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Hampsterdance Discussion Board


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Everything posted by Mushroom_king

  1. Wow, lotsa people here on HD going to concerts...I went to one yesterday. =D Ghost invited me to go see Weird Al, who was performing at a local fair. The only bad part were the creepy vendors and the weather. Hot and Humid. Good thing i wore shorts. But, for some dumb reason, neither of us brought a camera. Then again, we were pretty far back in the crowd, so no good shots even if we had brought one. I got waaaaay better seats when I saw Styx...when was that? Last year? Wow, it's been a while. I sat in the second row.
  2. Scooters! LOL Kidding, kidding. Motorcycles. Definitely motorcycles. Black and white or color? Black and white!!!!!!! (Think Ansel Adams!) Hmmmm... scooters? Elton John or John Lennon (don't worry about my opinion, just give yours...lol) ~Liz SCOOTERS?????????????????? WRONG ANSWER!!!!!!! *faints and can't answer Liz* lol horatio! John Lennon! Ebony or Ivory? Ebony. Spaghetti or Lasagna? Spaghetti. Barnes and Noble or Borders? ~Liz Borders. Spinach or Green beans? *cough* horatio missed the part where wildcat said B&N then asked desert or ocean and i said ocean and i asked vinyl or mp3. get with the program! ~Liz Vinyl. Okay... I was trying to make sure The Breakfast Monkey's post was not lost and I my brain became like scrambled eggs. Spinach or Green Beans? sorry, i had to take out some blushes so i could post my smileys! lol YEAH GOSH HORATIO spinach! like popeye! Dumbledore or Gandolff? Gandalf. Chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin? Very tough decision... Oatmeal Raisin. Grilled or Broiled? Grilled. llamas or ducks? Ducks. More specifically The Peabody Hotel ducks. Biscuits and gravy or Hash browns? Hash Browns. Brigh Colorful Walls or Bland White Walls. Bright colorful walls. Handheld Games or Home console games?
  3. I agree. The randomness and topic hijacking are so much fun. How about we combine both those topics together? pahahahahaaha neutering Fox McCloud? no way! Fox is like the chuck norris of the game world paahaha NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. That title belongs to Captain Falcon.
  4. It's nice to see you back. As for your situation, I've had that feeling before as well. I say that Horatio's advice is pretty good, and remember, we're always here for you. Kay-o?
  5. Azumanga Daioh is on my list of animes to watch. Do it, it's good.
  6. The Wii is fun, but I prefer the DS, though I always have been biased towards handhelds (More convenient). That, and the DS has a lot more awesome games. Though games like Super Mario Galaxy and Okami are pretty awesome.
  7. Brushing my hair. (I do that every morning after I wake up)
  8. I decided to dig this back up for no reason. anyway, I've been reading Chobits, GodChild, Azumanga Daioh, and Sergeant Frog a lot lately, and they are all very good.
  9. Seeing as there wasn't one of these already, I decided we needed one. What are you favorites games or genres? What game do you think deserves a sequel or remake? For what console? Game reviews? NO CONSOLE WARS PLEASE! Any games you really want? Well, my favorite genre of games are RPG's and Platformers, though I like puzzle games too. My favorite series of games are EarthBound, Kirby, and Mario. As for remakes, I think a Mario Paint remake would work extremely well on the DS with it's touch screen. I also think a remake of the original Super Smash Bros. for the DS would be awesome. Not Brawl or Melee, but the original Smash with upgraded graphics, and maybe some new features-just take the same path they did with Super Mario 64 when it was remade for the DS. That'd be awesome. And the wait for Kirby Super Star Ultra and Animal Crossing: City Folk is killing me! I'd like to get some more handheld games for my DS. Right now, the games I want to get the most for it are Nintendogs, Pokemon, and WarioWare. That, and I need to try Elite beat Agents because I hear it's amazing. Discuss.
  10. I wonder if my brother registered to vote yet...
  11. I agree. The randomness and topic hijacking are so much fun. How about we combine both those topics together?
  12. Granted, but all she ever talked about was prunes. Also granted, but then she would start thinking the TV can see her, and she would start playing hide and go seek with it. Actually, I wouldn't mind that so much. It'd be kinda hilarious.
  13. I wish my grandma actually knew what she was talking about half the time. I also wish she would stop thinking that the TV can hear her.
  14. Oh yeah, i forgot to give you my Cloudy Aisha award! ...I should really consider renaming those awards, seeing as I don't play Neopets anymore.
