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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= D= NO, I DIDN'T D: It was really great! I was thinking of you while watching it. If you look at the PBS schedule, I believe it will be on again. but....but...i have important things to do...such as eat souls...and play Okami... oh, and here's what I'm listening to: Credits-SSB64
  2. [oh. and here's a chapter i seem to have forgotten to post...] Arkcher, who had still not gotten over the shock of his father suddenly coming all the way from a different part of the universe just to visit him, tried to convince himself he was dreaming. Unfortunately, it was nigh impossible. Later that same day, Mushroom_king was...well, she was basically flirting with Aloysius, but Aloysius was the kind of man who never got angry at people, and he was always nice and forgiving to people, so he didn't really care that she was flirting with him. This trait passed on to only one of his children, and unfortunately, it wasn't Arkcher. Mushroom_king was examining Aloysius later on, at dinner. "Ha...Arkcher, you really are his spitting image..." Arkcher looked, and sounded, tired. He'd had a long day. But what she said was true. The biggest difference was their way of dress, their attitude, and...hair length... Paper Mario Master looked at Aloysius. Everyone in the Mansion seemed excited and curious to see this strange new person. "I...really, really do not want to imagine having to wash that much hair..." he said, with a look of disgust on his face. "When was the last time you got a haircut, Aloysius-san?" Aloysius thought for a while. Eventually, PMM gave up and mustered, "Ok, I see, I already know the answer. The last time you cut your hair was never ago. I can see it in your eyes. They're, uh, really expressive..." Arkcher suddenly perked up and said, "Hey, dad, do you think...maybe..starting tomorrow...you wanna visit everyone else here?" Aloysius clapped and exclaimed, "Ah, that'd be wonderful..." "Alright! Tomorrow, we'll go to Hamsterdam and meet everyone there, and then decide where we want to go next." Aloysius seemed a bit clueless. MK sighed. "Arkcher, thanks for explaining the topography of Invision to your own dad..." Arkcher shrugged. "Hamsterdam is the biggest city," she explained. "There's more, but we'll learn later. Kay-o?" Aloysius laughed. "Kay-O? haha...alright, Mrs. saturn!" Mushroom_king gasped. "You...you like...EarthBound..." Arkcher changed the subject just in time to keep MK from having a seizure. "D-dad," said Arkcher, a bit flustered, "Actually, do you wanna stay here another day or two to...um...get settled in...?" "That'd be wonderful as well...but I'd love to see your friends first." "But dad-" "I'm not so tired from traveling..." "r-really?" "Yes. I'll get myself ready tomorrow and we can meet all your friends!" Aloysius seemed very happy to do so. It was as though Aloysius didn't seem to care he had just traveled across the Universe just to visit one person.. ------------------------------------------ The next morning, Arkcher decided they would leave sometime before Lunchtime, so they could get to Hamsterdam in time to eat at Planet Horatio. At Breakfast, Aloysius had the joy of meeting Sean and Julian. "Who are you?!" asked Sean. Aloysius bent down to talk to them. He smiled at both of them. "I'm Aloysius, and I am Arkcher's dad." "Ohhhhh," said Julian, as if knowingly. "That means..." said Sean, "That if your my daddy's daddy..." "GRANDPA!!!" Aloysius frowned for the first time as the two boys hugged him. "I'm not that old..." Aloysius sighed happily and hugged them. "So, who are you two?" "I'm Sean!" said the boy in the Blue sweater. "And I am Julian!" said the one in the Red sweater. "And you are twin brothers?" asked Aloysius. "Yea!!!" they said excitedly. Aloysius turned to Arkcher. "You have children...?" Arkcher gasped and responded quickly, "A-adopted! MK adopted them..." Aloysius laughed. He ruffled the two boy's hair. MK stepped over and got on her knees, next to Aloysius. "Their full names are Sean Lennon Ahrroww and Julian Lennon Ahrroww!" Aloysius laughed. MK wondered if he got the meaning of the names. He might of... Later, they decided to leave. The