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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. I've always wanted a pet tarantula. I think it would get along very well with my piranha, rattlesnake, kitten, and timber wolf.
  3. How can a spider eat a hamster alive (unless it was a tarantula or something) Methinks that a hamster would be too big
  5. -throws jesusfreak in the meat grinder for ruining my master plan- -gets another spider-
  6. [i have three chapters I haven't posted yet] Mushroom_king and Aloysius decided to take the car that the monkey was driving, since it'd make the trip quicker. "Don't sit on that sock!" said the monkey. "Why? It's just a sock." Suddenly, an unfamiliar voice came out of nowhere. "...you're real mean, pal." "IS-IS IT-?" "Yes, I'm talkin' to you! I ain't JUST a sock! I'm SOCKY-SOCK! Get it right!" Aloysius looked like he would faint any minute. This was probably too much for him. "Sockysock, huh?" said MK. "That's cool." "and I'm TheBreakfastMonkey! I'll eat your soul!" Aloysius gasped. MK heaved. "Only I can eat souls around here!" "And, the car's name is Cadillac." "Oh, so it's alive too?!" asked Aloysius, slightly surprised. "Uh...you're surprised, I guess...well, yeah. And it's name is Cadillac, because it's a Cadillac." Later on, the group went to the Town Hall, which was where Horatio the Hamster was. He was cleaning his plane and was about to turn in for the night, but he wasn't exactly able to, because a knock came from the door. "Horatio! Horrrr-aaaayyy-shheeee-ooooooh!" "Well, blast, who could that be...ah, it's Arkcher." "Hey, Horatio. I need to use something real quick." "Well, what is it?" said Horatio, grinning. He almost never got mad. Almost. "I need to search for my dad and MK, and see where they are!" "Ok, then! I'm going to sleep soon, so be quiet! Nighty-night!" "'Night." Just then, yet another knock came on the door. In walked MK and Aloysius, along with TheBreakfastMonkey and Socky Sock. "MK!! Dad!!" said Arkcher, abandoning the search function and running over to them. Horatio turned around and walked over. After giving them both hugs, he and Horatio examined TheBreakfastMonkey and Socky Sock. "Who are these two? "We're not sure, but their names are TheBreakfastMonkey and Socky Sock. There's also a living car named Cadillac out there. Horatio perked up his ears. "This seems important. Could you bring in Cadillac?" After doing so, Horatio began to question the trio, all while typing away information into his Laptop. "TheBreakfastMonkey...species, Monkey...Planet of Origin, Civolv, gender, female...Socky Sock, species, Sock...planet of Origin, LR, gender, male...Cadillac, species, Car, planet of Origin, Earth, gender unknown. Alright, I've got that typed in. You have no idea where you are, and have no sanities, correct?" "Correct," said TheBreakfastMonkey, who was nervously tugging at her beret. She seemed scared. "Well...do you know how you got here?" She suddenly looked a lot less nervous, and she smiled. "We crashed here in a rocket," she said. Arkcher suddenly spoke. "A...rocket?" "Yeah," said Socky Sock. "A Rocket. We crashed here about a day or two ago." "That's...the same day you landed!" Arkcher said, looking at his father. "That wasn't you in the rocket!!" "A-Arkcher..." "How did you get here?!" "Listen, son, I'll explain everything later, though I'm afraid I don't have much to say." "What do you mean?!" "Calm down, Arkcher." said Horatio. "We all need to be calm. These three...well..." Socky Sock spoke up. "We don't really plan on leaving anytime soon." Horatio gasped. "That....well...I'm afraid..." "We can't stay?!" said TheBreakfastMonkey, who sounded as though she would cry. "No, no, nothing like that! You can stay, it's just...you'll need sanities, and I don't have the power to issue those out. Only Stewart does, and-and-" "What about him?" "He's gone. He isn't coming back." Arkcher and MK exchanged surprised glances, as neither of them had heard Horatio say anything like that before. He was forever the optimist, you know. Horatio thought for a moment. "I'll see what I can do...All of you, you can leave now." Arkcher nodded, and decided to give the new trio a place to stay. --------------------------------------------- "Dad, you have some things to explain to me." Arkcher and Aloysius were talking after the other four had gone to sleep. "Arkcher...I...I want to tell you, but I don't think you will believe me." "Tell me." "Well...I...I have no idea how I got here." "WHAT?!" yelled Arkcher, furious. "A-Arkcher!! Don't yell like that." "DAD!! HOW CAN YOU TELL ME YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW YOU GOT HERE?!" "I just told you! What kind of a question is that?!" "You...but..." "Arkcher. Son...I...I...I honestly don't