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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Mushroom_king


    That I do, CupCake. That I do. And yes, I would love a cupcake. Black-bottom honey cream, please. with no sugar or fat, or calories or carbs. that tastes just like a normal one. xD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I believe you can find cupcakes like this in the taste-free aisle *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* 1. I am going to read the Religion TAWPEEK, this TAWPEEK, and the Horatio club TAWPEEK front to back. I finished reading teh Religuin TAWPEEK. That was why I dug up the old post. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*!*
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* At first i thought you said perfect ####... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~&*
  4. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HORATIO HAS A GIRLFRIEND lawl *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* This post is very old and no one cares but I am offended by this statement and whoever said it has obviously looked over Forever Young, Matilda Mother, Don't Stop Believing, Sweet Child O' Mine, Danny Says, Dust In The Wind, Come Sail Away, Wish you were here, Only The young, Childhood's End, and many other rock songs with beautiful lyrics. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Thise bots were sent in by me. Dont worry they not hurt you. They watch but not hurt. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  7. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I don't write much that isn't sad... Sammy Hammy & the Pink Straitjacket Cats (Which I havn't finished) is happy, I guess. Black Heart Of The Rainbow feels happy but really isn't. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  8. Don't forget the John Lennon hair! I cut my hair. Oh. OK. So...whoch musician do you resemble now? Do I count as a musician? I can play the kazoo. =D I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! i remember you saying something about playing violin...but this was years ago... so maybe my memory has failed me.... ANYWAY! if Li is still up for these avis i want one, but it seems like lots of people are requesting and she seems pressured between so, take your time... Uhh... i have NOOOO idea lol so i can give you artistic liscense on the moose... but one thing i would like to have is the moose playing guitar... a Gibson [Epiphone] Explorer, yellow with white pick guard. Right handed[i guess that means the neck would point to the right in my avi] background noo clue...artistic liscense granted there too.one more thing... make sure where you sign it, you can tell, i want EVERYONE to know you made it. Thanks I still play violin. It is quite a sight... a violin playing hamster. Please listent to Joe Satriani if you want some good guitar music. He is my favorite!!!!! Steve Vai is in second place. For Satriani, I would try the CD: Is There Love In Space. I can pick out some songs if you just want a few to listen to, but the entire CD is great. Steve Vai just came out with a new CD. I want to get this soon. I had drawn you a moose avatar, but wonder what happened after I submitted it to HampsterKing. It is not good, but I could submit it again until Li gets one up for you. *~*The grand lllusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Steve vai had a guitar, it's the the Hard Rock Cafe now, but it was awesome. It was heart-shaped like mine is. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  9. Mushroom_king


    *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hmm, you seem to have stolen my meat grinder, but I still have the meat Grinder, the Meat grinder, and Meat Grinder! > HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA LENS FLARE OMG! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Or if Mushroom_king believes that Bill Haley is God and sent Syd Barrett and Joey Ramone as his sons to Earth. XD Or The Great Muffin. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  11. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* This is off-tawpeek, but I found out how Paris Hilton came into exsistance! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I would hope you know that by now. *~*The Grand Illusionm*!*teh Final Cut*~* Once upon a time in the deep deep south, a man named Satan was watching TV when he saw Britney Spears. He sent a letter to Britney's agent asking her to marry him. Britney was delighted and accepted. Satan and Britney had a child named Paris, but they were disgusted by it's hideous looks, so they dropped her off at the home of the very rich Hiltons. They were disgusted by the child but took her in anyway. Years went by and the Hiltons realised that young Paris was failing skool because she had a very low IQ percent. Paris grew up and became famous for doing nothing, and the Hiltons now regret ever taking her in. The End. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domien*~*
  12. Actually, Mary is not more important in Catholicism. They pray a different prayer than what is depicted by the media and etc. Mary just wasn't the person used to being in Jesus. She was the person who gave him life, raised him from birth until man-hood. Again, there the mainstream christian ways go with being sexist. They do not seem to believe a woman holy. Take women out of the world and what do you have? Death. Devistation. Gays-Slang Usage (Yeah! There needs to be more!). I am not gay but I do have many friends who are. And it really bothers me when I hear other people say "Look at that 'fag'. Or look at that 'female version'. I love gays. They are just another person in the world. And guess what? They atleast show more respect and love towards everyone. The general populas? They loathe the people who choose their own preference. When I use gay, exlcuding when I refer to them in a rant, I use it as the true and old usage; happy. And what really makes me flustered is Pres. Bush and his gay issue. In one of 'his' speeches (we all know he cannot speak), he said something similar to "Gay goes against our religion's culture, heritage, and laws." And that was one of his reasons for wanting to ban Gay Marriges. Um...one of the U.S. laws is that RELIGION shall not be