ones going were MK, Arkcher, Their Sanities, Aloysius, Sean, Julian, and Shedra. Shedra considered himself the caretaker of Mushroom_king and Arkcher. As they waited for a plane, (I couldn't think of anything...) Arkcher explained to Aloysius about the Mountain. "This is Mt. Jazzeh. We live here. There's also a tribe of Eskimoes, and some of our friends live here. You can meet them anytime, though." Aloysius seemed to easily take the information in. He was an intelligent man, after all. After arriving in Hamsterdam, they had arrived in time for lunch, so they went to Planet Horatio. "This is my restaurant!" said Mushroom_king, and she went inside, and over to the bar. Glowurm was working that day, and Kat was about to get her favorite drink, the Jig. Kat's favorite dance move was the Jig, so MK named a drink after it. Several people glared at Aloysius, but no one payed any mind. Aloysius and Arkcher sat at the bar, and Glowurm looked at them. Glowurm was a Glowing Worm from a planet where everything glowed in the dark. He was a pirate, and several of his worm legs (or...arms...) were replaced with hooks and peg legs. He also had an eye patch. "Hello, glowing pirate!" exclaimed Aloysius. Glow's eyes became big. "Who the heck are you?!" Aloysius laughed, but Arkcher spoke. "This is my dad..." "HOLY ICELAND!!!" shouted Glow. (That's my phrase...<.<) The entire establishment went silent with some whispers here and there. Arkcher looked steamed. "Ugh..." "I'm sorry, dude." said Glowurm. A second later, Aloysius was surrounded by the other Invisionists who were there for lunch, and they all were examining him. There was Kat, but as well as her there was also SleepoverFanatic, Lexx (who seemed to still be visiting Hamsterdam) and Krisluvsdogs, who was visiting from Adstar. There were some more, but they aren't as important to the story. Aloysius felt slightly awkward being examined in such closed quarters by two young women and an adult male, but he suck with it. He decided to examine them. He examined things a lot, huh? SleepoverFanatic...she was a young woman who was wearing Watermelon Pajamas, and the other girl, KrisLuvsDogs, was a dog-girl with a green dress and a large bow in her hair. She was pretty, but seemed quieter then the others. He also examined Lexx, but you already know about him. Kat walked up to Aloysius and looked him up and down with her large cat eyes. Aloysius was taken aback by her appearance, but decided not to question why she was wearing an ascot and a gold suit of armor and had a claymore and... Suddenly, she exploded. "YOUR SUSPENDERS AREN'T RAINBOW!! YOU AUTOMATICALLY FAIL!!!" Aloysius ruffled his own hair and giggled nervously. He still had a feeling that most of Arkcher's friends weren't very deadly, even this girl, though that would change a bit later. Kat smiled at him, though. She drank her Jig and started Jigging all of a sudden. "Er..." "Dad, don't ask." "but-" "DAD." "Fine." SleepoverFanatic sat down and started to talk to him. "So..um..you're really Arkcher's dad?" Aloysius nodded. "And the famous inventor?" Aloysius nodded. KrisLuvsDogs (Kris for short) walked over. Her hands were behind her back, and she seemed very shy. She started to speak-her voice was quiet and had a slight hint of a Country accent to her voice, but it made her seem sweet, not like a Southerner. She held her hand to her face and said, "You seem like a nice person. And you're slightly.." "SEXY?!" said MK. Kat burst out laughing, Arkcher and Aloysius blushed, and Kris giggled like a schoolgirl. "Well, dad, do you want to eat something?" Aloysius quickly nodded. "I do!" Arkcher laughed. "Oh Boy! I'm so Hungry, I could eat an Octorock!!" Arkcher, MK, and the other Invisionists were used to Planet Horatio, so they already knew what they were getting, but Aloysius looked over the various foodstuffs available. "They have...interesting names..." Kat, who was also a waitress and bartender, asked Aloysius if he wanted a drink. "Er...you have any kind of Tea?" "Coming up!" said Kat. A few minutes later, Aloysius had a green tea. It matched the minor British accent he had. Later, after Lunch, the group said bye to Kat, Glow, Kris, and SleepoverFanatic and decided to explore some more.