  15. *cough*nerd*cough* It's okay, we had a cat named Yoshi. He was awesome. He had like a snaggle tooth, and he was this huge yellow tabby that acted like a dog. And then we had this hamster named Daisy who would turn her cheeks inside out and hiss at us... we gave her away. I want a hedgehog! I've always wanted to have a bunch of pets named after the Star Fox games. That'd be pure awesome. that would be really sweet i don't remember any of their names except Fox McCloud... Peppy somethin.... Somebody Hare.... Falco Something. we only have the original star fox for the SNES its fun :] Fox McCloud Falco Lombardi Krystal Peppy Hare Slippy Toad General Pepper ROB 64 Wolf O' Donnel Leon Polowski Panther Coroso Pigma Andross James McCloud (Fun fact: This is also the name of an F-Zero racer.) Gee, I really am nerdy. Seeing as you've only played the original, you probably won't know most of these. =/ You ought to play Star Fox 64 though. hahaha i remember slippy toad now yeah my brother and i always wanted Star Fox 64 but never got it for some reason.... nerds are rockin'! they are definately the coolest people ever Slippy was cool, but he had NOTHING on Peppy and his barrel rolls. Peppy was definately my favorite, but I think that's just because I was little and loved bunnies... Wolf is my favorite. CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT, STAR FOX! Though I do love Peppy.
  16. (t appears there's quite a few unposted chapters...) Cheesemaster grinned at Aloysius, who seemed both surprised and happy. After all, Cheesemaster didn't seem very threatening, aside from the katana that was attached...I guess to a belt, or something. I have no idea how that sort of thing works. Aloysius sat down in one of the armchairs and asked, "Who are you hiding from, anyway?" "her!" he whispered. "You know. Actually, you probably don't..." "A...girl? Are you hiding from a girl?" "I guess. I'm pretty sure she's a girl." MK glared at Cheesemaster and asked, "How old are you again?" Arkcher laughed to himself while Cheesemaster smirked. "I'm hiding from Cheese Woman." Paper Mario Master scoffed. "Ha! That crazy girl who wears way too much clothing for this kind of weather? Then again, you're the one who wears a blue sweater, and you're f-" Cheesemaster glared at him. It was actually kind of menacing. "Don't You DARE!" Paper Mario Master murmured something to himself and went back to playing his DS. He sure is mean, isn't he? All of a sudden, the group heard a knock at the door and a muffled "Cheeeesiiieeee!!!! Cheesie, sweetie, where are you?" Cheesemaster, who, using his awesome ninja skillz hid himself, shushed the others. "Cover for me, please?" he said, desperately. "Is she your girlfriend?!" asked Aloysius. "NO! I'll kill you later for asking me that!!!" "Dang it," mumbled Aloysius. All of a sudden, the door to the room busted open. At the door was Cheese Woman-as always, in her Victorian dress with a jumbo ribbon in her short, plain hair. "Cheesie?" she said. She looked around, and then her eyes fell on Aloysius. She pretended to examine him and then smiled and tackled him, sending the two of them straight to the floor. Aloysius didn't even have a few seconds to react. Cheese Woman heaved in a spazzed manner and began to caress Aloysius's face. "Oh...you're simply..." she couldn't even contain herself. "SQUEEEE! You're so A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E!!!" Arkcher, who was about to slug her for glomping his father, grabbed her and pulled her off of him. "W-what?!" she said, looking at Arkcher, whom she was also slightly infatuated with (but not to the point of cuddly murder). "What is it?" Paper Mario Master bounced up and down and shouted, "You 'bout near killed his father with your evil, vicious cuddly stranglehold!!" "Now that's a way to die," said MK. "his father?!" said Cheese Woman. "Oh! Arkcher, your father is so...SEXY!!" Aloysius was confused as well as shocked at the girl's behavior, but he remained silent. Cheese Woman (who was clearly off in her own romantic fantasy world) clasped her hands and said dreamily, "It's just not every day a handsome stranger comes passing through here!" She sighed, and then frowned. "But, despite this, I haven't found my Cheesie-sweetie. Have any of you seen him?" "N-No!" said Arkcher, quickly. Cheese Woman giggled and put her arms around him. "Oh, Arkky...I know you're lying...Cheesie-kun doesn't want to admit he loves me, does he?" Paper Mario Master glared at her and said, "Hmph, I'm sure Cheesemaster is just DYING to tell you how he feels about you...though I doubt you'd be very happy to hear it..." "What was that, Paper-san?" "Nothing," he heaved. Cheese Woman giggled; Arkcher looked distressed. "Arkky, tell me, really, where is my Cheesie-pie? I know you've seen him!" Arkcher wriggled his way out of her grasp. "I haven't seen him, seriously." Cheese Woman sighed. "I guess you're telling the truth. You wouldn't lie to me, right?" Arkcher rolled his eyes. "Sure, Cheese Woman..." Cheese