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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Don't forget the John Lennon hair!
  2. :blink: :blink: Oh my. I hate my generation. Not the song. XD
  3. Why are you screaming? :blink: I hate that movie so much. But South park is on now. =D Just because you dislike that movie, do you really think that screaming is considerate to your mother? I wasn't REALLY screaming...
  4. The reason I think that is because there's all these kids I know who hate me enough to murder me and have ****** enough parents that they can get a gun or knife.
  5. Why are you screaming? :blink: I hate that movie so much. But South park is on now. =D
  6. My mom is watching beWitched and I'm SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF.
  7. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* SUPERTRAMP. YOU DESERVE A COOKIE. And Queen and David Bowie are awesome. Woo. I dug up an old TAWPEEK. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  8. (..........) (..........) ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| ,,,,,|| |||||||||| Ive got a jar of dirt! Ive got a jar of dirt! And guess what's inside it! Stats: 66 awards! And 500 from TB! Neon Comet and Silver heart Award! Double Platinum Moon Award! H$: Alot KP:10,010 Hand me a Tigersquash. AH! ITS A JEFF TROPHY! I Sit here every day Looking at the sky Ever wondering why I dream my dreams away And I'm living for today In my Mind's Eye. ~In The Flesh?~ So Ya Thought Ya Might Like to go to the show? to feel the warm thrill of Confusion, that space Cadet glow? Tell me is something eluding you Sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see? If ya wanna find out whats behind these cold eyes youll just have to claw your way through this Disguise. ~Vera~ Does anybody here Remember Vera Lynn? Remember how she said that we would meet again some sunny Day? Vera! Vera! What Has become of you? Does anybody else in here feel the way I do? ~Another Brick in the Wall Part 3~ I dont need no arms around me I dont need no drugs to calm me I have seen the writing on the wall Dont think I need anything at all Dont think I need anything at all all in all it was all just bricks in the Wall All in all it was all just Bricks in the Wall. ~Bring the boys back home~ Bring the boys back home Bring the boys back home Dont leave the children on their own Bring the boys back home. ~Stop~ Stop! I Wanna Go Home Take off this Uniform and Leave the show But I'm Waiting in this cell because I have to know Have I been Guilty all this Time? ~Empty spaces~ What shall we use to fill the Empty spaces where we used to talk? How shall I fill the Final Places? How should I Complete The Wall? Shop the Red Market! PLANET HORATIO! And as we wind on down the road Our shadows taller than our soul There walks a lady we all know Who shines white light and wants to show How everything still turns to gold And if you listen very hard The tune will come to you at last When all is one and one is all To be a rock and not to Roll "I Look To the Sea/Reflections in The waves Spark my Memory/Some Happy Some sad/I think of Childhood Friends and the Dreams we had." "Candles burned/though the church was deserted/At dawn we went down/through empty streets to the harbour/Dreamers may leave/But there here ever after." "There is no pain you are receding/the distant shipsmoke on the horizon/you are only coming through in waves/your lips move but i couldn't hear what your saying/when I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse/out of the corner of my eye/I turned to look but it was gone, I cannot put my finger on it now/the child has grown/The dream is gone/I have become comfortably numb." "And Lather looked at me eyes wide,/and said,/'Is It True That I'm No Longer Young?'" "Sing us a song Piano-man/Sing us a song tonight/We're all in the mood for a melody/And you've got us feeling alright." "Come on people now/Smile on your brother/everybody get together/try to love one another right now." "Do you really want to live forever?/Forever, forever/Do you really want to live forever?/I want to live forever young." Thought I’d Something More To Say… ©GizaGear
  9. You may say I'm a Dreamer But i'm not the only one. Sharing a Dream, On An Island, It Felt right. If I leave here tomorrow....would you still remember me? Mondrobi controls my brain and tells me to stop talking about him SKITTLES TASTE THE RAINBOW! Our God is an awesome God he reigns from Heaven above With wisdom power and love our God is an Awesome God When the Evil was in line/Ready to steal the Shard of time/Giza came with freinds pure of heart/Beacause she had the power of Eclipse for starts/Miracles 1! Miracles 2 to seek/No one had the strength to speak/as the eclipse floated by/Just like tears falling as you cry/it was far too late/this was the dreams fate/for souls were clashed together/as the World was doomed Forever/She laid on the Ground, and whispers three/said "Cant you begin this prophacy for me? The dreamer has rode the rainbow connection! Life is Life Love is Love When Did Motely Crue become Classic Rock? YOU WILL RESPECT MAH AUTHORITIA! We all live in a yellow submarine Dedadedadedo! Her-a We Go! Come on everybody its the Hampsterdance! Paz I see u! Buy your Portabello Mushrooms here! 3 for H$1.50. All Major Credit cards accepted. DO<("<)THE^('.')^KIRBY(>")>DANCE<('.')> It seems to take no time at all R.I.P Here lies: Dude April 30th, 2005 HEY YOU!Out there beyond the Wall Breaking Bottles in the hall-Mind the Gap. MK'S Malfunction! Because it's Sweet, Sweet Sweet Victory!