know. Please believe me..." Arkcher thought for only a few seconds, but he thought very hard. "I believe you..." "Thank...Thank you." said Aloysius, who was very grateful. Arkcher stretched and then got up. "I'm tired. Let's go to sleep." --------------------------------------------- Arkcher woke up the next morning earlier then the others, so he decided to take a walk around Hamsterdam. It was a lovely morning-the sun was just beginning to rise, casting a soft, warm glow all over the enormous city, which was oddly quiet, even for a morning. Hardly anyone was outside except fro Arkcher, so he got to enjoy time alone-which he frequently was alone. A soft breeze swept away his hair, and he stopped, simply taking a breath, the last fresh breath of air in the big city before the noise and lights would start. Being alone is frequently a very good time to think, especially if you are in a quiet environment. Arkcher took advantage of this as he walked through Hamsterdam, which was slowly but surely waking up. However, the noisy, obnoxious people were not yet out-rather, the people who were kind and quiet were out and about, simply nodding as they passed Arkcher on their way to wherever. Back to the subject of thinking, Arkcher began to analyze the various things that had happened to him-his father had returned, and he had thought his father came in a rocket, but it turned out his father had no idea how he got here, rather, the rocket contained three odd characters whom seemed as though they would easily fit with the rest of Invision. Arkcher eventually stumbled upon the local park in Hamsterdam, where he was quite surprised to see both Aloysius and Mushroom_king, and both of them seemed to be doing some kind of odd, yoga-ish routine. Arkcher remembered Aloysius doing that every morning when he was young...seeing MK with Aloysius was what surprised him, and he assumed she was possibly flirting with him. Upon closer examination, however, he saw that she was being completely silent-a first. After about half an hour of watching the two, he saw them both sit down on a park bench. MK acted tired; Aloysius seemed normal. Arkcher decided to go talk to them. "MK! Dad! What are you two doing here?" Aloysius looked at Arkcher and smiled. "You do remember that I always got up to do my meditations in the morning! And your friend decided to join me today." Arkcher responded, "Huh...I got up and went for a walk a while ago, before you two got up." "Yea, we saw...say, you guys wanna go to Planet Horatio for some breakfast and see Kat and the others?" Aloysius, who may or may not have been too thrilled about the prospect of seeing Kat again, agreed. On the way there, Arkcher wondered where TheBreakfastMonkey was. "She was still sleeping," said MK, "when me and Aloysius left." ------------------------------------------ Upon reaching Planet Horatio, the trio found...chaos. Kat and Glowurm were jumping around, yelling phrases that they couldn't make out, due to the crowd of people who were there talking and shouting. MK, using her powers that she had due to being the owner, went up to Kat and Glowurm to see what was the problem. Kat (who was decked out in a red polo, black pants, and monocle, as well as the fact that she was wearing a Viking hat that had a Cavalier hat perfectly balanced on one horn), who seemed a bit more collected then Glowurm, explained the situation since Glow was too upset. "Someone stole our pancake mix! And the Waffles! And Syrup! And Toast!" "NOT THE TOAST!!!!" yelled Arkcher. Glowurm, who was angry, shouted, "THEY STOLE MAH WAFFLES!!" "Calm the frick down, we'll find it! Besides, there's really only one person on Invision who could have stolen so many things so well....and she doesn't live here..." said MK. "Who are you talking about?" said Aloysius, frustrated. He hated crime and illegal things, and this made him mad...but he had little time to complain, because a woman in sunglasses, a beige Outback hat, trench coat, and pants grabbed all three of them. "NO!!! NOT INTO THE PIT!!! IT BUUUUURRRRNS!" yelled Arkcher. "Shut up!" said the strange woman. "You're not being arrested, we want to show you something." Later on, the woman had dragged them back to the hotel where they were staying, and in the room was-the stolen things! "W-What!!!" stammered Aloysius, angered. "Who put those here?! We didn't steal them!!!" "We know you didn't," said the woman. She had an air of seriousness, and her voice matched. She pointed to a corner and shouted, "SHE did!!" Looking in the direction they were pointing was...TheBreakfastMonkey! "TheBreakfastMonkey!!!" said Aloysius, clearly upset. It was the first time MK had seen him like this. "Y-You stole these?! Why?!" The Tiny Monkey was afraid of Aloysius and was sweating up an ocean. "I-I wanted