  3. ...Heehee. To me, that's somewhat ironic. 'Course, nobody else will get how. Anyway. Sure thing, Horatio. C: Yes. Just general relationships, though. I'll get more specific as the characters are filled. For now, things are turning out... funnily. Some unexpected choices are making for an interesting story to write. B-buht, what if I'd already decided to make your face do something demeaning before you chose it? Can I still do something demeaning? :< ...I'm not planning to demean anyone. - Glowurm Though, I do love to watch them squirm... Dear Glowurm, If you pair my character with the wrong person, I'll eat you. -MK
  4. I miss him... have many amusing stories to tell him.
  5. Yeppers. I've decided. I'm going to start a new HD story thingo. C: OKAY. I am only going to include only nine members in this story. Besides me. Why? 'Cause I say so. Now to become part of the story, you have to choose one of the faces. o: Yes, I know that they're all girls. It doesn't mean only girls can be in my story thingo. It's just that... I'm using the faces to decide what roles people play. So you decide which face is your favourite and choose it, and that'll decide where you are in my story and what you do and stuff. First come, best dressed. Now go, choose your weaponface. - Glowurm top right. ~Liz Okay, so you're the pink girl. Hmm, that seems to fit. I wonder who'll take middle left and bottom right, now. - Glowurm OMGLIEKF4REELz BOTTOM MIDDLE wait, what's this mess for? I have some she-characters written up you could use, if you run out of ideas. This mess is to decide what part you guizes (geysers?) will play in my story. o: So like, I've decided what role each face corresponds to, and I've already got relationships between characters sorted out and everything. I don't know what's going to happen yet, all I know is who's who. Or, I will know who's who when all the roles are filled. I may offer more roles later on, though, 'cause I'm special like that. And thanks for the offer, but I'll be using you, the Arkcher-man, yourself. Your she-characters can go off and do... she-things. C: - Glowurm And MK? Nice choice, if I do say so myself. ;] Relationships picked out...? D:
  6. Where IS Cheeseman, anyhow?
  7. Meanwhile, up in the Dining Room, Mushroom_king was worrying about Arkcher. "Paper mario Master..." she said. "Could you go check on Arkcher? You're done eating and it'll give you something to do." "But...But...I got Giygas on the rope..." Mushroom_king raised an eyebrow. "How are you playing MOTHER 1+2? You know Japanese?" "Of Course I do. I wouldn't be THE Game Master if I didn't." "I thought that was Captain N..." she murmured. PMM walked down to the foyer. He dramatically gasped upon seeing Arkcher, and then he glanced at the look-alike in the doorway. "You..." said PMM, "You killed him!! YOU'RE A CONVICTED FELON AREN'T YOU?!" "Calm down, my excited, short friend..." said the strange man. "I'M NOT SHORT!!!" He laughed nervously, and glanced at Arkcher. A moment later, Arkcher was standing up and the two were faced with each other. Paper Mario Master examined both of them. After more silence, the look-alike grabbed Arkcher's shoulders. "You're...You're...You're Arkcher, my son...I...haven't seen you in at least ten years!...". He glanced at Arkcher again and the two hugged each other. "D-dad..." "Sorry to interrupt your heartfelt reunion..." said Paper Mario Master, "But we were like, having Breakfast and stuff. Oh, and isn't your name Aloysius...?" He nodded. "Yes...the inventor." "Oh right," said PMM. "Well, uh, let me get the other important people, and we can get you a...wait, why the #### are you here in the first place?" Aloysius laughed. It was a happy laugh. "To visit my son, of course. I wanted to stay a bit and explore, though, once I learned of his...er, residence." A few minutes later, after PMM had gathered Mushroom_king and Shedra, they pointed Arkcher to the Guest's Room. He put his bags on the floor next to the pillowy bed and greeted MK. "So...you are the girl who is married to my son?..." MK nodded. Her eyes seemed glued to Aloysius. "Arkcher...your dad...he's...kind of hot." "M-M-M-MKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!" Aloysius laughed. "MK, THIS...IS MY FATHER WE ARE TALKING ABOUT!..." "But I can't help he's so attractive." Arkcher