used with the government and how it is run. But you know, you have to expect it from illiterate people who come from Texas. Anyways, back to the subject.... Um...she might not have suffered on the cross but she did suffer watching her son being treated as he was. Which is worse? Watching it happen to your child or the child's perspective? I had a baby brother who was more of a son than a brother who died at age 3. I was 13. For those 3 years my father was in another country for the military and my mother had to work. I was the one taking care of him, I was the one who raised him, I was the one who watched him being unplugged from the resp. machine in the hospital! He died, he is dead. I am the one living with the pain and the forgotten memories. Forgotten yes. Why? Because such a tragic event seems to have erased my memories. It also has caused problems with addiciton. When I type and make an argument, I know what I am talking about. People who live my life would have killed themselves by now but I am still living. It is drastically hard, however. Remember some of my poems I have posted on the old new forums? Deep? Demonic? Yes......because of my emotions. I have had more deaths in my family than the majority of people in the world. I lost one of my best friends to suicide. He shot himself through the mouth. I was about 5 years old. I lost my great grandmothers, 3 of them, one year after the other. I lost my great aunt about 1 month before my baby brothers death. I lost my grandfather who I had first met when I was in 3rd grade! That was the last time I saw him too. He died of diabetes shortly after my baby brother. I lost my counsin, Logan, to suicide 1 week before Christmas. My father is in Iraq right now. I won't see him until his body comes after he dies or until I am about to turn 20, which is in about 2 years. I lost my best friend Nikki and her brother to a car wreck last year. Nikki was a 'special' student who had special needs. Oh the pain I felt. I lost another friend Chistopher Adam (Not his last name). He killed himself after stabbing his friend in the leg and shooting a police officer. 1 month before that, I lost a close aquantince to a car wreck. And there are more. 2 of my friends have scoliosis and one of them is under going treatment very soon. It is either the treatment, 10% chance of living...maybe even lower....maybe like 3%, or he can go without the treatment and certainly die in a few weeks/1-2 months. His sister also has it. She does not have it as bad, yet. And that is only half of my problems! I know I got off of the subject COMPLETELY...but I hope I kind of got my point across. Yes my life is screwed up. But I know enough to know that Mary suffered alot more than Jesus. I believe that Jesus was alive, yes. I am Wiccan, yes. But I do not believe that Jesus was the son of his god. What I would like to see from this topic is more positive attitudes. The topics name and desc is "What religion are you? Do you like it?". Talk about what you like. Do not argue. Live is the longest thing that you will ever do, but is also very short. Be like Ozzy Osbourne (Who is not satanic) and love everyone. Just listen to his lyrics in his songs. You will find out that they are talking about loving one another and not fighting. They are not about 'Worship the devil!'. I say adieu til' hast I behold reason to reappear. \m/>_<
  13. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* This is off-tawpeek, but I found out how Paris Hilton came into exsistance! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  14. Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny Jenny was was was was was so so so so so happy happy happy happy happy about about about about about the the the the the house house house house house they they they they they had had had had had found found found found found. LIKE THAT, HUH, MOOSEY??? ROFLMBOLACS (roll on floor laughing out loud and cannot stop) o___________________________________________o...
  15. Wow...those authors have completely forgotten the part of the Bible after the great flood, when Moses comes out and sees a rainbow. God says that the rainbow represents his choice to give man complete free will. That's why I like the rainbow so much. There are quite a few parts of the bible I tend to forget, but this part I never will. God IS in control of your life if you let Him be. That's the part of free will that people don't understand. You are in control of accepting Yeshua or denying the Throne. That is the free will. Accepting Yeshua means throwing your flesh (your will and sin) away give yourself over to God. This shouldn't sound as bad as some think. It should actually sound amazing! And the parts about racism, slavery, and etc. Jesse is right about the times versus now. But you have to understand, also, that people back then as they are today DO NOT listen to God and live their own life. But at the same time... the slaves in the Torah time were treated much more like servants. The term slave and servant is the same in hebrew. Slaves in Moses/etc time=servant/maid/butler. Slaves in Civil War times and every other associated idea of the time=animal. There are many differences that we must first understand. And racism was man's own feeling. This is due to piousy and etc. With the Chosen, it is easy to claim them better than all other races because they... well.. WERE better in a sense. They were the Chosen... But this is before the time of Yeshua. So now, all are equal. Blessed be Yeshua the lamb who died for our lives. Adonai, Lord, be praised in all His glory, for He reigns above all. And this may sound.. "fundy" but the Ruach Ha'Kodesh (Holy Spirit) will reveal all truth of the bible before any man with a doctorate or 100 years of bible study will find any truth in the words of Jehovah. A blind man cannot see, can he? So a man who believes not in Adonai Jehovah, Elohim, is considered blind and can NOT see the truth until Yeshua opens his eyes and his HEART. Blessed be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for this blessed message that He is giving me. I must leave now. May blessings of H'Shem be upon you all and yours. And may the love Yeshua gave unto you be shared unto the masses. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Ah. Thanks for explaning the slavery to me. