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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Wonderful idea! It will be my pleasure to pay for everyone's dinner. -orders most expensive thing- *prints more money* STOP YOU'RE INCREASING INFLATION
  2. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Ok! Are we cooking for everybody, or just the peoples who are online? The chefs are already making a cake. Glow will make all our drinks. Eggnog: 120H$ Plain old eggnog. Available with and without alcohol. I'll have the Gold Star award and non-alcoholic Eggnog. ;D **The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  3. Wonderful idea! It will be my pleasure to pay for everyone's dinner. -orders most expensive thing-
  4. ~gags~ how can you eat that!!!???!!!???!!!???!!!??? By putting it on my food, putting that food in my mouth, chewing, and swallowing. ~annoyed face~ No duh. I can't stand guac. I'm with Glowurm... I love guacamole!!!! UGH. You're making me sick. I'm hungry again. that's the third time today. well you havent had any good guacamole then. If its homemade and done right, then its awesome. if you get it at some mexican restaurant kind of place, Even if they have top quality everything-else, their guac still isnt good. needs be homemade and awesome. *heads for Arkcher's house* *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Arkcher's Mansion or his house? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* The one where the homemade guacamole is located. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Arkcher's Mansion has chefs and stuff....they're all Toads! (Mushroom people) **The Psychedelic Luau*!*The Astrioniomy Domine*~*
  5. Fine, I will. D: Be happy. You inspired me. I didn't see your other comment...
  6. *!~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I can't think of anything new for mine... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Dominme*(~&
  7. Me bought an Elton button on the way to Flippin today.
  8. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* "...he's so violent..." MK was referring to Shedra Mordred, who was pretty angry and hat resorted to yelling at everyone. "What are you all doing in my kitchen before I'm done cooking?! Out, Out!" Mk was now sitting in the Tea Room with Clazzik, as well as Tony Mordred. She had no idea where Arkcher had went after Shedra yelled at them. "I don't see he bosses you around like that...he's half your height." "And three times your age," said Tony. They were right. Shedra was a toad while MK was a Brownie, and even though they were very different ages, Shedra was, compared to her, really short. Mk downed yet another can of Dr. pepper. "I only have presents for around half of everybody. I still need to fly over to a different region of Invision to get presents for everybody." "Well, I think I'm going to help with the decorations or something." said Tony, who got up and left. "Could you find Arkcher for me? He has to go with me. So does Clazzik, and Sean, and Julian." ------------------------------------------------------------ Arkcher finally looked ack at the nuisance behind him. It was Courtnay Mordred, who had a crush on him. "Courtnay, I'd appreciate it if you'd leave me alone." he said. "What are you doing out here?" she asked sweetly. "It's so cold. you should come inside with me!" Arkcher stared at her a long, long time. "Would you....be implying something?" Courtnay's eyes went wide. He eyes went big. "Nooooo," she said. She skipped off giggling happily. "I swear she has a crush on me or something," he thought to himself. Now he had to find Mk. Suddenly, a large black mass rocketed toward him. It was Clazzik. "Ark-chuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuur," he screamed. "WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT," Arkcher retorted. "Mk's looking for you," he said. "That's weird, I've been looking for her." "Well, I'll go tell her she'll meet you out here. Wait, why are you out here? It's cold." "That's exactly what Courtnay said." "What?!" said Clazzik. "Courtnay is supposed to be helping Shedra with cookies or something! I'm so busy!" "Wait, where's MK?!" But Clazzik had already dashed off. ----------------------------------------------------- Mk was downstairs. She was trying to find Tortune. He could turn invisible, so he was hard to find... "Tortune," she called. He suddenly appeared in front of her. He sighed. He did look a little brighter, with the Holiday season. "Have you seen Arkcher...?" Tortune coughed, sending dust of his body. "I think I saw him in the Courtyard...I don't know, I don't pay attention..." "Which is probably why you're so dusty and isolated. Bye," she said. ----------------------------------------------- "Would you hold on...? I ave another call..." Lucius Mordred heaved and set down the reciever. He had no idea who it was, onl it was one of Mk and Arkcher's friends. He was tired. Everyone was