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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! age is just a number.... nothing silly like a 45 year age difference is going to keep elton & me apart. ~Liz In your case... well, it is different. The age doesn't matter. My oldest husband is B.B King (81)....my youngest husband is Loid from EarthBound Zero (12).... My, my!!!! That is quite an age range. Loid is a little young, don't you think? A year younger then me, he is. By the way, Loid's clay model hs grey hair but his sprite has blonde hair. eh?
  2. How about viewing it this way... you don't have to be involved in a gay marriage, but be tolerant of someone who is. This way you can abide by your faith, but allow others to live their lives the way they wish. How does that sound to you? cool. you're good at this advice stuff and it's prolife week at my school ~Liz *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I was about to say something, but then I remembered that you don't got to public school like I do...They might as well have a pro-life week at my skool, it's not like any of the kids know what that means. Most of them are pro-life without really researching the TAWPEEK much. I usually try to research stuff first before making a view on that thing. Well, I respect your view,but I'm not pro-life...I don't like abortion...I dislike it as much as you do. But I don't believe in making abortion illegal. And that's that. I don't like talking about abortion with friends, anyway. It makes me feel awkward. Actually, I don't do politics with my friends a whole lot unless we're agreeing on the same issue As for gay marriage: I totally drew Jeff and tony (from EarthBound) making out today. Arkcher was kinda ticked. So was JR. JR is against gay marriage though so he doesn't count. And yes, Horatio is teh awesome advice-giver. o: *~*the psychedelic lauu*!~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  3. Pikmin World Map Theme (SSBB Remix) I'm so happy about Captain Olimar getting in brawl. ^.^
  4. and there's one week until my birthday ;-) ~Liz I know. I have been trying to track down Sir Elton, but he is really hard to find. Hope I reach him in time to celebrate your birthday. but...but...WHY ISN'T THERE A team of resurrecters SEARCH PARTY LOOKING FOR JOEY RAMONE? S'NOT FAIR!!!!!
  5. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! age is just a number.... nothing silly like a 45 year age difference is going to keep elton & me apart. ~Liz In your case... well, it is different. The age doesn't matter. My oldest husband is B.B King (81)....my youngest husband is Loid from EarthBound Zero (12)....
  6. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!! Trust me... he is really, REALLY old! MAYBE PHYSICALLY BUT NOT MENTALLY!!!!
  7. What do you mean he is not OLD???????? He's ancient!!!!! HE STILL WRITES SONG ABOUT HIS INFATUATIONS WITH YOUNG GIRLS!!! HE'S NOT OLD!!!!
  8. Okay, and you guys are um, not even in high school, right? o_O They need to like, chill out. Uuuum. And she tells you these things? Okay, so I have a few friends who are similar about this yet different. 'Kay, so in best case scenario, of peoples who touch "special places"[o_O] they have no intention of actually going that that that far. But um. The other one has had a couple of pregnancy scares, and fortunately that hasn't happened yet. I mean, on one hand it's like at least they're not doing drugs, but on the other hand we don't want any life ruining to happen via baby. ._. No, she doesn't, Turtle does and I confront her about it. Her excuse is that she loves him. And neither of them are very mature, at all, or know how to use birth control. Oh, jeez. That's really bad. Well. Have you told her about a little thing called "lust" and that it's quite different than love? o_o I mean, yes, it is a way to show love, but if either of their faces would be burned off, would they still want to be together? That is the question. Turtle broke up with her today and they stayed broken up for more then ten minutes. Maybe they're done for finally.
  9. *~*The Grand Illusion**The Final Cut*~* I found a site online that turns webpages into lolcat speak, and I promptly did this with HD. Can post the link? *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*(~*
  10. Religion, of course. That's probably the main reason why. "My religion does not decide my actions, it drives them." Oh, so I guess it just drove you to flat-out oppose abortion and same-sex marriage, while the first issue really should be handled on an individual basis and NOT by the government, and the second issue could not possibly defile the term "marriage" more than heterosexual couples have already defiled it. Really, people place too much importance on a single word, like it's some kind of special, holy word even though the bible doesn't make it such (maybe other sacred texts do?). Sorry, mini-rant there. So anyway this "fair tax" plan of his is actually kind of interesting. It takes away everything, including the IRS, except a sales tax which is raised to 23% or something. My dad says that our family would probably be paying less. Just think, no poopy self-employment tax (which, in Connecticut at least, is 100% more tax), no struggles over what things were "earned" or not, no losing HALF of all your winnings (I think that's just ridiculous! What's the point?? You win Who Wants to be a Millionaire and you can't even be a Millionaire!) My family seems to like him, mostly because of the tax thing I think. I'm so tired of religion in politics. Can anyone explain why the government has to make moral decisions? Are people too stupid to have their own morals? Sadly, yes, people are too stupid to have their own morals it seems. But that's still not the government's place. Tell your parents to look at Ron Paul. He's got big plans for lowering taxes as well. He also says that it should be up to the states, not the federal government, to decide things like same-sex marriage and abortion. To me, the person you choose to marry and whether or not you have an abortion, should never be decisions of the state. I think these are totally personal choices and should be left to the individual. *~*The Grand Illusion*~&*The Final Cut*~* You're my hero. Ok, my view on Abortion and Gay marriage...First, I don't like abortion, I don't want to ever be in the position to have one, but I don't believe in taking away people's personal rights. Aaaand most of my family says the same thing. I don't like talking with people about abortion a whole lot because I always offend people. I am a big supporter of Gay marriage. They say that it will ruin the sanctity of Britney Spear's 55-hour just for fun marriages, but I don't think I'd call some of the things that straight marriage has wrought throughout the years, including, but not limited to, Polygamy, arranged marriages, stalking, violence, abuse, and child-brides, has done very well at keeping the sanctity of marriage. And neither is the divorce rate. Let me tell you that I know a few gay couples who are WAY more loving then any straight married couples I knew or once knew. My mom and dad, my dad and stepmom, almost no straight marriages i have seen have worked out. The only ones I can think of were that of both sets of my grandparents. By the way...I saw a message on FreeWebs today. Someone said that the War was good, and then made a peace sign using computer symbols. I left a medium-length rant. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  11. *~*The Grand Illusion**The Final Cut*~&* Oh ho ho! Looky what Boing Boing sent me in my e-mail inbox! **The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  12. FOOL YOU BETTA LISTEN TO IT MORE OFTEN ....what are they saying in the song?....I can tell you which one it is. Pollyanna (I Believe In You)-Mother