Woman gave Aloysius another tackle-hug before leaving. Once the coast was clear, Cheesemaster lifted his disguise (NINJA SKILLZ!) and sighed heavily. "I don't know what I'm going to do with her..." Aloysius put his hand on Cheesemaster's back and said, "Well, it's just water under the bridge...at least, for now it is." Cheesemaster smiled at him. "I guess you're right, Aloysius. Say, who wants to play some Brawl? I'll pwn you guys!" "You keep telling yourself that!" said MK. "Wait!" said Arkcher. "We're missing someone!" Cheesemaster and MK looked at him, thought for a minute, and then shouted, "Oh, yeah, her!" "She's really awesome at the game, too!" said Cheesemaster. "I won't be the only girl in the group anymore!" said MK. "Why can't I play?!" said PMM. "But wait!" said Arkcher. "She doesn't live here at the port, does she?" Cheesemaster nodded. "Yeah, but she's visiting for a few days!" "Who are you even talking about?" muttered Aloysius. The others turned to him and said, "the Game Master, Hoops Ahshirt!" "Oh," said Aloysius. "But who is that?" ------------------------------------------- -ATTENTION, ALL FANS OF TALES OF INVISION!- Greetings, this is 4kids entertainment, and we are pleased to give you a very special announcement: we have bought the rights to dub Tales of Invision. We hope this pleases you as much as it pleases us, and we hope you enjoy the newly dubbed Tales of Invision. And remember-4KIDS IS GOD. -4kids entertainment --------------------------------------------- I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! 4kids has bought the rights to dub my novel. WHAT?! ONLY I SHOULD DUB MY NOVEL! HOW THE heck DID THIS HAPPEN!!! ...wait...I didn't say heck...Anyway, on with the show. Is that a rap intro I hear...? ----------------------------------------------- "We're going to go find the Game Master, Hoops!" shouted Mushroom_queen. "hey, wait a second! That isn't my name!! My name is Mushroom QUEEN! Aw, forget it. You guys all know my name, right?" she said. "We sure d-hey, where the heck did my katana go?!" said Cheesemaster. He felt around his hips-he felt it there, but it was gone. "DANG EDITS! Wait, i could have swore I said a swear word...oh, never mind..." "Can't we just go find your friend?" asked Aloysius. "Whoa, Aloysius-man! What happened to your voice? You sound less British, and...more like an American trying to British." "Why-!" "Whoa dude, don't take it seriously, I'm not insulting you. Just your voice actor...wait, why do we have those?" "STOP BREAKING THE FOURTH WALL AND LET'S GET MOVING!!" shouted Cheesemaster (who was voiced by Jason Griffith) The group walked through the town, searching for Hoops, and they eventually found her in a video games shop. Like he had with most of the Invisionists, Aloysius was shocked at her appearance-everything screamed VIDEO GAMES!! She had a power glove on one hand and had all sorts of video game cosplay items. But for some reason... "What are you pointing at?" asked Aloysius. Hoops looked confused. She looked at her hand and suddenly spazzed out. Paper Mario Master freaked out. "Hey, she's supposed to have a light gun! Now it's...an invisible gun! Or maybe it's just nothing. I dunno." Hoops looked sad for a minute but then smiled. Aloysius smiled back at the girl. "Are you Hoops?" Hoops raised her arm and said, "I'M HOOPS AND I'M THE GAME MASTER!!!" "OH MY GOSH HOOPS YOUR VOICE IS EAR #### COFFEE!!!" "Huh?!" said Hoops. "Oh my Gosh you're right I SOUND HORRIBLE!! I MISS MY OLD VOICE!!!" "I never knew your old voice!" said Aloysius. "We can't play Brawl with our voices like this!" said Arkcher, who's voice was far too deep, "It'll become so annoying after a while we won't be able to stand it! And why does Paper Mario Master sound like a 10-year old? Isn't he a grown man?!" "YES, I AM!!!" said PMM. "I'm just concentrated awesome, that's all!" "Our world is ruined!" ---------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, back in the Port of Cheese, chaos was brewing because of all the strange things going on. "Your voice sounds awful!" "Where the heck did my [some weapon] go?!" "What happened to my accent of awesomeness?!" "I know what happened!" exclaimed Paper Mario Master. The others perked up. "I think we've been re-dubbed!" "whoever re-dubbed us did a pretty silly job," muttered Cheesemaster. "What can we do?!" asked Aloysius. "Nothing, sadly," said PMM. "But, seeing how silly this dub is, all we can do is sit back and hope the ratings are awful so we can get back to the awesome dub." ------------------------------------------------------ (Just so you know, there was a part in that chapter that i ended up removing entirely...I feel kinda bad...) After regaining the dubbing rights, peace returned to Invision. All was good, and the group played Brawl and later went to bed. --------------------------------------------- The group woke up in the morning, and MK explained that she needed to go see Dawn, her friend from the earlier chapters. "Why do you need to go see