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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Invision Profile: Cheesemaster Name: Cheesemaster (real name? Citation needed) Gender-Male Species: Cheeseboy Likes-Reading, cooking, exploring, engineering, science, being with friends, Onigiri (rice balls), Tea, Learning, making friends, some video games, katanas, Stanley Kubrick movies, science fiction, board games, and smart clothes like sweaters and newsboy caps Dislikes-Illiteracy, Bigots, religious nutballs, bad books, stupidity, rudeness, assumptions, bad movies, and people who make fun of his glasses Lives: The Port of Cheese, Swissconsin; the ground floor of a two-house flat on a corner near a newspaper printing company. Lives with C.C. Edna. From: Earth. Originally from Japan, moved to and was raised in England. Is considered an English citizen and considers himself more English than Japanese. Special skills: -Science! (Engineering, Physics, Biology, Geology, Chemistry) -Swordfighting (Katana) -Berserk Button -Rather smart -Rockin' hair -Language (English, Japanese, Nadsat, Lapine, assorted Fantasy and Science Fiction Languages) Notable quotes: "Jakob, if you would just read a little bit, maybe you'd think more openly about me." "I could definitely eat these riceballs forever. It's my duty as a man of science to test my hypothesis." The only son of an unnamed, non-famous scientist whom he refuses to tell anyone about, Cheesemaster is the best friend of Arkcher Ahrroww (also the son of a scientist). Cheesemaster, as stated, has given so few details on his past that it is nearly impossible to write a detailed history of him. All that is known is that he was born to an English Biologist who studied the Paranormal in Japan, though soon after moved to England and was raised there. Cheesemaster has spoken even less of his mother. He states that his mother was not around growing up, leading some to believe she is dead (which he furiously denies), while some state that his parents were divorced (he denies this as well, saying his parents were very much in love with each other); the most accepted theory is that his parents were never married in the first place. This is all that is known about his parents and past. Cheesemaster is known among the Invisionists for being a kind-hearted, respectable young man who spends his free time reading or preforming various experiments, or building things. He rarely has much free time, though he seems to make the best of it by being with his friends as much as he can. Cheesemaster's occupation at the moment is that of being a newspaper boy in the Port of Cheese; he lives in an area of the town that most everyone passes through on their way to work or school, and thus he gets rather good business. Many of his friends have expressed concern over such a low-paying job, but he claims it is just enough for him to get books and food, which he says is all he really needs. An aspiring engineer, Cheesemaster frequently works with the inventor Arkcher Ahrroww and he biologist Leguan, both of which have some experience in the field of engineering and physics, often helping them with new inventions and experiments respectively. As literally nothing is known of Cheesemaster's schooling, if indeed he had any, it is assumed he learned all he does about science from reading. And speaking of, it's said and frequently joked that Cheesemaster has the second largest book collection on Invision, bested only by The Rabbitt Family's massive library. His collection, even if these jokes aren't true, is impressive and spans a great many genres and is perhaps one of the best examples of his intelligent and (mostly) calm nature. He enjoys nothing better than sitting by his bookshelf on a rainy day with a good book. One thing he is known for among friends is his frequent quips, which are typically of how he believes a good gentleman should act and is proclaimed by both himself and those around him as a shining example of such. However, he is a teenager, and such can't always act kind and calm. He does try his hardest, and had said that he wants to be like his father, who he says was the the humblest gentleman one could have ever met. One of his major faults, and one that he fully realizes he has, has been his short temper; no matter how gentlemanly he may seem, it's not uncommon for him to fly off the handle at someone, and then profusely apologize for it afterwards. This is frequent with the prosecutor Jakob White Rabbitt, who hates him with a passion and for no real reason. These breakdowns typically involve anyone making a snide comment about his eyesight or his glasses, and often ends in him and the remarker getting into a fight. Afterwards, he tends to express deep shame in himself for having gotten angry over something so trivial. He's expressed a want (and probable need) to get over this bad habit of his, though he hasn't taken any action to do so. As for why he does this, he's never outright said it but has often mentioned how his glasses were a gift from his father, who in turn got them from his wife (Cheesemaster's mother). It's of much controversy whether or not a small bounty should be placed on him, as he's good friends with a number of criminals including Mob boss Kat Dacatis and the murderer Edgar Alan King. Despite this, he's also friends with the detective Ms. Shirley Locke, and her partner, Dr. Aloysius Ahrroww. It's been rumored Cheesemaster is even a member of Dacatis's mafia, though these are unconfirmed and have no basis. He certainly doesn't seem like the type who would be working with criminals in the first place.
  2. Alright, so I've decided to start a series of these profiles on the extensive cast of my story, starting with Kat, and each profile release will come out when a new character story ends. I'm going to take a break from the chapters in order to writer these, so you'll still have something to look forward to. Here's Kat, the first one I made. Next will be the Cheesemaster profile. Name-Kat Dacatis Gender-Female Species-Furry (mostly animal type) Likes-Alcohol, Cartoons, Cardboard Boxes, Pin Tac, drawing, claymores, playing, time travel, the mafia, Oscar Wilde, exploring, cool clothes like Fedoras and monocles, the color red, weird stuff, fire, explosions, traffic cones, cool animals like walruses and starfish, hook hands, vikings Dislikes-Work, serious business Lives: Hamsterdam in a cardboard box From: Usyooki Special skills: -Musical (Kazoo, Triangle, Accordian, Banjo, Maracas-can play with feet) -Language (English, Pirate, Gibberish, Nadsat) -Swordfighting (notably with claymores) -Crazy Awesome -Prepared for the zombie apocalypse Notable Quotes: "No, wait! That's supposed to explode!" "Well, the way I see it, Physics is just a bunch of laws, like the legal ones. I break those all the time, so why not the laws of Physics?" "Have you heard the good news about Cheesus?" Once upon a time in Russia, a little girl was born with a fedora on her head to the Don of the Russian Mafia. She quickly learned the ways of the Mob, and learned such skills as flying, playing the accordion, and piracy. Life was really, really awesome until one day her parents were killed by Ninjas. Kat then took a level in Badbutt and sought after the Ninjas, and hijinks ensued. Absolutely none of that is true. What IS true, however, is that catgirl Kat Dacatis had a mysterious, little-talked about past in Usyooki, a mysterious place none of her friends have heard of. It is rumored that the planet Usyooki was located in a very different galaxy than Invision or indeed any of the planets the Invisionists are from are located. This may explain Kat's eccentric nature and odd, rarely-explored powers. Kat, as her name may imply, is a catgirl with white fur, thought she has frequently tried to insist it is brown. She frequently wears red, with her hair and suspenders both red and her coat she wears in the Fall and Winter red as well. Kat claims that if Awesome was a solid object, it would be red. She claims to have numerous scientific evidence to back this theory up. Kat, by nature, is incredibly eccentric, in such a way that she is regarded strange even by the other Invisionists. Kat is known for coming up with outlandish plans, which usually involve one or more of the following: explosions, robots, vikings, the Mafia, traffic cones, and duct tape. It is a source of great controversy, in that many of Kat's doings are very explicitly against the laws of Physics. It is rumored that, perhaps, Kat's perception of reality is so disconnected that she no longer abides by the rules and laws of physics, and freely breaks them-often without realizing she is. Some, most notably her fellow employees at the restaurant Planet Horatio, believe that the above theory, combined with Kat's incredibly strong belief that Physical Laws can be broken as easily as Legal laws, is fueled by her massive consumption of caffeine and alcohol. Kat is apparently wanted by some form of government; her poster has appeared in the newspaper several times before being replaced by the much-more at-large Sheena and Edgar Alan King. She has been wanted for such crimes as 'Theft, Piracy, Vandalism, Indecent exposure, Syndicated Crime, Arson, Driving While Intoxicated, Underage drinking, and Unregistered Time Travel'. Kat has never expressed any panic over being wanted for such a number of crimes; mostly because she can't remember most of them. Kat herself is the leader of a Mafia creatively called The Kat Mafia. She has amassed an unknown number of members, with prominent ties to other Invision criminals such as The Teen Silver Eye Fox, The Grim Hamster Lord, and Dan 'Dead' Deep. Her Mafia has frequently pulled increasingly notable crimes, from faxing violent bewitched (citation needed) stick figures to enemies, to arranging a full-on shoot-out and massive thefts and attacks. Despite this, no one seems to be brave enough to step up and arrest Kat for any crimes. This may be because an increasing rumor goes around about 'Bruce', a secret friend of Kat who does her every bidding and is excellent at killing, mainly decapitation. Kat has, allegedly, threatened to use 'Bruce' in many a fight, claiming she has him on her person and can use him at any time. Little is known about 'Bruce', whoever he is. Kat's non-mafia exploits are long, varied, and impossible to describe here alone; it is safe to say, however, that every one of them is very different from the last, and each is completely insane and illogical. As of late, Kat has shown examples of a possible strange power where she thinks about doing something impossible and it happens, such as fixing a ruined building with tape or using two paddles and tape to turn a tour guide boat into a mini-helicopter. While little is known of this power (if indeed that is what it is), more research will have to be done on the mysterious subject.
  3. My friend apologized to me several times yesterday after school. I think he only did it because he realized his friendship with me was in jeopardy (he did the same thing when he pulled the Nazi stuff with me a while back; when THAT happened, not only was he at risk for losing my friendship, but the friendship of out entire little group because everyone saw me upset the day it happened.) Anyway, new rant. I get so mad when people assume that only boys play video games/read kawmeeks (both Manga and Superhero), or like scifi and fantasy. Basically, I hate it when people assume only girls can like geeky stuff. Case in point, a local newspaper article on the Marvel/Disney deal (I have no comment on the matter). The article assumed that only young boys read superhero comics. Not only does this assume all kawmeek buk readers are male, but it assumes superheroes and kawmeeks are for kids (a notion that makes me RAEG just typing it). so yeah Also, I saw a stupid book today that made me mad. It's called "I (heart) Geeks" and is a dating guide for "normal" girls to dating geek guys. Because geeks definitely want to date non-geeks. Anyway, the chapter of the book focusing on otaku (anime fans) is called "Mr. No-This-Is-Not-A-Kid's-Book". Let me repeat this loud and clear. I REALLY, REALLY HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE THINK COMICS ARE FOR LITTLE KIDS. anyway, just random stupid stuff that bothers me.
  4. I get so mad when I have to question why I'm friends with a person. OK, so in the past I've had two friends like that (Jack Rabbit, and Turtle's most recent Ex-Girlfriend). But as of now I think they're genuinely awesome. However, there is one friend I have no idea why I was ever friends with. You know, the friend I'm co-writing Time Killer with. Recently, I've had writer's block and researcher's block with the story. I need to do research on 20's New York, but due to the fact that I want to use reputable (read: non-internet) sources, it's taking a while. that and I have no idea what to make next. That and I also have to do research for Feudal Japan, Middle Ages France, and 18th Century England for later parts of the story. So, writing it is not quite as easy as Invision or ADRPG. that, and TK got...no planning whatsoever. certainly not as much as Invision and ADRPG have gotten. So, I stroll onto my dA page to see what isn't waiting for me. I find a comment that violates at least five Internet Etiquette laws. (warning: naughty language) 'IF YOU WOULD EVER WRITE YOUR D*** CHAPTER OF TIME KILLERS WE COULD HAVE CHARACTER SKETCHES, BUT NOOOOO YOU HAVE TO AVOID IT, WRITE THE D*** CHAPTER OR ELSE!" Funny how he throws that 'or else' in there. He's known for giving rather violent threats that in reality he's probably too much of a wuss to carry out. Also, Edgar Alan King is based off this guy and so far is the only Invision character I have even considered killing off. But I won't because I need a character that I can thrash a lot. Anyway, this lovely comment came to me when I was at home with two GENUINE friends of mine (Ghost, Beardo, I love you both.). We'd gotten back from roller skating and were going to chill with some lemonade and watch Axis Powers Hetalia online. Unfortunately, both my fun and some chores I had to do were interrupted by above comment, so I swiftly replied to my 'friend'. 'Shut the **** up, [real name]. Apparantly you don't realize how hard it is to WRITE. I have something called WRITER'S BLOCK and I NEED TO DO THE RESEARCH FIRST. I actually want a time travel story to be HISTORICALLY ACCURATE. HISTORICALLY ACCURATE STORIES ACTUALLY TAKE TIME TO WRITE. WITH FANTASY LIKE INVISION AND ADRPG, I CAN MAKE UP WHATEVER THE **** I WANT AND NOT HAVE TO CARE. BUT WITH FICTION LIKE TK, it doesn't take that much time to write. I think you need to realize that writing is NOT AN EASY OCCUPATION, LOGAN. WRITER'S BLOCK IS AN ACTUAL THING WE SUFFER FROM, NOT AN EXCUSE FOR LAZINESS. I WANT THE CHAPTER FINISHED AS MUCH AS YOU DO. But writing is NOT easy at ALL. In case you didn't know, Time Killers didn't exactly get the FOUR YEARS OF PREPARATION that Invision got, or the several months that ADRPG got. It got a few days of planning. I actually need time to THINK ABOUT WHAT IS HAPPENING. I DON'T AD-LIB MY WRITING-I ACTUALLY THINK ABOUT WHAT THE H*** IS GOING TO HAPPEN. Not to mention I actually have THINGS to focus on. Such as REAL LIFE, preparing for school, my brother moving back in. SO SHUT THE **** UP AND ACTUALLY TRY TO SEE THINGS FROM MY POINT OF VIEW FOR ONCE. YOU GET NOTHING, YOU LOSE, GOOD DAY SIR. -The Internet is Serious Business-' Normally I don't care if people leave junk like this on my pages (like I concluded, Internet: Serious Business) but seeing as this was from an IRL 'friend', it was different. somehow. anyway, I *finally* got a reply today. Violates the saw Internet etiquette laws. May be hard for some to read. 'OK B****, I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF MY OWN PROBLEMS ON TOP OF MY OWN LONG TERM PROJECT, ALL WHILE TRYING TO KEEP A 100% AVERAGE ON FOUR F****** HONORS CLASSES! I HAVE MY OWN PROBLEMS AND AM **** SURE WHAT WRITERS BLOCK IS, RESEARCHING DOES NOT TAKE THAT LONG AND THERE IS NO COMPARISON TO INVISION AND TIME KILLER! THEY ARE TWO ******* COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ******* THINGS! SO GET OFF MY ******* BACK! YOUR PROBLEMS ARE YOUR PROBLEMS, MAYBE IF YOUR PROBLEMS ARE SO BAD THAT YOU ARE GETTING WRITERS BLOCK, YOU SHOULD MESSAGE ME THE PROFILES AND CHARACTER INFO FOR TIME KILLERS AND I WILL WRITE THE **** THING!' Yea, gratuitous profanity makes your argument better and yourself more mature. not really. Of course I left a comment about about how he's a hypocrite for saying I should get off his back when he himself is on my back about writing, and that I have no idea why I'm friends with him. Honestly, I'm tired of being friends with this person. Remember my rant on how I was upset by a Nazi supporter? Yea that was this 'friend' of mine. among other several instances where I quickly began to hate him. Invision readers may remember in a Longdon chapter, Cheesemaster's outburst "You stop touting that [your atheism] as a label of your so-called individuality' or something among those lines (too lazy to check). That's commentary on my 'friend' and his behavior. Whatever, I just wanted to get that off my chest because no one is no one Facebook for me to vent to.
  5. [Okay, my droogies, here's the currently-planned schedule for Character Stories. Because nobody voted in the poll and it ended in a tie between Arkcher and Hoops (who both got two votes), I'm going to not care any of your opinions and going with what I wanna do. o, my brothers.] [PLANNED AS OF NOW: subject to change -Arkcher Ahrroww -Hoops Ahshirt -Lilyraven Ulyssius Lucius Zyzyx (new character) -Roger -Taynio -Edgar Alan King] [Note: I am currently occupied with school, friends, and Underground Club at school, as well as reading and video games. so don't be expecting as many chapters as you got in the summer.
