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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. You sure? Di you hate the meme or the pokemon itself? Or is it a specific mudkip? That could be some sort of discrimination o: Its not an accusation, we just herd u lieked dem. both, but i hate the meme more so
  3. very few animes I've seen fit that definition.
  4. ... -strikes manly pose- OH DEAR LORD NOT ARKCHER AND CHEESEMASTER ur doin it rong TABLE-PANTS Vs. DIVINE BOVINE WHO CAN STRIKE A MANLIER POSE FIND OUT THIS SUNDAY AT 9 IT IS SUNDAY IT IS 9 -strikes manly pose- IF CHEESEMAN DOES NOT SHOW THAN, Um, I guess im manlier than the wisp of air next to me which will pose as my opponent instead. I can strike a manlier pose that both of you combined o: THREE-WAY MANDOWN ITS ON NOW Women are allowed in man-offs now? Sweet! As soon as Arkcher gets some wireless and I add MK to brawl friends, we can do that. And get Hoops in on it too. x3 HEY, YOU'RE TRYING TO GET US INTO A BRAWL THAT'S FINE WITH ME whoa, maybe we could have an online brawl match, but instead of fighting, we taunt and see who has the coolest taunt messages! I'd automatically win that one. no. you wouldn't. Never gonna Give you up Never gonna Let you down Never gonna run around & desert u I have a Rick-Roll-B-Gone spray. RICK ROLLS DON'T AFFECT ME SAY, I MIGHT HAVE RICK ROLLS FOR BREAKFAST TOMORROW Then what about a kiproll? mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip mud kip ...you know this would be so much more effective if I were allowed to post the link to it. If you, despite the old meme, lieked mudkipz before, you would be absolutely sick of them after you saw it. i hate mudkips
  5. Nuclear dust in your chocolate milk... not too tasty I would imagine. Well, after it fries your taste buds, nothing will taste bad. Or good, for that matter. actually, it was quite good. =O
  6. Awesome! I think I saw something about it on the news last night, but it was only in passing as I was in the process of microwaving some s'mores. WHATTTTTTTT???? You sandwiched the launch in between some s'mores?????? Well, at least you were aware of it. LOL The commander is a friend of some of my colleagues and about 40 of them were going down to the Space Center to watch the launch. They were fortunate to watch from really, REALLY close up! I put a rocket launch in between two s'mores once. It was kinda explode-y, but it was pretty good. Better than that time I put nuclear dust in my chocolate milk.
  7. My firsts were, in order: My Neighbor Totoro, Pokemon, and Sailor Moon. Dragon Ball was also an early one but not a first for me.
  8. As in they follow the crowd? My school too. I can't tell you HOW MANY KIDS have Jansport backpacks! Yes, I know they have different designs, but they're all technically the same. AS for me I have an LLBean messenger style bag. Which only a few other people have. ~Liz I have a Pink Floyd bookbag. =D
  9. i never said i was seeing this as favorite games. more publicity? most people I know want to play the game.
  10. Alright, so the results for the second poll are in...you won't believe this. The results: Wow. seriously, wow. Mother, an obscure Japan-only game, beat Chrono Trigger and not one, not two, but THREE of Nintendo's best franchises. That's incredible to me. But then there's what Nintendo Power said about it. I shouldn't be getting so worked up over this sort of trivial matter, but it angers me. It makes it seem like NP hates the Mother series, and it makes it seem as though they don't want EarthBound winning the poll. (Besides, both Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger have a heckuva lot less chance of winning than EarthBound, Mother, MM, or SSB, since Square seems to only want to release Final Fantasy 9,000 on the VC instead of their awesome games.) Just because of this, I moved SMRPG on my vote from 2 to 5. >.<
  11. I have no idea what you just said Click on the link and you will see. WHAT I HAVE ALREADY READ THAT5 TAWPEEK AND CHEESMAN IS STILL NOT MAKING SENSE D: No need to shout... my hearing is pretty good. SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT *is so happy I put my earplugs in first* -wonders if Horatio would hear if I threw him in the meat grinder right now- I had wanted to take a picture of the beautiful VW Bus I saw on Monday. It was a pretty yellow, like your meat grinder, with a white top and trim. He was going the other way and I don't think I could have found a place to turn around and then catch him to take a picture. I need to get video cam for my bike. Then I would have had a picture of the bus for you. Even though I already have a white Buuuus Magic Bus, I'd love to have a matching bus/meat grinder set. We could put the matching meat grinder in the back. Yea, and I could give the kids I hate a ride home and make them sit in the back! And if they try and not sit on teh Meat Grinder, they'll still get in there because I have a NEW feature on my Meat Grinder called ABZORB ®, where it sucks in nearby things! You can even set it so it only sucks in certain things, like hamsters people you hate!