some breakfast...I AM the BREAKFAST monkey, after all!!!" Aloysius closed his eyes and thought for a moment, and then he sighed. "I'll forgive you...for now. Just don't steal anymore, ok? And be sure to return those things to-" "I'll be taking care of that," said the woman, who had picked up the lot and was now about to lug it back to Planet Horatio. She turned around and Looked at Aloysius. "My name is The Spy, just so you know. I do more detective work then I do spy work." Aloysius smiled at her, and he grabbed some of the things she was holding. "I'll help you carry these back," he decided. The Spy glared at him a bit. Her angry aura seemed to vanish for a few seconds-she had just met him, she didn't even know his name, and he was helping her? Just who WAS this strange gentleman who she had never seen before? After The Spy and Aloysius left, Paper Mario Master smirked at Arkcher. "I think your dad's fallen for yet another woman!" Arkcher scowled at her. "N-No! He's just being nice!" ------------------------------------------------------ Upon reaching Planet Horatio, Aloysius noticed that The Spy, who had also been carrying the stolen breakfast foods, was very tired. She didn't seem to like lifting heavy objects very much. Aloysius, unable to simply leave a tired woman, asked her, "Excuse me, ma'am, but do you want me to buy you some breakfast? You seem awfully tired." The Spy looked up over the lenses of her sunglasses. Who was this man, and who did he think he was? he barely knew her, and he was asking to buy her some food...well, it was free food, and she WAS tired, so she agreed. After buying the two of them some tea and waffles (I could go for some right now...), Aloysius decided to strike up a conversation with her. "So...they call you The Spy, but you don't really do much spy work?" "I do some, but only for detective work...I guess I'm named that because I'm slightly anonymous." "I have a similar situation. I'm known as the inventor Aloysius Ahrroww, but I consider myself more of an expert in medicine then I do an expert with mechanics, though I am splendid with machines as well." The Spy looked at the floor for a moment, then looked at him again and smiled. "I'm pretty good at both spying on people and solving mysteries." Aloysius giggled nervously, thinking of how Arkcher and MK might be waiting for him. His smile faded as he thought more, and then he suddenly got up and started to leave. "I'm sorry, but...my son is waiting for me. I'd love to stay and chat some more, so we could meet some other time, perhaps?" The Spy frowned. "I guess," she said, with a tone of disappointment in her voice. "See you." --------------------------------------------------- "What's taking that freak so long?!" said Paper Mario Master, who was about near flying off the handle. MK and Arkcher glanced at each other, then at the door as Aloysius suddenly walked in. "Sorry to keep you two waiting!" he said. He didn't seem flustered at all, which was odd. In a split second, PMM had grabbed Aloysius's shirt collar and was screaming at him about what took him so long, why he took so long, etc. etc. etc... Aloysius grabbed PMM and set him on the ground. MK quickly changed the subject. "Don't we need to take those three back to Horatio so they can be given sanities?" she asked. "Er...well, no..." said Arkcher, "But I guess we should. I mean, they aren't going anywhere anytime soon." ------------------------------------------------- After taking Cadillac, SockySock, and TheBreakfastMonkey (who was let off with a warning) back to Horatio, it seemed that... "AHHH! i completely forgot about the sanities and...and.." "H-H-H-HORATIOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed PMM, who was being impatient. "THIS IS IMPORTANT, AND WE NEED TO GET THIS ISSUE RESOLVED NOW!!!" Horatio looked up and smiled. "I have an idea, though!" he said, and he reached into a box. He pulled out what appeared to be a jellyfish...it was a sanity. All sanities look like Jellyfish, until they go into their true forms, where they become animals, humans, or anything else. "I found this last night," he explained. "Her name is Shebacrisp. It's one of the sanities Stewart left behind in case of emergencies-such as this one." "Are there more?" asked Aloysius. Horatio went and grabbed a small cardboard box. "Yes," he said, "Enough for the three of them. But I have an idea. Hand me SockySock." TheBreakfastMonkey, a bit reluctantly, handed over SockySock to Horatio. Horatio took one of the sanities from the box and shoved it into SockySock. "What are you doing?!" shouted TheBreakfastMonkey and Cadillac in unison. "I'm turning SockySock into a sanity" explained Horatio. "Your sanity, specifically." "What about me?" asked Cadillac, who seemed to finally able to speak. "You