  6. I remember you. Question is, if you remember me.
  7. [OH BALLS] [i JUST REALIZED I NEVER POSTED THE CONCLUSION FOR THE LEGUAN STORY] [HERE IT BE] [iT WOULD BE MOST APPRECIATED IF THIS WAS EDITED INTO THE POST THAT CONTAINS THE CHAPTER WHERE SHEENA AND PALS ATTACK EVERYONE] [contains gratuitous use of the D-word.] The rest of the day went uneventful, and the next day the five slept in for a bit-save for Edna and Cheesemaster, who left a note saying they were out for an early morning walk. Cheesemaster stopped to purchase the paper from the paperboy, who was also up early; the headlines were mainly more witness statements from the previous day's events, and yet ended up in a conversation with him, causing Edna to wander off. The streets were surprisingly empty-Edna wondered if it was Saturday. He walked around, enjoying some peace finally, when he felt the sensation of someone walking behind him. Edna looked behind him. He almost screamed. Behind him, was a tall man. But not a man like we think of; a man as in a stick man. And not a stick man speaking metaphorically-he was a literal stick figure man, completely two-dimensional. he had two big, circular eyes, a mouth, no nose, and a little top hat. At his feet was a robotic-looking chicken, a cross-eyed cat, and a blue thing that looked like a weasel. In its sticklike "Hands" were two protest boards. One read NO TACO! The other read WE WANT TACOS! Edna looked confused and terrified at the same time. He whimpered, took a step back, and then ran screaming. "MR. CHEESEMASTER!!!!!" "What? What is it?" Said Cheesemaster, him and the newsboy looking up to see Edna running towards them. "I saw a stick man!" Shouted Edna, sounding almost hysterical. "I saw him, and he-and he was-he was all 2D!! What do I do?!" "Tell him to stop breaking the laws of physics!" Cheesemaster said sternly. "OK," Said Edna, and turned back around. "Well where'd he go?" Cheesemaster looked onward. "Maybe you hallucinated it, Edna. Maybe you're tired. Do you need to go back and sleep a little longer?" Edna said nothing for a while, still looking behind him for the stick man. "Yes," Was all he said. --------------------------------------- Later that day, the five of them had made their way to the Thames forest, a dark and spooky place, even though it was daytime. Edna thought it to be the kind of place where elves would live; Cheesemaster said it reminded him of Tolkien. Leguan and Alienfreak went off by themselves to study the foliage of the forest, and Kat went off on her own, with the warning to not destroy anything or get a splinter. Cheesemaster promised that if she didn't cause complete carnage and destruction, he'd buy her a biscuit. It took her some explanations for her to understand he meant a cookie. So that left Cheesemaster and Edna, who would occasionally see Leguan or Alienfreak but said nothing to them, since they were busy. "I zee," Leguan muttered, examining a pink flower with his now-gloved hand. "Zis may be vat I've been looking for," And he slowly picked it out of the ground. When he did, he felt an overwhelming presence near him that sent shivers up his spine and made his grateful to have Alienfreak with him, who told him he was just being paranoid about Edna's earlier comment about elves. "All the elves live in the Forum Forest-you know that, Leguan." "Vat if there's zum here zat no vun knew avout?" He asked, not sounding paranoid-just curious. "I don't think they'll mind. Come on-here, look at these. These plants are from another planet-we need to gather as many of that kind as possible. Leguan leaned down and examined a blackish, hedge-looking thing. "I zee," He said, looking at it. "Ze planet et originally came from vas a planet zat needed to abzorb lezz light from ze star orbiting et. Vyou cen zee zat by ze fact zat et es black. Black absorbs heat more easily. Alienfreak laughed. "You tell me as though I didn't already know, Leguan!" She said, as she leaned down and looked. "See, all these hedge-things came from a planet like that-" She said, and she reached into the pocket of her lab coat, pulling out a guidebook to plants from around the galaxy. "Here," She said, showing Leguan a photograph of the same black hedge. "Pent-ac Hedge. Originally cultivated on the Planet Sahanic-that's a planet that's so much like a Star that people have frequently confused it for one. It grows there as well as about five thousand other planets also close to the suns. "I remember," Said Leguan, his eyes growing misty with nostalgia, "Back en my home galaxy. Zere vas two plenets cloze to our zun. Mercury and Wenus." He stood up and looked at the sky, and then at her. "Do vyou think zat zis sort uf plant grows on Wenus? Not Mercury. No atmosphere vas there, I think. Vut Wenus had vun." "It's very likely. Did anyone on Earth ever go there?" Leguan shook his head. "Your technology is far behind, then," She said nonchalantly. Leguan looked at the ground. She was so very earthlike he sometimes forgot she was indeed an alien. Then again, she'd been born on Earth to a human parent and alien parent, so he wasn't that far off. "Do vyou vant to pick et or not?" He asked, and she nodded and picked up the hedge. "I alvready know vat zort of thing I might vant to do vith et," He said. "I vant to put et under different conditions zen et es used to and zee vat happens." "Then pick up more than one," She said, and he did so. The scientists continued looking at the plants in the forest, with Cheesemaster listening whenever they were nearby. Cheesemaster stopped listening to them for a moment, however, and realized with panic that Edna was not with him. "Edna?" He said, looking around. "Edna?!" He then shouted the boy's name. "Edna!!!" He said, looking around desperately for his companion. Edna had wandered off in the woods when he saw a small squirrel. Of course there were many of those in the woods, but this one stood out, because when Edna was near it his psychic senses went awry-something that rarely happened. He had attempted to talk to the squirrel, as he'd seen other talking animals on Invision, but found the squirrel running away from him; he chased after it, and that was where they got separated. Edna continued to chase the squirrel through the woods, not even realizing he'd gotten separated from the others. He kept chasing it until he tripped on a loose branch and his cap fell off. He looked up. The squirrel was no where to be found. He rubbed the top of his head and realized his cap was missing; he looked desperately around for it, and saw it-in the middle of a large patch of gross-looking fungi. Edna suddenly remembered something that Mr. Cheesemaster had told him once, about how eating wild fungi was very bad for you and could get you sick or make you see bad things that weren't real. He looked at the fungi-they weren't mushrooms. Mushrooms, even though they may be bad for you, were cute things, with a little stalk and little cap. Mr. Cheesemaster said gnomes lived in little houses made of mushrooms, with red tops and white spots. Edna saw it in an old, old picture book that Cheesemaster had in perfect condition. Mushrooms were cute, but don't eat them unless they were from the store. These weren't mushrooms; they looked like slime-covered moss. Maybe it was moss. Edna had learned that some fungi looked like moss and vice versa. But whatever it was, his cap was in the middle of it. Edna was about to reach for it, but he remembered that sometimes a moss or fungus or plant or anything might just rub off on you and do bad things to you just by you touching it. Edna drew his hand back, and shivered. It was then that he noticed the shadow upon the tree. The tree next to the moss-to the left, specifically-there stood a figure that looked as though it were embedded in the tree. He saw it looked as though it may be leaning against something, its arms folded, looking at the sky. Its stance reminded Edna of that drama show Mr. Cheesemaster watched that he channeled from Earth. The one with Mr. Hitchcock, in black and white. Only this figure was unusually thin-Edna saw most of the figure outline covered with what might be long, long-very long-hair. Edna looked behind him. There was no one. It wasn't anyone's shadow. He shivered, and whimpered. "S-Sir," He stuttered to the shadow, to see if it was sentient. He saw the figure move, in such a way that seemed as though it may have been leaning on one leg, as though against something. Its arm moved up, moved about-maybe to move its hair a bit- and re-folded its arms. It said nothing, but the outline of a nose and lips vanished-it was no longer facing the sky from the side. Edna jumped a step back when he saw two pointy things show on the sides of the head. (horns) Edna whimpered, and his shaking arm pointed to his cap. "P-Please sir, pick up my hat? I don't want to touch that moss." The shadow said nothing still, but leaned down. The black outline of a body went off the tree, to his surprise, grabbed the hat, and tossed it towards Edna, who caught it. "T-Thank you, sir. I'm going to go look for my friend now, I think I'm lost." The shadow shrugged, and Edna turned around to brush the dust off his cap. He turned around and the shadow was gone. ------------------------------------ Edna continued to walk around the forest, and Cheesemaster continued to look for him. Edna ran and ran until he was completely out of breath, and then collapsed in a clearing. He decided it might just be better to rest until he was either found, or when he was rested up and could possibly use his PSI to try and contact him. If he hadn't been so out of breath, he would have slapped himself for not doing that earlier. Edna rolled onto his back. He didn't care that his shirt was getting dirty-he was too tired to find a better resting place. He laid there, his hand on his chest, his other on the ground, his eyes shut as he breathed heavily in and out, when he heard the flapping of wings and a soft, British voice say something. His eyes jerked open, thinking it to be Sheena, but the penguin was nowhere to be found-he slowly moved his head around as well as he could, and eventually saw an eagle resting on a branch. "I said, are you alright?" Said the soft voice again. He realized the eagle was talking to him. He was too tired to get up, so he merely looked at the eagle. "I'm fine. I got lost and I'm resting," Edna breathed. He laid there for a few more moments, his eyes shut, and then he looked at the eagle, puzzled. "Why are you British?" The Eagle cocked its head. "What do you mean?" "I thought eagles were always American." The eagle's feathers ruffled, it cocked its head a few more times, and spread its large, majestic wings and flew down by Edna's side. "No, no. No always. You know they originally didn't want an eagle-" "One of them wanted a turkey," Edna strained to say, but he smiled. "Very good, I see you paid attention in class." "Oh no, my friend taught me," Edna said, as the eagle checked him up and down for injuries. "Taught me history, I mean. of different places. Like England, Germany, Japan, America, and some other places." The eagle spread its wings again, but kept them spread for a few seconds, and Edna felt strange for a few moments. He then sat up. "That's odd," He said, "I felt so tired a few moments ago. I feel fine now." "My name is LifesEagle, by the way," She said. "And you're welcome," She grumbled. "For what?" Said Edna angrily. "For healing you! I gave you energy!" "Well how was I supposed to know that!" "I don't know how, but you're supposed to! Now worship me!!!" "No!" "Do it!" "No!" "Leave 'im alone, LifesEagle," Came a voice. LifesEagle cocked her head and Edna looked. A tall, thin man walked out of the deep shadows of the forest, but did not go into the light of the clearing. He was tall-unbelieveably tall. And thin. He wore brownish pants decorated with little moons and swirled lines made of little dots that sparkled, possibly gems. He wore a large, oversized men's shirt that had the first two buttons unbuttoned and was stained with dirt. Five buttons hung down below his waistline, showing it was oversized. He wore a large, dark brown checked coat with only one button buttoned. But it was the hair you noticed first. His hair was incredibly long; it was even longer than Aloysius Ahrroww's. It reached several inches below the man's knees, while Aloysius's only went to about three inches below his hips. The hair was black-blacker than black. It was Dark Black. It cascaded, for lack of better word, down from his head to behind his body, widened out with a backdrop of the dark-black hair going past where his elbows were (as his hands were in his pockets), and then thinned out to about two inches below the back of his knees, and ended in a dark brown hair holder and a small tuft of black hair coming out of that. But oddest of all was how the black hair completely covered the man's eyes; you could not see a single thing under them, so God knows how he himself saw anything. Coming out of the sides of his head were two curved, pointed things, like...horns? "You! You're the shadow man!" Shouted Edna. "You gave me back my hat." The man leaned on one leg, looked into space, and said nothing. "I'm over here," Said Edna. "I know that," The man snapped. "I'm not blind." His voice was not deep yet still sounded deep, was not sinister and yet was. He said nothing more. "Who are you?" Asked Edna. "What do you mean by that?" "Well, uhm...what's your...name?" "Not Telling You My Name." "OK, I understand," Edna said sadly. "No, kid. That's my name." Edna looked confused, but he'd heard odder names, so he shouldn't have been. "Can I just call you Not Telling?" "Sure." Edna was silent. "Where'd you get a name like that?" "Found it." "How do you find a name?" "How do you think you find one? I found it, like you find a dollar on the street. See, my old name was stolen." "How was-" "The same way your dollars get stolen. Anyway, I went as Name Got Taken for a while, then I changed to Name got Stolen because that was more accurate. I found this name in a dark alley." "Odd place to find a name," Said Edna. He wondered why the eagle hadn't said anything yet. "Anything else you want to know?" "What are you?" "An elf," Said Not Telling. "An Umbrese elf. An elf of the moon, of the dark." "Is that why you were a shadow earlier?" "Sure, why not?" So those are ears, not horns, thought Edna. Made sense. "Can you help me?" Asked Edna, "Both of you. I lost my friends." "You lost your friends? Gee, that's even worse than a name to lose. Maybe you can check the forest lost and found." Edna raised an eyebrow in confusion. "What?" "Lost people go there sometimes. It's always humans." "What do you mean?" "It's mostly just elves like me here," Said Not Telling, "Or animals." "I see," said Edna. "What are your friends?" "Uh-a human, an alien who is kind of like a human, a cheese-boy who is pretty much human, and a catgirl." "Hmmm. Doesn't seem they'd get lost easily." "I'm a drawing, if it matters," said Edna. "I was originally going to wait for them to find me." "Lost things don't find you, you only find them. A lost dollar or name won't come back if you wait for it." "But I don't know where to look!" "Sometimes what you're looking for is right in front of you," Said Not Telling. "I looked for my favorite coat for a century and a half and never found it until I bothered to actually check the area where I least expected it, which was on my person." "You lost your coat that was on you for a century and a half?!" Shouted Edna. "No," Said Not Telling. "It wasn't on me when I first lost it. When I stopped searching it was on me. So I must have found it at one point in that time period, but I don't quite remember. When you live as long as me, centuries can sometimes pass as long as days." "Lucky," Edna whispered wistfully. He sighed and stood up. He moped over to the next clearing, where there was much shouting; a few seconds later, Cheesemaster emerged with Edna in his arms. "Edna!!! Edna!!!" He shouted; the two boys fell to the ground, and Leguan. Alienfreak, and Kat slowly entered the clearing. "Hello there, LifesEagle," Leguan and Alienfreak said in unison. "Don't you ever wander off like that again, Edna!!!" Cheesemaster shouted. Edna started to cry. "I'm sorry, Mr. Cheesemaster!!!" "Are these your friends," Said Not Telling, his voice, which had been monotone the entire time, suddenly growing worried. He took a few steps back, and then vanished altogether. Edna stood up, and looked for Not Telling. "Well where'd he go?" He asked Lifeseagle. "Not Telling hates more than two people around him," She explained, and Edna frowned. "But I was just getting to know him." LifesEagle ruffled her feathers and was about to fly off. "Don't worry. Just come back with less people." LifesEagle flew off into the forest, and Leguan and Alienfreak stepped into the clearing. "Well, I think it's about time we caught the train home, ah?" Said Alienfreak, "We gathered all the plants we wanted." ------------------------------------------ The train ride back home went most uneventfully. No suicides, no stops in Longdon, or anything else. Edna said he saw the stick man again, but Cheesemaster told him he was imagining it as he completed a book of word puzzles, as he had finished all the books he had brought with him. ------------------------------------------- The next day, the five of them stopped back in the Port of Cheese, where Cheesemaster and Edna were surprised to find what seemed like themselves on their street corner, but was merely Cheese Woman and Sterling in disguise when they remembered. Jakob Rabbitt was harassing them, when Cheesemaster and Edna walked over. Jakob stopped mid-sentence, and glared at the boys, and then back at the girls, and did this many times, though staring at the girls longest in utter confusion. "What in God's good name is going on here?!" He said in a voice that was neither a whisper nor a roar. Cheese Woman took off her cap and fake glasses. "It's me, Cheese Woman," She said in her normal, undisguised voice. Jakob gasped. "Then who is-" Sterling gulped. "Who is that, then?!" Sterling had never felt quite this afraid in her entire life. She'd done many things that Jakob had said were bad-she'd befriended Cheesemaster and Edna, and now Cheese Woman; she'd played with the boys as well, and been kind to them; among other things. But if he caught her disguised as the chimney sweep shoe-shine boy, she'd be severely punished-or maybe even beaten. "Come on! Off with your guise, I can see you're not the real chimney sweep!!!" Cheesemaster and Edna took a few steps back in fear of what would happen, and then Cheesemaster picked Edna up and cradled him. Cheese Woman also stood back with him. Sterling sighed, in such a way that she may have started sobbing then and there. She threw off her hat, unveiling her luscious curled hair, and then snapped her eyes shut and braced herself for what was to happen. And what they all expected to happen, certainly did happen. "STERLING ALAI RABBITT!!!" Screamed Jakob, furious not quite good enough a word for the emotion he put out. "WHAT THE #### ARE YOU DOING?!" Cheesemaster covered Edna's ears, but it didn't keep him from burying his tiny head into his chest. "Jakob, I-" "I DON'T CARE WHAT YOUR EXCUSE IS!! SO THIS IS WHERE YOU'VE BEEN THE PAST THREE DAYS WHILE I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT YOU?! WHAT THE #### HAVE YOU BEEN DOING?!" He said again. "Well I-Jakob-I-I-I was-I was helping Cheese Woman do the papers while he was away-" of course referring to Cheesemaster and Edna-"A-a-a-and she asked me to d-d-do the shoe-shine stand for her-" Jakob swooped down and clutched Sterling's shirt collar. "And you did that shoe-shine stand?" "Y-yes, sir!" "And you acted as a chimney sweep?" "Yes, sir!" "YOU DARED TO MUDDY YOUR GOOD FAMILY NAME WITH THE LOW-CLASS STAINS OF A DAMNED CHIMNEY SWEEP AND SHOE-SHINE BOY?! HOW DARE YOU DIRTY OUR GOOD FAMILY NAME!! YOU GOT FRIENDLY WITH THEM FIRST BUT I NEVER EXPECTED THIS TO HAPPEN!!! YOU'RE AS GOOD AS THEM!!!" He shouted, and was now gathering quite the crowd. "Sir, may I step in now and say what a horrid thing it is to be doing this in front of a large crowd?" Shouted Alienfreak. "SHUT UP!!!" He shouted to her. "YOU DON'T KNOW ANY BETTER EITHER, YOU DAMN WOMAN CHEMIST!! A WOMAN CANNOT BE A CHEMIST!!! "Marie Curie," Cheesemaster said bluntly, pushing his glasses up his nose. Jakob dropped Sterling. "What?" He said, his voice hoarse from screaming. "I said, Marie Curie." "What the #### are you talking about, Newsie?" "Marie Curie. A female chemist. And not a modern day one either." Jakob glared at him, and slowly walked toward him. "You. You damned newsie. You damned heathen. YOU GOD-DAMNED ATHEIST NEWSIE ENGINEER," He said, his voice rising. He was finally in front of him, and clutched his collar, though he did not pick him up or drag him closer, he merely leaned in to his face to threaten him. Jakob was now close enough to be breathing onto Cheesemaster's glasses, which he did. "Don't you ever talk back to me, newsie, you will speak when I speak to you, which is NEVER," He said, and stopped. "Sir-" "I WASN'T FINISHED," Jakob said through gritted teeth, but Cheesemaster spoke anyway. "Sir, stop breathing on my glasses like that. Fogging them up makes them dirty and I have to clean them." Jakob laughed shrewdly in his face, let go of his collar, and took a few steps back. "Ha! Ha!! You don't see me cleaning my own eyes, do you?!" Cheesemaster suddenly grew tense. "Is that a..." "There are too many ways in which I am better than you, newsie! And one of them is that of the two of us, I am the one with the best eyesight!" Cheesemaster's fists clenched, ready to strike. He told himself over and over and over: No more fighting, no more fighting, even if they make fun of the nice glasses that your father gave you before he-" But it didn't matter. Jakob was on the ground, with Cheesemaster clutching and stretching his collar so far up, Jakob was beginning to choke and spurt out saliva. Cheesemaster leaned, his glasses hanging off his face only by the edges of his ears, touching Jakob's face. "I don't take too kindly to comments about my eyesight," He said, raising a fist and pounding Jakob in the side of the face with it, causing Sterling to gasp. "Nor do I take kindly to comments about my friends," He said nonchalantly, plunging his other fist into the other side of Jakob's face. He was now coughing up blood and saliva. "You damned newsie," Jakob coughed. "You're completely uncontrollable. You are the wolf and I am the poor rabbit, the poor innocent songbird-" Cheesemaster gritted his teeth. "Don't you EVER use Harper Lee's analogy for your own pitiful, bigoted self, Jakob," Cheesemaster muttered in an offended, and incredibly angered, voice. Jakob coughed again. "I don't know what the #### you're talking about, newsie." "An American author, and a woman." Jakob laughed, showing it was not painful for him to do so as he did it heartily and lifted his upper body up. After his fit of laughter, he clutched Cheesemaster's collar. "A woman can't write." Cheesemaster grunted, and then managed to say, "Mary Shelley, Emily Dickenson, Jane Austen, J.K. Rowling, Emily Bronte-" "And only the English can write!!" He shouted. Cheesemaster cleared his throat and started again: "Mark Twain, Stephen King, Jules Verne, Oscar Wilde, Gaston Leroux-" He said, and freed himself from Jakob's grip. "Those on that first list, all women, the second, all non-English. "I knew that, you stupid heathen." He said, and they both got up. Voices came from around them asking to stop fighting. "That bloody boat I've been riding, the Verne, has been giving me the books that damn Frenchman wrote," He muttered, "And I burned them." Cheesemaster's eyes grew wide with anger. "I thought have four eyes would be better than having two, and would help a man pick out quality better-" Jakob regretted his words, as he was once again out on the ground, after having had Cheesemaster throw a punch once again. Sterling was crying. Cheese Woman ended up dragging Cheesemaster away from the scene when Jakob got up, yelling "Four-eyed heathen newsie! Four-eyed heathen newsie!" Over and over, each time with Cheesemaster trying to escape her grip to go attack him. He yelled the phrase over and over, after he picked up and almost literally dragged her back to the Rabbitt Manor. After Cheesemaster had calmed down just enough so he wouldn't chase after Jakob, Cheese Woman turned him around, took off his glasses, and slapped him-then put them back on his face. "Cheesie, How many times do I have to tell you, don't pick fights with people over this!! I know you don't like people insulting you-" "I don't give a damn if he calls me a heathen or a newsie. I don't care if he stabs me in the back, buries me alive, shoots me in the head, throws me off a cliff, ties a stone to me and drowns me, or anything else. I've been threw enough of that before. I don't care. But you don't make fun of my glasses, the glasses my father gave me, the one thing I have that he gave me-" "Cheesie." He sighed, and fell into her arms. "I keep telling myself not to beat people up over it anymore. But I can't help it." The crowd eventually went away (with help from Kat, who promised to send her mafia and make them forget), and Cheesemaster and Edna invited Cheese Woman in for tea and telling of their adventure.