  12. I have no idea what you just said Click on the link and you will see. WHAT I HAVE ALREADY READ THAT5 TAWPEEK AND CHEESMAN IS STILL NOT MAKING SENSE D: No need to shout... my hearing is pretty good. SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT *is so happy I put my earplugs in first* -wonders if Horatio would hear if I threw him in the meat grinder right now- I had wanted to take a picture of the beautiful VW Bus I saw on Monday. It was a pretty yellow, like your meat grinder, with a white top and trim. He was going the other way and I don't think I could have found a place to turn around and then catch him to take a picture. I need to get video cam for my bike. Then I would have had a picture of the bus for you. Even though I already have a white Buuuus Magic Bus, I'd love to have a matching bus/meat grinder set.
  13. I have no idea what you just said Click on the link and you will see. WHAT I HAVE ALREADY READ THAT5 TAWPEEK AND CHEESMAN IS STILL NOT MAKING SENSE D: No need to shout... my hearing is pretty good. SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT *is so happy I put my earplugs in first* -wonders if Horatio would hear if I threw him in the meat grinder right now-
  14. go do your schoolwork or else i will eat you.
  15. I have no idea what you just said Click on the link and you will see. WHAT I HAVE ALREADY READ THAT5 TAWPEEK AND CHEESMAN IS STILL NOT MAKING SENSE D: No need to shout... my hearing is pretty good. SHOUT SHOUT SHOUT
  16. i....have no idea what that is. Doesn't matter, just QUICK JUMP ON ITS HEAD i had a feeling it was a goomba...
  17. I have no idea what you just said Click on the link and you will see. WHAT I HAVE ALREADY READ THAT5 TAWPEEK AND CHEESMAN IS STILL NOT MAKING SENSE D:
  18. i....have no idea what that is.
  19. Finally, someone else who noticed that... Unrelated: I'm tired of how 99% of all kids at my school are sheep.
  20. Like, the stop-motion Christmas movies? I wouldn't really consider them anime at all. A majority of them aren't even animated. same guys, I was referring to the traditionally animated stuff. Like The Last Unicorn, and Thundercats. (yes, I know the latter is a series.. Still the same point.) Thundercats might be considered an anime.
  21. awww...I'm sorry that happened to you.
  22. [woo part 2.] After Vanilla and Cheesemaster left Planet Horatio, they looked around for MK. She wasn't in proximity of her restaurant. Cheesemaster seemed worried, but VSH seemed occupied on other, far more important things. "Cheesy, I just loooove your katana. where did you get it? can I have one? do you ever use it? could you beat me? would you hit a girl with it?" "I'll answer every single one of your questions later," he said, with a hint of reluctance in his voice. "For now, let's find MK." "What, do you think she's hurt or something?" said Vanilla Star hamster. "Well, no, it's just that Hamsterdam is an awful big city and she's not so used to it." "I guess not a whole lot of people live on Mt. Jazzeh, huh..." ----------------------------------- In reality, MK was alright. She and Arkcher were at their vacation home in Hamsterdam playing Brawl. When gamers pack for trips, they pack the games first and then their clothes. All of a sudden, MK's character, Kirby, opened an Assist Trophy, and out popped Jeff, her favorite game character. She paused. 'JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1" she yelled, and then proceeded to molest the television. "No." sighed Arkcher, "Just no." [that part was not fictional.] ----------------------------------- Night began to fall and Cheesemaster and Vanilla Star Hamster were still trying to find MK. "Hey cheesemaster, if we got stuck in the mountains, would I be forced to eat you?" "Er...I'd...prefer you didn't..." "Say, have you tried calling MK or something...? you know, on a phone...?"
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