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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Indeed, Jakob Rabbitt had happened to be walking by one of the windows of his Mansion when he happened to glance outside and saw the craft sitting in the field, with some of his least favorite Invisionists surrounding it. Jakob at that moment deeply regretted having not ever purchased the field as a part of his land; if he had, he could file a restraining order and could have kept them off of the field. But the field belong 'to everybody' and thus he could do nothing. Though he continued to think of ways he could possibly hinder their flight, or maybe even send the two idiotic scientists spinning to the ground, and in the best-case scenario, send them hurtling to their deaths. The **** German and the **** woman chemist. Who did they think they were? Jakob started to giggle like a lunatic at the thought of the craft landing on the orphan and the newsie and killing all four in a smoky, flaming wreck. But his mind snapped back to reality, and he reminded himself-no more sadistic thoughts, he said, but he couldn't help grinning. He went off in search of his gun collection. ----------------------------------------- Leguan and Alienfreak comfortably situated themselves inside of the craft, when Alienfreak suddenly asked what the name of the ship was anyhow. "Et's name es 'Ze fantasztec wonderful copper-steamed-clockwork glory of ze skies over Invision," He said, trying to say it in one breath. Alienfreak giggled. "Well, we'll be needing a lot of paint to paint that name on the side of it." Leguan laughed as he started up the steam engines. Cheesemaster and Edna watched in awe as the propellers started to spin, the sail on top started waving (though it was folded up), and steam started to hiss and spew out of the pipes. The wheels of the craft started to spin, and it rode along the grass (quite smoothly, surprisingly), and the two of them gasped audibly when it did finally take off. Edna, especially, was in incredible awe at the ship lifting off and successfully flying. Cheesemaster felt proud that he had helped to make the ship successful quicker than the scientists had predicted it would be finished. And Edna could barely wait for his own ride in the craft. But the happy scene was suddenly cut short when the two of them heard a loud CRACK from across the field-a CRACK that sounded like a gun firing. "What was that?! What's going on?!" Shouted Cheesemaster, suddenly getting up. Another gunshot was heard, and he realized that whoever it was, they were shooting at the airship! "Mr. Cheesemaster, I think it's Jakob Rabbitt!!" Shouted Edna, and the two began running towards the Rabbitt Manor. Just then, another gunshot was heard, but this time it was disturbingly close. Another one, and Cheesemaster felt the ZING of the bullet fly right past his face. "Now someone is firing at us!" He shouted, ducking down. "This is too dangerous. Edna, you're short enough to hide in the grass. Run up to the Mansion and see what's going on over there." "But Mr. Cheesemaster-" "Go on, I'll go stay here and make sure the craft doesn't go down, and if it does, I'll run over and try to make sure Leguan and Alienfreak are safe." Inside of the craft itself, there was severe panic as Leguan had climbed out of his seat, and was busily unloading the cannons that he had placed in the craft for defensive purposes. "Leguan, somebody is shooting at us!" shouted Alienfreak, and Leguan shouted "I KNOW!!!" back to her. He put his goggles down over his eyes once again, and started to try and land the craft in a safe place. "Ve musn't fire back at zem," Said Leguan, though the worry in his voice was apparent. He continued to nimbly dodge the bullets that were coming after them. "The ship is readily defended, right?" Leguan shouted back a Yes. "Ze walls are reinforced zo dey will have to take many many shots juzt to be shot down. Vut ve still musn't let any bullets hit et." Edna had finally crawled up to the steps of the Rabbitt Manor, and upon looking up, he could see Jakob Rabbitt leaning out of a window with his musket. Edna knew that he might get tired if he used too much PSI, but he would have to try anyway. Edna concentrated, and then whispered "PK Coils!", sure that Jakob wouldn't hear him above the bullets being fired. A large coil (not visible-possibly made of heat, though the true nature of the attack has been lost to history) then sprang up, and knocked the musket out of Jakob's hands. He began to look around frantically for what in the world could have caused it to do so; Edna, who had been hiding in the grass, was nowhere to be seen, so he assumed that Leguan and Alienfreak were firing back at him. He leaped out of his window ("Like a Bunny rabbit jumping out of something," thought Edna), and ran so quickly over to the aircraft which had safely landed ("Like a bunny rabbit running away from a foxie, doggy, kitty, or person," thought Edna) in the grass and began to run over to the craft. Cheesemaster of course saw this, and once Jakob was a safe distance away he ran over to Leguan, and motioned for Edna to do the same. He made little to no sound whatsoever-for Cheesemaster, when he had been training with his katana, had learned to be very stealthy-yet he still found the presence of a certain Jakob Rabbitt behind him just as he was about to be in the safe range of the craft. Edna, who had just then gotten to Cheesemaster's side, was picked up by the collar by Jakob, as was Cheesemaster, and Edna began to fidget in his grasp. "But we-Me and Mr. Cheesemaster-we were-we were so quiet-we didn't make a sound-" stuttered Edna. "Quit stammering," said Jakob sadistically. "You sound like the **** fool you are." "Let me down, then, and tell us how on Invision you found us! We were hiding and silent!" "Grammar, Edna," Murmured Cheesemaster. Jakob threw the boys to the ground and drew his sword from his cane, pointing it at their throats as to keep them from getting away. "As I have told you before," He said, glaring down at them, his top hat casting shadow over his eyes, "They say I have the most hare-like senses...or should I say, a Rabbit?" Cheesemaster sat up, and Edna followed suite, clinging close to him; he tried to concentrate on PSI so he could knock the sword out of Jakob's grasp, but he was too scared not just of the present situation, but of the possibility of any of them getting hurt if he dropped it. It was a rare incident that when trying to move an object with PSI, or trying to control an elemental power, the power would go manic and possibly go flying off in an unintended direction. He did not want to risk this happening. Jakob grinned at them, and then laughed, putting his sword away. "If you'll excuse me," He said, turning his heel and walking away, "I have some uninvited guests to dispose of." "This isn't even your property!" Shouted Cheesemaster, but Jakob said nothing. Leguan and Alienfreak climbed out of the craft; Leguan swiftly ran around, checking for damage, and was relieved to find none. He heaved a sigh showing his relief, but his relief was short-for Jakob Rabbitt came stomping up to the two scientists, and as he had with Cheesemaster and Edna, drew his blade and held them both at sword-point. "I thought I very well told both of you heathens never to come near my house or myself ever again?" He said, his eyes narrowing as he frowned. Many people who knew Jakob knew this look well-the narrow eyes, the hat tipped slightly over his eyes, which were full of hate. "This isn't your property, though-I thought?" Said Alienfreak, who stood close to Leguan in fright. Jakob smiled sadistically. Foreigners. You could lie to them. "As a matter of fact," He said, his voice growing higher as his eyes grew more diluted and the insanity and sadistic gleam in his eyes grew. "I do own this property." Leguan stared at Jakob, questioningly. "Vut, our young friends zed dat vyou did not! And zeeing as he lives here, I believe he vould know." Jakob giggled. "I believe your young friend lied to you-" "He vould never lie!" screamed Leguan. "Vyou know vat et es he zays; a good gentleman never, ever, EVER lies, now vould he?" Jakob scoffed. "Oh my! More of that talk about what a good gentleman does. Because a newsie and an orphan would definitely know something about that sort of thing." "He knows more than you!" Shouted Alienfreak. Jakob's head tilted in a sickeningly slow way, and his eyes became dangerous-looking. He gritted his teeth. She folded her arms. "A real gentleman would be okay with a female chemist!" "Shut up!" He screamed, and was about to strike her with his blade when he tripped. Leguan screamed in worry as the sword flew over by the craft, and in a state of not knowing what to do, and only doing what first came to mind, he stuck his leg in its path. The sword hit Leguan quite hard just below his knee, though it didn't stick as it was not the tip. That didn't make it any less painful; the blade tore open his bottle-green pants, and soon a stream of blood was trickling down, and a small stream of it split away and started to go down his pants, and again over his boots and onto the ground, soon forming a puddle. He clutched the wound in agony, and Alienfreak went over to him, one eye on Jakob to see what in the world had happened, and one eye on Leguan as she bandaged up the wound using bandages and cloth wrap from the aircraft's first-aid kit. What HAD happened, was this: a strange knot of grass had appeared, and tied itself around Jakob's shoes, quite muddying his fancy black shoes. It quite reminded Alienfreak of a similar incident that had happened many years ago, when she had recently met Leguan; the last time the bullies made fun of her was when, one day, they began to tease Leguan as well, when suddenly the grass grew and wrapped around their bodies. The bullies accused Leguan of dabbling in witchcraft, but they never did make fun of them ever again-at least not to their faces. Back in the present time, however, she was utterly confused; what had happened? She had little time to think, however, as Jakob stood up, and was stark raving mad-in the sense of anger, that is. Of course. But his desire to hurt due to his anger was postponed, for