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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. SWEET! Can I come? Sure. I'm getting a second bike. We'll have to work it in before you go back to school. What charity do you think we should ride for? lol I was just playing around about my joining you, I've got way too much going on right now. Although I'd love to do something similar at some point in my life or another. A charity.....possible ideas include scholarship funds, research funds, how about the make-a-wish foundation? They're pretty awesome. Ohhhhhhhh. This won't happen too soon as I need to do some preparation and planning. The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a group I really like, I was also thinking of the March of Dimes. March of Dimes is another really good one. I'm trying to think of other good ones, but I'm drawing a blank. We have time. Awesome charity = EJAF (Elton John AIDS foundation.) Look it up. I would give the url but I can't. ~Liz awesomer charity: Joey Ramone Lymphoma Foundation awesomest charity: The Mother 3 Translation Charity (NOTE: doesn't actually exist)
  2. i don't anymore...i used to lip balm is awesome.
  3. "Hmm..." thought Cheesemaster. "Thing is, my cell phone isn't very good. Remember?" Vanilla Star Hamster grumbled to herself. "Come on," she said. "Don't you have any idea where else she might be?!" "Well," he said, "There is one other place." "Why do you need to find her, anyhow?" said Vanilla. She swooned and said, "Do you liiiiike her?" Cheesemaster gripped his Katana (awesome). "No," he said, with a supreme sense of seriousness in his voice. "What kind of a question was that?!" "Oh well, you have Chees-" A moment later, Vanilla Star Hamster found Cheesemaster's Katana just inches away from her neck. "Say that again, I dare you." "I-I didn't say anything..." "Smart hamster...Let's get going." Vanilla shrugged. Apparently, Cheesemaster wasn't fond of... "CHEESEEEEEEEEEEIEEEEE!" Out of nowhere, a girl who looked the same age as Cheesemaster ran up and glomped him. The girl was also made of Cheese, and was wearing a ruffly, almost Victorian style of dress. It was Cheese Woman, Cheesemaster's self-proclaimed girlfriend. "Did I hear you say my name, Cheesie?" she said, almost bursting with excitement. "No," he said, annoyed. "Don't lie to me, sweetie, I know you called me!!" "Please, I'm trying to find someone...please get off of me..." Vanilla Star Hamster simply stood off to the side, trying very hard not to burst out laughing at the scene. Cheese Woman reluctantly got off of him and let him stand up. "Oh, fine..." she said, upset, and Cheesemaster and Vanilla left the scene. --------------------------------------------- The duo found themselves at The Red Market, Mushroom_king's shop. They sold a lot of Plushies and furniture, it seemed. It was pretty obvious that the store was owned by MK, as it reflected her eccentric personality; the store was staffed almost entirely by robots, plus one Invisionist... "HEY!!" yelled a voice. It wasn't MK's, but was familiar. A CatGirl with White fur jumped in out of nowhere. She had silvery faerie's wings, as well as a style equally eccentric to Mushroom_king's; she was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and a monocle and red suspenders. Strapped to her back was an enormous sword, or rather, a Claymore...It was none other than Kat Dacatis. "WHAT ARE YOU SUSPICIOUS TYPES DOING HERE?!" yelled Kat. "...Looking for MK..." mustered Cheesemaster. He was tired. "Oh," said Kat. Kat was pretty crazy, but she was also quite intelligent. She was known for her advice as well as being strange. "Do you know where she is?" asked Vanilla. "Cheesemaster needs to find her and won't tell me why!" "Hmmmm," thought Kat. "I saw her leave, and I remember she was heading to the Hamster Mall. Maybe you oughta check there!" "Thanks, Kat." said Cheesemaster, and started to head off, when Kat shouted, "HEY, I WANNA COME TOO!!!!" Cheesemaster waved at her. "Sure, you can come with us..." he said. He was a good kid, and some of the Invisionists described him as "Not having a bad side". ----------------------------------------- Meanwhile, at the Hamster Mall.... Mushroom_king was sitting at a table in the Mall's food court, along with Arkcher, and some other characters: There was a Squirrel, who was writing something; There was a hamster in a pilot's cap; and a man who seemed to be in deep thought. Mushroom_king glanced over at the Squirrel and asked: "What are you writing?" The Squirrel's name was Skwerlhugger Will. he was similar to Kat in the way he was silly at times, but also very serious. The difference was that Skwerlhugger Will often talked about changing the world and politics while Kat gave smart advice. Will looked up. "It's a letter," he said. "I'm writing a letter to the government of the planet Skizzenbuch." "Oh," said Mushroom_king. "Isn't that where C.C. Edna is from?" C.C. Edna was a young, homeless boy who came from Skizzenbuch, a planet where all the citizens are drawings. "yea," said Will. "Their laws state that they can't do anything if a drawing has a problem, but the artist of that drawing made no way to fix it. Like Edna's problem-he's homeless, but his artist made no background story on how Edna got this way, or if he gets put into a Homeless shelter, nothing. So, when Edna lived on Skizzenbuch, the government said they couldn't help him, so I'm writing to them about it." Mushroom_king took all the information in. "You know a lot about places you've never been..." The man sitting across from her who had been silent started to speak up. His name was Lexxscrapham, a philosopher who lived on Mt. Lexx. He was visiting the town because he owned The Hamster Mall as well as The Village Market. "It really is a strange law if you think about it, and no government could get away with it elsewhere," he said. While Lexx explained things, Arkcher listened, leaving the Hamster in the Pilot's Cap, Horatio, the only one who noticed Cheesemaster, Kat, and Vanilla Star hamster Walk in. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation, but," explained Horatio, "some friends of ours are here."