will take Shebacrisp...Hold on." "What are you going to do?" Horatio said nothing for a few seconds, but then he held Shebacrisp out and let her float to Cadillac. "I made it so Shebacrisp's true form was a racer!" he said excitedly. "I thought it would fit you." Cadillac said nothing, but seemed happy. Horatio grinned and said, "i think that's good! If you want, you three can stay here until you find a place to stay." TheBreakfastMonkey jumped excitedly and hugged Horatio. "Thank youuuuuuu!" she said, and the other three decided to leave Horatio's house. -------------------------------------------- "Well, where should we go now?" asked Arkcher. Before anyone else could answer, Paper Mario Master raised his hand and said, "Ooh, pick me! Let's go to the Port of Cheese!! I'm sure your dad will LOVE all the bizarre mutations-" he scowled, and continued sarcastically, "Pff, wait, not mutations, SOR-RY..." and he began to ramble to himself about who knows what. Aloysius, who seemed on the verge of bursting out into laughter at PMM, nodded and agreed to the notion. "It sounds...like an interesting place," he said. The group walked through Hamsterdam one last time before embarking, saying bye to everyone Aloysius had met, and then they caught the boat to Swissconsin, which was where the Port of Cheese was. Later on, as the boat sailed on the vast ocean, Aloysius looked out and examined the sea and the constellations. The ocean, a vast blue mirror that he saw no end too, reflected the pictures that one saw in the twinkling white spots in the vast nothingness of space, something that had piqued Aloysius's interest since he was young. But...it was late, and he was so tired that he might doze off and fall off the edge of the boat, or perhaps he would faint at the incredible beauty he was looking at, or even faint at the thought that his mere desire to see Arkcher again had brought him here, to this paradise that had bizarre but kind civilians, beautiful landscapes...and, Aloysius thought, some of the prettiest women in the universe. But that was just his opinion (Plus he hadn't seen anything yet in that field). Once the sun rose, the group found themselves already docked at the Port of Cheese. It hadn't changed since MK and Arkcher had last come there; Aloysius, however, was excited at the prospect of a new place to explore and new people to meet. As the trio walked off, Aloysius looked at the cloudless blue sky, the matching blue ocean, and the various species of birds flying through the air, and he couldn't help but feel glad he was here and alive. He spun in a circle, his arms outstretched, and laughed happily. "This place is wonderful!" he exclaimed. "Though it seems like the type of place where pirates..." "What the hey are you talking about, fool?" said MK. "Pirates don't land in the Port of Cheese for one good reason. Guess." Aloysius thought for a moment. "There's...none on Invision?" Arkcher put his hand to his face while MK explained. "No, there are pirates on Invision, but there's a reason they don't come here. Hey, why don't we show you?!" Aloysius nodded. "That'd be good, since I don't really follow what you're saying." MK rolled her eyes and grabbed Aloysius's arm. After running through the cobbled streets of awesomeness for about a minute, Aloysius found himself knocking on the door of a building that was just about a mile away from the dock. The door opened, but no one answered; the trio went in anyway. After walking through the hallway, Aloysius began to notice the eerie quiet. "Why is it so quiet?!" he said loudly. "SHHHHH!!" whispered a boy. "I'm...I'm hiding!!!" Aloysius whispered back, "Who are you and who are you hiding from?" "Come on in heeeeere!" said the voice, in a faux-demonic way. Aloysius opened up the door, and found himself in a room with the curtains on two sets of windows shut. There was a fireplace, but it wasn't lit, and next to it was a TV with several game consoles of differing brands and ages hooked up to it. There were several couches and chairs as well, but what stood out was...katanas, and lots of them. Katanas, Shirikins, and other various Eastern weaponry adorned the walls and tables. But who was in the room?! "Oh, hey, it's just you guys...looks like Arkcher cloned himself. Hi!" "W-what?" Out from under a table came a medium-height teenage boy with long, curly, and extremely awesome hair. He was wearing glasses, as well as boring, generic blue jeans and....a blue sweater. Which was also awesome. The thing that stuck out, however, was that his skin was...almost cheese-like....wait, it's just freaking Cheesemaster. You already know about him from those first couple chapters. Why didn't I describe him before now?! Aloysius sighed. "Oh....well, this certainly...was not what I expected."
