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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. *~*The Grand UIllusion*~*The Final cut*~* certain years remind me of colours. 2000-brown 2001-white 2002-red 2003-Green 2004-blue 2005-yellow 2006-purple 2007-green-yellow 2008-black The odd thing is, the first 6 colours are the EXACT colours of the trophies for those years in the orchestra trophy cabinet at skool. *~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* One of these days i'm going to post a picture of Janis Joplin and say it's me, since everyone thinks I;m her reincarnation... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* Oh, and I forgot! I saw a billboard for a church that said "Everyone is welcome" on it. Problem is the people pictured on the billboard were all blond Caucasian women and brunette Caucasian men. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  4. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm not good at pronunciation. And thanks for the lovely comments on my artwork. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* That was sarcasm, right? I'm sorry. I thought the art was nice. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Sorry if I seemed rude. I've been rather emotional lately and everything makes me mad. Did you click on any of them? Some of them you have to click because they move. *~*tHe Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  5. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I'm not good at pronunciation. And thanks for the lovely comments on my artwork. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  6. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* OK! This TAWPEEK is reserved for my Keith moon and Earthbound stuff. And maybe other things that I make. I discovered a website (You'll never know) that is like paint, but has more features and is generally better. So I randomly edit pictures, chjanging the colours and adding words, and I quite like what I do with the pictures. Keith Moon (Keeth-Moo-Nuh) 1. The drummer for The Who; 2. Overdosed quite a while back; 3. Famous for destroying everything in sight; and 4. second sexiest man who ever lived. (After Joey Ramone) a. Aw, he's so cute. b. Backwards! n_n c. COLORS o: d. AAHHAHAHAHA! HIPPIE! e. o_o... f. Drugs are bad. g. Don't label me... Earthbound (Er-Thuh-Bawe-NNn-Duh) A phenomenal 80's Super Nintendo game that I can't describe in a few sentacnes. a. I made this for my friend Madelon. b. -screams- c. Just another random thing. d. A backround I made. (The words at the top that say "Earthbound" were added by me.) e. Photo with Bubbles. f. Burning photo. g. Colourful! h. Animation i. Animation j. "Embossed" k. Film roll! Oh Yeah. l. HAIL. HAIL. m. Wait, they already made a movie? and No one TOLD me? Just kidding! n. I Love Earthbound. o. Lightning p. Lightning again q. Backwards! r. Pink s. Paula t. Ness u. Painted ness v. Rainy w. Mr. Saturn x. Snowy y. Sparkle z. "Thermal" A. "Thermal" B. "Vignette" *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*the Astronomy Domine*~*
  7. Mushroom_king


    *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* New tattoo idea! I think I'll get Earthbound characters on my upper arm, and on my shoulder on the other arm I'll get a Pink Floyd Hammer. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* OK, doods. I have NO idea whats going on with me right now. I feel like I like someone, but I have no idea who, if anyone, I like. I don't know if it's just my lame hormones or what. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*TheAstronomy Domine*~(
  9. Two songs at once? Talent. I do that a lot. I Can't Explain-The Who
  10. Rock lobster-The B-52's Aw, it ended. =( Mr. Tambourine Man-The Byrds
  11. Hey, I'm always here to talk. As for support groups, there's gotta be some out there somewhere. You just need to look. As for the world going downhill, yeah it is. It's sad. There's nothing we can really do about it aside from living the best lives we can. Support Groups would be wonderful, but most are Christian. Its really hard when you go to a group and all they say is "You have to believe in this god to quit" they dont exactly say that but... well i mean to me it seems kinda like the Spanish Inquisition for crack addicts "Your gonna have to keep suffering unless you belive in our god" Get what im saying? Yeah. Although of course being who I am, I think that God can help. Even so, somewhere out there, there's got to be a support group that's not faith based. I converted to Buddhism about to years ago. Buddhism is a great religion. Very peaceful. Thats why i converted, it seems to be the only realigon that says killing is never right and animals are our equals. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I am not sure what religion I believe. I read the book of Buddha and I believe in so much of it-The peacefulness and that all creatures are equal. I'm also learning about Wiccanism and Paganism. My mom is a hardcore Christian and would kill me if I told her I'm not sure I believe that anymore. I, personally, believe there are many things wrong with the world. Styx was sang, "The problem's plain to see, too much technology, machines to save our lives, machines dehumanize" and this was true in the 80's and true now. Many people are unaccepting of other's race, religion, political view, way of dress, sexuality, gender...the list goes on. If more people practised equality, than the world would be much closer to world peace. In today's world, you can't go out into public if you openly express your sexuality, religion, or race, and you can't go anywhere without people looking at you if you have an alternative style. You can't go anywhere if you have a disability without people being rude or people staring. Now: Religion. Where do I even begin. Without religion the world would have less problems. There are civil wars in countries because of religion. Christianity is extremely widespread and people assume it's the only religion. I see stores and magazines for Christians....do i see Stores or literature for Muslims, Buddhists, etc.? No. Wiccans and Pagans have lierature on how to do magick but that is different. That is a oart of their religion. I have read Christian books. 99% of them are just talking about knowing God and how to avoid sin. Many programmes such as support groups say that to get out of a problem, you need to pray and talk to God, read The Bible, etc. You know what? I can't read The Bible without screaming. Go look in the religion TAWPEEK for a few of my rants about that. But this isn't a religion TAWPEEK, I shouldn't talk about that anymore. Now: depression. More people are depressed nowadays to the point that it is a lifestyle (Emo kids ). Depressed people don't get help because of stereotypes and other things. About stereotypes. I read a story about a boy in a magazine who was anorexic, but refused to get help because anorexia is a "Girl" disease. The same goes for African-Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and Native American girls. If they are anorexic they may refuse help because it is seen as a "White Girl" disease. Stereotypes. I'm done ranting. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* the bible has good points to it at the same time though, every realigon is going to have conflicts in it, its just the way you interprit it. Extremism of any thing is bad. Even extremism of peace. Peace is a great thing to live by but if you take it to the next level keeping peace turns to war. Machines are not the problem. Before the race with the USSR, social and technology stuff rose at the same rate, now technology is going above social rates, Machines are beautiful demostrations of man kind and show our need to invent. as for musical quotes and ignorence i like " They dont gotta burn da books they just remove em" we are starting censor ship on our homes i meen this is a big one for me why should sex have a negative conotation with it? I mean it is the biological purpose of life and is an act of love. The only reason pornography and stuff is raging right now is because sex is looked down on. It many eyes it has become an act of pleasure for one person not love and pleasure between two people. actually i could differ with you on this one, i actually think they do the same thing. They slow you down and hurt you. TV fries your brain. Weed fries your lungs. TV is probably my least favorite invention. It think TV is 60% of the obesity crisis. They pump what they want you to believe in your heads. i also think they need to get rid of cigerrettes. The only reason we have them is because the government makes money off the taxes and addicts need them so the government gets a lot of money from them. The government says that we cant have things like weed because they are bad for us, but look at cigerettes, they are refined to have more nicotine and more physically harmful chemicals and addictives in them. In the past it took about 7 cigs a day for a month to get hooked , now it takes 3 a day for around 2 weeks. Weeds a strait up plant, if they are so worried they should grow pure unmodified tabacoo. Hypocricy is every where in the world form realigon to governments to people. But also remember countries act like people. end of rant *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* I agree, The Bible does have good points in it. I must disagree with Cupcake lover. There is nothing wrong with sex. This is why i hate people talking about prostitutes and strippers the way they do. They aren't bad people. Sex is a normal thing for either procreation or for enjoyment. I went to Amsterdam in November for Holiday and I read in a guidebook that because they aren't worrying about prostitutes and drugs, they work on other, more important problems. I am not saying that our government should follow suite. The TV is, truthfully, the worst thing ever invented. I only watch TV if I want to watch a movie. I usually watch stuff on YouTube or something. Sadly, the government will not try to stop cigarettes. Nowadays it's profit before people. My Grandmother is addicted to TV. The house seems like a different place when the TV isn't on. She is traveling right now (Thank God) and I often go over there to read. Her dogs are quieter because Grandma isn't there screaming at C-SPAN. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domimr*~&* I really do enjoy youtube though because it is a wonderful way for expression, i dont enjoy the videos of babies swearing. The one of the babie on thizz made me close to crying. That stuff is one of the most harmful substances and they gave it to someone whos brain was just developing. Amsterdam cracks down on all the drugs i find very harmful.