  8. Back on the shore, Mushroom had found Dawn, who was arguing with Cheesemaster; Dawn's expression was one of sadness, as though she was deeply regretting arguing with him-it reminded Mushroom of the way she felt when she argued with Arkcher. "Dawn," Cheesemaster said, his voice and expression still very calm, "I demand that I go out and look for Edna. He's my responsibility." Dawn suddenly shouted at him. "You can't!" she yelled, "You can't!! You'll...You'll...You'll end up just like Arkcher and Edna! You'll get pulled under as well!" "Then what makes you exempt?" Cheesemaster asked, still calm but visibly frustrated. He knew they were wasting valuable time. Dawn was at a loss for words, unable to explain to him the problem at hand. Cheesemaster smiled at her, and then looked over at Mushroom, who was standing nearby. "I can watch Arkcher while you two go look for the others," Cheesemaster said. "Although I feel it is my responsibility to find Edna, I should heed Dawn's warning anyhow-besides, he'll need someone to make sure he's alright." Mushroom nodded. Cheesemaster ran out to wear Arkcher was, and the two girls, once he was out of earshot, began to plan. "Dawn, how are you going to go out there if you can't touch the water?" "I was going to summon a monster," She explained. "I drew a Sea Dragon in The Monster Book today that I thought would help." Mushroom shifted her eyes. "But there's no way you can go out there and summon it without him noticing." Dawn sighed-she had not thought of that. It hit her hard, and she knew she would have to find a way around that if she was to help her friends. "How about this," Mushroom thought aloud, "Me and the others will go find Kat and Edna, and bring whatever dragged them down to the surface. Then you can summon this Sea Dragon and help us defeat...it, I guess." Dawn nodded, her eyes closed in thought, and then opened them again. "I'll try," Dawn said. "But wouldn't that be too obvious to him? And Arkcher, as well?" Mushroom thought for a moment. "I'm not sure. But you'll have to think of something, unless the four of us alone can take down whatever it is that's out there." The two were silent, and Dawn finally breathed slowly and softly. "I'll wait here for you guys, and I'll try to come help you if I can." "Thanks, Dawn," Mushroom said, hugging her friend. "I hate to do this, but-" "Don't say that. It's not your fault I'm like this. Besides, I don't mind. I can protect Cheesemaster if anything tries to come ashore." The two nodded, and Mushroom ran off, leaving Dawn to stay and watch for the two. ------------------------------------------ Mushroom walked out onto the beach area, where Arkcher had woken up, though he was still a bit groggy. He had dried off while laying down, and was now attempting to get his pants and shirt back on, though with much difficulty. Cheesemaster was watching over his best friend with great care, to make sure he was alright. Despite all the panic, he remained calm, and smiled at Mushroom as she ran back into the water, wishing her good luck. Mushroom jumped into the ocean-she'd dried off during her talk with Dawn, and the water was cold now that she wasn't used to it. But she didn't care, nor did she notice-cold water was the least of her worries. She moved quickly out to where she thought Vanilla and the others had been. And therein lied the problem-she now had no idea where she was to look. Vanilla, PMM, and Blood Queen had all dove under the surface, and there were no rocks or anything to mark where they had been. She would have to dive under the water to look for them-that is. Just as she had taken a large gulp of air and was about to dive under, she saw a shadow underneath the water moving towards the surface. She clutched the golden heart-shaped pin, which she had worn on her swimsuit just in case, and was about to rip it off and proceed to transform until the heads of her three friends rose up. "We found Kat, but there's no sign of Edna," Vanilla said, very sadly. Mushroom looked very afraid, and told Vanilla to drop Kat off on the shore so Dawn could watch her. "Sure will," Said the hamster, he normally bubbly voice now filled with fear. Like the others, she really didn't know how such a good day had gone so very wrong, nor did she know why even. Vanilla, unlike Mushroom, was spared most of the work of carrying Kat, as Kat was mildly awake-but she was muttering gibberish most of the time, mostly about oranges and disco cars and the French. So, it wasn't much different from normal-Vanilla still held onto Kat so she wouldn't risk fainting and sinking again, but for the most part it was Kat who swam back up to the shore, where she found Dawn, Cheesemaster, and a confused, now-fully-dressed Arkcher. Neither him nor Kat were very sure what had just happened to them-Arkcher remembered nothing that happened, and Kat's memory was muddled to the point where it was just as useless. Vanilla had asked over and over if they remembered anything; unlike Dawn or Mushroom, she was not very good at asking questions seriously, and acting seriously was not something Vanilla did usually. Even in the fights back on Dreamtopia she'd never acted quite so serious. Then again, back at home lives in danger were of strangers usually-here it was their best friends. The seriousness and the possible consequences were the same, but it was much more personal now that innocent friends were involved. After repeated asking and redundant conversations, Vanilla finally got back out to the ocean to help her friends, moving as quickly as she could. ----------------------------------------- The four, again, attained bubble 'helmets' from Vanilla's magic and dove under the surface to wherever they felt their friend had went, hoping and hoping it still wasn't too late to save Edna. The group hadn't until then realized just how deep the section of ocean they had been wading in was; they weren't even THAT far from the shore, and they swore there were no deep chasms in the area they had been swimming in. For all they knew the new, deep areas had been created by the monster (well, they presumed it was a monster) just then, or that the chasms and canyons had been made with magic. Normally they could use their own magic to try and tell, but they had to preserve their magic for any fighting they might have to do. Mushroom, who was leading the group, turned around to face them; the other three stopped, their faces openly surprised. Though they couldn't hear each other, they knew Mushroom had something she needed to say. She mouthed something very slowly, as if her friends were actually able to read lips very well, and motioned for them to split up and search along with their sanities for protection. She clutched Paper Mario Master to make this point, and the two other girls nodded. The three swam off in separate chasms to try and search for Edna, as well as whatever had dragged their friends under. Back on the shore, Arkcher had finally fully come to, and was fully dressed in a wrinkled white shirt, tucked into his equally wrinkled black dress pants and his belt tightened and his necktie fastened around his neck. His tie, too, was wrinkled. His hair was matted and hadn't been washed of the salt. It's subsequent to say that he felt very horrible about his clothes being in such a condition, but he was absolutely distraught at the condition his beautiful, beautiful hair was in, as he was always proud of his lovely hair. He sat on the bench, his knees pulled up to his chest and his arms around his knees, looking very sad. Cheesemaster was sitting next to him, on the sand, and was watching the ocean for any sign of their friends or Edna. Kat was resting, while she sleep-talked and mumbled about monsters, and Dawn, like Cheesemaster, waited for a sign from Mushroom. All four were completely silent, save for Kat's mumbling and Arkcher's occasional embarrassed whimpering over his appearance. Cheesemaster occasionally looked over at him with disdain. "I'm worried about them," He said finally, breaking the horrible silence. Dawn walked over, looking carefully at the ocean waves lapping against the shore. "Bad things have been happening ever since last night at Planet Horatio." Arkcher spun his head around, his sorrowful expression mixing with question. "You were at Planet Horatio last night? You told me you just heard about it." Cheesemaster looked at him with wide, surprised eyes. "N-No, of course not. I wasn't there. I never said I was there. Mushroom told me about it-she did go to the restaurant last night. She told me all about it much later. And it's horrible...seems like she's been plagued by that sort of stuff ever since last night. It's completely bizarre." Arkcher sighed, his tone completely full of despair. "I don't really know. I mean, she's never told me anything about anyone who might have grudges against her, let alone why monsters would be following her around everywhere. I really, honestly don't know. And knowing that she's in such danger is eating away at me almost as much as how my hair looks right now, in fact it's eating at me even more. And you know how much I love my hair, Cheeseman-I love Mushroom even more." Cheesemaster laughed, though the despair was still in his voice. "That's quite a lot. You be sure to tell her that when she comes back." He looked back at the ocean, and sighed deeply. "She's a very lucky girl to have someone who loves her so much. And at such a young age." "I guess so." Arkcher agreed, and put his hands onto his head. "Ugh, but my hair is still a mess. I'll never be able to appear in public like this. I'll need a new clean shirt and pants and tie from my suitcase at the Best Friends of Horatio Club, and I need to wash and comb and gel my hair again. Ugh, look how horrible it looks! It's horrible! Don't even look at it. I need something to cover it!" Cheesemaster sighed again, as Arkcher continued to exaggerate the state of his hair and clothes. --------------------------------------------- Back in the ocean, Blood Queen had summoned Dead Deep (who, obviously, had been sleeping in her psyche) to help her search for Edna and any potential monsters. The water didn't seem to be doing any harm to Dead, and best of all, he didn't need to breathe so he didn't even require an air bubble. They'd already wasted some magic creating the air bubbles, even though it was very simple magic. The chasm Dead and Blood Queen explored was, oddly, not as dark as they expected. They had no idea why they could see so well in the chasm when it technically should be pitch-dark. Magic, perhaps. That was becoming an increasingly common explanation in their lives. The trip was very silent, and both of them had seen enough horror movies to know that in such a silent situation, something very bad, dangerous, and loud was bound to happen at any second. Blood Queen fingered at her heart-shaped lapel pin, ready to use it at any moment's notice. In a different chasm, Vanilla was swimming with her own sanity, whom she very rarely conversed with-like most Invisionists. The sanity's name was Hampster-she wasn't sure where the sanity had come from, and she'd only spoken a few times. What Hampster had said made little sense the few times she spoke, so Vanilla didn't feel very reassured that she was safe with a 'buddy'. Mushroom traveled with PMM, of course. She knew she was safe with him because he used very powerful magic-the two of them were a force to be reckoned with when they had both transformed and were capable of their full magic. All three of the girls slowly swam in these oddly-lit chasms, the silence surrounding them, almost eating them, waiting for something to happen. And eventually, something did. The swallowing silence was interrupted with a sudden, shocking noise-one the girls had heard before, but never this loud. It was a 'plunk' sound, like that of stones skipping across the water or marbles dropping into the ocean. But it was much, much louder than either of these, and completely unnatural. Back on the shore, the four who were waiting also heard the plunking noise. It woke up Kat out of her half-asleep, half-awake slumber, and nearly knocked Cheesemaster's cap and glasses into the ocean. Dawn, who had been standing beside him, fell across his lap. "What was that?!" She said, struggling to get up. Kat had ran over to the shore and was screaming gibberish. "CTHUHLU! IT'S CTHULHU I TELL YOU! THE END IS NYE! THE END IS NIGH, THE SCIENCE GUY-" And she fell to the sand, breathing heavily. Dawn looked up, After Cheesemaster caught her; her legs were shaking, and she fell against his body, not caring how awkward it might be; and suddenly, all four of them were very frightened. "That noise," Cheesemaster said, his voice full of fear and his chest rising and falling heavily, "It...it sounds like some kind of marine animal. But it's-it's too loud for it to belong to anything normal. Something that big would be like an enormous squid, or..." "A sea dragon," Dawn said shakily. "Cthulhu," Kat said, raising a hand while still on the ground. "Not of out world," Arkcher said, his mind swimming with terror. "Mushroom...Oh, Mushroom, are you alright? Mushroom-" "Whatever it was, it was huge. Those four, they're-" "Don't say it!!" Shouted Arkcher, causing Dawn to jump back, landing face-up in the sand again. She awkwardly moved out of her friend's lap. "I don't even want to think about Mushroom being in danger!!" "She'll be fine," He said, and all of them were silent, until Dawn suddenly stood up, her knees still shaking, and ran off. "Dawn, where are you going?!" But she had run off, knowing full well what she needed to do now. She needed to help her friends who were already out there. Cheesemaster also stood up. "We need to get out of here," He said, walking over to Kat and heaving her up. Arkcher slowly stood up, also shaking with fear, and managed to walk over. He fumbled with his necktie and whimpered. "I need to stay here and make sure Mushroom is alright." "Arkcher, she'll be perfectly fine. She's a strong girl-She took years of magic classes back home, after all, she can defend herself!" He shouted, almost to the point of scolding. "And Vanilla, Dana, and PMM can use magic as well. They'll be fine-assuming that something IS out there." "You're doubting that a living thing made that noise?! What else could have made it?!" "I don't know. If it is living, how do we know if it's-" Unfortunately, Arkcher didn't get to hear the rest of the sentence; at that moment, an enormous splash was heard, and upon looking, both of them fell back onto the ground, along with Kat. Dawn was still nowhere to be seen. "M-m-...Mushroom...Mushroom!!!" Shouted Arkcher, leaning forward. Cheesemaster looked on in awe, and then gasped. "Edna?" The two of them stared, mouths agape, at the enormous...the enormous thing that was now in the middle of the ocean. A tidal wave created by the creature emerging was heading for them, and Cheesemaster dragged Kat back up to the shore as all three tried to seek some form of shelter. "Where's Dawn?!" Cheesemaster asked to no one, fearing for her safety. "I don't know! Why are you asking me?!" Arkcher snapped. He looked closer at the monster in the middle of the ocean again. "I see Edna-the monster is holding it. And that looks like Mushroom, Vanilla, Blood Queen, and PMM. But..." He squinted and looked out again. "Their bathing suits are gone. They're wearing weird clothes now." Cheesemaster adjusted his glasses and looked out as well. "You're right, they look...they look similar, and yet at the same time they look so different. Why are they..." "You guys are still here?!" Shouted Dawn's voice. The boys shifted their heads only slightly, trying to keep an eye on the monster. "You need to get out of here!!" Cheesemaster stood up and walked over to her, followed slowly by Arkcher. Arkcher looked at her angrily. "Why is Mushroom wearing weird clothes? What happened to her swimsuit, Dawn? Do you have any idea?!" He said accusingly. He scowled down at her. "Why is Mushroom putting her life and sanity in danger by fighting that thing, Dawn?! I'll bet you know something, don't you? Are you five keeping secrets from us? Because all four of them are wearing weird clothes and suddenly have weapons! Are you-" "Arkcher," Cheesemaster said, "That's no way to talk to a lady in a time of crisis." Arkcher scoffed at him but said nothing, and folded his arms in a show of pouting. "There will be plenty of time for questions later. We need to take Kat to a safe place. I think Dawn has an idea of what she's going to do." Dawn's eyes shimmered, and the boys both realized she was about to cry. She shook her head and began to whimper. She took her sleeve and wiped her eyes with it, and then ran off by the shore. "So you figured it out so easily?" Dawn said, her voice full of sadness. "Well, I guess it was easy. We don't look very different from normal." Cheesemaster turned around and looked at her, confused. "Dawn, what are you talking about?" "Nothing," Dawn said, and she ripped off her heart-shaped lapel pin, and proceeded to do her transformation. "Heart of the Green Haze-Transforming Power!" She shouted, her voice shaky. The bright light wasn't all that blinding, but it was enough to get notice from the monster and the four fighting it. -------------------------------------------------- While this was happening, a fight commenced in the midst of the water; rather difficult considering the lack of solid ground to stand on. But the four managed-Blood Queen had wings, Vanilla used her Wind Magic, and Mushroom's guitar had wings, oddly enough, that she and her sanity used. Unfortunately this made it a bit difficult for Vanilla and Mushroom to attack; the fight was not commencing successfully at all. The monster had appeared to the four via making the enormously loud noise, and then crashing through the three chasms, successfully creating a trench; this meant that if anyone fell, or died, or anything else, they would fall into the trench and be lost forever. The four had all been forced to transform underwater, a feat that was rather difficult; swimming in their new outfits took time to get used to, time that they did not have; right upon reaching the surface Blood Queen took to the sky in order to dry out her wings and Mushroom summoned her guitar to pick up PMM and Vanilla; the latter then using her own magic to sustain a sort of flight. Because of the awkward 'flying', only Blood Queen was really able to successfully attack; Vanilla found herself at risk for losing energy and falling into the trench if she used too much magic-she did have to maintain the flight as well as attack, so she could only use weak spells. Mushroom was only able to use non-weapon spells, which were few and far between, PMM could only use projectile spells. Blood Queen charged with her spear, landing the blade into the monster's water-sogged skin; discoloured blood spewed forth from the wound and enormous claws swiped at her, causing her to do a midair backflip and then slashing at it again. She had to stab it a lot, as the blood might fall into the water and then would be much less powerful. She wasn't yet strong enough that she could draw the blood from the water. "Blood Cleaver!" She shouted, plunging the spear as far as she could into the monster, causing it to scream and yell in pain as well as bring its claws down on her, hitting her with a glancing blow. A few scratches were on her barely-clothed body, but for the most she was okay. "Blood Cleaver!" She shouted again, and the freshly-spilt blood arced up into a knife shape and came crashing down onto the monster's head. Blood Queen breathed heavily, and Vanilla and PMM both knew she needed more help. "Pine Burst!" Shouted Vanilla, as a wave of energy shaped like a conifer struck the monster, causing a hard THUD sound, a shuffle of leaves, and a few magic energy leaves to fall slowly into the ocean and the dissolve. PMM stood up, caught his balance, and then fired a blue energy orb at the monster. Mushroom looked around for Dawn, which was when her transformation started. ----------------------------------------- The transformation sequence was completed, and Dawn stood on the shore, and then clutched her Dead Alliance pen and looked at it. She knew her personality would change drastically in that form, but it was the only way she could help her friends out, and the only way she could summon any monsters. Even so, Cheesemaster and Arkcher were already in complete and utter shock over what had happened, and proceeded to gasp once again when Dawn raised the Dead Alliance pen and shouted "Dead Alliance! Transforming Power!" Although the transformation seemed lengthy to her, for her spectators it was only a mere few seconds, and it was incredibly shocking and awe-inducing to see such a thing happen. Dead Alliance Dawn stood on the shore in her jet-black tight dress, trench coat, and boots, her demonic wings, enormous scythe/glaive and her even darker makeup. She turned to her friends, who both were speechless, save for one phrase uttered by Arkcher: "...I wish I had a super sexy transformation sequence as well." Dawn grunted, raised the Dead Alliance scythe/glaive, and jumped into the ocean. "Dawn-!" Shouted her friends in unison, who were, once again, taken aback when the sea dragon Dawn had drawn earlier appeared and caught her, and then started swimming towards the much larger and much-wounded monster. The boys sat stunned and speechless on the shore, helpless to do anything except watch and hope the five would be OK, and for Cheesemaster, hoping Edna would be safe in the midst of all of it. The two were silent again, except for another phrase, this time said by Cheesemaster: "I can't believe they had a secret like that...but thinking about what's happened, it seems so obvious." Arkcher said nothing, and neither did Cheesemaster for what seemed like such a long time.