posed and flipped his lengthy hair. "Of course he's attractive, he's RELATED to me!!" "Ah, you're as vain as you always were..." Aloysius had a faraway look in his eyes, and he was smiling. "Well, we can talk more later, my dear girl..." MK looked a bit shocked and embarrassed. "I want to talk to Arkcher." "I understand," said MK, a tad reluctantly. "I'll leave you alone." After the other two had left, Aloysius threw himself onto his bed. Arkcher simply stood at the door, arms crossed, not saying a word. After an awkward silence, Aloysius sighed and said, "I know it seems strange having me come over and stay with you completely unannounced..." "You think?" Aloysius walked over to Arkcher and hugged him. Arkcher couldn't help but grin, and he felt truly warm inside. All of a sudden, Aloysius began to tickle him (o_O), saying "We have so much to talk about!" "D-dad!" stammered Arkcher. He thought he was too old for that, but he still giggled. "Ah," breathed Aloysius. "Let's go sit down and we can talk." The two of them went to the Sitting Room and Arkcher described to his father of the many things that had happened to him since they had last seen each other ten years earlier-the things that Arkcher experienced at School, and of course while on Invision. Aloysius thought it over. "You're living every kid's dream." "It's not as dreamy as it sounds," he said. "It is fun..." Aloysius ruffled Arkcher's hair, but he backed away. "RAAAAAR! THAT'S MAH HAIR!" Aloysius laughed at him. "Ah, you haven't changed a whole lot personality-wise..." Aloysius looked him over. The young man sitting next to him now was a very different person then the small boy he knew ten years ago, yet he felt very much the same, and Aloysius felt it was his duty to see his son and know how he was. Aloysius sighed again, and said a bit dreamily, "I'm so glad you're a healthy boy..."
  8. Chapter Six: The song "Humoresque of a little dog" does not actually have anything to do with dogs Arkcher sighed, and with trembling hands, opened the door. It'll be a friend, it'll be a friend, it'll be... Before he knew it, standing in front of him was.... ...a large, white wolf with wings. Most would be afraid, but Arkcher was friends with this wolf-her name was Mega Wolf. Arkcher breathed a sigh of relief. "Ah...it's just you, Mega Wolf." "Of course..." she said, shaking off the snow before stepping inside. "Who did you think I was?" Oh, no one, just my father who I haven't seen in 9 or 10 years or so... "Well, Ammy!" said Paper Mario Master. His normal green suit had been exchanged for a green jumpsuit and a mushroom hat. He bounced over to Mega Wolf and got on her back, like a steed. Mega Wolf shook him off and he was back in his normal clothes. Mega Wolf laughed sarcastically. "Cut that out, it's annoying." Running down the stairs were two small boys, one in a red sweater, and in a blue sweater. They both had bowl cuts. It was Sean and Julian, two adopted twin boys. Mushroom_king had adopted them. They stopped in front of Mega Wolf. They both seemed a bit wary, but they had learned to befriend the wolf. They both petted her. "Hello Mega Wolf!" said Sean, who was petting her. Julian hugged her. "Hi Sean and Julian," she said. Mushroom_king walked over to Mega Wolf. "So Mega Wolf, why are you here, anyhow?" Mega Wolf turned away from the twins and faced MK. "You wanna move to the sitting Room? I need to sit down..." After moving to the flowery Sitting Room, and fixing themselves some sammiches, Mega wolf began to explain. "Well, for one, everyone is fine everywhere else," she said. Mega Wolf, with her wings, could fly rather swiftly anywhere else, but her home was Mt. Jazzeh. "Now, moving onto the reason I came here..." Arkcher and Mushroom_king perked their ears. "There's...there's a spaceship-not a huge one, so it can't be a threat-is coming here. I don't know where it might land..." Arkcher looked warily at MK. <i>No way that can be my dad...