(coke, crack, thizz, basically uppers) I think that is wonderful, and also it is actually a very productive city. When ever i go there i enjoy that you can smile when you pass a women on the street and it is not sexual harassment. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut8~* I love YouTube as well, but I hate those videos. I also hate it when I find porn. What's Thizz? I already knew Amsterdam cracked down on Cocaine etc., but what I was saying is that Marijuana and mushrooms are legal there. I do not like those drugs, but her in America the government classifies smoking pot and doing LSD in the same class as #### and murder. Pot and LSD are harmful, but they are not as harmful as cocaine or heroin as you can't overdose on them like you can other drugs. And I too enjoy the harassment point. If I see a boy over here I think is cute, I may look at him, and I get either a mouthful of unkind words or glares. Over in Europe (and even Mexico) If I see a cute boy I can look at him and he will nod, smile, and be on with whatever he is doing. Many of my friends believe that Amsterdam has people smoking pot on every street corner. This is not true. The people who smoke pot on street corners in Amsterdam are given dirty looks, so I didn't see any people smoking in the more crowded places. I hardly saw anyone smoking cigarettes, for that matter. Also, when I'm in Europe, people will hold doors open for you, they say Thank you when you hold the door for them, etc. Which I don't see often over here. Will, you should check my new song Akevin: No Way In ****, you may like it. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Good thing I decided to not put my evil plan in my profile. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  13. Totally incredible. You want praise or an award? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Thanks. I'd like both, please. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I can do that. *hands Mushroom_king The Platinum Moon Award and tells her how fantastic her writing is* w00t
  14. Forever Young-Alphaville "So many dreams swinging out of the blue, we let them come true."
  15. =D so Now that I have Torrn Asunder up, Now I can point out that This is the sprite which I based Nathan Torrn off of. I can also point out that I have 1/4 of a tutorial made, and that I have revised versions of this. (pretty much more vivid colors and redrawn accessories.) And that I have poses of Nathan here with the Inimical gun. wooh! so Thats Nathan. and his gun. Oh My!!! Nathan and his gun are so cool and really fantastic!!!! *~*The grand Illusion*~*The Final cut*~* So Nathan and his gun are cool and fantastic, but Mushroom_king and her gun aren't so cool and really fantastic? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* I never said Mushroom_king and her gun weren't cool and really fantastic. In fact, I have given Mushroom_king more awards for her art and writing, then everyone else on the boards. j00 better.
  16. Totally incredible. You want praise or an award? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Thanks. I'd like both, please. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  17. *~*The Grand Illusion*~The Final Cut*~* Hello, my name is Akevin But no one ever cared All I needed was what we all want, Peace And Love and Unity and Respect I got no money, so I travel no where I spread what I think but no one tends to care The world is wrong, can't you see? the world isn't what you see on TV. Smash the box, get out and run The world gets hotter, but juts have fun I write my name on the back of wooden seats I may scribble my teachings, I might get on my knees You say it's for religion, But I can see right through 'Cause God didn't tell us to do what you will do Clear away trees and ignore genocide Poison the air and commit Homicide All we want is Peace, It's the same in every language (Slowly) Maybe your a little busy for this hippie junk, But It's the truth Faster Hello my name is Akevin Can you save me? I know you've heard it before We better look at the real priority Before you call me an Oddity 'Cause while you work on drugs and hookers I'm trying to spread peace to the Onlookers You say it's for religion, But I'm sorry, not a fact People are dying, the abused women are crying And are you really trying? The rich get richer, and the poor just die The media's spreading the lies Hello, My name is Akevin My money goes to peace The world is heating up, and I'm not sure what to do I feel on in a million, the only one who cares. Is the world gonna change, There's no way in **** Hey, My name is Akevin And I suffer from a gun wound Hear me, hear me If I die give everything to the children What's this? Hey, I'm alive? Doctor, Doctor, help me! Spoken Sorry sir but your insurance is dry... Sung What in the world is wrong? I can;t get health because my insurance is gone? The more I suffer, the more you get paid The man with the gun knew I was poor, Someone, help me, heal me, I can't die now Will this system change and make me well? Well There's no way in **** Hello, my name is Akevin... I think I'm still alive. No ranting *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
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