  9. The others looked up and saw Neil, who seemed as though he had been on his way out of town just then when he saw the commotion. He had his katana in his hand, and he held it over his shoulder. An odd wind came and blew his long, black coat and hair. He walked over to the group, his shoes-boots, John recognized; he'd never seen anyone wearing such boots before-pounding on the ground. "The Rabbit is lying." "About what?" Asked Corbin. Neil pushed his glasses up his face, and after a long silence, said "Everything." Corbin's teeth gritted. "What do you mean?" "He's lying about wanting to go with you and he's lying about his true species." Stom's eyes went larger than ever. "You're not a rabbit, are you?" Stom said nothing. Neil concentrated for a moment, and then raised his katana towards the sky. The citizens of the village looked up and saw the clouds had gone dark, though they saw no lightning and heard no thunder. The wind became strong, and the group felt the wind swirl around them, and then around Neil. "PK Cylcone, Alpha!!" He shouted, taking his katana down from the sky and rapidly pointing it at Stom, who attempted to dodge the tornado that appeared; but he failed, and got caught in it. John was gasping. "Taikuri," Said Neil, looking at Corbin, "Finish him off." Corbin clutched his keystaff but did nothing. Neil looked at him sternly. "Taikuri, I said finish him off!!" "Why?!" Shouted Corbin, his long orange hair and torn red coat blowing in the strong wind. "He's a demon, that's why!" "How would you know?!" Neil shot a death glare at him. "Just do it, dammit!" Corbin couldn't tell if Neil was older than him or not, but he didn't want to take his orders. Stom had not done anything. "That you know of," Neil said, and Corbin gasped; then his face grew dark. "Stay out of my head!!" He shouted, gritting his teeth, but Neil's expression remained unchanged. Corbin brandished his keystaff and Neil glared at him. "Are you picking a fight with me, Taikuri?" He said, and the wind began to blow again, fluttering his long black coat and Corbin's red one once again. "I am," Corbin said, and Neil took his katana off his shoulder. "Very well, then." The residents of the town looked even more worried than before; and some of them looked sickened. Katie worried if the citizens thought they were the cause of all this trouble, and would try to drive her and the group out into the woods...She didn't want to think about it. "Teacher!! Stop!!" Was all she could shout. Corbin glanced behind him; she had the most angry of expressions on her face, and she raised her scythe. "Spirit Storm!" She shouted, and swung her scythe; strange, bloblike objects fell and struck both Corbin and Neil; the two flinched, but refused to fall to the ground after being hit by such an elementary attack. Katie's eyes blazed with anger at this, and raised her scythe again, this time attacking with the strongest spell she knew. "Call of the Earthbound!" She shouted, bringing her scythe into the earth. "Stop it, Katie!!" Shouted Corbin, and she suddenly stopped; she was apt to do what Corbin told her to do. "You don't have to do this," Katie said, whimpering. "I'm not one to turn down a challenge," Said Neil. "Please stop," Katie said, whimpering. "We need to focus on what we're really doing. Finding that Julia-" "I will be the one who finds Julia!!!" Shouted Neil, The wind kicking up for a split-second and nearly picking Katie off the ground, had Cody and Logan not held her down. Neil looked at her, eyes full of rage. "Fine then," She said, "We'll look for Drewno Lucznik. Or whoever it was that John wanted to find." Neil spun his katana and and gently set it on his shoulder again. "I see. Well, that's a very honorable mission! Why don't you do that. You can search every square of these two forests and find him. I will find the Princess, I can assure you." And with that, Neil walked away, his black coat blowing in a manmade breeze. He left Usagi Town, and was never seen in that town again. John looked in his direction, looked at Katie, looked at Corbin, looked at Will, looked at the twins, and even Stom Konijn. He smiled widely, and announced, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's do just that! We need to find Drewno Lucznik!" ----------------------------------------- The group packed up their things, and were about to say goodbye to the town when Stom Konijn hopped up to them, out of breath. All but John looked at the rabbit with scorn, especially Corbin. "Something wrong, Stom?" Asked John politely, kneeling down to the rabbit's level. "Yea," Said the rabbit sarcastically. "The rabbits of this stupid town-they're exiling me because they think I'm a demon. If I see that ****ing foureyes ever again I'll-" "Shh, shh. Language in front of the women," He said, motioning to Katie. "I was, uh, I was wondering..." he then spoke very quickly, "IWasWondering IfICouldGoWithYouGuys." The others were about to say No, but John shushed them. "Sure can, Stom." Corbin growled. "John, you can't just be inviting every poor soul along the way to join us!!" John was about to pet the rabbit's head but his hand was swiftly met with the smack of a paw. "I think we could use him. After all, we're all but human, and having something that is not human may help us on our journey; after all, a rabbit's senses are quite different from our own." "But when will an Unholy mage come in handy? They're only strong against Holy Mages, and no Holy Mage we come across will be evil and attack us! Holy Mages do not work that way," Said Corbin. "I would know since I am one." Katie sighed. "I guess it'll be OK, but we just met Cody and Logan..." "But they're with us for navigating the forest," Corbin responded. "Are they truly a part of our party, dare I say it?" "I consider them a part of us," Said John softly. "Me too," Katie murmured. "Well, Cody and Logan are part of us! They are helpful because they know this forest very well, like the backs of their hands!" Cody stared at the back of his hand, wide-eyed, as if in wonder and discovery. "Stom will be of use for his rabbit senses! Besides, does he really have elsewhere to go?" The group said nothing. It was true, Stom had nowhere else to go. He'd been exiled by the town, and there were few other places that would suit his species and lifestyle. "Fine then," breathed Corbin, annoyed. "Good! That's one more person to help us find Drewno Lucznik!" The rest of the group, notably Corbin, nearly fell to the ground. "You don't really mean you're serious about finding this Lucznik fellow, are you?" Katie asked, staring at John worriedly. "I am! Of course I am! With Neil on our side, he can help us find Julia, and then be allowed to go fight Kuupkay!" Everyone sighed, but Will smiled. "Come on, guys. Nothing will be accomplished if we stand here reminding John how insane he is." John smiled shyly, and the group, now with the twins and Stom in tow, headed off into the woods. -------------------------------------------- "According to this map," Said Katie, pulling out a scrap of paper she had found apparently, "There are two other cities in these woods: Twy and Noir." Corbin sighed, remembering something. "I had a friend once, long ago, who said he was going to go live in Twy. I wonder if he ever did that." "Guess we'll find out," Said Katie. She sighed, and patted Corbin on the back. "You have friends?" Logan said, jokingly. Corbin said nothing. "If we don't find him there, then we'll have to go look in the Road-River forest for him." Said John triumphantly. "We will look and look until we find him, then look and look for Neil, and together all of us will look and look and look for Julia." Everyone sighed. John really wasn't giving anything up. But the moment was briefly interrupted by another attack; two pale humans (vampires? thought Katie) and a wolf ambushed them, and they all drew their weapons. "Logan! Let's combine our attacks!" Shouted Cody, and Logan nodded. "Hydro..." He shouted, "...Freeze!" Shouted Cody. Logan created a large wave of water, sent it flying towards the trio of enemies, and then had the stream frozen by Cody; Katie, in a fit, struck the ice with her scythe. Cody and Logan grinned widely, but especially Cody, who controlled the ice shards and sent them flying into the enemies, who were finished off by a Holy attack from Corbin-for Vampires hate Holy Magic. Well, all the ones Corbin had seen or read about. "Phew," Said John, "That was quick. Only some of us had to fight," He said, and he laughed. "Strength in numbers! Most RPGs don't know that, with their parties of only three or four." And he laughed heartily. "Don't let your guard down," Said Stom. "Creatures in this forest are weak like that during the day, but at night, they're incredibly tough. You would know that, wouldn't you?" He said sadistically. "Though there are a few exceptions," John gulped and Katie glared at him. "But Stom is right. The monsters of these woods are incredibly dangerous. That was just a set of monsters who can thrive in the day due to the darkness of the woods, but still lack their nighttime powers." Katie looked at Corbin with awe and longing. "Teacher Corbin is very intelligent. Did you learn that at magic academy?" Corbin nodded. "Come, let's press on." The group continued through the woods, in the path they believed would lead them to Twy, which they decided to check first. Many wondered if John really knew who he was looking for, but none said it. Night eventually fell, and John warned his friends to be careful and watch for any monsters-and if they did, to attack straight away. They needed to find a safe place to stop. "Even a spooky old house?" John thought aloud. "That'd be dangerous, but at least it would be a roof over our heads..." Corbin sighed. John led the group farther still in search of a house to stay in, or any kind of safe spot; they eventually found, just as John had wondered about, a rickity-looking house in the middle of the woods. All but John looked frightened of the place; John was about to suggest staying the night there, but the rest shouted "NO" in unison, and thus they kept walking, much to John's objections. The group continued walking but found no sign of Twy or Noir. "We need sleep," Said Cody and Logan wearily. Stom and John showed no signs of needing sleep; Will was needing rest but never had needed much sleep. "If we stop and sleep now, who knows how many of us will be left in the morning?" Said John. "I'm not going to let Neil say 'I Told You So I Told You So' to me when I show up battered with no one, not even Drewno Lucznik, tow with me and he's got the Princess found and brought back to the castle." "I can watch over all of you while you rest," Stom muttered. "What was that?" Yawned Katie, still very tired and still bitter at Stom for no good reason. "Stom said he can watch over us while we sleep. He's not tired," Said John happily, sitting down to rest. "Now wait just a moment! He's not tired? What if Neil is right and he is a demon? Demons don't need sleep!" "Shut up! Stom isn't a demon!" Shouted John. Right after he shouted, a rustle was heard in the trees around them. The group sat down, unable to walk any further. "I guess we have to trust him, Katie." Said Corbin, laying down to sleep. "But teacher-" Corbin was already fast asleep, as was everyone-except Stom. Katie glared at him one more time and fell asleep. ----------------------------------------------- The night dragged on very slowly for Stom Knoijn. He wasn't tired. He'd never really needed much sleep, and keeping watch for monsters required doing a lot of nothing, which Stom enjoyed doing. It was common for Stom to see the eyes of the forest's monsters creeping about in the dark, but when Stom went to look back at those eyes, the eyes vanished and the sound of feet or paws scurrying off and branches breaking followed, trailing off into the distance. Monsters this weak wouldn't dare attack Stom. But in other parts of Warudo...Stom shook away the thought and went back to doing nothing. -------------------------------------------------- John was the first to wake the next morning, and of course rapidly woke the rest up-much to their displeasure. "John, we were up till who knows when last night-let us sleep!" Complained Katie, irritated. "I did let you sleep! It's almost Noon already! Hurry up! How was keeping watch, Stom?" "Fun," Stom said unenthusiastically. "No one tried to attack us." "Good. Let's keep going," John said. "We gotta look for Drewno Lucznik." "Are we really going to look every single inch of each forest in Warudo?" Asked a tired Cody as they began to walk. "We may have to," Said John. "The forests aren't that large, though, remember." The rest of the group said nothing for a very long time. The group walked for a while, before Cody and Logan stopped, and motioned for the others to stay quiet. The two looked around cautiously, and then, as suddenly as they had stopped, Cody pulled out two medium-sized sticks out of his bag, and Logan taking out a pair of nunchucks from his. "Be on your guard. There are monsters about," The twins warned. Corbin, Katie, and John all clutched their weapons, Will readied himself, and Stom wrapped a paw around one of the bombs in his bag. The silence was then broken as Cody and Logan lurched in opposite directions, with two animalistic screams of fury as they leaped into the buses around them and came out of them with two black-furred wolves, one for each twin. Stom stood back and blindly grabbed a red, circular bomb from his parcel and threw it, also blindly, towards the monsters; Cody yelped and got out of the way just as the thing exploded. Katie turned to Stom and began to yell at him. "You stupid rabbit!!" She shouted, "You nearly killed him!!!" She clutched her scythe, and with more hatred than any of them had seen before, she prepared to bring the weapon down on Stom before Corbin stopped her. "Don't be calling him a fool when he actually attacked, Katie," He muttered, reaching for the keystaff and running towards both of the wolves with it. "Teacher?" Katie said, sadly; she'd never heard Corbin say such a mean thing to her before. She shook her head and realized he was right. She turned, her purple robe swishing, and shouted "CALL OF THE EARTHBOUND!!", once again calling forth a wave of spirits that rode swiftly upon the forest floor towards one of the wolves, knocking it back with a loud cry. Will ran forward, though with only his two natural arms, and began to poke the bleeding creature with his taser glove. Corbin yelled for him to get back, raised his keystaff, and cast the Holy Exorcism spell, causing the monster's corpse to be eradicated. Now they had to focus on the second wolf. Logan was attempting to take on the wolf by himself, and snarled at any of the others who even attempted to interfere. The wolf had him down, with Logan hitting it blindly (and typically missing) with his weapon. He needed to wriggle free if he was to use any magic-at least if he wanted to focus the power on the monster. He had no choice-he would have to attack blindly with his powers, even if it meant potentially harming his friends. "Aquatic Scream," He muttered, freeing one badly-torn arm from the grip of the monster and stretching it outwards towards it. He managed to send it flying off of his body with a large splash of water and a bloodcurdling noise, and before it could retaliate Corbin had gotten rid of it. Katie gasped and ran over to Logan, dropping her scythe as she did. She leaned down and picked him up-his clothes had been torn and his hair matted by the attacks of the wolf, and his face and arms were badly scarred. "I did it," He said, surprisingly strongly, "I beat a monster by myself." "You almost died!!" Katie shouted at him. She looked at him, her eyes full of anger and sadness, and finally, her eyes began to water as she tried not to cry. "Logan, please don't do anything like that again! You're horribly hurt, and I don't want to have you killed," She said, and she warmly wrapped her arms around him. Logan and Cody both gasped, and Stom looked at him, his large, red eyes, usually twisted in annoyance, or vacant with apparent boredom, were even wider and filled with curiosity. Logan finally managed to wrap one arm, his least injured one, around her. "Alright, Katie. I'll be more careful next time." "Thank you," She said, and the group, after the long scuffle, started once again for Twy and Noir.