</i> thought Arkcher. He doesn't like cars, let alone a spaceship... "Well, I doubt it would affect you much, Arkcher-it might just be a false alarm, perhaps just a traveler. Don't worry about it." Mega Wolf said goodbye to them and left the Mansion, leaving MK tired and Arkcher both paranoid and worried. "Well, we might as go to bed, Arkcher." she said, and put her hand on his shoulder. "And you don't need to worry about anything..." Arkcher sighed heavily as he took off his coat and tie and washed his hair of gel, the thought of the spaceship containing his father plagued his mind, and later, his dreams. "Ark...cher..." said a familiar voice... "D-dad...?" His father was just a foot away from him, but when Arkcher reached out to hug him, but he disappeared suddenly, and suddenly, he felt weak... a book appeared-it was the one he found in the Study, and it came down upon Arkcher, and... "ARKCHER FREAKIN' AHRROWW!!!!" yelled a voice. It was Paper Mario Master, tugging at his collar. "Dad...dad...please..." said Arkcher, still dreaming. "WAKE THE HECK UP, WOMAN!!" Arkcher opened his eyes all the way. Both PMM and Mushroom_king were fully dressed. "We've been waiting for you, you lazy bum who stays up to late!!!! BREAKFAST IS GETTING COLD!!!!" Mushroom_king sighed at her sanity's rude attitude. She sat on the bed in front of him. "Were you dreaming about your father?" Arkcher coughed and looked off to the side. "Yea..." "Well, you should wake up. You need some Breakfast..." "Mmmhmmm." said Arkcher, slowly stretching and then rising out of bed. Later on, during Breakfast, the doorbell rang, as it had yesterday. By now, Arkcher had half-way abandoned the idea of his father ever visiting him ever again. He sighed and said, "It's probably just Mega Wolf or Horatio coming to tell me who came in that ship last night...but I'll go get the door anyhow." He walked away, towards the Foyer. He reached for the doorknob, his hand sweating and trembling, and his body shaking. He opened the door, and standing in the doorway was a tall, thin man with broad shoulders and long, silky yellow hair, which was styled almost exactly the same as Arkcher's. Both of them were completely speechless. After a minute or so of not talking, Arkcher grabbed his chest, whimpered, and fell to the ground. [i myself was shaking by the time I finished writing this! Maybe too much momentum...]
  9. i don't anymore...i used to lip balm is awesome. i wear strawberry chapstick ~Liz Me too. I don't have the time or patience for makeup. Yeah, too much of a hassle. And I think I have enough self-esteem to believe I look OK without makeup. ~Liz If you have the self-esteem to go without it, then in the long run, you will be so much better off. I absolutely guarantee this. Chapstick instead of lipstick is a much better choice. truly. and who needs makeup when you have VIDEO GAMES, SCIENCE, AND RAINBOW SUSPENDERS?!
  10. Arkcher fingered through the bookshelf, thinking to himself. He couldn't believe that he was looking for this one book he said he would never read. It's gotta be here somewhere... he thought. After looking some more, he found it. He read the book's title and author aloud: "Daily mechanisms, their many uses, and how to build them with things around your house-by Dr. Aloysius Ahrroww. Aloysius Ahrroww... Aloysius was a famous inventor. He was known for his many improvements on daily household things, and for finding new uses for them. He was also Arkcher's father. That part is important. Arkcher sighed. His hand was trembling as he sat into the comfortable chair behind the desk, flipped open the cover, and began reading. His spine shook when he read the first sentence: "I dedicate this book to my wife, Lara, and my four children; especially my newborn son, Arkcher Ahrroww..." He didn't particularly want to read this; he was reading it because of an internal urge. He tried to pretend someone else wrote it, but the writing style was entirely reminiscent of how his father spoke, making it impossible to pretend someone else had written the book. His father's voice was the one reading the book to him, rather then Arkcher's voice reading the book. He found himself so lost in it that he didn't notice Mushroom_king and her sanity standing over him. "Hey, what are you reading?" she said. Arkcher looked up, and upon seeing her, freaked out a bit and shut the book as quickly as he could. It was too late, though-she had seen it. A moment later, Paper Mario Master was on the desk, video game in one hand, and book in other. He played the game while reading the book's title. (that takes some skill) "Various mechanisms...huh...yeah...yeah...by Aloysi...AHRROWW! Oh, this