  10. SigCity-Seen in Episode 45! ABCDEFGHIJKMPQRSTtu Yes its MK's Siggy Congo So Dust off your Bongos Cause theres Lots of Stuff to read and plenty more Songs Its more Entertaining than a pair of Kitchen Tongs I'd love to Continue my Siggy in Rhyme But frankley it's n00bish and wasting my time. If you have not already skipped to the next post in disgust, thank you. Know Your Mushrooms "I've always Been Mad, I know i've been Mad lately Most of us have. It's hard to explain Why you are mad, even if you are not mad." Walk up and down... Crazy, over The Rainbow, I am Crazy Hammer! Hammer! Hammer! There must of been a Door there in the wall... Oh and by the way, Which one's Pink? Ooh Babe set me free! Are you feelin' okay? He has laughed and he has cried, he has fought and he has died He stood in a field where Barley Grows. Tounge-Tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I Some are born, some men die, under one infinite sky. Will I remember the songs? The Flames are all long gone but the pain lingers on! You set sail across the sea of long past thoughts and memories... The walls that once stood high Shine On You Crazy Diamond! Stairway Scare Dan Dare who's there? Do you think you can tell? Mother, did it need to be so high...? There'll be war and there'll be peace, but all things will one day cease. Why are you running away? Tear Down The Wall! The General sat, and the lines on the map, moved from side to side. Is there anybody out there? One world...One world. Wondering and dreaming, the words have different meanings? It's Alright We Told You What To Dream! There's someone in my head but it's not me... But The Sun Is eclipsed By The Moon! ...Outside the Wall. Crowned Pink Floyd Queen, September 17th, 2006 "There is no Dark Side of the moon really. Matter of fact its all dark."
  11. You are very fortunate to get her convertible!!! But...But!... There's this one chick at my school who drives her red and white bus to school. It's funny and the liscense plate says, "I(heart)MRBUS". But yeah. Just be grateful that you're getting a car at all. There's kids in college that don't have cars. And Saabs are expensive. XD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* OK. It's nto like I don't like teh Saab. I like it, but I like Magic Buses better =D Speaking of Magic Buses.... Me and some friends were making up pickup lines for celebrities, and mine were the best. not sure Horatio would like them, though. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  12. Start saving your money and you shall soon have your own bus. Did you have a good time yesterday? I have never been to Branson. We didn;t see any shows, but we saw ads for some that looked good. Mainly went shopping.
  13. *~*The Grand illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I went down to Branson-land yesterday. I went to Peace Frogs and they had A VOLKSWAGON BUS and it was pretty and had stickers and magnets and buttons and posters and clothes and jewelery and I wanted it. ._. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*(~*The astronomy Domine*~*
  14. *throws buckets of red jello on the floor to make the jigging more interesting* *throws Jerry Garcia stickers into the Jello* *Is still wondering how to add Harry Chapin*
  16. *pours dark chocolate syrup over Mega Wolf and then puts some marshmallow fluff on top* *Ponders how to add Harry Chapin to this*
  17. You are very fortunate to get her convertible!!! But...But!...
  18. Because yesterday in Reading he asked which group I was in, and he stood REALLY close to me, and when he found we were in different groups he got really depressed and moped off. and some other stuff.
  19. Good one Lexxy!!! The only thing Jack is in love with are his Strawberry and Milk & Honey yogurt drops. He loves those things. And I think it's Horatio's fault he's addicted to them. :P *innocent look* *FedExes Jack some additional goodies... corn cobbies, organic raisins, raw peanuts, sunflower seeds, molasses stars, critter cookies* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* So, Horatio. Trying to turn Jack into a cannibal, are you? (She's) Sexy + 17-Stray Cats *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*THe Astronomy Domine*~*
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm getting my Mom's Saab convertible when I'm 16. But I want a Volkswagon Buuuus, Magic Bus. ._. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  21. my first reply! i love his music too! (but u knew that! lol) I would think you like playing his music on the piano. yes, i just had piano lessons today! i'm working hard on "goodbye yellow brick road" bcuz my recital's on june 9 (i think) and i still have to fix a bunch of the song! i am so gonna practice it every day so its perfect! and our recital MIGHT be in the room in my piano place that has the elton john poster!!! ***very excited!*** if i didnt have ethics i would so steal that poster... but they're nice people at my piano place i wouldnt do that to them.... listening to capt. fantastic album right now... "and someone saved my life tonight...sugarbear...you almost had your hooks in me, didn't you dear?..." u can see my comments about that song in the "what cds do u own" topic.... well.... i love elton john! and i wish i had been born 45 years earlier so we would be the same age! but alas he is 4 times my current age...oh well i can read about his past and pretend he's still close to my age...but in one of his songs he warned me "don't go sleeping with the past/don't go praying he'll come back/take a deep breath and deny/you could love a man like that" but whatever.....(the song is "sleeping with the past" from the album of the same name) and in another part of that song he says "you're proud to love him/it's a foolish sign" but i mean its him that im proud to love and the song was written b4 i was born and he didnt even write the lyrics.....like always....i tend to overanalyze.... *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* That there song could be said for me and Joey Ramone. You ever try dating a dead guy with Lymphoma and an Unfinished solo album? and Dee Dee is jealous. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomyy Domine*~*
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