her?" asked Aloysius. "I just do, OK?" said MK. "That's all." "Sounds odd, but let's go anyway. Does she live around here?" "She does, but not in town," she explained. "Her family is really strange. They all live in this big, scary place outside of town." Aloysius turned to Arkcher. "Her family is...strange? How?" Arkcher shrugged and looked at the ceiling. "Honestly, I have no idea. I've never met anyone else in her family. Dawn herself is pretty eclectic, but kinda weird at the same time." Aloysius looked worried. "Any idea why?" Arkcher decided it was best not to worry his father. "No," he lied, "I'm not sure. Maybe she just seems strange to me." Cheesemaster invited himself to come along with the group for their little adventure. Besides, he needed to nag on Paper Mario Master. The group said Good-Bye to Hoops and set off for Dawn's house. The area around the Port of Cheese was an inviting, but lonely place. Swissconsin bordered the ocean, so there was a beach, but despite the good weather no one seemed to be there. The rest of the area was filled with hills and rocks, and a gentle, warm breeze always blew in from the sea. Aloysius breathed it in and felt calm and collected for the first time in days. The ocean itself was beautiful, and Aloysius was enthralled by it-seeing as he didn't see a sight like this very often at home. Eventually, they stumbled upon a large, scary-looking mansion. Dawn's family clearly had money to spare. Aloysius gasped and asked, "Is this where your friend lives?!" "Yeah," said MK. "Don't be so scared. You'll be fine." "What makes you think I'm scared?" laughed Aloysius. MK looked at him-he really wasn't scared. He wasn't even shaking-he had a warm smile and his eyes were bright, and his hair fluttered in the breeze. "Honestly, this house seems out of place," he said, and began to walk up to the door. MK butted in front of him and rung the doorbell. A few seconds later, a girl in a knee-length, Black dress, Black sailor's cap, and knee-high gray boots and brown hair was at the door. It was Dawn. She smiled and waved to them and opened the door. It didn't creak, lulling Aloysius even deeper into a sense of security. The house was well-kept. Nothing wrong here. "Hi, MK, Arkcher, Cheesie! And who are you?" She looked at Aloysius, confused. He snapped back to reality and laughed nervously. "I'm Aloysius Ahrroww, and..." "Ohhh, so you're Arkcher's dad? Of course! You look just like him!" And she laughed. She looked very dark, but she was a happy girl. "Come on in! I'm glad you came, MK!" The two of them talked back and forth to each other while as the group stood in the foyer. It was enormous-a lot bigger then the one at Arkcher's Mansion. The room was gray and seemed sad and old. A staircase was in the middle of the room, splitting off into two parts. There were a few doors on the ground floor, as well, and a large chandelier on the ceiling. Despite being gray, the room was tidy-no cobwebs or dust in sight. "Alright, you guys, I'll lead you to my dining room, 'kay? You can chat with the rest of my family while me and MK do business." she glanced at MK, who was looked uneasy. "By the way, Arkcher...could you give this to my little sister, Sterling?" she handed him a stuffed bunny. He held it in his hand and looked at it. It looked demented-it had a crazy smile and crazy eyes, but more alarming was the amount of stitches. They were everywhere on the toy-the neck, the chest, the back, the arms-they were everywhere. Sterling must play with the toy quite a bit for it to be so worn-out. "Dawn!" asked Arkcher, "i don't think I've met your sister." Dawn gasped and blushed. "Of course! How strange and forgetful of me. She's just knee-high, curly hair, and a gray dress with faded pink ribbons. Big eyes, faraway look in 'em? You'll know her when you see her." Arkcher nodded. "I see." The group was led to the dining room, where there was a table, just enough for 8 people-6 for the family members, and 2 for guests...or lack thereof. MK was really the only guest they ever had. "Alright!" said Dawn as she sat everyone down. "My Step-Father should be down here soon for Tea Time! Me and MK are leaving now. Take care, and Arkcher, don't forget about Sterling!" and the two were gone. Aloysius seemed a bit dumbfounded-Dawn was an excited, hyper girl who never seemed to stop doing things. "Tea Time?" he asked. "That's good timing for me, then." The conversation was stopped short by footsteps. The group turned and saw a man who looked as though he had stepped out of 19th-century England onto Planet Invision-He wore a black coat that went to just below his hips, and under the coat he wore a vest, which was a dull beige color, as well as a black cape, pants, shoes, and a top hat. He looked surprised, then disgusted, and then he smirked. He said, with blunt sarcasm, "Oh, it's some of Dawn's friends. What a pleasure to have you here." Aloysius, who for some reason was not put off by his appearance nor his tone, smiled at him. "Yes, these are Dawn's