  4. i changed his name (Plus, we already have characters with names such as Not Telling You My Name and _____.)
  5. I already own Make-Up, though. Plus my mom wears it so I can always 'borrow'...
  6. You could, but also consider the types of CDs seventeen is likely to send you. *shudders* Hmmm...I could ask for specifics, but I have doubts that Seventeen would have heard of Pink Floyd and Wolfmother. :/ If they haven't heard of Pink Floyd, they've been living in a cave. Even I know about Pink Floyd, and that's saying something. I thought E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E had heard of Pink Floyd! Wrong. Ask around at my school. Some haven't even heard of Zelda or All Your Base. It's kinda sad! (even my mom knows the awesomeness of Captain Falcon)
  7. You could, but also consider the types of CDs seventeen is likely to send you. *shudders* Hmmm...I could ask for specifics, but I have doubts that Seventeen would have heard of Pink Floyd and Wolfmother. :/
  8. I got the survey in the mail...If i was reading the magazine, the power of my sheer awesomeness would have destroyed the magazine
  9. It's from the Magazine Seventeen...a.k.a stupidest magazine ever. Check out these questions, and my answers. 1. You would never leave your house without your... 1. lip gloss 2. cell phone 3. iPod MK's ANSWER: Nintendo DS 2. In order to feel glam (shudder), you need: 1. Eyeliner 2. lip gloss 3. mascara 4. nail polish MK'S ANSWER: Rainbow Suspenders 3. Your dream guy is: 1. Athletic (no.) 2. smart (yea! 3. Funny (YES) MK'S ANSWER: Joey Ramone 4. Your signature accessory is: 1. Bag (like, a plastic one?) 2. Watch (BAHAHHAAHA like girls who read Seventeen know what that is.) 3. necklace (I actually DO have those...but I made them) 4. Other MK'S ANSWER: Other-Pinbacks. ;D 5. To get the perfect hair, you need: 1. Volume gel 2. Flat iron 3. anti-frizz cream 4. hairspray 5. all of the above (ewwwwwwwwwww) MK'S ANSWER: hairbrush. 6. How would you describe your beauty style? 1. Bright and Fun 2. Fresh and Clean 3. Dramatic and Sultry MK'S ANSWER: Awesome and Awesome. Oh, and if I send it in, I get MAKEUP!!!! Yea. .... anyone else think I should actually write these answers on the card and write "Don't bother with the makeup, send me a CD" and mail it in?
  10. You know, now that I think about it, I don't need a boyfriend, I have glittery rainbow suspenders. Who needs a boyfriend when you've got those?!
  11. Wait, lemme rephrase that, ONE (1) of the guys who liked me was a good nerd. Oh, and it was TyeDye Ninja. Note: I do not date my friends
  12. UPDATE TIME! Ok, so i found a FULL list of all the lost tracks. Oh boy. ....they removed Radio Exercises? D=
  13. I don't have a boyfriend either.... Come on Elton, I'm WATING!!!!!!! ~Liz Uh.....two problems. He's gay and old enough to be your father. *doesn't get celebrity crushes* Yeah, yeah, details!! *only has 2 celeb crushes: him & john lennon!* woohoo my love life is amazing! [/sarcastic] ~L:iz my love life is more amazing, every guy who's had a crush on me was a nerd. not the good kind.
  15. beware the forest's mushrooms for like, the 90th time this week
  16. Really? That was one of the things that annoyed me about the anime. I'll try reading the Manga.
  17. ...I forgot Keroro Gunsou. Bleach is probably the only super-popular anime I like...unless you count ones like Sailor Moon that used to be incredibly popular. Also, Case Closed/Detective Conan = win Deh. I watched more Sailor Moon than some of the ones I mentioned there, but that was so horrible, it doesn't deserve to be mentioned. Like, worse than Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. :'C Conan is the best popular anime. Ever. C: Also, I recently found out, GARNET CROW (a Japanese band or singer, not sure which. Either way, I likes 'em. n_n) actually did the OP songs for a couple of the seasons. o: - Glowurm Guh, I can't say OP anymore without thinking of Operator Please... I like Sailor Moon, but it's kinda boring and repetitive...i still like it but prefer Tokyo Mew Mew or Cardcaptor Sakura, or Case Closed because that's my favorite.
  18. ...I forgot Keroro Gunsou. Bleach is probably the only super-popular anime I like...unless you count ones like Sailor Moon that used to be incredibly popular. Also, Case Closed/Detective Conan = win
  19. isn't he the fashion designer dude? AND CHEESY WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN THIS WHOLE TIME D=
  20. PK Force, Forest, Floss, Drill, Ground, Freeze, Flash, Starstorm, Rocking, Gifts, Love, Fire, Thunder, Magnet, Slime, Gaming, Hammer, Boxing, Snow, Fi, Miami, Wind, Counter, Coil, Combo, Cell, Chewing Gum, Field Trips, Beam, Blast, Cross, Fighting Spirit, Kapow, Goal, Champion, Wave, Brainshock, Bubble, Sensor, Key, Mimic, Morph, Girlfriend, Learn a foreign language, Code, Space/Time Travel, Death, Knowledge, Supernova, Taco, Money, Back flip, Saturn, Sand, Vikings, Clops, Duck, Useless, Bicycle, Blur. That is for future reference.
  21. I wouldnt say everything, unless someone has some real skill at being stupid. if everything can be made into pr0nz, then everything can be Mary sue'd.
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