the grass continued to grow and wrap around his body, until his body was completely unable to move, but his body was still able to breathe. And breathe he did-very heavily, not only because the grass had him bound and tied to the ground (quite like Gulliver's Travels...though Jakob didn't know this, as he was not quite the well-read man), but it was also dirtying up his clothing, and his top hat had already fallen off his head. It, too, had been bound to the ground as well-probaby in case it was a living, sentient hat, but seeing how wary Jakob was of technology, what were the odds of something like that happening? After his wound had been bandaged up, Leguan sat up, clutching his knee. Alienfreak looked in amazement at Jakob's tied up body. "How the #### did that happen?" She managed to muster. "How in the world did..." "HOW DID THESE PLANTS TIE UP MY BODY LIKE THIS?!" Roared Jakob, as he tried to break his way out of the plants. They snapped easily, of course, but when he did more grass would come and tie him up-in fact, the more he broke, the more grass came to tie him down. Soon enough the grass having been tied around his body was so thick you could not see his clothing underneath. Jakob grunted, as he tried to escape or possibly scratch an itch (what a horrible thing it would be, to be tied up so you cannot move and then you have an itch to scratch!), but he could not. "This grass is soiling my beautiful, beautiful clothing!!!" He shouted angrily, "I shall not look presentable one bit!!" It was at this time that Cheesemaster and Edna, after having heard all the screams and yells, had run all the way across the field to see what was going on. Edna gasped when he saw how tied up Jakob was. Jakob glared at him. "Did you do this to me, you god**** orphan? Did you use your freak power to tie me up like this?!" "I didn't even know you were over here," Stammered Edna, hiding behind Cheesemaster. "I don't quite have the strength to." Jakob grunted again, and Edna quietly began to cry. "This is the worst day ever! I thought we would have a nice flight in the aircraft, and you had to ruin it!!" He said, as he wiped his eyes, suddenly quit crying, and glared at Jakob. "Now, now, Edna-" "No! It's all because he was shooting at Mr. Leguan and Ms. Amara!" "Please don't call me that-" Started Alienfreak. "You had to ruin our perfectly fine day! This field isn't even yours!" "But it does border my property-" Started Jakob. "I don't care! If it borders, that doesn't count! It only counts if you own it yourself! But knowing how greedy you are you'll probably want to buy this field anyway and keep all the kids in town like me from playing here!!!" "EDNA," Shouted Cheesemaster, putting a hand on the boy's head, "Behave yourself. Expressing your anger is OK, but you must do it in a civilized manner." Edna sniffled, but didn't cry. He took Jakob's tied up body and hat, unlatched it from the grass that kept him tied down to the ground, and was about to throw him back towards his house when Cheesemaster picked him up and quietly took him over. Jakob was not quite so quiet, for the entire way there he screamed and shouted about how he refused to be treated as an object, and how he refused to have his clothes dirtied in this way (by Cheesemaster as well as the grass). ---------------------------------------------- Edna was only calmed when Leguan told him that the craft was still in good condition and that it was now time for their ride in it. However, inside he was still mildly upset, but getting a ride in the airship made him feel much better; even Leguan seemed to have already recovered from his leg wound. After Edna went for a few rides in the aircraft, the group decided it was best to call Kat, make sure she was ready for the train ride, which they decided to go on tomorrow. Cheesemaster, however, became worried about his job. "Who's going to be selling the paper tomorrow while I'm gone?" He wondered later that night, when all of them (plus Kat) went to the local bar, a place frequented by pirates, sailors, and other types who would sail in from the Invision Ocean, for drinks to celebrate the first flight of the Fantastic Wonderful Copper-Steamed Clockwork Glory of The Skies over Invision. Kat of course was rather upset when she realized that other bars did not carry the unique drinks Planet Horatio did, so she ended up having to have the bartenders make her a jig from scratch. Eventually the bartender memorized the process for making Jigs and even made a whole big batch of it so he wouldn't have to keep making it throughout the night. The next day the five of them boarded the Steam Train Dampf, headed for the city of Hindenburg, a city to the south of the country Swissconsin that was powered mostly by steam and gas-power. Leguan and Alienfreak were beyond excited to see the steam-train, and Leguan especially when he saw the train's name was 'Steam'. The five climbed up into the train, and went over to one of the shaky passenger cars and went to a wide booth with room for four, but again, Edna was small enough to fit in with the others. The train ride was going to be about five or six hours, so the five of them brought things along with them to entertain them: Leguan and Alienfreak had brought along some blueprints for their next project (another airship that could hold much more passengers then this one they had just finished-Leguan suggested they took a break to keep flying the new ship for both fun and for research on how to make better flying machines. Alienfreak hoped they could have a flight across the ocean once it was safe enough to do so. Cheesemaster had brought along a book to read, and quietly asked for the others to not disturb him. Edna had brought along paper and pencil to draw the scenery, but preferred to just look. Kat slept after the long night of drinking. After about two hours, Leguan and Alienfreak got up to go explore the train, and to go get snacks for everyone. This allowed for Kat to nap in their seats, and for Edna to have a little more room. ------------------------------------------ Four hours had passed, though it did not seem as though they were getting much nearer to their destination; and the trip was only lengthened when the train suddenly SCREECHED to a halt. Cheesemaster's glasses fell off of his face as he fell forward, just managing to keep his place in his book, and was thankful that his glasses landed on Kat's soft fur and not, say, her shoulder armor. He retrieved them, and before he could say "What the #### was that?!" Leguan and Alienfreak had come running back to them to pick up any trash from their snacks. They had planned to tell of anything interesting they had encountered on their second tour of the train, but instead came with odd news. "A man jumped in front of the car to commit suicide," Murmured Alienfreak. "They're cleaning up the remains." Kat got up, yawned, and managed to mutter before going back to sleep: "Why the frack would they do that? The remains will go away if the train runs over it enough..." Cheesemaster wanted to tell her not to talk of such morbid things in front of Edna, but not only was it pointless as Kat fell asleep right away, and besides, Edna was friends with the Rabbitt family (most of them, at least), one of the most morbid group of people Cheesemaster had ever met. So the group was stranded for five more hours, and Cheesemaster became worried since they would have to stay in Hindenburg for a day more than planned. Later that night the group was sitting, sleeping in the car of the train, and Edna laughed-just like at home, Cheesemaster had stayed up too late reading and had fallen asleep. Edna stood up, whispering and making slight movement as not to disturb anyone else. He took the book out of his hand and looked at the cover. He couldn't read big chapter books like this one very well, but he could read the cover: the book was medium-sized and by someone called Richard Adams; a big rabbit was pictured on the front. Watership Down, said the cover. He giggled, thinking of Richard Rabbitt. He wondered if Rick had read this book. He fumbled around in his pockets, looking for a bookmark, and after an unsuccessful search he dog-eared the pages. He then looked up at Cheesemaster's peaceful-looking, bespectacled face, and was about to go to sleep himself... Bespectacled! He almost laughed out loud, but stopped himself and instead laughed to himself. He reached up-he had to climb up on the table to do it-and gently took off his glasses. He climbed back down, and just before going to sleep himself, he tried them on. They barely fit on his face, and he more than likely looked like a fool in them-but no matter, because he couldn't see a thing through them anyway. Edna placed the glasses up on the table, and drifted off to sleep-as best as one can when on a shaky, hissing train.
  2. Granted, but you will have to move to New York City and either take the subway or walk. I wish that TBFOF would put me in his pocket and take me to Paris with him. Granted, but you won't be able to get out of the pocket once you're there. I wish I could have another ride tomorrow. Granted, but you will have to start riding at 06H00 and cannot get off until 18H00 that evening. I wish summer was here. Granted, but then it will be so horrifyingly hot outside that you step outside and you turn into bacon meat, or in your case fried hamster, or in my case a brownie brownie. invision references lol. I wish I could go back to iTunes 7.7.1, because version 8 is full of bugs. Granted, but the bugs went with you. I wish my one hundred and sixty dollar jeans actually fit me. Granted, but you can only wear them once before throwing them away. I wish I had more chocolate buttons. Granted, but then you would find you could not put them on your coat because then other people would be eating them. I wish my mom would hurry up and fix my pocketwatch already. D:<
  3. Awesome request!!! I mainly want it as part of an experiment, to see how descriptive I am with describing the characters. If Kat (or anyone else) can draw the character the way I imagine them, then I did a good job. though I don't recommend she draws Arkcher. He's got a weird hairstyle that's really hard to describe in terms of text.