  10. I will, actually, she's a minor villain in the second half of the story, so yea she and her 'sisters' will all get drawings. (To clarify: she's one of the girlfriends of the Big Bad, The Fusion. and her 'sisters' are lackeys. they do little else besides be annoying.) But before I can draw her, I have some important 'final versions of Schrodinger's Cat' to be drawing. and some other referential villains that need drawings. Mushroom, Funky Monkey, Katman, Hamsterfireball, an extremely minor character who shows up for like one scene, surprisingly decent Lifeseagle, Dana, Cheesemaster/Cheese Woman pic, Kris, Sleepoverfanatic, bad Jesse, even worse Moosey, also bad Mega Wolf.
  11. Kat began to quickly and randomly apply the tape to sections of the building; Arkcher stared in disdain, but amazement as well, as the building, somehow, began to take its normal shape. Within the span of about an hour and a half (but seemed much shorter), Mama Luigi's was back in business. Kat jumped off the roof and trotted back to Arkcher, whose hand began to tense up. "Arkky," Said Mushroom, "You're squeezing my hand." "Sorry," He said unapologetically, relieving a small bit of pressure. "There," Said Kat, sounding exhausted. "All fixed. Just like I did Planet Horatio." Arkcher suddenly lightened up. "Wait, you fixed Planet Horatio? Me and Mushroom can go there tonight after we eat at Eyeferghat?" Kat nodded. "Thanks a lot, Kat," Said Arkcher, hugging her as his mood suddenly changed. "You're a lifesaver. You're completely insane, but you're a lifesaver." "I'm not insane, I just hear voices that tell me to do horrible things to the people I love," She muttered as she hugged her friend back. Arkcher let go of her, and then put his hand on Mushroom's back. "Mushroom, where do you want to go now? I'm hoping the rest of the day will be peaceful. The last two events have been disastrous." "How about we go swimming?" Mushroom suggested. Kat jumped up and down excitedly. "Ooh! Ooh! Can Kat come?" Arkcher raised an eyebrow. "I thought cats hated water." "Cats hate water, but Kats love water," Kat explained. Arkcher sighed. "Fine, fine. I just hope nothing bad happens this time. Mushroom-" He turned towards her, "-You brought a bathing suit, right?" "Of course I did," She said. "Did you, Paper?" PMM appeared again. "I think so," He said. Mushroom turned and looked at Dawn, Vanilla, and Blood Queen standing a few feet away. She knew they should come just in case anything happened again. "Can they come?" She asked, motioning towards the girls. "Since they're my friends and they just arrived in town." Arkcher raised his eyebrows in mock surprise, and knew exactly why she wanted them to tag along. But he accepted. "So let me ask a question first though," Said Kat. "Am I required to wear a bathing suit at this one?" Arkcher frowned. "Yes." Kat sighed and kicked the dirt. "Aww, man, boring. But I'll come anyway." Mushroom giggled happily. "The more that come, the more fun we have." And the safer we'll be. ------------------------------------------------- Hamsterdam had a number of different places you could go swimming, from manmade pools to the ocean that surrounded the continent the city was a part of. The city of Hamsterdam extended all the way to the north coast of the continent, where there were docks and ships that went out to the Ahshirt Desert, Hamsterking's castle, and the Port of Cheese. A beach was also located a safe distance away from the docks, where tourists frequented. The weather was quite nice, so even though lots of people would be out there, Arkcher decided to take Mushroom, and her friends, out to the ocean. "But wait," Arkcher said, as the group uncomfortably squeezed themselves into a cab, "Dawn, you can't go in water, can you? Much less spend very long in the sun." Dawn sighed. "I don't know. I've never tried it before. I really want to go in the water and have fun with you guys." "I don't think it's worth your life to try it," Muttered Blood Queen. "Well, I can lay on the beach with a good book or a good pencil and paper to draw with," She said happily. "That's just as much fun." "What about Dead Deep?" Arkcher asked Blood Queen, cringing on the nickname. "Can zombies swim?" "I dunno. I'd guess that they do," She said, shrugging and talking nonchalantly. "I don't think they would 'die'." Arkcher shrugged, and the cab pulled over; the sunny shore was well in sight, and the group piled out, finally free of being cramped in such a small place. Arkcher paid the driver, and got a tote bag out of the car trunk that contained their suits and sunblock. "I'll go find a spot," Dawn said quietly, her parasol unfolding and protecting her, and then mused to herself, "I wonder if anyone else is here to keep me company?" "Alright then!" Said Arkcher, slinging the unsightly tote bag over his suited shoulders, and almost wincing at how odd it looked. He removed one handle from his shoulder, holding the bag open for the girls, who reached in and grabbed their bathing suits, and then ran off to go change. Dawn trudged through the sand of the beach, her tall boots causing her to sweat needlessly and uncomfortably, as well as sinking in every few moments, much to her dismay. She knew she couldn't afford to drop her parasol, because even though she wouldn't die instantly if the sun hit her, it still hurt very much. She eventually found a group of reclining seats, and gathered enough for the whole group; she set their towels on each one, and sat down on her own seat so she could draw. Dawn got out her purse-a small, black lacy thing-inside of which were her pencils, erasers, and The Monster Book. The book, which was made solely of drawings and writing done by hand, had many blank pages that Dawn had decided to draw her own monsters on. She had wondered if drawing monsters in the book made them summonable-she didn't know, as she had had no chances to use her powers since she had gotten them. Why even have them, she wondered. But she'd thought the same of her transforming power, and so she dismissed the thoughts quickly. She brightened up as she knew that someday she could use the powers in a fight against a monster, making their team many times more powerful. She smiled to herself and even giggled a little bit, and fingered the golden heart-shaped pin on her cap. "There you are, Dawn!" Said the high-pitched bubbly voice of Vanilla Star Hamster. "It was a little hard to find you!!!" Dawn looked up at her friends. Mushroom and Arkcher were missing-she presumed they were in the water already-but Vanilla and Kat were wearing one piece suits, with Blood Queen in a skimpy red bikini. "Arkcher, Paper, and Mush already went off into the water," Explained Blood Queen. The girls took the bottle of lotion out of the tote bag, applied it, and said goodbye to Dawn, who waved and told them to have fun. Dawn sighed, wishing she could join, but she didn't mind once she started to draw. First she drew a human-a skinny, dead-looking human, with large, emotionless eyes, and enormous black wings. Black hair went down the figure's body, which was clothed in a nondescript black dress. She didn't know who it was, but the drawing was nice, so she kept it. She turned over to the next page, and wrote "DEAD ALLYANCE" at the top of the page. She began to sketch a circle, a head shape, that took up most of the page, then added a squared-off jaw at the bottom. Okay. She thought for a moment, tapping her pencil against her cheek, before drawing a few thick, black lines for a mouth, and filled the mouth with gaping, tentacle-like teeth that stretched far beyond the mouth of the creature. On its head she sketched out several tentacle-like appendages, and finished with two slits for eyes and colored the whole thing grey-except for the head-tentacles, which were black. But a name? "I didn't know you drew Lovecraft monsters in your spare time," Came a voice. Dawn shrieked, and flipped the top of her book to her face in defense. She peeped out from over it to see Cheesemaster, in shorts and shirt, sitting on the bench next to her that had originally been for Arkcher. "Cheesie," She said, sighing with relief, "What are you doing here?" "I was about to ask you," He said. "I thought you couldn't swim?" "Right now, I wish I could more than ever." She said sadly. "But I'm fine, I'm here drawing. Aren't you going to go swim?" "I was-but I saw Kat out there, and I don't go to the beach with Kat anymore." Dawn cocked her head. "Why?" "Kat," Said Cheesemaster, looking at a drenched Kat, who was getting ready to sit down and eat something, as Cheesemaster got ready to go for a swim. He closed his eyes and took his glasses off, and handed them to her. "Careful," He said sternly, and Kat looked at them as though she held an ancient relic filled with power. "Uh, I will," She said as he waved and ran off. Kat slouched down in the sand, still looking at them. Like many, the first thing she did was put them on; she giggled, and then she gasped. "Does that guy actually see things out of these? Wow, his eyesight sucks. I hope he doesn't die or something out there. That happened to me once. Remember, Bob?" Bob was one of Kat's imaginary friends. Her other friends included Billy, Nathan, Bruce Wayne, and Magnus von McAwesome-O'Coolname. There was also Davey, but they didn't talk about him very much. "What do you mean, you don't remember? Seeee, Billy and Nathan remember. Well of course Bruce doesn't, he was too busy being awesome/Batman to pay attention!" She then gasped and her eyes widened. "Tone down the language a bit, Mr. von McAwesome-O'Coolname! No need to swear a fit just because Bob doesn't remember!" Kat sat for a while, still wearing the glasses, until, like most of Kat's brilliant ideas, she decided that the glasses were magic. "I mean, he gets mad whenever people break them and/or make fun of them. They must have a secret!" Kat scooted over to the sand, and decided to find out for herself. She grabbed a big pile of wet sand that the tide had just spilt over, and started piling it up and on top of each other. "It'd be nice if you guys weren't imaginary, so you could actually help. That goes for you, too, Voices. Split Personalities, you aren't exempt! But sanity, you can help!" Kat's sanity was also a cat, a cat named Setsuna. Pre-Invision Setsuna had also been an imaginary friend, albeit moonlighting as a roleplay character. This meant Kat had total control over whatever Setsuna did. It made Kat feel Godly and important and egotistical and other such words. The sanity appeared out of the air, still in jellyfish form. "Setsuna! Today you roleplay as a little kid playing on the sand, helping me build a Sandmaster." Kat shivered. "Sandmaster. That's the most bad*** thing I've said all day. Sandmaster, Sandmaster, Sandmaster." Setsuna vanished for a moment, and then appeared a small catgirl in an orange one-piece bathing suit. A large claymore was fixed through her head, but Kat didn't know why and didn't question why. She thought it was cool looking. Kat, with help from her sanity, eventually sculpted a fine sand-bust of her friend. "Now for his awesome, awesome hair," She muttered. Setsuna looked around, confused, but Kat eventually said "A-HA!" And grabbed some curly seaweed, and affixed it to the top of the sculpture. She then placed the glasses on the face of the sculpture, and both catgirls stood up to admire their work. Kat stood for a long time, waiting for the bust to come to life. "Maybe we have to sing a song," Setsuna suggested. Kat snapped her fingers. "That's right! Sing a song! Um-" She thought for a moment. Setsuna looked at the ocean. "Kat-" "Uhhhh..." "Hey, Kat?" "No, no..." "LOOK I HAVE BACON!!!" "WHERE?!" Said Kat, but stumbled forward, her head at Setsuna's feet. "Oh no!" She said, and she started to sob. "I killed Sandmast-" Setsuna pointed towards the ocean, and Kat looked. She then looked at the ground. "The tide came in," Said Setsuna. "Well why didn't you tell me?!" "I tried! See, this is why we never talk." "I didn't raise you to be this type of roleplay character." "I think you should be less focused on your sanity and more on getting his glasses back." Kat looked back at the ocean, then the sand. "HIS GLASSES ARE GONE! OH GOD **** IT! GOD **** IT! GOD **** IT!!!!" She said, and then, raising her head towards the sky, shouted "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-What do I do?! He'll have me keeldeaded! I lost his magic glasses!!!!" She said, and she sobbed. Kat moped back to her seat, trying to think of something to do, when she felt a tap on her shoulder. "GO AWAY SETS-" "Uhm, Kat?" Kat actually looked. It was Cheesemaster, soaking wet and wrapped in a towel. "Yea, Cheeseman?" He looked at her with disdain, and held up his soaking wet glasses. Kat squealed. "You found them! Thank Gawd! And Cheesus!" Cheesemaster was not amused. "Kat." Kat quivered. "Yes?" "What were my glasses doing in the middle of the ocean?" "Uh...Uh....ITWASALLSETSUNA'SFAULT!" Cheesemaster looked at her, with death written over his expression. His eye twitched. Kat twiddled her paws together. "W-Well, I was trying to build a sand sculpture of you. A Sandmaster. (Ooh, that never gets old) Because I thought since you're so protective of your glasses, I thought they must be magical or something. That's why they're so special, right?" Cheesemaster put his glasses on, and shut his eyes, which still twitched, and it was very obvious that he was trying to not physically harm Kat. "Kat," He said, "If you weren't a woman and an animal, you'd be extremely dead right now." "That's...not something you usually say..." She said, still quivering. "I TOLD you to be careful!" He said, trying not to shout. "What if I did that to your monocle?" "I'd probably pump you full of lead with my Tommy Gun." "Exactly. Lesson learned with no physical bodily harm." Dawn snickered, and then cracked up, leaning back in her chair. "It's not funny!" He half-shouted. "These-they're very special to me!" Dawn sighed. "Not that. Kat trying to build a sand sculpture of you because she thought they were magic. She's so silly and strange, isn't she? Yet she seems so smart, too. Well, in her own way. You know she didn't mean to do it." Cheesemaster sighed, and leaned back in his own chair, an open book laying on his stomach. Dawn still sat in her chair, The Monster Book laying open to the recent pictures on her lap. "Why are those so special to you? They're just eyeglasses." "Not to me they aren't. I can't see worth anything without them. Plus, they...they were a gift from my dad, who in turn got them as a gift from my mother. So they're very special to me." Dawn smiled. "All right. I guess that makes sense. But you've still never told me about your parents." Cheesemaster froze, and began to stutter. "W-well, I...I...j-just don't feel like i-it....l-like talking about them." He tugged nervously at his shirt collar. "That's alright, love. I don't mean to make you talk about something you don't want to." "T-thanks." "Besides, I've never talked about my parents either, have I?" She sighed. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," He said cheerfully. Dawn smiled sadly at him. "Maybe some other time. But what was that you were saying earlier, love? About my drawing?" "I said, I didn't know you drew Lovecraft monsters." Dawn blushed. "I...don't quite know what a Lovecraft is. The name sounds so very familiar, though..." "Not what," Said Cheesemaster, picking up his book again, "Who." Dawn glanced at the cover of his book. Pictured across the front, spine, and back were horrifying illustrations of various tentacled monsters, just like the one she drew, and images of other assorted beasts, and people being horrendously tortured by them. Dawn gently grabbed it from him, far too interested to politely ask first. Dog-earing the page her friend was on, she flipped to the front of the book, but first closed it to examined the illustrations further. She stared at the tentacled monster for a long time, lot in thought, before she finally looked over at Cheesemaster, her eyes sparkling. She showed him the drawing of Cthulhu. "He's cute!!!" She squealed, her normally sophisticated-sounding voice growing high-pitched like Vanilla's. Cheesemaster gasped, his glasses again falling down his face. "That's not quite the reaction I'm used to." Dawn giggled. "Were you reading this? I want to borrow it!" Cheesemaster laughed. "You can. I brought plenty more books with me." He reached into his bag and hauled out a large tome, with a bookmark stuck in the middle. Dawn stared at it, wide-eyed. "You sure do read a lot, love," She said, her voice normal again. "Well, it's fun. I can travel to all sorts of places and not have to go anywhere. I can travel back in time, or forward in time, or to other planets and dimensions, and alternate universes, or whole other galaxies, or just other countries, from my comfy armchair in front of my fireplace." He flipped the book open to his marked spot. "When I was growing up, I never did leave England. The only other place I'd been was Japan, and I didn't spend much time there-just five years." He smiled warmly at her. "I always wanted to visit other countries on my own continent. I always wanted to visit France or Germany, especially. I never went to those places physically," he said with a sad sigh, "But I could visit them in my books." Dawn blushed slightly. "That's so deep." "Not really," He said, clutching the brim of his hat. "I'm not a philosopher, I'm a scientist." Dawn held her friend's book close to her chest. "You're so smart. I...I wish I was smart enough to study a science, as well. But I simply can't understand any of it. I envy you, I really do." "I'm not that smart compared to Arkcher. He was considered a child prodigy, you know, and he's apparently got the IQ of a genius." "I don't think that sort of thing matters. IQ is just a number, it doesn't mean anything. I-" She stopped for a moment, and looked at the ground. She sighed heavily. "There I go, trying to sound thoughtful and deep. See, I'm not so smart compared to you." Cheesemaster reached over, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't talk about yourself that way," He said, reassuring but firm. "Don't ever talk about yourself that way. I think you're one of the most intelligent and mature young women I know." Dawn blushed again, but even harder this time. "You really think that?" "Yea, I do!" He said, smiling at her. Dawn loosened her grip on his book, and nervously flipped to the first page to start reading. "But going back to what we actually were discussing earlier, love," She said, "This monster on the cover of your book does look like the one I drew-though there are a few differences, may I add. My monster has a visible mouth, and has tentacles that are much like hair, don't you think?" Cheesemaster raised his gaze from whatever he was reading. He gently grabbed The Monster Book and examined it. "Yea, it does. But still, a bit similar." "It's very curious. I've never read this before, that I can recall, but it seems so very familiar to me. Like I read it...in a past life, if that's not too strange-sounding for you, love." "Not strange at all, Dawn. What'll you name it?" Dawn thought for a moment, staring at the picture. "Is Hatecraft a good name? It's the opposite of the word you said earlier." "Lovecraft?" "Yes. Who is that, anyway?" "Take a look, Dawn." Dawn, confused, looked back down at her book, which was folded shut on her lap with her finger keeping her place. She looked down and read the front text. THE CALL OF CTHULHU H.P. Lovecraft Dawn giggled nervously and blushed again. "I can't believe I didn't notice that before." Cheesemaster smiled at her. "Well, that's it. I think you'll like him quite a lot. A fantastic horror writer." "Speaking of which, love," She said, "Jakob forbids me from going to the library or the bookstore. Do you have any books besides this to borrow? Mostly horror?" "Oh, I've got books of just about every genre you could find," He said, placing his bookmark back in his book for the moment. "Lovecraft, as you know, but also Poe, King, Thomas Harris, Bram Stoker, Mary Shelley, lots of things. In fact I have some King in my bag here." He reached down to his newspaper bag, shuffled about a bit, and emerged with a regular-sized paperback book. He handed it to Dawn, who examined the front cover. STEPHEN KING 'SALEM'S LOT "I hope that's not too offensive to you," Cheesemaster said, worried. "It's about vampires-evil ones." "It's fine!" She said quickly. "It's perfectly fine." Cheesemaster looked at her for a moment. "Since you come from the horror-story planet," He thought aloud, "Then all these books happen in your world as well, don't they?" Dawn's eyes grew wide. "I honestly never really gave much thought to that," She said. "So many nasty things happened back home all the time. Jakob and James were never short of work to do. Though Jakob always took the oddest cases." "I was actually about to ask where he was. Surely he wouldn't allow you traveling here for Mushroom's birthday." "He's back on Cullough right now, actually," She said. "Up until now he mostly took odd jobs, but now it seems like he'll be away a lot more often now." Cheesemaster cocked his head. "Why's that?" Dawn hung her head. "Back home, there were lots of nasty things happening all the time-like I said. But Jakob actually ended up in the midst of it somehow. It was the oddest thing." "See, My sister Julia married Jakob before Sterling was even born, and when I was still very little-I wasn't even a vampire yet. Julia was young when she got married, and Jakob seemed like a promising young law student who would have a lot of money. Me and Julia never had all that much money-but don't be telling Jakob that, of course. It was even better when we learned Jakob had an older brother, James, who came to live with us as well, and he was already a Lawyer. He really liked me and Julia, so of course he helped us out with finances and other such things." "But never mind all that, love, it's boring and unneeded. Jakob finally became a prosecutor, and some time after he did, a series of very horrific murders started happening across the city. Sprawled all over London, there were dead bodies and burned-down buildings. This was typically normal fare on Cullough, but see, this series of murders and arsons were the plot of that book we're from. Jakob took a case immediately to try and track the killer." Cheesemaster blinked. The name 'Jack The Ripper' came to mind first. "Nearly all, if not all, of Jakob's cases were for people who were convicted of being either the killer, or an accomplice. As you know, love, by Jakob's nearly-spotless record, all of the people were found guilty of being an accomplice of the killer. And when he found someone suspected of being the killer, of course he found them guilty; and when they were executed, the murders stopped for a while before starting up again. It was a brutal, never-ending cycle." "Ever since we came to Invision, all his cases have been either odd jobs here on Invision, or an odd job on Cullough. But he recently went back for a few months to see how things went on the case." Cheesemaster listened intently. "And how are things?" "The murders have been decreasing since Jakob left Cullough, but still happen very frequently. They've never found the killer, so Jakob is trying to find him-or her, whoever it is." Cheesemaster had listened intently to everything Dawn had said. "What a frightening story. But such an odd one, too." "It's a shame Jakob hates Shirley Locke so much. She could help him figure out who the killer is," Dawn said, cracking a smile. "I'm sure he could. Though from the sound of it," He said, as he thoughtfully folded his arms, "It sounds like Jakob isn't searching for a single man; it sounds like whoever the killer is, it's multiple people. You said that after he tried someone and found them guilty, the murders stopped happening for a while? There's probably a whole group of people involved, and whenever one is tried, a new one is sent out to continue the work." Dawn looked at him, her heart thumping and her eyes sparkling. "Wow, Cheesemaster-I never knew you were so intuitive! YOU ought to be the one who's a detective!!" Cheesemaster scratched his head in embarrassment. "I don't think so-I could never stand to do be investigating murders all the time. I just want to build things." Dawn sighed. "I guess so," She said. "But definitely consider it!" She added with a smile. Cheesemaster smiled back, and then immersed himself in the book he had brought along, Dawn with her drawing. Dawn felt immensely happy, happier than she had ever really felt. Cheesemaster really was a good friend to her, and to, well, the rest of his friends as well. His voice almost echoed in her head: A good gentleman always.... Followed by one of his anecdotes. She glanced over at him; he was completely immersed in whatever he was reading, his only movements being a page turning, or adjusting his glasses. So intelligent, She thought, still looking at him. And he's not half-bad looking...Oh, what am I thinking? She said, putting her hand over her mouth, though she was still glancing over at him. Cheesemaster's gaze, which had been focusing solely on his book for about an hour now, suddenly looked up, and shifted his eyes so he was looking at her. "Dawn? Why are you looking at me like that?" Dawn gasped underneath her hand, and quickly turned red. "It's nothing, love." He pushed his glasses up his nose, still looking confused. He shrugged, and looked out at the ocean; In the far distance he could see his friends playing out in the ocean. He wondered why, exactly, Vanilla and Kat could stand the water when they were covered in fur; but he didn't know, and didn't care to know, because they seemed to be having fun. "It's starting to get late," Dawn said, to try and break the silence. "They'll need to be leaving soon." Cheesemaster said nothing; he was too busy looking out, with great concentration, on his friends. He looked very worried. "Is something wrong?" Dawn asked, after he failed to say anything. Cheesemaster, without looking, placed a slip of paper in his book to serve as a bookmark, and stood up. "Cheesemaster?" "Where's Edna," He muttered, looking out at the ocean, "I see Dana, Mushroom, Arkcher, Vanilla, PMM, and Kat. Edna also went out there to play with them. He's not there now. I would have known if he was to come back up to the shore," Dawn gasped, and put down The Monster Book, her pencil in the center of the page. She stood up shakily. "You don't think he-" "Don't say it!!" He said, looking at her, his breath heavy. "Don't say that!!" He unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt, and took off his glasses. "I'll need you to hold onto these while I go and look for him," Cheesemaster said. Dawn looked down at her book. She'd been drawing a dragon, even though Jakob and Julia had strictly told her to not draw them. The dragon in particular was a sea dragon, and she had planned to ink and color it when she got home. "Hold on," She said. "I'll go look for him." "No, Dawn. You're making this too hard. You can't go in the water, Dawn, it's not safe for you. And I'm responsible for him, as his-" He stopped, unable to think of a word. Parent Was what was on his tongue, but was that really correct? "Guardian," He finished. "How about we both go together, love?" "Please, Dawn. Stay here." "Cheesemaster, I need you to understand, I-" I know what's happened to him the same thing that attacked Planet Horatio and Mama Luigi's and caused that hole in the river that I heard about it's got Edna now and it'll get Arkcher and Kat and it'll get you "-I...Me and the others. Mushroom, Vanilla, Blood Queen, Paper, and Me. We'll do it. It's too dangerous." The two of them suddenly heard a yell, a blood-curdling scream, and looked out at the ocean. Arkcher and Kat had vanished. Mushroom was yelling madly. "Dawn-" But Dawn had run off. She knew what she would do. And the other four knew what they would do, as well. ---------------------------------------- In the ocean, Mushroom, Vanilla, Blood Queen, and PMM were alone-with Kat, Arkcher, and Edna all gone, and they had no idea where they could have gone but under the waves. Vanilla was scared stiff; Mushroom was trying not to scream; PMM and Blood Queen were both annoyed that yet more of their happiness was ruined by a mysterious force they thought they had destroyed. "I'm going under," Mushroom said plainly. "What?!" The others said in unison, and Mushroom looked at them. "I'm going under to see where Arkcher went." "Mushroom, don't!" Shouted Vanilla, her paws wrapped around her body. "I'm angry now," Mushroom said, taking a deep breath. "I'm not letting it, or whatever this is, take my husband." And with that, she dove under the water. Vanilla, Blood Queen, and PMM simply floated, looking down at the waves in horror. "We need to transform," PMM sighed. "Are you serious?! There's still people here!!" Vanilla shouted, pointing a paw at the beach. She then actually looked, and saw most everyone was leaving. "Oh-" Vanilla started, but was interrupted as Mushroom re-surfaced, a fainted but breathing Arkcher draped over her shoulders. "I couldn't find Edna or Kat," She said, her voice sounding as though it were on the verge of tears. "I'll take him up to shore, find Dawn, and try to revive Arkcher. In the meantime, you all need to find Kat and Edna, take them to the shore, and then find whatever dragged them under." The other three nodded, and dove under the water to do so, as Mushroom paddled up to the shore. ----------------------------------------------- Mushroom continued to ferociously swim up, her husband still in her arms; it was strenuous and obscenely difficult to swim with just one arm, but she managed to do it. But she was afraid. Afraid of what, She wondered. She was afraid of PMM dying as he looked for her other two friends, and the consequence of herself going insane without him. But mostly she was just afraid of a floating piece of seaweed or a stray fish scraping by her feet. She had constantly stopped to look around and move around patches of seaweed when she could. Why are you even afraid, it won't hurt you. A voice in the back of her mind reminded her. She shook it off and continued, still scared. She eventually did reach the shore-after 'braving' fields of seaweed as well as stray bits of it. She gasped as she threw herself and Arkcher on the shore, and looked down at her husband. He was breathing-thank goodness. "Arkky?" She muttered, and then decided it was best to lay him down on a bench. With much difficulty, she barely picked him up and did so, covering him with a towel, as she went to go find Dawn. Back in the water, the girls (and boy) were underwater, looking for Kat and Edna-and having no idea where to look. They had no clue how Mushroom had found Arkcher-but they needed her to come back soon so she could help. They were having no luck finding their two missing friends and time was ticking away. Were their friends drowning? Or, possibly, were they being held captive, unconscious, in an air bubble? If this truly was the same enemy from back home, well, they didn't seem above two such cliches. All three of them resurfaced, gasping for air. "Where the #### is Mushroom?" PMM said, gasping. "I should have gone with her. If I die out here, she's screwed." Vanilla continued to breathe heavily. "Let's keep looking," Was all she could say. She looked back at the shore, and saw Arkcher laying on a bench, and she knew Mushroom was probably safe. She looked back at her friends, and then made an announcement. "Hold on," She said, "Since I know Wind Magic, I could make air bubbles for all of us so we can be underwater longer." PMM and Blood Queen looked at her for a moment, and then smiled. "Good idea, Vanilla," Was the only thing they said-they still needed to preserve breath. Vanilla found it difficult to cast spells whilst floating about, and especially difficult to do it without her wand-her normal one, nor her transformed one-but she still managed to get three air bubbles around herself, and two for her friends. The three dove underwater, to test out the air bubbles. PMM and Blood Queen both breathed, normally and without fear of water getting into their lungs, and found the air bubbles suitable. Vanilla swam closer to her friends, and attempted to remind them not to go near anything that might pop them, but they either ignored her or couldn't hear her-but either way, they began to look for Kat and Edna.
  12. You know people, I can't exactly decide what to write next if two of the characters are tied
  13. Top Banana, Miss Bunny, badly drawn Erendayu, Otter, weird looking Kep, XMyOwnMindX, Miss Kitty Girl, Jesusfreak, sideways Cheetaspot
  14. OK, five more pictures, because I'm watching Star Trek on YT right now. Roger Taynio Leguan Hoops Arkcher
  15. Drawings by Mushroom_king? In my originally-for-children forums? It's more likely than you think. OK, so seeing as there's like 120 pikshurs on my desktop right now, I'm obviously not uploading them all at once. you get five for now. YOU HAVE TO WAIT. >( <- Urbownd fanarts <- That?...Is Mushroom_king (Invision) when she transforms. random cat ears! <- Topazia and Caedmon, with sanities. I have drawings like this of every character. <- Moar EB fanarts <- Dana/Blood Queen when she transforms yea i don't feel like uploading anymore now, partly because i'm tired and partly because I want to read or something.
  16. Alright, I'm going to go see a movie with mom tomorrow probably, I'm wondering whether we should see Harry Potter or Transformers. I was going to see Transformers opening weekend but didn't because we didn't want to be stuck in a theatre with a bunch of annoying kids. Also-9, Ponyo, and Sherlock Holmes can't come soon enough can they? -wants Coraline and Watchmen on DVD ;_;-
  17. I took French in 8th Grade, for the sole purpose that I go there for vacation every year...I hated the teacher and the class both. I remember a handful of words, but I can't really do sentence structure or anything. I'm taking German next year (10th Grade). Hopefully that turns out a lot better.