  13. I agree. Rolling Stone recently did an article on him. It's not in the current issue, though.
  14. Okay, and you guys are um, not even in high school, right? o_O They need to like, chill out. Uuuum. And she tells you these things? Okay, so I have a few friends who are similar about this yet different. 'Kay, so in best case scenario, of peoples who touch "special places"[o_O] they have no intention of actually going that that that far. But um. The other one has had a couple of pregnancy scares, and fortunately that hasn't happened yet. I mean, on one hand it's like at least they're not doing drugs, but on the other hand we don't want any life ruining to happen via baby. ._. No, she doesn't, Turtle does and I confront her about it. Her excuse is that she loves him. And neither of them are very mature, at all, or know how to use birth control.
  15. So, did you buy the magazine? NO. MY MOM WOULDN'T LET ME. SHE SAID IT WAS TOO DEPRESSING, AND THAT IT IS HIGHLY WRONG THAT ANNA NICOLE GOT IN THERE AND NOT BUDDY HOLLY. She probably thought I only wanted it for Joey... Was she right? Or were there more of your dead husbands in there? John Lennon and John Denver were there...but...I like Joey the best... cool..john lennon <3 ~Liz :unsure: Don't get too close. John is one of Mushroom_king's dead husbands. YESHEISANDEVENYOKOONOCAN'TSTOPME >( Yoko Ono is old. and john would be 67 by now...(born 8 october 1940) ~Liz 'You heard Paul Mcarteny's new album?...He's not OLD.
  16. Start writing!!! I would love to know a famous author! FINE >
  17. Of course we noticed that Clinton moved to NY *just* so she could become senator. BUT... what idiots elected her???????? I would have booted her butt back to Arkansas. Even that state did not want the Clintons back. When go to Europe and somehow get into political talk with a resident, they always ask me how Bush got elected...
  18. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut&~* One thing keeping from writing my book is that I'm afraid there would be too much controversy over it...however, people don't talk about books and make controversy about them until they're made into a movie because they're idiots and don't read. So maybe I would be safe for a while. Unless it became super-popular, in which it would become controversial like Harry Potter did. No one had to wait for the movie of that. *~*The psychedelic luau*~*(The astronomy Domine*~*
  19. You mean those ads are REAL?! I saw one on (a certain video site) and I thought it was a joke. Chuck Norris jokes are a nice fad, but that's all they should be. And why would Chuck Norris, or at least the image we have created of the man, be involved with politics? Well, I think Huckabee is a nutjob for making those ads. Yuck, that's taking things too far. Yeah, so much for separation of church and state. People making huge, media-sucking, political issues out of things that shouldn't raise questions about the law but instead stay in the church where the only real conflicts are. Speaking of which, only one more year now until Bush leaves office! ...okay, that's not very short at all *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* Well, you may not know this, but Chuck is a Christian; Huckabee (What kind of title is "President Huckabee", anyway?) is the definition of Religious fanatic. Speaking of Religious fanatics, somebody needs to hurry up and do something about them. I'm tired of their whining about The Golden Compass. Has anyone here heard John Fogerty's new album Revival? No? Would you buy it if I told you that one of the lines on his album is "I'm sick and tired of your dirty little war," would you buy it? That is all. *~*The psychedelic Luau*~*the astronomy Domine*~*
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* you haven't seen my town. DUDE, even my GRANDMA likes Huckabee. And she's very X 1,000 Democratic. D: *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*(
  21. *~*The Grand Illusion&*~*The Final Cut*~8 Why do I have the feeling that Ghost wants to have sex with Turttle? I'm....not kidding. She's constantly at his house, she lets him touch her special areas, taught him how to unhook her bra, and is always wanting to be alone with him. It's creeping me ouuuuut. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
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