  4. KATKATKAT Would Invision fanart be too much to ask?
  5. Corbin frowned, John's eyes grew wide, and Will gasped. The stranger's curly hair unfurled from his head as his scarf fell away. "So, you didn't heed my warning, eh?" He said. "And you already lost a companion." "We did not lose her!" Shouted John. "She's alive!" The man shut his eyes and folded his arms in thought. "And how, exactly, do you know that" He asked. John clenched his fists. "You're going to tell us the usual-I Told you so, I told you so, aren't you?" He shook his head, and sharply turned his heel as he walked out. "I know for a fact she is alive," He muttered as he walked away, and said no more. The boys were silent, save for John, who ran after him. "Sir! Please, wait! What do you mean, you know she's alive?" The stranger did not stop until John clutched his shoulder. "Please, sir, tell me! How do you know that? Why did you follow us?!" He swiftly turned around and stared John in the eye. "These are dangerous times, young man. People are everywhere who would have me dead if they knew who I was." "But you can tell me! I promise you can tell me!" The man glared at John. "How can you prove it?" John pointed at Corbin. "My friend over there is a Holy Magician." The man thought for a few moments. "How do I know you aren't holding him hostage just for this very moment?" John growled. "I-" "Exactly," He said, about to leave again. But John clutched both his shoulders and tried to speak with him again, before receiving a good smack from the stranger. Will and Corbin got up, and went over to find the man had gotten upset over seemingly nothing. "Don't be so forceful with me!! Don't you know who I am?! I am the one and only Neil Vent-" He had clasped his mouth before he could continue. "Neil Vent? Neil Vent what?" Asked John as he stood up to him. Neil-assuming that was his actual name-said nothing, his eyes wide with shock and fear. "No, No, No, No, No!" He muttered, looking around. "Just knowing my sole first name severely narrows the list of people in Warudo...not many Neils...Oh, No....Oh No No No No No..." "Who?!" John demanded. "Kuupkay!!!" Neil shouted. "Kuupkay and his demonic minions! Vicious, savage demons from the pits of #### itself! Kuupkay, the overlord of all that is Evil in the world! His minions want my head!!" John cocked his head. "Why?" Neil seemed incredibly shocked. "WHY?!" "Yea, why do they want you dead?" And before he could stop, it all came flowing out: "Because I, Neil Vento, am the sole caretaker of Princess Julia Ojousama of Warudo, and if they can't get her then I'm the next best thing! I am even more valuable then Julia's parents!!!" And again, he clasped his hand over his mouth in shock. "DAMMIT!!!! NOT AGAIN!!!" John giggled, which completely set Neil off. "Don't laugh, dammit!!! Kuupkay could be sending troops this very instant to come and kill me!!!" John continued to laugh, but then became very serious. "I understand. Me and my friends can protect you." "You fool! You'd put your own life in danger to protect mine?!" John nodded. "I would." Neil gritted his teeth. "You're a fool!" "I'm going to fight Kuupkay anyway," He explained. Neil gasped, and had to reach up to keep his glasses from falling off his face in sheer shock. "You're going to what?! What kind of reason would you possibly want to do that?!" John's face fell grim. "Too many reasons to count. And why do you want to battle him?" "You're preposterous! You blundering idiot! Why would you do something so ridiculous as quite literally go to #### and fight that monster?! And even worse, to say I want to?! I merely want to find-" He covered his mouth before he said any more. "Princess Julia?" Neil gulped. "Yes. I am on a quest on my own part to find the Princess. The King and Queen have sent out hundreds-millions-billions to try and find her. But me and my two comrades have spread around Warudo to find her. But I'm afraid..." He said, sighing, "That I'm the only one who is actually trying. My comrades are but relaxing and doing nothing to find her." John gasped. "I'm-We're looking for Julia, as well." Neil gritted his teeth again. "What business do you have with her?" "I'm going to bring her back to the King and Queen to prove I can fight Kuupkay. They have guards all around the top of Mt. Hendricks, and no one can pass without pardon from the King and Queen. I'm going to save her. You're going to save her." "We can't both save her," Said Neil, glaring at John. "I'm going to find Julia. It's my duty as her caretaker." "We can, if we work together to find her!" Suggested John. Neil grumbled. "There's no way I will ever work with anyone," He said. "There is but one man in Warudo I will work with." Neil turned around and began to leave, until John yelled "Who?" Neil stopped, and without turning his head, he mumbled "Drewno Lucnik," And then he left. John was about to ask how he knew his comrades weren't looking for the princess, but he had already left and he didn't want to bother the man anymore. ------------------------------- Cody, Logan, and Katie had finally arrived in Usagi Town when Cody suddenly started thinking aloud. "Katie, where do you think your friends will be?" Katie stopped and thought for a moment. "Oh, I don't know...Corbin would probably be at the library, but I haven't gotten to know John and Will well enough yet to know about them." Cody thought for a moment. "OK, then; we'll check the library." "Or we could ask around," Suggested Logan. "Or, we could ask around at the library!" Said Cody, and without asking the other two, went along with this plan. When the trio got to the Library, Neil was just walking out the door and kindly held the door for them on his way out. Katie thanked him, and they walked in to find John, Corbin, and Will sitting at a table in the library, discussing what had just happened to them. "Corbin!!!" shouted Katie, and Corbin swiftly turned, and his eyes sparkled with unbearable happiness when he saw her. "K-Katie!!!" He shouted, running towards her and squeezing her in his arms. "You have no idea how glad I am you're alive....but how did you..." "I'm not entirely sure," She said, "But when I woke up these two nice boys were with me." She pointed to Cody and Logan, who introduced themselves. Corbin gave them a questioning glance, but then shook his head. "In any case, we must thank these young men for taking you here." Cody and Logan both nodded their heads. "In any case, we need to get back to our own town." "What? No! Wait!" Said Katie, stopping them. "Please don't go," She said, latching the two of them into a hug. "Please don't go," She repeated. "Katie," Muttered Logan, but Katie wouldn't hear it. Logan sighed, and his eyes grew unusually soft and his voice unusually sensitive. "Come now, Cody. We ought to stay with her just a little bit longer. After all-" He said, gulping, "We can't afford for them to get lost in the woods." John suddenly grew very excited. "A guide! A guide for when we travel in the woods! That's just what we need!!!" He said, jumping up and down. Cody and Logan looked at him with suspicion, and then Logan stepped forward and bowed. "Forgive us," He said, "We forgot to introduce ourselves, didn't we? I'm Logan Agua Lobo, and this is my twin brother, Cody Gelo Lobo." He reached out a hand and shook it. "Pleased to meet you." John shook Logan's hand vigorously, and thanked him many times for saving his friend. "I don't know what Corbin would do without his apprentice!! I don't know what I'd do without our Spirit Mage!!" He exclaimed, his eyes wide and filled to the brim with glimmer and sparkles. "Without her, Corbin would be so upset he might just off himself, and then we'd be without any good mages! I mean, I can do magic, but I'm more of a fighter myself!" Cody laughed. "Well it's a good thing that we found her then." Corbin scratched his head. "But there's one thing that still confounds me. Katie was dragged away last night by two wolves. I could have thought they would have-you know, killed her by now." Cody and Logan exchanged quick, awkward glances, and then said rather quickly and nervously, "We found her just as they were to kill her," Stammered Logan, his hand behind his head. Corbin eyed him, but after a few moments, they decided it was best if they went back to the hotel and got some rest. When they got to the Hotel, Corbin once again laid eyes upon the grey, stripe-wearing rabbit he had seen that morning; it was once again sitting in the corner of the lobby, at a table-no food, book, newspaper, or anything else was at his table. He simply sat there, pondering, and Corbin could not even be sure of that. Either way, he was still very curious about the creature. But he had no idea how he would be able to learn any thing more about him. John was curious about the Neil Vento character he had encountered...assuming Neil Vento was his true alias, which he assumed it was. He worked for the King and Queen? He was the Princess's caretaker? He sure didn't look the part. He looked...He looked like he could be the paperboy on the street corner of Densetsu City, much less a caretaker for the Princess. Maybe he was their gardener, and spent a lot of time with the princess. Will was wondering what kind of a woman the Princess Julia was. He'd read a lot about her in class, and seen lots of pictures of her. Most of the photos and paintings in the textbooks showed her in the big, ruffled dresses people imagine on a princess, but Will remembered seeing one photo of her in the paper that showed her with short hair, shirt, and pants. In fact, in every picture she had boyishly short hair. He wondered if she had any kind of powers. Mage? Psychic? Fighter? He was preferring to not think of royal stereotypes. Katie was thinking about the twins who had rescued her. She remembered being attacked by some of the wolves last night-she remembered how very savage and frightening they looked. She remembered one biting her, the trickle of fresh blood down her coat, and then darkness. There was a badly-stitched line on her coat where she had been bitten, and she wondered if Cody or Logan had sewed it up for her. She suddenly became flushed in the face when she wondered if they had taken her coat off of her. Cody and Logan were wondering what the others were thinking about. Will looked thoughtful, John looked confused, Corbin looked suspicious (Of us? Hope not! Thought the twins), and Katie was blushing. Who knows? Anyhow, the five of them rejoiced to find that a room just large enough for every one of them had finally opened up, and so they spent an incredibly long time sleeping-especially Logan, who was grateful for sleep. ----------------------------------- Neil Vento walked about Usagi town, looking at the trees, and the residents-and of course, thinking of Julia. I wonder what has happened to her, He thought; He remembered her as an unruly, decidedly unprincesslike young woman, who was always interested in Magic and later, PSI. Neil hadn't been recruited by the King and Queen to be her caretaker; He'd actually been a servant, usually cleaning Julia's room or tending the garden. But he'd become very good friends with Julia, and her parents did not object to it, so he had established himself as her caretaker. After all, she trusted him even more than anyone else, and moreso then her real caretaker (a man by the name of Destral de Foc, a man Julia nor Neil liked in the least-but we shall get to him later). That was one thing the King and Queen did wrong, Thought Neil. Destral de Foc, the most arrogant and hot-headed buffoon that Neil had ever had the displeasure of knowing, the pompous Destral who thought himself great because his mother had been a Mage and his Father a Psychic and as a result he had both Magic and PSI as well as a physical power, weapon ability, and knew Basic Alchemy? Destral de Foc, Known as The Axe of Fire to most everyone, the bloody executioner of the Royal Family?! Why in the world would they hire a man who wielded an axe almost as big as his body but not even half the size of his ego and used it to chop the heads off of criminals, and make him take care of such a young, innocent girl? It didn't matter-Destral did a bloody awful job of taking care of Julia. Neil covered for him usually, taking care of her and saying Destral had been taking care of her. Destral had promised Neil One Favor, though he had not yet used that favor. In recent years, Neil had told Destral that if he found Julia, that favor would be payed in full. But Neil knew that Destral wasn't looking for Julia. Neither was Drewno Lucznik, a fact Neil found surprising-Drewno was usually a very hardworking man who did as he was asked, even if he did not sound that way. By that I mean that Drewno tended...to taaaalk....like thiiiiis....as if he was in a dreamy, euphoric state every minute of his life. Neil knew that Destral was in one of the forests (he had not been able to tell which), chopping down trees for the fun of it and/or burning them (how wasteful! Neil always said), and Drewno was off in another forest (again, not being able to tell which one-but he knew they were not in the same forest together), practicing his archery and hopefully his PSI. Neil hoped Destral would be honing his skills; Destral, arrogant and rude as he was, had the potential to be the Royal Family's very strongest solider; after all, He wielded an axe, knew Magic, PSI, and Alchemy, and had the physical power of turning his body into fire (this ability honed by his learning alchemy); he had extreme potential. But Destral was not the kind of man who thought that way, sadly. His mind drifted back to Espada. The boy he had met earlier, at the library. He had been serious about going to defeat Kuupkay and finding Julia, and he was perhaps even serious about finding Drewno. Neil knew he would have to see John Espada once again.
  6. And I forgot The Call of Cthulu and In The Mountains of Madness, both by HP Lovecraft, on my too-read list. I've gone to every used bookstore in town and can't find either of those two books. I may have to look on eBay.