  18. Saturday Morning Watchmen-Harry Partridge. "Rorschach's friends to the animals!"
  19. Arkcher sighed and smiled at his best friend. "Maybe. I can always check if Eyeferghat books parties, though it may be a bit late to book one." And with that, he picked up his briefcases and headed upstairs to see MK. ----------------------------------------- A knock was heard tapping on the door of MK's room, just as she was getting her green coat on. She shouted to the visitor that she would be there in a moment, hurriedly threw on her coat, and ran over to the door, with PMM following in her tracks. She swung open the door, and asked "Who is i-" But looked up, and saw her husband standing there, briefcases in his hand. She shyly put her hands into her pockets, and stood out of the way for him to come in. "You came here earlier than I expected," She said after they exchanged hellos and hugs, as she shut the door. Arkcher set his suitcases on the coffee table and looked at her. "I was getting rather lonely up at the Mansion," He said, "And I was beginning to miss you." MK sighed. "I was beginning to miss you, as well," She said, and considered but quickly discarded the thought of adding "Cheesemaster kept me some company, though," For more than one reason. Arkcher walked over to her and gently clutched her hands. "Well, there's no more need for you to miss me, now that I'm finally here." She giggled happily and threw her head onto his chest, and he asked her, "Well, what do you want to do until later tonight?" MK thought for a moment. "I don't know, go for a canal ride I guess? Or go swimming? The weather is very nice, especially compared to last night. It was pouring the entire time, even when I arrived. And then we could go to the record store or something," She suggested. Arkcher let go of her, and put an arm around her shoulders as they walked out. "Whatever you want to do, Mushroom." The two of them left the Club, and waved to Cheesemaster and Horatio, who had started working on Planet Horatio. They couldn't promise the building being finished by that night, but they would still try as hard as they could. Kat was nowhere to be found. Arkcher and MK first went to one of the city's Canals, where they purchased a ticket to tour the canals. They were pleasantly surprised to see Kat, too, was on the canal ride-the same boat as them, even. She was staring at her foot in awe. "Hello there Kat," Said MK politely as they sat down next to the edge of the boat, next to Kat. An awkward silence followed, until Kat sat breathlessly, "I never knew I had that," She said. Arkcher sighed and put his face into his hand. Kat looked up at them, and attempted to lean back, only to remember that the seats on the boat, sadly, did not have backs. She pouted for a moment, and was probably about to say something, but was stopped by a very long and repetitive speech on safety in the boats. Finally, the tour started, with MK leaning her head on Arkcher's shoulder while Kat talked. "So I was ordering a pizza earlier today for Breakfast," She said, "And they put the crust on the bottom and not the top like I asked!! I was so angry." "What'd you do about it?" Asked MK. "Duh, I put a severed horse head in the manager's bed." "Er, no, what'd you do with the pizza?" "I don't remember, but I think I either blew it up, blended it, or smoked it. One of those three." "So what'd you have for lunch then?" "Filet Mignon with a side of Pork Rinds." "Er..." The other two said in unison. Kat opened her mouth to say something, but was once again interrupted by the announcer. "On your left, you can see the world-famous Hamster Chic building. This building was relocated from Tokyo, Japan and Dallas, Texas on Earth, both of which were in turn relocated from Onthra." An audience member raised their hand. "Yes?" "How were the buildings relocated if they were so big? Also, is this building both of the old buildings combined?" The woman at the front leading the tour nodded, and explained how the buildings were relocated with combined magic and teleportation, or something similar to that-Kat, MK, nor Arkcher were paying much attention. The boat continued down the Canal. "So, anyway...uh, where was I? Oh yeah, I recently went to see Dr. Choc. Have you ever played with the toys in the waiting room? All there was were two torn up kid's books, a doll, and a bunch of Legos. I was almost done with my scale models of landmarks from all over the galaxy, when I was called for my appointment. When I came back, some stupid-arse kid had come, knocked down my buildings, attempted to eat the bricks, and choked and went to the hospital. The only reason I was completely angry and didn't destroy the world was because they were playing Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood on the TV. I watch that show on the Earth channels sometimes. In accordance with the Prophecy," She concluded. The boat then stopped again. "Here you can get a very good look at Invision's Legal Buildings, where the Rabbitt brothers work as Lawyer and Prosecutor in every single one of the court cases filed here. A handful of other lawyers and prosecutors also work there." "Don't see why we'd even stop there," Mumbled Arkcher with disdain, as the boat continued to move. Kat continued to talk, leaving no room for MK and Arkcher to speak with each other. "Anyhow...well, I don't have very many other interesting things to say, in accordance with the Prophecy." MK sighed happily as she closed her eyes, her head still on Arkcher's shoulders. "Arkcher-" "Wait, wait!!! Last weekend I spent the whole Caturday pretending I was a trash-can, in accordance with the Prophecy." MK sighed. "Sounds fun," She breathed. The boat stopped again, this time very abruptly. "Ladies and Gentlemen, we appear to be having a problem- a hole has appeared up ahead in the river." "That's what she said," Said a voice. Arkcher groaned. "You mean a whirlpool?" He shouted up to the announcer. "No sir, a literal hole has just opened up in the center of the river." Kat looked at Arkcher with narrowed eyes, and then leaped on him, sending MK flying off him and Arkcher nearly falling over the side, and shouted "YOU SON OF A *****, YOU DIVIDED BY ZERO, DIDN'T YOU?!" She paused and murmured "In accordance with the prophecy" "Miss-" Shouted the announcer, but Kat pointed accusingly back at her. "Shut up, you kept interrupting me! Also, today is my friend's Birthmas and a little hole probably leading to **** is NOT going to make you stop and ruin her day, is it?! In accordence with the prophecy?!" The announcer was silent as Arkcher and MK slowly got up. Kat looked around at the people staring, raised her arms dramatically, and said "YOU SAW NOTHING!!!! IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROPHECY!!!!!!" Nothing seemed to happen, but the people stopped looking and wondered why the boat had stopped or why Kat was standing up, and why Kat was running towards the door that led below. "Miss, you are not permitted to go in there." Kat ripped off the announcer's name badge. "Now I am, in accordance with the prophecy," She said as she scanned it. She quickly took out a Sharpie and scribbled, "No, I'm Kat" on the name badge over the announcer's name. Arkcher and MK sighed in unison. "I'm not sure if this is horrible or incredible," Said Arkcher disdainfully. "I'll remember it forever," Said MK happily. "I do wonder what Kat's up to-" Kat suddenly emerged with two large paddles, like ones used in canoes. No one knew why they were down there, but they tried not to question it either. Kat got a roll of duct tape out of her pocket and jumped to the highest point of the boat. "Kat, what in God's name are you doing?!" Shouted Arkcher. "I saw this in a video game once! In accordance with the prophecy!" She shouted as she taped the paddles to the top of the boat. Once they were firmly taped down, she spun them. "Kat, you can't spin those when they're taped to the top of the boat!" "So can to, in accordance with the prophecy," Muttered Kat. Remarkably, the paddles began to spin. "Yes...YES!" She shouted. "What do you plan to do?!" Asked Arkcher. "I'mma turn this boat into a helicopter, in accordance with the prophecy." She said nonchalantly. She looked over at the hole in the ground, examining it. "Yes. it's very much the result of dividing by zero. In accordance with the prophecy." "What prophecy?" Wondered the announcer. "Kat, that isn't even scientifically possible! The physics-" Arkcher nearly fell down when, to everyone's amazement, the boat lifted about an inch off the ground. Kat directed it safely over the hole, and it landed back on the river with a splash. MK laughed very loudly as a splash of river water fell on her, even though it stained her jacket. Arkcher was dumbfounded, and quite angry, even though something miraculous had just taken place. Kat ripped off the paddles and ran back down below deck. "Here you go Jee-Off-er-ee," She said. The man looked at her in disdain. "Thanks for letting me borrow them, Jee-Off-Er-Ee." "It's 'Jeffery'," Said Geoffory. "No, I see your name tag. It says Gee-Off-Er-Ee. Not Jeffery." She thrust the paddles on Geoffory and ran back up, and sat down like nothing happened. Arkcher stomped back to their seat, and the announcer, her voice trembling, barely stuttered out that they would now be continuing the tour. "How did you do it?!" Arkcher said, frustrated and angry, to Kat, just as Cheesemaster had asked her earlier. "I dunno," She said, shrugging. "I just did. I saw it in a video game once and wished I could do it myself." "So you imagined it and it came true?" "I dunno. I guess so. If I did, that might explain why I once saw my Invisible Friend and he was certainly not Invisible nor was he imaginary. Though I strongly believe I hallucinated that time." Arkcher shook his head. "Kat, you can't just DO things like that with no rational explanation. Either the planet you came from had different physical laws than most, or you used a type of very strong magic that you didn't know you had." "I'm pretty sure I can't use magic," Kat said bluntly. MK sighed, as the Announcer, her voice still trembling, told the tourists about the Forum Forest as the large jungle appeared in the distance. "Arkcher, if you were so keen on having everything obey the laws of physics, you wouldn't be alright with me doing magic." "I'd be OK with what Kat does if she would admit she uses magic," He said sternly. "I'm not using magic," Kat pouted. "If you're not, then how are you doing things like that?!" "Arkcher, this is no day to argue," Whined MK. He sighed, and muttered, "I guess you're right." He scowled back at Kat, who looked bored as the Canal Tour neared its end. MK wondered about the hole in the river, and realized that whatever may have caused it was certainly the same force that had sent the monster to attack Planet Horatio the night before. ---------------------------------------- Arkcher and MK climbed off the canal, as Kat ran off to who knows where. Arkcher put his arm around MK and asked, "What do you want to do now?" He secretly hoped that this time Kat would not be wherever they were going. "I guess we'll go to the record store now," She said quietly. Arkcher grinned. "Then that's where we'll go, I guess." The two held hands as MK ran off, nearly dragging Arkcher along, towards the record store, a large two-story building filled to the brim with CDs, tapes, MP3 players, and music DVDs, shirts, buttons, and books. Because it was her birthday and all, Arkcher felt that he needed to buy her any CDs she may want, but then felt that would be spoiling her. Besides, she didn't ask for anything, telling him that she didn't want to buy anything that she may get later. The two walked back out, when MK screamed in happiness and broke from Arkcher's grip, as she saw Vanilla, Dawn (who held a lacy parasol), and Blood Queen, who was with Dead Deep. MK hugged all of them, even though Blood Queen hated being hugged. "Happy Birthday Mushroom," The girls said in unison, followed by Dead Deep (who glared hungrily at Arkcher's head). MK grinned. "What are you two doing out, anyway?" Asked Blood Queen, her eyes wide for no apparent reason at all. Arkcher smiled and stepped forward. "Me and Mushroom are out until dinner tonight. I'm taking her to Eyeferghat," He explained. Vanilla made an annoying, high-pitched scream. "Oh My Gosh! That's so great!" Dawn stared at Vanilla with disdain, but smiled anyway. "Sounds very sweet of you, Love." Arkcher looked at her oddly. "Love?" Dawn laughed, embarrassed. "Oh, sorry. I've been calling everyone that lately." Blood Queen laughed as she clung onto her own boyfriend. "Me and Dead were walking around town, seeing how many little kids we could scare the **** out of." Arkcher groaned and glared at the two as they laughed to each other, but flipped his hair and found it best to ignore them. He would never really understand why MK was friends with such people, but he would have to ignore it for now until the explanation came. "Where were you going to go right now?" Asked Vanilla, her large eyes still sparkling. MK thought for a moment. "I'm not entirely sure. I was thinking of taking PMM to the game store, but I think he's still asleep..." "Am NOT," Said PMM's voice, as he popped out of nowhere and onto her shoulders. Even though everyone knew why this happened, it was still very odd to suddenly see him appear like that, as though he had teleported. "And I would greatly enjoy going to the vihjoe james store." "I thought you already owned all the video games!" Said Vanilla. "New stuff comes out," PMM said, "DUH." Vanilla groaned. "You say that like I'm dumb or something," The group talked some more, until Arkcher, wanting to get a move on, dragged MK and PMM away and said they'd see each other later. It was about Noon, however, so of course Dawn brought up the question of where Arkcher and MK were having Lunch. "Is there really anywhere else besides Planet Horatio to go to?" Asked Vanilla. "Of course there is, stupid," Said PMM. "There's Mama Luigi's." Arkcher tried not to giggle. "The **** is your problem, girly boy?" Arkcher shot him a glance but said nothing. "As I was saying, there's this Italian place called Mama Luigi's. We ought to go there." "I wonder if they brought any secret weapons?" Wondered Arkcher. The girls giggled, and Dead Deep looked around. "There wouldn't be a T-Virus Cafe around here somewhere, would there? I don't do spaghetti." Blood Queen playfully shoved her boyfriend, but scowled at him. "This isn't Longdon, Dead. I told you to bring some snacks." Dead Deep shrugged and sighed as the others walked off and told Blood Queen where the restaurant was so she could find them later. "Can't I go on one little cannibalistic rampage? I heard there's a vampire just outside of town, I'll bet they're used to stuff like that." "I told you not to eat that take-out I got for you!" She said, heaving as Dead heaved her up onto his shoulders and the two ran to Mama Luigi's for lunchtime. ------------------------------------------ Arkcher, MK, PMM, Vanilla, and Dawn walked into a small, bustling Cafe decorated with Italian flags. No one else recognizable sat at the various round tables or in the red-cushioned booths. A waiter in a polo and jeans walked up and took the group to a table-they decided they could push two together (even though they were circular tables), for Dawn and Vanilla, and Blood Queen and Dead Deep if they decided to show. "It's a nice place, I didn't even know it existed." Arkcher commented, his head in his hands as he looked around. MK and Dawn took the black cloths holding their utensils, unfolded them, and placed them on their laps. "Arkcher," Said MK, "Put your napkin on your lap. It'll keep food from staining your clothes." Arkcher did so, thought a confused, boyish looked spread on his face as he did so. "Really," He said, smiling a bit. "Who taught you that?" "Dawn always does it," She said. Cheesemaster did too. "Guess I picked it up from being at her house all the time?" Vanilla giggled and put her napkin on her lap as well. "I never noticed!" The five of them all talked together, the subjects raging from recent events to what MK wanted for her birthday. Oh, just music, maybe some games or band t-shirts, when the door opened and Blood Queen appeared. Dead Deep was nowhere in sight. "She's with us," MK explained to the waiter, who nodded and mouthed "Oh," and motioned for Blood Queen to sit down. She did so, taking a seat with Vanilla and Dawn; she leaned her chair back against someone else at a table next to them, her high heeled feet up on the tabletop. The customers looked at her with disdain. "Sorry I'm late. Dead didn't want any spaghetti, as you can imagine, and since Planet Horatio is temp-or-ar-ily out of service, he can't have any of their cannibal specials!" "But that's only on Cannibalism Night. Besides, I don't think they serve brains." "He said he might file a lawsuit for discrimination against Zombies," She said, looking angry. "So where's he eating?" Arkcher asked disgustingly. Blood Queen rubbed her long, blood-red painted nails together. There had been multiple rumors about how she had used real blood to make her nail polish. They didn't really doubt it. "He's in the cemetery," She explained. "Don't worry, he's a good boy who knows to re-bury the corpses after he relishes in their dead flesh. Remember, he worked at a Morgue back home. And a Slaughterhouse!" "Will you keep it down?!" Asked a man sitting next to them. "We're trying to eat here. My wife just got sick!" "Stinks to you and your wife." Blood Queen said. "Shut the **** up and live with it." The man groaned, glared at her one last time, and turned back around to pay his bill and leave. "Dumb jerk," Muttered Blood Queen as he left. "Well, it was nice of Paper Mario Master to invite us to this restaurant, eh, Mushroom?" "I hope they're making a lot of spaghetti," MK answered. They both laughed and smiled at each other for a long, long time. Dawn and Vanilla seemed jealous. "I want a boyfriend," said Vanilla. "I don't even like anyone right now." "I like someone," Said Dawn sadly, "But I can't tell him." "Oh my Gosh, who is it?!" Asked Vanilla. Dawn whispered something in her large hamster ear. "Oh-My-Gosh!" Squealed Vanilla, before being shushed by MK for being too loud. "Oh My Gosh!" Vanilla said again, quieter this time. Dawn nodded, her expression still sad. "Well what's wrong?" "Just Jakob. He'd be angry if he knew." "What're you two yapping your mouths about?" Asked Blood Queen. "We're just jealous of you and Mushroom. You both have boyfriends/husbands," said Dawn, moping. "Yea," Said Vanilla, "I mean, you have a boyfriend Dana-" "BLOOD QUEEN!" "Blood Queen. You have Dead Deep." She suddenly lifted her head. "How did you and Dead meet, anyway?" Blood Queen scratched her head. "It was back on Dreamtopia, I think after meeting Mushroom but before we became friends. I was attracted to him because I'd dated just about every guy in the school and screwed the hot ones, but none of them were good. I liked Dead for his rebelliousness." "That witch Dana broke up with me," Said a male student, a Sound/Dark mage known as Stanby Foon. In case you didn't notice, Dreamtopians have weird names. "What happened?" Said Foon's best friend, another Dark/Sound mage known as Edin Ninmahr. "Well, she asked me out. I was all ecstatic, sorta, 'cause I heard she was good in bed but I heard she was a psycho witch too. Like, I heard she has nail polish made from people she kills and everything. I thought I'd enjoy dating a psycho, but she wasn't like other girls I dated, she really was certifiably nuts!" "What'd she do?" Asked Edin. "We went to a movie. I read in a book that chicks love sappy romance movies, but she wanted to see this gorey horror movie. She laughed during all the scary parts! And after the movie, she snuck back in to see it again! She said she liked the killing parts best." "After that, we went to dinner. I read in the same book that chicks like romantic atmospheres. I went to the Inter-Galactic food mall, you know, that place with the restaurants with food from all over the Universe?" Edin nodded. "We had pizza," He said. "She pretended the tom-ahtoe sauce-izzat how you say it?