  7. *SCREEAAAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS and then runs at top speed out of the room* that NEVER gets old
  8. There's a spider on the floor of the room I'm in. -picks it up and flicks it at Horatio-
  9. My closet in my room is messy and the closet in my brother's room (where I've been sleeping because there's a ceiling fan in there) goes to the attic. I guess the attic is scary...but I usually have cats or something, and they protect me, or I just keep my rainbow suspenders in the room, and the awesomeness keeps ghosts away.
  10. I love Oscar Wilde, I've always considered him one of the coolest people who ever existed.
  11. I was busy having seizures because I found out that both Kirby Super Star and Chrono Trigger are getting DS remakes. That, and doing yardwork.
  12. Aloysius nodded. "It's my duty to meet all your friends." Mushroom_king shrugged. She wasn't really FRIENDS with either model, just on friendly terms. "Well, which one first?" "I guess I'll meet the Cat one first...Miss Kitty Girl?" "Yeah, that's her name." MK knocked on Miss Kitty Girl's door. Opening the door was a tall, brown-skinned girl with enormous brown cat ears and a cat's tail. She was wearing a hot pink tank top, a pair of tight jeans, and a cowboy hat, and she had shiny, curly hair that went to her chin and large, captivating eyes. She was quite pretty, but Aloysius didn't seem to care for her. "Who is it?" called a distant voice. "It's MK! And some other guy..." MK giggled. "Is Miss Bunny in your room tonight?" "She sure is!" said Miss Kitty Girl. She had a slight Texan accent. "Come on in." She grabbed Aloysius by the arm and dragged him in. He seemed interested but you could tell he was a bit shocked. "Sooo....who are you?" she asked Aloysius. "I'm Aloysius Ahrroww. I'm Arkcher's father, and an inventor." "Ohhhh!!! I know youuuu!" she said. She stood up, her hands on her hips, and then leaned and told him, "I know who you are!! I've seen you before!" Aloysius smiled. "Yes, I guess you have." Miss Kitty Girl plopped down on a pink pillow, while MK and Aloysius sat down on pillows of either purple or white. She sighed, and Aloysius looked around the room. It was a bright, almost blinding shade of Pink, with spotlights and mirrors everywhere, and makeup and clothes on tables. Of course, this was to be expected from a model, but the room seemed a bit messy. The TV was blaring, and the Cat girl kept switching between music videos, fashion channels, and Idol shows. The radio, too, was on, blaring so much pop music both Aloysius and Mushroom_king could barely stand it. The only things breaking the Pink color was the occasional Texan thing-and Aloysius suddenly wondered why Texans were so obsessed with Texas-shaped things. After some silence, Aloysius asked, "Who was the woman's voice I heard earlier?" "That? That was Miss Bunny. She's also a model. And my best friend!" "I see...what is she doing?" "I don't know!" said Miss Kitty Girl, getting a bit flustered and sounding impatient. "Probably bathin' or makin' tea-" "Making...tea?" "Yeah! I don't know how she likes the stuff!" "I....I like tea." "Oh! Really?! Well she'll probably share some with you!!" "Are you talking about me?" Came a soft, shy voice. Aloysius turned to where it was coming from, and before him was a tall, curvy young Asian woman with Rabbit's ears, one of which had a flowery ribbon tied on it. She was wearing what appeared to be some kind of lingerie, a kind of corset, or bootyshorts, with laces in the front and embellished with flowers. Aside from her revealing number, she had an untied Kimono serving as a robe that was blue and gold. And, she had curly, purple hair and a lovely face. "I-I..." stuttered Aloysius, who seemed more surprised at her choice of clothing then he did at her beauty. He said nothing, simply swallowing his words and smiling at her. Miss Bunny took off her robe and picked up a tray of enough tea for three people-apparently, she knew Miss Kitty Girl didn't like tea, and knew there were two guests." Miss Bunny set the tray down on the floor and sat on a green cushion across from Aloysius, next to Miss Kitty Girl. "H-Hi! said Aloysius, smiling. Miss Bunny smiled back at him. "Hi," she said. Aloysius and MK helped themselves to Miss Bunny's tea, while she told them various stories about her and her modeling partner. It seemed strange since they were both opposite personalities, but that was the way most things were, it seemed. Paper Mario Master wasn't playing video games the entire trip-rather, he was staring