friends. Who are you?" The strange man scowled and said, "You haven't heard of me? I'm the famous prosecutor, J.R.! Do you know what that stands for?" "James Rolfe! James Rolfe!" whispered Paper Mario Master. J.R. ignored him. "It stands for Jakob Rabitt. As I said, I'm the famous prosecutor. I've only had one loss on my entire record. He smirked at them again and adjusted his hat. "Who are you, my dear man?" Aloysius smiled. "I'm Aloysius Ahrroww, the famous Inventor. Looks like we have something in common!" Jakob scowled again. "Don't try that with me. I don't make friends that easily.' "What a d*****," whispered Paper Mario master. Aloysius gasped silently. There was only one other person who had ever spoken so coldly to him-and he had been married to that person for 20 years. Aloysius seemed a bit sad. He only wanted to enjoy tea time with another person. He shook it off and smiled. He wouldn't let it get to him. "Arkcher, don't you need to return that bunny to Sterling?" said Cheesemaster, finally saying something. "Oh yeah!" he said, "I almost forgot. I'll go look for her." --------------------------------------------- Arkcher walked slowly up and down the enormous halls of the Rabitt manor, looking for a little girl named Sterling. he was dumbfounded at how huge this house really was-the hallways had high ceilings, and portraits of the Rabitt family lined the halls. From what he heard, only six lived here. But there were portraits from their entire family history. Suddenly, he encountered one of a little girl with curls in her hair, a gray dress, and faded pink ribbons...Sterling? Unfortunately, there was no name underneath the painting-or any painting, for that matter. Arkcher looked at the picture. She was a cute girl, but she was scary...almost doll-like...and she had enormous, spooky eyes. He continued his search for her. ---------------------------------------------- Back in the dining room, Aloysius and Cheesemaster, being the only ones left, sparked up a conversation. "Do you know anything about this family?" asked Aloysius. Cheesemaster answered him, "I know a few things. There's two men who are brothers, Jakob and James Rabbitt, and there's Julia, who is Jakob's wife, plus Dawn and Sterling, who are Julia's little sisters. There's also Richard Rabitt, who is Julia and Jakob's son. I've only met Dawn, though." "Do you...have any idea why Jakob was dressed like that?" Cheesemaster shrugged. "All six come from this planet, called Cullough, which is known as the Horror-story planet. Maybe there's a horror story taking place in the 19th century? I know there's lots of Horror Manga like that." "So, does Jakob believe it's still the 19th century?" "I don't know. I'd assume so-or maybe he knows, but doesn't want to believe it." "He doesn't seem like a very kind man," mustered Aloysius, "He was so rude to me." "You should see how he treats me and MK and Hoops," said Cheesemaster, laughing sarcastically. "If he got a good look at you, he would like you." "Oh?" said Aloysius, surprised. "Is that so?" "Yeah. He's got these weird morals and everything. He refuses to believe that MK is a woman because she's outspoken and doesn't wear a dress." Aloysius couldn't help but laugh. "That's a bit sad, but rather funny, too!" "What's so funny?" said a soft voice. The two turned to see a man, but he wasn't Jakob-he had softer eyes, and a different outfit. He wore a dark-green coat that went to his knees, and underneath was a brown vest. He was also wearing beige shoes and a tucked-in ascot, and had wispy, blond hair, which was in a loose ponytail, which was on his shoulders. "Hi Cheesemaster," he said. "Who's your friend here?" "This is Aloysius Ahrroww, and he's Arkcher's dad. He's famous for inventing things. Aloysius, this is James Rabitt, Jakob's brother." "They're polar opposites for Brothers," muttered Aloysius. "I see. You met Jakob first. Put off by him, were you?" Aloysius nodded. "Don't worry about him!" said James, excited. "Here, I'll get you some tea. You like tea, don't you?" Aloysius smiled and nodded. This man was treating him so kindly, when his brother had treated Aloysius so coldly earlier. It was a distinct change. When James got back, he set down a tray that had three cups of tea for all of them. "Well, like it was explained, I'm James Rabitt, the famous Attorney. I've only had one loss." --------------------------------------- "Sterling! Sterling! Where are you? I have something to give you!" Arkcher shouted as he walked up and down the gray, stone hallways of Rabitt manor. His voice echoed, and he sighed. He would never find her at this rate. "I don't want to barge into any rooms," he thought to himself, "because that would be rude. I'll have to.." "Is someone looking for me?" said a quiet voice. "Eh?" Arkcher turned around. Behind him was...a small, doll-like girl with a gray dress, curls, and faded pink ribbons...just like in the picture...Sterling! "Is someone looking for me?" she repeated. --------------------------------------- Arkcher