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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. *pokes horatio* *reminds him he has other topics to moderate* *cough rp freak cough* hee hee, i do alot of RP-ing to, but this is crazy man! it looks more like a book than an RP!!! A very good book. I am putting in more posts and instead of rewriting each one, I just decided to do a bunch and then use each one until I got to the last one. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Wildcat is correct, there are other tawpeeks to mod! Like, per say, my Voodoo Friends story? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*ThgeAstrnmy DOMine9~* That's already done. There are no posts in the queue. It wasnt modded when i posted that. I write next chapter.
  2. *pokes horatio* *reminds him he has other topics to moderate* *cough rp freak cough* hee hee, i do alot of RP-ing to, but this is crazy man! it looks more like a book than an RP!!! A very good book. I am putting in more posts and instead of rewriting each one, I just decided to do a bunch and then use each one until I got to the last one. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Wildcat is correct, there are other tawpeeks to mod! Like, per say, my Voodoo Friends story? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*ThgeAstrnmy DOMine9~*
  3. [Wait, there's 12 Voodoo friends, not 4. sorry] Chapter Three "Ehmagawd!" shouted GG. GG was an all-pink Voodoo doll. She was a popular girl at the high school in the town, and heads turned as she and her clique strutted down the hallways. GG never told her friends, as it would kill her reputation, but her job was to go to the human world and stop Gossip. It was hypocritical, seeing as she knew all the gossip on every Voodoo doll in the school. GG was a Gossip Girl voodoo. "I'll see you guys later!" she said in her annoying high voice to her BFFs. She turned to her locker and sighed. GG honestly was tired of her popularity. She was still...preppy...but it just got tiring. The girl with the locker next to hers, HR, who she used to hate, was slowly but surely becoming her friend. HR was the only person who knew about GG's job. And HR didn't care. GG smoothed her pink shirt, her pink pants, and checked to make sure her pink shoe's pink laces were tied. She checked her mirror to see if her pink make-up had smuged. She brushed her long, pink, hair. "Isn't hard looking nice all the time?" said a voice. GG thought maybe it was her boyfriend, Esworb, but it was HR, and her goth buddy Absol. GG laughed. "no," she said. "I'm used to it." GG checked to make sure no friends were watching.She would never hear the end of it if her good friends saw her with HR. And they'd abandon her if they saw her with Absol. "Well, bye" said HR. Absol smiled and followed her. GG looked and then got back to her locker. GG sat in her seat in Homeroom just as the bell rang. She smoothed her hair back. "Hello, Miss GG." said Miss Fear. "I'm so glad you joined us." GG rolled her eyes. Miss Fear sat at her desk and turned the TV on for the school news. GG's friends, who all wore the same pink she did, knew the routine: texting. Cyndi, Karen, and Bonnie took out their phones. GG: THIS STNK C: I NO K: MS. F= GG: LOL B: Y DO WE HAF 2 WTCH THS GG: NO IDEA K: ITS AN EVL PLAN. 2 ROT R BRAINS. B: LOL YA GG: ME + ESWORB R GOIN OUT SATRDY. U GUYS WANT 2 COME K: YA C: YA B: GROUNDED GG: Y B: I WS SUPOSD 2 B BAK 9:00 LST SATRDY. I WUZ BAK 9:10 K: THTZ STUPD B: I NO K: HOW LNG B: ENTRE MNTH. STINX! GG: I HAV B-DAY PRTY NEXT MNTH. U COM? B: MAYB "And what are you 4 girls bending over for?" asked Miss Fear suddenly. The bell rang right then. The girls walked outside and walked to Math, their next class. "Are we the only kids Miss Fear watches in there?" said GG. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomym Domine*~*
  4. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Cheese is right-Girls like it when guys like them. I can prove this. Dalton is an absoloute p4ervert (But still my friend), but I didn't care when he liked me. The same for Beardo, Turtle, and JR. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  5. *gathers the rodentia population to enforce the official decree* -gets Chuck Norris to enforce decree-
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Qwerty showed up in less than an hour. Qwerty was a school Voodoo, so he was able to leave notes on how to do well in school to humans. He was wearing a checked shirt and khaki. Qwerty shook in his shoes as he walked to the beautiful dragon. It was slowly dying and DS couldn't hear what they were talkig about. "DS!" shouted Qwerty. "The dragon wants us to leave it here. It's dying right now and it wishes to be alone." DS sighed. He felt sorry for the beautiful thing, but he knew it needed it's time. "You need a ride/" asked Qwerty. DS nodded as they walked ut of the ancient place. Qwerty's smile twisted into anger. "Neil!Amy!" he shouted, as he ran towards 2 tiny Voodoo dolls. Qwerty had 2 little siblings-Neil, who wanted to be a Ninja voodoo, and Amy, who was an aspiring Angel Voodoo. They were both fighting. ' Neil wore a black ninja outfit with a gold star, and Amy was all red with shimmery wings. Amy, who even DS thought was annoying, pointed at Neil. "Neil hit me!" "No I didn't!" said Neil. Qwerty was angry. "Just stop!" DS was quiet most of the way, except when Neil talked to him. DS liked Neil-he was a cute, nice kid. Amy was cute but annoying and not very nice. DS was dropped off in front of a Victorian mansion Qwerty gave him for doing a good job. DS turned on the TV so he could listen as he cooked something for himself. He lived all alone and secretly wished he had company. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  7. *~*The Grand Illuaion*~*The Final Cut*~* NO! I like this Story! ._. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hm Well you could go to your friendly local Barne's & Noble's and see if they are having teh hippie promotion that mine has? Many Hippie CD's and Boxed sets are being sold, and a book on hippies. Not to mention the hippie artist's CDs are being sold for special discounts. For some idiotic reason this discount does not include Pink Floyd. I can't win can I? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* There must be too many Pink Floyd fans. Barnes and Noble knows they can still have the fans pay full price and everyone shows them exactly that. It's when the merchandise remains on the shelves that the prices are discounted. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* If they lower the price for items not being sold why is the Shine On Boxed Set (Absolute rubbish) is not being marked down? *~*The Psychedelic Luau**TheAstronomy Domine*~* Someone must be buying them. I have wood shavings, and i have the Aspen kind. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut&~* Who now thats not Pink Floyd there. *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine8Z~*
  9. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Chapter Two DS tiptoed quietly on the stone floors of the ancient castle he had been ordered to go too. His black clothing absorbed the heat of the place, making it unberable for him. But his brown skin wouldn't blend in with the walls, making him easy to see. DS was on of the most highly-respected members of the community. He was a Dragon Slayer, which meant in the human's world he helped humands with their foes, and in his realm he had to defeat monsters that were attacking other voodoo dolls. He heard a rustling from nearby. He drew his golden-plated sword as quietly as he could, and continued to tiptoe towards the sound, but he tripped over a pebble. the entire structure began to shake and DS realised he had done something terribly wrong. He looked around. The entire room lit up with a sudden flame, and looking up, he saw a bright blue dragon with diamond scales. a Diamond Dragon! They were rare! DS flipped and went behind a rock until the dragon landed, causing an enormous shake. He stepped otu from behind the stone and went underneath the dragon. He took a rope from his pocket and tied it's feet to a pillar. He then walked over, purposely being loud to get it's attention. The dragon tried to move but couldn't. DS walked up to it's head. The dragon looked as though it simply wanted to give up. DS tried his best not to feel sorry for the beautiful creature. he was about to deliver a final blow until the creature spoke to him: "Don't hurt me.." DS was astounded-Did it really speak to him? "I don't want to hurt anyone. Please don't hurt me." DS responded, "Can you talk to others? perhaps you can tell my master your story?" "I didn't hurt anybody..." DS went to a corner of the room and comminuicated with his mind to his Master Qwerty. Qwerty answered quickly. "Please hurry here. It wants to speak with you." Qwerty was in a state of shock, but agreed. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*!*
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hm Well you could go to your friendly local Barne's & Noble's and see if they are having teh hippie promotion that mine has? Many Hippie CD's and Boxed sets are being sold, and a book on hippies. Not to mention the hippie artist's CDs are being sold for special discounts. For some idiotic reason this discount does not include Pink Floyd. I can't win can I? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* There must be too many Pink Floyd fans. Barnes and Noble knows they can still have the fans pay full price and everyone shows them exactly that. It's when the merchandise remains on the shelves that the prices are discounted. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* If they lower the price for items not being sold why is the Shine On Boxed Set (Absolute rubbish) is not being marked down? *~*The Psychedelic Luau**TheAstronomy Domine*~*
  11. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HORATIO HAS A GIRLFRIEND lawl *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Wait, I swore I said Boyfriend. You didn't. *looks over at Huette's cage to see her sleeping so peacefully* I meant boyfriend...
