I've got reason to believe you are one." Dawn gasped. "Why, you..." "You don't go to Church with your family anymore. You hate crosses. You have sensitive skin and always walk with a parasol. Adding to that, you are the whitest shade of pale. I have come to the conclusion..." Dawn shut her eyes and tears flowed out of her eyes. "I didn't even know there were people missing...but I beg of you, I'm innocent." "Come here," Said the Spy. Dawn did so, and after being instructed to, The Spy looked inside her mouth, and, admittedly very awkward, she swiped a red fluid out of her mouth, and sniffed it. "Blood," She muttered. "From last night. Awful fresh." She whipped out her magnifying glass and glanced at her finger, and then inside Dawn's mouth. She sighed. "I'll need a microscope." ------------------------------ After quite a bit of searching, The Spy eventually found a microscope inside the Mansion. She carefully took a slide, and wiped the blood from inside Dawn's mouth on it, and then started to examined it. "This is animal blood," She sighed. "An animal who lives in the forest..." She looked closer. "A squirrel...how curious." Dawn gulped as The Spy got up. "You're innocent...I made a miscalculation. I'm such a fool..." She got up and was about to leave, when she noticed Jakob Rabbitt bothering her two young companions, yelling at them, demanding to know why they were in his house. Edna cowered behind Cheesemaster. The Spy, curious, walked over to see what was the matter. Jakob sternly glared at her. "Who are you, woman?" He asked, glancing at her up and down. "Who invited you into my house?" She said nothing, her expression unchanging. "Mr. Rabbitt, I presume you have just entered your house from a recent trip back to Cullough for a prosecution case. You were in England, and got into a scuffle with someone, and one by simply bashing them with your wedding ring. You took a The Starship Jefferson to get to Cullough and back to Invision. You landed in Hamsterdam, and hurried to the nearest airport where you took the boat, Verne, here to the Port of Cheese, where you automatically headed back to your home." Jakob's eyes narrowed, and he made a swoop for her neck; she nimbly dodged. "Woman, if you're stalking me, I have the right to have the police arrest you." The Spy laughed. "You foolish man. Stalking I have done none of. I was told by your kind, sweet brother that you were away on a Prosecution case. I assumed England because you are naturally English and have a natural accent, and had you been elsewhere for a case you might have picked up hints of their dialect. Your cuff links are missing, and there is no less then six bruises and three cuts on your hands, showing you got into a fight. Your wedding ring has a small amount of blood on the very tip. The Starship Jefferson is known for having a poor quality of air inside the ship, and you speak as though you have been having difficulty breathing and are just gasping for good air. The only Starport and Airport in Invision is in Hamsterdam so you could have only landed there. The Boat known as Verne always gives away free novels to passengers, and in your vest-pocket, just behind your watch, is a novel. It's '20,000 Leagues Under The Sea', By the way. Good book, I urge you to not toss it away." Jakob was stunned for a moment, and stood there, glaring at her stupidly. Then he scoffed. "A woman such as yourself making note of all those details? I didn't know a woman's brain was capable of such things." The Spy narrowed her eyes, and within a few moments, she had smacked him across the face. Jakob stood there, rubbing his face in shock. He then glared at her again, and growled. "First the Newsie and the Orphan enter my house uninvited...and know some woman who needs to find her place...why are you here, in the first place?" She explained the entire case and it's details to Jakob, and he let out a loud, sarcastic laugh. "A detective? Don't make me laugh, woman! No woman can be a detective!" He didn't realize that this was an extremely hypocritical thing to say, seeing as she'd already proven him wrong in his idea that women weren't capable of finding important details. "Well, you have fun with whatever you do, Rabbitt. I'm off. I have to find things that I won't be finding here at your mansion." ---------------------------------- The next day, The Spy landed back at her home in Hamsterdam; she knew she had to look for more clues to her case, but she had none whatsoever. Dawn was not the criminal-the victims were all human, and all the blood samples were from animals that lived in the Port of Cheese. She had returned home and had barely sat down when a knock came at the door. She yelled for them to come in, and in walked a man she had not seen in a very, very long time and had forgotten about-Dr. Aloysius Ahrroww. The Spy examined him as he sat down, and found that his shirt and pants were completely spotless. "I see you carry with you a Bleach Pen," She said nonchalantly. "A pen one uses for cleaning stains." Aloysius smiled worriedly. "I do, but how did you know? It's not visible in any pocket..." "Your