-was blood. Later as we drove home, I asked her why she brought a razor, and she said in case she got thirsty." Edin shivered. "Now I never knew the witch was a Succubus! I guess that's why I even agreed to date the psycho, she had some kinda Succubi magic over me." "So?" Asked Edin. "It stunk," Said Foon. "Except for the after-date sex. She's ******' good at that!" Foon was suddenly shoved very hard head-first into his locker. Edin looked, and saw Dana's hand on his head! "Poser," She muttered. "You say you like psycho girls but couldn't handle me? Then you never dated a psycho girl!" She clutched his head again, squeezing her nails into the side of his head so hard it cut in and bled. She slammed him against the locker again, then threw him to the floor. It was against the rules to use magic in school, so as much as she wanted to use his now-dripping blood against him, she had to fight the temptation. Dana walked her way to class, knowing she would get detention and not caring. She looked at her nails and sighed. Her polish had chipped. She would have to get new polish. ------------------------------------------------ After school and after detention, Dana was on her way home from school; who she lived with no one was really sure. But she did live somewhere. She took the long way that day, and passed the cemetery and morgue. She looked up as she passed, and saw men in white coats; coats that read "S.M. MORGUE" on the back in thick black letters. They were carrying a coffin outside to be buried. Dana watched with fascination. Each man's coat was stained with fresh embalming fluids. The men did their work, rubbed their hands together, and were about to walk off when they noticed Dana. "Young lady, what are you doing here? This is no place for you, especially at this hour! Go home!" Dana laughed smugly, and walked off, head held high. She hid behind a tree, still watching; all the men went back in the large building to hang up their coats and go home-save for one, who stood, hunched over the newly buried body. Dana stayed hidden behind the tree. The man leaned down to the ground, looked around, and slowly began to shovel away dirt. Dana watched in fascination. The man eventually, frequently looking around to make sure no one watched (but never seeing Dana), continued to slowly dig. It got later and later, but Dana never got tired. Eventually the man found the coffin; Dana's eyes widened as the lid was unlatched and raised; the man leaned over and appeared to sniff the corpse. Dana watched, and jumped back when she saw the man, like a hungry dog, lurch down towards the coffin; and she jumped even further back when she heard the rough chewing sounds, the sickening sound of raw flesh being chewed and swallowed. Dana was now intensely curious. She stepped forward; the man quickly looked around, slammed the lid shut, the latch shut, and quickly shoved the dirt back into the hole. Dana knew he may have noticed her, and then felt a sick mixture of horror, fear, and, oddly, happiness. The man would probably look for her-and possibly eat her, too! Dana wanted to run, but she was too curious. She stepped away from the tree a bit, only to run into a body, a body much taller than her. She didn't shiver, shake, or sweat, even though she was very much afraid; she did, however, scream and jump back. In front of her was the man-tall and abnormally thin, unhealthily so. He cheeks and eyes were sunken in. His right eye was abnormally enormous, while the other was normally sized. He still wore his S.M Morgue coat, still stained with the dirt and embalming fluid, and occasional stain of blood. His hair was white, uncombed, and unruly. Dana backed against the tree. "You're the young lady from earlier, ain't ya?" He asked. "Yea," Dana said, as bravely as possible. "Why didn't you go home when you were told to?" He asked, his cold hands clutching her warm upper arms. "I was curious," She said, as casually as possible, "I, uh, have a thing for cemeteries and the like." She admitted she had sounded quite sultry. The man's toothy, frightening grin disappeared, and was replaced by a smile that Dana couldn't tell the emotion of. "I see," Said the man, his grip on her tightening up a lot more. "So you saw me?" Dana nodded. "Digging?" Nodded. "And opening the coffin?" Said the man, leaning in closer to her. She nodded. "And..." "Eating that dead guy's brains," Finished Dana. The man cocked his head and looked at her. "You're very good at this." Dana looked around. "And you are?" "Dan Deep," Said Dan Deep. "Dana Lion," She said. "I see," He said. His face was inches away from hers now, and she could smell the rotting flesh on his breath. "You smell dead," She commented. "But really, I need to get home," She said, as Dan let go of her. "I'll be stopping by tomorrow." "I'll be looking forward to it," Said Dan, as he moved his tongue over his teeth. The next day Dana, after another day of awkward stares and boys complaining about how crazy she was, she ran and ran until she got to the SummerMeadows cemetery, hoping to see Dan Deep again. She knew he was dangerous - he was a cannibal, after all! He dug up that dead body and ate the entire brain! But she didn't care that much. This seemed like the kind of man who wouldn't mind a girl like her. So she decided to seek Dan out again. Dana (whose name sounds suspiciously like Dan, but I only just now noticed that) waited by the cemetery after school again, waiting for Dan. She waited quite some time, until she heard the crunching of leaves beneath footsteps, and looked out from behind the rotting tree. There stood Dan-still in his embalming fluid-stained coat, his hair still greasy and messy, his eyes still asymmetrical, his smile still twisted into that creepy, yet to Dana oh-so attractive grin. Her body warmed up with excitement. He was hideously scary looking-but she found his hideousness and creepiness just so downright attractive. "Evening Dan," She said, walking out toward him. Her black high heels (which had red paint on the heels to mimic blood) getting leaves stuck in the stilettos. "Evening, Dana." Dan retorted back. "Glad to see you back again." "I'm glad to be back here. Do you want to sit down or something?" Dan still smiled. It almost seemed permanently etched into his face whenever he smiled like that. "Yea, sit down, talk, get to know each other better, sounds all fine-n-dandy." Dan slithered down the side of the tree trunk, careful not to land on her sharp, sharp heels. Dan sat down next to her. She noticed for the first time the odd, almost mangled appearance of his body. The shoulders were drastically uneven, and he was incredibly skinny, skinnier than her even-though she had more of a curvy body, he was thinner than any anorexic she'd ever seen. He was pale, too. "You're so thin. You alright?" She asked. He shook his white, knotted hair back and forth. "I'm perfect, thanks. I don't eat much. 'Side of brains. And I don't get much sun, either." "I don't like the sun either," Dana said, quickly and awkwardly. Dan stretched his long, thin legs in front of him. "So, tell me more about yourself, Dana." "Well, I go to Ma'Hu Magic School." "I used to go there." Dana glanced at him. "You're a magician?" Dan shook his head. "I tried. I was OK-Dark magic, you know. Until I got expelled for...well, my own reasons. I'll explain in a bit." "Cool, I'm a blood mage. Wanna see?" "You'll need blood for that won't you?" Asked Dan, his sadistic grin getting even more sadistic. Dana reached into the pocket of her miniskirt, which had red stains on it that she claimed was real blood. Out came her razor. "Any particular reason you carry that around?" Dan asked, intensely curious. He watched her, utterly fascinated. "In case I get thirsty." Dan laughed heartily. "You a vampire?" Dana shook her head. "Succubus, actually." Dan suddenly stood up. "Really! Show me! Never met a succubus before!" Dana, still holding the razor, showed him her demonic tail and wings. Dan stood in awe. "Why don't ya wear those more often? They enhance you." "I can't in school," She lamented. Then she stared at him. "They enhance me?" "Nothin'. Just enhance the natural beauty. Never met a girl who managed to be both sexy and ballsy enough to come out here late at night and trust herself round me. But back to magic." "Right," Dana said, Holding her wrist out. Without so much as a shudder, she brought the razor down and scraped it across her arm as blood gushed out. She put the stained razor back in her pocket as she stared intently at her blood with fascination. Suddenly, the blood stopped gushing-it stood straight up, and then swirled about Dana's body. "Blood Scream," She whispered, holding her arms out, and the small gushes of blood spewed out in front of her, staining the grass in front of the tree, and a small bit of the blood got on Dan's coat. The blood is still there. "Awesome! Awesome!" Said Dan, clapping. Dana sat back down, her arm still bleeding. She brought her tongue down and licked the blood, and smacked her lips together after a few licks. "Thought you were a succubus, not a vampire." "I am a Succubus," Said Dana proudly, "But I like that coppery taste. Vampires need the blood to live, though. I can eat regular food. I don't need the blood to survive." She then looked at him, her heart pumping. "You said you were a Dark Mage. Can you show me your magic?" "Wish I could still." "What do you mean?" Dana asked, confused. Dan put his hands in his pockets. The sadistic, etched-on grin returned. "Give you one guess why the guys at the cemetery and the slaughterhouse (that's my day job) call me 'Dead'." "You work in a cemetery and slaughterhouse, eat brains, and they call you Dead." She pretended to think. "You're dead, I see. And by the brain-eating, you're a zombie." Dan nodded. Dana was silent for a moment, before tackle-hugging him. "THAT," She exclaimed in a high-pitched girly voice, "Is downright sexy." Dan was confused. "I'm a cannibalistic zombie. That's sexy?" "No, you don't get it! I've dated so many living guys at my school, and they're all stupid and can't handle a girl like me! A dead guy may just be my answer!" Dan now looked confused. "But you're living. I could eat you right now." "I don't care!" Dana shouted. Dan looked embarrassed. "Lissin, I've never had a girl say stuff like this to me in the time that I've been dead, ya know?" Dana slid down the tree, sighing happily. "Tell me how you died, please." "Slaughterhouse accident." Dan said nonchalantly. "They never knew I died. That's why I still work there. The employees all know I'm dead, but my boss don't. Same with the guys at the cemetery. Well, most of the guys at the cemetery and the slaughterhouse. But never mind that," Said Dan. Dana got back up, ran in a circle around Dan a few times, and then hugged him, placing her head on his bony, dead chest. "...And we've been dating since then," Dana finished. Arkcher stared at her in awe. "What kind of parents do you have, Dana? Did they know you had a dead boyfriend?" "Oh, my parents? I actually only lived with my mom Yomah. Dad was back on my home planet. She never really cared what I did." "Is she a Succubus too?" Asked Mushroom. "Yea," Dana answered. "I never knew Dad very well, but I recall him being a vampire, or at least a half-vampire, which may be why I like the taste of blood." "He was a Bitten Vampire, since he was able to have children," Said Dawn. She then added sadly, "Just like me." "It must be sooooo coooool to have vampire blood in you! Pun intended," Vanilla squealed. Dana sighed. Dawn turned to Mushroom and Arkcher. "So, loves-I saw that Planet Horatio was in a complete ruin when I got here. What happened?" Arkcher shrugged. "I wasn't there-I just got here this morning. Horatio said that an accident happened, but he seemed really shaken up about he whole thing, and...well, you know how Horatio always is, he's always so happy go lucky, I'd never seen him in such a state." Mushroom felt incredibly awkward. She knew what happened. She wanted to tell Arkcher that a monster had attacked, and the same force which spawned it had created that hole in the river. But not now. He didn't need to worry about her safety. She opened her mouth to speak, but at the worst (and most ironic) moment, it happened again-the diners began to scream, and a horrible crash was heard, as bits of ceiling fell to the floor. The group looked up and saw yet another monster, very different from the one last night but so very familiar somehow, looming over them. Mushroom and PMM looked at each other in fear, and then back at Vanilla, Dawn, and Blood Queen. They knew, without a word being spoken, that this was what had wrecked Planet Horatio. Arkcher was in hysterics. "Mushroom, you need to GET OUT OF HERE!!! COME ON!!!" He said, clutching at her arm, but she refused to move. Vanilla, Dawn, PMM, and Blood Queen had nodded to each other and knew exactly what was to be done, but they need Mushroom to help, and Arkcher out of the picture. But Arkcher wasn't going to leave without her. Mushroom shrugged him off of her, running over to her friends. "MUSHR-" "ARCKHER, LOOK OUT!!! He turned around, but before he could react, the monster had him on the ground, a blow from the enormous, otherworldly thing. Mushroom became very visibly angry. "That ******* dares to hit my husband," She said angrily. She and PMM clutched their golden heart-shaped lapel pins. "I can't believe this," Said Dawn, scared and in utter shock and disbelief. "This cannot be happening to us, after all I sincerely-I believed we got rid of all of them. What could be causing this?" "I don't know, but whoever it is, we'll find them, and their monsters, and kick their butts for ruining my dinner and out lunch. HEART OF THE PINK SEA, TRANSFORMING POWER!" Vanilla's paws curled up in anger as she looked with intense hatred at the monster. "We'll find out who's behind it, and kill them! HEART OF THE ORANGE STICKS, TRANSFORMING POWER!" Dawn looked at Vanilla with disdain, but smiled. "Defeat, Love. Kill is a very harsh word. HEART OF THE GREEN HAZE, TRANSFORMING POWER!" PMM kicked Dawn in the shin. "Defeat is a weak word! I like killing! But only of monsters and in video games! HEART OF THE METALLIC DREAM, TRANSFORMING POWER!" Dana put her hand to her face and thought for a second. "Wait a minute, can't the monster attack us while we transform? HEART OF THE BLEEDING WALL, TRANSFORMING POWER!" The girls (and boy) transformed, and emerged, with Mushroom and PMM looking the same as they did the night before. Vanilla now sported a purple dress, with pointed, leafy ends and a pentagram in the center; the sleeves were poofy, and her black witch's hat also sported a pentagram. Her normally bare feet were now adorned with black heels with vine-like straps going up her blond, furry legs. Her weapon was a small wand with a large orb containing butterflies in it. Dawn now sported an outfit a lot similar to her normal attire, but was now tighter, with a black dress with white corset running down the back and front, white lack on the sides, black lace-up heels, and a much lacier sailor cap. Her weapon was a large, double-ended glaive. Blood Queen now wore a low-cut, mini-skirted, sleeveless red dress, with much of her cleavage showing and little more than some fabric and string covering her chest. A black ribbon went from both sides of the top of the dress around her neck, her heels were replaced with bloodred heeled boots with ribbon in random places around the boots; and her weapon was a spear. In her hair was a tiara. Vanilla delivered the first attack; her combat skills, like Mushroom, were almost solely magic, while PMM, Dawn, and Blood Queen fought with physical attack and magic. Vanilla was a Wood/Wind double mage, making her very powerful. "Leaf Cyclone!" She shouted, waving her wand and pointing it at the beast, as a whirlwind filled with leaves surrounded it. Blood Queen, being a blood mage as her nickname suggested (and as you already know), preferred to attack with her weapon first, and then use a foe's own blood against it. She did so now, charging with her spear, and hitting the monster head-on; the creature roared in anger and pain, and swiped at her, and Blood Queen flew out of safety with her succubus wings. She raised her spear to attack, and apparently did not mind PMM getting a good look from underneath her. "Blood Needles!" She shouted, the spurts of discolored blood rising up, turning solid and sharp, and sticking into the eyes and ears of the beast. The monster roared in pain and swatted the air, looking for Blood Queen, but she was now on the ground and Dawn was now delivering her own attack. "Shadow Strike!" She shouted, running quickly towards the monster, glaive in hand, as she sliced at it with pure dark magic; blood spraying from the lengthy wound. PMM saw his chance. "Viral Infection!!" He shouted, smiling, pointing his keyblade at the wound. The wound became hideously lumpy and infected from the technological attack. It was blind, deaf, and infected-now Mushroom needed to deliver a final blow. "Stinging Slash!" She screamed, playing two very different chords on her guitar that produced a sword-like effect on the monster. The other four delivered attacks on it all at once, and the battle was finally over. Arkcher limped up onto his elbows, but Mushroom didn't notice; He looked up, and saw the girls (and boy) in the strange outfits, with strange weapons; he'd been hearing them shout for some time now, and his eyes grew wide as he realized what had been happening around him. He'd been in such a daze that he hadn't realized they'd been using magic on the monster, which had suddenly disappeared. He didn't know how to feel; his wife had just put her life on the line to defeat a monster many sizes larger than her or her friends, but they bravely defeated it. He was proud of them, but especially her, and his body suddenly warmed thinking that such a brave woman was his. But he was also furious, that she would put herself in harm's way-and that he was unable to protect her. He put his head back on the ground, pretending to be knocked out still. The five of them dropped their outfits and weapons, which melted into their regular clothes, the weapons vanishing. Mushroom ran over to Arkcher, worried. "He seems to be knocked out," She said, relieved. "I'll take him back to the Club to put him back in bed. You guys need to make sure everyone is alright." The four nodded, and even PMM didn't complain. ------------------------------------------ Mushroom carried Arkcher-who, being a tall but thin boy, was relatively medium-level to carry-back up to their room, and laid him down on the big bed where they were to sleep. She went to get a glass of water and laid it on the nightstand. She was very worried about him, understandably, and needed to check to make sure he wasn't severely wounded. The monster was weak when up against five mages, but against a non-magician like Arkcher, it was incredibly powerful. Given, if Arkcher had his bow and arrows with him, he could have taken it down, but he didn't-which rendered him vulnerable. She wasn't sure how well arrows would work against the monster, anyway. She set the glass on the nightstand and sat down next to her husband. "Arkky? Are you ok?" She asked sweetly. She leaned down toward him, turning him over so he was face-up and looking at her. He was breathing, though normally, she didn't know-she wasn't sure what her own normal breathing rate would be, let alone that of an Earth Elf. But he was breathing-heavily, which she wasn't sure was because of an injury or just shock. She knew nothing whatsoever on the subject of health, except for the basic things-so she wasn't quite sure what to do in this situation. "Arkky? Are you alright?" She asked once again. He groaned a little bit, then very slowly opened his eyes. She sighed in relief. "Oh, thank goodness." Arkcher say up on the bed. He then sighed unhappily. "My haaaaaaair!!" He shouted, upset, "My hair is all tangled and mussed! Where's my brush?!" He felt around for it on the nightstand before finally finding his brush, and very slowly, with painstaking detail to every inch of his very long hair, brush out every knot, tangle, and out-of-place hair. After about ten minutes of endless brushing, he sighed, and put the brush back on the nightstand. Mushroom laughed and fell down, hugging him. "At least I know you're alright." "I'm alright," He said, looking up at her, "But are you?" "I'm fine," She sighed. "I was really worried about you when you passed out." "I was worried about you." She sighed, and rolled over off of him. "Well, we're both fine now. It's too bad our lunch got ruined." "That doesn't matter, as long as you're OK." Arkcher said, looking over at her. With every word he spoke he almost gave away the hint that he knew she had transformed and defeated the monster, but in the same way she was unsure if she should tell him she had transformed and fought it, he wasn't sure to reveal that he knew. For now, both would have to stay quiet. "Are Dawn, Vanilla, and Dana alright?" Arkcher asked, As he raised himself up. "They're fine," Mushroom said. "Let's go outside, and see what the damage is." The two did so, holding hands, and saw that quite the crowd had gathered around Mama Luigi's, including Kat and Horatio. "So, Kat," Said Arkcher sarcastically, "Judging by your actions on the canal ride, I assume you have a plan to fix this problem too?" "Plan?" Said Kat, confused. "Yea, a brilliant plan to fix this problem." "What the **** is a 'plan'? Is it a food?" Arkcher shoved his free hand into his face. "Never mind." "OK," Said Kat, who stepped forward and surveyed the damage. She reached into the pocket of her skintight black shorts and pulled out a roll of duct tape. "This ought to do the trick. It helped me earlier and it should help me again - unless the tape turns on me. That happened to me once -" She suddenly sniffled. "- But I don't like to talk about him." Kat unrolled a bit of the duct tape, and ran over to the building, climbing onto the almost entirely sunken-in roof. "Kat, that WILL NOT WORK!!!!" Shouted Arkcher angrily. "Pfff, yea it will," She said matter-of-factly. "How do you think building restorations are done?" "With a team of contractors and tools," Said Arkcher. "Aaaaand what's one of those tools....?" "Not duct tape..." Arkcher mumbled, but sighed anyhow. He simply stood back and allowed Kat to do...well, whatever she had in mind this time. In case you hadn't noticed, she never ever plans ahead and does everything on an impulse, usually with very disastrous results.
  20. I was very bored and decided to make this. This is a text meme for fans of Tales of Invision (all ten of them). X the boxes that describe you and see which of these characters you're most like. Not all characters are here, though. Just the five main ones and some extras. Arkcher Ahrroww [] You went to/go to a boarding school [] One or both parents is famous [] You enjoy inventing things [] You live in or lived in Canada [] You married young/plan to [] You wear your hair long [] You get along really well with your dad [] You're really good at archery [] You tend to jump to conclusions [] You don't like seeing your boyfriend/girlfriend hanging out with friends of the opposite gender. Cheesemaster [] You can't eat cheese for one reason or another [] You wear glasses [] Your hobby is taking things apart and putting them back together. [] You've considered adoption/have adopted [] You delivered/sold newspapers at one point [] Most of your friends are of the opposite gender [] You consider yourself the perfect gentlemen/lady [] Nothing is better than reading on a rainy day [] You are Japanese or English. [] You can fight with a sword. Mushroom_king [] You have a friend who always follows you around. [] You married young/plan to [] Music is the greatest thing ever. [] You can play the guitar [] You are often given huge responsibilities. [] You have a signature clothing item. [] Green is the best colour. [] You tend to accept things as they are, no questions asked. [] You listen to a very wide variety of music [] You can't stand seeing your friends fight. Kat Dacatis [] You have been told by family or friends you are insane. [] You have been declared insane by a professional. [] You believe in the power of making things happen by thinking about them [] Cats are the best animals [] You have a zany sense of fashion. [] Vikings are awesome. [] You can play the accordion, kazoo, or banjo. [] You love Oscar Wilde's books and poetry. [] You would be in the Mafia if given the chance. [] You love alcohol of any kind Paper Mario Master [] You love video games [] You own consoles from multiple companies [] You hate console wars. [] You cosplay as video game characters. [] You wear glasses for fashion. [] You are very short. [] You tag along with one of your friends everywhere they go [] You have worked as a substitute teacher before [] You like video games of every kind. [] You are surly and sarcastic. C.C. Edna [] You have a parent or older sibling whom you look up to frequently. [] You are adopted [] Drawing is your hobby [] You think two of your friends would make a good couple. [] You work/worked at a shoe shine stand once [] You've been homeless before. [] You're a boy with a girl's name or vice versa [] You are deathly afraid of someone you know. [] You are psychic or at least believe that you are. [] You have curly hair. Aloysius Ahrroww [] You are British. [] You love studying medicine. [] You like to invent things. [] You can't resist pretty women/men [] You have/plan to have up to four kids. [] You love tea [] You have a good relationship with one of your children. [] You're an adult with a respectable job but still enjoy playing video games and using the Internet for entertainment purposes. [] It's very hard to get you angry. [] You are very defensive of your family.
  21. Giant robots make EVERYTHING better. If there's anything to be learned from Japanese cartoons, it's that. But in related news, I do plan on seeing Transformers 2, I originally planned to see it last Saturday but we were worried about the number of people so we're waiting. We went and bought Wall-E on DVD instead, 'cause my mom hadn't seen it yet.
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