got down on his knees so he could look at the small girl. She was just as scary-looking as she was in the painting-her skin was pale, her eyes were emotionless-she was a pretty girl, as young as she was, but she was almost doll-like, and she was frightening. "Um...I..I was." stuttered Arkcher. "I was looking for you. I need to give something to you." Sterling said nothing. Arkcher, who was only getting more frightened by the small girl, paused for a few minutes. "Your sister, Dawn, wanted me to give this to you," he said, his voice shaking. He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out the mutilated rabbit, and held it in his hand out to Sterling. She looked at it, and reached for it, and upon touching it, she grabbed it-but didn't take it from his hand. Rather, her fist, clenched around the rabbit, stayed in his hand. Her grip on the toy continued to get tighter, when she suddenly began to cry. Arkcher lost his balance and fell, so he was now sitting on the cold floors of the mansion. The rabbit sat abandoned at Sterling's feet, and she was bawling her eyes out. "Sterling!!" said Arkcher, "Please, what is it? What's wrong?!" She said nothing, she continued crying. "Sterling, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong!!" Sterling wiped a few tears away but kept crying. "STERLING!!!" said Arkcher, angered. Sterling wiped her eyes and sniffed a little. She looked at him, and then at her rabbit, which she grabbed. She sniffed again and grabbed his arm. Arkcher, who was surprised, got dragged away by the small child, and evntually found himself in a room-he assumed it was Sterling's room. The room was big, had a large, ruffly, gray bed, and many stuffed animals-all of which were rabbits, and all of them were cut up. Big rabbits, tiny rabbits, Fluffy rabbits, brown rabbits, Jack Rabbits, all kinds of Rabbits-Then again, it was her last name. Sterling dragged Arkcher onto the carpet, and they both sat down. Sterling put the toy bunny she was carrying on the floor, and took something out of her pocket...Arkcher thought it was a piece of rope. She unfurled it and it was... a miniature noose Arkcher watched in horror as Sterling took the noose and tied it around the bunny's neck, and then put it on the floor. She crawled over to a ruffly black toy chest and pulled out "toys", and I use the word very loosely, because these were not conventional playthings. Arkcher, who was stunned, watched as she pulled out some wind-ups and a ball. Normal toys, for now at least. Sterling took a small set of Metal, wind-up animals-there were two rabbits, of course, but there was also a cat, a dog, and a panda. Sterling then pulled out of the box a ball of knots that turned out to be several tangled marionettes. She sighed, and threw them in the box. She reached back in, and took out...a tiny guillotine. Arkcher gasped again, causing Sterling to pause for a moment, but then she crawled back over and put the contraption down next to the bunny. Sterling looked at Arkcher with her enormous, gray eyes, and asked-"Do you want to play with me?" Arkcher said nothing-he was unable too, for he was so frozen in a state of absolute terror, that he knew nothing to say. He didn't need words to say-this child in front of him was a horror movie, a demonic child, and it was sitting right before him. He screamed as loud as he could and took off from the room. ------------------------------------------ "...Well, Aloysius, as I said, I'm an Attorney. I've had only one loss!" "One loss..." Back in the dining room, Aloysius and Cheesemaster had struck a conversation over some tea with Jakob's brother, James Rabitt, the attorney. "Your brother is a prosecutor and he said he had only one loss, too!" said Cheesemaster. "I'll bet you two met in Court once." "How did you know?" said James, smiling. Cheesemaster seemed flattered. "Oh, I just guess..." Suddenly, the door opened, and a blood-curdling scream was let out, followed by heavy breaths, and the door slammed shut-it was Arkcher. He was pale, weak, and scared. Aloysius got up and began to run toward him. "Arkcher!! Are you alright? You're...so pale...what happened?" Arkcher was delirious. "That....that girl...that little girl..." "I see you met Sterling," said James nonchalantly. Aloysius turned and looked at him. "Sterling? Dawn's sister?" "Indeed," said James. "It's best to stay on her good side, though...Arkcher, what did you do to Sterling?" Arkcher took a deep breath. "I...she...asked me to play with her. She...was going to chop off the head of...her little toy rabbit. I didn't want to play with her, though." James turned his head quickly and said sharply, "What?! No, no, no!!! You must go back and apologize to her IMMEDIATELY!!!" "W-what?! You're kidding, right?! No way I'm going back to her!!" James looked straight into his eyes. "You must!" Arkcher shook his head. "No!" James scowled and said, "Why aren't you..." Cheesemaster got up. "I'll go talk to her!" James looked at him. "You must bring this stubborn git