guy is related to you! No wonder you're reading it!" "Yeah, Aloys...Aloysius...He's my...he's my dad." "Oh. That explains things." MK glanced the book over. "Huh...so, why were you reading this" Arkcher folded his arms and looked at the floor. He was refusing to answer. Paper Mario Master grabbed Arkcher's tie. "COUGH IT UP, OR ELSE I'LL BREAK YOUR PSYCHE-LOCKS MYSELF!!!" "A-alright!" said Arkcher. "I...I read the book because...I miss my dad." "Oh..." said Mushroom_king. "Why didn't you tell us before now?" "Because...I felt like the odd one out here. You guys don't seem as though you miss any friends or family. I miss my dad, I miss one of my sisters, I miss my friends..." "Are you serious?!" said Paper Mario Master. "Even if that was true, we'd still support you!!!" Everyone glared at PMM. "Er...maybe not me...but anyone else!" "Do you really think we don't miss our friends and family?" said MK. "Dawn and Vanilla Star Hamser make me miss my past more, but I learn to forget it and have fun here." Arkcher sighed again. "I just wish I could see my dad just one more time...he didn't even visit me at my wedding." "Maybe he didn't approve of your mom making you get married." thought MK. "<i>I'd</i> like to see your dad," wondered Paper Mario Master. "Your mom looked nothing like you." For once, PMM was right-Lara Ahrroww, Arkcher's mother, was shorter and fatter, and had brown hair, while Arkcher was tall, thin, and had silky yellow hair, and from what arkcher said, his siblings were all the same, except his brother Derringer, who was Brunette but was taller than his sisters. He's not important to this story though. MK picked up and examined the book once more. "Your dad was an inventor, right? Hmmm...seems like this book is about how he edited or fixed common household machines. Cool." "That was his third book, I think," thought Arkcher. "He wrote it sometime after I was born." "Ah...so the book is about 17 years old then. It's kinda old." "He revised it once. I think we have that version, as well, somewhere." Arkcher sighed. "If it was possible, I'd love for him to visit me...but he doesn't even like cars, let alone a spaceship." Suddenly, the conversation was stopped by a sound that they didn't hear much-the ringing doorbell. The doorwoman, Inez Mordred, usually got the door, but Arkcher and MK decided this couldn't be a coincidence, and decided to answer the door themselves for once. "You do it, Arkcher!" said MK. "MK, you know how small a chance it is that it's my dad, right? It's probably just a friend."
  11. I wear Cool Kid organic lip balm. PUH-OWNED!!!!
  12. The group stopped their conversation just in time to see Kat, Cheesemaster, and Vanilla standing by their table. "Hey, guys! What's up..." said Vanilla, cheerfully. "Kinda late, huh? My time of night!" "I guess." said Mushroom_king. She sounded tired. All of a sudden, Lexx and Will spoke up. "I wish I could talk with you three now, but we gotta close up this place. You guys are cool, so you can stay a little longer. But when we leave, you guys have to as well." "A'ight!" said Mushroom_king. Cheesemaster sat down next to MK. "Me and Vanilla have been looking all over for you...you should have told us where you were going." Mushroom_king shrugged. "Sorry...I didn't really plan to come here, I just tagged along with the group...why were you looking for me, anyway?" "We had plans, remember? I was gonna come by your place and you, me, and Arkcher would play Brawl or something...right? Well, there's tomorrow." "I guess..." said MK. She was tired. Arkcher stood behind MK and suddenly said, "Me and MK have to get home..." Vanilla swooned again. "Awwww...you're gonna walk her home...how sweet..." Arkcher put his hand over his face and was silent. He never liked people saying things like that to him... "Well, she's like...my friend...plus we live together..." "Oh yeah, I forgot!" said Vanilla, jumping around, her usual perky self. "F-Forgot...what?..." He said. Please, don't mention that one incident... "You know, silly...You guys are married." A look of shock and embarrassment flooded both Mushroom_king and Arkcher's faces, and Arkcher slowly backed away from her. "I...I didn't even..." "I forgot...hahahahaaha!" Suddenly, Arkcher seemed to explode. "SHUT UP, YOU STUPID HAMSTER!!! I'M TIRED OF HEARING