calling to wish them a Merry Christmas, and Lucius was very tired. "Hello, this is the residence of Mushroom_king...?" "yes," Lucius replied headily. Lucius," said a voice. It was Mk. "What...is...it?" He said. He had nearly lost his voice. :I'll start taking calls for you." Lucius grinned. "Oh, Thank you. I'm...going to get some medicine..." he coughed and ran out. "Hellooooooooo." said the two phones at once. Mk realised it was going to be a long day. --------------------------------------------------- Arkcher was really, really, tired. He'd walked the whole mansion looking for Mk and found her nowhere. he wondered if they were walking in a loop, since Clazzik said she was looking for him, too. As a result, he was now laying on the couch in the sitting room. His jacket was draped on the coat rack over in the corner. But now, he was thirsty, and was far too tired to call anybody or, God Forbid, get up and get it himself. The Kitchen was downstairs, and Shedra was probably still cooking. He was about to drift into a deep sleep when he was startled by a voice. It was Mk. She was shaking him. "Wake! up! wake! up!" "nooooo..." he muttered. "I'll throw you in the Meat Grinder..." she warned. "Oh, fine..." He sat up. he was tired. He pulled at his long, blondish hair. Courtnay said he had the sun in his hair. Mk said he was blonder than Lucas. Mk pulled herself up on the couch. "I answered our Christmas calls for Lucius, and I've been looking alkl over for you." "So have I," said Arkcher. "What did you want?" " need to go over to Invision central and get more presents," she said. "It's cheaper than teh Eskimo Village." "What?!" he said. "What were you looking for me for?" "I forgot..." he said. They both turned and saw someone walking in. It was Tina Mordred. She was holding a tray with a few cups of water and some eggnog. "Oh, heard Arkcher was in here and wanted to get him som........" She looked at them both. "I'm sorry...are you two busy...?" "Noooooooo!" screamed Arkcher. Ignoring Mk's "Man, you scream like a little girl" comments, he quickly shouted, "Noooooooooooo! No. I want water and she'd like Eggnog. Don't get the wrong Idea, Tina..." "Ok," said Tina. She rolled her eyes. "Silly boy." *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  9. *~*The Grand Illusion*!*The Final Cut*~* I am here to inform you all that no matter how many Chuck Norris jokes he cracks in his ads, Mike Huckabee is a nutjob. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  10. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Must not...make joke....about typo...in title.... good job, btw... *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Atronomy Domine*~*
  11. Oh yeah. Rainbow Cryuse-Super mario 64 If ice Climbers isn't already there, I want that one too.
  12. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Luigi's Mansion Harvest Moon Phoenix Wright What would be really cool is if I was performing a song like this and at the same time it would have a screen showing clips from the video game while I play the song. *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  13. *~*The GRand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I saw a story on a different website that detailed events in the lives of SSBM characters, and it inspired me to write something like that but for the people here on HD. Of course I satrt with me. Because I'm the very coolest person on this board. >( ----------------------------------------------------- "....But I want to hang this one up." "But I've never heard of him." "Him?! You will address them as THEM, like I did!" "How am I supposed to know?" "I don't know!!" "Well, at least I actually know who John Lennon was." "At least I've beaten both pikmin games like five times!!!" "You take that back!" "NEVER!" "Take it back, you meanie!" "No!" Mk promptly tossed Arkcher in The Meat Grinder. ----------------------------------------------------- Glowurm shielded his eyes as he stepped out of the dusty warehouse of Planet Horatio. It was awful dark, but he glowed. He began to rub his left eye before remembering that he lost it in an attempt to save his sanity. He failed. "At least I look more like a pirate," he had thought. Glow stumbled over to the counter and yawned, clearing away the dust from the bar. He was ready to take people's orders. Suddenly, A shining white light came nearly rendering both eyes useless. It was Kat. "Gimme nudder Yig.." she groaned. "But Kat, you've had-" ''GIMME NUDDER YIG!" she screamed before fainting. Glowurm turned before realising somebody had once again switched the numbers on the "No alcohol for people under 21" sign. ---------------------------------------------------- "Kat, you're spelling things wrong again." "I didn't spell it wrong, you grammar freak!" "Shut up! I'm not a grammar freak!" Kat looked at Cheesemaster for a long time while twirling her shiny white fur. "I'm sorry, you're a freaky grammar-obsessed psychologist ninja cheese...thing." Cheesemaster laughed at her. "You forgot that..." 