  7. -Tourette's Guy voice- UPDATE! Alright, so I finally just said "Screw it" and read a Stephen King novel for the first time. I didn't get scared, so now I'm addicted to him. I read The Shining and Pet Sematary already. The Shining kicked awesome, Pet Sematary was just OK, too sad for my tastes. I also finished Darwinism & Its Discontents, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, Dracula, Animal Farm, 1984, Oliver Twist, and the first two books in The Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide and The Restaurant at The End of The Universe) CURRENTLY READING: Misery-Stephen King Watership Down-Richard Adams Life, The Universe, and Everything-Douglas Adams (Third Hitchhiker's Book) Bleak House-Charles Dickens Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency-Douglas Adams Mark Twain Short Stories (The Mysterious Stranger <3) David Copperfield-Charles Dickens Edgar Allen Poe (Complete Works) Oscar Wilde (Complete Works) The Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1 The Stuff of Thought The I Ching How Mathematicians Think Einstein-Walter Isaacson (Really need to finish...) The Hobbit-JRR Tolkien The Mysterious Island-Jules Verne Books I have on standby (Books I own but can't read them either because I am reading too many books right now or because they are in a series): Dolores Claiborne-Stephen King Night Shift-Stephen King So Long and Thanks for All The Fish-Douglas Adams Mostly Harmless-Douglas Adams Journey to The Center of The Earth-Jules Verne Around the World in Eighty Days-Jules Verne Books I am going to read but do not own yet: A Clockwork Orange-Anthony Burgess 2001: A Space Odyssey-Arthur C. Clarke The Dark Tower books-Stephen King Nightmares & Dreamscapes-Stephen King The Neverending Story-Michael Ende Howl's Moving Castle-Diana Wynne Jones (I actually read about a quarter of it at the bookstore...) A Brief History of Time-Stephen Hawking The Graveyard Book-Neil Gaiman (Again, read about a quarter of it at the bookstore, very good so far because Neil Gaiman IS GOD) And The Watchmen, which I did start reading but don't own yet. Rorshach owns all your souls.
  8. Leguan shrugged off this nationality mix-up and decided the three of them should get to work. "But what of Edna?" Asked Cheesemaster-he had been saying that frequently lately, as he examined the airship. Edna walked up just beside him, and looked at him with big eyes. "I could use my PSI to send things up when you're working." Leguan gasped. "Zat iss exactly vat vyou can do!" Edna jumped for joy. "Yay! I can help!" Cheesemaster rubbed Edna's head, and then started to climb the airship so he could work on it. The craft was spherical, with two large portholes on either side-Leguan planned for the widows to become larger or smaller for passenger comfort-with a room inside. It was too have seats that could draw back into the craft for free exploration inside. There were to be at least three rooms-the passenger area, which had two large, comfortable areas for two passengers, a lavatory, and a cargo area. The passenger seats were just big enough and spaced out enough to be used as beds. Coming out of the top of the copper sphere were, of course, plenty of pipes where the steam would come out of. A few lamps were on top of it-some were to be gas lamps, some were to be steam lamps, and one emergency lamp was to be electric. A large steel pole came out of the top where a sail existed-just in case they wanted it. The craft was meant to be able to fly without sails, but Leguan had insisted. Cheesemaster was now on the very top of the craft, being instructed by Leguan and Alienfreak on what was to be done. The above description had been taken from Leguan's blueprint of the finished craft. "Ve still haff to make ze pole, and install some of ze lamps," He explained. "Vyou vuld be great for doing zat." Cheesemaster nodded, and after Edna gave him some tools and the lamps and machinery and got to work, while Alienfreak continued to work on the sail, and Leguan worked on the interior, getting the seats and lavatory ready and in working condition. The trio worked for many hours, with Edna occasionally using his PSI to weld things (with PSI Fire), or sending up snacks, until Cheesemaster exclaimed that he would have to get back to work. Leguan and Alienfreak were, of course, very upset by this. "Are vyou sure vyou can't stay lettle vile longer?" Asked Leguan as he sat on top of the craft. "I'm definitely sure not," Said Cheesemaster, after having changed back into his white shirt, sweater, and coat. "But, before I leave, I want to open this present Dawn gave to me." He sat down, and Edna trudged over to him, barely keeping himself up. He realized what a tire it had been for him to be using his PSI so much for the past few hours. Edna fell to the ground, and Cheesemaster ran over in concern; He knew that Edna had exerted too much brainpower. He should have known this would happen-Edna was unable to say no when Cheesemaster asked him to do something. He wanted to smack himself. Leguan and Alienfreak jumped down from the craft, and Alienfreak picked the child up and cradled him. "I'm a doctor, you know," She said almost pompously. "He needs some rest. Looks like you'll have to work your shoe-shine stand as well." "N-No," Stammered Edna weakly. "I-I can do it on my own..." "No, vyou can't," muttered Leguan, examining him. He smiled assuringly at Cheesemaster. "Ve'll take good care of him." Cheesemaster felt comforted by this fact, and sat down to open the box as the scientists took Edna to go rest on one of the beds of the boat. Inside of the box, there contained...objects, and a slip of paper. Among the objects were a telescope, a few more magnifying lenses, a sampling of coloured lenses (green, red, blue, yellow, brown, and a blackish shade probably used in sunglasses). He picked up the slip of paper, and read it, finally clearing up why this stuff was inside the box. Written on the paper, in neat, cursive handwriting and dark purple ink, was this: "Cheesie, I know that recently you've taken a liking to taking old things and building new things out of them. How very cool! It's very much like how Arkcher does his inventing, though he-well, he invents things, you just build your own versions of existing things. But either of those things is quite a talent. Anyhow, Sterling & I rummaged through our junk drawer and thought these things would look very cool on your glasses. Unfortunately when we arrived we saw someone had already given you some magnifying lenses. Maybe you can use ours as spares. Farewell for now, Dawn Rabbitt" Written below in messy cursive writing was "Sterling Rabbitt". Cheesemaster smiled, but knew he would have to wait until tonight to do any work; however, he was very, very excited about it. -------------------------------------- "I hope Mr. Cheesemaster liked the stuff we gave him," Said a worried-sounding Sterling as she walked down the great hallways of the Rabbitt Manor with Dawn, "After all it was just junk from the junk drawer." Dawn grinned at Sterling and picked her up. "Cheesie's a funny guy, Sterling. He loves to stay up at night working on a project-kind of like Arkcher, who refuses to sleep until he finishes an invention." "But that's impractical!" Interrupted Sterling. "If he's tired, he can't work as well!" "But they don't get tired," Said Dawn, "It's funny. After Arkcher finished Clean machine, from what Mushroom tells me he slept for a week." Sterling laughed. "Edna tells me that sometimes he wakes up in the morning to find Cheesie in bed, with a flashlight in one hand and a book in the other, his glasses still on, from staying up in bed all night reading." Sterling laughed. "That's odd." "Not in my opinion," Frowned Dawn. "Well, I at least hope he comes by to show us what he makes of the things we gave him." --------------------------------------- Later that night, Leguan invited Cheesemaster back over to his floating home-away-from-home to continue helping with the craft. Cheesemaster was happy-he enjoyed working on the craft very much-but he was also sad, as he would not be able to work with the new things Dawn and Sterling had given him. He decided that perhaps he could work with them at Leguan's house-he would have the proper tools to use, after all-and boxed up the objects, and then headed over to the boat. "Good evening, Leguan, Alienfreak," He said politely once he got there. "I hope Edna is alright." Leguan smiled. "He iss fine, don't vyou be vorrying about him," He said reassuringly. "He iss stil rezting though. Ve'll haff to get out things by ourzelves zis time." "Well, it's good to know he is alright." Leguan eyed the box Cheesemaster had with him. "Vat's zat?" Cheesemaster glanced at the box. "Oh, this? This is what Dawn got me for my birthday. A bunch of found objects for me to do whatever I want with." Leguan's eyes sparkled, and Alienfreak's probably did too, though you couldn't tell because of her headgear, as she did seem quite excited. "Let uss zee!!" Cried Leguan, and Cheesemaster opened up the box, showing the coloured lenses, the telescope, the extra magnifying lenses, as well as other things-there were also bands of leather that would make good goggle straps. But Cheesemaster couldn't wear goggles, due to his nearsightedness-and even if someone did make him a special pair of goggles with the good lenses and all, goggles were far too bulky for him. He preferred glasses. "Vyou could somehow make it so vyour spectacles could fit all of zese," Suggested Leguan. Cheesemaster laughed, but in a way so Leguan would not think he was teasing him. "I dunno how I'd attach a telescope to my glasses." "Vell, if vyou don't use any of zis, I'd be glad to use et," Said Leguan. "Come on zen, ve've got work to do. Ve're almost done." And almost done, they were; for by the time the clock struck 20:00 (as the region of Leguan as well as the Port of Cheese used Military time, as to be more comforting to the large amount of people whose countries or planets used military time standards), the ship looked like it was ready to fly. Leguan and Alienfreak were exhausted, but they refused to show it; the two of them were up and jumping in excitement. Their first flight would be tomorrow. "Hopefully Edna will be alright by then," Said Cheesemaster, worried. He slumped down on the ground, until Leguan picked him up. "Vat are vyou being so wery mopey about?! Zis is a time to be celebrating!!" And with that, He ran over to the miniature fridge that