PEOPLE TELL ME **** LIKE THAT EVERY DAY!! I DON'T EVEN LIKE HER IN THAT WAY!!!" Vanilla was shocked-no one had ever yelled at her like that, especially not a boy. She started biting her nails, and suddenly burst out crying. Arkcher still seemed angry, but moreso upset then angry. Vanilla tried to wipe her eyes, and started blubbering an apology. "I...I'm sorry, A-Arkcher, I didn't m-mean too..I-I-I-was k-kidding...please forgive me!" and she continued sobbing. Arkcher sighed. "It's okay. I...I forgive you. I do appreciate you being nice to me." "Thank youuuuuuuuu!!!" she said, her tears suddenly vanishing. She hugged Arkcher. He seemed slightly shocked... Horatio merely examined the scene. He was a good friend of every Invisonist, and nearly all of them loved him. He knew them extremely well... There was Arkcher, an elf, who came from Canada on earth, and the youngest son of the inventor, Aloysius Ahrroww. Despite being of similar age to the others, he had the same mechanical mindset his father did, and was often stuck fixing broken things, often making new ones. He was easily recognized by his suit and his unique hairstyle, which he was very proud of. There was Mushroom_king, a young girl from the land of Dreams, and Arkcher's friend. She was easily eccentric and often said things that people took the wrong way, but a lot of people liked her. She and Arkcher had gotten stuck in an arranged marriage around three years earlier. There was Cheesemaster, another good friend of Arkcher and Mushroom_king. He was bizarre in the way that he was made of cheese, but he was a good kid-although he was a bit stubborn at times. He was easily known for his sweet ninja skillz, and his bouncy, curly hair. And there was Vanilla Star Hamster....a childhood friend of Mushroom_king. She was a bit perky and slightly perverted, and people either loved her or hated her. She seemed to also know a lot of magic. They were just four of the many, many characters of the diverse cast of Invision, a set of characters brought together through some unknown force. This is where the story begins! "MK....you...do realize you've been listening to the same exact song for the past week, right? Right?" It was about two days after they had come back home-Arkcher and MK were back home in the Mansion on Mt. Jazzeh. The two were just beginning to wake up when Mushroom_king had already started playing her Super Nintendo... "MK, you're only further ruining that thing by just standing there and listening to the song..." "It never ruined Kirby 64 or Super Smash Brothers, did it?" she muttered. The song in question was Beware The Forest's Mushrooms, from Mario RPG. Mushroom_king was more of a Mother fan herself-it was Cheesemaster who liked SMRPG. And the two were constantly fighting over which was better. "EarthBound is better because it has JEFF!!!" MK would say. "But Mario RPG has GENO!!!" "At least Nintendo acknowledges that EarthBound exists...wait, no they don't. My bad." "Come on," said Arkcher, who was already sitting at the vanity brushing his beautiful yellow hair, (he hadn't even gelled it yet-a first) which reached his hips. He hadn't changed into a new set of clothes yet, so his shirt was still wrinkled from sleeping in it and his necktie was more neck then tie. (That didn't even make sense) "I'm sure Shedra is waiting for us...as is everyone else." "Everyone else" referred to the Mordreds, a large (VERY large) family of magicians who worked for Arkcher and MK. Shedra, who by no means was the oldest or tallest, was considered their leader of sorts. He did most of the household work. The Mordreds, despite being much older then Arkcher and MK (most of them, anyhow) were very short people. Many of their friends found this awkward. But the Mordreds aren't even relevant in this story, so let's move on. Once Arkcher had FINALLY finished his hair (he was rather vain and proud of it), he went from the bedroom to the wardrobe room, where he changed into some clean clothes, as did MK. After that, Mushroom_king glanced into her friend's closet. (not a nice thing to do) "Huh, all your suits look the same..." Arkcher frowned. "They do not!" he stammered. "Each one is slightly different." "Whatever you say. To me, they all look the same." Looking at the pair, it was difficult to fathom they were friends-Arkcher, with