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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  2. also. I'm getting REALLY ****** at how my friends don't care if someone gets all giddy and happy and talks about how Johnny Depp is so hot, but they get mad at me and call me obsessive if I say that I think Marth, Jeff, Keith Moon, or Joey Ramone are hot. (Or they say that it's gross and I should shut up...) Kind of funny coming from people who have 18 posters of Depp in their rooms they regularly, and voluntarily, make out with. I'm also tired of the way they call me a pedophile if I say Jeff, Ness, Lucas, or any other 13-year old Game character is hot, when they're the ones saying they want to b*** Orlando Bloom, despite the fact that he's thirty years older then them, would get arrested if he was caught, and probably wouldn't be to interested in doing that with teen girls.
  3. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* No, Turtle's Mom = The Dumb. You see, T's Mom wants him to keep going out with Ghost. So, she forced him to take her to the dance, and is giving her rides home every day. Stepping away from the fact that Ghost is overweight and NEEDS the exercise she gets from walking home, Ghost seemed like, for a while there, that she was FINALLY getting over Turtle breaking up with her. But now she's being a creepy stalker again, and she's extremely touchy-feelie with Turtle, and even tried to hold his hand during and assembly, and, like she did when she was going out with him, gets P***** if someone makes fun of or hits Turtle, despite the fact that teasing and hitting each other on the shoulder are time-honored A.D. Traditions. And, like she did when they were going out, has memorized his schedule. Even I didn't know Trent's schedule. It's creepy as ****. Speaking of creepy as ****, there's this scrawny kid, Dusty, (Yes his parents named him that) who thinks he's Super Cool and tough is also stalking Turtle in a creepy way. He's creepier then Ghost. *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  4. Aaarrrggghhhhhhh! The only bobblehead I would ever consider buying would be a Cramer bobblehead. He is the President of Cramerica. o_o Mad Money !!!!! o_o
  5. Aaarrrggghhhhhhh! The only bobblehead I would ever consider buying would be a Cramer bobblehead. He is the President of Cramerica. o_o
  6. TIME PARADOX! You just know that someday this topic will be inadvertently caught in a screenshot... XD
  7. I realised, like right now, that one of the other TAWPEEKS is called "Oh. Oh My." in the picture.
  9. On Hampsterboard, Search engine Visits you.. A wonderful place is Soviet Russia. I can has idiosyncratic conjugation... We should have a topic dedicated to memes and the like. but it would be difficult without links... IN SOVIET RUSSIA, ALL YOUR US IS BELONG TO BASE! In Soviet Russia, Cheese master's you. (o_o...)
  10. (saw that reference before, not sure where its from) Yeah, right now we're about a block away from a college campus, and with all their students of vast quantities, Its easy to just blend in with them and go to the university library for much intarwebz. =D Not like i've, uh, done that before or anything, -cough- and Horatio and MK should calm down more. 'cause its only gonna be like a week. And, if I have no internet access, but a compy, then I'll have significantly less distraction so I'll write stories and awesome things like that. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* FOOL! YOU TELL ME TO CALM DOWN? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT VIDEO GAME IS COMING OUT NEXT SATURDAY? WHICH, BY THE WAY, I RESERVED TODAY? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  11. I like proper children's music, like raffi, not those bad covers of atrocious songs that can only be explained by, people selling their firstborn children for concert tickets. Raffi is kid's music? F'real? I love Raffi!
  12. HampsterKing received two avatars one from you and one from Li. He has used yours for quite some time and now he must be fair and use the one created by Li. He will switch back to you when he has given Li's avatar the same time of usage. I wouldn't call that Li's avatar...
  13. :blink: Now that's one I have not heard. *thinks just how much I love typos* INSPIRATION...AWAY! You are the only one who caught my reply. *hands Mushroom_king a cakie* w00t. When Doves Cry-Prince
  14. :blink: Now that's one I have not heard. *thinks just how much I love typos* INSPIRATION...AWAY!
  15. Luigi's Mansion Medley-Super Smash Brothers Brawl Ranked No. 1 on my list of songs you don't want to hear in a dark alley. YOU HEAR THAT? IT BEAT THE THEME FROM "PSYCHO".