'HE LOOKS LIKE ROBERT PLANT!!!!" screamed Mk. Cheesemaster freaked out and wondered, do I really look that old? ---------------------------------------------------- I'm free! Thought Horatio. He threw away his pilot's helmet and danced in the grass. No more modding! The thought. He was free from having to edit people's posts all the time. Riiiiiiiing, ring. Well, even hamsters dream! ---------------------------------------------------- Arkcher opened his eyes. He was restless, after spending hour upon hour trying to think fo a new story, he had finally found rest. Or maybe not. "Picture yourself on a train in a station, the plaster-seam porters have looking-glass ties..." "Oh, Mk, turn it down..." he mustered. "suddenly someone is there at the turnstile, The girl with Kaledoscope eyes...." Arkcher turned so he was facing her. She was sitting on the floor of the bedroom in his mansion, with a small boombox on her lap. "Oh, Mk, please...I'm trying to sleep..." "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds... Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds..." Arkcher shoved his head under a pillow. "God, not the chorus, it'll be echoing in my head before long..." A flip of a switch. The boombox powered down. "I really needed to hear that song..." she said. "But I really need sleep." "You're whiny." ------------------------------------------------------ I still need to do chapters for Toto, Topazia, taynio, XMOMX, Mega Wolf, Wildcat, Kat, Dog Lover, TGHL, Hoops, and I might even fit in Moosey, Mullaypop, Sleepoverfanatic, EmilyE, Im_so_cool, erendayu, and others. If there's anyone you want me to put in I'll be sure to make a chapter for them. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  14. Done. Did you delete both? One actually had the song in it. No, I only deleted the topic that had no song in the post. The song is still there. IT BETTER
  15. Done. Did you delete both? One actually had the song in it.
  16. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I was raised in a suburb and my enemies lived next door. From when I was young, my parents said I was special. To good, To young, To weird, To psychic, To sporty, My blood heats up and my eyes begin to shine I try to repel my abilities of mine I am anything but an ordinary boy. (switch to a different singer) My mother left long ago and my dad didn't love me. I've been at school for ten years. Too smart, To strange, To nerdy, To gay, To British, I have never killed a thing in my life. There's a time for everything. I am anything but an ordinary boy. (switch)But when my whole life change yesterday, I knew I was meant to lead our way But one day in the dark on a seemingly perfect day My girlfriend was captured and I can't find her in any way. (both) I know the secret behind the counter down at Jackie's Cafe. I know a secret but I cannot say. I found my friend in the alleyway who lead us to the Fourth side of the Moon, I hope we find her soon. Yes may be no and No may be yes The flames chase me and I don't know where I am. Caught in an alternate world and no way out I know the world depends on us But it's so hard (switch) This was never what I meant when I said I wanted to get out of a locked-up boarding school. I miss my friends and my Winters home. I'm stuck but I know, I know, (Both) I know the secret behind the counter down at Jackie's Cafe. I know a secret but I cannot say. I found my friend in the alleyway who lead us to the Fourth side of the Moon, I hope we find her soon. I wish I knew how to get to Hotel Dark Moon, This place is so confused. They all seem like they've been controlled BUt maybe that's the point. (switch) It's only a matter of time before we're one of them We better get out of here soon (switch) e're thrown into a room with no doors. A familiar figure there. There's the man with the gold tooth and unibrow, Who says he knows the way out. (switch) But I can't see him! How do we know? (Switch) I don't know...! (Both) I know the secret behind the counter down at Jackie's Cafe. I know a secret but I cannot say. I found my friend in the alleyway who lead us to the Fourth side of the Moon, I hope we find her soon. But in the end, It's only a lie. Perhaps there is a different side to the moon and the sky. We still haven't found her, But we'll keep trying harder. (switch) We can never give up, even if it's hard at times. (Both) I know the secret behind the counter down at Jackie's Cafe. I know a secret but I cannot say. I found my friend in the alleyway who lead us to the Fourth side of the Moon, I hope we find her soon. *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  17. Horatio, I made a tawpeek for a new song in the songs forum but my cpmputer submitted the TAWPEEK before I wrote the song, if you could delete the TAWPEEK I would appreciate it.
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