along with you," he said, grabbing Arkcher's tie and flinging him towards Cheesemaster. "N-No," said Cheesemaster, "I'll go by myself! I'll play with Sterling." James closed his eyes. "Fine, as long as someone abides by her requests." "Aren't you spoiling her by abiding to everything she says?" "Not everything," said James, "Just this. She's very emotional." Cheesemaster nodded and headed off after being told where Sterling's room was. ----------------------------------- Cheesemaster walked up and down the long, wide, stone hallways. It was a bleak place, only improved by the paintings of the Rabbitt family members-and those were bleak, as well. Dawn is the only one who seems to be very colorful and eccentric, he thought, James is nice but still bleak. Dawn seems to be the only one who realizes what century this is. "Ah, here's her room," he said, and he knocked. Cheesmaster knew you should never walk uninvited into a girl's room. The door opened slowly. "Have you come to play with me?" asked a voice. It was eerie, and he assumed it was Sterling's. "Yes, I've come to play with you," said Cheesemaster. The door opened a slight bit and he glanced in, and then entered the room. He noticed a small, gray-looking girl on the floor-Sterling, he assumed. "Sterling?" he said quietly, shutting the door. "Are you okay?" "No," she said, "That mean boy with the long hair was scared of me." Arkcher, he thought. He ran off. "I see," said Cheesemaster. "He's my friend. He was just a little shocked, I guess." "Why was he scared?" said Sterling. "He's a big boy. Why is he scared of a little girl like me?" Cheesemaster sat down in front of her. In between the two of them was her bunny, with the noose tied around it's neck, the wind-ups, and the guillotine. "I don't know why my friend was scared, Sterling. But, I didn't come to talk about that, I came to play with you." Sterling looked up. She looked him up and down, down and up, and up and down again. "Who are you?" Cheesemaster smiled at her. "My name is Cheesemaster. I'm Dawn's friend. I hope you'll be my friend, too." Sterling smiled. "Oh...so you're Cheese Woman's Special One..." "W-W-W-W-WHAAAAAAAAAT???" "Oh, Cheesie, why are you yelling? Isn't it true?" Cheesemaster looked upset. "Sterling, that isn't true, and it hurts my feelings! You can't be my friend if you hurt my feelings!" Sterling pouted, "You can't hide your feelings forever!" "Sterling, what did I say to you?" Sterling looked ashamed. "I'm sorry Mr. Cheesemaster. Will you still be my friend?" Cheesemaster looked at her, puzzled. He smiled. "Of course I'll still be your friend. It's not that big a deal." "Good!" said Sterling happily. "What are you doing with your toys?" asked Cheesemaster. He and Sterling were laying on their stomachs now, and she arranged them and pointed out things as she explained. "Well, my stuffed bunny is going to get executed today," she said, putting the rabbit under the guillotine, "But his wife is mad." she took a wind-up rabbit and put it by the guillotine. "But she can't do anything, so poor Mr. Bunny gets executed anyway..." and with that, the blade came down, and the toy's head came off. "Oh, he broke again. I'll need to sew him." Cheesemaster was clearly disturbed by this, but played along anyway. "Do..do...you like this game?" "A little. It's fun watching Mr. Bunny's head come off, but I think it hurts Mr. Bunny. Plus I always have to fix him after." She started to put the toys away when Cheesemaster grabbed the Rabbit and his head. "You know, Sterling, I can sew. I can fix Mr. Bunny right now if you want me too." She gasped. "Oh, Mr. Cheesemaster, you will? You really are my friend!" He nodded. "I need a sewing kit, though." "I have one!" said Sterling. She got up and walked over to her closet, and came out with a box. She opened it, and inside were threads, needles, and other things to fix the doll. As the doll got sewed, Cheesemaster decided to talk with the disturbed child. "You like bunnies, don't you?" he said. "Yea. I guess you see all those bunnies." "That was my first guess." The two were silent. Sterling began to talk. "Why was that boy's hair so long? Only girls have hair like that." Cheesemaster laughed. "That's not nice, Sterling!" He grinned. "James has medium-ish hair. Don't you like him?" "He's nice. He's nice to me and plays with me sometimes. I don't like Jakob though. He's mean to my big sister Julia." "Julia...isn't she his wife?" "Yes. Jakob is Sissy's husband, my step-dad, and he's Richard's daddy." "Richard? Who is that?" "He's my brother, I think. I wish he would play with me because he's just a little younger than me. But he won't. He won't play with girls!" "That's not nice either." "I know! I just want to be his friend! I think he's scared of me, though! I know he's scared of my sister Dawn." "Speaking of Dawn...what is she doing? MK invited us over because she had business with Dawn, but I have no idea what they're doing." (There's one or two more chapters I need to post. I'll post them later.)