at the two models. ------------------------------------------ After Mushroom_king and Arkcher left Hamster Chic, they needed to seek out Kris and Arkcher. It was getting late, and nighttime in a big city is never safe, even here. Sanity stealers from Outside The Wall could be anywhere! As the two walked, PMM wouldn't shut up. "You know, this isn't such a good idea, walkin' around the city this late. We might as well go to the whatever we were staying at, I'll bet Kris and Arkcher are there. I kind of don't want to get sanitynapped, if you know what I mean, unless the sanitynapper was a hot babe or somethin'...HOLY-!!!" Two bright lights suddenly shined into their faces-in front of them was a purple Cadillac, and in it was a monkey with a beret and striped shirt, and in it's hand was a sock. "Isn't this kind of thing normal for you, though?" "USUALLY!!! I'VE NEVER SEEN THAT CAR, THAT MONKEY, OR THAT SOCK IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!" screamed Paper Mario Master. "That could be call for concern..." muttered Aloysius, who seemed to be keeping his cool. All of a sudden, The Monkey got out of the car and walked toward them. It looked innocent enough, but what if it was... "YOU'RE A SANITY-STEALER, AREN'T YOU?!" yelped MK. "A...what?" said The Monkey. It sounded like a female. "You don't know what a Sanity is?!" said PMM. He huffed. "TYPICAL! YOU'RE JUST PRETENDING! I AM A SANITY AND YOU ARE GOING TO KIDNAP MEEEEE!" "No, I'm not! And from what I knew about sanities, you're not what I imagined one to be..." PMM calmed down a bit. "I'm...not?" "No!" said the monkey. PMM and MK whispered to each other. "Hey, I think we need to take you to Horatio..." "Who?!" said the Monkey. "We can use your car!" said PMM happily. The Monkey looked a bit frightened, but obliged.
  13. I don't mean to be mean or anything, but does your entire life revolve around Nintendo? stop talking to me if you have nothing nice to say and just so you know I haven't played any video games at all this week I'm sick and tired of your comments so leave me alone. Alrighty then. It was a serious question, because that is the majority of what you talk about, and you get very upset over Ninetendo-y things. It wasn't meant to be mean, but if you wish to take it that way, that is fine with me. It's the same as I was when I was obsessed with Bands and stuff. Just with video games right now.
  14. I don't mean to be mean or anything, but does your entire life revolve around Nintendo? stop talking to me if you have nothing nice to say and just so you know I haven't played any video games at all this week I'm sick and tired of your comments so leave me alone.
  15. Alright, people. I NEED to vent right now. I've never really been a part of any fanbase. I was never a part of the Pink Floyd or Kirby fanbases, but upon discovering EarthBound I joined the fanbase. It's a good community, but I've recently been thinking of leaving the fanbase. Why? Because of how they have NO optimism, they get angry over STUPID, TRIVIAL things, and give up hope TOO EASILY. For example: This. as you can see by reading it, Nintendo Power made a reference to Mother 3. But it's not the joke-I thought it was funny, and kind of cool, which you'll find out why later. No. It is the fan's reaction that's got me riled up. "OMG!! NINTENDO HATES US!!! FIRST THEY REMOVED EB STUFF FROM BRAWL THEN THE RATING ETC ETC ETC KFJOSJGAOUIGLERUIO STUFF" ... PEOPLE. Nintendo DOES NOT make Nintendo Power. Nintendo makes games. NP makes a magazine. They're SEPARATE COMPANIES! I, too, was angry about the removal of EarthBound stuff in Brawl, but it's not like it's the only stuff that got removed. Look at Fire Emblem-they got music AND a Masterpiece demo removed. Second, WHY DO THE FANS KEEP SAYING THAT THIS JOKE MEANS THEY HATE US? NP made the joke because they KNOW that the fanbase gets irked easily. Plus, who's to say that mentioning Mother 3 was a bad thing? I think it was a good thing. It shows they realize the demand and perhaps people who don't know what it is will look it up. I think it was cool. And about the fanbase giving up hope too easily. A few months ago, EB was re-rated for the Wii, confirming a possible VC release. You'd think they'd get their hopes up, right? ...RIIIIGHT? WRONG! They already think it's never coming for the VC. I can't believe this. I feel like the ONLY member of the fanbase who feels optimistic about EB and Mother getting on the VC and M3 getting translated. That ends my rant for today. I'm going to give myself time to think about this.