his sharp sense of dress, and Mushroom_king with her shirt and pants combo, with a crazy color of Suspenders and an old-fashioned hat of some kind. Today she had a newsboy hat, her favorite kind. "Well, there you two finally are..." scowled Shedra, who seemed a bit angry at their tardiness. "Here! Here's your freakin' Breakfast..." He wanted to seem serious, but you could hear him giggling. Shedra was hardly ever serious. A small chat started over Breakfast: "What are you two gonna do today, anyhow? You just got back from the main island*, so do you just plan to stay here...?" The person asking this was one of Shedra's sisters, Courtney. She was a sweet girl, and she slightly fancied Arkcher-and he knew it, too. "Probably..." he said, not really paying attention to her. He honestly didn't like her that much. Courtney sensed he didn't feel like talking to her-she usually stopped when she sensed that, but felt like talking to him more. "Then, what do you plan to do here?" "I don't know," he said, sounding slightly frustrated, "Probably just play video games or something, or sleep..." "Sounds fun," said MK sarcastically. Arkcher stretched before muttering something. MK stopped and looked at him. She was smirking. "What did you say?" "Wha-nothing." he said quickly. "What did you say?" Arkcher sighed, and repeated what he said, but slightly louder: "Gee, it sure is boring around here..." "You go on the internet to much..." said Shedra. "Do not." "Do too." "Do not." "Do too." "NO YOU!!!" "YOUR FACE!!!" "IS THE GREATEST IN KORIDAI!!!" "lolwut?" "...never mind..." After the Breakfast ordeal, Arkcher went to go do some studying in the Study. After all, that's why the Study exists! To study! Am I right? The study was a nice room-there was a fireplace and a rocking chair, and a desk, and plenty of books. He felt like some alone time-after all, he had almost always been surrounded by people...the smart thing to do here would be to lock the door, but here, he doesn't for the sake of the plot.
  13. I know. >_< I freaked when I got home and realized gas was over $4 a gallon. (It was less than that when I left NJ in May) My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. my shoes get waaay more than that, assuming i get breaks Now this is great mileage!!!!!! Orders two pairs of Mushroom_king's shoes (one for the front and one for the back). For your free gift would you like Rainbow or Tape Measure suspenders? The Rainbow suspenders would be wonderful. alright then. Your package should come in OVER NINE THOUSAAAND hours.
  14. i changed his name C:! Nameless has a new name? Yay! For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A; - Glowurm But then... how would you do that? o-o [Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...] [MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE] -shoots- NO! Not in to the pit! IT BUURRRNS! -turns in to a book- -wakes up Cheesemaster- I JUST SAVED YOU FROM GANON
  15. I know. >_< I freaked when I got home and realized gas was over $4 a gallon. (It was less than that when I left NJ in May) My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. my shoes get waaay more than that, assuming i get breaks Now this is great mileage!!!!!! Orders two pairs of Mushroom_king's shoes (one for the front and one for the back). For your free gift would you like Rainbow or Tape Measure suspenders?
  16. i changed his name C:! Nameless has a new name? Yay! For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A; - Glowurm But then... how would you do that? o-o [Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...] [MODE=CD-i]It is written, Only Link can defeat Ganon.[/MODE] -shoots-
  17. I know. >_< I freaked when I got home and realized gas was over $4 a gallon. (It was less than that when I left NJ in May) My bike gets 78 miles to a gallon. my shoes get waaay more than that, assuming i get breaks
  18. i changed his name C:! Nameless has a new name? Yay! For a moment I was worried that you had changed my sanity. ;A; - Glowurm But then... how would you do that? o-o [Only Stewart can change sanities in this story...]
  19. I have to admit, it's a tough call. Boyfriend or suspenders. ~Liz Not only do I have cool suspenders, but I have video games. Oh, and science.
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