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  16. Wow...those authors have completely forgotten the part of the Bible after the great flood, when Moses comes out and sees a rainbow. God says that the rainbow represents his choice to give man complete free will. That's why I like the rainbow so much. There are quite a few parts of the bible I tend to forget, but this part I never will. God IS in control of your life if you let Him be. That's the part of free will that people don't understand. You are in control of accepting Yeshua or denying the Throne. That is the free will. Accepting Yeshua means throwing your flesh (your will and sin) away give yourself over to God. This shouldn't sound as bad as some think. It should actually sound amazing! And the parts about racism, slavery, and etc. Jesse is right about the times versus now. But you have to understand, also, that people back then as they are today DO NOT listen to God and live their own life. But at the same time... the slaves in the Torah time were treated much more like servants. The term slave and servant is the same in hebrew. Slaves in Moses/etc time=servant/maid/butler. Slaves in Civil War times and every other associated idea of the time=animal. There are many differences that we must first understand. And racism was man's own feeling. This is due to piousy and etc. With the Chosen, it is easy to claim them better than all other races because they... well.. WERE better in a sense. They were the Chosen... But this is before the time of Yeshua. So now, all are equal. Blessed be Yeshua the lamb who died for our lives. Adonai, Lord, be praised in all His glory, for He reigns above all. And this may sound.. "fundy" but the Ruach Ha'Kodesh (Holy Spirit) will reveal all truth of the bible before any man with a doctorate or 100 years of bible study will find any truth in the words of Jehovah. A blind man cannot see, can he? So a man who believes not in Adonai Jehovah, Elohim, is considered blind and can NOT see the truth until Yeshua opens his eyes and his HEART. Blessed be the King of Kings and Lord of Lords for this blessed message that He is giving me. I must leave now. May blessings of H'Shem be upon you all and yours. And may the love Yeshua gave unto you be shared unto the masses. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Ah. Thanks for explaning the slavery to me. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  17. Mushroom_king


    *takes meat grinder to the repair shop* This meat grinder's busted. It acts like it's all evil and stuff. Can you do something about that? ...Ooh, that method sounds painful, but whatever works. Thank you! *distracts Jesse from repairing the Meat Grinder with a whole bunch of micicles, grabs broken meat grinder and throws it into the car compactor at the junk yard* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *still has another Meat Grinder* *laughs to herself as Horatio bothes with the old one, while I travel time* ...Naw, I'm not really travelling time. I just feel high from listening to Strawberry Alarm Clock. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~&
  18. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Me and my friends were praying to the Great Muffin at skool once, when I saw this VW bus, and I jumped up and chased it. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  19. Remember that Leviticus was before Jesus gave his life for the forgiveness of our sins, so it's not like a person is expected to follow all the rules in it in order to be a Christian. (you'd have to find animals to sacrifice ). In fact Leviticus is very much out of context today; this book comes from a time and place when women were uneducated, there were many more prostitutes, tax collectors could pretty much get all the money they wanted, and there was no middle class. And other differences. Nothing like any place I've lived in, in today's world, although I'm sure there's a place or two out there that's still in this condition. And remember God blessed the Israelites and all others who followed his ways. It seems like he curses people a lot because, again, Jesus wasn't in the scene yet, so it angered him very much to see people being ignorant or even rebellious of him. (going on a random tangent here...) This was probably a reason Leviticus slams against homosexual activity, because God wanted his people (Israel) to grow and prosper, kind of hard to do that without guys being with girls. That's what I make of that part, anyway. The bible says different things to each person. Please don't confuse mentioning something with recommending it. The southerners made this fallacy when proving the point that slavery is okay. But it isn't. Yes, slavery is everywhere in the bible, but nowhere has it said "slavery is good to do." It doesn't just go out and say "slavery is bad" (unless I'm forgetting a certain passage) because it was a fact of life back then. There was so much work to do (especially for sustenance farmers, which was most of the people) that some probably considered it a necessity (kind of like electricity in our time). Because it was so common Leviticus set out rules and limits on slavery (release them after a certain time, pay them, etc.) so that helped make it not as bad. Nor have I seen a place in the Bible that has targeted a certain race and said "this race is bad". *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* My Bible is a little different than most peoples Bibles. So I may be finding racist stuff in mine that might not be in other's Bibles. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I've been reading the Bible, and the book of Leviticus kind of ticks me with it's ideas on why it holy, what's not holy, what's wrong and what isn't, etc. I also noticed that God seems to curse people more than He blesses people. I've also been seeing sections that seem as though they support racism. Not to mention the amount of slavery mentioned in the Bible. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  21. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*TYhe Final Cut*~* How about I put you in charge of the hamster foods and services here? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
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