  16. By the way, there were more pictures, but that's the only one she uploaded onto her computer and gave to me. Plus it's the awesomest one.
  17. She has dyslexia which is why the writing is strange. That's me on the left and that's Turtle on the Right, and the writing says "Just because we use cheats doesn't mean we're not smart"
  18. [not sure if this is appropriate or not.] Aloysius started with being introduced to the two anthropomorphic girls. Arkcher pointed to Kat, who was wearing a gold suit of armor, a monocle, and an ascot. Those are awesome. "Dad, this is Kat Dacatis, but we just call her Kat." "I like soup." "Pleased to meet you," he said. "Um...why are you wearing a suit of armor and a monocle...? Were you at a convention?" "No..." "Well, were you playing a game?" "No..." "Middle Ages re-enactment?" "NO..." "Um...Role-Playing Game?" he asked. He sounded a bit happier. "Um, that's part of the reason, but I kinda just wore it because I felt like it." "Oh. Um...then why the dressy accessories...?" "BECAUSE ASCOTS AND MONOCLES ARE WONDERFUL!" "Um...I...see..." Kat drank another Jig. She banged her head on the table and shouted, "MY FAVORITE COLOR IS RED!!!!" "That...is just wonderful..." Kris was still smiling throughout the whole thing. Aloysius was the only one who was shocked (and quite frankly slightly amused) at Kat. "Hi, I'm KrislovesDogs but people call me Kris! I'm Kat's friend." Kris was wearing a Green Sweater and Dress, both were a dark Kelly Green, and she had a big, pale ribbon in her even paler hair. She was carrying a tiny notebook which had a pen inside of it. "What's in the book?" he asked. "Stories," she said, "and poems." "All the Poets live on Adstar," said MK, butting in. "That's a group of man-made star shaped islands off to the west. It's kinda awesome. Kris is here to publish some of her stories." Aloysius was silent, absorbing all the information he was getting. He glanced at Kat, who was drunk, apparently. "Um, how old is this girl?" "She's about 16 or 17. I forgot." said Kris. "Um...don't you have to be 21 to drink?" "Well yeah, I think so." "Well, um...why does the sign say 'Drinking Age 12'?" MK jumped up. "Uummmmmmm, Someone switched the numbers! Yeah, that's it, heh..." "ELECTRIC ROCKS TASTE LIKE GOLD!!!" said Kat, putting an arm around Aloysius. "Um..." "AH'M SORRY MAHN! YOUR MAH BESHT FRIEND..." Arkcher and Mushroom_king grabbed Kat by the collar (do suits of armor have those?) and decided to take her home, leaving Aloysius alone with Kris. And Aloysius could NOT resist any pretty women. "So...uh," he said slightly flirtatiously, "Could I see some of your poems...?" Kris looked slightly surprised. "W-well...I haven't published these yet. It wouldn't be fair if you read them first, Aloysius." "I see," he said, sighing. "Where can I read your published stories?" "You can...you can find them here in Hamsterdam. There's a Stories Forum. You can read people's writing there. There is also a Music forum and Art forum. Aloysius smiled at the prospect of both. "I love the fine arts. And everything is made by residents of the planet?" "yes," said Kris. The two were silent for a bit. "Aloysius! You're too close!!!" "I'm sorry," he said (and he sounded like he meant it-not common with grown people flirting with the youngins) "Dad!" said a voice-Arkcher's of course. Aloysius turned. "Yes?" "Where do you wanna go next?" "Well, I wanted to see some of the stories and Art and Songs that you and your friends have made!" Arkcher was silent and said, "Well, that sounds good. Let's go!" Kris decided to tag along, since she had to publish her stories anyway. (what happened to Kat?!) Once the group got to the Story Forum, Aloysius read through some of Kris's poems and stories and complimented them. He read some of the other's poems. "Who is Topazia? Who is My Own Mind?" "Dad, it's XMyOwnMindX, not My Own Mind." Aloysius looked confused, but went along with it anyway. "They're two other poets. You can meet them later." "I'd love to!" he said. "But not now. I have other stories to read." Aloysius started reading a novel that was by an unknown author called Invision. "I can't help but think I've experienced everything in this book!" "Me too!" said Arkcher. Kris and MK agreed. "Weird, huh?" said Arkcher. "IT SURE IS!!!" said The Author. After reading as many