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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. =O!!! I should send Nutzky a snapshot I took in brawl! A funny one! I have many! Please post your snapshot! I don't know how D=
  2. Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro. Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? I WENT TO MEXICO ONCE. except I made a tawpeek about it. Then you can help me bring Hiro back. YEA, BUT I CAN'T. Because... Um... Video games. Yea. Those are important. I can never understand what you're saying. Thanks? No problemo! ANDDDDDDD YOUR FINALLY DIDN'T DO THAT... ~lkj;lkjdfkl~ ~kljfdklgj~ blah ~jlkdsfsjkl~ ~jhskle3huojd~ THING. That was rude.
  3. Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro. Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? I WENT TO MEXICO ONCE. except I made a tawpeek about it. Then you can help me bring Hiro back. YEA, BUT I CAN'T. Because... Um... Video games. Yea. Those are important. I can never understand what you're saying. Thanks?
  4. =O!!! I should send Nutzky a snapshot I took in brawl! A funny one! I have many!
  5. Ugh, thanks for pointing that out. *shivers* Yes yes, I have an irrational fear of bugs...I'm sure everyone has at least one such fear though. Uh oh, Horatio is developing a split personality. Actually so far they seem quite similar personalities. I have an irrational fear of spiders. Of course, I took a few pictures of one in my pool, and that was with a telephoto lens. My evil twin is kept locked up. Beware... sometimes he escapes. My split personalities are not locked up. neither is my sanity, who is quite surly sometimes.
  6. Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro. Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? I WENT TO MEXICO ONCE. except I made a tawpeek about it. Then you can help me bring Hiro back. YEA, BUT I CAN'T. Because... Um... Video games. Yea. Those are important.
  7. Heeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllooooooooooo Hiro. Thought you were going to escape unnoticed? I WENT TO MEXICO ONCE. except I made a tawpeek about it.
  8. >! -pays for her Meat Cleaver- Say, can I open up the Red Market here? (I already asked but i ask again) Lexxy should be here soon. You will need to ask him. ok
  9. >! -pays for her Meat Cleaver- Say, can I open up the Red Market here? (I already asked but i ask again)
  10. Awwwww, really? I'm going to have to redraw the Leguan I drew for my story...
  11. TRACK 3 FTW > Track 3 = LSD!!!! (hopes horatio won't edit out the drug reference. even though it wasn't intentional when the song was written.... ~Liz I was about to smack you and explain it was a painting by Sean Lennon.
  12. *~*the Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* it's the rainy season here in Duh-ssouri. We had a bad rainstorm last week and my basement flooded. I couldn't shower and all my pants and unda-wears were in the basement, too. ...Leguan, random question: What is your opinion on the subject of sweater vests and bowl haircuts? *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  13. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut** Caramelldansen. Europop ftw. If I actually got called by anybody and actually carried around my phone, my ringtone would be the Brawl theme song. *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  14. I bathed with Professor layton and his assistant Luke the other night. Wait, I shouldn't say that. Finally, someone else here who's played at least ONE of those games.
  15. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*the Final Cut*~* OH LAWD. I've seen Ghost act like an idiot, but NEVER like this. Today in Science, we had an assignment; we had to guess the age of stars just from pictures and descriptions. Pretty easy, and me as well as others got the assignment done with relative swiftness. EXCEPT...Ghost and Turtle. You see, Ghost was being flirty in a way I cannot describe to you. Except that it scared the **** out of me. Turtle only got one problem done, Ghost did not do any. same thing happened in Math. HELP *~*The Psycedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  16. At least it is only one dead guy. You're not even close to Mushroom_king... she is married to a whole long list of dead guys! And video game characters. That Jeff Andonuts...he sure can wor-uh, almost said something bad. Um. Definitely not sexual, though. Nope. -runs-
  17. Do you have Meat Grinders? Or Meat Cleavers? Or Katanas? Or plastic butter knives? ...'cause I need some. Well not the Meat Grinders. I have some of those. Need some Meat Cleavers to go with the Meat Grinder.
  18. WHOA, my computer speakers started picking up radio waves when I got to the mind reading question. Creepy. MY QUESTIONS: 1. What color is the space behind your eyes? 2. Have you ever gargled at someone as a greeting? 3. Do you think I need a pedicure? 4. What's your desktop background? 5. Do people actually eat pears? 6. Why are good dreams always interrupted? 7. How about them Packers? 8. Nani? 9. Do you have 10 bux I can borrow? 10. What would you do if I sang out of tune? *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* 1. Clear 2. Nnnnnno. 3. No 4. EarthBound...stuff 5. Yes. I do. 6. Because. 7. Who? 8. Yes 9. yes, but you can'y have it 10. Sit up and walk out on you *~*The Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*(~
  19. *~*The Grand Illusion*~The Final Cut*~* IT'S TIME TO PLAY TWENTY QUESTIONS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SOME TIME. 1. How come all political people in the 1800's had names like Henry and Thomas? 2. Why am I so awesome? 3. Is the OxyClean guy a terrorist? 4. Why? 5. Why are video game characters so sexy? 6. Can the lady who does announcements at my school read my mind? 7. Why are tophats so cool? 8. I say tea. Do you think of Asia or England? 9. Why is it that rappers get millions of dollars in record sales but Chad Vangalaan can't? 10. Why did the princess invite us over for a picnic? 11. Do all Toasters really toast toast? 12. Why construct additional pylons? 13. What the heck does "Squadala" mean? 14. Why can't there be an earthbound cartoon? 15. Why can't Jeff be a playable character in Brawl? 16. Why am I having trouble thinking up questions? 17. Why do I have to take standardized tests? 18. Why does school S*** so much? 19. Why are humans so stupid? (Please do not edit. Sorry, had to. H.) 20. Why are some of the questions I asked serious questions that deserve their own TAWPEEKS? *~*The Psychedelic luau*~*The Astronomy Domine~(
  20. *~*The Grand Illusion*~*The Final Cut*~* before Spring Break, I thought Turtle would get a break from Ghost, and she would have some time to get over him without Turtle's parents getting in the way. Oh the hilarity of hindsight, because Turtle's mom forced Ghost to come over to Turtle's house...something they regularly did when they were going out. And also something that helped fuel Ghost's alleged lust for Turtle... Anyway, Turtle sez they had fun and played video games. I guess that's good? The AD regularly does that. *~*the Psychedelic Luau*~*The Astronomy Domine*~*
  21. Joey-Concrete Blonde JOEEEEEYY, OH JOEEEEYYY. i sing this to my Joey Ramone...
  22. I'm insanely attracted to Professor Layton, who doesn't exist.
  23. I live in the South, or at least near it, Horatio. XD I should know. You live in the South????????? Missouri? Well, I guess Missouri IS south of Canada. Not just Missouri, but Southern Missouri. Lots of Arkansas...ians...people... Arkansas is definitely NOT the south. Not sure what category it fits into, but definitely the south doesn't want them. The South doesn't want Arkansas. neither does the midwest, the northeast, the west, Canada, Africa, Europe, Asia, Mexico, or anyone else. Someone had to do it And Arkansas kicked the Clintons out. I guess. XD
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