  17. Granted, but the mosquitos will be the size of pelicans. I wish that I could stay young. Cool. XD Granted, but no one will believe you're over 18. I wish rain didn't make driving so annoying. Granted, but you still have to deal with people who can't drive. I wish school wasn't boring. Granted, but it's only less boring due to an increase in senseless drama and work difficulty. I wish it didn't take so long to do laundry.... Granted, but laundry will be eliminated and you will wear disposable clothes. I wish that TBFOF had made sure when he granted my good motorcycle riding weather wish, he had made sure that it wasn't going to rain TODAY!!!!! (The three weeks of rain is supposed to start tomorrow. ) Granted, but TBFOF didn't make sure of it I wish school had less drama.
  18. Granted, but the mosquitos will be the size of pelicans. I wish that I could stay young. Cool. XD Granted, but no one will believe you're over 18. I wish rain didn't make driving so annoying. Granted, but you still have to deal with people who can't drive. I wish school wasn't boring.
  19. I start laughing on the very first one. Name a fruit that is YELLOW. Orange. :blink: Huh? Horatio, everyone knows that oranges are yellow. duh. Key limes are also yellow. No, No, those are purple. You have vision problems. Hamsters have awful eyesight. Yes, but not that awful. You should be able to tell that Key Limes are Purple. We see everything in shades of grey. Then you will have no problem with Bananas. But I have a problem with apples. That's true. If you saw in gray, then you wouldn't be able to see that Apples are rainbow.
  20. Granted, but you will have to wear black-out eye shades for twelve hours a day and you can't take them off or even peek out from underneath. I wish that all foods were good for you, had no calories and we would never get fat. Granted, but you know food like that won't taste good. I wish my internet worked better Granted, but it only works AFTER 23H00 when Phil is asleep. I wish that zero calorie food tasted phenomenally good, was ultimately delicious and was always available when you wanted it. Granted, there would only be one variation, and it looked disgusting. I wish my grandma's car would stop having problem. (MORE PROBLEMS NOW!) Granted, except the dealer would just give your grandmother a new car. I wish that tomorrow would be a great motorcycle riding day. Granted, but the next 3 weeks will be rainy. I wish I could find my watch. Granted, but your watch would be in some awful, disgusting place that you wouldn't want to reach into in order to grab it. I wish I got payed to go to school.
  21. I start laughing on the very first one. Name a fruit that is YELLOW. Orange. :blink: Huh? Horatio, everyone knows that oranges are yellow. duh. Key limes are also yellow. No, No, those are purple. You have vision problems. Hamsters have awful eyesight. Yes, but not that awful. You should be able to tell that Key Limes are Purple. We see everything in shades of grey. Then you will have no problem with Bananas.
  22. Granted, but the fish is a shark. A very hungry shark that hasn't eaten in five weeks and thinks you will be delllish. I wish I lived next door to Starbucks. Granted, but you would still have to pay for it...(that wasn't very good was it) I wish Mother 3 would get translated. Granted, but it was translated into Portugese. I wish I had an Oscar Meyer Weiner. Granted, but what you've got there is neither a hot dog nor a dachshund.... I wish gas wasn't so expensive. Granted, but your car would have to use more of it. I wish the "Wii Vs. 360 Vs. PS3" debate would end.
  23. I start laughing on the very first one. Name a fruit that is YELLOW. Orange. :blink: Huh? Horatio, everyone knows that oranges are yellow. duh. Key limes are also yellow. No, No, those are purple. You have vision problems. Hamsters have awful eyesight. Yes, but not that awful. You should be able to tell that Key Limes are Purple.
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