was on the ship, and pulled out an armful of beers with foreign labels. Cheesemaster waved his hands in protest. "L-Leguan, I'm too young-" "No, no, zese are for us. Ve veren't sure vat you may hev vanted for a drink." Cheesemaster thought for a moment. "A cup of tea would be nice..." "You got it!" Said Alienfreak finally, running over and into the boat's small kitchen. Leguan dragged over another seat for Cheesemaster to sit in, as well as a table so they could examine the various objects Dawn had found and given to him. Leguan lifted his goggles up from over his eyes to up on his head, and Cheesemaster carefully dumped out the objects. "Two lenses each of blue, yellow, red, brown, black, and green, four pairs of magnifying lenses, clips, rods, leather straps, a telescope, and teh rest of it looks like it needs to be thrown away," Announced Cheesemaster. Leguan examined their loot. "Vell, vat do vyou vant to keep?" He asked finally. Cheesemaster, too, examined the objects. He picked up the telescope. "This would be neat to have on my glasses," He said, "But it'd be kind of bulky-" "Not a problem," Said Leguan excitedly. "Fell how light et es." Cheesemaster nodded. "It is, but-" "I'll use it, zen." "But I already said I'd like to have something neat like this on my glasses." "Vut vyou have the magnifying glasses. Iss about as much vyou cen put on vyour glasses without zem falling of vyour face." "And that's something that's already a problem with me," Said Cheesemaster, as he pushed the glasses up his face. "Vell, let's put it aside zo ve cen think about et," Decided Leguan. He then arranged the coloured lenses in a row. "How avout zese?" Cheesemaster picked up a red lens and looked through it. He then took off his glasses and placed two of them over his eyes. "Not sure I can use these, unless I had them modified so I could put them in my glasses. Besides, it would be kind of a pain to switch 'em out." "Zen I'll have zem," Said Leguan. He took off his glasses, popped out the clear lenses, and put in the red lenses. He blinked and looked around. "Vow, iss like being a robot," he said, and then tested the rest of the lenses before switching back to clear. "Very nice," He said triumphantly. "And finally, these," Said Cheesemaster, as he took the magnifying lenses. "I already have some, so you can have those." He said, tapping the clipped-on magnifying lenses Leguan had made for him. "Vell, vell, zen! Zat saves me the trouble of heving to make zome for myzelf. Danke, danke!" Leguan took out the rods and clips, and within a matter of moments had a brand-new set of clip-on magnifiers attached to his own set of goggles. "You should get a laser system hooked up into your goggles, too, Leguan," Said Alienfreak, coming back with a tray that had a teapot and cup on it, and set it down on the coffee-table next to the beers. "Thank you," Said Cheesemaster, taking it and drinking it. Alienfreak peeked over to see what the boys had been doing while she was in the kitchen. "Oh, is that the stuff that girl gave you yesterday as a present?" She asked. Cheesemaster nodded. "He's alvready given zu to me," Said Leguan, tapping his magnifying lenses and colored lenses (which were in his shirt-pocket). "I think I'll go ahead and take the telescope. After all-" he said, taking another drink of his tea, and then adjusting his glasses, "Any good gentleman accepts the gifts he is given." "How wise," Said Alienfreak, popping open a beer and drinking it. Leguan stared at Cheesemaster for a long time, making him very uneasy. After a long time, Cheesemaster leaned a few inches backward in his seat, and stuttered, "W-What is it?" Leguan placed his fist under his chin, and moved his head to the other side. "Vyou know, Amara, he is a great deal more respectable-looking zen any certain snobby rich zexist prozcutors could ever hope to be," He said blankly. "J-Jakob, you mean?" Cheesemaster stammered again. He looked embarrassed but sounded flattered. Leguan nodded. "Vyou act a great deal more respectable zen him, too," Said Leguan. Alienfreak nodded in agreement, and then added, "Well, it's not really that difficult to be more respectable then Jakob Rabbitt." Leguan laughed, and then popped open a beer of his own and started to drink. "In fact, he iss quite a bit more respectable zen mozt people I haff met." Cheesemaster had already been blushing, but now his glasses were fogging up-something that only happened when he was REALLY embarrassed. "Stop it, you two...when my glasses fog up like this they get hard to clean." "Zen take zem off." Cheesemaster did so, and made sure to hold onto them. He couldn't see worth anything without them on-even nearby objects were rather difficult to see-and he took out his handkerchief and started to clean the fog off of them. "Vy do vyou wear zose anyvey?" Questioned Leguan, who had finished his first beer and was beginning his second one. "Because I can't see well without them." Leguan let out a half-sigh, half-giggle. "No, no, zat iss not vat I meant." Alienfreak giggled. "He's nearsighted-" She said, and turning to Cheesemaster, "Aren't you?" He nodded, and then his eyes went wide. "How did you know that?" She smiled, but it wasn't a friendly smile. "I would say I was stalking you and I found it out from your optical reports, but I'd be lying. I found out by the way the lenses are curved." "How wery obzervant," Muttered Leguan. ---------------------------------------- The night passed with Cheesemaster having drank his cup of tea, Alienfreak having drank about two beers, and Leguan about four. It was the most either of the scientists had ever drank in their lives-usually they only had about one, two for Leguan. But this had been a special occasion, so they drank more than usual. But not as much as Kat ever drank. Even so, Leguan woke up that morning with a hangover, and became incredibly worried that this along with Edna being tired (though he should be well know, he thought after his mind woke up) might postpone today's maiden voyage of their airship. He called Kat, who was still in town, and borrowed some of her hangover pills (she hadn't needed them for some time due to her body having become used to the frequent drinking, so she gave the whole bottle to Leguan should this ever happen again-he doubted it), and as thanks, he invited her to also come along for a ride in the ship and later come with them onto the train to another town (They decided they would go to Hindenburg, a town to the Southeast of The Port), a prospect she was quite excited about. Edna woke up in an unfamiliar bed, in an unfamiliar room with copper-looking walls; upon closer inspection, they were, indeed, copper walls. He didn't remember much-just having helped the scientists and Mr. Cheesemaster, using his PSI to lift up tools to them when they were up on top of the airship they were making, and carrying a box to Mr. Cheesemaster, and then fainting. He wasn't home, he knew. Cheesemaster woke up on the couch in Leguan's airship. He put on his glasses right away (the glasses now had the telescope in a detachable format-he'd stayed up for an hour modifying it so it wasn't too heavy on his spectacles), and was relieved to find out the telescope and magnifiers together were still light enough for his glasses to be wearable and not too heavy. He rose out of bed, brushed his hair and teeth, and put on his suspenders and cap (oh, and shoes too) and went into the kitchen of the boat, where he found Alienfreak and Leguan. Leguan was the one cooking (The two of them took turns). Edna stumbled in as well, and he and Cheesemaster exchanged a long hug and a round of "I'm so glad you're OK"s before sitting down to talk with Alienfreak about the plans for the day. "Vell, I invited vour friend Kat to come along wiff us ven we ride the craft, and ven ve go to ze city Hindenburg," He announced. "That'll make it interesting," Mumbled Alienfreak. "Anyhow, I checked the ship this morning to make sure it's OK for take-off. How and where are we going to fly it?" Everyone thought for a moment before Cheesemaster suggested the large field near The Rabbitt Manor. It was large, wide, and smooth too-not a whole lot of hills to crash into. Though they would have to be wary of The Rabbitt Manor. Everyone decided this was a good idea. -------------------------------------- The group rode the boat out to the beach area near the Rabbitt Manor, so that taking the craft out would not attract as much attention from Townfolk, as well as having less distance to have to carry it. Leguan and Alienfreak, with help from Cheesemaster ("Our small friend vill haff to abstain from helping uss today," Said Leguan when Edna asked to help too), until they had it in the middle of the field. They gently dropped it on the ground, and Leguan and Alienfreak decided to test it first. The two of them would fly the craft to make sure it was safe, and then Leguan would take Cheesemaster and Edna along for a ride. (Edna was just small enough that he could break the three-person limit.) Leguan put his goggles over his eyes, and warned the boys to stay back; Cheesemaster and Edna complied, and sat on the grass far enough so they would be safe, but just close enough for them to watch the craft. But they weren't the only ones watching the craft-a certain snobby rich British sexist prosecutor was also watching the craft about to take off from the windows of the large, scary-looking mansion nearby. And he was most certainly not pleased. [hmm. looks like I've been reading too much Douglas Adams and Stephen King stuff lately, because when I read this chapter it reminds me of their books.]
  9. I want to be listening to Pandora, so I have something to listen to as I write the next chapter of Invision, but then my computer becomes so slow and the cursor so manic it's impossible to do so.
  10. Granted, but you will have to move to New York City and either take the subway or walk. I wish that TBFOF would put me in his pocket and take me to Paris with him. Granted, but you won't be able to get out of the pocket once you're there. I wish I could have another ride tomorrow. Granted, but you will have to start riding at 06H00 and cannot get off until 18H00 that evening. I wish summer was here. Granted, but then it will be so horrifyingly hot outside that you step outside and you turn into bacon meat, or in your case fried hamster, or in my case a brownie brownie. invision references lol. I wish I could go back to iTunes 7.7.1, because version 8 is full of bugs.