stories as he could (Including the infamous Three Word Stories!), he walked over to the Music forum. "People mostly talk about music instead of making any," said Arkcher. "Mushroom_king has made some songs, and there's a few here and there by other people." That part was boring so I won't go into detail on that. Finally, the group stopped by the Art forum, where people posted drawings. Most of the pictures were old, but there was one gallery Aloysius liked. This gallery belonged to someone named Cheetaspot. "I don't know the artist but she is just great!" Said Aloysius. "I'd buy one of these paintings, but I didn't bring any money with me." "It's ok!" said Arkcher. "We can come back and you can buy one..." Aloysius continued to stare at the pictures. "Where does this person live?" "In the Mushroom Jungle, which is nearby here." "I must meet her! I must tell her how talented she is. But, I want to see the rest of this town as well..." "I say town first," said MK. "There's a lot of cool stuff." Paper Mario Master drooled. "Like...Hamster Chic... Arkcher looked disgusted. "Ewwww! You Furry!!" "I'M NOT A FURRY!" cried PMM. Arkcher went into Facepalm mode and shook his head. "Denial..." "What are you talking about, kids?" asked Aloysius. "My Sanity is a Furry!" "I AM NOT!" Aloysius looked confused. "I know what a Furry is," (GASP! an adult with a sensible job knew what they were talking about!) "But how is he one?" "We'll even show you!!!" said MK, frustrated. Everyone left the Art Forum and headed off towards a section of the city that was obviously busy because of the light. They walked until they were in front of a large, sleek building, with sliding glass doors and a big, pink, light-up sign that said "Hamster Chic" in cursive. "Hamster...Chic? Fashion for Hamsters?" "Not just hamsters, but for everyone on Invision," said PMM. "Are we allowed inside?" "Of course, just say we're friends of the models." MK and Aloysius walked in, but Kris and Arkcher stayed out. Kris looked horrified and Arkcher was in a firm pose, not moving. "W-what's with you?" "I-I'm not exposing myself to this kind of stuff!" PMM groaned. "You make it sound like they're Playboy or something..." "They're close enough, have you seen Miss B-?" "Shut up, We're both going in." Arkcher glanced off in a different direction as MK and Aloysius walked inside. Arkcher looked at Kris, who smiled at him. The two weren't that close of friends, but Kris was nice, so Arkcher decided to take her along, somewhere, he didn't know where, really. Arkcher tried to not think of what his father was getting himself into. -------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, in the Hamster Chic building, MK was going to introduce Aloysius to some of Hamster Chic's employees, starting with the Models. "There's a lot of models, but these two are most famous," she explained. "The first one is Miss Kitty Girl and the other is Miss Bunny. Miss Kitty Girl is from Texas, and Miss Bunny is from Japan, and they're best friends." "I'm amusing they, like the two girls I saw at Planet Horatio today, are also Anthros?" "....sure, why not. Do you want to meet them?" Aloysius thought before answering. [lol] [actually, the only one who really counts as Anthropomorphic is Kat, since Kris, Miss Bunny, and Miss Kitty Girl are mostly human with animal ears/tails, while Kat is basically a Cat on two legs. so confusing. maybe I should change it...] [and yea Dog Lover, you'll debut somewhere.]
  19. I saw it, it was funny. I saw WallE tonight, it was cute. I saw it with 4 kids ages ranging from about 4-8...so that was interesting...LOL The parents were in the row ahead, so I got to entertain/etc. LOL ~Liz how did you fit the entire corporation into a single theatre >_>
  20. Trance, Night Pulse, Gaiden, PSI, Holy, Ultima, Star-X, Blast, Crash, Vine, Number, Smoke, Aether
  22. That's a great pic!!! I really like that one. Here's an awesomer pic. Yesh, that was my birthday cake
  23. Same, I've been sleeping a lot lately, Although it could be the fact that I have a lot of creative juice flowing nowadays (i can't concentrate well on that kind of stuff unless i am sleeping or walking. i like sleeping.)
  24. It has since been brought to my attention that a Fire Emblem anime once existed...I must seek this...
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