  12. *~*The Grand illusion*~*The Final cut*~* [random story abotu four voodoo dolls who become friends and try to take down and evil voodoo doll. The story is told from the points of the four Voodoo dolls until they meet.] HR woke up in a daze. It was 7:30 in the morning. Her friends, all 2 of them, were standing above her. Her best friend, Absol, shook her by the shoulders while Absol's little brother ceiling lifted her on her feet. "Your going to be late if you keep sleeping on floors like that," said Absol. Absol was dressed in black, like she was every day, like a ninja. What little you saw of her face was very pale. Absol was a voodoo doll who brought pain upon people wh deserved it in the real world. Her little brother Ceiling was more gifted, and was allowed to leave presents and notes to human beings in the other dimension. HR was a Heart Robber, making her more respected than Absol and not as hassled as Ceiling. Her job was to go to the human world and steal people's hearts. She wore white clothes with blue stripes. "What about you two?" slurred HR. She was still in a daze and needed some caffiene. "I'm off today" said Ceiling, "And Absol is too." HR heaved. She opened the cabinet where her mesh sack she used for her job was. She suddenly grinned. "I have a half-day today," she said. Her friends cheered. It was summer and HR wa strying to do as much as she could so her friends could have fun. Ceiling was out of school and Absol didn't work in the summer months. HR, sadly, still had to do her job. Luckily, the technology used to go from the Voodoo world to the Human world had bee improved-she no longer had to wait hours to get there, and could do work much quicker. She was known for doing her job quickly without error. HR took the mesh bag and headed on the subway. A couple hours later, HR got back to the house that she and her friends lived in. Absol and Ceiling had left a note saying they ad gone to eat and if she gets back to meet them there. HR smiled, threw her mesh bag in the closet, and headed for the place they were at. HR found her roommates at a bakery that not many people knew about where they often went. "Hey," said Absol as she pulled a chair for her friend. "Perfect day, as always" said HR as she glanced at the small slip of laminated paper that passed as a sort of menu. [i'll write more later] *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~&*The Astronomy Domien*~*
  13. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* HORATIO HAS A GIRLFRIEND lawl *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Wait, I swore I said Boyfriend.
  14. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hm Well you could go to your friendly local Barne's & Noble's and see if they are having teh hippie promotion that mine has? Many Hippie CD's and Boxed sets are being sold, and a book on hippies. Not to mention the hippie artist's CDs are being sold for special discounts. For some idiotic reason this discount does not include Pink Floyd. I can't win can I? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  15. *sprays self with invisible ink* *~*The Grand Ilusion8!(YTj;olrnwe.mq rmlndjs I need to spazz out. Right now. njlfd; nhjrk bkjmlsa kcrp36iu94 jd,fvm ogfd g;ifdiogjf8 9hjtr9iokgkoepqwojhkort,nhlkrhml; Thats better. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*
  16. I really like your poetry. Please do write more. i still have a mental block those were pree written before i posted tham but i have noticed that they keep getting more and more depressing There are quite a number of songs and poems that were written because of heartbreak. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* well theres horatio. Cupcake gets a Cloudy Aisha award for the poems. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronmy Domine*~*
  17. The highest number of guests was 392 or 393 one day and someone else saw over 400. HamspterKing says this is because of Yahoo. Not google, but yahoo. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hillbillies have internet? *~*The Psychedelice luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* ROFOCLH !!!!!!! You are so funny today. *definitely does not want to take away Mushroom_king's sugar source* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* j00 better not take away those granola bars. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  18. The highest number of guests was 392 or 393 one day and someone else saw over 400. HamspterKing says this is because of Yahoo. Not google, but yahoo. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Hillbillies have internet? *~*The Psychedelice luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  19. Don't forget the John Lennon hair! I cut my hair. Oh. OK. So...whoch musician do you resemble now? Do I count as a musician? I can play the kazoo. =D I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! i remember you saying something about playing violin...but this was years ago... so maybe my memory has failed me.... ANYWAY! if Li is still up for these avis i want one, but it seems like lots of people are requesting and she seems pressured between so, take your time... Uhh... i have NOOOO idea lol so i can give you artistic liscense on the moose... but one thing i would like to have is the moose playing guitar... a Gibson [Epiphone] Explorer, yellow with white pick guard. Right handed[i guess that means the neck would point to the right in my avi] background noo clue...artistic liscense granted there too.one more thing... make sure where you sign it, you can tell, i want EVERYONE to know you made it. Thanks I still play violin. It is quite a sight... a violin playing hamster. Please listent to Joe Satriani if you want some good guitar music. He is my favorite!!!!! Steve Vai is in second place. For Satriani, I would try the CD: Is There Love In Space. I can pick out some songs if you just want a few to listen to, but the entire CD is great. Steve Vai just came out with a new CD. I want to get this soon. I had drawn you a moose avatar, but wonder what happened after I submitted it to HampsterKing. It is not good, but I could submit it again until Li gets one up for you. *~*The grand lllusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Steve vai had a guitar, it's the the Hard Rock Cafe now, but it was awesome. It was heart-shaped like mine is. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Do you like Steve Vai??? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* No Horatio, I don't like Steve Vai and that's why i know about his guitars OF COURSE LIKE STEVE VAI, SILLY *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* *slaps forehead with paw* It might have been that you just liked his heart-shaped guitar. You really need to listen to Joe Satriani. Great... really, really great. BTW, Steve Vai just came out with a new CD... mostly all musical with orchestra backup. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Kay-O. I listen to Joe now. He make trippy music. Mushroom_king like. Am talking like Mr. Saturn. Not know why. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  20. pretty much anything... like it can even be pretty random stuff... as long as it has a beat and i can make music to it, i really dont care... though anything about killing yourself others or any other kind of something that involves hurting someone else physically,will not be accepted... *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* So...You won't like the song I wrote about killing Paris Hilton? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  21. Don't forget the John Lennon hair! I cut my hair. Oh. OK. So...whoch musician do you resemble now? Do I count as a musician? I can play the kazoo. =D I can't, so that MUST make you a musician! i remember you saying something about playing violin...but this was years ago... so maybe my memory has failed me.... ANYWAY! if Li is still up for these avis i want one, but it seems like lots of people are requesting and she seems pressured between so, take your time... Uhh... i have NOOOO idea lol so i can give you artistic liscense on the moose... but one thing i would like to have is the moose playing guitar... a Gibson [Epiphone] Explorer, yellow with white pick guard. Right handed[i guess that means the neck would point to the right in my avi] background noo clue...artistic liscense granted there too.one more thing... make sure where you sign it, you can tell, i want EVERYONE to know you made it. Thanks I still play violin. It is quite a sight... a violin playing hamster. Please listent to Joe Satriani if you want some good guitar music. He is my favorite!!!!! Steve Vai is in second place. For Satriani, I would try the CD: Is There Love In Space. I can pick out some songs if you just want a few to listen to, but the entire CD is great. Steve Vai just came out with a new CD. I want to get this soon. I had drawn you a moose avatar, but wonder what happened after I submitted it to HampsterKing. It is not good, but I could submit it again until Li gets one up for you. *~*The grand lllusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Steve vai had a guitar, it's the the Hard Rock Cafe now, but it was awesome. It was heart-shaped like mine is. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* Do you like Steve Vai??? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* No Horatio, I don't like Steve Vai and that's why i know about his guitars OF COURSE LIKE STEVE VAI, SILLY *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  22. Mushroom_king


    That I do, CupCake. That I do. And yes, I would love a cupcake. Black-bottom honey cream, please. with no sugar or fat, or calories or carbs. that tastes just like a normal one. xD *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I believe you can find cupcakes like this in the taste-free aisle *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* ROFOCLH !!!!!!! That was great MK! *hands Mushroom_king The Gold Star Award* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* *does the Kirby Dance* *goes to Notepad, were my siggy is stored, and files away award* *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*
  23. *can only imagine what Mushroom_king will find* :blink: *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm ONLY doing this for fun. While reading both TAWPEEKS I've found many posts where I had to go bang my head against a wall and then continue reading, and then fighting the urge to tell them off. *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
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