  11. Jakob Rabbitt huffed as he ran back to his Mansion, as Leguan grit his teeth in anger. "Zat man," He muttered, looking at Alienfreak, "Hass no rvright to be talking to vyou in such a manner." "It's alright, OK? It's...it's nothing..." "He's just stuck in an outdated state of mind," Said Cheesemaster, as he adjusted his glasses and happened to glance at the front of the newspaper he was carrying. The headline was nothing particularly interesting, so he flipped through it a bit, and gasped. "Leguan, Leguan! Alienfreak! Edna!! Come here!!!" The two scientists and the chimney sweep rushed over to see what was the matter. Cheesemaster took the paper, folded part of it back, and showed them a large poster that took up an entire page: "WANTED: Kat Dacatis ONE MILLION DIEMS (One Billion H$) FOR SYNDICATED CRIME, THEFT, ARSON, VANDALISM, UNDERAGE DRUNKENNESS, INTOXICATION, DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED, PIRACY, AND UNREGISTERED TIME TRAVEL" In between the enormous "WANTED" and their friend's name was a photograph of Kat herself, with her monocle in her fingers waving it back and forth as she grasped her fedora. "Kat is Wanted?!" He gasped, barely being able to keep his glasses on from the surprise. "For one billion Hamster Dollars! Not sure what Diems are." "That's the currency of Usyooki, the country Kat is from on the planet Ribude." Explained Alienfreak. "But I had no idea...I-I knew she had a Mafia. But I didn't know they actually...you know, did anything." Cheesemaster folded the paper back up. "I-I wonder if she even knows," He stuttered. He wasn't about to tell the three of them that he, too, was a member of the Kat Mafia. ------------------------------------ "Hello, my fellow Mafia!" Said Kat as she sat in the darkest room of the basement of the basement of the KatCave which was in the basement of Fried Dragon Palace. "We have a lot to do today!" Kat then took roll, and everyone was there...save for Cheesemaster and The Grim Hamster Lord, though the latter had said he would be late for unknown reasons. But Cheesemaster had not said anything about an absence. This made her intensely curious. Kat spun around in her spinny chair of doom, and then announced, "Where is the one made of cheese?" The rest of the Mafia looked around and noticed for the first time that Cheesemaster was indeed missing. Whispers began to go around about where he could possibly be. "He would warn Don if he was too busy to come..." Whispered Hamster Lover to MK, who was more worried then anyone. It was then that the fax machine, which was still there (Kat had considered trashing it, but Arkcher's plan of Stick-Figure faxing worked so well she kept it), got a new message; Kat rolled her Spinny Chair of Doom over to the fax machine, and rolled back over, and placed the paper on the time; all that had come out of the machine was the exact Wanted Poster that had appeared in the Newspaper that morning "WANTED: Kat Dacatis ONE MILLION DIEMS (One Billion H$) FOR SYNDICATED CRIME, THEFT, ARSON, VANDALISM, UNDERAGE DRUNKENNESS, INTOXICATION, DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED, PIRACY, AND UNREGISTERED TIME TRAVEL" Kat was silent for a few moments, staring blankly at the poster as the others gasped. After what seemed like hours of no talking, Kat opened her mouth to say something. "I don't remember ever stealing stuff." The rest of the group fell to the floor. MK gulped and reminded her, "I think it's for when you forget to pay for your drinks at Planet Horatio," She mumbled. "Ohhhhhh," Said Kat, and stared at the poster longer. "I don't remember ever having this picture taken, either." "YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT EVERYTHING ELSE EXCEPT THE FACT THAT YOU'RE WANTED FOR A BILLION H$!!!" "Oh, that. I almost forgot. Yea, that kinda sucks. By the way, it was Cheesemaster who sent this to me." "No wonder he didn't come today! He was to worried about being caught!" Said Mushroom, worried. The only person who didn't seem worried was The Grim Hamster Lord; but then again, he was a wanted Man (Phoenix?) beforehand, so he was used to this sort of deal. But the others had never been Wanted for Money before-they'd just been considered ne'er-do-wells by the Police and Government, and a friend to most everyone; after all, only Kat and TGHL had ever publicly announced they were in the Mafia. TGHL touted his membership as a badge, while Kat had revealed herself...well, to put it simply, she had once had a giant sign over their Headquarters that said "Secret Mafia Meeting Place", and when the Police asked if she was in the Mafia, she bluntly said Yes. She had also posted on her Online Blog in very large letters "I AM IN THE MAFIA", and oftentimes shouted it in public. 100% of people believed she was just being silly, until her Mafia did the infamous Cookie Shoot-Out, and when the Stick Figures were faxed to the rival mafias in the area (there were rival mafias of little-known Invisionists and Native Invisionists); rumors say she had even ordered her Mafia to kill rivals. But Kat had never been the killing type, so these rumors are likely unfounded. "What are we gonna do?!" Panicked Vixen, Wildcat, and Hamster Lover. They were certainly not prepared for this. Kat did nothing, while TGHL leaned back in his chair nonchalantly-or at least leaned back as well as a phoenix can. "Uh...I don't know." Said Kat, to which the rest of them gasped at her. "WE CAN'T SIT HERE DOING NOTHING," Said everyone. "Yes we can," Said Grim. "When you become wanted by the government...that bounty's never goin' away-unless you suddenly stop." The rest of them gasped. Kat laughed. "THIS IS NO TIME TO BE LAUGHING!!!" "This is awesome! Everyone is finally recognizing my genius and that I am not just a schizo!" She said, as her eye twitched. She raised her paws, which-for the first time the rest of them had ever seen-had the claws out, and she began to giggle like a madman; her giggles then graduated into a laugh, which erupted into a roar of insane laughter. And, just as suddenly as it began, it stopped. Everyone stared at her. "Sorry, I had a moment there..." She muttered. "Now, onto business..." ----------------------------------- Back at the Port of Cheese, Cheesemaster had gone to the Post Office and borrowed a spare fax machine so he could send the Wanted Poster to Kat. Unfortunately, he wouldn't be attending today's Mafia Meeting; it was far too dangerous, and he was far too frightened. When the others asked, he replied by saying he was worried for her safety; which he was, but he was, to a lesser extent, worried about himself and his well-being. Of course he showed no sign that he had been a member of her Mafia; other then that he attended the meetings almost always. Today was the first time he would be missing one. He looked over at Leguan and Alienfreak, who both seemed surprised. Leguan folded his arms, smiled nervously, and said, "If zere iss anything ve can do to help vyour friend, ve'll be glad to do et." Cheesemaster smiled back at him. "T-Thanks. I think all you can do for now, is that you two work on getting your ship here. We have to focus on what we were originally doing; besides, knowing Kat (and Grim) they'll work it out, the two of them," He said. The four of them walked out of the Post Office, and Cheesemaster realized he and Edna needed to get back to work as quickly as possible; Cheesemaster went into the Paper Shop and bought another stack of papers, and Edna fetched his shoe polish and cloth, and they returned to the street corner and stoop where the two of them lived and worked. Leguan and Alienfreak sat down on a small ledge near Edna, resting before they left to retrieve their airship. The two scientists would talk among themselves occasionally, but Cheesemaster and Edna were too busy to say anything; that is, until Leguan shouted something to him. "...Aren't vyou getting more people to try and find her by selling ze papers with her Wanted Poster in et?" He said. Alienfreak looked over at him, and Edna gasped. Cheesemaster turned around and smiled at them. "I'm way ahead of you guys," He said. "I removed the poster from each paper. There weren't any articles on the pages, so I don't have to worry about-" "HEY!!!" Came a voice, and a nameless Invisionist came up to him, holding the paper. "I'll let you know that I counted every page of this paper! A page is missing!" Cheesemaster did his best fake-confusion (which he was quite good at), and replied, "Really? Must be a print mistake. I didn't notice it at all. I don't read the paper." "A newsboy who doesn't read the newspaper?" "It happens." The stranger gave a muffled "Whatever..." and walked away. Time passed, and eventually Leguan and Alienfreak decided it was best to head back to their home island and get the airship, and bring it back to the Port of Cheese so Cheesemaster could help them build it. "Ve should have et here by tomorrow," Said Leguan, as he and Alienfreak boarded a boat headed straight for the island Leguan. Cheesemaster and Edna decided to head home for the night. ------------------------------------------ "Alright, Edna! Tonight is a special night. I've whipped up a batch of my personal favorite food..." He spun around and held a small tray with six odd white triangles with black rectangles on them, with a side of some noodles and chopsticks. "ONIGIRI AND RAMEN!!!" He shouted, excited, and Edna gasped loudly. There was a long pause, and Edna said, "What's that?" Cheesemaster nearly fell to the floor, and set out a tray for Edna, and then sat down with his own. "Rice Balls and Ramen Noodles," He explained, "Try it." Edna fumbled with his chopsticks, becoming frustrated; he was only more enraged when he saw Cheesemaster holding his own chopsticks perfectly and was eating with them. Edna went back to trying; eventually, Cheesemaster glanced up at him, with a hopeless look on his face, and silently showed Edna the correct way to eat with them. He then sighed, as Edna still was not able to use them, and reached over for a fork. "Thank you," Said Edna, as he dove right into it. He pointed to the rice balls; "I can eat these with my hands, right?" Cheesemaster nodded. The two were silent for a while, before Edna piped up, "So Mr. Leguan and Ms. Alienfreak aren't married?" Cheesemaster shook his head. "And they really hate it when people think they are." Edna sighed, and then popped his head up. "But they live in the same house and sleep in the same room!" "Edna," Muttered Cheesemaster, "Don't say things like that." "OK, fine..." He said, a tad reluctantly. "I understand." "That's good," Said Cheesemaster, as he gathered up the two trays and set them in the dishwasher. "It's like me and Mushroom-" "It isn't!" Yelled Edna. "Mr. Leguan and Miss Alienfreak aren't in love. But you're in love with Mrs. Mushroom." Cheesemaster heaved. "Edna, what did I say about that?!" He said, turning his head around. Edna gasped-he had never seemed so angry in the entire time he had known him. "E-Edna...For the last time. I'll tell you for the last time." He turned and faced Edna, his head hung low and his eyes peering at Edna over the rims of his glasses. "I'm. Not. In Love. With Mushroom." Edna whimpered. "Y-Yes, Sir!!" He said. Cheesemaster held his head up all the way; his eyes grew wide, as he watched Edna sit there, whimpering. He was scaring him. Suddenly, he wrapped his arms around himself, and his expression became more awkward and nervous. "E-Edna...I'm sorry if I scared you..." He said, sounding genuinely sorry. He adjusted his glasses, and decided it was best to go to bed. Edna got up and ran off without even so much as a good-night. ------------------------------------------ The next morning, Edna was unusually quiet during breakfast. Whenever Cheesemaster tried to talk to him, he did not nod, or even make any audible noise. This, obviously, greatly worried him-and Cheesemaster became upset eventually. "I said I was sorry," He whispered as he took the plates and set them in the dishwasher to be cleaned. "I-I wasn't thinking very well..." Edna looked up at him, his eyes covered by his curly hair and cap, but he said nothing. Cheesemaster