  16. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* I might be interested in writing songs for the album. What kind of content do you want me to write about? I've been in a pretty good mood lately, so I could write about that. Awww, you're not using my avatar anymore?._. *!~*The psychedelic luau*~*The astronomy Domine*~*
  17. 2) Every other day... would that be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays or Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Being a seven day week, it sort of throws me as I do not know which other days you are talking about. 3) Good to hear you are still playing the flute and violin. Have you ever listened to Sarah Chang? She is phenomenal. 5) Your rat needs a name. My suggestions would be to have a name that starts with an R. Such as Roger. You can only name rabbits Roger. >O ~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~* but...but...I was going to get a rabbit and name him Peppy.... Do a barrel roll! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* perhaps I worded that poorly. I meant that only rabbits could be named roger, not that all rabbits should be named roger. Peppy is perfectly acceptable. Cheesie... you need to go back an really read Mushroom_king's post. You might give her a barrel. Horatio has never played Star Fox.
  18. 2) Every other day... would that be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays or Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Being a seven day week, it sort of throws me as I do not know which other days you are talking about. 3) Good to hear you are still playing the flute and violin. Have you ever listened to Sarah Chang? She is phenomenal. 5) Your rat needs a name. My suggestions would be to have a name that starts with an R. Such as Roger. You can only name rabbits Roger. >O ~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~* but...but...I was going to get a rabbit and name him Peppy.... Do a barrel roll! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~* perhaps I worded that poorly. I meant that only rabbits could be named roger, not that all rabbits should be named roger. Peppy is perfectly acceptable. YOU BETTER
  19. I think part of the problem is that the HD albums are aimed mostly at kids who are too young to be on here. (I think legally you're supposed to be at least 13, but that might be different because the board mods each post). So the trick would be to make an album that appeals more to older teens or adults (that would probably mean taking away the high pitched voices, at the least.) Or just make a new single song and toss it around the internet for free. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* The best way to make an album that appeals to teens or adults would, yes, take away the high voices. The older albums also had songs that were probably more meaningful then the songs on Happy Times Ten. But it should still be a little kiddie and silly, because I think the silliness of the Hampsterdance is what attracts some people. *~*The psychedelic Luau(~*The As
  20. 2) Every other day... would that be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays or Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Being a seven day week, it sort of throws me as I do not know which other days you are talking about. 3) Good to hear you are still playing the flute and violin. Have you ever listened to Sarah Chang? She is phenomenal. 5) Your rat needs a name. My suggestions would be to have a name that starts with an R. Such as Roger. You can only name rabbits Roger. >O ~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~* but...but...I was going to get a rabbit and name him Peppy.... Do a barrel roll! *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  21. Start writing!!! You are a phenomenal lyrics writer, so perhaps you can write the lyrics for a song or two. How does that sound? ~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~* You mean, I have to write lyrics for the littlest tiniest babies? or children? I wrote a journal entry on dA about HD along with a link. I also sent a note (PM) to a close friend on the site who says she'll check it out. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  22. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final CUT*~* The best way to do so is to have a new Hampsterdance album come out. How do we do that? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  23. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ditto D:
  24. Forget the teddy bears and balloons. In my humble opinion, you are a terrific person with a great personality and fantastic sense of humour. The guys in your age group, have not grown-up enough to appreciate the person you are. Mushroom_king, please try and not think about the over-indulgences on this day. ooook. But it kinda hurts when the ugliest kid in school (Beardo) has a girlfriend. Please do not let it hurt your feelings. There is a love interest for everyone. Some people do not find the right person until they are out of college, some people need to try out a dozen varieties before they find someone. Please, if I could have you believe one thing, that is love yourself first. The right guy will be there. It is only that he is just not there at the moment. I already love myself, and I'm tired of people teasing me for never having a date, and I'm tired of people saying I like Arkcher and Cheesemaster. Read Cheesemaster's post. Then ignore those people who tease you. It seems like you haven't been a position where you get teased? You can't ignore people in the real world like I can on the internet. And Cheesemaster gets stuff from his friends. I don't get anything. I don't even get told "Happy Valentine's Day". Oh, quite the contrary. In fact, teasing, nasty remarks on such a large scale, you would not even be able to imagine. This is when I dig deep inside and try as hard as I possibly can to ignore these shallow people. I have a couple really wonderful friends, but I cannot cry on their shoulders all the time, so I search within and look other places. For example, all of the people here make my heart smile. Sometimes I didn't think I could ignore some of the comments. But coming here and finding truly wonderful, nice, caring people gave me inner strength. What I see are the small, petty, shallow people are the first ones to spread nasty rumours as if this makes them feel like a bigger person. Where I live, ignoring it is a sign of weakness. That's what they say just to provoke you. No. No one ever says that.
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