shirt is so spotless, one would wonder how you do it. It's been raining frequently here in Hamsterdam, so it's nigh impossible for someone to walked through the water without getting the bottom parts of his pant legs dirty. Yet yours are spotless." Aloysius laughed. "That's very true. But no matter," He said, leaning back in his seat. "I know you must have received thousands of reports about this already-it's big news even back home at-" "Mount Jazzeh." "I assume something about me told you I was from Jazzeh?" She laughed and nodded. "There's still snow on your shoes. But on with what you were saying..." Aloysius closed his eyes and folded his arms. "You see, I was attacked the other night, and while I normally would take such a matter to the police, I was inclined to see you about it because I had read in the paper how you had received reports of people who may have been attacked and murdered by a vampiric being." The Spy closed her eyes and listened attentively to him, her pipe in her mouth and the smoke curling up towards the ceiling. "I came here to Hamsterdam a few days ago because I wished to see a lady friend of mine who is visiting from the Ahshirt Desert. She had not yet arrived at the place where I planned to meet her, so I took a late-night walk around the town to go see its Canals. It was not that late-perhaps only nine or possibly eight. I was alone, of course, and standing on a bridge overlooking a beautiful canal. I leaned over on the ledge of the bridge, and looked down at myself in the water, when I sensed the strangest presence near me. I looked at the water, and no man was there save for me. But I turn and see a man standing next to me. I look at the water again, and he is not there." "And what did he look like?" Interrupted The Spy, her arms folded in deep thought. Aloysius thought for a moment. "I'm not quite sure what sort of figure he had. Nearly all his body was covered by a cloak, which was a dark shade of blue and severely uneven. Both his arms were underneath it and little of the rest of his clothing was visible, though I saw an oversized vest on the man-no, no, it was a shirt now that I remember. His cloak had three gold chains going from the slit up he front to his right. His hair went to his chin and was white...I didn't get many facial features." "Thank you. Continue." Aloysius did so. "I turn and looked up at him, and back at the water, and was absolutely frozen in terror that he had no reflection. The man grabs my throat and leans his mouth on it, but then for reasons I do not know he thrust me to the ground and vanished." The Spy thought intently for several minutes, and then asked him, "Did you eat anything before you went out?" He thought for a few moments. "Ah, yes. I wasn't very hungry, so I had picked up some bread from an Italian restaurant-" "Anything on them?" "Yes, there was Garlic on the bread." The Spy snapped her fingers. "Of course. Vampires hate Garlic blood. Just carrying it is useless-you must eat it first and they will leave you be." Aloysius smiled. "Good, because that bread with the garlic was delicious." The woman got up and began to pace back and forth, pondering the situation. Aloysius watched her the entire time, wondering if he could help her in any way possible. After what seemed like hours, Aloysius ended up breaking up her thoughts. "I hate to interrupt your train of thought, but do you think there's anything I could do to help you in any way?" She stopped and looked at him. "If you would, I might need your famous intellect on my case." Aloysius smiled, and nodded his head. "I'd love to be able to help you out, though I'm not sure I can contribute very much..." "Nonsense, I think you could contribute a lot to my case. For one, should one of us go into town at night unarmed, we might get attacked again; and of course there are safety in numbers. Second, if I'm dealing with a supernatural creature as a vampire, then I might as well team up with another one, such as you, an elf." Aloysius looked confused. The Spy sat back down in her chair, and laughed. "I knew because any man with hair that long would not be so sharply dressed as you." Aloysius giggled. "I see. You make it so simple." The Spy said nothing, and again began to pace back and forth in thought. Aloysius, too, tried to think for a while, before snapping up out of his chair. "Oh, my...I almost forgot my previous engagement with my female friend. I deeply apologize. I must be on my wa-" He turned and saw The Spy putting on her coat and shawl, preparing to go out. "I'll come with you. A good walk will help my mind. Where are you having your engagement?" "I was to meet her at Planet Horatio-" "A breeding ground of folks who might give me clues. I shall come with you." Aloysius smiled, and said nothing. The two of them walked out, with Aloysius following the woman as she walked ahead, examining everything on the way.
  23. Angus Young is Scottish-born. U: Andrew Stockdale is ew. Like he's not a good person. You don't want to marry that THEENG. Well, Scots are cool and stuff too
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