thought for a moment. "How about this. Once Leguan brings his airship over, and once it gets finished, not only will he take you for a ride in it, but we can ride on the steam train as well." Edna gasped, and his eyes returned to their normal sparkle. "You really mean it?!" Cheesemaster rubbed his hair underneath the cap. "Of course I mean it," He giggled. "Now come on. We have to get to work." Edna jumped out of his chair. "I'm sorry I got so scared." "No, no. I should be saying I'm sorry. I'm sorry I scared you." "It's OK," Said Edna, as the two walked outside and started to work. ------------------------------------------- Leguan and Alienfreak were on one of their steam-powered boats, though a different one this time as to make room for the airship as well as tools in which to work on the ship with. They had, with the help of some friends, lifted the object into the ship. Even though it was not a big airship, it was still too heavy for two people who were not very strong at all. But they did eventually succeed in getting the airship aboard, and were finally able to set sail. They wanted to work on the airship while they were sailing, but being unable to, due to the waves which were stronger today, and they didn't want to even risk making a mistake. So they would only be able to wait until they got to town, so they decided it was best to chat. "Amara, haff vyou ever been to the Port of Cheese before ve vent zis time?" She shook her head. "No, I'd never been to a whole lot of other cities." "Vell," Said Leguan, holding a book about the continent of Swissconsin, the country where the Port of Cheese was located, "From vat I hear, it's a town wery much like our own continent a zentury or two ago! From vat I hear, they still uze steam trainss and ewerysing! And I hear zat ewery zo often, vyou cen zee de Rabbitt family in their carriage on ze vay to ze Opera." Alienfreak gasped. "My God! That is amazing!" "Ze other cities, from vat I hear, are just as amazing." "Perhaps we could take the train to those other cities!" Leguan nodded. "Perhaps." -------------------------------- At the Port of Cheese, Cheesemaster and Edna had just begun to work when Cheesemaster noticed a box on the stoop. He recognized it as the present Dawn had had yesterday; he took it back inside so he could open it a bit later. He rolled out a paper to hold and put the rest in a stack next to him, per usual. He was surprised to see no Wanted Poster in today's edition when he flipped through. Today's headline was instead focused on how Shirley Locke hadn't yet caught Vlad Tepes, but had found another vampire who may have helped, and had defeated him. Well, it was different. Cheesemaster clutched the pocketwatch and notebook in his breast pocket. He couldn't risk having it stolen by Jakob again. He wondered when Leguan and Alienfreak were going to get to town. Soon, hopefully... "Mr. Cheesemaster!" Cried Edna from behind. He sounded like he was crying, so Cheesemaster turned around and saw Edna looking into a big pot of soil that sat outside. They had no idea who it belonged to and only assumed it belonged to a neighbor or a business. "What's wrong?" He asked as he walked over. Edna pointed to a small pink object in the pot. "A baby birdie is in the pot..." Cheesemaster adjusted his glasses and looked; indeed, it was a baby bird. He saw around the fragments of a white shell. He frowned sadly, and looked up on the rooftops. "It must have fallen out of its nest..." He said quietly. He leaned down, grabbed some soil, and rubbed it over the baby bird. Edna's eyes began to well up. "I'll bet his mommy is wondering where he went," He sobbed, and Cheesemaster patted his back. "There, there, now. It's all better. I buried him in the soil." He smiled at Edna, though he still had sadness in his eyes. "It's OK now." The moment was thankfully ended when they heard someone shouting from farther away. The two turned around to see Leguan and Alienfreak running towards them. "Look, there they are now!" And so they were-Leguan and Alienfreak ran over to them, and Cheesemaster stood back up, folding the paper underneath his arm. The two scientists were out of breath. "Ve have ze airship," Said Leguan proudly, "Et is on ze boat." Cheesemaster looked happy, and then he explained to Leguan about the steam train in the town. The two became very excited about it. "A steam train?!" Exclaimed Alienfreak, "By Joe! A real steam-powered train, the way it should be!" Cheesemaster nodded, and Leguan began to speak when they were suddenly interrupted by someone screaming, "DID SOMEONE SAY SPRAY-ON PANCAKES?!" Guess who it was. Come on, Guess. Kat Dacatis had arrived on the scene, surprising Leguan and Alienfreak (who may or may not have ever met her before), and Leguan again began to speak. "So vyou zee, um...I vas thinking-" Kat screamed. "A MAN WITH A GERMAN ACCENT!!! I'M TERRIFIED OF MEN WITH GERMAN ACCENTS! GO BACK TO RUSSIA!!!" She said, and was about to assume the fetal position when she suddenly remembered why she came over there in the first place. "So, uh, where's the Spray-On Pancakes?" Cheesemaster seemed confused. "There are none," He said timidly. Kat began to have a tantrum. "WHAT?! You're kidding, right?! They have spray-on Viagra, which has been doing wonders for my hair by the way, but NO SPRAY ON PANCAKES?!" Cheesemaster shook his head. "Not even spray-on waffles or bacon?" He shook his head. Kat sighed, and her ears fell flat on her head. "At least I still have bacon-flavored dental floss," She moaned-she sounded genuinely upset. Cheesemaster patted her on the back. "It's OK," He said reassuringly, "Maybe me, Arkcher, and these two can help with your breakfast predicament." Kat shook her head. "Only Willy Wonka could make Spray-On Breakfast," She whimpered. Edna giggled. "Maybe if you find a Golden Ticket, you can ask him to make it for you." Kat grinned in triumph. "Yes! Yes! I'll be Violet Beauregaurde! Cheesemaster can be Charlie Bucket!" "Are you suggesting I'm poor?" Said an offended-sounding Cheesemaster. "No. But I am suggesting that Willy Wonka can help me make spray-on breakfast, just like he made Cheese People." Cheesemaster's glasses nearly tumbled off his face at this. "You think Willy Wonka made me?!" She nodded. "He was British, right? Only the British could make something like a Cheese Person and be serious about it. That's why they're British. To make weird friggin comedy sketches and try to take over the world. And solve puzzles." Alienfreak clutched her head. "All these pop culture references are giving me a headache," She moaned. Cheesemaster, showing concern (for a good gentleman must ALWAYS help a lady, or anyone else, should they be feeling unwell in any way.), but she kept saying she was alright. Kat sighed. "Well, seeing as there's no Spray-On Bacon or waffles or pancakes here, I might as well leave. But before I do I'm going to go into your house and use your restroom," She announced to the world. After being wished good luck, she went inside Cheesemaster's house. -------------------------------------- "WORTHLESS BEING!!!!" Shouted an enormous, horned beast covered in flame and blood, "WHAT BRINGS YOU TO MY LAIR?" Kat glanced up at the monster. "I was on my way to the bathroom and I got lost." The monster seemed confused. "YOU ENDED UP IN THE 10TH LEVEL OF H--- WHILE IN YOUR OWN HOUSE?" "My friend's house, actually. But this didn't happen because it was my friend's house. Just last week I was on my way to the kitchen to get myself a snack, I got lost, and I somehow entered another dimension. Another time, I was in my laundry room looking for my lost sock, when I learned that Narnia exists in my Dryer. Or this other time when...Say, H--- doesn't happen to have a bathroom, does it?" The demon shook its head. "NO. IT IS H---, AFTER ALL." --------------------------------------- "I wonder what's taking her so long?" Said a concerned Cheesemaster. Leguan and Alienfreak had decided to work on the ship while they waited for Cheesemaster's break. Edna shrugged his shoulders, and Cheesemaster sighed. "She probably got lost. I knew I should have drawn her a map. There's a little spot in the kitchen where Time and Space don't exist, she needs to watch out for it." He said very nonchalantly. He suddenly wondered what was inside the box Dawn had given him-and he decided that it might be good to visit the Rabbitts later, to properly thank her, and also because Edna had said he wanted to play with Rick and Sterling. The hours passed slowly, as he was very bored; but he was extremely happy when the break time finally rolled around, and went inside to grab the box, gathered Edna, and ran as fast as he could towards the harbor. --------------------------------------- "Leguan! Alienfreak!" Shouted Cheesemaster once he found the steamboat. He knew it was Leguan's by the copper exterior, visible gears and clockwork, and pipes emitting steam, and went inside. "I'm here," He shouted, with Edna repeating him right after. "We're here to help you out!!" Leguan appeared, covered in grease, stains, and burns. "Oh, zalutationss! Iss about time vyou showed up. Follow me," He said, motioning for the boys to follow him. They did so, and were lead into a medium-sized room where the airship was located and Alienfreak, whose lab coat was even more stained then Leguan's clothing. Cheesemaster became mildly worried, as Leguan's clothes were quite fancy, but Leguan assured him that he had at least eight other bottle-green vests and pants, cream-colored shirts, and boots. Cheesemaster himself became very worried suddenly about the state of his clothing, causing Edna to giggle. "Mr. Cheesemaster, a few months back, you didn't mind if you got ashes on your coat! Why are you so worried now?" "Because ashes are black and my coat was black." "But the airplane's oil is brown and your coat and shorts are brown! Socks, too." Stated Edna. "But my sweater is blue," He said, grabbing the edges and extending it so he could look. "And my shirt underneath is white, which is even more susceptible to getting stains on it." "Vell zen! Amara has a brown shirt should vyou need et." Alienfreak looked up at the mention of her name. "All my clothes are too big, if you're worried about wearing a woman's clothes." Cheesemaster decided it was best, as he didn't want his favorite sweater stained. ---------------------------------------- Cheesemaster came back from a changing-room on the ship wearing his brown shorts, a neat shirt the color of oil. It matched his shorts and suspenders and hat. Alienfreak looked at him curiously. "What, is brown your favorite color or something?" She asked. he shook his head. "Blue, actually. But too much blue is far too eye-catching, and due to the nature of my, er..." "Your being made of cheese," Said Alienfreak. He nodded. "That attracts enough attention as is." It was then that Kat showed up, even though she didn't even need to be there. Cheesemaster looked at her, confused, and asked her, "What took you so long?" Kat stared at him. "I was on my way to the bathroom when I stepped into the Tenth Level of H---." There was a long silence. "Does this happen...um, often?" Asked Alienfreak. Kat nodded yes, and by chance laid her eyes on Leguan, and screamed. "AHHHHH!!! THE SCARY RUSSIAN FRENCHMAN!!!" She yelled as she ran out of the ship. Leguan huffed. "Deutschland, actually..." He murmured.
  12. Only Time-Enya. Yet another song made infinitely more hilarious thanks to YTMND.
  13. yeah, that was cute... *gets sucked down the vortex of humans, hamsters and cars of youtube...* You tube... what a great place to go for all sorts of entertainment. YTMND is also a good site for entertainment, but a lot of the funny may be lost on most folks.
  14. Lord of The Flies is the single most disturbing book I've ever read in my whole life. Gaaaah, I still can't get over the fact that everything that happened could have been avoided, too, had the fire they had not gone out that one time. Ugggh. Even reading Orwell doesn't have this effect on me. Animal Farm was awesome, and 1984 is good, but not disturbing. 1984 is creepy, but doesn't qualify as Nightmare Fuel for me.
  15. <5 don't worry, only 20% or less of the stories posted here actually get finished. and im no exception to this. seriously i think invision is the only story that's really lasting right now and boy is it lasting i kind of never want it to end, i have to be honest U: [Whenever I think of Invision ending, I become sad because then I realize I only have ADRPG and possibly Giza in terms of novels.] [unless I write spin-offs, which is EXTREMELY likely because I enjoy writing about Invision so much.]
  16. You know, looking at the picture again... You look EXACTLY like my friend Forest. EXACTLY. LIKE HIM. The ONLY difference is the hairstyle, and I can see the possibility for Forest's hair in yours.
  17. I could too. I do, with the right jacket and splattering of red liquid that is ketchup and not Paris Hilton's blood, of course. Of course.
  18. Leguan turned around and looked at him for a moment. "Vyou know...zat's not such a bad idea." "But Leguan-" Stammered Alienfreak, "If...If we transport the ship all the way here, where are we going to put it? There's not even enough room on the ship for it..." Leguan looked at her reassuringly. "Don't vorry so much. Ve can get it here, trust me!" She looked at him in confusion, but decided he did know what he was doing. The two were about to go back home to get the ship when they heard a loud crash behind them. Kat had run into Cheesemaster, knocking him, his newspapers, and the contents of his shirt pocket to the ground. His brand new pocketwatch did not travel far, but a small notebook did. "Kat...what the #### are you doing?" "I'm running from the purpleish-greenish Sugar Glider living inside an alternate dimension inside my microwave," She explained with a completely straight face. Cheesemaster stacked up his newspapers, grabbed his pocket watch, and then looked around. "M-My notebook!" He gasped, looking around for it. "Mr. Cheesemaster's notebook!" Shouted Edna, who was now frightened and looking around everywhere. "Where is it?! It's very important to him!!" Leguan and Alienfreak joined the search for this notebook, which took them some time before Cheesemaster finally noticed his small, black notebook, covered in dirt from the ground and slathered in tape, staples, and oil stains. He was about to grab it when a black shoe fell upon it, and when he looked up, he saw it was, who else, Jakob Rabbitt. "G-Get off my notebook!!" He muttered, but Jakob only ignored him, and picked up the notebook off the ground before Cheesemaster could grab it. Jakob clutched the object in his hand and flipped through the pages. Cheesemaster stood up and tried to pry it out of his hands, but Jakob was too tall. His teeth gritted together as he read more of the notebook. "Give that back!! That's private property!" Jakob ignored him as he continued reading the book, and after several minutes of pleading, he shut the notebook and closed his eyes, gritting his teeth as his mouth twitched, and he opened his eyes and stared at it. "Heathen," He whispered, to which Cheesemaster's eyes grew wide. Suddenly, Jakob began to walk off-with his notebook in hand. "Where do you think you're going with my notebook?!" Shouted Cheesemaster as he chased Jakob and tried to pry his notebook out of his hands. Jakob shoved Cheesemaster off, though he didn't knock him to the ground. "I'm going to burn it," He said nonchalantly. Cheesemaster gasped. "You wouldn't!-" "I would," He said. His voice was incredibly monotone, as was his expression. "Give that back! It isn't yours to burn!" "It's nothing but heathen writing," He muttered, flipping through the pages. "Science...Inventions...Why don't you spend your time doing something a bit more practical?" He said, his voice suddenly getting angrier. Jakob was suddenly stopped by Leguan and Alienfreak, who blocked his path home. "Give zat back!" Shouted Leguan, and Jakob laughed to himself. "Oh my, it's the Frenchman! Or was he Russian?" "Deutschland, actually," He said, narrowing his eyes. "Well, I couldn't tell by that accent of yours!" Said Jakob, as he laughed mockingly. He then looked over at Alienfreak. "And the Chemist. I can't believe they let a woman become one, their minds are far too delicate to be-" A huge BONK was suddenly heard, and Jakob was flung to the ground. The notebook toppled out of his hand, and Cheesemaster swiped it off the ground as quickly as possible, and then leaned over his body, asking if he was alright. "GET THE #### OFF OF ME," He shouted, quickly standing up and brushing his clothes. He looked around and then grabbed Cheesemaster by his shirt collar. "You knocked me down, didn't you?!" He screamed, enraged. "DIDN'T YOU?!" "N-No, Sir," Said Cheesemaster, trying to wriggle his way out of Jakob's grasp. He began stuttering and gasping for air, as Jakob began trying to one-handedly choke him. "Y-You were struck from the side, and I was behind you this whole time." "You liar," Whispered Jakob, before he was struck again, effectively dropping Cheesemaster and further confusing everyone. Jakob spun around and looked at the scientists, and grabbed them both. "ONE OF YOU TWO," He yelled, "ONE OF YOU KEEPS ATTACKING ME." "Vut, Mester Kaninchen-" "SPEAK ENGLISH, YOU BLOODY FOOL!!!" "Vut Mester Rabbitt, vyou were struck from de side again, from ze left-hand zide. Ve were on vyour right-hand zide." Jakob cackled insanely. "Say that again. Your ridiculous accent makes it hard to understan-" Again, Jakob was hit, from the front this time, so no one could be blamed. He was about to fall backwards when he was caught by Cheesemaster. When Jakob realized who caught him, he bolted backwards, his hands held in front of him as if in defense. "I SAID DON'T TOUCH ME, NEWSIE," He yelled through gritted teeth. "I only stopped your fall," Mumbled Cheesemaster. "Would you prefer your clothes had gotten dirty?" "Hmph, like someone such as yourself would care if he got dirty or not." Cheesemaster sighed and folded his arms, apparently ignoring him. "A good gentleman must always try to appear his best at all times, which includes his clothes being clean." Jakob was genuinely astonished by this sudden statement, but had no time to react as he saw Edna out of the corner of his eye. His mind suddenly flashed back to when he had been sent flying across the room back at the Manor. That **** orphan! He though, He has some freakish power...he must be the one hitting me! He then lunged for him, easily lifting him into the air. "IT WAS YOU!! THE ONE HITTING ME!!! You're using your freak power to hit me, aren't you?!" "Stop that!!!" Shouted Cheesemaster, running over and snatching Edna out of Jakob's firm grasp with no effort at all. Jakob, again, was genuinely surprised by this, as next to no one had ever torn something from his grasp before. "Edna isn't doing anything! Besides, it's not a 'freak power', it's PSI! Get it right!" "PSI, Freak Powers, they're the same **** pagan powers." "I'm not a Pagan! I was raised as a Christian by my orphanage!" shouted Edna. Jakob chuckled meanly, while saying. "They obviously didn't do such a good job of it, eh? Besides, you're being raised by a heathen..." Another blow struck Jakob. "STOP MAKING FUN OF HIM!!!!" Shouted Edna, who was extremely upset by now as Cheesemaster tried, and failed, to calm him down. "See?!" Said Jakob, pointing accusingly at Edna as his eyes took on a crazed look. "When he got upset, I got attacked. It's completely obvious..." "Now, Now, Jakob..." Came the soft, almost whisper-like voice of Dawn Rabbitt. In her hand was a small box, and by her side was Sterling. "I think you've have enough of harassing people for today." "Dawn, what the hel..." He said, looking at the gift. His eyes blazed. "In the name of all that is Holy, Dawn, don't tell me that's for HIM," He said accusingly. 'Him', of course, was Cheesemaster. "Today is his birthday, Jakob, and I'm his friend, so of course I got him a gift! Well, actually, me and Sterling both, with regards from James and Rick..." "DON'T TELL ME that my brother and son have gotten friendly with him, as well." Dawn nodded. "James has always been friends with Cheesemaster," She said, looking confused. "Besides, James sent some gifts too." Jakob put his hand to his face and heaved. "My family is a bunch of dolts..." He muttered, to which Leguan just folded his arms and said, "No, zir, vyou're juzt incredibly ignorant." Jakob began to walk away, but not without shoving Leguan and muttering "Speak. English. You bloody fool."
  19. <3 A rose by any other name. U: Woodstock doesn't really act that different to mah Adam. Main difference is that Adam only -rarely- cross-dresses. xD And even within that 'rarely', usually it's only by request. But besides that they're very alike. ...so far >3 But still. o 3o OK, then. Phew...
  20. Now you know. Didn't expect this? Nah, not really. I always get surprised when I see pics of HD people.
  21. Book Update timez now! I recently read Coraline and The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Coraline was good but too short. The Invention of Hugo Cabret, however, is about a movie-going thieving clock-keeping machine-obsessed orphan living in the 1930's Paris. I am convinced it is the greatest book ever written. Also read Animal Farm (in one day no less). That ending always gets me. Anyway, currently reading list: -The Lord of The Flies Is that the one with the evil ring and the hobbits? -Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde -Dracula -1984 -Walter Isaacson's Biography of Einstein -Complete works of Oscar Wilde -Complete works of Edgar Allen Poe -Complete Sherlock Holmes Volume 1 -Darwinism & Its Discontents -The Stuff of Thought -The I Ching -Oliver Twist -How Mathematicians Think -The Hobbit (albeit not as much as the others-The other books belong to me and are next to my bed but The Hobbit, as well as the LOTR Trilogy, belong to mom and are on the Living Room shelf. She would probably be mad if I took the books because they are special editions with leather and nice boxes and everything, so no taking it to school or on trips.) TO READ LIST: -The Graveyard Book (NEIL GAIMAN FTW. Seriously.) -Watership Down (I've seen the movie, and trust me: A cartoon about rabbits can indeed be very not kid-friendly.) -David Copperfeel (More like, David CopAFeel amirite) -Zelda and Philosophy (Where's Mario and Philosophy?) -The Call of Cthulu (Metallica GETS MY NAME WRONG) -Journey to The Center of the Earth -The Mysterious Island (oooo!) -Sherlock Holmes Volume 2 -Watchmen (Yea I haven't read it yet, cut me some slack!)
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